How to care for winter suede shoes. How to care for suede shoes with professional and folk remedies. The choice of special products for the care of suede

Suede is considered one of the most capricious and difficult-to-care materials. Despite this, shoes made of such material never go out of fashion. And this can be understood: suede winter boots are warmer than leather ones. And demi-season suede boots look especially feminine, elegant, stylish and elegant. These shoes go with any outfit, be it a simple jacket or an elegant coat. How to care for suede boots in winter so that they do not lose their attractive appearance for longer, because proper care guarantees an exquisite appearance, neatness and durability of your favorite shoes? Rain, slush, snow, salt and sand adversely affect the quality of shoes. You need to take care of suede shoes very carefully, and the recommendations of experts will help in this difficult matter. So, what does the care of suede boots include?

Immediately after purchase

When buying suede winter boots, keep in mind that most models are not suitable for daily wear. That is why you will have to take care of another pair. These shoes are more of a weekend than everyday. In addition, you also need to take care of suede care products:

  • New boots need to be looked after as soon as you bring them home from the store. For primary processing, it is worth purchasing a special nanospray, which forms the thinnest layer on the surface of the suede. This layer creates additional protection against environmental influences, especially moisture. The spray is applied to the shoes in three passes. Allow the boots to dry thoroughly after each coat before applying the next.

Important! In the future, it is advisable to apply this spray every time 10-15 minutes before leaving the house.

  • For daily care of suede, you must also purchase a special brush. It will clean your suede shoes well from dust.
  • In order to clean suede boots from all sorts of stains and dirt, you need to get a special eraser or brush with a sparse rubber bristle.

Caring for suede shoes at home:

  • Before you go outside, brush your boots with a suede brush. Then apply a special cleaner. Keep in mind that you can only clean dry suede. After that, treat with a water-repellent spray.
  • After returning home from the street, brush the boots with a dust brush or dry with a dry flannel cloth. If the shoes are damp, immediately dry them at room temperature, and then clean them.

Important! If you brush your wet shoes, you will just spread more dirt on the surface of your boots.

  • If the boots are very dirty, wash them gently with warm water using the simplest washing powder. The powder must be well dissolved in water and the boots should be washed very carefully with this warm solution. After all these manipulations, the shoes are wiped with a damp cloth, and then dry.
  • If the boots are wet, then press newspapers inside and dry them away from direct heat sources.

Important! It is advisable to wear suede shoes only in dry weather; they lose their appearance if you walk in them for long distances in rain or sleet.

How to clean suede

How to care for suede boots and can they be cleaned with a hard sponge? There are several effective ways to clean suede.

professional tools

There are whole lines of professional care products for this capricious material:

  • Foam can quickly remove shallow dirt, refresh the appearance of shoes.
  • The shampoo is designed for intensive cleansing.
  • A water repellent spray is used to protect against environmental factors such as rain or snow.
  • Use a rubberized brush to pick up lint on suede shoes.

Steam cleaning

The simplest yet amazingly effective method of cleaning suede material is steam cleaning. In this case, the steam generator will not be superfluous. But if it doesn't, don't fret. You can replace it with a large container of boiling water:

  1. Boil water in a bowl, saucepan or any other large container and remove the lid.
  2. Hold your suede shoes over the container for about two minutes to let the steam flow over them. It should become slightly damp.
  3. Wipe them with a dry cloth or lint-free cloth.

Important! This method will allow you to easily get rid of small and minor dirt, freshen the look and color of your boots.


Ammonia is indispensable in the care of suede shoes. To clean suede with this tool, you need to do the following:

  • Dilute water with alcohol in a container in a ratio of 1 to 4.
  • Soak a clean sponge in this solution.
  • Wipe your shoes gently. Try not to wet the product through and through - suede does not like high humidity and long drying.
  • Clean your shoes with a dry, clean sponge.

Important! This method works well against ingrained dirt or old stains. In addition, this method allows you to get rid of gloss.

How and with what can you refresh suede?

