Decide pregnancy can not only doctor! How to determine pregnancy at home: proven ways. How can I find out everything about you in the photo (nothing in common with the magicians and fortune tells)

" It tells him about the world in which no one skillfully lie. Once, one resident of this world has broken something in the brain, and he pronounced the first lie. In order not to spoil the impression of the film, I will not talk further and I advise you to look at him to learn how our world could look without lies.

And since in the real world of lies and deception, at least debugs, here are some ways how to deal with them and bring a person who you do not trust, on clean water.

Watch a person in a critical situation

When a person has to act in a critical situation, he cannot chat or play. He has no opportunity to use masks, and he will surely act as they will order his instincts.

People who offended life are most often drunk on the service personnel. Waiters, cleaners, sellers - all of them go. If a person whistles or climbs the waiter with his fingers is the first sign that your companion is an idiot.

Keep track of body language and intonation

Find easy. The liars can be recognized by several signs:

  1. Pause in conversation.
  2. Answering an eye when answering the question.
  3. Change the topic of conversation.
  4. Justified, even when you do not reproach them.
  5. Often concern the face.

Of course, you should not overdo it and follow every gesture of the interlocutor. But sometimes this small crib helps to withdraw on clean water.

Check about common acquaintances

We love gossip to a greater or lesser extent. And, unfortunately, we often do not know the measures in them. Having paid for common acquaintances, you will see with your own eyes how much shit can pour out of it seemed to be a good person.

Wide or take money

And although we have already talked about what - this is the last thing you should think, but, taking or lenting money to a person, you can learn about it a lot of new things.

Go on a trip together

Extreme way. If you are already thinking about how to bring a person to clean water, then ride with him on a trip - not the best idea. But by spending alone for some time, you will see all his cockroaches.

Tell the secret

Taking the secret, you check the ability of a person to keep secrets. If you do not trust him, you can tell you a trifling secret or a fictional secret, just to check whether he will run up it further.

Were there any situation in your life when it was necessary to understand what a person really is? How did you do?

Damage, in fact, is an intentional evil act against a person. The brain with the word "damage" draws pictures of some terrible rites with mirrors, witch in the hoods. But, as a rule, damage is the result of someone else's evil suggestion to man. Faith in damage makes a person vulnerable. Thanks to this, the task of an evil figure is simplified - "victim" is easier to bring the evil eye. More and more people are interested in: how to find out if there is a damage to me? How to understand that you are damaged and how to get rid of the result of someone else's evil as soon as possible from the material.

The first signs of damage

What is damage and how does it manifest? Harm to man, his family, car, house, household goods, money, photo. The ritual of failures are carried out to dissolve a married couple, disrupt the harmony of their relationship, so that the person can give in to drugs, alcohol, gambling, quickly broke up and became a beggar. What is damage and how does it manifest? Signs of damage on a person:

  • Consider your palms. The owner of a strong biofield is possessed by three clear lines. These are lines of life, mind, hearts. When crossing the last two additional line, the owner of the palm is easy to smooth.
  • Cross-shaped symbols on the palms also talk about a strong vulnerability. These characters can warn about the damage to the induced not on the owner itself, but on the grandparents, parents. This means that the evil eye is inherited.
  • Moles, especially in large quantities, sign: their owner is subject to a strong slohal imaging and induced damage.

What does man feel, or in other words, how to find out if you have a damage or evil eye? Independent symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • frequent pains;
  • nervous voltage;
  • excessive irritability;
  • sharp mood change;
  • fear in front of sunlight;
  • man often sick, gets injuries;
  • permanent sense of confusion;
  • depressive condition and stress.

The integrity of the aura during the evil eye is violated, and the person is very difficult to resist painful sensations and a severe condition of not only the soul, but also the body. All of the above symptoms may not be due to the evil eye and deliberate damage, but it is worth a renowned, check yourself. Available ways, for home checking your energy and expansion to someone else's influence, exist.

