Contests and jokes for the wedding. Wedding Planner: ideas for contests and games for toastmaster. Contests and active games in nature

A wedding is an unforgettable event in the life of a newlywed couple. And it should go through fun and interesting. Such a celebration without games and contests turns into a banal drinking binge. The entertainment part is usually organized by the presenter or, if one is not planned at the event, any other active relative or friend of the young people. What cool and original wedding contests for guests without a toastmaster can be held so that all participants of the holiday will remember this day for a long time with a smile on their face?

"Cheerful alphabet"

A very popular competition for guests. The bottom line is that all interested guests congratulate the newlyweds. The first wish-toast should start with the letter A, the second with the letter B, and so on. The one who comes up with the most original congratulations will win the competition. Newlyweds can act as a jury.

"Sweet Tooth"

Put sweets in the pot, preferably symbolic "Rafaello" (talking about love) or "Twix" (sweet couple). Guests must guess their number. Whoever correctly names the number will receive sweets as a gift.

"Bottoms Up"

Several couples are participating in this competition. The girls sit on chairs and squeeze a glass between their legs, and the guys press a bottle of champagne with their feet. The task of the young man is to get to the girl, pour champagne into a glass without using hands and also without using hands to drink it to the bottom. The winner is the couple who completed the task faster and more accurately than the others.

"Red ribbon"

Couples are also involved here. The girls are holding balls of ribbon. The guy should grab the edge of the tape with his teeth and wrap it around. The couple whose "ladies' suit" looks prettier and neater wins.

"Pop the ball"

Two teams take part in the competition: one from the side of the groom, the other from the side of the bride. Balls are tied to the feet of the participants. You need to burst the balls of your opponents, while trying to save your own. The team that retains at least one ball wins.

"Inflate and Pop"

This competition also requires balls. The competition is attended by men who are given an equal number of balls of the same size. The aim of the guys is to inflate them until they burst. The winner is the one who copes with the task the fastest.

"Cheerful orator"

All participants are given the same amount of sweets (lollipops). The competitor must put them all in his mouth at once and make a toast to the young. Whose speech will be more widespread and understandable, he won.

"Find a clothespin"

This is a doubles game. Men are hooked on 5 clothespins on clothes in different places. Their second halves are previously blindfolded. The girl who has removed all the clothespins from her chosen one the fastest wins.

"Dance competition"

Slow music is included for those participating in the competition. Couples must dance holding the ball together without using hands. The music is gradually getting faster. The blower wins, who managed to hold the ball without dropping or bursting it.


This is probably the most popular wedding competition. For him you need a bar or rope, the ends of which are held by two people. The plank or rope is stretched parallel to the floor. The challenge is to walk under it, bending your legs and leaning back. Those who fail are eliminated from the game. Each time the level gets lower and lower. The winner is the one who managed to pass under the rope at the lowest level.


This is a competition for guys. You need to make two teams of five people. Men from the same team are served a tray containing five glasses. Four of them contain water, and one contains vodka. Participants drink the contents. The task of the rivals is to guess which of them drank vodka. Then the teams change places.

"Fasten the buttons"

Several couples are participating in the competition. Women are given robes and men put on mittens. The task for the stronger sex is to fasten all the buttons on the robe.

Music contests

Well, what a wedding without songs. It is especially fun for guests when the songs are sung by those who have no voice.

  • Guess the melody in reverse. For this competition, you need to put on a song that sounds the other way around. The winner is the one who is the first to guess which song was played and sing it as an encore.
  • Chastooshkas about the bride and groom. It's more of a creative competition. You need to come up with ditties about newlyweds. The contestants can be divided into two teams: one from the groom's side, the other from the bride's side. I wonder who will come up with ditties the most? It doesn't matter that there is a rhyme, the main thing is that it is fun.
  • There are also two teams participating in this competition. You can make one team from girls, and another from guys. The bride and groom say the word, and the contestants must remember as many songs as possible where it occurs. The team that sang more songs wins.

When planning your event, keep in mind that the guests are here to have fun. Do not load them with too clever and complex contests. Also keep in mind that audiences tend to be of different levels and ages. Do not run vulgar contests that might hurt the senses of the older generation. And the participants themselves may feel awkward the next day.

Also note that the entertainment program does not have to fill up all the time. If the feast is oversaturated with contests, the guests will not have time to eat and chat elementary. Everything is good in moderation. Then the wedding will be fun, and both the guests and the spouses will remember it for many, many years.

Traditionally, the entertainment program of the wedding celebration includes games and entertainment that are held especially for the young and in which the bride and groom are the main participants. As a rule, these fun are associated with the theme of love, fidelity and the skills of the upcoming married life. And even if the newlyweds prefer not to participate in active and piquant entertainment and tests, you can always choose something to their liking. Our selection is lyrical and funny wedding games and contests for newlyweds, in which you can find what is suitable for completely different holiday programs.

1. Wedding contest for newlyweds "Who will extinguish the quarrel"

Very relevant for future family life about how they will cope with misunderstandings and conflicts.

