The best time to conceive. Autumn for the birth of a child. What days it is better to get pregnant

The question of the right planning of the conception of the child is worried, first of all, young couples. I want to give birth to a healthy baby, and even in your favorite season and at the same time I also want to extend the period of careless married life.

In any case, regardless of that young is a family or family, which decides when it is better to conceive a second child, partners must be confident in their health. The presence of infectious diseases of the sexual sphere at the time of conception can turn into the most not desirable consequences for the health of the future child. Therefore, the medical examination will be just by the way.

But more often the question is when it is better to conceive a child implies the specific days of the monthly menstrual cycle, which are considered the most favorable for conception. In order to accelerate the occurrence of pregnancy and for planning the floor of the child, the married couple is important to know when conception occurs after ovulation.

Optimal age for conception

Couples on the eve of pregnancy want to prepare thoroughly, choose a suitable time to conceive. From the point of view of medicine, age 21-6 years is considered the most optimal for the first pregnancy. By this time, completely puberty was completed, a young organism is not burdened with chronic diseases, a hormonal background is stabilized.

The natural elasticity of tissues of ligaments and joints contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and relief. Despite the fact that the age of women awaiting their firstborn in most developed countries increases, postponed on a 30-year-old age, and even after 35 years, it is advisable to still not miss a favorable period when it is better to conceive a child.

As a rule, women seek primarily education, achieve their career success. But, every woman should know that the ability to conceive decreases with age and get pregnant becomes more difficult.

35-40 Summer women to this age can have different gene violations at the level of genital cells, which can provoke congenital diseases, including genetic, and cause malformations in the development of the fetus. Pregnancy in women after 35 years can be accompanied by complications associated with the manifestation of chronic diseases during the tooling of the fetus.

Abstinence for benefit

When it is better to conceive a child depends not only from partners, but also from the physiology of a woman. Only 1 or 2 days in each month are favorable for conception, as a rule, this is an ovulation day. It was during the period of ovulation that one should enter into a sexual connection with the partner if the goal is pregnant.

As a rule, these days a woman may have a slight ailment, pain in the abdomen, increased highlights. At the same time, during this period, the sexual activity and the desire of the partner increases. The occurrence of pregnancy is also possible in cases where sexual intercourse took place a few days before ovulation. Sperm cells can remain viable for several days and wait for a mature egg.

In addition, one should not forget that two-three day abstinence increases the activity of sperm, makes them more enduring and lively. The main thing is to correctly calculate the days when conception occurs after ovulation. Knowing the features of its body, a woman can independently calculate the days favorable for conception.

A young couple with good health can be used by calculating the calendar, given the main signs: abundant allocations, spasms in the field of abdominal nose and increasing sexual attraction. Qualitative and accurate calculations will be obtained by observing the organism at least two or three cycles.

From the beginning of the menstruation, it should be counted for a week, to adjust the plus minus a few days and get the estimated middle of the cycle. These days, the most favorable, when it is better to conceive a child and should be taken for business. If still the desired pregnancy does not occur, the doctors recommend that conduciveness favorable for conception after ovulation based on the results of rectal temperature measurement.

Days with the highest temperatures are the most favorable for conception. In addition, the most favorable days when conception occurs after ovulation is determined by examining an ultrasound or special pharmacy tests.

How the season is influenced by the mammy and kid

When planning pregnancy, it is also important to consider the season in which the baby will appear. The first months of pregnancy during conception in the winter fall on the unfavorable epidemiological season - the height of the ARVI and flu epidemic, and the embryo in the first three months is very vulnerable.

The first months of the life of the baby fall on autumn days, not always a dignity and it can interfere with rods. Cloudy rainy days are unlikely to ensure the mummy a good mood. At the same time, in the cool autumn days, which the last days of pregnancy occur, the locality of edema and insomnia is reduced.

When conceived, the spring of parents is weakened by spring hypovitaminosis, and the season is characterized by a surge of respiratory diseases. At this time of year, it becomes cold and slippery, which is fraught with drops and unsafe and for mom, and for the baby.

When conceived in the summer, the body is saturated with vitamins and it is very important for the first, most vulnerable, trimester of pregnancy. Birth falls on the spring - the period of hypovitaminosis after winter. Momchka and child need vitamins to enhance immunity and strengthen the body.

