Louise Hey's thought forms to harmonize life. Prosperity is my divine right. I am in the process of making positive changes

(eng. Louise L. Hay; October 8, 1926 - August 30, 2017) - one of the founders of the self-help movement, the author of more than thirty books of popular psychology, including the world famous book You Can Heal Your Life. own life").

The key idea of \u200b\u200bthe work Louise Hay - it is our destructive beliefs, limiting beliefs about ourselves and unexperienced negative emotions that cause our emotional problems and physical ailments, but with the help of certain tools we can change our thinking and heal our body. The interconnection of negative self-images, painful emotions and physical ailments, as well as the ability to heal one's life, is also indicated by the works of the founder of the Institute of Radical Forgiveness, Colin Tipping, the founder of the school "Listen to your body" Lise Bourbeau and others.

Louise Hay's books

Hay Louise. "Heal your life." M. 1987
Hay Louise. "The path to a healthy life." M. 1987
Hay Louise. "Heal Yourself"
Hey. L Wisa. "Heal your body." M. 2000
Hay Louise. "The power is within us"
Hay L. "The Healing Forces Within Us"
Hay L. "Healthy Mind - Healthy Body"
Hay L. Women's Power
Hay L. "Heart Thoughts"
Hay L. "The Secret of Success: How to Achieve Financial Well-being"
Hay L. With New Happiness
Hay Louise. "The Big Book of Wealth and Happiness." M. 2017
Hay L. "Control Your Destiny." M. 2016
Books in Russian reprinted in Russia: "Heal your life", "The path to a healthy life", "Encyclopedia of a healthy life from Louise Hay" - are a translation of the same book You Can Heal Your Life, Louise L. Hay, Hay House Inc., 1984; ISBN 0-937611-01-8 (published in the USA).

Louise Hay's Affirmations

I'm always safe and God keeps me safe
The truth is revealed to me about everything I need to know
Everything I need comes to me at the right day and hour
Life is joy and it is overflowing with love
I love and I am loved
I am healthy and full of vitality
Everything I do brings me success
I am changing and growing spiritually
Everything in my world is ALREADY good

Louise Hay's affirmations for love

I am healthy and unharmed!
Life is good and I like living!
Love is concentrated in my heart!
I look at everything with love!
I move easily and naturally!
Every cell of my body is loved!
All my organs are working fine!
I admire my wonderful body!
I am healthy as never before!
I can take care of myself!
My favorite drink is water!
I live in complete harmony with the world around me!
I bless the food I eat!
My feet are constantly dancing!
There is vitality in my blood!
I listen with understanding and sympathy!
I love my body!
I am healed!
My body loves to be healthy!
I love every part of my body outside and inside!
My body is my good friend, and I love it and I care about it!
I have a good rest and sleep well!
I eat well and take care of myself!
I wake up with joy!

Louise Hay's Spiritual Affirmations

I completely trust life!
I have a strong spiritual connection!
The Power that created the world beats in my heart!
Divine power always protects me!
I am always guided by the Divine hand!
My personal angel keeps me safe!
Always, everywhere and in everything - I am calm (a)!
Life supports me in any situation!
I believe that God is merciful!
I feel my unity with the Universe!
God loves me!

Louise Hay's Affirmations for Relationships

People love me and I love people!
I am beginning to realize what a wonderful person I am!
I love myself and enjoy myself!
I am a beautiful creation of the Lord God!
My kind thoughts help me create relationships that are full of love and support!
I am open and ready for a relationship based on love!
It's safe to express your love!
My heart is open to love!
I have a harmonious relationship with life!
I live in harmony with everyone!
I bring laughter and joy with me everywhere!
I love and appreciate myself!
I was born to find out that there is only love in the world!
I am always in harmony with life!
I feel safe because self-love protects me!
I expand the circle of my love to cover the entire planet, and multiplied many times, love returns to me!
The Creator loves me endlessly and I accept this love!
Life loves me and I feel safe!
I live a dignified life, calm and joyful!

Louise Hay's Affirmations for a Better Work Climate

I love that beautiful things surround me at work!
I always have great bosses!
I have good relations with all my colleagues and we work in an atmosphere of mutual respect!
It's easy for me to find a job!
I always attract the very best clients and it is my pleasure to serve them!
I love my workplace!
I work in a harmonious atmosphere!
I always work with those who respect me and pay well!
They love me at work!
I love going to work, I love the area: it's beautiful and safe!
I make my career easy!
There is always the right job for me at the right time!
I always work with 100% dedication and it is greatly appreciated!
There is enough work for everyone, including me!
My income is constantly growing!
My business is growing beyond all my expectations!
I have so many business projects that I don't have time to do everything!
I am happy that I have this job!
My job brings me satisfaction!
My job gives me a deep sense of satisfaction!
I always have a job and I am always busy!
I feel safe in the business world!
I prefer to think about prosperity, which is why I prosper!
I have a great career!

Louise Hay's Affirmations to Develop Self-Esteem

I know how to make money!
People like me!
My parents are encouraging me!
I am an amazing person!
I am smart and quick-witted!
I am talented and gifted creatively!
I am always healthy!
I have many friends!
I know how to love!
My parents are proud of me!
I love myself!
I can save money!
I am kind and loving!
I am happy with my body!
I can take care of myself!
I love the way I look!
I am a beloved and desired child!
My parents adore me!
I forgive myself!
I'm pretty good!
I deserve the very best!
I forgive everyone who has ever wronged me!
I am self-sufficient!
I accept myself as I am!
I know that I am the perfect and unique embodiment of life!
Today I love myself more than yesterday!
All my life belongs to me!
I shine with joy and beauty!
I cherish myself!
I am gladly aware of my perfection and the perfection of life!
I feed on love, and it inspires me!
The more I love myself, the more I love people!

Louise Hay's Affirmations for Women

I love and appreciate myself!
I see my magnificent inner self!
I do not belong to anyone: I am free, I strive to learn new things in life!
I stand firmly on my feet! - I am a wise and beautiful woman!
I am in charge of my life!
I am the one and only for myself!
I'm expanding my possibilities!
I am constantly discovering wonderful qualities in myself!
I am free and can realize myself as a person!
My life is filled with love!
I control my life!
Love in my life begins with myself!
I am a strong woman!
I always admire and admire myself!
I am worthy of love and respect!
I have a wonderful life!
It's good for me to be alone!
I am aware of my power and use it!
I enjoy everything I have!
I want to see myself in all my splendor!
I am completely satisfied with my life!
I love being a woman!
I radiate love in all its diversity!
I love that I live here and now!
I am a very strong woman, worthy of love and respect!
I provide myself with everything I need!
I feel my own worth and perfection!
I perceive life as a unique gift!
I am safe, everything is fine around me!
I fill my life with love!
My future is bright and wonderful!
Now I am independent and independent in the choice of solutions!
I am called to carry out a grateful mission on this planet!
I can safely grow and improve!

