The most beautiful and frank declarations of love. Beautiful declaration of love to a girl

Every man at least once in his life thinks about how to confess his feelings to his girlfriend. And to do it beautifully, in your own words, so that the woman takes her soul. In order to assure your beloved of the sincerity of your feelings and intentions, it is not at all necessary to be a poet or a master of words. A short SMS or a few warm words, written from the heart and on their own, can do this no worse than laudatory odes rewritten from a book.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina: "There will always be plenty of money if you put it under the pillow ..." Read more \u003e\u003e

Preparing to explain

A guy who decides to make a frank declaration of love to a girl must first think over everything and understand for himself whether this is really a real feeling or a simple hobby . After all, an impressionable girlish nature will certainly take the words of love seriously and begin to think about the wedding. A man needs to think about such things in advance so that a possible separation does not bring too much pain and disappointment to today's beloved.

If a young man is confident in himself and his feelings, it is worth approaching the first confession very responsibly. One of the most important conditions for a declaration of love to be received favorably is the appearance of a man, the choice of the right moment, the romantic atmosphere and the sincerity of the words spoken.

How to prove to a girl that you love her

How to choose the moment for recognition?

If a young man doubts whether it is worth confessing his love right now, he needs to observe a little the development of relations with his beloved. Discussion of joint plans for the future, caring and attention to each other, planning common affairs - all this indicates that the time has come.

    The process of uttering words of love, beautiful and leading to tears, is very romantic in itself. It is not good to make a confession of your feelings in an ordinary household environment. A man needs to create a special, gentle and sensual atmosphere in order for his explanation to be perceived correctly.

    Compliments to the girl

    Choosing and arranging a meeting place

    Decorating the house with candles and sprinkling with flower petals is a classic preparation for a declaration of love. A man can also cook a romantic dinner or order it in a restaurant (if his culinary skills are not up to par). An optional but important attribute of the dinner is wine or champagne. You should not save on it by purchasing a bottle of an expensive and high-quality drink for the table. A man who decides to pamper his beloved with delicious food should inquire in advance about the girl's preferences in gastronomy. This will help avoid dissatisfaction and undue stress.

    Romantic recognition at home will allow the couple to feel comfortable and free, but this is far from the only option. Can:

  1. 1. Arrange a date on the roof. First, you need to find a cozy place there and prepare it accordingly. Wine and rose petals will work here too.
  2. 2. Take your beloved to an unusual place (for example, to an old dungeon or picturesque ruins).
  3. 3. Invite a girl to the cinema for a romantic movie. The ideal option would be an empty hall, then no one bothers to say sincere and sincere words of love.
  4. 4. Hire a limousine and ride it around the city. The pleasure is not cheap, but the original date is guaranteed.

A touching confession

Finding a place for a date and arranging it correctly is very important. But no less important are the words that will be spoken. The phrase "I love you" is already pretty worn out and everyday. It is heard everywhere: in films, songs, conversations. A girl may perceive these three words in a completely different way than a man would like. An original love confession, beautifully spoken in your own words, is quite another matter. It can be found in prose, poetry, writing or SMS (the last two are suitable for recognition at a distance).

Here are some examples of the best confessions:

View Examples of
  • Sweet! In literature, there are many works praising the love of a man and a woman. But even all of them put together cannot compare with my feelings for you.
  • My heart stopped beating when I saw you and trembled with a vengeance as soon as you looked at me. My love for you is huge, like the universe, and at the same time, it all fits in only one person. And it's you, dear!
  • Before I met you, the word "love" meant nothing to me. Now I will give all the treasures of the world for you, my love
PoemsGirls love very much when they declare their love in poetry. To do this, you can use the works of great poets, or you can try to write a poem yourself. It's not as difficult as it sounds:
  • I never loved like that
  • So passionate, tender and boundless.
  • If I have enough strength now
  • Recognition will be inevitable.
LetterIn the age of high technology, letters have already become archaism, but girls like to receive love letters written by hand. And some men find it easier to express feelings in writing:
  • My love! Sometimes it seems to me that I have lost my mind. I see your beautiful eyes in every drop of dew, in every woman I see your cute image. In the whispering of the wind, I hear your voice. Every minute of parting seems to me like an eternity.
  • My dear beloved! You have no idea how great my love for you is. For the sake of your smile, I will get a star from the sky and go down to the very bottom of the ocean to get a beautiful pearl for you. I look forward to meeting you, counting every second and hoping to see your eyes as glowing with love as mine
SMSA short confession sent in the form of SMS is perfect for those who are far from each other:
  • I don't need anything but your love. Happy to be with you.
  • In your arms I have known true happiness. I love you.
  • Kitten, you are my only joy. Far away from you I cannot enjoy life

In whatever ways the recognition of the beloved is made, the main thing is that it is sincere and from the heart.