The essence of the competition: The presenter places a stable candle in the middle with a sufficiently thick wick, then asks the young to move away from the candle in different directions (at an equal distance) and lights the candle. Then he announces that this candle symbolizes their first quarrel, and quarrels are extinguished by compromises and the one who is wiser is the first to reconcile. Now we will see how our young spouses can do this. You can approach the candle only step by step and at every step, you need to “sacrifice” something, take something off yourself, whoever comes first extinguishes it.

Depending on the result, the presenter gives his comments, for example, the groom came first, which means that this family is not afraid of the wise head, but the wife is even wiser, who donated not only to extinguish the conflict: a shoe, beads, etc. - lists, but also wisely conceded the palm to her beloved. If the bride was the first, then the comment is also positive, but the accents are placed differently.

2. Merry wedding game "Route of love"

In order for the young spouses to once again be in the spotlight, we suggest playing with them in the "route of love". As a preamble, the presenter can notice that all men at heart are real Schumachers and are very fond of cars, speed and obstacles. But now they are newlyweds - one team, one crew, so they must understand each other, not just from a half-word, but from one sound.

After this eyeliner, the newlyweds must agree on what sounds they will indicate different directions. For example, "to the left" - with the sound "bi-beep!", "To the right" - "fyr-fyr!" etc.

Then the young spouses are bred on different sides, the husband is blindfolded, and an obstacle course is arranged between them, chairs and guests are arranged in a disorder in unusual positions. The main task of the newlywed is to carefully avoid all the obstacles, guided by the prompts of the spouse, who can only "beep" and "snort".

It turns out very fun: the guests and the newlyweds themselves laugh heartily.

3. The game "Tied by one thread"

The presenter tells the audience a beautiful legend about the ancient god of love, who at birth connects boys and girls with an invisible thread and their whole life is just a constant search for someone who is at the other end of the thread. This search, of course, is very difficult, but it is the invisible thread that prevents the people intended for each other from making mistakes. So our newlyweds were lucky, - the toastmaster continues, - the thread of love did not let them down, and they found each other. Let's check how strong this invisible thread is!

After such a proposal, the presenter ties a scarlet or gold one to the waist of the bride and groom. satin ribbon (as long as possible) and spreads the lovers to opposite ends of the hall. The conditions of this kind of game are as follows: the presenter asks the young questions in turn, with the correct answer, each of them makes one turn towards the beloved so that the ribbon is wound around the waist. The presenter will need a total of at least six questions, provided that the length of the tape is three meters. Questions should not be too tricky, otherwise the "meeting" of young spouses will not work. Who needs it on their wedding day?

Options for questions:

(to the bride) What does her spouse usually tell her when they meet?

(to the groom) When is his mother-in-law's birthday?

(to the bride) what kind of bread - white or black - does her lover prefer? Etc.

When the newlyweds are finally "attracted", the presenter announces a dance: the couple waltzes like this, entwined with a scarlet ribbon. By the way, this is a great moment for photographers.

4. Game "Family Ties"

It is quite permissible to hold this one - the presenter asks them to go to the center of the hall and clasp their hands tightly (the groom gives the left, the bride - the right). With a quick movement of the hand, the presenter puts on their hands toy handcuffs, personifying the strong bond of the young spouses. Then the toastmaster blindfolded the newlyweds and invites each of them to cut their big loving heart out of sheets of red cardboard.

Having freed the newlyweds from bandages and handcuffs, the presenter invites them to write their declaration of love on their hearts and exchange these peculiar messages. “In moments of joy or failure, in moments of quarrels or special love, when it is difficult to find words out of excitement, you can read what you have written now,” concludes the toastmaster.

5. The game "Affectionate words"

Both the groom and the bride are given a sheet of paper on which the phrases "I am always with you, beloved!" Are written on the left vertical edge! and "I am always with you, darling!"

The task of the newlyweds is to choose an epithet or an affectionate word for each letter that is part of this phrase, which just begins with this letter: "I" - "clear mine", "v" - "magnificent." Of course, the letters "y" and "y" can be skipped, although if the spouse works as a doctor, then it is quite possible to fondle him with the word "iodine".

This game really defuses the atmosphere when everyone is tired of loud words and wants to have fun with all the heart. By the way, the host should not be hindered if guests suddenly come to the rescue of the newlyweds and tell a couple of affectionate words, because there is always something to learn from older comrades.

6. "Happy" draw of the young

For this rally, the presenter asks the newlyweds to come to a free wall, turn to face it and rest their hands on it at waist level. Then the rules of the game are explained: the toastmaster asks a question and if the newlyweds answer “yes”, then each of them makes a “step” up with one hand.

The leader, however, must prepare such questions that will only require answers "yes" (will you live in peace and harmony? Are you planning to have children? And so on). And when the couple are already on tiptoe, they are presented with the last question: are you happy today? Trying to give a positive answer, the young with their last strength reach up with their hands.

Do you want to answer yes? - the presenter is "surprised".

Yes! - the spouses exclaim.

