How to sew jeans at the waist at home. How to properly sew jeans on the sides, in the waist, hips, legs, along the back seam at home? How to sew on yourself, reduce large men's and women's jeans to a size smaller

Did the new jeans turn out to be great, or could the diet finally pay off? In this case, they will have to be sutured. How to comply with the technology and not spoil the product, we will consider further. We offer you a step-by-step guide to action.

For girls with a narrow waist and wide hips, it is difficult to find perfectly fitting jeans. They are usually wide at the waist.

There are two ways to solve the problem.

The easiest way is to make darts along the waist line. There can be two, three or more of them.

  1. You need to rip off the belt;
  2. Sew the darts (Especially carefully you need to make darts in the area of \u200b\u200bthe priests. If they are too long, the back of the jeans can pull up and sit ugly on the figure);
  3. Sew the belt again, having previously reduced it to the desired length.
  1. It is more durable and painstaking, but also of higher quality.
  2. First you need to rip off the back belt loop and rip the belt 8-10 centimeters in each direction from the middle seam;
  3. Next, rip the crotch seam (the one between the legs) by about 8-9 centimeters;
  4. Open the middle one, but do not unfold it, but pin it with pins so that it does not shift;
  5. Now you can get the pins from the front and steam them off with an iron;
  6. Insert the trousers into each other, step back from the middle seam at the waist line 2 centimeters and draw a line so that a triangle is formed, i.e. not parallel but at a slight angle. Along this line you need to make a line, sweep the edge;
  7. Turn to the front side and give two lines in the middle;
  8. Next, sew up the crotch seam from the wrong side and restore the double stitch from the front;
  9. Cut the belt in half, attach it to the jeans, cut off the excess from both parts, leaving allowances;
  10. Then you should fold it with the front sides, stitch it, unfold the seam on two sides and steam it off with an iron;
  11. Align the belt and the rest with pins and sew;
  12. Sew on the belt loop.

Sewing jeans in the hips is necessary along the side seams.

  1. It is necessary to put them on from the seamy side and mark the distance that needs to be removed with pins. Alternatively, you can attach trousers that are suitable in size and draw a line along them;
  2. Unwrap the belt and rip the sides;
  3. Sew them according to new standards;
  4. Sew back the belt.

If it is necessary to reduce the product at the same time in the hips and waist, you can not rip off the belt, but completely unstitch the trousers on the sides and sew in a new way. Cut off the excess, sweep the edges.

It is even easier to make darts on the sides. But this method is only suitable for thin fabrics, because on thick darts they will be very noticeable.

How to narrow jeans to the bottom

Fashion is fickle. Not so long ago, flared trousers were in trend, nowadays everyone is wearing narrow ones. In this case, you can sew the product in the legs:

  1. It is recommended to put on jeans inside out and use pins to fix them almost on the legs, leaving a few centimeters for shrinkage after washing.
  2. Sweep on pins, try on, if they sit down perfectly, cut off the excess and sew on a typewriter.
  3. Overlock or zigzag the edges.

If the pants are wide not only in the calves, but also in the hips, they are sutured along the side seams.

Sewing oversized jeans

If the product is too large in size, it makes sense to completely alter it:

  1. The pants should be ripped along the side seams, in the center, and the waistband should be ripped off.
  2. Attach a pattern or pants of the correct size, completely ripped apart.
  3. Redraw details and sweep away. If everything is fine after trying on, you can start sewing.
  4. First, the front seam is sewn, then the back and side seams.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to the inner seams, it is quite difficult to combine the crotch, it is better to sew it first by hand, and then sew it on a typewriter.
  6. After the jeans are assembled, you need to put them underneath and sew on a belt, belt loops.

If you doubt your abilities, it is better to turn to specialists or train on cheaper models. I wish you success!

How to sew jeans

Every woman dreams of having jeans that fit her figure perfectly. If you are a happy owner of such, it would seem that you can not think about anything. But it happens that the figure changes, and the thing becomes great. Or you bought high boots that you tuck into your pants, but the tops are narrow and wrinkle, making the shoes look unattractive. There is a way out - to hem jeans. This is easy enough if you know a few rules.

