A man plays with a woman if. Signs of a serious relationship or is it a game

Men never do anything for nothing. If a man comes up to you and starts a pleasant conversation, it means he needs something from you, he has a plan. The essence of this plan is simple - to sleep with you or just find out what needs to be done in order to sleep with you. This simple truth is best remembered. There is really another option, maybe he needs not sex, but money, but we are not talking about that now. This, of course, is a generalization, but in 90 cases out of 100 it is true.

Women love to sit and chat about this and that. Men are wired differently. If he likes what he sees, then the man just goes and finds out what he has to do to get it. Everything is very simple. He is not particularly interested in your friends, interests, what you do for a living and so on. None of this matters to him now. He just wants to sleep with you and is trying to find out how much you need to spend moral, time and material resources to get "sweet". Therefore, it is better to immediately make it clear that you have requirements - his time, his respect, his attention. If such a "price" seems too high, then he is simply looking for a pleasant pastime and nothing more, it all depends on what you are looking for.

Now you know that when a man approaches you, you can put forward your demands and immediately find out if he is ready to “pay ". If you do not make demands on him, then you are not setting the basic rules of the game, which means that you are ready to play according to his rules. So, you don't care how often he calls, when he comes, whether he opens doors for you. And this means that he will call you, when he wants, he will not open the door for you, and even if you asked him to come at seven, he will not appear before eight - and all because you: a) did not recognize that a man always has a plan; b) did not act on this basis.

How to play with a man by your own rules.

Now you know what he needs from you, and if he gets it too quickly, then I'm afraid that such a relationship will not last long. Now I will share a few tricks from the speech of the psychologist Valentina Darinskaya at the conference "Man and Woman 2015", by the way, you can see the entire speech at the end of the article. Properly applying these methods, you will be able to direct the relationship in the right direction for you from the very first date. Men love the game and excitement - it turns them on, so what's the problem, let's play).

"Incomplete Tactics". The man offers to meet urgently tonight. What should be done in this case - be happy, say: "Great idea, good, super!". That is, in a voice, intonation, or in some other way convey that you are sincerely happy with such a prospect, but do not set the time, but simply say: "Let's call you!". It is "let's call you", not "I'll call you" or "you call me back", but "let's call you". It is very important to take time for a man to think, pursue, want, etc. After he calls, say: "I can't, come on next time!". It is very important to learn to refuse. This will be of great benefit in the future.

"Unexpected Disappearance". This technique is very well described in the fairy tale about Cinderella. Let's remember. Firstly, Cinderella goes to the ball not because she wants to meet the prince or get married like other girls, but she really wants to go to the ball and nothing more. And the fairy teaches her a very powerful female technique: "Leave earlier than he expects!". As long as the man has "arrows on 12", while he is all inspired - you have to have time to leave. And when Cinderella runs away, the prince begins to look for her, to pursue her, because in his head this is an unfinished image. The human psyche is designed in such a way that if something breaks in us, then we definitely want to finish it. That is why it is so important to learn how to leave a little earlier than a man expects. This is a very strong take. Since the man has a program: "We will meet, have dinner, we will have love, sex, and then I will switch to football (or something else, depending on what one likes)." And when the program is running, the man gets bored and stops thinking about you, so it’s better to break such a pattern.

Of course, in each case, you need to look at the situation. It's one thing when you've been together for 20 years, and quite another - when on a first date, but you always have to play with a man. This is a mandatory and necessary attribute of a happy relationship. Otherwise, cloudy, dry, boring days will come at one fine moment. And this will be the beginning of the end.

"One step forward and two steps back." Agree to a meeting, but reschedule it in time. You can transfer three to five times. Let a man know that you have a rich life and it is filled not only with him. This always gives confidence and increases the importance of a woman in the eyes of her gentleman.

"To confuse". For example, put your hand on your knee, but avoid hugging. In this case, again, there is a break in the habitual patterns of behavior. On the one hand, you make a hint of intimacy, but you shy away from the hug. This technique has a good effect on the unconscious man. He does not understand what is happening and he has an unconscious desire to understand, comprehend, solve this riddle.