When conceived in the fall, the body is maximally saturated with vitamins and is ready for the origin of a new life. Birth come for the summer, and the last trimester - on long summer days. Pregnant can experience problems with falling asleep, and the heat contributes to the appearance of edema. All this is not a desirable excess load on the fruit.

Therefore, the season, when it is better to conceive a child\u003e Each woman chooses independently. And when this is a miracle, a woman feels the happiest. There is not only the inner restructuring of the body at the physiological level, but also occur in behavior, thinking. It becomes a majestic, feeling the importance and responsibility of its mission on Earth.


In the modern world, where it is so difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle, family couples are increasingly thinking about planning the birth of their own child, to maximize the baby from the impact of detrimental effects during intrauterine development and immediately after the appearance of the light. Parents are trying to take into account purely medical testimony (impact of harmful factors at work, a detrimental effect of medicines, a general health condition, etc.), as well as other factors. For example, the optimal season for conception of a child.

It should be immediately noted that for Russia there are features of conception "by season", due to the specifics of the climatogeographic zone in which we live. Let's try to allocate these differences.


When conceived in winter, the first trimester of pregnancy falls on the winter spring, and childbirth - for autumn.

Unfortunately, for the first three months of the development of the fetus (the most critical, since the bookmark of all organs and systems is carried out) there are first and second peak of flu epidemic, ORZ and ARVI. On the other hand, in the last trimension of pregnancy, with the advent of vitamins, fresh vegetables and sun rays - the fruit "reserves" all the necessary substances for the birth and the complex period of adaptation to the extra-utilous life. Also, the future mother in this period, correctly feeding, creates a good base for future lactation. True, after the birth of the baby, the first months will have to take a walk through autumn bad weather and winter colds almost without a sun, so the necessary child for the prevention of Rahita.

It is worth noting such a small plus - in the last period of pregnancy, the tagged with an already noticeably rounded tummy can be selected a lot of inexpensive outfits, which, with a rational choice, can be worn after delivery.

Thus, when conceived in winter, it is necessary to pay special attention to the prevention of colds and infectious diseases, in a timely manner for qualified medical care in the event of ailment. The newborn baby will use special drops containing vitamin D that you will definitely prescribe a pediatrician.


When conceived in the spring, the first trimester of pregnancy falls on the spring-summer, and childbirth - for the winter.

In the first period of development of the fetus, the future mammy lies:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • imminent immunity;
  • dangerous weather conditions with ice and cold winds;
  • the second peak of flu epidemic, ORZ and ORVI.

But spring-summer is both "Love Season" with a wonderful mood, vitamins, and the Sun, which is most positively affected by pregnancy. The first and last trimester is accompanied by cool weather, low atmospheric humidity - the best conditions and can not be wished if the future mother suffers to toxicosis. Only by the end of pregnancy will be difficult to choose the top clothes for the rounded shapes. There will be no easy-to-go walks with a newborn, because they will fall into the cold and snow months.

So, to conception in the spring it is better to prepare in advance - to undergo a course of vitaminotherapy appointed by the attending physician; We take yourself from colds infections, perhaps before pregnancy, begun from the influenza virus; Be careful on the street and roads. Also carry out all the recommendations of the pediatrician relative to the prevention of rickets of the newborn.


When conceived in the summer, the beginning of pregnancy falls for summer-autumn, and childbirth - for the spring months.

With this pregnancy planning, the first and very important period for the development of the fetus will be held in comfortable climatic conditions with maximum natural vitaminization. The risk of colds and infectious diseases will be minimized. It is more difficult with the postpartum adaptation period: Mom, in conditions of lack of vitamins and the total "seasonal" fatigue, will have to take care of the formation of lactation; Baby - you will need more sun, protection against seasonal infections and strengthening immunity. Also in the spring you will need to care from injuries - fear of ice and slush.

With the "summer" beginning of pregnancy, it is necessary to prepare more closely for childbirth, with full responsibility to approach the correctness of its food diet. After all, the lactation will be installed on the future mother - the immunity of her baby depends. The main immune antibodies, the child receives with Mother's Milk. You also need to be careful on the street, because the woman on the outcome of pregnancy is more difficult to keep the balance, the freedom of movements is significantly reduced, which increases the risk of traumatization into slippery and wet weather.


When conceived in the fall, the first trimester falls on autumn-winter, and childbirth - on the summer months.