If you want to sew in full length jeans, start at the waist. To maintain their shape, dart along the side seams. Double stitch all seams. For your pants to last long, the seams need to be strong. Never be in a hurry to cut the threads, be sure to sew the stitches to secure the seam.

If you decide to change the style, you need to adjust the width of the pants. As a result, the flared shape will acquire a straight cut. Turn out your pants and put them on. Next, you need to stab both legs from the knee downward, on both sides. The main thing is to do it evenly. Sew along the marked lines. After that, leave a centimeter from the stitching and trim off the excess fabric. Use an overlock to process the allowances.

Reducing the jeans at the waist

When jeans fit perfectly on the hips, but bulge at the waist, you should reduce their size. The amount of excess volume affects the rework options. If the difference is insignificant - only a couple of centimeters, a wide elastic band can be inserted into the belt. Thanks to her, the excess volume will be evenly distributed along the entire length. Make several cuts on the seamy side. Insert elastic tape of the correct size and sew on the cut sections. Then sew on the belt.

If the pants need to be sewn in by five to seven centimeters, do some preparatory work. First, carefully open the belt, then make two triangular darts along the waist line, which will make the jeans narrower. You can make more of these darts, it all depends on the shape. They should be neat and symmetrical, each stitched twice.

Do you need to sew in pants by three to four centimeters? Unfasten the waistband all the way, leaving some distance from the buttonhole and buttons intact. To remove volume in each leg, do the following. Open the crotch and side seams, leave the middle seams alone. Using a pattern of the correct size, draw the desired outlines of the side cuts on the jeans and adjust the crotch seam. Cut off excess fabric and sew the jeans again. Process the overlock on the overlock. Run a finishing stitch on the sides, matching the threads to match the jeans. Cut the belt in half, remove the extra centimeters and sew again. Iron the allowances and sew the finished belt to the jeans.

As you can see, it is not difficult to sew jeans, but if you are not confident in your abilities, entrust this work to specialists. Modern models have a large number of decorative details and intricate seams that are easy to damage, while ruining your favorite thing. If the jeans are sewn in correctly, they will make your figure perfect.

How to properly sew jeans one size smaller at the waist along the side seams: ways

Practical jeans are an essential part of any fashionista's wardrobe. The ability to correctly combine jeans with other clothes and different accessories allows their owner to look fashionable and always in trend.

Sometimes the product fits perfectly in the hips and emphasizes the length of the legs, but hangs in ugly folds at the waist.

You can beautifully reduce women's and men's pants in the belt without difficulty at home. If the jeans are no more than a couple of centimeters large at the waist, you can use a wide elastic band to reduce them.

Then, threading the club into one end of the elastic, pass it along the entire length of the belt. After that, the elastic should be attached to both ends of the belt, and the cuts should be stitched along the inner seam from the wrong side.

In the case when you need to suture trousers on the sides by more than 3 cm, do it yourself in the following ways:

Whip the middle seam entirely, and the step seam - 15 cm.All seams are well ironed

But the work done according to the second option will be of higher quality and professional.

Nicely cut jeans at the bottom according to fashionable at home

To shorten the bottom of new jeans with your own hands, you can use the following tips from experienced needlewomen:

  1. This method is suitable for summer trousers, sewn from extra thin denim. On such jeans, the wrong thickness of the hem can catch the eye.

You can hem jeans without cutting the factory seam by yourself without a typewriter.

To do this, consider the following tips:

  • First you need to measure correctly the desired length of the finished product and make the appropriate marks on the legs.
  • Leave in stock 1 centimeter of length.
  • Unscrew the trousers inside out and iron them.
  • Overlay factory stitching on the length of the product marked with chalk and carefully sew with small blind stitches, using threads to match the product.

Flared jeans that fit luxuriously on long legs, fashionable skinny jeans made of denim, straight jeans or tubes that have proven their popularity for decades.

