Birth twins depends on a man or woman. Non-standard structure of the uterus. What are the chances to give birth to twins

The issue of planning children is extremely exciting. To all, modern couples want to know and control everything in advance. For example, the sex of the child, the zodiac sign, and someone really wants to give birth to twins.

This is where the questions arise how to contribute to this, for what line twins are transmitted, etc. We'll figure out.

Gemini and twins - what's the difference?

Twins and twins are two different concepts, although pregnancy and in the other case are called multiple. The fact is that the twins are single-way children, and twins are diverse kids.


In order to born twins, it is necessary for one ovulation in the body of a woman at once two eggs, each of which would be fertile to two different spermatozoa. During the tooling twins, each fruit is protected by a separate placenta. "Couple" can consist of a boy and a girl, to be the same sex, children can be very similar to each other outwardly, but in the same way can be completely different.


Gemini - the phenomenon is more unique than twins. At the very beginning, one egg fertilizer fertilizes naturally, after which it is crushing for two, sometimes larger, embryo. Why so it turns out, the scientists cannot say exactly. Genetic material in such fruits is completely the same when children will appear on light, they will be very similar.

What are the chances of going twins?

There is no unambiguous answer to this question, since different factors contribute to the maturation of several eggs:

  • hormones;
  • age;
  • re-pregnancy;
  • receiving contraceptives;
  • race, etc.

Moreover, not all factors are studied to the end.


One of the reasons for the conception of twins is the presence of a follicle-sufficient hormone - FSH. It regulates the ripening of the follicle in the ovary. Before starting ovulation, its level is usually increasing, which leads to the exit of the egg.

The older the woman, the higher the level of FSH.


We smoothly go to another important factor having a value for the birth of several children at the same time. After 35 years and somewhere up to 40 there is a peak of the FSH level, which is why women of this age are more often born a couple of kids.

How to conceive twins in a natural way?

How to conceive twins

How to get pregnant double

How to spend twins

Double pregnancy purposefully

Plus, with age, the female organism no longer produces eggs every month, and there is nothing terrible in it - so conceived by nature. Hormones that are not waste in the cycle when the egg does not ripen, begin to work during the next ovulation. This leads to the release of two or three eggs at the same time.

Number of pregnancies

When a woman pregnances the second, the third time, etc., she appears much more chances to conceive twins. If a woman already gave birth to twins, next time she can also give the lives of another charming "couple".


There are cases when after the abolition of hormonal contraceptives, the girls are pregnant with double or triple.

Artificial insemination

With the development of medical technologies, helping fruitless couples will acquire welcome children, twins began to be born more often. The procedure, after which the "double" happiness appears, is called an extracorporeal fertilization, abbreviated Eco. For a lot of reliability and success of this method, a few fertilized eggs are satisfied at once, and it happens that they are all leaving. Race

Dark-skinned girls are much more often born, than girls with light skin. In the last place for chances to get pregnant twins are asians.

As you know, the possibility of childbearing direct influence has ecology, i.e. The degree of pollution. Naturally, the cleaner of the air around the potential mother, the better. However, the fertility situation with the birth rate of twins is sometimes no logic: in some highly polluted areas of our planet, not a single case of the appearance of twins on the light, in the other, is the norm.

Poor nutrition, i.e. The meager and unbalanced diet, the lack of important elements entering the body together with food, also does not contribute to the appearance of twins. This trend was noted in countries experiencing economic crises.

They also say that the maternity hospital is discharged by mammies with twins in their hands from March to May, i.e. These kids were conceived in the summer, when the luminous day is the longest. It is at this time that a hormone gonadotropin is actively produced, which stimulates all the same eggs.

Twins inherited?

However, of all the above causes of the birth of several babies of simultaneous, the factor of heredity is leading when a woman at the genetic level is predisposed to multiple pregnancy.

So when is the twin transmitted by inheritance?

Double appears through the generation?

The most common theory - twins appear through the generation, but it is not entirely true.