Alas, the first peak of flu epidemics, ORZ and ORVI falls at the beginning of pregnancy. But in this case, strong defenders of the future mother and child will serve as strong immunity and good vitaminization accumulated in the summer. Also in the postpartum period, the adaptation forces of the baby and moms will be at the height, and the excellent prevention of rickets will serve as a newborn. At the end of pregnancy, the weather conditions can be a heavy test - heat and humidity, but at the same time decreases the danger of household injuries.

Thus, when conceived in the fall, it is necessary to pay special attention to the prevention of colds and infectious diseases, regularly attend the attending physician and execute all its recommendations.

Separately, it is worth telling about melatonin - a hormone of a cishekovoid gland, "helping" to enter the pregnancy. It is especially important in the last trimension of pregnancy. Its developing improving in the dark, and, as is known - in the winter night is longer than late in spring and summer. From this point of view (successful toal), the winter conception is safer.

But doctors believe that the best time to start pregnancy is August, September, October, and the most unfavorable - March, April, May, since the body is weakened and tired for the winter.

But in general, the perfect time to conceive is difficult to find. After all, everything has its own positive and negative sides.

Any preparation for pregnancy includes a whole range of medical events that cannot be forgotten. And future parents can plan conception based on social, financial considerations, even guided by astrological "rules". But, in the end, if the child is desirable and loved - it doesn't matter at what time of year it will appear! Any dangers and difficulties that wait for us in different seasons, you can overcome! The main thing about these moments to remember and be able to listen to your body.

Sooner or later, before each married couple arises the question of replenishing in the family. When it is better to conceive a child: in summer or in winter, in the morning or in the evening, it is worth planning in advance, or how will it work out? These and many other problems overcome young people when they are solved at the first baby.

Every parent wants to see his child healthy and smart, and in the future - a successful and happy person. At the same time, spouses who decided to become parents should take into account the many nuances when planning a child. After all, time of successful conception is not only a certain day, but also a favorable confluence of other factors.

Some questions need to be solved long before

If you and your husband decided that it was time to conceive a child, then such a step requires a thorough preparation. Many often find out about pregnancy by chance, without having any savings or even their own housing. It is not right. To the emergence of a new life you need to be prepared in advance. And first of all it is worth solving the issue with housing and its own health.

Repair in your apartment must be made before pregnancy, because a woman in an interesting position is very harmful to breathe construction dust and even more so - to do repairs on their own. Only after household problems have been settled, you can proceed to address the question of when it is better to conceive a child.

Health is also important factor

The physical condition of the parents is also an important criterion for conceiving a normal child. After all, it often happens that no matter what a couple did not try - nothing comes out because of health problems. Moreover, visit the doctors and donate all the tests you need not only a woman, but also her spouse. Many do not even suspect some diseases that are in one way or another affect the conception. Therefore, be sure to visit the therapist and the specialists of a narrow profile, pass the most basic analyzes and pass the survey on hidden infections. This will give you more chances to give birth to a healthy baby.

If there are any health problems - eliminate them and only then plan a pregnancy, including to decide when it is better to conceive a child in the morning or in the evening, at what time of year and what day of your cycle.

The most successful age for conception

Experienced doctors believe that the most suitable female age for conception is the first period from 20 to 26 years. This is what concerns the physiological features of each girl. After all, the first birth after 30 years can turn into various complications for both mom and baby. In addition, at the age of 20 years, the body fabrics are rather elastic and capable not only to withstand the load during pregnancy, but are restored faster after childbirth. Perennial studies were established: if you give birth to the first child up to 22 years - the risk of breast cancer will be minimal.

In a psychological plan, a woman becomes ready to become a mother only by 26 years, because by this time she had a certain career, there is a stable income, and the wind in the head has not been walking for a long time.

When it is better to conceive a child - to solve only you. After all, it is possible to give birth to 40, and in 50, it would be health. However, doctors do not like to risk, leading such late pregnancies, and in every way they will discourage you from the conception of the baby. Remember that the pregnancy is not worth postponing. Try to think about it in advance when for up to 30 years remains for some time.

What is the right season for conception

Planning, at what time of year you get pregnant, thoroughly think about the pros and cons of each season. Take into account that by the time of pregnancy you need to add another 8-9 months to find out what season you give you.

