How to start a conversation with a guy. How to find interesting topics for conversation with a guy. What intimate questions you can ask a guy

You are very lucky if a young man himself takes the initiative in communication, finds topics for conversation, striking the girls with his outlook and intellect. But this is not always the case. And finding the right words is sometimes very difficult.

However, there are certain topics that do not commit both of you to anything. First of all, this is music, the film industry. You share your tastes. If you recently met a guy, try asking him about your favorite movies.

When you get an answer to your question, try not to criticize the young man's tastes. Ideally, there will be at least a partial coincidence of the genres you both prefer.

In addition, you can talk about the young man's pastime, about his hobbies. Tell him about your hobbies too. It is possible that interests will be similar, and you will find common topics of conversation.

Even if your interlocutor says something that is not very interesting, in your opinion, try not to openly show it to him. You need to listen to him. Always be tactful in your questions. Another taboo topic is never tell a stranger about your past personal life. It doesn't matter if you communicate with him face to face or just decided to write him a message on a social network. There is no need to share intimate things with strangers.

If suddenly the conversation has reached a dead end, you can recall a couple of jokes. Humor always comes to the rescue in such situations.

Communication when meeting with a well-known young man

If you have known each other for a long time, it will undoubtedly be easier for you to find common topics of conversation. You are no longer so shy in communication, you know the range of interests of your interlocutor, his preferences. There are personal topics that concern only the two of you.

During your acquaintance, you probably have common friends, common interests, you will have something to remember from the latest events.

It is necessary to ask how the young man's day went. Treat him the way you would like him to treat you. This golden rule will allow you to avoid many conflicts. This will make it clear that you are not indifferent to him.

If your boyfriend has temporary difficulties in life (for example, problems with study), try to help him. But in no case impose your opinion on him. Conversely, if you need advice, ask him for it. There is a certain range of issues that guys are better at and can be very helpful.

In any case, listen to your inner voice, it will tell you the right topics for conversation.

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How often is it that a person cannot find theme when communicating with a representative of the opposite sex, he is embarrassed, tightly silent, or with an effort gives out banal questions about the weather or monosyllabic answers. If you, due to your shyness, faced a similar situation, a few simple tips will help.


Before a date, write a list of topics and things for yourself that you can talk about for hours, this will allow you not to forget about them at the right time. Universal topics that require the participation of your interlocutor are well suited: travel and hobbies, favorite music and films, leisure preferences.

The third topic is complaints about life. There is almost always something to talk about, because there are terrible bosses, unfriendly mother-in-law, incomprehensible colleagues and gloating girlfriends. A woman may not have enough money, attention, care. And all this must be discussed.

What else are women discussing

If the ladies are going according to their interests, then they will have several other topics of conversation. For example, shopping, spiritual development, embroidery or patchwork. A single lesson very strongly unites, it is very interesting to discuss it, but this is possible only in a circle of like-minded people.

Gossip is often on the agenda. This is a retelling of some events from the life of third parties. The less adventures in your space, the more attention is paid to other people's problems or achievements.

Sometimes they talk about diseases. If someone in the family suffers from some kind of ailment, then this will surely come up and the person's method will be sought. Of course, this topic can be attributed to advice, but health can also be the key moment of the meeting.

And they are an important topic of discussion. Your companion is an inexhaustible source that you can talk about. Sometimes this is done with admiration, sometimes with criticism, sometimes with resentment. After all, most of the emotions in the life of any woman are associated with her beloved, and it is very difficult to forget about him even in the company of friends.

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Communication is the most important process in a person's life. But the interaction must be correct and favorable. In order to communicate with people, it is important to know what to say to them all the time.

Elements of courtesy

From the point of view of etiquette, it is imperative to use elementary words of courtesy in communicating with other people. "Thank you" and "Please" are the basis for communication with both loved ones and strangers. They must always be told to people. When you ask to transfer money for a ticket in transport, it is not enough to just throw “Pass”. Many may react negatively to such a request, considering it rude. A well-mannered person will always add a polite word. And when instead of money he is given a ticket, he will say "Thank you" to the passengers.