Louise Hay's "Magnificent Old Age" affirmations

I am respected by everyone who knows me!
I am young and handsome at any age!
I help society in effective and productive ways!
I am responsible for my financial situation, for my health and for my future!
My every day is filled with meaning!
I honor and respect the children and adults in my life!
I honor all the old people in my life!
I am ready to openly meet any events that life offers me!
Every day I ponder new and different thoughts!
My whole life has been a great adventure!
The later years in my life are precious to me!
My family is supporting me and I am supporting my family!
I have my whole life ahead!
All the time in this world belongs to me!
I take time to play with the child inside me!
I meditate, go for walks, admire nature: I love spending time alone!
I often laugh: I always radiate joy!
I am thinking about how to help heal the planet, and I am doing it!
My knowledge is expanding and I rely on my wisdom!
My late precious years!
I am happy to see off each passing year!
My body is constantly renewing itself!
I can feel the angels guarding my every step!
I know how to live!
I know how to stay young and healthy!
I create the kind of relationship I want to have!
I am full of vitality, health, energy and optimism and remain so (oh) until the last day!
I am not worried about my age!
I know how to be a winner!
I create for myself the necessary financial well-being!
I know that love, joy, peace and endless wisdom will be with me from now on and forever!
My later years are precious to me, and I become the representative (nitsa) of the "Magnificent Old Age"!
I do my best to contribute to life!

Louise Hay's Forgiveness Affirmations

I know my feelings are my friends!
My heart is open. Through forgiveness, I perceive love!
Today I listen to my feelings, I am in harmony with myself!
I am ready for healing. I can forgive. I'm all good!
The past is left behind. The past no longer dominates me. The present moment creates my future!
I have a right to my own strength!
I give myself a gift - I get rid of the past and accept the present with joy!
I get the help I need from a variety of sources. The best support for me is fortitude and love!
I love and accept my loved ones for who they are!
I can forgive, love, be kind, gentle, and I know that life loves me!
When I make a mistake, I realize that this is only part of the learning process!
Through forgiveness, I gain understanding. I have compassion for everything that surrounds me!
Every day is a new opportunity. Yesterday exhausted itself and remained in the past. Today is a new day for my future!
I know that mistakes no longer limit me. I can easily get rid of them!
I can only change myself. I let others be who they are, and I love myself for who I am!
I forgive my imperfection. I have chosen the best path in life for myself!
I forgive everyone for the old mistakes. I release them with love!
Now it is safer for me to free myself from all childhood traumas and start loving!
All the changes that come in my life are only positive. I'm safe!
I'm going back to the basics of life: forgiveness, courage, gratitude, love and joy!
Every person I have met in my life has a lot to learn. We have a goal in coexistence!
I know that I can only take responsibility for myself. We are all at the mercy of our own consciousness!

Louise Hay's health affirmations

I love food that is good for my health!
I am constantly looking for new ways to improve my body!
I love every cell of my body!
I am looking forward to a healthy old age, because I care about my health now!
Healing is happening! I release my thoughts from problems and let the mind of my body do the healing naturally!
I bring my body back to optimal health by providing everything it needs!
I am pain free. I am completely in sync with the rhythm of life!
I'm not afraid to ask for help when needed!
My body is doing everything it can to maintain excellent health!
My life is balanced: work, rest and play - everything has its time!
I am happy that I live today. I was lucky enough to have another wonderful day!
I sleep in a healthy, sound sleep. My body appreciates my concern for it!
I always choose the qualified medicine that suits my needs!
I trust my intuition. I always listen to the inner voice!
Health is my Divine right, I can claim it!
I love everything that helps to maintain excellent health!
Only I can control my eating habits. I can always give up on something!
I help others part of the time. It's good for your health!
I am grateful for a healthy body. I love life!
The shortest road to health is to be filled with joyful thoughts!
Water is my favorite drink. I drink a lot of water to cleanse my soul and body!
I breathe deeply. I breathe life itself. I am full of energy!
Good thoughts are the key to excellent health!
I am in harmony with the part of my “I” that knows the secrets of healing!

Louise Hay's Affirmations to Attract Prosperity

I have unlimited choices. Opportunities are everywhere!
I'm a money magnet. Well-being in any form is attracted to me!
I think in scale, and I take more good from life!
Any of my work is deservedly appreciated and rewarded!
Today is an excellent day, money comes to me from alleged and unexpected sources!
Now I am doing the work I love, and it pays well!
I truly believe that we are here to make each other happy and rich. This confidence is reflected in relationships with others!
I support others in their striving to be successful, in turn life supports me!
I am gladly open (a) to the unlimited good that surrounds us everywhere!
It's nice to deal with the money I made today. Part I will spend, part I will postpone!
I live in a loving, harmonious, rich Universe, and I am grateful for that!
I am allowing wealth to enter my life on a higher level than ever!
Money is a mental state that supports me!
The Law of Attraction brings only good to my life!
Life fully satisfies all my needs. I trust life!
The more grateful I am for financial well-being and success, the more reasons for gratitude appear in my life!
I am changing my way of thinking: I am moving from thoughts of poverty to thoughts of wealth, and my finances are a reflection of these changes!
I love the financial stability that is constantly present in my life!
I never regret spending money!
I express my gratitude for all the goodness in my life. Every day brings wonderful new surprises!
The source of my blessings is everything and everything that and who surrounds me!
From that moment on, unlimited wealth and power are available to me. I feel like a worthy person!
I deserve the best and accept the best now!
I free myself from all obstacles to material well-being, I allow money to enter my life!