These are four fairly powerful techniques that can help you bring interest to the relationship both at the initial stages and after 20 years of marriage. Someone, of course, may be indignant and say that this is manipulation, and manipulation is bad. But here it all depends on the purity of your thoughts. If you use these tricks just to have fun or assert yourself at the expense of another, then yes - this is bad, dirty and unethical, but if you apply this knowledge in order to create a happy and loving relationship with a man who is truly interesting to you, then you will not I see nothing wrong with this. Moreover, your loved one will only be happy if you play a little with him and introduce an element of unpredictability and novelty. It's very turning on.

Math video tutorials.

Stages (stages) of relations.

The first stage of a relationship is falling in love. The partner appears to be like God. There are simply no downsides. He is perfect. The condition is very energy-consuming and lasts only 3-4 months. Maximum half a year. If you are interested in more details, you can read the article Love. What if she passed?

The second stage of a relationship is love. This state, if maintained, can last indefinitely, even for a lifetime, but for this it is necessary to make some efforts. There are simple steps to help you with this. so the first is time spent together, Only double. It can be 10 minutes before going to bed or a joint vacation - it doesn't matter, the main thing is you should be alone. No kids, laptops, computers, TV, phones - nothing. You should devote part of your time to each other.

Second, planning for a shared future. It can be anything - a vacation, renovation, construction of a dacha, a business project. The main thing is that these are JOINT plans. Every time the phrase is uttered: "When we (build a dacha, raise children, make repairs, go on vacation, etc.) ..." - a very strong program is laid in the subconscious that we will be together in the future.

The third is family traditions and rituals. In pair relationships, in a family, there must be a special tradition or ritual. It could be making a festive omelette every Sunday for breakfast, an annual trip to the mountains for the May holidays, or something else. It doesn't matter, the main thing is that it was a special action characteristic only for this family.

The third stage of a relationship is boredom. If at the second stage nothing is done to develop and maintain relationships, then sooner or later boredom will set in. This is when the husband plays at the computer after work, and the wife watches TV. Everyone is in their corner and there is nothing to talk about. As you understand, this is not the most pleasant state, so people (in particular men) begin to look for entertainment. It can be social networks or dating sites and there, sooner or later, someone appears with whom it is not boring and at this moment there is anger and irritation at your partner.

The fourth stage of a relationship is anger. This stage, like the first, does not last long, as it is very energy-intensive. Accompanied by frequent quarrels, conflicts and other "joys of life"

The fifth stage of a relationship is indifference. At this stage, it becomes absolutely all the same. No jealousy, no anger, nothing. Empty. This is the so-called "point of no return" in a relationship. At this stage, it is almost impossible to save the relationship and it is better to end it completely. Here another option is possible - if one of the spouses has a "catchy type of character" (you can find out what it is in more detail from the video), then it may seem to him that passion has returned again and he wants to return the relationship, but this is no longer love, but echoes of childhood trauma. Again, for those who are interested in more details, you can watch the video.

Male deception: we study, recognize, do not succumb.

In addition to the techniques and techniques described in this article, the video provides a few more practices aimed at working with yourself, having mastered which you will significantly advance on the path to happiness and harmony not only in relationships, but also in life as such. Topics covered include personal boundaries and self love , as well as themes of male betrayals and deceptions. I think you will not regret if you watch this performance in its entirety.

An excerpt from the speech of Valentina Darinskaya at the conference "Man and Woman 2015"

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Understanding the rules of the romantic game is the most important thing in relationships with the opposite sex. So why is it important that a man woo you? From time immemorial, it has been customary that a man makes efforts to achieve the location of a woman. Women have always been taught to portray an impregnable fortress, men - to take this fortress by storm.

But in our time, this subtle science is almost forgotten. And only those few women who inherited female wisdom from mothers and grandmothers enjoy male attention and enjoy relationships with men. Most of the women are at a loss and randomly looking for the rules of the game with men.

Emancipation and the sexual revolution radically changed the external side of relations between the sexes. Often women do not understand why they should force a man to achieve them if they themselves are already head over heels in love and only dream about him. And the thing is that these rules of the ancient Game were invented by nature and recorded in our genetic code, and the rules of emancipation and sexual revolution were invented by man only recently and are recorded only in old newspapers.