Then why are you climbing the wall? - Here the newlyweds understand that they have been played and, happy, drink to their happiness.

7. Comic gifts for the newlyweds "Collar and pipe"

To some, this prank game may seem funny, but to others, not very much. Therefore, we advise you to discuss its content with the spouses in advance. Of course, in this way the host of the wedding, as it were, enters into an agreement with the newlyweds, and they have a common goal to shock the guests of the wedding.

What's the matter? The toastmaster solemnly announces that the lovers have also prepared gifts for each other and, naturally, want to present them. To the surprise of all those present, these will not be sentimental and romantic presents, but a collar from the bride and a pipe from the groom. The collar can be depicted as a silk ribbon with a bell suspended from it. By the way, a young woman can argue her gift with the ancient tradition of newlyweds, when there were no rings at all, to give her half a collar.

Showing his dissatisfaction with the ringing structure in every possible way, the groom gives his betrothed a pipe, while commenting on his gift: it is to her that you will dance!

The newly-minted spouse immediately demonstrates the wonderful property of the pipe (instead of playing this instrument, the soundtrack of an incendiary song sounds). And the bride, as if against her will, starts dancing.

Of course, the guests will understand that this is all a joke, and the presenter can safely suggest that everyone come out to dance.

8. Game "Points of contact"

Wedding contests are the easiest way to make your main event memorable. In fact, there are a huge number of different gaming contests. And the most important thing for you is to choose the ones that are right for your celebration.
Of course, the most important thing is to take into account not only your personal taste, but the status, financial situation, age of the gathered people. If you compare clearly, then you can easily understand why wedding competitions at a student wedding will be inappropriate among the guests of a 30-year-old businessman. In addition, it is also important not to forget about those who will not participate in the competition, because they should also have fun, at least watching those who are bolder.

It is very important that wedding contests and games are as varied as possible. After all, similar contests greatly tire the guests. No one will be interested in playing words or singing into a microphone several times in a row. As for the nature of your contests, they can be both entertaining and educational. And yet - the host must take into account that wedding contests are available to everyone, not too complicated, but still quite funny. Laughter should be heard at every table, guests should not be bored, and this is important. It is the funny wedding contests that will be remembered by those who attended it.

In addition, after a while, the wedding will be remembered, and not because of the beautiful decoration or tables, but thanks to incendiary music, jokes, performances, and competitions. Usually the toastmaster, who leads a cheerful and noisy wedding, is also perfectly remembered. But, if you do not have a toastmaster, and some of your friends or relatives will play this role, then you can make wonderful wedding contests thanks to our website. Here we have placed the coolest, most fun wedding contests. In addition, our site also offers you very witty contests for ingenuity - not only a small group of guests can participate in them, but also everyone who is present in the hall. And, even if your wedding will be led by a professional, you can always advise him to use the wedding contest he liked from our website.

So, let's imagine that a young couple has already listened to both congratulations and wishes from the guests, gifts have already been handed over, and the bride and groom have already danced their first waltz. And now, when the guests have already sat down at the tables and ate a little, there is time for the first wedding contests. The person organizing the wedding should be careful to ensure that each guest enjoys taking part in the proposed game. In order to hold contests, you may need the necessary props, which is best to think about in advance - diapers and pins, nipples and bottles - it all depends on what kind of competition will be held by your toastmaster.

Cool wedding contests

The wedding contests that we will now offer will be related specifically to the topic of the future life of the newlyweds - this is the topic of future children or households, as well as the ability to calculate income and money. Very often, the toastmaster offers funny contests for a wedding for speed - you need to put on a baby doll, peel potatoes or something else like that.

Yes, and your friends may well prepare something cool for your wedding - and then again they may need our site. There are a lot of funny wedding contests on our site, some of them are seasoned with student humor, but if the bride and groom are young enough, like their guests, then they will definitely like such contests.

And, if your guests have already danced enough and sat down to raise one more glass to the young, you may well rouse them with a wedding contest. Wedding contests can even be educational - it's fun enough. For example, run a cooking contest - have the bride and groom take turns listing the names of every dish they know. The prize should be received by the one who knows more dishes, in addition, and the mother-in-law will be able to personally appreciate the culinary knowledge of her daughter-in-law. But that's not all - you can easily conduct a small "exam" for both your mother-in-law and your mother-in-law - we also have such funny wedding contests. Don't worry, the men's company will not be bored - there are excellent contests for father-in-law and father-in-law in our archive. A real toastmaster will not let anyone get bored. He also has special wedding contests for witnesses.

Your task is just to choose from a huge number of contests those that you like, and then you will have a lot of fun.

The funniest and best wedding games, memorable wedding contests - let everyone leave the most vivid memories of your wedding.