Louise Hay's Affirmations to Attract Love

Love surrounds me, joy fills my whole world!
From time to time I ask those I love: "What can I do to love you even more?"
I want to look at the world through the lens of love, I love everything that I see!
Love exists! I let her find me herself at the right moment for this!
I am happy in love. Every day is marked by a new acquaintance!
I came to this world to learn to love myself more and share this love with others!
My partner is the love of my life. We adore each other!
Life principles are very simple - what I give comes back to me. Today I give love!
Your love and mine are strength. Love brings peace to Earth!
I enjoy looking in the mirror saying, "I love you, I really love you!"
Now I deserve love, romance and joy - the blessing that life should give me!
I am surrounded (on) by love. Things are good!
Love is everything that surrounds us!
I like my appearance, everyone loves me!
My heart is open. I speak the language of love!
I have a wonderful loved one. We live in love and harmony!
Deep in the center of my being is an inexhaustible source of love!
I have a wonderful intimate relationship with a person who truly loves me!
I come from the most loving corner of my heart, I know that love opens all doors!
Long-term beautiful relationships make my life brighter!
I only build healthy relationships. They always treat me well!
I am very grateful for all the love in my life. Love meets me everywhere!

Louise Hay's Affirmations for Creativity

I get rid of all the complexes that hinder the creative expression of myself!
Every day I do something new or different!
I constantly feel connected to the source of creativity!
My creative process is easy and effortless, my thoughts are formed in the most loving area of \u200b\u200bmy heart!
All creative projects bring me complete satisfaction!
I have tons of time and opportunities to express myself creatively in whatever field I choose!
My family fully supports me in making my dream come true!
I feel comfortable in any manifestation of the creative process!
I know I can work a miracle in my life!
I think clearly and express myself with ease!
I am a unique, special, creative person!
I realize my creative talents in music, art, dance, literature - in everything that brings pleasure!
The key to creativity is realizing that the way of thinking shapes life experience. I apply this approach to every area of \u200b\u200bmy life!
My potential is limitless!
Every day I am learning to express myself more creatively!
Work allows me to realize my talents and abilities, I love my job!
I am safe, I am satisfied with everything I do!
My inner creative possibilities never cease to amaze and delight me!
My heart is the center of my strength. I follow the dictates of my heart!
My talents are in demand, my unique abilities are appreciated by everyone around me!
Life is never boring, boring, never stands still - every minute it changes, brings novelty!
Ideas come to me easily, effortlessly!
I am the joyous, creative expression of life itself!

Louise Hay's Affirmations for a Successful Career

At work, my colleagues and I rejoice at each other's successes!
Work allows me to reveal my talents and abilities, I am grateful for my work!
The joy that I experience from work is an integral part of my luck in life!
Making decisions is easy for me. I welcome new ideas and keep my promises!
I choose a healthy incentive in my relationship. During the breaks, I communicate kindly with everyone and listen with the participation of my interlocutors!
When I wake up in the morning, I look forward to a great day. My expectations and hopes lead to positive experiences!
The best job is looking for me by itself, now is the moment when we met!
I truly believe that we are here now to make each other happy. I project this conviction into relationships with others!
I know that when I do my best at work, I will be rewarded!
It is easy for me to speak in front of others. I'm confident in myself!
When I run into problems at work, I feel free to ask for help!
I create a good mood at work. I understand that the Universe is governed by its own laws, I follow these laws in all life situations!
I respect my colleagues. In turn, they respect me too!
Constraints are the only opportunity for successful growth. They serve as steps to the pedestal!
Opportunities are everywhere. I have tons of opportunities!
I star in my own film called My Life. I am a screenwriter and a director at the same time. I am happy to come up with a role for myself in the scene "My Job"!
Everyone I meet at work today is interesting to me as a person!
Working together is part of one of life's goals. I love the people I work with!
I deserve a successful career, I accept it now!
I always create a positive attitude in the team!
I have endless potential. Only good things await me in the future!
I enjoy spending time at my workplace. Mutual respect reigns in our team!
My work allows me to realize my full potential. I successfully cope with all responsibilities!

Louise Hay's table

Louise Hay believes that the cause of the disease will disappear after the person realizes the emotional problem. The disease does not appear just like that, it is sent to each person so that he thinks about its psychological causes. To facilitate this quest, Louise Hay's table is intended.

The stereotypes of our thinking are formed on the negative experience received by a person. This postulate of psychosomatics and the table of diseases are closely related to each other.

If you change these long-standing beliefs, you can completely get rid of many problems and diseases. Each incorrect installation leads to the appearance of a certain disease:

cancer is a long-standing resentment;
thrush - a subconscious rejection of your sexual partner;
cystitis - containing negative emotions;
allergy - unwillingness to accept something or someone into your life, perhaps even yourself;
thyroid problems - dissatisfaction with the quality of life.

First you need to find your problem in the first column, where diseases are listed in alphabetical order.
-On the right is the probable cause of the disease. This information should be carefully read and be sure to ponder and comprehend. Without such elaboration, you should not use this table.
-In the third column, you need to find an affirmation that corresponds to the problem, and repeat this positive belief several times throughout the day.

The positive effect will not be long in coming - the established mental balance will lead to an improvement in health.


Probable cause


Life attitudes are like seeds in soil. First they swell, then take root, then break free, germinating. It takes time for a large plant to grow from a tiny seed. So it is with life attitudes - affirmations. A certain time passes from the moment of their first utterance to their manifestation in life. Be patient.

Louise L. Hay


Copyright © 2010 by Louise L. Hay


Welcome to the world of life-affirming affirmations! By choosing to use the psychological tools presented in this book, you made a conscious decision to heal your own life and move forward on the path of positive change. And the time for these changes has come now. There is nothing better than taking control of your thoughts right from this moment. Join the countless people who have changed their lives for the better by doing what I suggest in the pages of this book.

Applying life-affirming affirmations is not difficult at all. It can even be a joy when you throw off the burden of negative beliefs and send them into the oblivion from which they came to you.

If we negatively perceive our life or ourselves, this does not mean that this is the ultimate truth. As a child, we often hear bad things about ourselves and about life in general, and we perceive this as true statements. And now we will analyze what we believed in and make a decision: either to adhere to these views, because they help us to live or make our life more joyful and fulfilling; or we will decide to abandon them. I like to pretend I'm throwing old beliefs into a river stream. They gently sweep down the river, dissolving into the distance, never to return.

Welcome to my garden of life, plant new thoughts and ideas there, beautiful and fruitful. Life cherishes you and deserves the best. Life wants peace, joy, self-confidence, a sense of self-sufficiency and self-love to reign in your soul and in your head. You deserve a sense of ease in dealing with each person, you deserve a good lot. So let me help you germinate the seeds of these ideas in your new garden. You can take care of them, nourish them, watch them grow, turn into beautiful flowers and ripe fruits, which, in turn, will brighten your life and nourish you spiritually until the end of your days.