Sometimes there is one step between you and happiness, and this is called "confessing your love to a girl." It happens that we simply cannot express how we relate to a person. Did you have such a difficult situation? Or is this question before you right now? Don't panic. In this article, you will find beautiful declarations of love for a girl that you can copy or use as inspiration to express these thoughts in your own words to tears.

We live in a digital age where love letters are almost a thing of the past. However, there is something romantic and unique about writing a paper letter in prose, especially if you write it to your loved one.

Do not forget the old but true statement: "A man loves with his eyes, and a woman with her ears." The girl will be in seventh heaven if you tell her about your feelings.

Being away from each other, even temporarily, is an ordeal. It's important to keep in touch at times like this. Daily phone calls, sensual SMS, short or very long emails are what we're talking about.

To close the distance between you in every sense, just remember that you can write to your girlfriend or wife about your feelings. The best option is a romantic declaration of love in your own words.

Examples of confessions

I dreamed about you last night. Damn, I dream of you almost daily. It seems that I can spend days with you all day long, and it still won't be enough. When I close my eyes, I want you to be there.

Next to you, I realized what true love is. Now I enjoy this feeling, a life that I never knew about before. I will love you for the rest of my days.

Many times in our lives we can find people who win our hearts. We take it for granted. I’m so used to all the wonderful things you do for me, and I don’t want you to think that I don’t appreciate it all. At every moment I am grateful that you are in my life and in my heart.

I hope you know how much you mean to me. You are an important part of my life. In fact, you are the center of my universe. Everything I do is for us, and especially for you. I always try to do the right thing to make our relationship stronger. You inspire me to be the best version of myself. Without you, I would be a completely different person. Thanks to you, I really know what love is.

I am lonely to tears when you are not around. Even when I go out under a cloudless sky, it seems that everything is in a haze. You are obviously the brightest light in my life. That might explain why I feel so good around you. You give me strength and energize me in difficult moments. I love you very much.

When people said that “behind every great man there is a great woman,” I felt uneasy. They seemed to be saying that I could not succeed if the woman did not help me. But now that I have met you, I understand that perfectly. Now I feel that I can do something, because I know that next to me is such a wonderful person like you. You inspire me to be a better, more successful person. I hope I can do the same for you. Together we are better than ever, individually. Love you.

Baby I'm really madly in love with you. I want to shout it out loud from the top of the highest mountain. We've been through so much and we still have strong feelings for each other. I just want you to always be by my side. I found you and this is forever.

You are more beautiful than a summer sunset on the ocean horizon. You are more breathtaking than the stunning view from the high mountain. You are brighter than the stars in the suburban sky. You are more seductive than any love song ever sung. I didn't understand what the true meaning of beauty was until I found you.

Before you came into my life, I was just an ordinary person. There was a longing in my heart. I felt that I was missing something. Today I understood exactly what was missing. You. Now that you are with me, I feel that my life is harmonious.

Every time I look into your shining eyes, see your dazzling smile and hear your beautiful voice, I fall more and more in love with you.

I'm in love with you ... Touching you makes my heart beat faster.

An incomprehensible and very pleasant feeling appeared in my chest, which I cannot explain. It fills my life with meaning, and my eyes - with light. It must be love.

Millions of verses, thousands of compliments, hundreds of sweet words cannot make my heart beat faster. Only your single glance did it.

Falling in love with someone means that you see this person not with your eyes, but with your heart and feel him not with your body, but with your soul. I learned to see you this way.

I lost myself in the vast ocean of love, devotion and passion. Being with you means feeling all the beauty of the world and being a part of it.

There is only one answer to the questions: “What is love? What is happiness? What is joy? " This answer is you.

It took me three minutes to love you: I thought about your beauty, which struck me, for two minutes, and the strongest feeling was born in my heart during the remaining minute.

Love is when looking into your eyes is much more pleasant than gazing at the stars in the sky.