Methods for determining damage or evil eye on a person

How to find out if there is an intentional damage on me, light ways? There are several effective and affordable ways:

  • We need a glass of water and a raw egg (the usual chicken is suitable). A glass of cream is put on a top, an egg is driven into a glass. How to recognize damage? Divorces broke into the glass, silver balls - there is harm. The yolk falls smoothly to the bottom - do not worry, damaging or the evil eye has nothing to do with you.
  • How to find out if there is a damage on the family using matches? Procedure, spend with each family member. Take a glass of clean water. Hold in your hands, focus on your thoughts for a while. So you pass your fluid energy. To increase the expected effect, add a pinch into the water. Light the match, wait until it burns almost to the end, throw the residue into the water. Watch, by what happens to Ogrom, you will learn how to check if there is a damage. The grinding is sinking in the water - there is an evil intent, and if it remains afloat, it means that the trouble has passed you.
  • Set signs of damage on a person, with a candle. The candle reacts to the aura of the room, so this ritual requires not only the "tests" of the candle, but also special prayers and conspiracies. Purchase an ordinary wax church candle. Light a candle and drive around a person. Do not worry if it burns a constant discreet flame. There are reasons for concern, only when the flame is fading, smoking with black smoke and cracks. In this case, the trouble is invisible.

  • Diagnostics using gold provides a high-sample metal for the effectiveness of the study. Jewelry with impurities for this method are not suitable, but best to use a ring of pure gold. Having spent their cheek or hands on clean skin, on it, in the case of an induced damage or a decline, a dark color strip will remain.

How to find out who smoothed or crawled damage

Not always the one who smiles, looking into your eyes, wants sincere well. How to find out who made damage or evil eye? To find out before the festival of baptism or christmas, pour holy water into any container. Give her a day, then in front of sleeping. If there is a challenge, then you will be aware of the conviction of evil acts. The filling will enjoy your drops, diseases, failures.

How to get rid of damage at home

Evil intents bring unpleasant consequences into your life. How to remove the evil eye or damage on your own forces? Following simple instructions, you will get to stop the trouble:

  1. Read before bedtime and at the beginning of the day the prayer is our own.
  2. Observe posts.
  3. Check the pillows, perins, mattresses for foreign objects (needles, scarves, money, shoes of hair with coins). If found, then burn everything, reading our father. Flame cleansing will delete materials.
  4. A native cross is not decoration, but an overlap. Wear it constantly, and at home, attach to the clothes also the pin.


Do not block the streams of your energy with negative thinking and the wrong approach to your own biopol. How to find out if there is a malicious damage to me? You will be answered a competent specialist to eliminate the intentional evil from the life of a person. Loneliness, death, child disease, eternal quest for work should not touch you. Get rid of evil influence, bad thoughts, and your life will play bright colors!

False - Communicative phenomenon common in the modern world. Scientific research and surveys say that people are lying daily. However, deceiving every day, people do not know how to understand that man is lying.

Only the "professional" liar and the manipulator can regulate his behavior so that others do not reveal his deception. To define a lie, watching a person, psychologists and physiognomists know how. But everyone can learn to recognize deceit.

Lie definitions set. In logic, false is the opposite of truth, not necessarily approved by the statement. In everyday life is called a deceiving degradable person.

In psychology, a lie is an intentional attempt to form the belief that the speaking himself considers it wrong with another person. Consciously pronunciation of inappropriate is a kind of communication tactic chosen in a particular situation.

False species set:

  • hoax,
  • falsification
  • simulation,
  • plagiarism,
  • flattery,
  • fairy tales,
  • slander,
  • bluff,
  • self-shaped, self-deception,
  • exaggeration or denial
  • perjury, oath, oath,
  • fale of good tone
  • fale for good
  • unfastened
  • children's
  • pathological
  • unwanted.

Why people are cheating

Why are people lying several times a day? Everyday lies are not a rude deception, but hiding insignificant information, this is a lie "on the little things." Everyone wants to seem better and does not want to spoil relations with others.