In this book, I offer you even more useful information regarding life-affirming affirmations. They are applicable in almost every area of \u200b\u200bour life. Try to repeat the affirmations whenever possible, at any time of the day or night. Whenever you feel like engaging in positive thinking, let these affirmations permeate your mind. Let them fill you with hope and joy.

What are affirmations?

For those of you who are not familiar with positive affirmations and have never worked with them, I would like to clarify a little what it is, in fact, and how it all works. It's very simple: an affirmation is any thought or statement. People usually speak and think badly too often, their thoughts and words are permeated with negativity. A positive experience cannot be born out of this. You need to try to tune your perception and thoughts in a positive way, of course, if you want to heal your own life.

Positive affirmations are the key to the door to a joyful life. And this is the starting point on the road to positive change. The main thing is that you seem to order your subconscious mind:

“I accept responsibility. I understand that a lot needs to be changed. " When i talk about applying affirmations, I mean that you should consciously choose words that will either help get rid of something negative, or allow to createsomething new in your life.

Any spoken word or any thought - these are statements or affirmations. Your internal dialogue with yourself, self-expression, speaking out loud of your own thoughts - this is the flow of affirmations. Whether you want to or not, you apply or give yourself affirmations every second. You make life-affirming statements for yourself, creating new life experiences with every word or thought.

Your beliefs are just habitual mental stencils that you learned as a child. Many of them are extremely productive for you. Others, however, probably limit the ability to create what you want. And what you want and what you deserve is not excluded, they are by no means the same, they can differ like heaven and earth. You should pay attention to your thoughts. And then start getting rid of the negative ones that bring unwanted negative experiences into your life that have no place in it.

Please remember that any complaint is also an affirmation about something you don't want. You don't think you need it. When you are angry, you are confirming that you need anger in life. Whenever you feel like a victim, you continue to give yourself affirmations. feelyourself as such. As soon as you feel that life has cheated you in something, and then you are never destined to receive the good that others have. And this will continue until you start to think differently and speak differently.

If you think this way and not otherwise, it does not mean that you are a bad person. You just never learned to think and speak correctly. All over the world people are only now beginning to understand that thought is material. Your parents probably didn't even know about it. Therefore, they could not teach you anything like that either. They taught you to look at this life the way they were probably taught theirparents. It cannot be said that one of them was wrong or wrong... However, it is time for you to wake up from sleep and start consciously creating your life so that you can experience joy and so that everything will help you. Youit can be done. To meit's on the shoulder. Useveryone can do it. You just need to know how it's done. So let's do it!

The entire book is devoted to the discussion of such complex and highly specific things and problems as health, negative emotions and fear, critical thinking, addictions, forgiveness, work, money, prosperity and well-being, friendship, love, intimate relationships and old age. I will give you exercises that can help you bring about positive change in all of these areas.

Some people are convinced that affirmations do not work, they are useless (which in itself serves as a certain affirmation). This really only means that they just do not know how to use them correctly. They may repeat: “ My wealth is growing all the time". But at the same time they think: “This is a monstrous nonsense. I'm sure it will never work. " Which affirmation do you think will prevail? Negative, of course. Because it is part of the habitual negative and gloomy outlook on life. Sometimes people say affirmations once a day, and the rest of the time they whine and complain. In this case, it will take a long time for the affirmations to really start to take effect. Whining and negative statements always prevail, prevail simply because there are more of them, they are usually pronounced with feeling, with great force of conviction.

Harmony with oneself is what almost every person on this planet dreams of. Louise L. Hay's book Positive Thinking. How to be happy every day ”is a kind of guide to achieving this goal. According to the author, it is a positive attitude that is the key to a successful life.

about the author

Louise L. Hay is the founder of the self-help movement, a publishing company, and a philanthropic foundation. She is the author of over 30 books of popular psychology, one of which is the world famous You Can Heal Your Life.

The writer put forward a new theory about the influence of mental trauma and stress on the human body, which claims that negative attitudes and fears are the cause of emotional and physical problems. At the moment, her philosophy has become successful in many countries around the world, not only in the United States.

Prices for Louise L. Hay Positive Thinking How to Be Happy Every Day

What is this book about

The book contains special meditations, describes the spiritual attitudes of Louise Hay and her friends. The presented material will help a person understand himself in difficult life situations. The author proposes radically new ways of solving problems; the work describes techniques for overcoming depressive states.

According to Louise L. Hay, the inner attitude is the basis of many outcomes in a person's life situations. It is enough to get rid of negative stereotypes in order to start thinking positively again and change life in a positive direction.

The book is intended for the general public. It tells about how to become happy, how to achieve harmony in life and not lose this state.

The work is filled with affirmations, quotes from great people that help motivate a person, inspire him. Louise L. Hay argues that letting go of the past must be accompanied by a sense of forgiveness. This will help to get rid of worries and problems. Even the fact that a person wants to forgive contributes to the healing process.

The book contains methods of how to become happier, they are based on positive thinking, on the influence of repetition and listening to positive phrases from 300 times a day.

The author does not give unusual advice and does not give examples of difficult life problems, she describes positive, life-affirming attitudes. The outlined thoughts, statements, reasoning and statements tune exclusively to love, faith in the power of kindness and sincerity.

The book can be roughly divided into three parts:

  1. The first... It contains meditative moods that are written on behalf of the author. Find solutions to a woman's life problems, get rid of stress, overcome illness, eliminate fear, become more confident. These conclusions help to find peace of mind and a sense of security. Each thought is presented in the form of several sentences, but carries a huge meaning.
  2. The second... It features Louise L. Hay's Hearty Thoughts and shares her own life experiences with people.
  3. Third... It is filled with short theses from the statements of significant people in the history of mankind - adherents of the theory of positive thinking.

Readers' opinion

Readers highlight several positive characteristics of this book:

  • positive;
  • with strong positive energy;
  • has a motivational component;
  • easy to understand;
  • does not have complex speech patterns.

For many people, the book “Positive Thinking. How to be happy every day ”helped to cope with life's difficulties in work, personal life, business. The work helps a person to believe in himself again.

The disadvantages of the work include the fact that the book is in a sense "infantile": no person can be constantly in a positive mood, can not achieve absolute happiness.

Many readers believe that the book can become a desktop book, it can be read every day, opened on any page and "plunged" into the abyss of positive and positive energy.