You can fit jeans to your figure, adjust the model of new trousers with your own hands. Having carefully studied the ways how to sew jeans, the work will be done quickly and efficiently, and the money saved on the work of the masters will replenish the family budget.

You can make jeans fashionable and fit your figure yourself. Having carefully studied all possible ways of how to sew jeans, and choosing the right tool, you can get to work.

On the sides

You can quickly and efficiently sew jeans along the side seams by adhering to a certain algorithm of actions:

  • turn the pants inside out, put them on, pin the places that need to be sewn with pins. Do not forget to leave a few centimeters of fabric for allowances;
  • remove the jeans and draw a line of the seam with chalk along the pins. Basting with threads. Masters recommend trying on trousers with a basting again, so that, if necessary, you can correct the seam line;
  • we sew a basting or sew it by hand;
  • trying on jeans again. If there is no feeling of stiffness, the pants fit perfectly in the hips, you can proceed to the final stage of work;
  • we cut off the remnants of the fabric, not forgetting to leave a few centimeters for allowances;
  • overcast or machine the edges of the denim and sew on the second line.
For stitching jeans in the legs, the main thing is the correct measurements. We turn out the jeans and put on
Chip off in places where you want to suture

At the waist

The problem of jeans wide at the waist is familiar to the owners of the ideal thin waist and rounded hips. It's easy to solve. It is enough to be patient, with needles and thread (or better with a sewing machine), and also follow a clear algorithm of actions.

The first option, how to sew jeans in width, is simple:

  • mark several darts along the belt line;
  • in the marked places, carefully strip off the belt (2-3 cm);
  • with our hands or using a sewing machine, we sew darts;
  • cut off excess denim sentiment;
  • we sew on the belt.

When creating darts in the buttocks, you need to be extremely careful. Long seams will tighten the fabric and the jeans will not fit your body as they should.

The second method, how to sew jeans at home at the waist, requires more time, effort and patience:

  • carefully detach the belt loop located in the center of the belt at the back. If a branded label is sewn in this place, it is also removed;
  • unpick the belt, ten centimeters to the right and left of the middle seam of the trousers;
  • carefully unpick the step seam by eight centimeters;
  • we iron all the ripped places well, remove the excess threads;
  • fix the middle seam with pins (helps to avoid displacement of the fabric);
  • turn out two trousers, put them on top of each other and, at a distance of two centimeters, outline a new seam line;
  • we sew new markings, we process the edges on a typewriter or manually;
  • turn the jeans out and sew two central lines;
  • we apply the belt to the jeans, cut off the excess fabric and stitch it;
  • additionally we fasten the ripped belt loop with pins and make the second line;
  • the bottom edge of the product must be hemmed by hand or sewn on a typewriter.

Narrow down to the bottom

You can narrow the bottom of the jeans using the method of narrowing the product on the sides described earlier. But there is another way to sew jeans in your legs, which allows you to quickly and effortlessly get the desired result.

Before starting work, you need to prepare jeans that fit perfectly to your figure. Trousers that require a fit are turned inside out and pinned jeans of a narrower model on them. Pin off two pairs of trousers, after which a new seam line can be marked. On a typewriter or by hand (which is much longer and more difficult), a seam is made according to the marking. The excess fabric of the trousers is cut off, and the edges are overcast.

The technique of using a second pair of trousers in order to narrow the jeans to the bottom helps to significantly reduce the time spent on fitting. If you need to narrow down to the bottom several pairs of jeans, you can remove the pattern from the "correct" model and use it as a template.

How to make pants one size smaller

You can solve the problem of not fitting jeans by using a few simple methods in practice:

  • washing at high temperatures is the simplest and most effective method to shrink jeans by size. The washing machine is set for washing at 95 C. The trousers are placed in the washing machine and in this mode the clothes are scrolled for at least thirty minutes. The rinse mode must be turned off;
  • drying on a hot battery. The washed jeans are laid out on a hot battery for drying or the product is dried using a steam dryer;
  • method of "shock therapy". Prepare two containers: one with very hot water, the other with cold. Denim pants are lowered first into a bowl of boiling water (kept for at least ten minutes), and then abruptly into a bowl of cold water. Such manipulations must be repeated two to three times. After that, the jeans are thoroughly squeezed out and dried.