Weight and essential lies are always associated with some kind of personality situation. She is able to destroy the personality structure and spoil the life of the individual.

A person who is not whatever with him and others is forced to live in constant voltage from the need to hide the truth. The truth will be revealed sooner or later, and the revealed deception will entail a mass of negative consequences.

Scientists have two main versions, why people deliberately lie, even when they understand that the deception will not lead to anything good:

  1. Fear. Why is a person lying? Because it is afraid to tell the truth, even if he can not confess himself.
  2. The conviction of the need to lie. Individual can be sure that the interlocutor is better not to know the truth, as it is difficult to accept, understand, survive.

Unfortunately, people are accustomed to deceiving each other, but a shameless lie is not a normal phenomenon, but an immoral act.

Each child since childhood is taught only to tell the truth and tell everyone to parents. But the baby still learns to lie over time, looking at adults. Children easily detect the inconsistency in words and actions of adults and soon understand that it can be used as a way to achieve the desired one.

If only a person is not an avid liar, experiencing delight and pleasure from deception, he will feel negative emotions and feelings, uttering. The lie creates shame, fear and guilt for making a decision to deceive someone and implementing this action.

Pronouncement and sentence of lies - it. Negative emotions during lies are worried in the literal and figurative sense of the word, physiological changes, expressing excitement begin to occur in the body. The brain sends nerve impulses to the muscles, which cause noticeable for others and manifestation of deception.

Signs of Lie.

How to find out lying lying lying? What are the signs of lies, helping to declassify it?

No famous sign of lies cannot be regarded as direct evidence. Conversely, the lack of signs of deception does not mean that man speaks sincerely.

It is necessary to evaluate the behavior of the interlocutor as a whole. Separate actions and movements are considered in the complex with other manifestations of a person in relation to the interlocutor.

The behavior of the subject, which is lying, differs from its normal, ordinary behavior. Therefore, it is easier to determine that the person is lying much easier if he is close or familiar. To determine whether a stranger or an unfamiliar man is much more complicated.

Defining a hoax, at a person carefully observed, notice the signs of lies and compare his situational behavior with a normal, adopted in a particular situation and the behavior. Not knowing a person, it is easy to make a mistake and confuse his familiar action with a sign of lies.

You can catch a companion in a lie, in advance knowing the truth or having the opportunity to check the heard information. And how to find out that a person is lying when it is impossible to check his words? In this case, knowledge of signs of lies will come in handy.

Signs of lies are verbal and non-verbal. Verbral deception is expressed in verbal form.

Non-verbal signs are divided into:

  • physiological
  • mimic
  • gesture.

Non-verbal signs of deception:

  1. Increased sweating and rapid heartbeat. Palm, forehead and skin area over the upper lip.
  2. Dry mouth. From the experiences dries in the throat, a person often drinks water or smooths saliva.
  3. Severe, intermittent breathing or its delay; Deep breaths and heavy exhalations.
  4. Narrowing of pupils, ragged morgue; A closer look into the eyes or, on the contrary, the inability to look at the interlocutor.
  5. Changing the color of the face, redness, pale or coating the spots of the skin.
  6. The appearance of goosebumps on the body.
  7. Voltage represented: twitching facial muscles, curve smile, frowny eyebrows.
  8. Shivering in voice, stuttering, daring, changing the timbre, tone, volume of voice (provided that these speech defects are not due to anything).
  9. Inadequate and untimely smile or smirk.
  10. Chaotic and fussy movements: walking back-forward, rocking the housing and the like.
  11. Rubbing and scratching various parts of the body.
  12. Frequent touch to neck and face: to the nose, lips, eyes, forehead, ears, head.
  13. Seeking lips, fingers or nails.
  14. Nervous twitching and tapping limbs about the floor or other surfaces.
  15. Crossed hands or feet, so-called body locks.
  16. The desire to hide hands behind the back, in pockets, under the table.

All the above manifestations may be observed when a person is just worried, surviving, trying to like. For example, before a public speech or acquaintance with new people. Determine for sure that the person is lying, it is possible to compare it with the words.