Thus, the piece is an excellent motivator and inspiration. It is suitable for reading not only for women, but also for men, because it contains universal positive attitudes for a happy life.

Louise Hay is the creator of the table of diseases on psychosomatics, curator of the self-help movement, social activist, volunteer, author of more than 35 thematic books with a psychological bias.

This is a woman whose philosophy was forged from a turbulent and unhappy childhood: poverty, hunger, beatings and sexual abuse by her stepfather, promiscuous sexual intercourse and childhood trauma associated with being raped by an alcoholic neighbor at the age of 5.

A dysfunctional childhood was followed by another misfortune - uterine cancer... Louise healed the "incurable" disease on her own, radically changing her thinking. From this began the path of a great woman - she began researching diseases and their etiology. She then compiled a spreadsheet known to the world as the Louise Hay Disease Chart.

Louise managed to recover from oncology in 3 months, through her negative emotions, fears and prejudices that could undermine her health.

She was sure that illness is given to a person to rethink his life.

The conclusion was this: diseases come to a person due to the inability to let go of the past and resentment. During her treatment, Louise developed affirmations (healing beliefs). Repeating them every day, Louise was able to overcome oncology, which became proof of her theory of the relationship between the soul and the body.

What does the table display?

Treatment consists of realizing one's psycho-emotional problem, eliminating bad thoughts and prejudices. Louise Hay, whose table of illnesses will be presented below, believes that self-criticism, resentment, guilt, fear, resentment are the causes of most problems. The list displays bodily illnesses and their psychological causes.

According to the woman, the disease appears so that a person understands its psychological origin. The table of diseases was developed to help people find the cause of suffering, eradicate it.

Where to begin

Disease table

Each part of the body is responsible for certain sensations and emotions. For each negative emotion, oppressive feeling has its own affirmation. Affirmation is a short-lived belief that takes hold in the mind. The opposite of negative thinking.

The left side of the body is feminine. Symbolizes intuition and sensitivity. The role of mother and woman. Affirmation - I feel the feminine energy balance in me. The right side is the beginning of the man. Symbolizes analytics and determination. The role of the father and the man. Right side affirmation: "I am easily in control of masculine energy."

Part of the body Means Affirmation
FaceWhat is visible to others.I have no fear of others, I am not shy.
EyesAbility to observe oneself from the outside.I am overwhelmed with love, I look at my life from the outside and am glad of it.
BrainControl center.I am full of love that helps me manage my life.
NoseRecognition of your identity.I understand the value of my personality.
MouthAwareness of ideas and words.My main ideas are love, harmony, happiness. I speak with love, build harmony around and rejoice in it.
TongueThe opportunity to taste the "fruit" of life.I enjoy life, it protects me, I am not afraid of being poisoned, I am glad for the generous gifts of fate.
EarsThe ability to hear.I listen carefully, hear what is happening around.
TeethSolutions.I make choices easily, I never regret the decisions I made.
ThroatSymbolizes creativity.My heart is ready for a new one. This is my song that conveys joyful and warm feelings.
BreastsMaternal custody. Feeding and bearing.There is a balance between what I have given and what I have received.
Breathing, lungsThe ability to let energy into oneself.I breathe deeply, not afraid to suffocate, I love life, and she loves me, I feel it in my lungs.
ArmsThe ability to express your life experiences.I easily perceive events in my life, enjoy any experience and extract only positive emotions from it.
FingersSmall troubles and little things in life.I accept all circumstances with their little things and perceive them with calmness.
ThumbMind and anxiety.Harmony flourishes in me. I am calm, pure in mind.
ForefingerFear. "Ego" of a person.I have nothing to fear, I can handle any situation. Reliability is the main principle of my life.
Middle fingerAnger, libido.I am convinced of my sexuality. Intimate life suits me.
Ring fingerFriendship and love. Relationship sadness.I allow myself to love serenely.
Little fingerFamily symbol.My family is my support. I love her and I care about her.
ToesA symbol of unimportant details from the future.Everything will be decided, I am confident in the future.
ShouldersThe skill to deal with difficulties.Life is not a burden. All experience brings joy, love to her.
WristIndicates movement and lightness.I act lightly, wisely, with love.
WristSymbolizes a person's treatment of the past.I turn to my past with peace of mind.
ElbowPerception of changes in life.I am not afraid to gain new experience, I easily open new directions.
MuscleThe ability to move towards life. Resistance to change.I enjoy my life, I'm not afraid to move forward. I'm on the way with the wind of change.
HeartThe hearth of love, protection.The heart is safe, it protects me. The heartbeat contains a song of love.
LiverThe center of anger.I am in harmony, love, joy.
KidneyThe center of fear.I have nothing to worry about, life gives me only the best.
StomachPlace of digestion of thoughts. Awareness of life.Life is easy for me to assimilate. Thoughts pass through me unhindered.
SpleenObsession with something. Obsessions.There is a place in the universe for me. I have faith in myself.
PancreasTaste of life.My life is without salt, it tastes sweet and delicious.
IntestinesGarbage disposal. Cleansing the body, soul.I part with the past without any problems, I happily assimilate the present. I'm not afraid to throw out the internal garbage, I take care of myself.
LeatherSymbolizes feelings. Protection of individuality.I remain myself and love myself, always calm.
SpineSymbolizes the support of life.Life gives me support and care.
NeckFlexibility symbol. The presence of "eyes on the back of the head."I see what is happening behind my back, I control everything that happens in peace, I am glad, because I have a good relationship with life.
BonesThe foundation of the human body.I respect my body, it is beautiful and loved. I am strong and healthy.
Bone marrowA symbol of self-care, those beliefs that directly relate to a person.Caring, love, support is the goal of my life. I take care of myself, love, keep myself safe.
KneesFeeling proud of yourself.I am a flexible person, I respect other people.
LegsProgress.I live, move forward, leaving the past behind.
ButtocksHuman strength.My strength is always with me. I spend it wisely. I have no fears.
FeetUnderstanding what is happening around.I see, I understand myself and others, I am transformed with the change of time. There are no fears.
BloodThe joy that flows in the body.I feel joy in my veins, I enjoy life because I love my life.
ThyroidParanoia. Feeling threatened with life. Fear of getting sick.My positive attitude heals me. I am immune, healthy and I love my body.
Pubic boneProtection of intimate life, genitourinary system.Nothing threatens my sex life. I am sexy and healthy.
UterusThe temple of femininity. Creativity.My body is my temple. I am in it, feeling at home.
OvariesCreation.My creative center is in harmony.
TesticlesMasculinity.It is safe and dignified to be a man.
ProstateThe principles of men.I am courageous, I accept myself as a man.
NervesCommunication with people.I willingly enter into a conversation, I do not sow conflicts. It is easy for me to be around others.