  • Suede shoes, due to the peculiarities of their texture, quickly lose color. To prevent this from happening, it needs to be sprayed from time to time. It can be either colored or transparent.
  • Brown boots can be ennobled by the folk method. To do this, moisten the brush in thick coffee grounds and wipe the entire surface of the product. Shoes acquire not only a rich brown color, but also a thick pleasant aroma.
  • Ordinary soda will help you cope with gloss, a teaspoon of which should be dissolved in 200 g of warmed milk, and wipe problem areas with this solution.
  • Vinegar will help you freshen up the color of your boots. Prepare a composition of 100 g of water and 25 g of vinegar and, using a rag or napkin, carefully walk over the shiny areas. After that, treat them with clean water and fix the result with a weak solution of one teaspoon of vinegar per liter of water.

Removing stains from suede

Caring for suede boots also involves proper stain removal. As we have already said, this is a very capricious material and cannot be cleaned with aggressive agents:

  • Greasy stains can be treated with refined gasoline or kerosene. Soak a cloth in the product and gently wipe the dirt.
  • You can sprinkle them with talcum powder, starch or corn flour, which will absorb all the excess fat. You will only have to shake off the remnants of the substance after a couple of hours with a brush or wire sponge.
  • Dry spots and other marks from the surface of shoes can be removed with a regular school eraser. Only it must be new or at least clean, otherwise traces may remain, especially on light-colored shoes.
  • You can also use the smallest sandpaper.
  • If your boots are damaged by chewing gum, try freezing it with ice cubes. Take a few ice cubes and put them in an airtight bag. Place an ice pack on the gum and hold until it freezes. This will allow you to remove the chewing gum almost completely. And the remains can be painlessly removed with a suede brush.
  • Difficult stains are removed using a special stain remover for suede.
  • How to care for black suede boots? There is a very simple folk method for cleaning them - rub the contaminated suede with a crust of black bread.

How to properly store suede shoes?

Proper care of suede boots also implies the proper storage of such shoes in the summer, when she is resting. You can not fold shoes any way and anywhere. In addition, before storing it, it must be prepared.


Hello! Almost all my shoes are suede, from summer sandals to winter boots. Well, I can't help but buy suede products, they just beckon me from store shelves! They look after the purchase, of course, very luxurious. But some time passes, and the look of the shoes somehow fades, it seems that I don’t take care of my shoes at all. In fact, I'm just afraid to try something other than a special brush for suede (with several working sides) - suddenly I will ruin my favorite shoes ... Tell me how to care for suede shoes? Naturally, I am interested in caring for suede at home.

Katya, 25 years old, Volgograd


The owners of suede products are always looked at in a special way. As the famous trendsetter Coco Chanel liked to say, suede shoes give a woman a special grace, and a man emphasizes excellent taste. Whether she was right is a topic for a separate discussion. But no one will argue that suede shoes are more suitable for celebrations than daily trips to work. This material is wearable, shoes made of it look great on the leg. Only he is very capricious, like a young lady of the Pushkin era spoiled by attention. If you do not follow the necessary subtleties in caring for suede, it loses its pleasant velvety. How to be in such situations? How to care for suede shoes at home?

Suede Features

Suede is a soft skin of medium-sized animals, which is made using the fat tanning method, which takes from three to seven days in duration. Natural suede is most often made from deer or goat skins. There is also artificial suede, it comes in two types: woven and non-woven. The manufacturing process of the first is more time-consuming and expensive and includes the splitting of microfiber threads into small fibers, which in the future will make up a velvety surface. The production of non-woven suede occurs either by gluing the pile onto a fabric base, or by adding looped threads from which the pile is formed. The advantage of faux suede is that it can be washed at medium temperatures and will not deteriorate when ironed.

Suede is one of the types of so-called pile leather. It differs from nubuck and velor in better wear resistance, porosity, breathability. Even after contact with water, it retains its former properties, for which it received the nickname "washable skin". Despite all its advantages, such material requires especially careful care.

How to care for suede shoes in summer

If you are a patient, persistent person and love to overcome difficulties, suede shoes are just right for you! Ways to care for her, depending on the season, vary slightly. This is because suede has a special property to absorb water well. If you then dry it, it will become hard to the touch, may crumple and crack.

