Prayer to get pregnant signs. Actual signs to get pregnant

Nowadays, there are still people who believe in miracles, superstitions and signs in order to get pregnant. In the age of technological progress, there is room for a miracle. Among the inexplicable phenomena, folk remedies work that increase the likelihood of conception when a married couple has no hope of having a baby for happiness.

How does the principle of belief in omens work?

The forums periodically create topics about how to get pregnant with the help of signs and folk superstitions. I had to read pragmatic answers and hints of narrow-mindedness "in the age of technological progress, when spaceships surf the expanses of the universe." But for some reason, signs for conceiving a child work, superstitions that have no scientific justification are effective.
Please note: There is always room for miracles in life - as long as they believe in them. The principle of faith or the placebo effect is triggered when an empty pill or pure water is used as a powerful remedy.

Young women are often interested - in order to get pregnant, what needs to be done, what are the signs. They are ready to turn to anyone, just to get pregnant:
  • put candles near the icon of the Mother of God;
  • go on pilgrimage tours;
  • looking for a ficus for the bedroom;
  • they try to hold on to the womb of a pregnant woman with many children;
  • go to the temple at Christmas with a request for a child;
  • I buy the booties I like and put them in a prominent place to visualize the dream;
  • "order" the birth of a baby from the icon of the Wonderworker;
  • they ask the baby for the New Year or, as in childhood, write requests to Santa Claus;
  • make a vow to God and help orphans;
  • buy favorite children's things and put under the pillow;
  • ask a friend who gave birth for things that she wore during pregnancy;
  • embroider icons of the Madonna and Child, etc.
Every childless woman chooses what is closer to her, or she is sure that it will work. Indeed, if a person does not believe in a miracle, it will not come.

Signs on the cover to get pregnant

One of the biggest Orthodox holidays is the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, celebrated on October 14th. At this time, the first snow often fell, it was a good omen. It was believed that in such a year many girls would marry, the marriage would be happy, the family would live in abundance.

There were other signs on Pokrov - to get pregnant if there were no children in the family. To do this, it was necessary to go to the temple, put a candle in front of the image of the Virgin. There is such an icon in every Orthodox Church. According to the Prayer Book (or according to a text rewritten by one's own hand), it was customary to read any prayer. But in terms of meaning, it should be related to the conception of a baby, for example:

“I praise and thank the Lord for sending me the happiness of the marital state!
I pray to you, Mother of the Lord and God and my Savior.
Yes, with your Motherly prayers, send me and my wife to my beloved child.
May He give me the fruit of my womb.
May it be arranged according to His will, to His glory.
Change the sorrows of my soul to the joy of conception in my womb.
May I praise and thank You, Mother of my Lord, all the days of my life. Amen".

It is not enough to read a prayer for the conception of a child in a temple or at an icon, it is important to believe in its miraculous power. Prayers to the Mother of God have been read for almost 10 centuries, since the 10th century, when, during the siege of Constantinople, Christians saw a vision in the temple. In it, the Blessed Mary walked with the Angels through the air, covering the worshipers with a transparent veil, as a symbol of patronage.

Since that time, on October 14, they celebrate the Intercession, believing in signs and following traditions in order to get pregnant. Believing women pray to the Mother of Jesus Christ for the upcoming pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. On this holiday, they do not plan to do anything except going to the temple. It is also believed, for fidelity, that on the Protection of one and the grandmothers serving at the temple, you need to give a new scarf, shawl or scarf and ask to pray for the conception of a baby.

Twigs consecrated on Palm Sunday are also mentioned among the signs that help to get pregnant. It is recommended to chew on the Annunciation 2 "cats" from a willow, washed down with 3 sips of sacred water.

Faith and Charity

There is a belief among the people that if there is a birth curse on infertility (or black karma, as Eastern cults claim), you need to receive purification and liberation. This does not cancel prayers and signs when it is not possible to get pregnant, rather, it complements.

The best way to break the curse is to turn to an exorcist priest who casts out generic demons. You should not turn to magicians - you can pick up a negative force. Trips to holy places and tours to the Promised Land have great cleansing power. But it works along with good deeds.

If you look around, there are many who need help. But the case works when those to whom they did good cannot repay financially. They should wish well to the benefactor or pray for him. Even better, when they can’t even say it, for example, kittens or puppies taken from a shelter, but they will certainly be happy with such a manifestation of generosity. If a homeless kitten or puppy asks to be picked up by itself, this is also a good sign that you will soon become pregnant. It is recommended to take the animal to yourself or attach it to good hands.