Wedding contests and fun outdoors

A wedding is a rather unusual, specific event; it is quite closely related to the traditions of the people and their customs. Of course, not a single person will argue with the fact that it is your wedding that will become the brightest and most memorable for you. But the point is not at all in the number of guests or the dishes, from which the table will soon burst. It is very important that the wedding has the most fun jokes and contests, interesting games that will involve every guest in the action and will not leave anyone bored. Of course, you can choose contests for yourself, but if you completely trust the tastes of your friends, then ask them to choose contests for you - let it be fun for you too. If you are a creative person, then, probably, you yourself are able to come up with something of your own, taking contests as a basis. The most important thing is that the wedding contests are very funny, that the humor is clear to everyone, that the celebration goes on without a hitch, and everyone has a lot of fun and joy for you. In general, if you have not organized any events before and are not confident in your abilities, then be vigilant - after all, a wedding is an incredibly delicate and graceful celebration, especially for girls who want to make their main day perfect.

But this is precisely the reason to weave wedding contests into any event with any number of guests to make the celebration even more memorable. I must say that very often wedding contests are based precisely on ancient, but not yet forgotten rituals. And this is great, since such contests will not only decorate your holiday, but also make families family, make your guests remember their roots.

Of course, funny wedding contests are great, and it is very difficult to imagine a real event of this kind without them. But still, this is not the only thing that you should be guided by, ritual contests are good, but there should not be too many of them. Dilute images and traditions with youthful, cool wedding contests.

The toastmaster will have the most important task - he must organize well the rest of everyone who will be present in the hall.

Well, games, as well as wedding contests, can be very different, but the most important thing is that they are subtly woven into the theme of the celebration, that is, the wedding. It would be strange to participate in contests that do not have a hint of a wedding at such an event.

Anyone knows that a real wedding is always a feast. It is this definition that will build the "foundation" of our holiday. At weddings, the so-called "pop" games will also be quite appropriate, that is, several guests take part in the competition, and everyone else watches and supports them from the tables.

But keep in mind that mass games will not be superfluous at all at your wedding. This means that each of your guests should participate in the competition.

At the wedding, any contests will be quite popular - sometimes only sports contests are inconvenient, and then, to a certain extent.

Interesting and funny wedding contests

Wedding Pageant - The Way to Happiness

Those who wish to participate in the competition must split into two equal teams and build the so-called "road of happiness" - guests must take off the maximum number of things allowed and tie them together. The team with the longest connected road wins.

Wedding contest - "Tender hedgehog"

You will need props, namely matches and an apple. You need to take a very beautiful large apple and stick a large number of matches there. After you need to pull the matches out of it, then only after you come up with an affectionate nickname for your beloved. This competition is for the bride and groom. The one who draws the most matches gets the apple.

Wedding competition "Living Corridor"

In order to play the fun "Living Corridor" contest, you need two candles. The guests, and there should be more than 20 of them wishing to participate, should line up at a distance of 3 meters from each other in two lines, and thus make a semblance of a living corridor. The bride and groom must carry lighted candles through this corridor. All guests should blow on the flame with all their might, but there should be no movements - no arms or legs should be.

Wedding competition - "Color"

All players must be in a large circle. After the toastmaster or the presenter gives the task - "Touch the red color." The one who touches the given color last will be eliminated from the competition. After the toastmaster makes a new color.

Wedding competition - "Poem of Love"

As history tells us, at all times, men have written poetry in the name of love for their women. Come up with the coolest rhymes - a cloud - a thrashing, a husband - a puddle and the like, and give them as a basis to your men.

Wedding contest for guests (tipsy)

This competition is for those who have already had a drink at the table and have become noticeably more fun. To begin with, you must place the bottles in one row. After that, those who participate in the competition must walk around or step over the bottles in such a way that none of them fall. Those who already cannot do this will simply crawl around the bottles.

Competition for a wedding for guests - "Where are my clothespins ???"

This contest is very cool, funny and fiery. In order to carry it out, you need to prepare 3 opaque blindfolds, 15 clothespins. Take, for example, three couples, a woman and a man, as participants. After the first participant, you need to blindfold, and attach clothespins to the second. Turn on cheerful incendiary music and enjoy the spectacle - the couple who finds all the clothespins faster than others wins.

Wedding competition - "Fastest"

You need to take two chairs with backs, put them backs to each other. But the distance should be at least two meters between them. A rope should be stretched under these chairs, and its ends should be between the feet of the sitting people. A bag with sweets or seeds should be tied in the middle of the rope. As soon as the presenter gives the order, the participants of the competition must get up from the chairs, run around them, sit down and pull the rope to themselves. Whoever does it faster is the winner.

Fun competition for the wedding - "Guess what song"

Any number of people can participate in this game. You must choose one volunteer, then those who stayed must come up with some melody. After three volunteers from the group only need to say the first three words of the song. Next, the one who left should ask questions. Volunteers should answer the questions asked, but you need to use only those words that the task in the song is to guess what was conceived.

Cool competition for a wedding - "Ball of wishes"

You need to take two participants, put them at the very beginning of the table. They are handed one balloon at a time, and the one whose balloon flies farther wins. Guests can help, but only blow, or toss the ball with their head. The one who wins can make a wish to the one who loses.