In summer, caring for such shoes is ten times more difficult. Due to the large amount of dust contained in the air in the summer, suede shoes become dirty with a relatively short wear. How to get rid of dust from shoes without damaging them? To begin with, part of the dust must be shaken off with a flannel napkin. This must be done very carefully, without pressing the material to the suede. Then the shoes should be washed with soapy water, for which either dissolved baby soap or a powder for delicate washing should be used. Liquid soap is also a good alternative. Cleaning shoes with a solution also needs to be done very carefully. Then you need to wipe it again with a napkin, first slightly damp, then dry. It is better to take for this purpose napkins from a material similar in structure to silk. If this method does not give the expected results, try the water bath method. Hold the shoes for a few minutes over a boiling pot of water. Then, using a swab, wipe the suede. This should bring her back to her original appearance.

To clean the velvety surface of suede, hard porous sponges, brushes with rubber teeth are suitable, and it will also be useful to purchase a special foam cleaner.

How to care for suede shoes in winter

Getting rid of the hated dust from the fleecy surface of suede is a laborious process, but in winter, salt stains are the main threat. Salt is generally harmful to the structure of leather shoes. If stains from salt have already appeared, the best solution in this situation is a special cream paint. In addition, the procedure will noticeably refresh the color of the product. Also, if you want to restore the color of shoes, there is a universal remedy - a transparent spray. And for avid coffee lovers with brown suede shoes, there is another recipe: wipe the product with a brush dipped in coffee grounds.

In winter, due to the abundance of precipitation and high humidity, there is a danger that suede will absorb a lot of water. Therefore, when buying suede shoes for yourself, do not forget to treat it with a special water-repellent agent. It will also make it easier for you to wipe off dirt or traces of salt. During the initial treatment, the procedure should be repeated three times, after each time allowing the shoes to dry. To dry wet suede, you need to use special shoe lasts, while avoiding obvious heat sources (for example, central heating radiators). Alternatively, you can stuff your shoes with crumpled newspaper. Such simple preventive measures will save you from unnecessary frustration over lost shoes or boots.

  • There is a reliable folk remedy for cleaning suede from dust. No wonder they say that bread is the head of everything. Wipe the fuzzy surface with a crust of rye bread, and then use a brush and hold it over hot steam. The result will please you.
  • If suede begins to “boast” of a greasy sheen, treat it with a solution: a spoonful of soda in a glass of milk. This will return it to its original structure.
  • Dry your suede shoes more often, because moisture remains in them for up to 20 hours.
  • Try to use special waterproof impregnations during active precipitation.
  • Never use regular shoe cream when caring for suede.

Beautiful winter shoes are not cheap, and most people would like to have not one pair of boots and boots, but several: designed for walking in wet, loose snow, for very frosty weather, for festive events. In order not to have to spend a large amount every season, you need to learn how to properly care for shoes in winter, and then the boots will remain not only warm, but also beautiful for a long time. Each material has its own care characteristics. Suede and nubuck require special care.

Features of winter shoe care

In the autumn-winter period, shoes wear out especially intensively. Precipitation, low temperatures and road chemicals contribute to this. If in summer it is enough to clean sandals from dust and apply cream, then in winter boots and boots will require special tools. You also need to follow the general rules of care:

You need to put your shoes in order immediately upon returning from the street. You should not wait until the mud dries, and salt and ugly stains appear on the surface of the boots. The fresher the pollution, the easier it is to return the pair to its original appearance.

To dry your shoes from the inside, you can stuff your socks with old newspapers. Also on sale there are special safe dryers powered by the mains.

A good idea for winter is to get anti-slip soles. They can be used for any type of footwear. The pads will minimize the risk of accidental falls on slippery roads. They need to be changed periodically.

Suede shoe care

Suede is a warm and soft, but moody material. It is most comfortable to wear in dry frost. If you properly care for suede shoes, the pair will retain its presentation for a long time.