It is impossible to specifically say when it is better to conceive a child. The time of year is not the main indicator that is worth native. Each season has its advantages and disadvantages. Choose only to you.

If pregnancy comes in the warmest season, be prepared for the fact that you will give birth in the spring. Just in the period when the body is most susceptible to colds and is experiencing a strong lack of vitamins. And the last trimester will have to go cold and ice, you have to look for clothes for a couple of sizes more to be able to breathe fresh air.

The pros will be attributed to the fact that the first trimester will have to be at a fairly warm course of the year. You can eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements.

If the pregnancy occurs in the fall, then you will give birth in the summer. Disadvantages: the first months of pregnancy you will have to constantly beware of the cold and outbreaks of the ARVI, which can very much affect the development of the kid. The mining of melanin in the autumn months is significantly worsening due to the frequent poor well-being pregnant.

To the positive moments of this period, you can attribute the presence of fresh vegetables and fruits, which you can do a good vitamin stock for the winter. In the summer, the baby will not need to wrap in a lot of clothes and constantly take care of whether he is dressed.

If pregnancy comes in winter, then give birth to you in the fall. By the cons of this period, the deficiency of vitamins in the body, frequent flu epidemic and colds can be attributed. Autumn will not always please good weather for walking with a child in the fresh air.

Pluses during this period are not so much, but nevertheless they are. If the long-awaited pregnancy has come - this is already joy! And you can be in front of childbirth, stocking the necessary natural billets, which are important to the child.

If you want to get pregnant in the spring, then calculate that you will need to give birth to one of the winter months. The disadvantage is a lack of greenery for the future mother. In addition, it will also be necessary to take care of winter clothes for the kid. After giving birth, it will be more difficult to restore due to lack of vitamins and the absence of opportunity often and for a long time for a long time.

The pregnancy in spring still has its advantages: spring emotionally swallows people, gives a tide of strength. Credit with severe early toxicosis is much easier than in the heat.

When it is better to conceive a child, decide, besides, for many parents, the sex of the child is much more important, and not the time of year in which he was conceived.

How best to conceive a boy or a girl

You have already decided that you want to have a child, completely healthy and ready for pregnancy morally. And if the sex of the future child is of great importance for you, then you should familiarize yourself with the you better to conceive a child, a boy or a girl.

First of all, you must have a regular menstrual cycle, then there will be more chances to get pregnant in some specific day. Remember that ovulation occurs in about the middle of the cycle, plus a minus a couple of days. Based on this, calculate when it is better to conceive a child - until menstruation or after. After the start of the cycle, you will have to refrain a few days so that there is more chances to get the desired result.

If the sexual intercourse will be a few days before ovulation - more chances to get pregnant with a boy. And if on the day of ovulation - most likely there will be a girl.

Best days for conception

Many women do not know when it is better to conceive a child - before or after ovulation. As mentioned above, pregnancy occurs on the day of ripening and the exit of the egg from the ovary. At the same time, sexual intercourse, thanks to which conception will be made, it can be both 3-4 days before the middle of the cycle and the next after it.

The probability of pregnant significantly increases, if sex takes place directly on the day of the exit of the egg. Since with a non-permanent menstrual cycle, an accurate day of ovulation can not be calculated (or only with the help of daily ultrasound), it is better to count plus-minus a few days from the approximate middle of the cycle. Then they definitely do not miss.

Abstinence for benefit

You can start a child only at certain days of the cycle. Therefore, in order to, calculating the required time of conception, you could get the result, you need to refrain from proximity for some time. First, in a few days the sexual desire of both partners will significantly increase. And secondly, a man during this time will produce more movable and hardy spermatozoa, capable of getting to the target.

If you counted when it is better to conceive a child, but all your attempts are still unsuccessful, then you will be useful for several tips.

  • Not always the pregnancy comes from the first attempt, be ready for this morally and do not despair in failure. Do not leave attempts and try again.
  • The best time to conceive a child is noon or evening. In the morning, the likelihood of becoming pregnant in statistics is the lowest.
  • Daily sex acts will not be a guarantee of the conception of a child, it is better to refrain about ovulation for several days. Freed sex reduces spermatozoa activity.
  • The best time for conception, according to physicians, is spring.
  • With a solid solution to conceive a child with both spouses should be abandoned a few months before the event from alcohol consumption.