Wedding competition - "Zoo"

Everyone who wants to participate should sit in a circle. Each of them must think of a name for the animal. You need to play like this - call yourself and the other person. That is, a lion and a hedgehog, a hedgehog and a tiger, a tiger and a goat. The one who is forgotten must take off some kind of phantom, and in order to return it, he fulfills the desire. A very funny game.

Cheerful wedding competition - "Hostesses"

This competition will require the following props - two dolls, as well as two combs.

The groom himself and someone's husband must participate in this game. Two participants must wake up their dolls, then do exercises with them, then they must mash them and brush their teeth, comb, feed and walk with this doll, feed and redeem, distribute and put them to sleep. The winner is the one who takes better care of the doll.

Another fun and cool "household" wedding competition

To do this, you need to have two bottles and two nipples with you. You need to take the newlyweds for the game. And some more. Women should water their husbands through the pacifier with sprite. It is undesirable to put pressure on the bottle - the main thing is that the "child" does not pour himself over.

Cool competition for a wedding - "Thread in a Needle"

You need to take two needles and two threads.

After the toastmaster, he must select several pairs, necessarily heterosexual. Guys should be on one side and girls on the other. Every guy will be given a thread, every girl a needle. At the signal, the guys run to the girls. The girl is holding a needle, and the guy has to thread a thread through it. As soon as the guy does this, he runs back with a thread in a needle.

Competition for a wedding for guests - "Japanese from jelly"

For this competition, you will need a sweet jelly dessert and birch skewers. Players must quickly eat their portion with these skewers. The one who eats the jelly faster will win.

Cheerful wedding competition - "Our Sharp Joe"

For this wedding contest, you will need to prepare the following props - 3 ballpoint pens, three bottles, three laces or thin ropes.

You need to take those who want to play, tie a rope around their waist, then you need to tie a handle to the other end of the rope. The handle should go into the neck of the bottle without using your hands. Whoever does it first wins the competition. If girls are involved, guests are always delighted.

Funny competition for guests - "Dance Competition"

A simple but really funny contest for your guests. The presenter tells the couples the terms of the competition. Each pair will be given an inflated balloon. Without touching either the ball or each other with your hands, you need to dance the song that will sound at the moment. Those who survive are the winners, and those who pierce the ball or drop it are out of the game. The more different melodies at different tempos, the more fun.

Try to use in this wedding competition not only lambada and tango, but also rock and roll, and see how your participants cope with such a difficult task.

Competition for a wedding "Don't overflow"

Guests should sit in a circle. They are given one glass and one bottle, usually vodka. After that, each of the guests gradually fills the glass, passing it to each other. The one on whom the glass will be overfilled, and the liquid will overflow, must drink it to the bottom.

Funny contests - "Real man"

Men should invite their ladies to dance, the very best. After they have done this, the toastmaster or presenter informs them that they should dance dances with a lady in their arms. The one who most of all keeps his lady in his arms and wins.

Funny competition for a wedding for guests - "Gladiator Tournament"

In such a game, as many people can participate as they want, but if there are suspiciously many who wish and they are not too confident in their feet, then the competition may end with the usual fumbling on the floor. Each participant needs to tie a thread, and a box of matches to the thread. You need to step on the opponent's boxes until you can tear it off. The one who is the first to be left without a box loses.

Cool wedding contest - "Sweet"

Your toastmaster should invite each guest to take a piece of candy if they want. After that, everyone who took the candy should say three compliments to their neighbors at the table. Whoever repeats should take a penalty candy and say three more compliments.

Wedding competition for guests - "Chasing the bundle"

You will need cords and an equal number of handles. You need to wrap a pencil or pen until you reach the knot. Whoever completes the task first is the winner.

Merry wedding contest - "Well, where is my tie, wife?"

You need to take several pairs - guys and girls. Then, at the signal, each girl must take off the tie from the guy and tie it again. The one who manages to do this faster than the others will win. In addition, you can give away incentive prizes for the most original knot tied.

Wedding contest - "Broken phone"

This contest is very funny, it will definitely cheer up and make your guests laugh. You need to take five people from the hall, while four need to be taken out the door. Next, you must give the text to the one who is left. Content of the text "The father had three sons, he was a smart fellow, the middle one was so-so, the youngest son was not himself." The one who saw the text, without words, must pass it to the second person, the second, again without words, to the third, and so on to the end. After that, the last person should be asked what this pantomime was about.

Wedding competition - dance

It is necessary to divide all guests wishing to participate in pairs - a guy and a girl. In this case, the toastmaster or presenter must give commands - right shoulder to right shoulder, nose to nose, left leg to left leg, right ear to right ear, and so on. The pair that will most accurately execute the leader's commands will win.

Wedding competition for guests - "Pass the bottle to another"

It is necessary to arrange all the participants in a circle. Be sure to alternate them - the guy should be replaced by the girl. The first participant must firmly squeeze a one and a half liter bottle filled with water between his legs. After that, you need to pass the bottle in the same way to the one who stands opposite. The couple who cannot cope with the task must leave the game. The most skillful couples will receive a prize.