Using the technique of quick shrinkage of a denim product, the main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, the jeans will not be able to be worn.

Making the pants smaller by size without using needles and threads will most likely work for a short time. Within a week, jeans can be stretched back to their original size. It is possible to fix the problem of size discrepancy qualitatively and permanently only by suturing them.


Often, new jeans that have just been bought in the store do not fit perfectly to the figure. This is due to the fact that the standard patterns used for cutting do not take into account the individual characteristics of the human body. Favorite things can also stretch out over time or just get big. You can get rid of defects at home, without the help of specialists from the studio. This will require sewing equipment and knowledge of simple sewing techniques.

    Show all

    Sewing equipment

    Sometimes a new thing, when trying on at home, is not in size or does not fit perfectly. This happens because factories sew products according to certain standards, which not every figure corresponds to. Therefore, a new thing may have defects in fit and look not beautiful enough. This does not mean at all that you bought defective clothes, it is just that your parameters do not correspond to the standard ones.

    If the thing does not fit or you suddenly lost weight, but do not want to part with your favorite jeans, you can "fit" them to the figure yourself, even without special skills. To sew jeans at home, you will need:

    • a sewing machine or a set of hand sewing needles;
    • centimeter tape and ruler;
    • a ripper for removing seams (can be replaced with a clerical knife or nail scissors);
    • scissors;
    • threads to match the fabric and finishing stitching;
    • chalk or remnant;
    • tailor's pins;
    • iron.

    Trousers fitting

    In order to identify and mark the areas that need to be subtracted, you need to try on jeans. Normally, the product should fit well around the waist and hips. From the trousers of the flared model, you can make narrow ones. In this case, you will have to sew them on the sides.

    If the jeans have a classic cut, and the belt is at the waist, then there should be a good fit in this area, and the belt of the trousers should be loosely fastened without applying pressure.

    On the hips, jeans should provide freedom of movement, not squeeze or lag behind. Exceptions are loose-fitting boho-style trousers.

    The width of the legs depends on your personal preference. An important condition when suturing trousers on the sides is that the foot should freely pass through the lower part of the trousers.

    Now you need to determine where the jeans need to be sewn in so that they fit perfectly. Consider the quality of denim - the fabric from which the trousers are made. If the material stretches well in width, then when marking the lines of new seams, the seam allowance is made from 1.0 to 0.8 cm.In this case, the allowance for free fitting is not needed.

    If the denim is thick and rough, the seam allowance should be made to the nearest millimeter so as not to create extra volume. For a machine seam followed by overcasting or a zigzag seam, leave 6 mm. If you do not have enough experience or a bad eye, just in case, leave 8-10 mm, the excess can later be cut off. On traditional jeans, you will have to take into account the allowance for freedom of fit. In this case, it is small - 0.5 cm on both sides. Otherwise, you will feel uncomfortable walking.

    To calculate the length of the belt, you need to measure the waist circumference and add 1 cm on both sides for the freedom of fit and 5-7 cm for the fastener. Then you should measure the belt on the jeans, and calculate the difference in centimeters that will have to be sutured.

    To measure the width you want, put on the trousers inside out and pin the excess fabric with pins. Then carefully remove the product, lay it on the table, mark the points along the pins and draw a straight line along them. Mark the second leg in the same way. It is not necessary to chop off the sides on both sides when trying on. Measurement data can be copied to another part.

    Jeans are dyed - how to fix the dye at home?