How to care for suede shoes in winter

Immediately after buying new boots or boots, it is recommended to treat them well and generously with a special spray that repels water, dirt and road chemicals from the pile. After that, the pair must be thoroughly dried, and then processed again. When using a quality product, shoes will get dirty and get wet much more slowly. This is an important element in preparing for the winter season. In the future, you need to carefully monitor the shoes. To clean the pile from dust, you should purchase a hard porous sponge-brush. To remove stains from suede, you will need a special eraser or brush with rubberized teeth. In no case should you wash the suede surface under the tap or use different creams. To refresh the pile, you need to hold the shoes over the steam for 1-2 minutes, and then brush with a hard, short bristle. To update the color of suede, special aerosol dyes are used.

How to care for suede shoes in winter

Both water-repellent and coloring sprays are quite toxic, so it is recommended to treat suede surfaces with them in suitable conditions - outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

Nubuck shoe care

Properly caring for nubuck shoes is similar to caring for suede. Only dry surfaces can be processed. Nubuck - less sensitive and capricious than suede, boots made of it are more practical. This material is strong, durable and natural at the same time. A new pair is recommended to be treated with a water-repellent spray three times, after each time the boots or boots must be completely dried. Pollution from the pile is removed with a rubber sponge. If the stains are persistent, a foam cleaner will help get rid of them. A budget substitute for such foam is ammonia. A small amount of alcohol should be applied to the stain and rubbed with a stiff brush.

How to care for suede shoes in winter

Cleaning over steam will help to update the pile. From this, glossy, glued villi again turn out to be “tousled” and look like new. Velor shoes are also quite popular. For proper home care of velor, you can use the same materials as for maintaining a presentable appearance of nubuck and suede boots.

Other types of shoes and their care Some ladies prefer to wear patent leather boots. They look quite impressive, but you need to know that severe frosts are categorically contraindicated for varnishing. The lowest temperature for wearing them is from -8 to -10 degrees, otherwise the surface will crack. These boots should be carefully wiped with a damp microfiber cloth. Animal advocates who oppose the wearing of genuine leather prefer to wear eco-leather shoes. This material is a polyurethane film applied to a woven base. It is easy to care for him - eco-leather can be washed and protective creams applied.

How to care for suede shoes in winter

To prevent the shoes from getting an unpleasant smell from the inside, the inner faux fur can be treated with special deodorants. You also need to follow the rules of personal hygiene, regularly change socks and tights. If you handle things carefully, even inexpensive shoes can last more than one winter. Another secret that allows you to keep boots and boots in great shape is their proper preparation for storage for the summer. It is necessary to dry and clean each pair well, if necessary, change the heels or take it to repair to eliminate small defects. Shoe boxes should be stored in a dry and cool place.

Caring for suede, nubuck or velor requires some knowledge, as these materials do not tolerate adverse weather conditions. To keep your shoes in good condition, you need to clean your shoes regularly and use the right care products.

You should remember a few rules for handling suede products:

  • Dusty shoes should be cleaned immediately after coming home, until the dirt has been absorbed.
  • Soaking wet shoes should not be cleaned. Wait for it to dry completely.
  • Do not dry shoes near heaters or in the sun. It is best to use crumpled paper, which must be placed inside the shoe so that it absorbs moisture.
  • When using a brush, the movements must be made in one direction. Circular motions can damage delicate material.

Suede care products

To keep shoes in perfect condition, there are many means: sprays, foams, brushes, creams, shampoos, lotions, erasers, impregnation. It is enough to have some of them in your arsenal.

For example, foam will cope with surface dirt and refresh the appearance of shoes, and cream is necessary for deep cleaning. Aerosols and sprays create a water-repellent effect and protect boots from adverse environmental conditions. A rubber brush is a useful attribute for caring for suede products, it perfectly lifts the villi. An eraser is used to eliminate glossy spots.

On the modern market, there are many manufacturers of quality shoe polish products: Salamander, Salton, Collonil, Avel, Tarrago. The purchased funds will be enough for you for a couple of seasons.

How to care for shoes in winter and summer

The basic rule of winter care is to dry the boots and treat them with water-repellent and protective agents. Acetic acid can be used to remove light chemical stains from shoes. Apply 6% vinegar to the brush and clean the marks. If the weather is dry in winter, then you can simply shake off the snow from the shoes and wipe it with a soft cloth. Leave shoes in a cool place.

Summer care is somewhat more difficult than winter care, since dust and dirt can form on shoes during this period. To clean dirt on suede, you can purchase a special soft brush or flannel cloth.