When you smiled at me, my breathing stopped. When you spoke to me, I could not move because of this wonderful and intoxicating feeling. And when you touched my hand, you stole my heart. I love you.

When I first met you, I thought my life would change a little. But what actually happened is that you became my world, my universe, the meaning of life and the only person for whom I live.

Falling in love with you is like magic. Every day I find in myself more and more warmth, lightness, sincerity and kindness. I am incredibly happy that I met you.

Now you know how beautiful it is to confess your love to a girl in your own words. Good luck!

Home \u003e\u003e Confessions of love, pranks and congratulations on the mobile

Declaration of love by name on the phone - select a name:

❥ I want the whole world to know that I love you! Today I called you, I heard your sad voice, and I felt sad too. Smile dear, please. You have a very beautiful smile! I feel happy when I see her. I love you very much, from the first day of our acquaintance.

❥ My girl, I have an incredibly great and truly wonderful feeling for you, without which a person does not live, but simply exists - this is love. You are everything to me and even more, you are the one for which I began to live and breathe. I love you, and I will love you forever!

❥ My favorite kitten, I love you madly! I will give everything for you., You are the whole world for me, you are my life, I am happy with you. I appreciate our relationship and value you, I want you and me to always be together, not apart for a moment, my sun. I love you!

❥ My dear, the best girl on this earth. I don’t know what’s going on in your soul, I just want to say that for me getting to know you is the best thing that happened to me lately, I am grateful to the Almighty for meeting you, I don’t imagine how I would live, not knowing you. I love you.

❥ I love you more than life, I want to be only with you, I live with you, I will be happy only with you, you are the most beautiful, wonderful, charming girl in the world. I just adore you! You are my ray of sunshine, I realized that I cannot live without you ... I love you!

❥ My beloved and dearest in the world! You are the most beautiful in this world and I am very happy that we met! You know perfectly well that I love you, but I want to tell you about this personally - that I love you madly and I have no doubt in my feelings, I value you very much. You are the dearest person for me in this world!

❥ I never thought that you can think about the same person all day. About a person with whom you always feel good and comfortable, with whom you never want to part, with whom hours fly by like minutes. About a person, looking into whose eyes you forget about everything! Sunny, I miss you so much, I miss you so much! I want us to always be together. I want to tell you all my life - I love you, I love you, I love you ...

❥ I remember how I was terribly nervous before our meeting. I was expecting a date with an ordinary girl, and a real angel was waiting for me! When you came up to me and looked at me, my breath caught in my throat, my heart sank, my knees buckled and my chest felt unnaturally warm. I was drowned in the heavenly gaze of the most beautiful eyes in the world. During our short meeting, I realized that it would not be the last. Walking next to you and talking about all sorts of nonsense, I felt my heart fill with joy, and warmth spreads throughout my body. I was really happy. I fell in love with you from the first second of the meeting and will always love you, my joy.

❥ Everything has changed for me since you appeared in my life! I realized that you are the best, and I no longer need anyone except you. I want to always be with you. Look into your eyes, hold you gently by the hand, kiss and say how much I love you. Every day my love is stronger and more difficult to be without you, because my life takes on meaning only when you are near. You are forever in my heart.

❥ I very carefully keep you in my heart ... every look of your beautiful eyes, every word that your angel lips uttered, every second that we were near. You completely and completely filled my soul and heart ... and my heart cannot live without you ... I love you baby!


Declaration of love to a girl in your own words

Our beautiful love story ...

We fell in love, despite our difference, and from that moment something rare and beautiful was created.

You are everything for me …

I can lose everything that I have, but I cannot lose you, I cannot lose someone like you in my life.

I love you …

You bring me joy when I am sad, I dream of you, when I sleep, you are my guardian angel, when I am with you, you are my soul mate, you whom I love.

You can love me as I love you ...

Even if everything goes wrong, I will smile at you. Just because one day you told me that you love my smile and I love you.

Your love is enough for me ...

I love you with all my heart and soul, and this is more than enough for me.

You are my treasure …

My love, take care of yourself, take care of yourself, you are my precious treasure, so take care of yourself as a treasure.

Nice words for a beautiful girl!

Beautiful declaration of love to a girl

Hello friends! All self-respecting men believe that a beautiful declaration of love to a girl in their own words, to tears in prose, must necessarily be with a bouquet of roses in the form of a heart. It is difficult to disagree with this. She is such love. On this page you will find everything you need in such cases.