    For sizing, there are standards that guide the garment industry. Those who can sew at least a little know that every centimeter of volume changes size. If your jeans are 1-2 cm behind at the waist or hips, then you will have to sew them in 1 size, from 2 to 4 cm - in two sizes. It is worth remembering these numbers. Firstly, it will help when choosing the next new thing in the store; secondly, you can find a thing 1-2 sizes smaller in your wardrobe and use it as a template. On the wrong side of the jeans, you can apply a similar model that suits you in size, and then mark the new seams along the contour of the product that fits well on the figure. To prevent the chalk line from being erased during work, you can lay a basting line along it.

    One size smaller can serve as a template

    How to sew jeans on the sides?

    After we have tried on the jeans and marked the lines of the new seam, we will have to rip the side seam all the way through.

    We unpick the belt only if the pants need to be reduced along the waist line. If this is not necessary, this should not be done.

    Then align the marked lines and machine stitch with a step width of 2-2.5 mm. Check the seam to make sure it is perfectly straight, and only then cut off the excess fabric. After that, process the cuts on an overlock or on a zigzag machine. Iron the seam.

    Sewing a zigzag stitch on a sewing machine

    Overlock slicing

    If the belt has been ripped off, sew it neatly.

    If you want to shrink a new garment, wet or wash it before trying it on, as cotton fibers tend to shrink.

    To decrease the width of the flared model, you need to mark the bottom edge. From the knee line on the seamy side, draw a center line, and from it from below in both directions we set aside 1/2 of the desired width.

    Flared jeans cannot be sutured only from the outer side, in which case the middle line will move, which will have a negative effect on the fit. To make narrow trousers out of bell-bottomed trousers, you need to reduce the width on both sides of the knee, or slightly lower (this depends on the model). The width of the back half should be 1–2 cm wider than the front.

    We unpick the side seams from the knee to the bottom and fold them strictly according to the markings. We sew on the machine, cut off the excess, leaving allowances. We process slices on an overlock or machine. If you don't have a zigzag sewing machine and no overlock, you can hand overcast the edges.

    If there are metal buttons or patches on the pockets, make sure that the accessories do not get under the needle of the machine.

    Reducing the belt

    Improper fit at the waist spoils the appearance and makes it uncomfortable to wear. Jeans can be sewn in at the middle back seam. To make the markup, you need an assistant. It will be difficult to mark the seam line on your own. But you can do it in another way: use a model that fits you perfectly as a template.

    Step-by-step instructions for reducing jeans at the waist:

    • we chop off the excess on the fitting, carefully remove the trousers and outline the lines of the new seam;
    • unpick part of the seam that connects the middle seams of the back part and the belt;
    • unpick the middle back seam;
    • along the outlined lines we lay a line that will connect the back halves;
    • iron the seam;
    • we cut off the excess and process the cuts on an overlock or machine;
    • on the halves of the belt, measure on both sides the amount by which we will reduce it;
    • we sew the halves of the belt on the machine;
    • iron;
    • sew the belt along the upper edge to the jeans;
    • on the front side we lay a finishing line to match the factory finish.

    This method is suitable if you need to reduce the model by 1-2 sizes. With a larger volume, it is recommended to make reductions also along the side seams.

    Additional darts

    If you need to sew in jeans for 1-2 sizes, you can make darts on the back halves. We do it like this:

    • we strip off the belt;
    • mark the lines of the darts, symmetrically on both sides;
    • from the middle seam in both directions we set aside 9-12 cm and build vertical lines (the height of the dart should be no more than 6 cm, and the depth no more than 1.5 cm);
    • we make a seam along the outlined lines;
    • iron;
    • we reduce the length of the belt by the solution of the darts (if you made two darts 1.5 cm deep each, then the belt must be reduced by 3 cm);
    • we sew on the belt.

    insert a photo with darts

    All operations should be done carefully. On some models, the belt loops will have to be ripped off and then replaced. After marking, it is advisable to sweep the seam lines and try on to make sure everything is done correctly. If you cannot achieve a good fit using these simple methods, you can contact a tailor shop. To align the step (inner) seam requires a certain skill.

    Reducing stretched jeans at home is easy. If you want to make a model for yourself out of very large trousers, then you will have to completely open the product and cut out new parts from it. Other jeans that fit perfectly on the figure can serve as a template.