During the period of expectation of conception, it is advisable to fast, but not only for the sake of diet, but for the purpose of purification. It is recommended to forgive all offenders by writing their names on paper to burn over a candle, looking at the sunset.

Adhering to abstinence from satiety and overeating, be sure to:

  • feed the needy;
  • help lonely old people living nearby (perhaps from them you will learn grandmother's signs of how to get pregnant);
  • donate to orphanages;
  • visit orphanages, baby houses and other charitable outlets to give out sweets or do something useful in your power there.
If nothing helps for many years, then adopt a child when there are finances. There is a popular belief that in order to get pregnant, you need to take in an orphan. Many couples after that gave birth to their child, but the adopted child cannot be offended and deprived, giving an advantage to his own son or daughter. Otherwise, the misfortune of the offended child will turn on his child.

Interior: ficuses, geraniums, fish and other signs in order to get pregnant

Surround yourself with things that embody the happiness of motherhood. This is the easiest way to visualize your future happiness:
  1. An embroidered icon of the Madonna and Child, pretty Angels with wings are considered amulets of mothers and children.
  2. Hang pictures of beautiful children in a conspicuous place. If there are no artworks, the illustrations you like will fit within the framework.
  3. Arrange dolls, motankas or handmade toys on the shelf. It is important that the master makes them with love. They are "charged" with a special energy. The main thing is that the toy should be aesthetic - the child will be beautiful. These are also effective signs and superstitions to get pregnant, but handmade dolls are expensive. You can get by with clay figurines - hand-made ceramics, knitting is also suitable.
  4. Write a letter to your future baby about how you wish him to come. Put it in a new beautiful box, purse or wallet, not used for its intended purpose. It is desirable that there be a red or blue lining, depending on whether you want a boy or a girl. The letter must indicate the gender of the child. But you can order twins.
  5. There are also a number of "family" houseplants that "bring a baby. These are ficus and geranium (translated as "stork"), female happiness and violets. It is desirable that they be presented by close relatives or friends, but not work colleagues or envious friends.
  6. Charming baby things (possibly symbolic) create a wonderful aura of waiting for a baby in a personal space or bedroom.
  7. In the wardrobe there should be things of pregnant relatives or girlfriends. They say that the energy of a successful pregnancy is transmitted along with the things of the former owners. Place the smallest pack of baby diapers on the top shelf. Let this be the 1st purchase from a large income or a wedding collection, as a symbol of readiness for the development of a baby in abundance.
  8. According to the advice of the Feng Shui teachings, there should be an image of two fish near the bed. These are oriental signs that help to get pregnant. These also include a spontaneous gift of pearl jewelry from her husband. You can hint at admiration for pearls, but you can’t beg for it, otherwise it won’t work. If these are beads, hang them in a conspicuous place, for example, by a cosmetic table or a mirror, they will destroy infertility.

Illogical and inexplicable examples

Sometimes the principle "on the contrary" works, when a woman is too busy, she suddenly becomes pregnant. Sometimes they write about it on forums - how to get pregnant 100%, signs of former "infertile" or childless couples.

People around can give many similar examples when employees unexpectedly became pregnant at the peak of a dizzying career. Someone worked out big plans for the coming year - to go somewhere to the ends of the earth, start a major overhaul, move to a new job with maximum load. Buy a subscription to simulators or sign up for driving courses with buying a car on credit. And then - a sudden pregnancy!

Attention: There are also reverse “signs”, for example, you cannot say out loud about yourself “childless”, “barren” or something like that. It falls on the subconscious as a seal - thoughts and words tend to materialize. You can say that “we are not in a hurry yet” or “we are not planning to have children.”

Among the faithful folk signs, how to get pregnant quickly, the transferred object is often indicated by a friend who is pregnant or who has gone on maternity leave. For example, there are many stories when everyone who sat in a certain chair in the office went on maternity leave. Others passed on some kind of talisman, with which everyone conceived. For example, a mug from which they drank holy or spring water, collected before sunrise on any religious holiday.

There are also many wedding signs to get pregnant. It is recommended that at the height of the feast, the bride hold a small child from the groom’s relatives in her arms, you can ask him: “Do you want a sister or brother?” It is possible that whoever is named will be born.

It is difficult to somehow explain logically, but signs work. Exactly the same as notes with a child's wish for the New Year. You need to burn it under the chiming clock and extinguish the flame with champagne from your glass, then eat a fruit (fruit) or a few grapes. You can take any citrus arbitrarily and count the slices, an even number - there will be a girl. These are not direct signs to get pregnant, rather fortune telling, but it also works.