It is important to say hello correctly. The word "Hello" has long been taken for granted, but it is better to realize that you wish the person good health and sincerely smile at the same time.

Learn to say words of gratitude. If something significant has been done for you, thank you from the bottom of your heart. Reinforce phrases emotionally, do not be greedy for words for your patron. You don't have to do something tangible to repay him for what he did for you. Sometimes it's enough to be sincere and put a lot of meaning into words.


Words that improve a person's mood are always pleasant. You should always give people true compliments. Do not start talking about its advantages, which do not exist, emphasize what really exists. This will not only improve your relationship with a particular person, but it will also raise his self-esteem. After all, some people need support so much in order to achieve their goal. For example, if a girl wants to be a singer and sings really well, emphasize that. Tacit approval is good when the person is confident, but if they are not, help them believe in their talent.

Words of encouragement are good in almost any case. Few strive to constantly reinforce a person with faith in his strength. Therefore, you can become someone who really takes a genuine interest in someone who is experiencing weakness of spirit.


The ability to present the truth without fear of disappointing the interlocutor is commendable. You need to try to tell people the truth about what is happening around and with them. Lies may be sweet, but they ruin the person who believes in them. Whether it's criticism or praise, it's important to present it honestly.

Do not overdo it and tell the truth in any situation. Remember tact. If the person is not wearing a store-bought outfit, gently hint at it. There is no need to cite colorful comparisons with the animals that he now looks like as an example.


This applies to close and dear people. Tell them you love if you feel genuine affection. Do not scatter words, talk about love only to those who really deserve it. It is important to tell the people who raised you or brought new colors of feelings into life. Do not forget about this recognition, otherwise it may be too late for any words.

What topics can you talk about with unfamiliar people

You can talk with strangers on a variety of topics, including family. Ask if your interlocutors have children; where their family is from; how long have they lived here. These and various other family questions can melt any ice. However, keep in mind that it is considered indecent to ask the other person if he is married (or if she is married, if it is a question).

Another pertinent topic that you can talk about with unfamiliar people is occupation. Ask the person with whom you started talking about what he does; what he thinks about his work; who he used to work with; what he is going to do in the future. When asking such questions, do not forget to talk about yourself during the conversation.

Rest is no less interesting topic. Ask the other person what their hobbies are; where he rested this year and whether he liked it; what films he watches and how he likes them. If he has a real hobby, you are very lucky, because usually people are able to talk about their hobbies for hours on end. The main thing is to have someone to listen to.

In small talk, education is also an appropriate topic for discussion. Ask where this person studied; does he know professor such and such; where would I like to study and what specialty; which university he can recommend to children. However, it is not possible to talk about education with everyone - some people are not interested in this topic at all, while for others it may turn out to be unpleasant (for example, if a person could not enter / graduate from an institute).

Most people are interested in such a topic of conversation as money. Why did the heating cost rise? Will gasoline prices continue to rise? Where is it most profitable to buy groceries for a week? Keep in mind, however, that it is fairly easy to move from discussion to political debate. You don't need to do this. Health, religion and politics are three topics that are not suitable for conversation with unfamiliar people.

Nevertheless, in small talk, it is allowed to discuss news from the media, the Internet, social networks. But it should be borne in mind that not all people are interested in topics such as the absence or presence of common children among celebrities. Better to talk about some new discovery / invention or something positive and fun. Such news will surely cheer up your interlocutors.

The main skill that should be mastered in a conversation with unfamiliar people is the ability to listen, as well as show a sincere interest in what the interlocutor is saying.

It is clear that it is impossible to take everything into account and fully foresee. When you find yourself in an unfamiliar environment with people with their interests alien to you, just imagine yourself as a journalist who collects material for an article. Be attentive to the statements of the interlocutors, remain interested and positive. And then you will have the opportunity to find new interesting friends or even your soul mate.