The table contains reasons closely related to a person's mental problems. The root of the disease is in the head in the form of negative experiences. It is possible to eradicate the disease by replacing negative attitudes with healing affirmations (positive attitudes). Louise Hay argues that any disease can be overcome if you set yourself up to think positively.

Problem Provoking factor Installation
TonsillitisLack of self-expression ability. Understatement. Restraining harsh words.There are no limits for me. I am free, I can be myself.
GlandsSituations that cannot be influenced or participated.I am the creator of my world.
InsomniaFears. Feelings of guilt. Distrust of everything that happens.I go to bed, giving myself a restful sleep. I'm sure the next day will welcome me with open arms.
Alzheimer's diseaseFeeling hopeless. Helplessness. Spitefulness. Rejection of reality.I say goodbye to the past. Life can be enjoyed in a different way. I am easily looking for a way out of a negative situation, I am happy.
AmnesiaFear. Failure to defend yourself. Escape from problems.I am brave, reasonable, valuable person, not afraid to live. Mena is overwhelmed with a sense of calm, protection.
Gum diseaseIndecision. Irresponsibility.I am purposeful. Each step towards the goal is endowed with love. I am not afraid to resolve issues, I am proud of my responsibility.
Diseases of the mouthBias and ignorance of new ideas, thoughts.I accept new thoughts, I will assimilate them without any problems.
AstigmatismSelf-loathing. Fear of watching yourself from the outside.I am not disgusted to watch myself in the real. I feel beauty, greatness.
MyopiaFear of the future.I feel safe. I am lucky.
GlaucomaReluctance to forgive. Pressure of resentment.In my eyes there is love for everything. I give everyone a gentle look.
Hyperopia.Feeling detached from the universe.I'm safe right here. The world does not threaten me. I can clearly see my own calmness.
CataractThe uncertainty of the future. Pessimism.Life is endless. Life is full of joys.
StrabismusUnwillingness to see what is hidden from view. Contrary actions.I am calm. I'm not afraid to see, I feel safe.
Deafness.Not accepting anything. Stubbornness. Insulation.I am a piece of the world. I understand my own and the importance of others. I harmonize with those around me, I listen to them.
DizzinessUnconnected stream of thought. Reluctance to see clearly.I am calm. I am purposeful. I can live. I can enjoy life.
CephalalgiaSelf-criticism. Fears. Little self-esteem.I love myself, I accept everything in myself, I feel safe wherever I am.
CoughDesire to be heard. Lack of attention.They see me. I am appreciated. I am noticed and loved.
ARVIFear of letting in life.I feel safe. Nothing threatens me. I love my life and breathe it in deeply.
AsthmaHolding back tears. Depression. The person does not care about himself.I am free. My life is in my hands. It is light and pleasant. I love my life and from now on I will take care of it.
Pulmonary diseasesDepression. Sadness. Fear of accepting life. Little self-esteem.I can live with self-love. I deserve to breathe deeply and not be afraid of life.
GastritisUncertainty in life.

Feeling of hopelessness.

I feel safe. I approve of the path I have chosen.
FlatulenceFears and stiffness. Ideas that never saw the light of day.I am relaxed, calm. I let life flow through me freely, easily.
AppendicitisFear of life. Denial of positive emotions.Nothing worries me. I'm completely safe. I let life flow in me.
Heartburn, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcerFear of change. Inability to "digest" new situations.Life goes on smoothly. Nobody harms me. I am happy to accept the changes and easily absorb the experience.
ConstipationUnwillingness to say goodbye to the past. Snappishness. Old thoughts that clog your head.Life flows. I say goodbye to the past without any problems. I feel that the universe loves me, sending fresh thoughts.
DiarrheaEscape from problems. Fear.I live in peace. There are no barriers between me and life.
Bowel pathologyFear of parting with past or obsolete thoughts.I easily say goodbye to the past tense without effort, I am open to new achievements, I am able to accept changes.
ColicLack of patience. Dissatisfaction with people. Irritability.I only hear love. I am strong enough to be able to wait. I respect others and love people.
Decreased appetiteFear, attempts to defend yourself. Distrust of the world.I am glad that I live, I feel loved.
Excessive appetiteCondemnation and denial of your own emotions. Fears. The need for protection.Nothing threatens my feelings, I am full of strength.
AcneThe desire to hide the face. Thoughts about your unattractiveness.I am beautiful, men like me.
Dermatological problemsAnxiety. Fear. Danger.Life protects me. I feed her with love, forgive the past, let it go. I am more free than ever.
Pathology of the circulatory systemFrozen thoughts. Unhappy lifeJoy circulates within me, filling my entire body.
HypertensionPsycho-emotional problems that are waiting for a solution.I am no longer attached to past events. There is complete harmony inside my mind.
HypotensionNot enough love in childhood. Pessimism.I live, I'm happy about it.
Heart diseaseCallousness and lack of happiness. Stress. Voltage.I pass healing happiness through my heart, full of love, free.
Myocardial infarctionSacrificing happiness for financial stability.The main value is happiness. Joy constantly fills the heart.
Hepatic pathologyComplaints, dissatisfaction with their life. Self-deception. Pickiness. Excuse your pessimism.Now I am open and cheerful. I live with love and see it everywhere.
JaundiceBias and one-sidedness.I have enough patience, I know how to be compassionate. I respect others and myself.
Kidney diseaseFear of criticism. Disappointment. Shame. Infantilism.I'm not afraid to be an adult. I am responsible for my life. I accept my failures with joy, gaining valuable experience.
Diseases of the adrenal glandsOwn detachment. Anxiety. Feeling of failure.I'm not afraid to worry about myself. My every action is endowed with love, I approve of every step I take.
Stones in the kidneysAnger unable to find a way out.I no longer hold onto the past. I feel easy at heart.
Infectious pathologies of the genitourinary tractIrritability, anger towards a partner. Self-deception. The feeling of guilt that a person places on the environment.I respect my partner. I feel responsible for my life. I'm ready for a change.
IncontinenceEmotional outbursts held back by a person for years.I calmly withstand any feelings. I don't feel panic.
Menstrual problems (amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea)Denial of femininity. Fear. Shame from your body. Guilt. Misconceptions associated with the "uncleanness" of the genitals and their sinfulness.I am a full-fledged woman. I love myself and accept. The processes taking place in my body are natural.
Menopause problemsFear of losing female attractiveness. Self-loathing and aging.I give my body love, whatever it is. There is harmony within me.
Diseases of the feetFailure to move forward due to fear of the future.I am confident in my future. I am not afraid to go towards the unknown, because only good awaits me.
Fluid retentionSymbolizes a person's fear of losing something.I'm not afraid to let go. I gladly part with what is supposed to leave.
RachiocampsisAttempts to stay in the past. Distrust of the environment. Personal destruction. Lack of courage.I'm not scared anymore. I believe in myself and my strength. To live is my calling. My posture becomes straight and I walk the road of life with joy.
ObesitySelf-defense. Denial of your own feelings. Fear. Depression. Unrealized ideas.I feel protected. It is safe to feel. I can protect myself. I am overwhelmed with joy and love.
CystResentments that a person cannot let go of. Developmental disorder.My life is calm and peaceful. I love myself and let go of the burden of the past. I forgive myself and others.
FaintingFear. Memory loss. Inability to cope with the situation.I am smart and strong. I can keep everything under control.
NumbnessSuppression of feelings and love. Rotting emotions that a person was holding back.I feel love in every person. I myself am full of love.
CancerStrong hatred. Resentment eating from the inside. Deep psychological trauma.I forgive my past and release it. From this moment on, I am full of joy and love.
WeaknessLack of rest.I allow myself to rest. Nothing worries me.
FatigueThe boredom of life. A person forces himself to do an unloved business.I am curious and energetic. I am full of joy. I like life.
AIDSLow self-esteem. Dissatisfaction with sex life. Feelings of hopelessness.Life loves me, life values \u200b\u200bme. I have strength. I love myself. I value myself.
ConvulsionsThe desire to grab onto life. Pursuit of the world. Voltage.I am relaxed. There is harmony within me. I am in control of my life.
Tick \u200b\u200bor convulsionsParanoia. Fears.I'm completely safe. Life accepts me.
RashDefenselessness.I am strong and protected. Everything's under control.
Bad breathGossip and insults.I speak about others with love. I only radiate joy.
"Incurable" diseasesTo heal what cannot be healed externally, it is healed from the inside.I get rid of the internal stuff. I heal myself with love and care.
ImpotenceAnger towards a partner. Mother's fear. Feelings of guilt and pressure.I allow my sexuality to manifest itself. I am full of strength.
DepressionAnger that hasn't been released. Hopelessness.I break boundaries. I am in control of my life. My life is full of colors.