The so-called "hyperview gene" can really be inherited, and to whom, as not a girl inherit it. From men, this gene can also be transmitted to the future generation, but after all, ovulation is a process that occurs exclusively in the female organism. It turns out if the mother gives birth to the sons of twins, their children will not necessarily be born in pairs. If one of the twin men will have a daughter when the time comes, it may well become pregnant twins, i.e. The story will repeat through the generation. That's where the legs "grow" from this error.

It turns out that the girl from each next generation can give birth at the female line at once, especially when she herself has a twin.

What to do to give birth to twins?

Modern science has reasonable reasons for the appearance of twins into light, so there are methods for increasing the chances of going twins.

Based on the information received, it can be concluded that if a woman is already raising one child, for the second time its happiness can become "double". If the age is also close to 35 and further, when FSH (see above) reaches its peak - the probability is only increasing.

Summer vacation, in extreme cases, the spring period will also become a good period to conceive a few fruits at once. It is also recommended to reduce the amount of sexual intercourse, i.e. resort to long-lasting abstinence. Then the seed in the man accumulates more.

If your beloved from the Middle East or from Africa is not a double chance of a twin, these peoples are often born twins.

You can go to the healing source in the village of Great Copan, which in the Transcarpathian region (Ukraine). According to the inhabitants of the village, thanks to the source, the children here are constantly born in pairs. Denisovka village in the Rostov region is famous for the same.

Of course, no matter how the method is described, the gene of hyperview, which is inherited by women by inheritance, gives the greatest probability to become a large mom at a time.

So carefully study your family history and just in case the history of your husband is so unpredictable!

Hi everyone! My friends are large, and how did you decide on the next children? I look at my guys, and I understand that it is not so much so much you need a mother, they have their own life and interests. And I'm not ready to let them go. And, by the way, I don't want one child after two too. In search of the decision, according to your custom, I went to the Punching of the Internet for the recipe "twins after twins." Interesting?

Naturally, the network immediately found a lot of expert councils on the topic of the next opportunity. But then I thought that living human examples me much more interesting than dry statistics.

Therefore, in addition to medical research, I carefully studied women's forums and groups that discussed questions about how to conceive twins and whether twins are possible after twin. Someone believes that a similar gift of fate is just a quiet horror, and someone is the gift of God. In general, I found a lot of entertaining. Share!

Say physicians

Doctors consider us anomalies, my friends, and even a risk group. Because initially the body of a woman is designed to wear only one child.

But at the same time, harsh medical statistics state that the percentage of twins in subsequent pregnancy increases every year (). That is, the older becomes mom, the more chances of having to give birth to the "double set" of kids.

And if there are already twins in the family, the possibility of a new twins increases by another 2 times! Does it happen like this and what is the probability of an ordinary family (without heredity) to get a couple of babies at once?

Double after twins (probability of birth in a row) in such people, of course, is not the same with those families where multiple pregnancy, which is called "in the family". It's just fate. But this is important here: whether the body is able to withstand several carappuses at the same time. If so, the conception of twins can occur without genetic predisposition. As always, much depends on the desire.


It is impossible to deceive nature, but overcome - quite. We all know that for conception of several embryos, a certain hormonal background in the ovaries and several mature eggs are needed.

So, those who are trying to achieve the desired double replenishment, recommend every day to absorb as much as possible protein. And it is contained, for example, in the liver, meat and dairy products.

It is better to engage in these triggers in summer and spring when hormonal activity in principle increases.

In addition, it should be remembered whether the future mothers made preparations containing hormones (contraceptive pills, means for stimulating the work of ovaries, etc.). If these medicines were in your life, then the body already has a large dose of substances that can facilitate the conception of not one, but several puzzles.

And finally, the weight. It is noted that women "in the body" are more likely to make moms of several children at the same time. That is why I have already given birth (and confusing kilograms after childbirth) women easier to conceive twins than the original.

Modern technologies

If you get pregnant with a double natural way, it is impossible to help modern medicine will come to the rescue. Artificial fertilization not only helped the mass of fruitless couples to gain parental happiness, but often used as the possibility of birth in the family at once several children.