Even the most sociable girls sometimes feel awkward in moments of silence while communicating with the opposite sex. Such situations often arise when communication has just begun, and points of contact have not yet been found. At this moment, it is extremely important for a girl to know what to talk about with a guy, because their further communication depends on it. It is especially necessary to carefully choose topics for conversation with the young man you like, with whom you want to get to know better.

Secrets of communicating with a guy

If the girls easily find a common language with each other, even when the views are completely different, then with the guys it is a little more difficult. It is important to pay attention not only to the topics of conversation, but also to the manner of communication. Some girls with good all-round development can scare off a young man, and he will stop communicating with them, begin to avoid them, ignore them. How, then, do you communicate with the guys?

By phone

Most guys don't like talking on the phone for hours about anything. You shouldn't call every half hour to tell that you missed again, especially if you are just acquaintances so far. SMS messages are not an option either. Frequent cell phone ringing can annoy a guy and make him feel like she’s just bored and has nothing to do. But you can wish your beloved guy good morning or sweet dreams, it will be his pleasure.

On rare occasions, young guys like to talk to their girlfriend for a long time on the phone. It's easy to recognize them - such people themselves will often call and write. For the rest, adhere to these rules for communicating by phone:

  • Provide specific information only.
  • Get the guy interested at the very beginning of the conversation. The topic of communication should be extremely interesting for a young person.
  • Present everything in clear language, avoid complex sentences and metaphors.

By correspondence in VK

Social networks greatly simplify communication; it is much easier to start a conversation on the Internet. It can start with a simple "Hello" message. Pages in VK, classmates, Facebook or other services will suggest the guy's interests and help you find a suitable topic for conversation. Sometimes even viewing the questionnaire tells about a young man so much that the desire to communicate with him disappears.

If you decide to start a correspondence, it is better to unobtrusively start a topic, relying on the interests of the guy, the themes of cinema and music will be a win-win, even if the tastes do not coincide at all. Discussing films (acting, interesting moments), there is an opportunity to get to know the person better, down to what kind of girls the guy likes. Communication in social networks is good because there is an opportunity to convey your emotions or make a conversation brighter and more interesting with the help of smiles, pictures, photographs, audio recordings.

By Skype

Skype communication presents more possibilities. The service allows you not to be limited to simple correspondence, but to talk, looking at the interlocutor. Such communication is more emotional, and you can see how the second participant in the conversation reacts to certain things during the conversation. The guy's reaction will tell you what topics to avoid and not touch on. Video communication on Skype is much better than by phone or by correspondence on Vkontakte, but nothing can replace a live conversation at a meeting.

Topics for chatting with a guy

The conversation should interest the guy. A young man will not talk for several hours about which varnish is better to choose for this outfit or about your girlfriend's new boyfriend. In communication, avoid gossip and obscure or uninteresting topics. It is especially difficult to pick a topic when you first meet. In such cases, it is better to give him the opportunity to tell about himself: about his studies, work, friends, interesting moments from life. Excessive conversations about her biography for a girl will be superfluous, a mystery should always remain in her, you should not talk about the details of her personal life.

There are a lot of topics that will be of interest to both a guy and a girl. You can also start a conversation about what you do not really understand. It is imperative to avoid controversy in such matters. Not only will this make the knowledgeable guy laugh, but it will make you look bad. When starting a conversation on unfamiliar topics, make an interested person, sometimes nod your head and ask questions. This will help you learn more about the young man and broaden your horizons.

If you don't know what to talk about with your boyfriend, it's best to discuss:

  1. Relations. At the beginning of communication, find out what type of girls the guy prefers. If the couple is already together, even for a short time, the girl can start a conversation about what she expects from this relationship and what she will not tolerate. When talking about this topic, do not allow memories of former partners. In the conversation, you can raise the problems that the couple has, if any. Sooner or later they will have to be solved, so do not drag out such conversations and resolve the problems right away. It will be possible to talk with a guy about a relationship only when he is tuned in to this conversation.
  2. Cinema. There are a lot of interesting films now, so it's easy to start talking about films or show programs. Such a conversation is sure to captivate both participants, especially if the film is really exciting. It will be interesting to know what new has already come out and you can watch.
  3. Hobbies or sports. This is another topic that will interest the young man. In this conversation, discuss what the guy likes to do in his free time, what he enjoys, which team he is rooting for. The girl does not have to be a fan of the sports club that the guy likes, but it will be useful to show respect for the interests of the interlocutor.
  4. Literature. Recently, not every guy is interested in talking about books, but still there are those who like to read. In a conversation, you can use phrases or quotes from famous works. But do not bother the guy with a topic that is not interesting to him. If a young man is not interested in literature, do not bore him with such stories.
  5. Museums or memorials. Every city has sights. It would be nice to talk about this with a guy on a walk, visit these places. The meeting will be interesting and exciting, and to make it memorable, you can take a few photos.
  6. Computers. Young people love to talk about all kinds of gadgets and technology, and they discuss not only software, but also the insides of a PC. Such conversations will help the girl find out why the computer sometimes freezes, where viruses come from and how they affect the performance of the “machine”.
  7. Leisure and travel. Discussing plans and desires for the coming weekend will be not only an interesting, but also a useful topic for a couple. This conversation will help you plan your vacation time and avoid any conflicts or unpleasant situations. Tell us about what you want to visit and describe in detail what you expect from the joint holiday.
  8. Cars. This topic is interesting to almost all guys, but unknown to most girls. If a woman shows even a little interest in cars and starts asking pertinent questions, the young man will be happy to keep up the conversation and tell everything he knows. The guy will appreciate such a girl and feel that she is interested in his hobbies. In such conversations, trust in each other develops.
  9. Work or study. Here the young man spends most of his time. Various interesting situations occur at moments of activity. Ask your guy how his day went. Thanks to such conversations, the young man will share what he cares about and will feel taken care of by you.

What else guys like to talk about

The conversation with the guy is not limited to these topics. Different conversations contribute to getting to know the guy's interests, preferences, plans for the future (self-development, getting additional education). Also, during a conversation, there is an opportunity to touch on the topic of a partner's shortcomings, to express your opinion, just do not be too critical. Better present it in a humorous manner, with a smile on your face. You can ask the young man for advice on a matter that is important to you.

Topics to Avoid When Talking on a Date

In order for the date to go well, and only pleasant impressions remain, do not touch on the following topics when communicating:

  • past relationships;
  • details of intimate life;
  • own failures, complaints;
  • discussion of the details of the personal life of girlfriends, friends (gossip);
  • politics;
  • religion;
  • health problems.

How to behave when talking

During a conversation with a guy, do not behave arrogantly and intrusively - young people do not really like such girls. The interlocutor should arouse interest, not a desire to end the conversation faster. The girl needs to be affable, friendly, interested in conversation. Speak in a language the guy understands - avoid hints, especially ambiguous ones. The young man must understand you correctly. Only mutual interest in the conversation will make communication pleasant. If the topic is unpleasant for the guy, close it and don't touch on it again.

Finally! Finally you met the one you dreamed about in reality and in your dreams! You like him. And shows a clear interest in your person. But when you meet, you don't know what to talk about with him. It `s naturally. When a girl meets the man of her dreams, she tends to forget everything in the world, and not just topics for conversation with a guy. Fear is also natural. She is afraid of losing him, she is afraid that she will ask or answer something wrong, so she prefers to be silent altogether.

How to find contact with a stranger

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Three sure steps to fix the problem

The problem is easily solved. One, two, three.

Once - put fears aside. Remember, those who do not take risks do not drink champagne either. No matter what men say, and no matter how macho they pretend to be, they love it when girls show decisiveness.

Two - we always look perfect. After all, women are exactly what men are looking for. If you show yourself to them in all your glory (of course, in the good sense of the word), they will definitely look in your direction.

Three - we start a conversation. We often forget that men can be shy too. They all notice the girls, but they don't know how to come up and tell them about it. Take the initiative into your own hands, perhaps he is just waiting for this. Think not waiting? It means again "once": who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne.

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How to keep the situation under control?