Make a wish in any way, fulfill the orders and "traditions of antiquity." Read prayers and place candles in front of the icons. Hold on to the belly of a pregnant lady with many children. The main thing is that you yourself firmly believe in it. But do not forget to visit a gynecologist and be treated for infertility with your husband. Get pregnant and be happy!

Pregnancy is exactly the period that all young women without exception are looking forward to. The best way to get pregnant is to correctly calculate the days of the cycle that are most suitable for conception. You can also use other modern methods (for example, use an ovulation test) to find out the day of ovulation.

But our grandmothers and great-grandmothers were not so knowledgeable, therefore, over the centuries, folk signs about pregnancy have been formed. And what is most interesting, they are still popular among modern people, because they are almost always true.


Many people attach special importance to dreams. Therefore, in almost every house there is a dream book with which you can interpret the dream. So it turned out that a woman learns about her imminent pregnancy or a friend in this way.

What dreams hint about an interesting situation:

  1. If a girl dreams of a fish, then this is a harbinger of an imminent replenishment in the family. It does not matter what actions are performed on the fish - it can be caught, butchered, fried or boiled. But what happens if a man dreams of a fish? It has long been known that it is worth interpreting such a dream as an early increase in wealth, a big profit.
  2. If a pregnant girlfriend is dreaming, it means that she will soon be replenished in the family.
  3. Dreams with animals such as swans, storks or butterflies can be interpreted as a symbol of imminent pregnancy.
  4. Cornflowers, pearls, lotus flowers, yoke, cabbage - all these are also harbingers of an interesting situation.

Sleeping under the moon is considered good for a woman's sexual health and increases her chances of having a healthy baby. Also, simply watching the full moon can help you get pregnant.

If you dreamed that you were already in a position, then this does not mean at all that the same is true. Such a dream may indicate trouble in the near future, about “female” problems.


One of the most famous signs for an early pregnancy is the presence of ficus in the house. One has only to buy it, as pregnancy will not be long in coming.

The sign is very old, and they believe in it not only in Russia. For example, in England, ficus is considered a "family" plant, and in India there is a special holiday in his honor.

The following varieties are considered to be the best for inducing pregnancy:

  • Ficus Benjamin.
  • Ficus rubbery.
  • Ficus microcarpa.
  • Ficus ginseng.

It is desirable that a ficus be presented by a loved one (ideally, a husband).

However, the sign also has a negative side: if a woman is in a position, and the ficus dies, this can become a symbol of an imminent miscarriage. The plant feels the irreversible change in the woman's energy and dies.

A few more effective ways to get pregnant faster:

  1. A willow branch is one of the oldest signs. Put a willow branch next to the head of the bed or in a vase (ideally, it should be brought from church on Palm Sunday), and do not throw it away before pregnancy, even if it dries up.
  2. In the house of an already pregnant woman, who herself does not yet know about it, already seemingly dying plants can begin to bloom violently and come to life. It is worth paying attention to this.

A woman should take good care of any plant, give it a name and talk like a child. Psychologists say that such interaction with wildlife helps a woman relax, relieve stress, which often prevents her from getting pregnant. Or maybe the placebo effect just works (however, this can be said about all signs and beliefs).


Methods of stone treatment date back several millennia. People sincerely believed in their healing properties. With the development of medicine, this practice began to be considered dubious and began to refer to non-traditional methods of treatment. They should be addressed only after going to the doctor, and not before or instead of him.

It is believed that stones such as:

  • Cornelian. Improves blood circulation and stabilizes the blood cycle. It is better to keep close to the genitals. The duration of therapy usually does not exceed 5-10 minutes.
  • Amber. It is believed that he protects the health of the woman and the unborn baby, if she is pregnant.
  • Diamond. Special talismans are made from it to protect against infertility.
  • Other semi-precious and precious stones: amethyst, malachite, topaz, emerald, agate.

If you can’t get pregnant for a long time, you can buy amulets or jewelry that contain any of these stones.

Psychological aspect

A much more responsible act that allows you to bring the time of motherhood closer is the adoption of a baby. All the energy of a woman will be spent on caring for an adopted child, and thoughts about her own will stop oppressing her so much. In this case, the higher powers will definitely make sure that the woman is ready to raise her own child.

However, there is also a psychological explanation for this belief: the girl simply stops worrying about her condition, frees her feminine and renews the hormonal background.

The following sign is based on a similar effect: do not think about pregnancy. It may sound paradoxical, but the more a woman craves to become a mother as soon as possible, the less likely it is to replenish the family soon.

This effect has a scientific name - psychological infertility. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different:

  • Own not very joyful childhood and the psychological trauma associated with it.
  • Panic fear of childbirth or the state of pregnancy itself.