Verbal signs of lies:

  1. Unwillingness to discuss the topic and permanent attempts to change it - obvious signs of conceiving information.
  2. Lottenity, care from an answer or short answers "Yes" or "No". When there is something to hide, a person will be afraid to say a lot of superfluous.
  3. Oaths. The interlocutor of Ryano is trying to prove his rightness, it comes to and repeatedly gives an honest word.
  4. Long meditation before saying something or reply; Tightening the pause in a conversation.
  5. Repeated flattery and attempts to enter. So liar is trying to switch attention, reduce the vigilance of the interlocutor.
  6. Attempts to cause sympathy and pity to themselves. This is done so that the interlocutor would not even think of questioning the incoming information. Is it possible to doubt the sincerity of the "unfortunate" person?
  7. Demonstration of indifference, disinfectant to the topic under discussion.
  8. Another significant sign of lies - behavioral. The deceiver never fulfills his promises and always finds me excuse.

It cannot be argued that a person is deceiving if only one sign of lies is detected. There must be several, and both verbal and non-verbal.

How to communicate with a deceiver

According to statistics, the overwhelming majority of women believe that the truth is better than deception, at the same time every second man is sure that a sweet lie is simply necessary in difficult life situations. But with the age of men less lying, try to be frank.

Unfortunately, some people lie as skillfully that it is difficult to declassify them, relying only on signs of lies. To the aid will come. Having sufficient life experience, you can guess that a person is lying and secure himself from the consequences of deception.

Lies classify depending on the degree of complexity, the level of "skill" of the deceiver:

  • First level

Manipulation without intent to influence the beliefs. Such a lie is called children's. The deceiver pronounces a clear lie, not understanding that it is completely easy to declassify it. Why are people in childish? Because they are afraid of punishment or wish to get a reward, hiding negative or inventing positive actions, respectively.

  • Second level

The manipulator convinces the interlocutor in the veracity of the information, realizing that it would affect all subsequent thoughts and actions. Roughly speaking, second-level liars know how to "let dust in the eyes", mislead.

  • Third level

Litel knows how to deceive so that he is not caught in lies. This is a skillful manipulation and skillful deception. Fraudsters apply tricks, technicians and strategies of deception. Such an "advanced" lie is a frequent phenomenon in politics, journalism, trade and entertainment.

After noting several signs of lies in the behavior of the interlocutor, it is worth thinking why a person is openly lying and how to behave with him. But you should not hurry to conclude without checking your guesses.

Suspecting the dishonesty of the interlocutor, you need:

  1. Try to keep calm. Natural reaction to a lie - insult and indignation. But if the sneaking of them to express them, the deceiver will find a way to justify himself.
  2. Suggest why a person is lying now. To say for sure why a specific person is lying, only he himself can.
  3. Check your assumptions, if necessary, find evidence and facts.
  4. Chat with a deceiver, providing him with the opportunity to explain the situation, confirm or refute the true information.
  5. Set the fact of deception. Having understood in a situation, it is necessary to make a decision to forgive the deceiver or stop in connection with the loss of confidence in it.
  6. Not everyone will find the courage to expose the liars, sometimes it is dangerous. But if it comes to intra-day conflicts or disagreements at work, find out why people lie and put all the points over "і" is simply necessary.

Once, a consequent person to return confidence is difficult, and if the deception is in the habit, the surrounding cease to respect and love. Liars and deceivers often become outcasts, stop in their development, degrade.

False is able to destroy any relationship, personal life and career. Why people lie, knowing it, remains a mystery. It is much more effective to communicate sincerely, openly, to honestly express the available information, your thoughts and feelings around.

In each pharmacy today special express tests are available, they are inexpensive, and the results show reliable. But it happens that the woman turns out to be in a situation at which it cannot acquire this tool (lives in a deaf village, there is no money, etc.). How to determine pregnancy without dough? There are homework ways of determining, but doctors recommend the accuracy of the results obtained necessarily to confirm with medical methods.