It is clear that you are worried, and all topics of conversation fly out of my head. Try to look at the situation from the outside, drive negative thoughts out of your head. Your chosen one worries no less than you. Remember the basic rules that will help you understand which topics are best to be avoided.

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Rule # 1: Talk About What Interests You

The conversation should be directed in the right direction. This, of course, requires certain skills and abilities. Do you think you don't have them? Even so, it is never too late to develop them yourself. Be smart. Think in advance what you would like to know about him in order to develop a conversation strategy. Ask about his hobbies, interests, plans for the future.

Here are the phrases that smart modern girls use to start a conversation:

  • I read on the Internet that ...
  • I heard on the news that ...
  • My brother says that ...
  • Something is wrong with my computer ...

With such a beginning of a conversation, it is easy to lure a guy into a conversation on a topic of interest to both of you.

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Rule # 2: Let him talk more

Try to be an attentive listener, show interest in everything he says. Listening is almost the most important quality in keeping a conversation going. Your comments “what happened next?”, “Very interesting”, “tell me more” will help smooth out the hitch in the conversation. Be interested in the smallest details.

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Rule # 3: Remember Information

She will not only help you get to know the guy better, but also choose topics of conversation for the next meeting. For example, in a couple of lines he said that he was going fishing. You can leave it unnoticed, ostensibly by deaf ear. But next time, start the conversation with that.

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Rule # 4: Axiom

Never interrupt a person when he enthusiastically tells something about himself. You risk ruining the relationship.

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Rule # 5: Don't criticize

Do not be categorical in your judgments and in no case make fun of your boyfriend. You can cause a persistent negative attitude towards yourself. Or embarrassing yourself.

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Inappropriate topics for conversation with a guy

Remember once and for all: you should never share everything about yourself. Under no circumstances. Especially at the first meeting. Men appreciate the mystery in women, and after laying out all the ins and outs, all your secrets, you just become uninteresting for this guy.

There are topics that should be avoided altogether. There are not many of them, but they are there. First, never upload it with information about your health problems. It is unlikely that this will increase his attraction to you. Secondly, you should not talk about your former relationship and your intimate life. Thirdly, do not judge common acquaintances or even people you know, but unfamiliar to him. He may suspect that you are very fond of gossip.

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What can and should be talked about?

Most often, doubts that the first meeting can be the last are dispelled during the first minutes of the date. Topics for conversation can be absolutely any: about the upcoming Olympics in Sochi or new movies, cars or your favorite cakes. It is difficult to predict where the thread of a live conversation will lead. You can also talk about your favorite school subjects, about good books, about rest and active pastime. The main thing is not to forget about the rules, enjoying communication with a good person who is interesting to you as a man.

Are sudden pauses during a conversation prolonged? Is the psychological stress increasing? Listen to yourself: maybe this is not your soul mate, and there is no point in this strained inventing of topics for conversation?

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How do you know if this is your half or not?

In the course of the conversation, you will learn a lot and understand how he assesses himself, what his individual abilities are, how other people relate to him, whether he is proud of his achievements.

The first step, which will help determine the degree of his uniqueness, is the analysis of the information he provided about himself. To do this, you need to follow a simple rule: give him the opportunity to talk about himself. Have you been dating for several months? Then you can start talking about yourself to your beloved. Psychologists who study human relationships advise you to start talking about yourself when in total your conversations take more than 30 hours. Or like this: let him talk until he starts repeating himself.

Here are some guiding questions to help you learn about his relationship to the world around him and to people:

  • Do you consider yourself a lucky person? Why?
  • Where and how did you meet your best friend?
  • Do you trust your friends?
  • When are you in the spotlight?
  • When did you feel lonely? Who supports you at such moments?
  • What annoys you about people?
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Do his goals and values \u200b\u200bmatch yours?