Obsessive thoughts about a child can also cause psychological infertility. Therefore, you should not think about it, but just enjoy life, do work and your favorite hobby, and the time before pregnancy will come by itself.

To overcome obsessive thoughts about the child, they often give advice to buy as many tampons and pads as possible: the more you take, the greater the likelihood that they will not be needed for a long time.

This problem occurs even in men. And the fear of having a baby can affect the activity of sperm production.


An important role, as strange as it sounds, is played by the behavior of the girl. And first of all, you should forget about uncultured words, especially if they are obscene. Swearing thickens a bad aura around a woman, prevents pregnancy.

What else is worth experiencing:

  • You can buy some item of children's clothing and try to visualize your baby in it. Such a psychological technique will set the body for an early pregnancy.
  • To receive a string of pearls as a gift is another sign that has been believed in for many decades. It is desirable to receive such a gift from someone very close.
  • An old belief in pregnancy is to tie a red string around your wrist. Before pregnancy, the thread will untie (only she must do it herself, without anyone's help). The meaning of the "red" bracelet is much deeper - it is believed that it, tied on the left wrist by a loved one, protects from negative energy.

It may seem quite unusual to want to go on vacation with your beloved husband to the southern countries. A change in climate and environment is the best time for the body to rebuild and renew, to bring the time of motherhood closer. In addition, the woman relaxes, ceases to be nervous. So very often, couples who want to have a baby return from vacation as a threesome.

In principle, it is undesirable for a woman in a position to swear - a child can be born sick or with an ugly birthmark.

Attitude towards animals

There are many beliefs about the imminent pregnancy, in which animals appear. For example, the elephant has long been considered a symbol of family and fertility. In addition, according to the Eastern philosophy of Feng Shui, it represents only positive characteristics. So if you buy a figurine of an elephant or hang pictures of this animal, higher powers can pay attention to this and begin to patronize.

Another effective way is to adopt a cat or dog. In no case do not buy, otherwise the omen will not work. The animal must be homeless or live in a shelter. Ideally, it will follow the woman on the street by itself. Taking care of a kitten or a puppy, the expectant mother makes it clear to higher powers that she is ready to raise and raise a child.

If you already have a pet, then a good sign will be the appearance of offspring. Kittens or puppies that appear in the house must be given to good hands.

Hanging pictures of animals throughout the house also help to create a positive aura in the house, which can bring the time of pregnancy closer.

Interaction with pregnant women

A lot of different beliefs can be heard about the attitude of a woman who wants to get pregnant with other people. For example, interaction with another pregnant woman, as if by magic, can have a beneficial effect on you - cases of such a long-awaited pregnancy after this are not uncommon.

  1. Touching the belly of another pregnant woman is the surest way. This is a very old belief that says that if you just touch the belly of a pregnant girl, you will instantly become pregnant yourself. However, if there are no such people among your acquaintances, then it is unlikely that you will be able to check the omen in practice: passers-by pregnant girls are more likely not to allow you to touch your stomach.
  2. Sit on a chair after pregnancy. To fulfill this sign, it is not necessary to have pregnant acquaintances. It is enough just to guess the time and place (in public transport, on a park bench, etc.), and quickly sit down in the place occupied by a previously pregnant woman. As grandmothers and great-grandmothers believed, in this way the female body tunes in to the soon approaching time of pregnancy.
  3. Drinking from a cup of a pregnant woman or finishing her food is a way that again requires pregnant acquaintances. It is necessary either to drink ordinary water from a pregnant woman’s cup, or to finish her dish. The sign is not for the squeamish.
  4. A photo with a pregnant woman is the easiest option. It is enough just to ask any expectant mother to take a picture with you.
  5. You can ask a pregnant friend to give you some baby item or toy. It will be saturated with feminine energy and will contribute to an early pregnancy.

Inviting a pregnant woman to a wedding is a very ancient sign. According to custom, she must tie the bride's veil and taste the wedding cake first. In this case, the newlyweds will have a strong family and many children.

Those signs that are not suitable for everyone include the belief about breast milk. It is believed that a woman who has tried breast milk can soon become a mother herself. However, in modern realities, this is very difficult to implement.

Interaction with children

In addition to pregnant women, interacting with an infant can also help you get pregnant. For example, it is worth holding the baby on your lap / hands at your wedding.

What else can help make your dream come true:

  • If you meet a baby on a fertile day, then the chance of getting pregnant slightly increases.
  • Taking a newborn in your arms first during childbirth is an old sign that is not suitable for everyone, but perhaps only midwives. If a woman is the first to take a newborn baby in her arms, then she may soon become a mother herself.