Why do men like to woo women?

There are several reasons for this. Often men say (and they are sure that they really think so) that they do not want to pursue a woman and do not like games. but when it comes down to it, it turns out that they love and how! When a woman does everything right, a man gets no less pleasure from this Game. And now I will tell you how to do it right.

Men like to achieve for two main reasons: to amuse their vanity and to understand whether he really likes this girl so much. But the real reason why a woman plays impregnable and a man pursues her lies even deeper.

Man's nature is to be active.

A man is a hero, a conqueror of material nature, a breadwinner. He plans, acts and gets results. An easy victory gives little pleasure and is quickly forgotten, but what he went for a long time and stubbornly sought to bring great joy and pride, a sense of his own power.

Now imagine a situation where you are planning something that brings pleasure not as a result, but in the process. For example, eat ice cream. What if I offer you ice cream in a gelatin capsule as a medicine? It can be swallowed and not waste time eating - it is immediately in the stomach. Why don't you want my ice cream, is it so delicious? Because, with instant swallowing, it is impossible to feel the taste.

Also, a man can feel the taste of a relationship with a woman only with a gradual rapprochement. Biology irresistibly attracts a man to a woman. By slowing down the progress of the man towards the goal, the woman gives time for the transformation of what is happening between two biological units into a Relationship between two Humans.

Should I play impregnable?

The answer is definitely yes! This helps the man appreciate both you and the relationship more. When relationships for him are a value for which he had to work hard, he will cherish them, and not look at the side, he will think about how to keep them and how to please you.

So how do you play this game?

If you are interested in a good relationship with developmental potential, do not rush to devote yourself to him only after three dates or after the first sex. Don't tell him that you're crazy about him or that you're looking forward to his call. As soon as a man feels that you are completely in his hands, he will begin to get used to you, as to his usual environment, and courtship will end there.

So that he likes the process of conquering your heart, give him portions of mercy and tenderness unexpectedly, this will inspire him to great feats. For example, an unexpected passionate text or a spontaneous kiss is a good way to show that you like him and you appreciate and accept his advances. But if you do it regularly and predictably, then it will quickly become boring and turn into a routine. I talk about how to learn a smile, for which a man is ready for anything and how to master that notorious game of eyes, I tell and show on video examples in my course.

Do not start chasing him if he suddenly weakened his attention to you. If a man is really interested in you, and not in one-time sex (for which there is no point in wasting time), he will remain close to you, as he receives signs of your disposition from you. When a man is interested in a relationship, and not in one-time sex, he will think about how to win your heart.

When you ignore a man or treat him badly, this is not a game of impregnability. This is stupidity and rudeness, which will never bring a good result. Only a man who does not value himself at all will remain nearby. Respect the man who woo you and treat him well. Thank him and appreciate everything he does for you. He will love you even more for it.

The basic principle of the game of impregnability

If you want the Game to be enjoyable for the two of you and also to lead to a relationship, remember the basic principle. Always leave him a little hungry. Spending time with him, put all your warmth, charm and enthusiasm into communication. Do not hide that you feel good next to him.

Studies have shown that relationships that have had a long period of courtship are much less likely to break up compared to relationships that developed rapidly. It is important not to play this Game blindly following the words and rules written somewhere. Understand the principles of communication and interaction between a man and a woman, because only a deep understanding of the hidden dynamics of relationships will give you the ability to navigate and choose successful tactics in your specific and completely unique situation.

Our appearance, of course, is our calling card. It is pleasant to look at a well-groomed and beautiful woman. But quite often, such women, despite their external attractiveness, cannot build a long-term relationship with a man. Yes, attracting externally is not difficult. But to continue communication, which develops into a serious relationship, is far from always possible.

Most often, the cause of this is internal tension and fear generated by past traumas and grievances. And when a woman is tense, she loses all her attractiveness, all her charm. Lightness and relaxation is the key to success not only in relationships with men, but also in relationships with people and the world as a whole.