When dating a man, try to make sure that his ideals coincide with yours. You do not accept lies, but he loves to lie? Do you value friends and family, and is work more important to him? Do you like helping people just like that, and he tries to benefit from everything? Most likely, you are not on the way. In the process of communication, ask him these questions, so you will determine his life priorities. Of course, you don't need to ask them all at once, in one day, so as not to turn your communication into interrogation. But first, ask yourself these questions. And compare your answers. Let them say that opposites attract, let them say "we are so different, and yet we are together." But there are people who are together not “in spite of” and not “all the same”, but “soul to soul”. They say about such that they always look in one direction. If your answers coincide in most cases, you have every chance of becoming just such a couple. So the questions.

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How do you listen to it?

You need to listen to the interlocutor with a heartfelt, but not sympathetic. At the same time, be impartial, but not indifferent. Be objective, but don't get bored. Hard? In short, if you get bored, stop your private meetings - this person is not for you.

Often, on a first date, young people have no idea what to talk about. They do not know each other, but they are trying to find out, to get some information about the partner, to understand whether this person can be considered in the role.

Although it is accepted in society that a man should keep the situation under control, girls should also not relax, because often they are the ones who have to start a conversation, since the stronger sex can also be shy.

If at the sight of a young man who you really like, you are speechless, you forget everything in the world, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with what topics you can talk with a guy.

How to connect with a guy

When going on a first date, you should familiarize yourself not only with interesting topics for conversation with a guy, but also with how to establish contact with him, because the further development of events often depends on this.

One of the basic rules of successful communication is that you always have to look good. A neat, well-groomed, moderately made-up, feminine girl has more chances to win the heart of a young man.

To establish contact with an unfamiliar guy, you need not only to be able to speak, but also to listen to the interlocutor. Be objective, show interest, support the topics started by your partner!

Rules for communicating with a guy on a first date

There are certain rules that will help a girl not get confused and successfully start a conversation with her interlocutor.

It is important to be open and honest in order to win over your partner. If a guy says something, you should not look around in search of something, so you will show your indifference, and the partner will lose interest before talking to you. Look directly in the eyes, do not try to hide facial expressions.

There should not be long pauses in the conversation, they will embarrass both participants in the conversation. If you don't know what to talk to a guy about, just ask him about his interests and hobbies. In the case of further development of relations, you will be able to find out more information from various sources about those areas that are of interest to the partner, which will pleasantly surprise him, bring you closer and will be another interesting topic for conversation with a guy.

Topics for conversation with a guy

There is a list of topics that may be of interest to both interlocutors. They are universal, but they have their own peculiarity. In order to start a conversation about a topic, make sure that you are proficient in it. And yet, seeing that the guy does not understand the topic you started at all, change it immediately. Representatives of the stronger sex, by their nature, want to be winners, so if you hint to him that he does not know something, it will be a gross mistake.

Some guys have narrow interests. Some people know everything about sports, others like to read books, and still others like to listen to music. Here's a rough list of things to talk to a guy:

  • discussion of the past day;
  • future plans;
  • common interests (travel, literature, music, etc.);
  • new film;
  • last news;
  • entertainment.

These are just approximate topics for conversation with a guy. The list can be continued depending on how familiar the young people are, what can unite them (study, work). The choice of theme also depends on the age of the girl and the guy.

What not to talk about with a guy

Psychologists single out which topics you can talk to a guy about, and which ones are better to bypass. So, you should not tell a young man about your relatives, this can seriously alert him, as well as questions about his loved ones. Don't talk about your exes, don't talk about their shortcomings. This can be a topic for conversation with a guy in contact, but not on a date.

The guy is better not to know about the diseases that you suffered in childhood or which you are sick now, about your failures, falls, disappointments. You should seem to him a contented life, joyful, happy, because no one likes whiners.

During the conversation, you should not ask the guy what he is thinking at this moment. He will not answer honestly anyway, so he will have to come up with something to satisfy you.

In no case should you touch on the topic of intimate relationships on the first date, unless, of course, you are looking for a guy for one night. The interlocutor may think that you are poorly brought up, and some guys react very inadequately to such things. So, the first date can be the last.

As a result, when going on a date with a guy, you should familiarize yourself with what topics of conversation with a guy are prohibited in order to avoid failure and awkwardness in front of your interlocutor.