My tender charming princess ... My real life began at the moment when I met you, when I saw your eyes the color of cornflowers. I fell in love with you at first sight, and I can no longer live without you. I want to see you every day, to hear your voice, similar to the murmur of a mountain stream, I want to kiss your tender lips, which, like rose petals, beckon to me ... I love you, my angel!

I have never felt stronger feelings than love for you, my dear girl! With you, the world around is filled with colors, together with you I want to enjoy everything around. You won my heart at the first glance of your big brown eyes. And from that moment on, I could not think of anything else. I want to spend my days with you, I want to give you only happy moments. I want you to smile, my dear. Your smile illuminates everything around with joy and makes the sun shine even brighter.

Is there a feeling brighter and stronger than love? Next to you, my wonderful one, I realized that there is nothing more important than love. You appeared in my life, and everything was different. I realized that I have someone to live for, for whom to create, for whom it becomes better and more perfect. For your sake, my joy! I will do everything to make you happy!

Your eyes are like two blue lakes, there is so much warmth and love in them ... Your lips are so similar to rose petals, you want to touch them so much ... Your blonde hair, fluttering in the wind, looks like ears of wheat on a fine summer day ... Your graceful figure resembles the camp of a swan, noble and magnificent ... You are perfect. I love you!

Our meeting was heaven destined for us. I believe that you are my destiny, and I want to live with you all my life. I love you, my best of all living on Earth ...

My feeling for you is difficult to describe in words ... When I don’t hear your ringing voice, when I don’t see you, the whole world becomes gray and insignificant. I want to spend more and more time with you, I want to take care of you, get to know you, your interests, outlook on life. I want to become one with you, so that no one and nothing can separate us. I love you very much…!

I remember that wonderful day when we met with you. It was early autumn. I immediately liked your graceful gait, your impeccable taste in clothes, and when I heard your sweet voice and saw your glance, enchanting and mysterious, I fell in love like a boy. And now in my thoughts only you, only you. I want our relationship to become stronger and stronger. I want to confess, I love you, my beauty!

Every hour, every minute, every second of my life is filled with thoughts of you, my beloved. I wake up and fall asleep thinking only of you alone. You are the best thing in my life. I am grateful to God that we met on that sunny spring day. I will do my best to always be together!

I like your golden hair, your blue eyes like the sea, your tender lips like rose petals ... Every day I fall in love with you more and more, my beautiful girl!

You have become the meaning of my life. I never thought that you can love that much. Since we met, I cannot live a day without you, my most beautiful woman in the world!

I like everything about you: your brown big eyes, framed by lush eyelashes, and dark silky brown hair that you love to put in a bun, and your slender graceful figure, and your sonorous voice, and even a small mole on your wrist. You are perfect and unique!

I've never met a girl like you! Your exquisite manners, your correct facial features, your graceful gait, your character traits ... I'm crazy about you, my femme fatale!

You look like a ray of sunshine in the spring sky, like a delicate fragrant flower in the grass, like a quivering singing bird in the trees ... You are beautiful! My feelings for you forever, my wonderful girl!

Our meeting was planned by heaven! We were supposed to meet! You are mine and I am yours. Forever and ever. Forever. Whatever happens.

It seems to me that you have bewitched me with your dazzling beauty, your ringing voice, your tenderness ... I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to touch your skin, I want to be with you always. Only with you. I want to be in your captivity.

My happiness, my joy, my sun, my love ... When I see you, the world becomes better, I want to love you all my life.

The world was lit up with sunbeams when I met you, my beautiful ... I love you, my feelings for you are strong and strong. I will endure all adversity, just to be with you always. You are the most precious thing I have. I breathe you, I live you.

It is very difficult to find a person for whom you can give, whom you love with all your heart. And I found it was you. My beloved, my dear, my desired one. I want to protect you from all troubles, from all hardships, from all problems. I want you to be happy, to be happy together.

Wherever I am, whatever I do, I think about you. I really hope that I, too, are in your thoughts, and that you, as well as I, are looking forward to our meeting. Just a little more and we will be there, we will enjoy each other to the last drop.

Today I want to confess to you ... I love you, more than life, more than anyone else in the world. You are alone in my thoughts and in my heart. I cannot imagine my life without you, my beautiful nymph.

I feel very bad without you, I really miss you. The world without you loses its color and fades. I want to be next to you now. Hug your fragile shoulders, kiss your soft plump lips, stroke your blond hair. You are an angel, you are the most beautiful girl in the world! Be mine forever, I love you very much!