Psychology of relations between a man and a woman

When a woman is relaxed, when she is in the STATE OF THE GAME, she is irresistibly attractive and charming. The right emotional state is the basis of a long and happy relationship. If you take everything too seriously, if you are always afraid to make a mistake, if you try to control everything and are afraid of losing a man, then you are constantly tense and lose your feminine strength and energy. You are just mediocrely wasting your potential, while losing your beauty, your health and your feminine magnetism.

The state of being in love is not logic or reason, it is emotions! And in a “serious” state, when you act correctly and logically, you don’t cause any emotions in men, despite all your outward ideal attractiveness. I have already described the behavior of a woman in the state of play and "not play" in the article

The secret of relationships with men is in lightness and play

Some women are afraid to start playing with a man because they are afraid of losing him. And they begin to behave very seriously and correctly, as a result of which the man begins to lose interest, since he practically ceases to experience emotions. In order to better understand men, you can download and read the book "The Truth About Men Most Women Don't Know".

There are women who flirt and overplay, starting to hysteria and scandal, just to evoke a man's emotions. This is the wrong approach, since it is impossible to swing on such an emotional swing for a long time. Joy is the basic emotion that all people need. Love is the main energy that all people also need. Learn to include unconditional love in yourself and shine like the sun (I advise you to read the article). Learn to enter the state of the game, the state of "charming indifference." Don't be afraid to flirt, don't be afraid to look stupid and think that at your age, with your intellect, in your social status (and so on) to behave in such an unacceptable way. That you should only be a serious lady with a stone face. All this is called in one word - complexes!

Look at yourself through the eyes of men and ... admire yourself through the prism of THEIR perception. When a woman begins to think that she is “already” 45 and she is a very important person, wise with a lot of life experience, she becomes quite easy prey for manipulators, since she is stupid, stiff and clumsy in communication.

Yes, people grow up and the years go by, but their needs and instincts remain the same. And men, both at the age of 25, want to receive energy, emotions and intimacy from women, and at the age of 50 they want the same thing. And they talk about very serious topics with a business face at work. Or in the bath, with friends.

Do not think that in order to build a serious relationship with a man, you need to talk to him with a serious face on serious topics. This is far from true. Yes, sometimes you need to talk seriously, but only sometimes! Many women think that a serious relationship is when two people, male and female, are already smart and mature. They clearly understand what they want from life and are tuned to stability in all directions - at work, in business, and in relationships. And this is their position they clearly indicate from the very first minutes of their acquaintance. And their relationship must be correct, where everything is clear and understandable. But such a strategy does not work and almost never leads to a long and happy relationship.

A man becomes bored and not interested, a woman begins to seem insipid and gray to him. There is no mystery, no zest, no "devilry", no charm in it. And in the end, he just leaves. And the woman begins to tell everyone that the men are now transferred and there are no normal ones. And he continues to stubbornly look for a serious man for a serious relationship, going on dates with a stone face and an important look.

I dare to assure you that almost every man is set up for a serious relationship. Even the one who says that he is not ready for such a relationship and he has no desire to marry. The bottom line is that he is not ready to get married right now or build a serious relationship, because he simply does not have a woman who would be significant to him and whom he would appreciate. As soon as such a woman appears, he will be ready for a serious relationship and marriage!

From this the conclusion suggests itself:
Any man is ready to build a serious relationship with a woman whose value is high for him! And he will never agree to a long and serious relationship with a woman whose value is low for him.

Be happy, joyful and loved!

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If you have a man who you like, you need to try to start a relationship with him. Playing hunter and prey will help make this process fun and also make the man win. If you frankly confess your feelings to him, the romance may not begin. Or end too soon. First, inflame a man, and then build a relationship with him.

First, let the man know that you are free and would like to start a new relationship. Don't focus on being lonely. On the contrary, say that you will choose the best. And it's okay if it takes a while. Show attention to other men. Bouquets of flowers, gifts, pleasant messages. But do not forget to say that this person is not suitable for you.

Smile as often as possible to the man you have chosen as your prey. Indeed, he is the prey. And your task is to make him think that the opposite is true. Compliment him, touch him. Of course, it shouldn't be intrusive. Shake off a speck of dust from his sleeve, straighten a naughty strand of hair. This is the preparatory period. It can take a long time. You choose specific dates.