There are other signs for the onset of pregnancy. One of them, for example, says that for this it is enough to roll someone's empty stroller - in this way you can "roll" your own child. However, there is also a negative effect: the child who owns the stroller can become ill for a long time after this.

Other signs

To cleanse the aura and distract from thoughts about the child, you can begin to do good selfless deeds. The main thing is no benefit for yourself. So try, for example, to do charity work.

This also includes advice not to think about the bad. Thoughts are often material, and you should not reproach yourself for the fact that such a desired pregnancy does not come for a long time.

You should immediately drive away all sorts of terrible thoughts about your own inferiority or that there will never be children. This is not true, the time of pregnancy will definitely come if you do not have pathologies that prevent it.

For believers, the following signs are suitable:

  • Visiting holy places. It is believed that there a woman is cleansed of all negative emotions and energy that prevent her from becoming pregnant.
  • Drinking holy water and praying before intercourse can increase the chances of pregnancy.
  • Wedding. Lovers in this way will prove to God their readiness to create a family and raise a child.

There is another sign: you need to eat a lot of foods containing the germs of a new life - eggs, seeds, caviar. Most likely, this is an ordinary superstition that does not have any psychological bottom, but at the same time it can also work. It is also recommended to use less makeup and wear clothes in soothing colors.

Gender of the child

Science claims that during conception or before it, it is impossible to directly or indirectly influence the sex of the unborn child. However, our grandmothers believed that if you put on a male headdress during the process of conception, then a boy will be born. A hat of the "unisex" type will not work - you need to wear exactly the hat that girls do not wear in ordinary life. Also, for the birth of a male child, pants or a husband's hat were placed under the head. But if you tie a women's scarf on your head, then a girl will be born.

How to find out you're wearing a boy:

  1. Unexpectedly increased the number of hairs on the abdomen, arms, legs, above the upper lip. It's not so scary - everything will return to normal after delivery. Just at this stage, the amount of testosterone increased.
  2. The tummy sticks out like a cucumber.
  3. You will have a slower heartbeat.
  4. The kid is more or less calm.
  5. Toxicosis practically does not pester.
  6. You walk not with the right, but with the left foot.

If you have a girl, then the course of pregnancy will be the opposite. For example, the stomach is wide, and there will be pigmentation and swelling on the face. Girls often move a lot.

It should be remembered that pregnancy signs will not help with serious health problems from the reproductive system. Therefore, if you cannot get pregnant for a long time, you should first of all consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment.

Some women fail to get pregnant, no matter how much they would like to. There are several old signsthat help you get pregnant if it doesn't work out. These tips are based not only on the wisdom of our ancestors, but also on the laws of attraction of the desired by the power of thought.

How to get pregnant. Folk omens

  • Talisman for conception. Buy some baby stuff, like a hat or socks. Keep it as a charm in your bedroom. The thing will help you visualize what you want faster.
  • Plants that help the conception of a child. Our ancestors believed that if you put a ficus or a few willow branches in the matrimonial bedroom, this will help you get pregnant.
  • Jewelry for expectant mothers. It is believed that donated pearl beads help a woman get pregnant.
  • Energize a pregnant woman. If you can’t get pregnant, folk signs recommend taking the thing of a pregnant woman, drinking from a glass of a pregnant woman or stroking her stomach.
    • Adopt a kitten. A sure sign for an early conception is to pick up a homeless kitten on the street. At the same time, the animal should "nail" itself to you, you should not specifically look for street cats.
    • Food. There are many sayings that in order to get pregnant, you need to eat special foods. These are products containing the germs of new life - eggs, nuts, caviar, seeds.
    • Koumiss. The women of Kazakhstan have a sign - if you drink a glass of koumiss every morning, you can get rid of infertility and conceive a child.
    • Appearance. It is believed that women who want to get pregnant should not wear bright makeup and wear provocative clothes. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the bright appearance includes the "search for a partner" program, and not the "motherhood" program.
    • Drive away bad thoughts. Negative thinking slows down the reproductive function. It is also important to believe that even in the worst circumstances of the situation, you will succeed in getting pregnant.
    • Leave thoughts of pregnancy. If pregnancy becomes your obsession, then you risk staying with your thoughts. Release your desire to the Universe. It often happens that a child is born only when a man and a woman have already given up and stopped fighting for the realization of their idea.
    • All these signs and superstitions have a common value - they set a woman up for positive thinking and give confidence in the possibility of conception. And where there is confidence, there is the result! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Sign 1. In advance, before the desired pregnancy, buy a small baby item, for example, a hat, socks. This will help you "visualize desire", the brighter you feel the presence of the baby, the faster he will appear.