As we know, after a woman, several embryos can take place at once. Here is this feature of the procedure and you can help you give birth to several children at once, the benefit of the breeding of the fetus can be traced using tests: for example, the HCG level with double increases in geometric progression.

Are planning?

Probably it would be good to give birth to a couple of girls after two boys. But, rummaged in the network, I realized that all the tricks in this regard are the same as with ordinary pregnancy.

Want a girl - span sweets. Want a boy - put on a sharp. Sex immediately after ovulation, peace and tranquility - in general, nothing original (well, in addition to sex on a working washing machine).

In general, plans are plans, and it is impossible to exclude too. Whoever in the abdomen in the end settled - everyone will be glad.

Let's sum up? So, in order for our families with you again, it is not enough to sleep, the following is necessary:

  • must be right to get stars (and how without it?);
  • waiting for the right age (a little 30th just time);
  • there must be summer (remember about the activity of hormones);
  • in the refrigerator we always have meat-milk;
  • do not lose weight!
  • we work on the conception of the result.

Risks? Well, how without them. Yes, the next dual load is not so easily transferred by the body as before. Yes, it is most likely Cesarean. And yes, it is likely to have to lie down on the preservation. Well, then trouble, stress, maternity hospital, feeding with tandem, simultaneous dressing and bathing, hiking in the clinic (oh, God!).

But how much joy, do you remember? Sea! Double positive, first smiles, words, hugs, kisses. And how did the husband immediately matured and the relatives came up? We give birth, maybe for ourselves, and happiness to give the whole family. Risk again?

As always, I hope my throwing was helpful to you. Thank you in advance for comments, reposities to friends and buddies. Rays good to everyone!

The birth of twins has always attracted special attention. It was previously even believed that the appearance of twins - a miracle of nature, since a long time science could not explain it. Nowadays such an event is not rare. Therefore, many modern young families are interested in how to get pregnant twins. Basically, this is due not only to raising the demographic indicator, but also with the desire to "shoot" at a time. And this article will help to figure it out if you can really conceive two kids at once. And also, what is the probability of the appearance of twins, if using folk methods, pregnancy planning calendar and other ways.

In general, multiple pregnancy is considered to be rare. However, having familiarized with some contributing methods to this event, it is possible to significantly increase the probability to conceive twins.

Initially, it is necessary to explain what multiple pregnancy is a simple language. The pregnancy is one fruit occurs if one spermatozoa fertilized only one egg. But when the fertilized cell is divided into two parts, or two different eggs fertilize the two most "shrinking" spermatozoa, this is already considered multiple pregnancy. There are two types of this, from the point of view of medicine, pathology:

  • single-board;
  • diversion.

Divisiony twins are twins. They appear as a result of fertilization of two different spermatozoids of two eggs at once. And, as a rule, they are not always similar, in contrast to one-way, which are born as a result of separation into two embryos of one egg, fertilized by one spermatozooid.

Science has not yet been able to establish accurate factors, thanks to which you may be prevented by twins. However, a number of facilitative reasons to be distinguished.

Factors in which two kids may appear at once

In response to a fairly relevant question: "I want to get pregnant twins. How natural way to achieve this? " There are 7 options for answers.

Genetic predisposition

Large probability will get pregnant with twins (twins) for those who have similar cases in the human.

There are a lot of disputes on this topic, because the parents are two. However, scientists have proven that the chances of a woman, like a man, are the same. Therefore, it does not matter whether two kids were born at the same time. Often, this is the main factor, how to get pregnant twins, naturally, without applying to this effort.

Artificial fertilization (ECO)

This is one way to achieve the desired one. With the artificial fertilization of the egg "sit" to the woman. The procedure is carried out in order to increase the likelihood of pregnant. What is the probability of this method, you can see from these statistics. As a result, Eco twins and even triples are born very often.

Age of woman

According to many conducted studies, women with age can become pregnant with twins.