To determine pregnancy without a test, it is not necessary to carry out some intricate studies. To begin with, it is recommended attentively to treat your own body and pay attention to the feeling, because it is quite realistic to recognize the pregnancy in some specific manifestations.

  1. Delay. Usually suspicions of the possible conception occur after the delay of menstruation. It is from now that women begin to think about the likely pregnancy. In rare cases of menstruation, women go to women a few months after conception, but they are not so abundant as traditional allocations.
  2. The swelling of the mammary glands. Perhaps the most proven sign of the accurate conception. The chest becomes larger, increase and change the shade of the nipple, with palpation there is a soreness - all this indicates the beginning of the training of the body to the future feeding of the baby. Sometimes some milk-selly swelling is observed in the PMS period, which must be considered when diagnosing pregnancy at home.
  3. Burning and dizziness. Consciousness and light dizziness are often helpful if not diagnosed, then to suspect the conception of conception. A woman seems as if some kind of bellows, which is associated with hormonal changes and the correction of the hormonal background. But sometimes such symptoms are observed due to stressful state or overwork.
  4. Nausea-vomit manifestations. An early definition of pregnancy is often based on this basis, which characterizes the beginning of the toxicosis of pregnant women. But the female can be subtracted and due to easy poisoning of poor-quality food, which also needs to be considered.
  5. Hyperthermia. If a woman has a resistant rise of temperature indicators up to 37.5 ° over several days, then such changes can be considered as the first signs of pregnancy. Such a phenomenon of gynecologists explain the fact that when a fertilized egg is implanted into uterine endometrium, immune structures perceive it as a foreign organism, so the protection system activates the temperature rise for its destruction. A similar symptom may also indicate the development of an infectious-inflammatory process, this factor must be understood.
  6. Soreness in the stomach and the communal zone. When the embryo comes out of the pipes and is implanted into the uterine endometrium, the girl feels the severity and painful pain in the abdomen. There may be bloody separating allocations, the general state will deteriorate, there will be airsdown. Recognize pregnancy for these features is quite possible.

Additional symptoms

The aggravation of taste receptors, smell. The manifestation of such signs in some cases helps to recognize the offensive of fertilization. The woman notes the appearance of hypersensitivity to smells, its taste preferences change significantly. This is the most possible symptom of conception.

Sleeping condition and weakness. You can identify the coming pregnancy in the presence of such states. The body during the first days of tooling spends weight of energy for conversion for comfortable fetal growth. Therefore, women's forces are pretty quickly cleaned, and it is weakness and drowsiness. Unstoppable thrust to sleep can pursue all day, and the usual homemade hassle causes strong overwork. Pregnancy without dough at home only on this feature is not possible to be diagnosed, because such a state may arise due to the overload of the body or seasonal overwork.

Excess weight. How to determine the pregnancy in early time? Not all pregnant women in the first weeks nauseous and no appetite. Being in the position, some begin to eat more and drink fluids, which immediately leads to edema, which is a factor in weight gain in early terms.

Psycho-emotional instability that causes mood drops. One of the first signs how to find out that you are pregnant, without dough. Any minor incident can provoke a tears or a strong attack of irritation and anger in a pregnant sea. The body simply rolls the concentration of hormones. If a woman has never suffered with depressive disorders or premenstrual syndrome, then the presence of pregnancy can be identified by the emergence of such signs.

Specific allocations. When the conception only happened, the body is rebuilt. The "side" effect of this reconstruction is abundant excretion of the mucus that does not have smell and special color. The strengthening of such discharge can talk about the accurate conception, if the mucus has an unpleasant smell, that is, a suspected sex infection.

Student urination is a sure sign, how to learn pregnancy. But in the early stages, it absolutely does not work, because the mechanism of early urination is caused by an increase in the uterus and its pressure on the bladder. A similar symptom is characteristic of the second and third period of to wear. If he appeared at the beginning, this indicates infection or inflammation.