Sign 2. Visit places of power that promote conception, where the energy flows of the earth connect, where there were many good people with good thoughts. About "special" places of power for future parents, see

Sign 3. Try "grandmother's signs":

grow ficus in the house;

put in the house or hang a few branches of willow.

Sign 4. Watch your words:

1. do not use swear words;

2. don't say "I'll never have a baby", "I'm barren". Remember - the word is material.

Sign 5. Use folk recipes, herbs for the treatment of infertility. Be sure to consult your doctor. Official medicine has long known about the benefits of herbal medicine. The doctor will help you choose the right dosage and time of admission. Don't use the tabloid press to self-medicate. Some of the recipes there are just poisonous!

Sign 6. The desire for a baby can sometimes be fulfilled by itself at the most inopportune moment when you "let him go."

Sign 7. To receive a string of pearls as a gift is a good sign of a future pregnancy.

Sign 8. Relax with your husband in the south. A lot of couples "bring babies" from the southern regions. For us, residents of a country where climatic conditions leave much to be desired, a visit to the warm seashore can replace years of fruitless treatment for infertility.

Sign 9. One of the most famous harbingers of a future pregnancy is the adoption of a baby. The sign says - adopt someone else's child and your own will appear.

Sign 10. Widespread among the beliefs that promote conception, signs associated with various manipulations of the things of a pregnant woman, for example:

try on things for a pregnant woman;

drink from a glass of a pregnant woman;

sit in the place of a pregnant woman;

pat the pregnant belly.

Sign 11. Start attracting "gratitude" - good, good wishes addressed to you. To do this, try to do good sincerely free of charge, and then soon an aura of gratitude will arise around you, which will help conception.

Sign 12. For quick conception, you can use the practice of Feng Shui and create a “wish map”, where the main role will be assigned to conception and your unborn baby. To do this, glue your photo (photo of your family) with the baby in the center of a large sheet of paper. Along the edges, you can depict, for example, yourself pregnant, guests meeting a happy mother from the hospital, the first steps of the baby, and other attributes symbolizing family well-being.

You can also make a "scroll of desires". To do this, get a small notebook (preferably for the new moon), where you write down your desire for a baby. A few rules for maintaining a scroll:

a) let this notebook be your secret - do not let anyone touch it;

b) your desire should be formulated positively, for example, “I am not barren” - the wrong wording, correctly - “with deep gratitude I accept my pregnancy from the Universe and the universe”;

c) formulate a wish with gratitude to the Universe and then you will be heard. Do not forget to thank the Universe after the fulfillment of the desire.

Sign 13. A sure sign of the upcoming conception and a signal that the time for action has come is the unexpectedly rapid growth of indoor plants in your home.

Sign 14. A very famous sign about a kitten. In order to get pregnant soon - shelter a homeless kitten. At the same time, the kitten should “attach” itself to you - do not look for it on purpose.

Sign 15. Invest energy in your desire for an early conception. This may simply be the use of the power of one's own desire, the energy of prayers and turning to saints who help from infertility (for example, Joachim and Anna, Perth and Fevronya, etc.). But remember that at this particular moment you should not be inflamed with several desires, otherwise you will not get anything.

Sign 16. Relax and for a while force yourself not to think about the desired pregnancy. Remember, if a desire turns into an obsessive state, then it will remain with you, but you must let it go for realization. As often happens, couples who have been fighting for a baby for a long time give up and begin to just live, and at that very moment pregnancy occurs.

Sign 17. Do not think about the bad. Not only will constant negative thoughts simply slow down the work of your reproductive system (after all, all its work is based on brain signals), but you will also create a negative program around you. Real, correct doctors treat, first of all, with a word - by creating a positive attitude in the patient for treatment, such doctors can find various life-affirming slogans in their office.

Sign 18. Eat foods containing the germs of new life - eggs, caviar, unrefined cereals, nuts, seeds (all of which new life appears). There are also tips for eating the sexual organs of various animals. If, for eastern countries, this can be acceptable, then the average Russian can only be warned against such an extreme.

Sign 19. Try to make your conception horoscope with a professional astrologer. Let him determine the optimal date for conception for you.

Sign 20. Drink a cup of koumiss a day. In our latitudes it is very difficult to find this rare product, but if there is such an opportunity, then why not try it?