An excellent option for caring for a suede surface is to use a foam cleaner. It will preserve the structure of the pile and the color of the material. The foam is applied to a dry surface and evenly distributed. After a minute, the product is removed, and the shoes are left to dry.

  • Dirt can be removed with steam treatment. To do this, collect some water in a container, wait for it to boil and bring the product under a jet of steam. Treat the entire surface in this way, then comb the pile with a brush and leave to dry completely.
  • Strong pollution is treated with a soapy solution of warm water with the addition of ammonia in a ratio of 1 to 5. Then the shoes are wiped with cold water. Washing powder for washing suede should not be used. At the end of cleaning, excess moisture is removed with a dry silk cloth.
  • Sneakers like New Balance require periodic cleaning. It is not recommended to wash them in the washing machine. They are great for hand washing with normal detergents. Faux suede sneakers are best cleaned under cold water and soap.
  • Salted places are treated with a cotton pad dipped in ammonia. Then lift the pile with a brush. And you can also use a regular stationery gum or purchase a special eraser for suede products.
  • Dark-colored suede boots may lose color saturation. Coffee grounds will help restore them to their original appearance. The surface must be treated with a brush dipped in coffee residues. And you can also use a special spray of the desired shade.

Caring for white suede

Cleaning white suede should be treated with special care. There are the following effective methods for caring for light products:

  • Glycerin is great for removing salt stains. Just wipe the surface with it and smooth the villi with a brush.
  • It will be possible to remove the dirt with a mixture of soda and milk. Pour milk into a glass and add a tablespoon of baking soda. After processing the suede, use a brush or napkin.
  • Toothpaste works well with stains. Apply it to the problem area, and then wipe off the residue with a sponge.
  • A solution of ammonia with hydrogen peroxide and water will help restore the snow-white appearance of the product. A teaspoon of substances is added to a glass of water and applied to the surface.
  • Talc and potato starch are excellent dry cleaners. After their use, the pile is combed with a brush.

Modern care products for suede products allow you to extend their service life for a long time. Take care of your shoes and follow these simple cleaning and maintenance tips to keep them in top condition.

Among all the eternal women's questions with the onset of cold weather, the most relevant is - How to care for suede shoes? The fact is that this material is a favorite of many fashionistas, and also occupies a strong position in the world of shoe trends. Although suede is rather capricious in care, it looks beautiful and presentable. Feel free to choose such shoes, because with the use of our advice, they will please you for a long time with a stylish look and high quality.

The highlight of the material

Suede is a leather turned inside out, while it wins in terms of elasticity and flexibility.

The structure of the material is so characteristic that it is difficult to confuse it with other textures. It can be compared to a finely piled fabric with a velvety texture. Suede has a super-ability to instantly absorb moisture. After interaction with water, it swells and becomes more rigid. That is why this material requires careful handling.

Suede will retain its original attractiveness only if it is properly cared for.

On the day of purchase

So, you've bought a beautiful pair of suede shoes and are already imagining stylish looks with them. This, of course, is wonderful, but first it needs to be prepared for Russian weather realities.

To do this, treat the shoes with a water repellent 3 times and give it time to absorb. Thus, you will protect the material from the formation of white spots and getting wet.

A competent purchase of a suede pair of shoes involves the purchase of related products - a brush, paint, a moisture remover and an eraser for suede.

Related products

Effective dirt control

Various dirt on suede will not be able to upset you now, because our tips will teach you how to deal with them correctly.

  • Motes are especially fond of suede and actively attack it. Paper tape or a sticky roller, which is used to clean clothes, will help you quickly remove small dust particles.
  • Surprisingly, a regular soap solution with a small amount of ammonia will help you cope with most dirt. This mixture should be used to clean the suede, and then lightly rinse with clean cold water using a brush.

  • Grease stains are powerless against refined gasoline. It should be applied to a napkin, and then lightly treat the contamination. If the shoes are light, after this action, you can additionally pour talc on the stain and leave it to act for a couple of hours. Then it remains only to clean the suede with a hard-bristled brush.
  • White salt stains on suede shoes are a common problem. To deal with it, dissolve a tablespoon of vinegar in 0.5 liters of water and treat the stains with this solution using a brush. After that, you need to hold a pair of shoes over the steam and clean with a brush for a control time. Subsequently, so that there are no white streaks, treat the material with a protective spray.