Flowers will be a great addition to words. A lush bouquet of roses in the shape of a heart, bought in a store and presented to a girl on this day, will strengthen your feelings and make your love mutual for life. You just have no other options!

Don't miss the beautiful video and good related music, it's worth watching!

Declaration of love to a girl in your own words

You are the sun that illuminates my path. You are my universe, you are my love! You are the main person in my life and you will always remain that way. It's great that I have you! Love you, kiss you, hug you! 16

How good that we met! You gave me love and filled my life with meaning! Next to you, I forget about everything in the world. There is only you and me, darling! 12

You are the light in the window for me, you are just my life. My love for you is limitless. I love you, my angel, I look forward to every meeting. Always be happy, my sunshine. 15

I want the whole world to know that I love you! Smile dear, please. You have a very beautiful smile! I feel happy when I see her. I love you very much, from the first day of our acquaintance! 15

I need you, and I can't live without you! Believe me, I don’t need anyone except you. You changed my life, which became much brighter and more interesting, so many colors appeared in it that I did not know about before. My heart can no longer live without you. Just be there, and we will have the rest. 12

My heart forever belongs only to you, only with you I am truly happy and only with you I want to be always! I feel very bad when you are not around, I miss you madly, darling! eighteen

I have an incredibly wonderful feeling for you, without which a person does not live, but simply exists - this is love. You are the one for which I began to live and breathe. I love you, and I will always love you! eleven

I love you so much that you can't even imagine. You are the most desirable in the world for me. I'm crazy about you, you are the best girl I've ever met. I love you very much. 14

You are a wonderful and very dear person to me. I so want you to be happy! And I want to be always with you, because I love you with all my soul and with all my heart! eleven

My girl, I love you madly! I dream every day to see your smile, listen to you and kiss your beloved lips! I am so attached to you! You are my lady of my heart! I want to be with you every minute, I want to love you to the point of insanity! thirteen

15 most beautiful declarations of love to your girlfriend

In our own words, we tell our beloved girl about our feelings for her. Note to guys - a list of the most beautiful declarations of love for a girl.

There is probably a girl who drives you crazy, and you've already thought of a thousand ways to tell her about your feelings for her. For such recognition, you must have two components: self-confidence and the right words to express your feelings.

If you are sure that she treats you the same way you treat her, and you decide to declare your love to her, then first find the most beautiful words for a declaration of love to your beloved girlfriend. But don't worry about it, because on this page we offer you a list of many phrases perfect for expressing your love for the girl you like so much.

  1. “One glance at you was enough for me to understand that you are an ideal girl for me, I love you, and next to you I feel the happiest! Therefore, I want you to be my girlfriend and make me happy every day! "
  2. “I lived in a sad world filled with darkness until you came like a shining sun that illuminates my days, and since then my days have become the happiest! I want you to be my bride, to be a part of my life forever, and I could make you happy every second of my life! "
  3. “The feeling that originated in my heart when I first saw you became stronger and stronger until I knew that this is pure love. Therefore, I want you to give me the happiness of being your boyfriend and live together from now on, to make you as happy as I am! "
  4. “You are perfect, your beauty is limitless, you are beautiful in my eyes and heart! I want to give you my love, and you will give me your love in return. Agree?"
  5. “You are the only one who can pacify my loving heart. I know that you and I are more than friends, and therefore I would like to formally look after you. "
  6. “You managed to win my heart with your beauty, intelligence and tenderness, and I want to feel the joy of your complete conquest of my heart. I want to make you the happiest girl in the world! "
  7. “I fell in love with you at first sight, and at the same moment I realized that I have a feeling of true love for you. Let's take the opportunity - let's start a beautiful relationship and enjoy wonderful love together! "
  8. “Tell me that you feel the same as I do. When you and I are together, life becomes wonderful, and every moment becomes the happiest for me! I have tremendous love for you and I want to know if you have the same feeling for me. "
  9. “When I met you, I felt an arrow of love pierced into my heart! You are the girl I've always been looking for! I love you, and when I see you, I feel great happiness that overwhelms me! I want you to be my girlfriend, tell me YES, and I will never let you down! "
  10. “Since I met you, everything has changed in my life. You inspire me and I feel like the happiest person every day! I just want you to give me a chance to show how much I love you and how happy I would be to be with you always! "
  11. “I used to think that I would never meet a person as sweet, gentle and smart as you. Now that I know you, I fell head over heels in love with you. Trust me with your heart to take care of it and show you how much I love you! "
  12. “I could not imagine that such a beautiful girl would be as simple as you. You managed to conquer my thoughts and occupy my whole heart. I ask you to let me be your boyfriend, because I really love you, and I want to give you all my love! "
  13. “Next to you, I feel that everything is beautiful! You add the most iridescent colors to my monotonous everyday life! When I wake up, my first desire is to see you! I hope you think the same about me. Don't deny us the opportunity to love each other. "
  14. “I wanted to tell you that wherever I am, no matter what happens, I will always think of you and remember those moments when we were together as the happiest in my life! I would like to return these moments again and again, because I love you! "
  15. “I have never loved you more than this second. And I will never love you less than this second, in which I want to confess my love to you! "
  • If you notice that she usually starts the conversation with you first.
  • Constantly looks you in the eye.
  • Says she feels good around you.
These signs almost certainly mean that she is also infatuated with you and therefore you can tell her how you feel and declare your love.