Sign 21. Dreams for pregnancy. Pregnancy dreams of: fish (fishing), babies, eggs, jewelry as a gift, milk, children's clothes, etc. If we interpret these dreams, it becomes clear that they are all associated either with some pleasant acquisitions, or with objects-symbols of a new life (eggs, grains), or already directly with the kids themselves.

Sign 22. For a successful conception, mentally turn to your most prolific relatives for help, even if they are no longer in this world (for example, to a grandmother with many children). Everyone knows that before, almost every family had 4-7 children, so anyone can easily find such a relative. This belief about the help of "Rod" comes from pagan times.

Sign 23. For early conceptiondon't forget to invite a pregnant girl to your wedding. As a bride on your wedding day, be sure to hold the baby on your lap. To avoid infertility, do not forget to tie a wedding ribbon on a fruit tree.

Sign 24. You can perform a magic ritual with a healer. Just remember that the ritual must be positive (weed, sentences). Find a healer, according to the recommendation. It is better if it is a real village grandmother who works not for money, but for an idea :). First of all, it will help you gain self-confidence and a positive attitude.

Sign 25. Start confessing "extremely optimistic" views on life. Do not communicate with people who currently have more problems than you. We do not call you to spiritual callousness, just for some time before conception, you should be focused only on yourself. Do not sit on forums where it is customary to cry and hysteria about infertility, this will attract negativity.

Sign 26. Engage in self-hypnosis and meditation. Set up your body to work properly. Imagine yourself in a very pleasant place for you, for example, at the sea, feel the warm summer breeze, fresh, saturated air... Talk to your body. Imagine your reproductive organs, ask them to work smoothly, well. Fill yourself with vital energy… All this is rather called the psychotherapeutic technique of self-hypnosis. You can buy books on this topic written by professional doctors. Yes, yes, you can use professional “medical” conspiracies to treat infertility :)).

Sign 27. Another very good "sign" for conception. Try to work less mentally during the preparation for pregnancy. This has been written and talked about for a long time, for example, women who are fully occupied with business, as well as students during sessions, often experience malfunctions in the reproductive system (menstrual irregularities). If you are forced to load yourself with work, then your brain, which is the “head” of the entire reproductive system, will not understand that it is time for it to give signals about readiness for fertilization.

Sign 28. Put a few sprigs of willow (willow) at home. It is known to be a very prolific tree that reproduces easily even with branches. The willow has a special vitality and is one of the first to open its leaves in spring. It has long been believed that this tree has protective properties. And willow branches consecrated on Palm Sunday can be stored for a whole year.

To get rid of infertility, you can eat three buds from fruit trees that bloom for the first time, or the first fruits of an apple tree, plum, grape

Sign 29. Here are a few amulets and amulets against infertility. Amulets: variegated carnation, wood of an apple tree and other fruit trees. From stones: diamond, amethyst, emerald, malachite, topaz From symbolism - you can use figurines of the goddesses Venus and Aphrodite. Ifsuch a figurinewill be donated, then its owner will find a lover within a year, if there is a lover, then she will become pregnant within a year.

Sign 30. On the day of conception or waiting for the results of pregnancy tests, meeting babies is a sure sign of pregnancy.

Sign 31. You can get pregnant with the help of the moon. There are several ways, ranging from rituals, such as looking at the full moon, to compiling an "almost scientific" lunar conception calendar. There are also rituals performed on the growing moon. The fact that the moon helps to get pregnant was known in ancient Greece and Rome, where women who wanted to get pregnant slept under the rays of moonlight.

Sign 32. You can go to a mud spa. It is known that mud contains hormone-like substances of natural origin, which often helps to normalize hormonal levels and get pregnant.

Sign 33. Have sex to conceive at two in the morning. The sign is justified by the fact that this is the time of the hormonal peak.

Sign 34. Drink consecrated water before conception. Pray for a safe conception before sexual intercourse.

Sign 35. Acupuncture improves blood flow

To the uterus, regulates and normalizes the level of hormones in the body. Chinese traditional medicine is just beginning to take root in our country. We cannot talk about any guarantees of curing infertility, so we write about the use of this technique in an article devoted to non-traditional methods of treating infertility.

Sign 36. Girls planning pregnancy are not recommended to use cosmetics, wear extravagant, provocative clothes. All this includes the life program of "search for a new partner", and not the program of "motherhood".

Sign 37. Those planning to conceive should not tell anyone about their intentions. Except, of course, the attending physician :).

Sign 38. A couple experiencing fertility problems should also enter into a spiritual marriage. For example, get married in a church, go through other ceremonies that correspond to the religion of the spouses.

Sign 39. According to the ancient Slavic tradition, on the wedding night, a baby or a newborn doll was laid first on the bed of the newlyweds.