This is explained by the fact that in the body of the future mother with age, various hormonal failures are observed. And the level of gonadotropin (the hormone, allocated during the pregnancy of the placenta) in the body of a woman over the years increases significantly. Therefore, women from 35 and older years old chances to conceive and give birth to two kids at once, very great.

Non-standard structure of the uterus

In most cases, women whose uterus for various reasons has a non-standard structure may have twins.


In the course of studies that are conducted in order to determine the causes of multiple pregnancy, it was found out that such a factor as nationality also matters. For example, the likelihood of pregnant with a double natural path is less than in African.

Medicines from infertility

Cases when two kids may appear at the light due to the reception of drugs from infertility, are not rare. This is due to the fact that in such medicines there is a high level of hormones. And multiple pregnancy becomes the result of a sharp cessation of their reception.

The duration of the menstrual cycle

Pregnant doubles most often women whose menstrual cycle lasts twenty days.

Proper nutrition increases the chances of multiple pregnancy

Oddly enough, but the likelihood is great to conceive twins from those who prefer to eat right. This is explained by the fact that the products in which products contain a lot of protein contribute to multiple pregnancy. Therefore, for those who wonder "What do I eat if I want to give birth to twins?", give a list of suitable products:

  • Lean meat. This clause involves the use of low-fat meat, which is considered dietary (beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit). It is better to cook for a couple or with the help of grill. It is not recommended to eat smoked meat, sausages, sausages and similar products;
  • Milk, yogurt, kefir, cheese;
  • Fish. Adding fish meat (except smoked) to his diet, you can become a twin mother;
  • Fruits with high protein (except plums) and natural juices.

Planning the date of conception with the calendar

Popular methods of replenishing the family include a calendar that helps determine how to get pregnant twins. It contains special information, it will help learn the most appropriate day, which will be able to conceive two kids at once.

Taking a calendar, pay attention to three year old months. Experts advise those who want to get pregnant twins, start in the summer in the summer. Since the increase in the reproductive abilities of a person is just for the summer, it will contribute to multiple pregnancies.

Using the calendar, it is worth knowing that the high probability of conception twins exists in the days when the moon in fish and twins.

You can proceed to the incarnation of dreams for the fore. During this period, the chances of the birth of one-sex twins are especially great. If you start the case before the new moon, the couples can be born in the field children.

Of course, the planning calendar and the lunar should not be especially worth it. But if you believe the observations and explore all the nuances, it is quite possible to perceive it as an element that increases the chances to conceive twins.

Folk Planning Methods

While science is trying to determine the exact origin of multiple pregnancy, traditional medicine puts forward its versions. The main of them used by our ancestors:

  • Those who want to conceive and give birth at once two children, you need to use folic acid. It is believed that the probability of becoming pregnant with twins is great in those who took this substance. It is advisable to use this acid for 4-5 months to the planned date of conception;
  • It was previously believed that if a woman was breastfing his first child, then the chances for the next pregnancy to give birth to twins increased;
  • One of the opinions that originated in the old days says that it is necessary to study very often, if you want to get pregnant with twins.

Of course, scientific facts and folk methods, including the calendar, can not be able to guarantee a 100% result. However, they may well install the hope of couples who wish to know how to get pregnant twins.

The birth of twins is a rather rare phenomenon, because twins constitute only 2% of newborns. When a triple is born, it becomes known in the whole city about it, because triples appear even less often and constitute 2% of the twins born.

Multiple pregnancy is different. Not all children born as a result of such pregnancy are similar to each other. There are single and bike twins. Bicycle twins have such similarities among themselves as any brother and sister. Despite the fact that they are developing in the uterus at the same time, the difference in time of their conception can be from several hours to several days.

These twins develop from two fertilized eggs. They can be both one and different sexes. Sharpening twins are obtained in the fertilization of a single egg in one spermatozoa, and as a result of the division, independent embryos are subsequently formed.

Until physicians cannot determine the cause of such behavior of the germinal cell. Single twins are so similar to each other that they sometimes cannot distinguish their own mother. Such twins occur 5 times less often than bikes, and the boys dominate among them.