Wedding competition for guests - "Songs on a given theme"

The entire wedding can participate in this competition. Guests are divided into exactly two halves. After the toastmaster, he should ask one of the topics, and the guests should sing songs - whose team will sing more songs on a given topic, that will be the winner. Sometimes you can ask not a topic, but words, for example - "red". Let the guests remember the song where this word occurs.

Cheerful and funny competition for the wedding "Ryaba Hen"

The master of ceremonies must offer participation in the competition to several couples. And each pair will have to "lay an egg". You need to put a cup or a deep plate on the floor, then you need to put each pair with their backs to each other. You need to put a hard-boiled egg between the shoulder blades. This egg must be placed in a bowl in this way so that it is as whole as possible. The couple who "lay their own egg" before the rest will be the winner.

Very cool wedding contest - "guess your betrothed"

This is a competition for the groom. He is invited to participate and is tightly blindfolded with an opaque cloth. After that, you need as many chairs as the girls agree to take part in the competition. Six or seven girls are enough. Girls should raise their skirts so that they can be touched by the knees. For fun, you can ask a couple of guys to participate in the competition. The groom himself must, blindfolded by the knees, identify his bride. The same can be done with the bride - blindfold her and ask her to identify her husband.

Wedding competition - "Gift for two"

The master of ceremonies or the host must choose several couples from the guests. After that, each pair needs to be handed a box, tape, and wrapping paper. The most important thing is the condition of the competition - to pack the gift beautifully. Only the whole problem is that a woman can only use her left hand, and a man - only her right hand, or vice versa. Whose gift is best wrapped will win.

Wedding competition - tango on a chair

The partner sits on a chair, and the partner should sit on his lap. The girl should turn 360 degrees, but at the same time she should not touch the floor or get off her partner's knees. In fact, it is the partner who will have to unfold it. If you have enough strength, of course.

Cool Wedding Contest - "Peeing Boys"

You need to choose several willing men or guys. For this competition, you need as many bottles of beer and as many glasses as there will be participants. The beer should be open and sandwiched between the knees. It is necessary to pour it into a glass placed on the floor, without touching the bottle with your hands. He who pours and drinks won.

Very funny wedding contest - "Pass the ball to another"

You need to type two teams that should stand in two lines. In this case, there must be an alternation by sex - woman - man, woman - man. They should face each other. The essence of the game is that those who volunteered to play should only hold the ball with their chin, and in the same way they should pass it to the next player. The most important thing is that you should never touch the ball with your hands. The team that completes the task first will be the winner.

Cool wedding contest "Kisses"

You need to call as many couples as you want to participate. After that, you need to say that each of the gentlemen kiss his girlfriend wherever he wants. For example, the first guy kisses a girl and says - "I kiss Masha on the nose." That's it, no one else can kiss girls on the nose. Etc. Soon there will be no uncoated places, and the further the competition goes, the more difficult and, what is important, it becomes more interesting. The one who does not find where to kiss his lady loses.

This way, you can create a wonderful and fun wedding script that your guests will definitely remember. It is desirable that everyone should take part in the contests, so each person will feel his involvement in the event and he will have something to remember later.

Many newlyweds are thinking about how to make the wedding interesting for guests. To do this, it is enough to order a fire show, invite a musical group, come up with cool and dance competitions for a wedding that will revive the event.

The banquet is the most important stage of the wedding. They approach his organization with responsibility - they decorate the hall, create a delicious menu, come up with an interesting entertainment program.

We need to try to make wedding contests universal, like contests for the New Year. Not only young people will come to the wedding, but also grandparents. Consequently, contests should be suitable for older participants as well.

I bring to your attention 10 interesting options.

  1. "Sing a song". The presenter thinks of a certain word, and the participants all together hum a song in which this word is present. At the end of a small concert, the most vociferous guest receives a prize. If there are many guests, the competition can be repeated several times.
  2. "Dress up another." Participants of the competition are divided into pairs. Each couple receives a bag of clothes. One member of the couple blindfolds and the other dresses him. Believe me, the result will amuse everyone. Especially if you put comic items of clothing in the bag.
  3. "Chastushki". A simple, perky and fun competition. Guests need to come up with and sing ditties about newlyweds.
  4. "Burst the balls." The participants of the competition are divided into two teams. A ball is tied to the legs of each participant with a thread. Players must burst balls of opponents. The team that has no balls left loses.
  5. "Prove love." The groom should tie the towel as tightly as possible. So he will be able to demonstrate his love to the bride. After that, he will have to untie the knot to show that he will resolve any conflict.
  6. "Cherished Ribbon". Contestants are a pair of a girl and a guy. The girl holds in her hand the ribbons, twisted into hanks. The guy takes the end of the tape with his teeth and tries to wrap the girl. This is how he creates certain clothes. The winner is the couple who manage to create the neat and most beautiful suit.
  7. "Family budget". The players are divided into two teams. They need to know the prices in the country, as the toastmaster asks how much a certain product costs. Team members will have to respond quickly. The team that gives quick and correct answers wins.
  8. "Stream". Suitable for young people. Divide the players into pairs, and ask them to form a corridor. A participant without a pair goes through the corridor, choosing a person he likes. The player who has lost a pair does the same.
  9. "Tear the paper." Several participants sit on benches or chairs and lay a piece of paper on their knees. After that, the girls sit in the hands of the guys. They have to tear this paper without hands. The winner is the couple whose paper breaks the hardest.
  10. "Pour into a glass." Couples participate in the competition. The girl squeezes a glass between her legs, and the young man - a bottle of cognac or champagne. The guy gets to the girl and fills her glass with the contents of the bottle. Then the young man must drink the contents of the glass without hands. The fastest pair wins.