Sign 40. Also, in the ancient Slavic practice for healing from infertility, a woman experiencing problems with conception was the first to take a newborn baby in her arms.

Every nation has beliefs that can independently bring the moment of the desired conception closer.

In the article:

tips to get pregnant

Pregnancy is a magical time associated with. People try to predict in advance what gender, how soon conception will happen.

One of the most common signs indicating an early pregnancy is if a kitten or puppy runs after a woman on the street. It is believed that in this way higher powers check whether a girl is able to take care of someone small and defenseless. If she takes the animal into the house, then the long-awaited conception will happen soon.

Warn of a possible pregnancy. If a woman dreams of a fish, the family will soon be replenished. There is another belief that is associated with fish. To conceive a child faster, you need to buy an aquarium with prolific fish - guppies or small catfish.

The process of bearing a child is associated with maximum femininity, sensuality, so the expectant mother needs to possess these qualities in order to attract the desired event.

Do you know why parents used to bring willow into the house of the young? No, not for beating. Thus, the mother-in-law and mother-in-law invited their grandchildren to the house.

How to get pregnant quickly with folk signs

For a long time, the most reliable way to conceive a child has been known - to communicate with a pregnant woman.

Here are some more popular folk ways:

  • drink or eat from the dishes used by the pregnant woman;
  • sit on the chair on which the expectant mother was sitting;
  • regularly contact with the girl’s belly (stroke, touch);
  • take a photo with such a friend;
  • try a friend's breast milk.

Ask a woman in position to sneeze at you several times. People believe that this is one of the most effective ways to transfer their "pregnant" energy.

Jewels and decorations

As you know, there are magic for all occasions. They help to get rid of the evil eye, protect yourself from enemies, improve health, bring good luck, and so on. Of course, there are jewels that will help attract the desired pregnancy.

landscape agate

A gat is one of those stones. It does not matter how to wear it (in a ring, bracelet, on a chain, or just a small stone will always be in her bag). For success, the main thing is that the girl likes the stone.

An ancient sign is associated with another magic stone. If a woman, in a couple of months she will become pregnant. In ancient Rome, such a stone was associated with the goddess of love and childbirth.

In Russia, there was a ceremony during which the newlyweds must be wrapped in a string of pearls. After that, no evil force can break their union. By the way, in China they believe that the regular wearing of such jewelry increases sexual energy.

There is a sign about decorative elephant figurine. Put it better in the bedroom. The elephant should be made of natural stone (plastic, wood, metal will not work). You can buy it yourself or receive it as a gift from a friend who knows signs.

Plants for conception

Houseplants have a strong energy. Some of them are specially placed in the apartment so that they absorb negative energy, attract good luck, others, as they draw positive energy from the premises and the owners.

The first plant to arm yourself with if you want to be a mom is . According to the signs, he will quickly absorb the negative energy in the room and open the way for a positive one that will fill you and your partner and promote childbearing. It is better to have a flower in the bedroom.

The next plant is or "women's happiness." There are many beliefs associated with it. The main thing is that if he appears in the house, the hostess will soon become a mother. However, the flower will refuse to help those who will not take care of it, care for it and show love.

Visiting holy places

Quite often, with prayers, women go to bow to the relics of the blessed Matrona, Xenia of Petersburg. Saints help all those who are desperate to find the true happiness of motherhood.

Murom Convent

There are many places of power in the world, after visiting which women begin to get pregnant. According to legend, if you go to the Murom Convent with your spouse, you can have a baby.

This is not surprising, because according to legend, Saints Fevronia and Peter, who are the personification of harmony, love and a happy family life, lived in Murom. The most favorable day for visiting the monastery and praying is July 8th. This is the Orthodox holiday of all lovers, when Saints Fevronia and Peter were canonized.

Mount Ulu-Tau in Kabardino-Balkaria (Mother Mountain) has amazing magical properties. According to legends and local superstitions, a barren woman who comes to this place and prays will become pregnant within a year. Important: after the prayers, write your wish on a piece of cloth and tie it to one of the trees located at the foot of the mountain.

There is another belief about the land of the pharaohs. If a woman visits Temple complex of Karnak (Egypt) she will soon become a mother. Previously, the ancient Egyptian god of fertility Mina was worshiped in this temple. There is also a magical one here, which, according to legend, must be walked around seven times and voiced a wish.

Lake of the Pregnant Maiden

Exciting will be a trip to the lake "Pregnant Maiden" (Langkawi Island, Malaysia). This is a picturesque place, the combination of hills on one side of the lake resembles the silhouette of a woman in position.