Let's take a look in your closet - are there a lot of jeans that you stopped wearing for some reason? You will probably be surprised yourself that you can simply store so many jeans, and in fact many of them are still in trend or are made of very high quality material. Well, today we will try to correct this mistake and bring back to life at least those pairs that are slightly (or even much) large on the sides or along the length of the leg. Is it possible to sew jeans in at home without ruining the product? Yes, yes and yes again! After reading our recommendations to the end, you will be convinced that it is very easy to sew jeans with your own hands, and any girl who does not have special dressmaker skills can handle this business.

Fitted clothing: stylish and neat

Jeans are one of the favorite things of all the beautiful (and not only) half of humanity, and all because they are practical, fashionable and perfectly emphasize the dignity of the silhouette. But at the same time they have one drawback - all models are sewn, as they say, one size fits all, i.e. according to standard figure norms. To correct this injustice, you just need to sew in your favorite jeans in some places. This requires a little patience, determination, and a sewing machine on hand.

Problem 1. How to sew jeans at the waist?

In order to make jeans one size smaller at the waist, you need to prepare a centimeter, scissors, tailor's pins (sold in any sewing store), a sewing machine and thread to match the material. There are two ways to sew jeans at the waist - simple and more difficult. We'll cover both.

The easiest thing is to fit the pants to the figure. with darts... The step-by-step instructions are as follows:

1. Put on jeans and visually mark the places where the darts will be less noticeable (as a rule, they are made on the back of the product in the buttocks area). Also, you should determine how many centimeters you will need to sew jeans in at the waist.

2. Now push back a few centimeters in the belt in the places of future darts.

3. Sweep the grooves. Try on your jeans again. If there are enough reductions in the belt, you can grind the darts on a typewriter.

4. Now you need to sew in the belt. To do this, carefully cut off the extra centimeters of the material and carefully grind the sections with a machine stitch, having previously swept them away by hand.

Advice! Do not make darts in the belt too long - this will lead to the fact that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttocks the whole product will start to "bounce" upwards.

The second way is to sew jeans at the center back seam:

1. The first thing to do to fit the product is unhook the belt loopswhich are located near the back center seam. If it touches the brand label, if it is also sewn very close.

2. Now you need open the belt ten centimeters on either side of the center. The middle seam also needs to be ripped eight to ten centimeters down. Remove the rest of the thread, and fasten the spacers. Do it carefully so that you don't have to fix it a lot later.

3. Iron everything thoroughly.

4. Now turn the product out inside out and fold the leg so that the middle seam is turned towards you. Secure both halves of the jeans with tailor's pins to prevent slippage.

5. The most crucial moment has come - you need to draw with chalk or remnant line of the future middle seam... To avoid mistakes, draw it as follows: first, mark in the upper part (i.e., at the junction with the belt) a point at the distance you need (this distance is equal to half your decrease). Now use a smooth line to connect the point and place of the bartack you made on the center seam. Try to keep the line not angular.

6. The next step is sweep awaythe resulting dart and try on jeans. If everything is in order, sew the dart on the sewing machine, trim off the excess fabric with a few allowances (0.7 - 1 cm) and overcast the edges with a zigzag stitch or overlock.

7. Now turn the garment right out and sew two parallel stitches, repeating the factory middle seam.

8. The next step - you need sew on a belt... To do this, attach it to the finished main product and cut off the extra centimeters. Be sure to consider allowances.

9. Fold the waistband in half, right side in, machine stitch at the seam and overcast the edges. Now unfold the belt there and iron it carefully.

10. Baste the waistband back to the garment and try on the jeans. If everything suits you, then you can grind the bast seam and attach the belt loops / factory label to their place of origin.

Problem 2. How to narrow the legs?