How to work with Louise Hay's disease table

Louise Hay, whose disease table cannot give an exact answer to a person about the origin of his disease, says that in order to find the source of the disease, you need to remember its first manifestations and the events that could cause it. This could be deep psychological trauma, phobia, depression, or negative thoughts.

After analyzing, a person should say to himself: "I remembered everything and am ready to let go of it," then find the disease on the list and use the affirmations.

The affirmation should be repeated every day, preferably 3 times, so that the thought is strengthened in consciousness.

Affirmations for prosperity and success


  • I walk through life with ease and success.
  • I am thriving and moving forward towards my goal.
  • I can achieve my goals.
  • Whatever I do, success awaits me.
  • I am successful and smart.
  • I am worthy of my success.
  • Luck is my life companion.
  • Every day I grow spiritually and prosper.

Dissolving Resentment Affirmations


  • I live without a load of resentment. My soul is pure.
  • There is no place for resentment in my heart.
  • I do not hold evil, only joy and love flows in me.
  • I deserve to be happy, so I let go of all wrongs.
  • I do not let grudges destroy me.
  • I act wisely when I let go of an oppressive resentment.
  • There is no place in my world for bitterness of resentment.
  • I breathe in happiness and breathe out resentment.

Affirmations for finances and self-love


  • My body is full of love, my face shines with happiness.
  • I approve of myself and love.
  • I love myself at any time of the day.
  • I love myself in any mood.
  • I never stop loving myself even in difficult times.
  • By doing stupid things and making mistakes, I still love myself.
  • My body is my temple, I am happiness.
  • I am important and loved.
  • I'm a money magnet.
  • My cash flow is open.
  • I receive gifts of fate in double size.
  • My income is growing every day.
  • I am solvent and independent.
  • I have the right to be rich, I deserve it.
  • The money itself goes to me.
  • I am successful, rich and happy.