What else to pay attention

Pigmentation and appearance by papillom. Also a sign, which is characteristic of an interesting position, but only for its later deadlines, therefore, pregnancy will also be determined on them. Although some patients who have papillomas and moles, at the occurrence of pregnancy, there was some increase in their increase, which is explained by the same hormonal splash. But in general, on the emergence of papillom, it was conceived or not, it is impossible.

Among the possible symptoms can also be called a sharp increase or drop of libido. Similar cataclysms with sexual deposits are explained by hormonal explosions in the female organism.

Nasal congestion. Some patients in the initial periods noted the appearance of nasal congestion. Experts explain the similar phenomenon with increased bloodstream, which is why nasal mucous membranes swell and impede normal breathing.

According to the availability of such manifestations at home without dough, you can guess the pregnancy. Some deviations from the norm can only be alarmed that metamorphosis occurs in the body, but the final result can be obtained by express tests or in women's consultation.

Methods for determining pregnancy

Homemade pregnancy tests are very convenient and allowed to confirm the attack of conception with maximum accuracy. If it did not turn out such at hand, you can determine that the woman is pregnant without dough. For this, there are several proven, but not one hundred percent ways requiring drug confirmation of the results. How to determine pregnancy at home?

Iodine will help

To identify pregnancy at home will help such a means like iodine. It is available at home, so there should be no difficulty in preparing materials. There are two ways to understand with the help of iodine solution. Pregnancy.

According to the first way, the woman needs to collect urine into the container, after which it drops there a little yode. Then carefully follow the behavior of iodine. How can I define pregnancy? If the iodine drop was completely dissolved and broke into the urine, then there is no chance for pregnancy, but if it was delayed on a fluid in the form of a floating spot, then the probability of pregnancy is large.

In order for the authenticity of the test to be maximum, it is recommended to follow several conditions. The material for the study must be taken only from the morning portion, and immediately conduct a study to urine not stood. Before collecting urines, it is necessary to go up without soap, additional materials should also be clean. You need to drip iodine not from a height, and bringing the pipet to the most close to the surface.

Using iodine, you can use another home diagnostic method. You need to take a small strip of paper and to dip it in the morning urine so that it is so good. Then you need to drop as iodine. If the solution changed the traditional brown color on the purple or blue shade, then you can hope for a successful conception.

Unfortunately, such techniques are not confirmed by medical studies, therefore, they are not scientifically justified. But in practice, many women were convinced of the accuracy of such a technique.

Soda will tell

To dispel doubts about an interesting position, a woman can make a pregnancy test at home using conventional food soda. The principle of this study is as follows: when pregnancy occurs, the acid-alkaline figure in the urine is shifted in the direction of alkali. Therefore, soda and helps determine the fact of the occurrence of pregnancy.

  • To do this, in a container with morning urinous, it is necessary to throw a spoonful of soda and watch further powder reaction.
  • If hissing with bubbles, like when cooking pop, then pregnancy can not be.
  • But if after adding sodium bicarbonate, no reaction followed, and the powder is simply donkey on the bottom, then this indicates the urine cleaner - a sign of the existing pregnancy.

But such a principle can work for other reasons. Alkaline properties urine acquires with renal infectious lesions, diarrhea or abundance of vegetables in the patient menu.

Basal temperature

If the previous methods do not cause confidence and still worries the question whether it is possible to determine the pregnancy of remedies with maximum accuracy, then you can refer to such a technique as measuring the basal temperature. Such a study can be carried out by determining the temperature indicator in the mouth, the rectum or vagina. It is necessary to conduct such measurements in two days before the expected monthly.

After ovulation, shortly before menstruation, the temperature decreases somewhat, keeping below the 37-degree mark. If the measurements showed 37 ° C and more, then the probability of pregnancy is quite high. In order for the reliability of the results as accurate as possible, you need to know how to check the pregnancy in this way. For measurements, it is better to take the usual mercury thermometer, which in the mouth holds about 5 minutes, and in the vagina or an intestine is enough for 3 minutes.