Showcase your best qualities, but don't praise yourself. Be discreet but proactive and show interest in what the other person is talking about. Feel the line between what to leave topics for conversation with a VK guy, and what you can talk about looking straight in the eyes.

All relationships begin with communication. It is it that determines whether further meetings, an intimate relationship and a joint future are possible. To make the conversation interesting and pass without awkward pauses, the right choice of topics for discussion is important. In addition, a conversation directed in the right direction will help a girl better understand a man, determine whether her chosen one is right for her.

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Knowing the intricacies of male psychology is required to think through possible topics of conversation in advance. The choice of a subject largely depends on the way of communication. Virtual and real communication will be slightly different.

What topics to talk to a man?

When communicating on a social network or on a dating site, it is easier to support an unfamiliar topic: you can think over the answer and question, hide your worries and interrupt, referring to being busy, if necessary. Correspondence can be used to get to know the person a little and prepare for the meeting by understanding what topics he is interested in. With "live" communication with a man, it will not be possible to pause. It is important to show sincerity and willingness to communicate.

What you can never tell a man

Chatting in Internet

If a relationship has begun to take shape on the Internet, then you need to first study the guy's profile. Surely there will be information about his hobbies and outlook on life. Examples of questions that can be asked in correspondence:

  1. 1. I saw a photo from a very beautiful place, do you like to travel? Where else have you been? Where do you dream to visit?
  2. 2. Do you have good musical taste, have you been listening to the band "..." for a long time? Have you been to their concerts? What's your favorite song? Have you heard that they are coming to our city with a concert?
  3. 3. ... (link to an interesting or witty post), great joke, laughing out loud / good statement / interesting point of view, do you like to laugh? How long do you think so?
  4. 4. Do you like movies? What's your favorite movie? And the actor? Have you been to the cinema for a long time?
  5. 5. Do you look great, do you play sports?
  6. 6. I look at the photo, you and your friends know how to relax! Do you like club parties? Do you often have fun in places like this? What is your favorite vacation? Do you have a lot of friends? Do you often spend time with them?
  7. 7. Do you like to cook? What cuisine do you like best? Do you often go to public catering?
  8. 8. Do you read books? Who is your favorite writer? (Recommended answer: Mine too / I haven't read it, I will definitely get acquainted with his work.)
  9. 9. Do you love your job? Why did you decide to master this particular profession?
  10. 10. I see that you often communicate with your family, you have a very beautiful mother, you look like her. Does she live in this city?

It is recommended that all questions begin with a compliment and recognition that the girl studied the subject of the conversation using the data that is in the public domain. So she demonstrates her interest and desire to learn more about the guy. This is very favorable to yourself.

Topics for the first communication need to be selected individually and subtly feel the interlocutor's reaction to them according to his answers. If they are laconic and constrained, then it is advisable to move on to discussing another issue.

How to answer the question how are you

Telephone conversation

When talking on the phone for the first time, you need to try to make the conversation as informative as possible. If there is a meeting, then during the dialogue it is enough to discuss the organizational details about it, without saying or asking anything superfluous.

It happens that people living in different cities and countries get acquainted on the Internet with the subsequent transition to telephone communication. In this case, they already have an idea of \u200b\u200beach other from their correspondence. Based on this data, you need to choose topics for discussion. It can be:

  • professional activity;
  • hobbies, hobbies;
  • outlook on life: on friendship, relationships, etc .;
  • immediate and long-term plans;
  • solving the current problems of the interlocutors;
  • achievements in any of the areas;
  • impressions about the past day, the watched film.

Flowers for a girl

The first meeting

To talk to a man, so that he was interested, you need first of all about him and, only based on his remarks, supplement the general picture with information about yourself. Many people mistakenly believe that the main thing in communication is to express your thoughts beautifully. But in reality, it is much more important to be able to listen without interrupting and hear what the interlocutor is talking about, not letting your excitement affect the ability to perceive information.

If the image of a man drawn in advance does not coincide with reality and expectations are not met, then you should not start a conversation about your impressions. You don't need to rush to draw and express conclusions on the first date, and you should not show your disappointment.