Forgiveness Affirmations


101 thoughts that carry power


  1. My healing has already begun.
  2. I trust my inner voice.
  3. I forgive myself and others.
  4. I enjoy what I do.
  5. I trust life.
  6. My house suits me.
  7. I am free from the past.
  8. The power is with me right now.
  9. I am calm in any change.
  10. I can change.
  11. I control my thoughts by casting aside negativity.
  12. Thoughts are building my future.
  13. No self-criticism, only love.
  14. I don't expect anything from life. I know that only luck awaits me.
  15. I have a clear understanding of the world.
  16. I am calm. Life supports and makes me happy.
  17. I sow love and joy everywhere. The people around me are a reflection of me.
  18. I have a perfect balance of the feminine mu of the masculine.
  19. I have the right to be free.
  20. I am not afraid and do not doubt.
  21. The universe guides me and I am calm about my fate.
  22. I love my life.
  23. I love my body.
  24. Every problem has solutions.
  25. I am patient with others and myself. Harmony in me and around me.
  26. I am open to change and new ideas.
  27. I create love around me. My happiness has no boundaries. I stand above human fears.
  28. I deserve to be loved.
  29. I am the creator of my life. The thought is material.
  30. I'm sexy and I admit it.
  31. My age is my value. I live in harmony with my years.
  32. I live in the present. The past will never return.
  33. I give people what I want in return. No criticism.
  34. I do not hold people, they are as free as I am.
  35. I myself chose my parents. They gave me enough knowledge. I give them love and forgiveness. They are free from me, and I am from them.
  36. I feel good and safe in my home.
  37. Life gives me what I desire when my thoughts are clean of negativity.
  38. Life gives me and others prosperity. All desires will be fulfilled. All needs are met.
  39. Harmony always reigns in my world.
  40. I love my job.
  41. Life gives me support and care.
  42. Love and joy lead me forward. I have a bright future.
  43. I am happy with what I have. Ahead is a new experience, which I meet with joy.
  44. My reality is created by my forces. Love and understanding reign in my world.
  45. I can use my talents for my dream job.
  46. I am surrounded by success everywhere.
  47. There are many ways of income open to me. I am ready to accept them.
  48. I deserve to be better. I have a right to happiness and prosperity.
  49. I live easy.
  50. I am protected from any negativity. I am at peace with the universe.
  51. I hear body signals. I care about my health.
  52. I'm talented and I'm not afraid to express it.
  53. I change every day only for the better.
  54. I am unique and I accept it.
  55. I communicate with other people without problems.
  56. I am my true self. There is love and joy inside me.
  57. Love surrounds me everywhere. I can love and I can be loved.
  58. I love others as much as I love myself. I accept people and give them joy.
  59. I am beatiful. People love me and I love them.
  60. I love myself the way I am.
  61. I am determined. I hear my inner voice.
  62. When traveling, the Universe protects me. I'm safe.
  63. Every day I rise higher and higher above delusions. I understand this world.
  64. I accept my partner. Our relationship is full of love and understanding.
  65. I live in a safe world. I trust the world.
  66. The world heals with me. Positive thoughts make the world a better place.
  67. I love my motherland. Every person in our country is full of love and kindness.
  68. I take care of my family and love it. Harmony reigns in my family.
  69. The Universe protects my children. They are happy and protected from any negative influence.
  70. I love all living beings and do not hurt them.
  71. Childbirth is a natural process. I'm not scared, I only feel love.
  72. My child is my miracle. I love and protect him.
  73. I move easily. My body is flexible enough. I feel like an absolutely healthy person.
  74. I am enriching my knowledge of life. I get to know my body and soul. I am responsible for myself.
  75. I am energetic and young. Sport helps keep me strong.
  76. The universe has given me prosperity. I accept it and live with joy and love.
  77. I am connected with the universe. Higher powers take care of me and guide me on the right path.
  78. I live in the present.
  79. I maintain a healthy weight effortlessly. My body and my mind live in harmony.
  80. I eat right and nourish my body with vitamins. I'm in good shape.
  81. I love my pets. They are healthy and happy.
  82. I love nature, it is the source of my strength. I am in harmony with the environment.
  83. I heal myself and others every day. My thoughts are powerful medicine.
  84. I respect and love the elderly.
  85. I'm not afraid of my car. I feel safe while driving.
  86. Music gives me strength, lifts my spirits, and inspires me.
  87. I'm not afraid of being alone. I live in peace with myself. I deserve to rest and put my thoughts in order.
  88. I take care of myself. I wear what I like. My appearance reflects my love for myself.
  89. I have enough time for every task. I live in the present. I am a strong personality.
  90. I take a break from work.

  91. Children love me. When I'm around they are safe.
  92. Dreams are my helpers. Dreaming helps me find answers to life's questions.
  93. My environment consists of positive people.
  94. I solve financial problems with love.
  95. I am not killing the child inside me. I am ashore and I love him.
  96. I am not afraid to ask for help and I willingly help others.
  97. I celebrate the holidays with my family and close friends.
  98. I am kind and polite to all people.
  99. I am a good friend. I am always support and help in difficult times.
  100. I care about the planet I live on. I am ecology friendly.
  101. I do not lose touch with the Universe and always listen to the clues of fate. Life is a miracle and I love it.

Healing Light Meditation

Meditation "Healing Light" is designed to restore vitality, helps to cope with energy exhaustion, nervous diseases. You should meditate in a calm and quiet place. It is recommended to plug the ears with earplugs, and blindfold the eyes with a dark bandage.

The healing practice is best done in the early morning or late evening. At this time, channels open, and cosmic energy becomes the most accessible. You can meditate 1-2 times a day for 15-25 minutes.

Doing the Healing Light meditation:

Become happy in 21 days

The course is based on working with a mirror and affirmations. Be Happy in 21 Days teaches self-confidence, unlocks talents, helps overcome resistance to change, increases self-esteem, develops love and compassion, and relieves stress, fear and anger. Each day of the course is dedicated to a specific exercise.

Louise Hay is known for her books and techniques. Her table of diseases is more popular.

When taking the course, you can use Louise Hay's table of illnesses if you have health problems:

Lessons distributed by day

1 week teaches self-love.1. Acceptance and manifestation of self-love.

2. Make friends with your reflection in the mirror.

3. Conversation with yourself.

4. Letting go of your past.

5. Improving self-esteem.

6. Liberation from the inner critic.

7. Summing up the results of the first week.

Week 2 is devoted to feelings, namely: pain, fear, anger.1-2. Reconciliation with your inner child

3. Love for your body, healing pain.

4. Release of anger.

5. Victory over fears.

6. How to start your day with love.

7. Summing up the results of the second week.

Week 3 is the final stage of the course, dedicated to relationships, prosperity, and gratitude.1. How to forgive yourself and others.

2. Healing relationships.

3. Get rid of stress.

4. Prosperity.

5. Gratitude for life.

6. Teaching children to exercise with a mirror.

7. Complete acceptance of self-love.

Louise Hay on Self-Love

Love begins with fostering a sense of self-worth and completely refusing to criticize yourself:

  • Fears keep you from moving forward. You need to stop bullying yourself.
  • You should cultivate gentleness, kindness and patience towards others and yourself.
  • Hatred is a rotten feeling that you need to get rid of. Self-love and positive thoughts create a person.
  • Praising yourself is good. A person needs approval from himself.
  • The support of life is love. Each person should love himself, love gives strength.
  • You need to love your flaws.
  • The body is a person's home, and he needs care and proper care.
  • Mirror work and self-talk are important. You need to be able to hear the inner voice.
  • Do not put off love until tomorrow, but love yourself right here and now! You can't live in the past.

Louise Hay on self-perception, self-criticism

It is impossible to be perfect, criticizing yourself is useless and dangerous. Louise Hay believes that the root of many mental and physical health problems lies in self-perception. A person destroys himself with negative beliefs gained from bad life experiences.

Life is built from thoughts and words, so it is advisable to tune in to positive thinking in order to avoid failure. Having learned to think positively about himself, a person breaks down internal clamps and fears, gaining freedom.

Types of resistance to change

The fear that prevents you from moving forward towards success and prosperity is the fear of change.

3 patterns of behavior are common:

  • Frequent delays and indifference to anything.
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