With a special approach to faux suede

Faux suede boasts a single pile direction and uniformity. Its advantages also include a less capricious attitude to water - it tolerates moisture more easily. Artificial material is also easier to clean from contaminants.

Faux suede shoes

Caring for a faux suede surface requires a few simple rules.

  • Weather surprises often leave marks on shoes. If they are insignificant, they can be cleaned with an ordinary eraser. It will not only save you from small spots, but also restore a beautiful pile.
  • Every shoe needs a general cleaning from time to time. For a pair of artificial suede, you can use a weak solution of the powder for this purpose. Apply it with a sponge, treat the dirt and rinse with a soft cloth. After this treatment, the shoes must be left to dry completely.

What you need to know about natural suede

Natural material is characterized by a different direction of the pile, visible texture and changeable color. He most of all does not like water procedures. Upon contact with moisture, natural suede swells and becomes dull. Consider this property when choosing a cleaning method - dry exposure will always be the best option.

6 main "not"

We have sorted out common mistakes in handling delicate suede. Learn from other people's mistakes and don't repeat these actions with your shoes.

  • Do not dry such shoes on a radiator or with a hair dryer. This is a sure way to get unsightly cracks and damage to the structure of suede.
  • No need to treat suede with shoe polish. The fact is that the delicate material does not tolerate the effects of fat.
  • It is strongly not recommended to use bleaching agents and solvents in cleaning suede. To maintain a beautiful look and clean your shoes, it is better to use a regular soap solution.
  • Do not wear suede shoes in rain and snow, because they do not tolerate strong exposure to moisture.
  • No need to scrub suede vigorously when cleaning. Such manipulations lead to deformation of the villi.
  • Do not wash suede shoes in the washing machine. There is a high risk that she will not survive this test and deform.

Seasonal care

With the onset of cold weather, many fashionistas are wondering how to care for suede shoes in winter at home. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this.

The main enemy of suede is salt stains, which leave unaesthetic stains on shoes. They appear under the influence of substances that are carefully sprinkled on sidewalks in winter.

Acetic acid solution helps fight salt stains

Among all the methods of dealing with such stains, a special paint for suede has proven itself well. Choose a cream texture to maintain a flawless look. And if your shoes need color restoration, buy a clear spray.

Various water-repellent agents will be a faithful assistant in maintaining good condition of shoes in winter. They take on the mission to protect against salt, dirt and water.

If your favorite boots do get wet (and this is almost inevitable in a rainy autumn or spring), they will need to be thoroughly dried with shoe lasts. In their absence, you can use ordinary newsprint.

In the summer, all care consists in the timely cleaning of pollution.

Folk wisdom often helps out savvy housewives in any domestic matters. So in the care of suede shoes, she will tell you simple but effective tips.

  • Steam will help to restore natural and artificial suede characteristic softness. You just need to hold your shoes over it for 2 minutes. After that, the material will noticeably change.
  • Black suede has long been tinted with carbon paper to return it to a uniform color.
  • To be proud of light suede shoes will help to clean them with a cotton swab, previously dipped in milk. This method is able to remove most contaminants.
  • You can even disinfect shoes at home. To do this, leave a cotton swab dipped in vinegar inside for 10 hours.
  • For general surface cleaning, many use the rough surface of a matchbox, fine-grained sandpaper, or even a crust of brown bread.
  • If you wear suede shoes quite often, then you have probably come across a shine of the material. To eliminate this trouble, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of milk, and then treat the damaged areas and return them to haze.
  • To make brown suede shoes delight you with color saturation, rub coffee grounds into them from time to time. This method is also able to restore the lost contrast.

Soda, milk and a little patience and suede shoes like new

Madame Coco Chanel once said that suede emphasizes the good taste of a man, and gives women grace. Indeed, this noble material is a worthy decoration of any image. Proper care of suede shoes will ensure that they will remain beautiful for many seasons in a row.