Special phenomenon - Siamese twins that have any common organs or parts of the body. The reason for this phenomenon is that the splitting of the embryo on independent forms occurs later than when the origin of ordinary twins, at the time when the embryo is already partly formed. Siamese twins - an extremely rare phenomenon. They are born once every 10 million birth.

Procheses of twins the most "capricious"

Rare cases of twins are partly connected with the fact that not all of them are leaving on the very first days after conception. For a woman, it passes unnoticed, and she does not even realize that there was a "a little bit" are pregnant with twins. It has been established that only one of 10 cases of conception ends with normal pregnancy and leads to childbirth. Planning the birth of twins is impossible. But there are quite objective reasons that increase the likelihood of two and more kids at the same time. Moreover, it concerns only binary twins, because the likelihood of the birth of one-way twins is always constant. On average, it is 3 cases per 1000 pregnancies.

The probability of conception of bike twins

So, the age of a woman is of paramount importance. What you are older, the more hormones produces your body. And the hormones stimulate the ripening of the egg, therefore, with an increase in the number of hormones, the likelihood of ripening several eggs ready for fertilization increases. Therefore, for women aged 35-39 years, there is a real probability of conception of bike twins.

It affects the production of hormone not only age, but also the duration of the daylight. The best time to conceive twins - Spring, when the day increases and begins to gear the sun.

Heredity is of great importance. So, if there are already twins in the family, then the probability of going to give birth to another pair is large enough, but it decreases with the distance in the time of generation of twins.

The ability to conceive twins is transmitted only by the female line. Men can transfer it to their daughters, but in the offspring of the men themselves noticeable frequency of the appearance of twins are not observed.

There is also the effect of the duration of the menstrual cycle on the conception of the twins. Women whose menstrual cycle is very short with the greatest ability to give birth to twins - 20-21 days, as well as women with an anomalies of the uterus development, for example, in the presence of a partition in the uterine cavity or with a twin, like a split uterus.

And finally, twins and even triple is quite often born in artificial fertilization. This is due to the use of hormonal drugs that stimulate the ripening of egg and ovulation. The appearance of two or three children in the family at once after many years of infertility is not a rare phenomenon.

There is nothing explaining the pattern of frequent birth of twins in various social shocks and wars. Maybe nature so cares about the preservation of a person on Earth.

"Plange the child. All you need to know young parents "

Most often, the ability to conceive twins passes through the female line. Representatives of strong gender only transmit such ability to daughters if there were cases of photography in their family. There are a lot of factors affecting the likelihood of such conception of conception:

1) Genetic predisposition. When there were already twins in the family, the chance to show the light a couple of kids becomes very large. But the likelihood of the birth of twins is reduced when the generation of duals are separated.

2) the age of the future mother. An oldal woman has more hormones. It is they are an important parameter for ripening an egg cell, and with an increase in the number of hormones, the likelihood of the simultaneous exit of several eggs increases.

The real chances of going to have a couple of kids at the same time, which are in the ladies that are in 35-39 years old.

3) the duration of the daylight. This factor also affects the production of necessary hormones. The most favorable time to conceive twins is spring, when the day day becomes longer.

4) the duration of the menstruation cycle. Most of all the opportunity to get twins from those women who have a menstrual cycle, lasting not more than 21 days.

5) Another probability of the appearance of twins increases in the ladies having the pathology of the uterus development (there are partitions in the cavity of a childbody or the uterus is a forked).

6) Receiving contraceptives. Also leads to a change in the development of the number of hormones, which increases the chances of ripening several eggs. The chances of having a couple of kids are increasing if the pregnancy occur immediately after the use of contraceptive drugs, the reception of which was carried out for at least 6 months.

7) Artificial fertilization. Very often, with such a method of fertilization, twins and even triple appear on the light, which is happening against the background of receiving hormonal means.

Despite the fact that the doctors did not study the phenomenon of the birth of twins, to find out the chances of the appearance of twins still, if you turn to genetics. To do this, you will need to undergo a special examination and tell a doctor about the pedigree from the fourth generation.