If the jeans are too big for you in the legs, then you can discreetly sew them along the inside seam. This is done like this:

1. Turn jeans inside out and try on. Mark the places of the future new seam with pins along the inside.

2. Carefully remove the item. Spread it out on a flat surface.

3. Now draw a small dotted line in the places of the pins. Leave the pins on to prevent the fabric from shifting. Correct the line by continuing to the very top along the inside of the garment. If your jeans only need to be sutured along the leg, without affecting the depth of the fit, then a new line should begin about three to five centimeters from the middle seam. If, however, it is necessary to suture in at the planting depth, then, accordingly, the line should start from the central seam.

Advice! In order to properly sew a thing, it is better to use a pattern, but if you do not know how to build patterns, then try to make your markings repeat the factory seam as much as possible.

4. Next to the new seam line, make a 1 cm allowance.

5. Cut off excess material with allowances. Fold the legs one on top of the other and transfer the markings.

6. Sweep them by hand first and then sew a stitch on a typewriter - this will make it easier for you to sew a neat straight stitch.

7. Press and iron over the loose edges.

Problem 3. How to remove the flare?

Turn the jeans inside out and put them on. Use pins to mark the desired leg width. It is advisable to make subtractions on both sides of the leg.

  • After removing the item, lay it out on a flat surface.
  • In the places of the pins, draw a dotted line with chalk, continuing it from the knee downward. If the pins are unevenly secured, correct them, but do not remove them.
  • Sweep the pant legs by hand, taking into account the allowances and try on.
  • Now you can cut off the excess fabric and sew the seam and overlock stitches on the typewriter.
  • Iron the stitches on the wrong side with an iron.
  • Enjoy your updated jeans!

So we looked at the most common ways of how to sew jeans at home. Do not throw your favorite model far into the closet - now you yourself can adjust it to your figure without resorting to the expensive services of a professional atelier. Be brave - and your girlfriends will surely envy your outfits!

Very often there are situations when the jeans in the belt are too big. This is especially true for children's jeans. It is good if you have a sewing machine, denim thread (to match the stitching on the trousers), a suitable needle, and the ability to alter denim items.

Believe it or not, even if you do not have any of the above, you can easily sew jeans in the belt.

All you need:

The jeans themselves;

The elastic is about 3 cm wide;

Thread and needle

How to quickly and easily sew jeans in a belt

For example, I took my son's jeans, which fell almost to the hips. Wearing a leather belt in such cases is not always a good way out. To completely alter the belt of jeans is also not ice. Moreover, in our case, the fabric around the waist will have to be removed enough, and there is a lot of fuss, and the result is dubious.Therefore, of course, I will not alter anything - I will simply tuck the elastic into the belt and thereby significantly reduce the volume of the jeans at the waist.

Let's get down to business:

I prepare the jeans - I remove the label from the seamy side, I steam the lines of the label - for loosely threading the elastic into the belt.

1.From the seamy side of the belt (belt width \u003d 3.8 cm) I outline two lines perpendicular to the belt - approximately at the first belt loops of the front of the trousers. Or you can make a belt with an elastic band only along the back halves of the jeans, then these lines are drawn where the side seams pass. The size of the line is equal to the width of the elastic, that is, exactly 3 cm (unless, of course, the jeans belt is narrower, then the width of the elastic and the cut on the belt will be different).

2. With manicure scissors, carefully so as not to grab the outer part of the belt, I make an incision along the marked line (3 cm) of the inner side of the belt, like this:

4. I attach a safety pin to one end of the elastic and insert the elastic through the loops.

5. On a typewriter or manually I sew through one end of the elastic with 2 lines.

6. I try on jeans, outline the line of the elastic band.

7. Fasten the other end of the elastic.

8. The ends of the elastic can be overcast for strength.

That's all. The work takes 15 minutes at most and even beginners in sewing can easily cope with it. The trousers at the waist fit perfectly - nothing slips, and under the leather belt it is completely impossible to see exactly how we cleverly sutured the jeans belt.

By the way, now it has become fashionable in children's (and not only) jeans to make elastic bands at the waist with provided loops for buttons - a very convenient thing, in fact. The waist size of the jeans can be easily adjusted.