The time of measurements is important. It is necessary to determine basal indicators in the morning, immediately after waking up, do not get up from the bed. Even the movements of the sharp do not do, otherwise the results will be implausible. On the eve, it is impossible to take medicine, drink alcohol or having sex, because such factors also contribute to the increase in the values \u200b\u200bstudied. Conducting testing, it is necessary to exclude the effect of pathological factors like influenza, ARVI, etc. The ideal option will be measured by basal temperature for several months with a special schedule. As a rule, this practice is applied when planning pregnancy.

Online tests

If special pregnancy tests at home are not available, then modern opportunities are offered to go through online testing, which, as the author asserts this program, is almost unmistakably determines, a woman is pregnant or not. But if soberly look at things, then through the monitor to diagnose anything impossible.

Online tests typically contain a traditional set of questions, knowing the answer to which, it can be assumed that the woman is pregnant or not. In such a survey, there are usually there are questions like: is there a delay, is there a nausea, whether breasts are swollen, whether the stomach hurts, etc. Unfortunately, such projects are often not provided for free, you are asked to send SMS and remove money. Do not go to the deceivers. How can I avoid this? You can easily answer such questions from the gynecologist, and it will give you a diagnosis to you, which will be 100% correct, and not the assumption as in the case of the online version.

Popular questions

  1. What time can you determine pregnancy? Diagnose the occurrence of the gynecologist will be able after two to three weeks of the delay. It is during this period that there is a sufficient increase in the uterus to assess the presence or absence of pregnancy.
  2. Is it possible to get pregnant without pipes in a natural way? Theoretically, this is impossible, but in practice, doctors periodically observe such cases. Of course, it happens quite rarely, but it is impossible to exclude such a fact. Therefore, in exceptional cases, pregnancy without pipes is possible.

These are the most popular options to help to some extent dispel doubts about pregnancy, but it is impossible to believe. It is much better to buy an express test and test your suspicions.

Many women argue that from the first days they feel their pregnancy. There is no point in challenging such statements, and there is no need to do it. Another thing, as such women, you want to get confirmation of your feelings as quickly as possible. So they wonder how to determine pregnancy before delay.

Why can this be required? It all depends on whether the child wants a child or not. In the first case, she, most likely, really want to seek to find out whether the attempts of conception were successful. In the second - it is very important to diagnose pregnancy as early as possible to make an early abortion. After all, it is known that the earlier an abortion is made, the less the risk of complications.

According to the approval of doctors, reliable ways to determine pregnancy before the delay there is no, but this is not quite the case. There are many ways to different degrees of reliability. About them and will be discussed below.

Reliable ways to determine pregnancy before delay

There are three sufficiently reliable ways to recognize pregnancy before the delay. So, the symptom of pregnancy before the delay can become change basal temperature Body.

It is easiest to determine if the measurement of basal temperature you do systematically. Unfortunately, many women still use a graph of basal temperatures as a method of contraception. In this role, it is not too effective, and the risk of becoming becoming very high.

More efficiently basal temperature in terms of determining days favorable for conception. The fact is that on the day of ovulation it rises an average of up to 37 degrees. Naturally, for a more accurate result, the graph of basal temperatures must be conducted within a few months.

The basal temperature continues to be high almost to the most periods, and about a week before their start, the temperature begins to decline. So, if before monthly less than a week, and the basal temperature is still high, the woman may well be pregnant, because if pregnancy occurs, the basal temperature does not fall.

Early symptom of pregnancy before delay is and developing . This hormone is produced by chorion, from which the placenta is subsequently formed. This means that the increased availability of HCHs in the blood of a healthy woman is abnormally. As a rule, this testifies to pregnancy. In those rare cases where the HCHH is found in non-remote women, it may be a symptom of oncological diseases or a consequence of reception of drugs.

It is possible to determine the presence of HCHG in two ways. The test is the ideal possibility of determining pregnancy before delay at home. Of course, on the packaging tests they write that a reliable test test is given only after the first day of delay. In fact, the level of HCHG becomes sufficient to determine the test 10-14 days after conception, and this is a few days before the start of menstruation.