When the first invitation to a meeting is received, do not rejoice. Put on a thoughtful face and let them know that you are busy tonight. Pretend that you hesitate: to go or not to go. But then, of course, agree. Do not hold meetings alone with a man. Your task is to inflame it as much as possible. In this scheme at the first meetings does not fit in any way.

On first dates, show your doubt. Do not fall ripe fruit into his arms. With each meeting, let the man more. But up to certain limits. You need to show that you are pleased, but you have not yet made a choice. If a man starts to go too far, do not cut him off abruptly. Dodge, look scared, and gently ask him to stop.

Keep talking to other men. Let your chosen one feel the competition. You should not meet with him too often, it can turn into a completely different side. For example, you can get bored with each other. Or become friends instead of lovers.

Do not forget to show the man that you like him, that you like his company and him. Don't explain yours. On this topic, you can laugh it off or just say that you are not ready to talk with him on this topic. Still don't be alone with him.

Continue this period so long that the man almost falls in love with you. But don't take too long. There is that he will get tired of such evasive prey, and he will go to look for a new one.

Men try not to show their feelings. Well, women only have to guess - love or not. So, he looked at you in a special way, smiled differently or did some kind of act ... But how to understand - this is just a game or the appearance of feelings?

How to understand that a man is in love? How to determine that this is not flirting, not a hobby, but real. So, let's look at these difficult questions.

And attention

A man in love will look for meetings with you, constantly call the phone and write messages on social networks. networks or in "ICQ". Experiencing a feeling of love, he needs constant communication and spiritual rapprochement with the object of sympathy. A man in love will be interested in everything: your well-being, mood or the evening spent. He is interested in everything that happens in your life, plans and goals.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

How to understand the seriousness of a man's intentions in his eyes? As you know, they reflect our feelings, everything is read in them. Just look into his eyes and you will see the answer to your question. The eyes cannot lie and hide. A man in love is constantly looking for the object of his adoration, stealthily catches every smile and watches the gestures. Of course, there are men, however, as well as women who can control their emotions, and even with the strongest feelings, the look of such people remains cold and meaningless. But, this is a rather rare occurrence.

Your request will help him understand

If you don’t know how to understand whether a guy likes you, then ask him to perform (within reason) some action - help, give, bring, etc. A man in love will be happy to help and fulfill any request or whim.

Strive to be a friend

Without showing his feelings, a man in love seeks your friendship. He seeks your company, he listens to the opinion. A man can leave everything and come to the rescue in difficult times or solve a difficult issue. However, he will not forgive anything in return. For a person in love, communication and spiritual intimacy is important.

Life stories

You are still wondering: "How to understand that a man is in love?". Just remember what you were talking about. A man in love with enthusiasm can talk about his childhood, family, life events, or past memories. Maybe you start a conversation about children and family? By the way, this is one of the taboo topics of inveterate machos.

random encounters

Surely you have already met him several times by chance in a store or public transport. But, believe me, this does not happen by chance! A man in love tries to keep abreast of all events related to the life of his beloved woman. Can you imagine what it takes to stand for several hours under the windows of your house to pretend to be such a “random” meeting?

Change yourself

How to understand that a man is in love? Simple enough! A man in love will notice even a slight change in your image and will definitely make a nice compliment.

His life

A man in love will gladly let the woman he loves into his life. He is not afraid to introduce you to friends and colleagues. A man is not afraid that you inadvertently limit his personal space. He even change the decor or interior of the apartment to your taste.

Or maybe it's just a hobby?

Let's look at a few examples that characterize his emotions as just a play of feelings for which there is no continuation.

  1. A man regularly criticizes your appearance and gives advice about your appearance.
  2. Remembers only the first digits of your phone number.
  3. After the date, he sends him home in a taxi and wishes him a good night.
  4. He constantly talks about the disadvantages of the family life of married friends and complains about their unfortunate fate.
  5. He is in no hurry to introduce you to friends, although he spends all weekends only with them.

How to understand that a man is in love? It is enough to observe him and the conclusion will be obvious. Listen to your heart, rely on your intuition and feel the true attitude towards you. Trust yourself and be happy!