I suggested 10 interesting and funny wedding contests. I think this selection is very successful and will cheer up the wedding event.

Videos of the funniest contests

The conversation doesn't end there. Ahead of you awaits no less interesting material on entertainment at a wedding. Keep reading and wind up.

5 funniest wedding contests

Choosing wedding contests is not easy. In the course of solving this problem, take into account the tastes of the guests and the wishes of the newlyweds.

I propose to consider 5 funny options that will entertain guests, cheer up and create a fun atmosphere.

  1. "Cheerful speaker". Toastmaster invites participants to become speakers. Each contestant says a tongue twister, with candy in his mouth. The one who correctly told more tongue twisters wins.
  2. "Blowing up balloons." Best for men looking to demonstrate strength. The men inflate the balloons until they burst. The victory goes to the one who bursts all the balls faster than the competitors.
  3. "Gladiator". Ropes with small objects are tied around the waist of men. For example, matchboxes or plastic Christmas toys. The length of the thread should be sufficient to allow the box to dangle on the floor. Participants try to push the opponent's box to the floor with their feet. Those who quickly cope with the task enters into confrontation with another opponent.
  4. "Fast and attentive." Participants of the competition take their places at the table on which the prize lies. As soon as the presenter completes the countdown, the participants must remove the reward from the table. This is not easy to do. To complicate the task, the toastmaster can use different numbers. The prize will go to the most dexterous and attentive player.
  5. "Football". Participants perform various body movements and swing potatoes tied to a belt without hands. Potato need to get into a small box and move it towards the gate. The first participant to score a goal wins.

Original video

7 contests for guests

If your friends, who are planning a wedding, have allocated you the role of toastmaster, and in this matter you are a complete newbie, I offer time-tested wedding contests for guests.

Most of the time, guests of the wedding event are at the table. To prevent the gatherings from becoming a massive absorption of festive dishes, guests are entertained from time to time.

It’s not hard to guess that the main advantage of table contests is that guests don’t have to leave the table.

  1. "Compliments". The presenter addresses the guests with a request to express several compliments to the newlyweds one by one. It is forbidden to repeat. The victory goes to the guest who will deliver the final compliment. The winner is presented with a funny prize.
  2. "Family Proverbs". Toastmaster reads proverbs on the theme of the family to the guests. This only applies to the beginning of the proverbs; guests must finish them. The winner is the participant who will score the most points, having correctly completed the sign or proverb.
  3. "Funny synonyms". Before the toast, the host reminds the guests that it is difficult to imagine a Russian wedding without an invigorating and amusing drink, for example, vodka or liqueur. After that, he voices the word "drink" and invites them to come up with synonyms. The winner is the guest with the greatest number of synonyms.
  4. The Blind Waiter. Toastmaster chooses a pair and blindfolds them. The man sits on a chair, and the woman is given a plate with a glass of vodka, a sandwich and salad. The girl has to work a little as a waitress and serve a client.
  5. "Family restaurant". Only women who are ready to show everyone their skills in cooking are participating. They will have a wide variety of incompatible products at their disposal. From them they have to prepare a salad. The winner will go to the participant who prepares the dish using the maximum number of ingredients.
  6. "Nuts". Only women participate. Put the nuts on chairs, and then sit the participants on them. Each woman names the number of nuts on her stool. The winner is the woman who gives the correct number faster than the others.
  7. "Guess the melody". For the competition, you will need to cut popular songs. After the melody starts playing, the player who guessed it raises his hands and says “stop”. Then the guest names the song. The guest with the most guessed songs wins.

Tongue Twisters

So, the guests took an active part in the contests. It's time to work for the public and the newlyweds.

5 contests for the bride and groom

The main thing is that the contests do not hurt the pride of the participants, allow them to show wit, contribute to the formation of a positive attitude.

Almost all contests are focused on quick acquaintance of guests. As a result, even the most shy people manage to get comfortable in a new environment.

  1. "Blackmail". A list of questions will be required to conduct this. The newlyweds are taken to the side. The husband takes his wife in his arms and goes to his table. He can only take a step after a positive answer to an insidious question.
  2. "Tournament of the newlyweds". The competition will help you find out how well the newlyweds are prepared for family life. This is a kind of marathon. The heroes of the occasion can be forced to peel potatoes, sew on buttons, hammer in nails, and even swaddle a child.
  3. “Guess your spouse”. Several chairs are placed in the center of the room, on which several guests and the groom sit. The bride, blindfolded, guesses the constricted by a certain organ. For example, ear or nose. Then he guesses his wife and husband.
  4. "Executioner". You will need to prepare several questions and two jugs of water. The bride will play the role of a passive executioner, and the groom will become a victim. The pitcher is a guillotine. If the wife gives the wrong answer to the toastmaster's question, the contents of the jug will be poured onto the husband.
  5. "Family Fire". Guests should line up in two lines and form a corridor. The width of the corridor is about 3 meters. The newlyweds need to go through the corridor holding lighted candles in their hands. They should conserve the fire, as the guests will blow on it.