However, in order to gain reliable results, it is necessary to strictly follow the following rules. First, it is necessary to purchase the most sensitive test. Secondly, it is necessary to conduct it in the morning in the first urine, in it the greatest concentration of HCHG. Thirdly, strictly follow the instructions for the test.

However, the test on any time can give an incorrect result. In the end, you can get a defective test. It is much more accurate to pass the blood test for HCHG in the female consultation. It gives the result for 10 day after conception. It is necessary to donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach.

Additional features to determine pregnancy before delay

However, many women before going to consult on the analysis, I want to at least approximate how likely the pregnancy in their particular case is. Standard features, such as toxicosis in this case, are not helpers, as they appear after the delay.

What symptoms of pregnancy in early time before delay makes sense to pay attention? There are several of them. The very first symptom of pregnancy before the delay is perhaps implanting bleeding . It occurs at the moment when the fertilized egg is embedded in the endometrium.

Up to this point, any signs of pregnancy are impossible, since the fruit egg in this period does not contact the mother's body, which means that no changes occur no changes in the body.

At the time of implantation, the fertilized egg can damage the tiny blood vessels, which provokes blood selection. Allocations are usually a oscillation, red or pink and continue no more than a few hours.

Few people pay attention to implantation, as it only for a couple of days ahead of menstruation. In addition, no discharge may not be, because damage to blood vessels is a matter of chance.

Feel In the first days of pregnancy before delay there are very different, and they can all be signs of pregnancy. For example, due to hormonal changes, the bladder sphincter is possible, urinary urge may become more often.

May change and character vaginal discharge . On the day of ovulation, as you know, there are plentiful mucous membranes, with the onset of pregnancy they appear again, since on the cervix in this period there arises, which will protect the uterus from external influences of the whole pregnancy.

Milk iron swelling and pain in the bottom of the belly Also refer to the symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages. However, before month, women sensations are usually similar. So the accuracy of such signs is questionable. It increases in the event that no monthly starts at the appointed period. As is known, not only pregnancy can cause a sentence of the monthly, and such a combination of signs is already talking about many.

Many women in the first weeks of pregnancy feel sharp Changing sexual deduction . This happens also due to changes in the hormonal background. And the direction of the oscillations is very individual, someone is experiencing a sharp rise in sexual attraction, others on the contrary, do not want sex during this period.

Folk signs of pregnancy before delay

How to determine pregnancy before the delay of folk methods and means? It turns out that there are such. For example, some are offered to use the usual pregnancy instead of iodine From a first-aid kit. It needs to drop into a tank with urine, if the drop remained on the surface, it means that the woman is pregnant, if it dissolved immediately, it means there is no. You can also drop on a rag moistened in the urine. In this case, look at the color change: purple - the result is positive, blue is negative.

There are other people's methods for determining pregnancy in urine So it is offered to boil in a metal container, and then overflow into glass. It seems like during pregnancy in the urine, white flakes should fall. And in the Middle Ages, the urine was mixed with red wine. In no pregnant women, the mixture should become muddy, pregnant - remain transparent.

Determination of pregnancy before the delay of folk methods is very diverse. For example, women offer guess on the bulb : To put in two glasses with water in one bully. On one to make a pregnancy, on the other - its absence. What an earlier will germinate, this is the answer.

Many love to consult with dreamnie . There, the dreams of "pregnant women" are dreams of fish and water. A particularly faithful sign is a dream about fishing. However, if you buy fish, cook or eat it in a dream, the dream book will argue that you are pregnant. The same applies to dreams of bathing in clean water.

However, all this, as they speak in the people, pushed on the water. All folk methods are akin to fortunate on the coffee grounds, and the attitude is very controversial. Undoubtedly, in some cases, they fall into the point. Well, how not to get if there is only 2 options, so about half of the cases, folk methods exactly fall into the sky. But does an answer arrange you with a 50% probability? And even-based accident? Most probably not.