A sample list of topics for conversation on a first date:

  1. 1. His punctuality, a beautiful suit, a bouquet of flowers or any other gift brought to a girl, a place chosen for a meeting. This will allow you to compliment your chosen one at the beginning of the conversation. Men are quite vain and love when their positive qualities are appreciated.
  2. 2. Events of the current day. You can ask how the day went, how the guy got on the date, etc.
  3. 3. Neutral topics. Depending on the course of the conversation and the mood of the partner, you can continue to talk about these topics, especially if the man is not relaxed enough. These include: the latest news, weather, opinion about what is happening around the interlocutors at the time of the conversation (atmosphere, service, interior of the institution, influx of people, nature).
  4. 4. Personal topics. You can go to them if the person is open to communication. These are hobbies, work, family, personal life. It is important to feel responsive and willing to answer questions on these topics and not impose further discussion.

The conversation should be relaxed and not like an interrogation. You can dilute it with interesting stories, memories, jokes. Self-irony and the ability to laugh at oneself is a great art. A good sense of humor indicates the absence of complexes, so its owners attract guys to themselves.

To keep the intrigue, the girl should not tell all the information about herself at once. There are topics that can only be raised after a man's question. These are sexual preferences, inability to cook, ignorance and other secrets that characterize a girl not always from the best side.

Questions to ask:

  1. 1. What is your team? Are you friends with any of your colleagues?
  2. 2. What project are you currently working on? Are you interested in this? Have you decided on your type of activity or are you still in search of something better?
  3. 3. Do you have brothers or sisters? What are they doing?
  4. 4. What is your most vivid childhood memory?
  5. 5. Did you do well in school? (Men love to talk about how bully they were or brag about being the best in the class.)
  6. 6. Do you like to read? What book are you reading now?
  7. 7. How do you spend your free time?
  8. 8. Why did your past relationship break up? (Only if the communication has reached the stage at which he is ready to trust.)

It is important to give a man emotional and informational feedback.The girl should be ready to answer the questions she asks herself. Counter question "and you?" - the natural reaction of the interested interlocutor.

Often it seems to girls that they are not good enough to be liked and they begin to play a role: to remain silent when something does not suit them, to reveal only their positive sides. If a man raised an uncomfortable topic, then trying to deceive and come up with something in response will be dishonest in the first place in relation to himself: over time, he will have to show his real "I". If a woman does not have certain knowledge in any area, then a frank admission in this with a share of embarrassment will be much nicer than pretense and lies.

Which topics are best avoided?

There are topics that it is better not to raise, since during their discussion you can alienate any person and spoil your opinion of yourself. The following points should be avoided in conversation:

  1. 1. Spiteful discussion of other people / girlfriends based on envy.
  2. 2. Complaints about circumstances and others, which became the fault of failure. Women are rarely able to talk about them without a note of reproach in their voice, and such intonation scares off a man at the first communication.
  3. 3. Persistent interest in the issue of the financial viability of the guy. He may not be rich yet, but he has good potential. Such a topic will cause a negative reaction in him and provoke the appearance of complexes.
  4. 4. Questions about his readiness for family relationships and the seriousness of his intentions towards the girl.
  5. 5. Any criticism addressed to him: appearance, tastes, profession, position in society, organization of a date.
  6. 6. Vile questions that demonstrate poor parenting.
  7. 7. Discussion of political views.
  8. 8. Revelations about rich experience in relationships.
  9. 9. Questions about what a person is willing to go to in order to win the interlocutor. He needs time and reason to understand if she is worthy of his efforts.
  10. 10. List of their own requirements for the chosen one. Communication in the style of "to be with me, you have to ..." rarely ends with a sequel. It is better to watch him and slowly draw his tacit conclusions about whether he corresponds to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal.

Whatever topics a girl chooses to communicate with a guy, it is important to remain natural, feminine and kind. The ability to look at the situation from different angles and empathize will attract any man, and bad manners, discontent and anger will repel.

And a little about secrets ...

I looked at my husband, fascinated, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like an idiot in love ...