These funny wedding contests for the bride and groom are very popular nowadays. In general, the number of such contests is in the thousands. But, I believe that a selection of 5 popular options is enough for the newlyweds to demonstrate their love, devotion and faith.

Festive banquet

Modern weddings follow the same pattern. First, the groom redeems the bride, then the marriage is registered, then the walk of the newlyweds, and finally a festive banquet.

No traditional Russian wedding can do without fun contests or competitions. But the contests that were popular a few years ago have long ceased to suit the newlyweds. Increasingly, young people have a delicate artistic taste and tact. Therefore, there should not be any vulgarity and rudeness at the wedding - 2017. The presenters have caught the spirit of the times, and modern wedding contests are distinguished by fun, subtle humor and impeccable taste. The best of them are in our article.

Cool contests for the buyback of the bride

Bride ransom is a long-standing tradition. Today, her goal is not to collect kalym for the bride, but to create a wedding mood. The fun will be incomplete without fun contests:

  • "Fake groom." To do this, you need to give a spare bouquet to another man from those present, who, together with the real groom, will compete for the hand and heart of the bride. The presenter or girlfriends ask questions about the bride, and the "grooms" must answer correctly and most completely. Whoever tells more - he goes to the bride. Of course, the real groom wins.
  • "Guess". The groom is offered a stack of photographs of the bride. He needs to tell the story of when and under what circumstances this photo was taken.
  • "The warmth of love." They put a key in a glass of water and freeze it in the freezer. Before entering the bride's apartment, the groom is given this glass with the words that his hot feelings should melt the ice. The young man must figure out how to get the key out of the glass as soon as possible and open the cherished door.

Contests and active games in nature

More and more often, young people are choosing an off-site registration and a banquet in the bosom of nature. It can be a suburban recreation center, a forest clearing or the shore of a reservoir.

For the presenter, this greatly complicates the task, since in this case more powerful equipment and more talent will be required to keep the attention of guests on a large area. But in this case, you can include in the scenario a lot of active games and entertainment that require a lot of free space.

Quest "In search of treasures"

An ideal pastime for young people. On the site where the celebration is planned, tips are left in secret places in advance for guests taking part in the quest. You can search for any wedding paraphernalia - a bouquet - an understudy, which the bride will then throw into the crowd of girlfriends, a garter. You can combine this competition with the well-known tradition of hiding the bride's things: quietly borrowing wedding champagne or a shoe, and the guests must find them. This is good for those who want to keep some traditional features, but do not accept monetary contests. To prevent participants from getting their wedding dresses dirty, give them T-shirts at the entrance - plain or with wedding symbols. This competition will be good at a wedding without a toastmaster. Then all the preparation will completely fall on the shoulders of the young, but this competition will well take and bring the guests closer. And further intervention in their live communication will not be required.

Fight with water pistols

Competition for a progressive wedding, where guests have given up evening gowns and are not afraid to get wet or dirty. It is possible to divide guests into teams according to an unusual principle. Those who believe that the newlyweds will have a girl first - in one team, those who are for the boy - in the other. This will preserve the traditional wedding voting in the absence of monetary contests.

Tug of war

Ancient Russian fun is great for a wedding contest. You don't need a lot of accessories and complicated preparations for this. And nothing threatens the elegant clothes of the guests.

Indoor contests

A wedding in the premises of a cafe or restaurant implies a smaller area than endless natural spaces. But the contests are still fun.

Offer your guests:

  • Competition for the best karaoke performance.
  • Competition for the most beautiful decor for wedding cupcakes or cakes. Guests are offered a ready-made, but not decorated cake. With the help of several types of cream, jam and glaze, you need to make a work of art out of it.

  • Guess the melody. Participants are offered cuts of famous songs prepared in advance by the presenter or DJ. It can be music from cartoons, movies, popular programs. Be sure to present the winners with a cute souvenir or sweets.
  • Wedding lottery. At the entrance, each guest is given a "lottery ticket" with a number. The drawing takes place throughout the wedding at the most unexpected moments in order to create intrigue. As a prize, guests are given sweets or cute souvenirs. Accompany each raffled ticket with a funny text or a poem: rose-colored glasses - for better dreams, a cake - for a sweet life.

Competitions on the water

If there is a body of water near the wedding venue, you can offer guests some water activities. For example, a race on catamarans or rowboats. In this case, put the main emphasis on safety: all participants must be sober, able to swim and in life jackets. The competition is most suitable for weddings of athletes or simply with a sports theme.