Use any of the above beautiful confessions to express your love to the girl you love, and you will see your words go straight to her heart!

About article: Updated: 08/25/2017, 01:01 AM Word Count: 643 Time to read: 3 min. Thanks to the authors for the article, which has already been read 30,599 times! Thanks to our readers who left 1 comment and have already rated the article 12 times!

Each of us in life has experienced a feeling of love. Feelings of love or affection. And at times, it was very difficult to express these feelings, and sometimes it was scary. In this article, I would like to talk about how to be able to express these feelings. And about what love is, true love.

Falling in love and love

Love can be roughly divided into two types - falling in love and feeling of love. There are, of course, many more gradations of this feeling, but basically they are divided into love and being in love.

Falling in love is much weaker and less powerful than the feeling of love. It is not as deep and lasting as true love. And here it is important to be able to feel - am I in love or do I love with all my heart? Because falling in love quickly passes, unless, of course, it develops into love.

Promising a person mountains of happiness and care, being in love, is stupid - maybe in a week you will cool down? By doing this, you will hurt him if he loved you. You need to sort out your feelings, think about whether you are ready to spend most of your time with your beloved?

Usually, falling in love is not as strong a feeling as love - your brain does not turn off, as during a strong love for a person J. Well, for falling in love to develop into love or not, it takes time.

True love is manifested in gratuitous care, support of a partner. True love does not try to keep a loved one close to itself. If a loved one develops as a person, then you try to develop - this is the only way long-term relationships and love are possible.

Otherwise, a loved one will outgrow you highly, and you will no longer be interesting to him. I'm not saying that you need to do the same hobbies that he did. I say that it was your personal hobbies that were at his level or slightly higher, slightly lower. So that there is not a big gap.

This will allow you to be true love, which will eventually grow into something more. Then a long and strong relationship is ensured. This is one aspect of true love.

Declaration of love

You feel that you love a girl and you want to show, express it. And how beautiful it is to confess your love to a girl or how to properly confess your love to a girl - you do not know. If you show this to her in a beautiful and original way, she will probably appreciate you from another best side.

Girls love strong emotions, they are like a drug for them. And having famously confessed her love, she will see that you are an emotional and "lively" guy. Perhaps this will interest her very much if she is simply sympathetic to you, or she will finally fall in love with you if she showed sympathy and love.

It is, of course, necessary to scout out the situation on the love front J. Find out her preferences, her hobbies, emotional aspects (what she is afraid of, from which she is wildly happy, etc.) Based on the collected data, you can build a script for a declaration of love J. Imagine that you are playing - creative thoughts will begin to come.

It is important to correctly confess your love to a girl. This means that the recognition should sound in such a way that in case of unrequited feelings on the part of the girl, you will worthily get out of it. And everyone around her smirked her for refusal! Just kidding J. Know how to lose with dignity!

Internal state

Of course, you know that going up to a girl and starting quietly and hesitantly confessing your love, you will look like a complete loser. This recognition will work against you.

If you want good results, then it is important to consider everything - to put your voice, gestures, posture. Build confidence, your condition. Rock yourself for the time of recognition.

The main thing during the confession is not to think - “does she love me?”, “What if not?”, “What if she will send me?”. If you admit this, then there can be no question of any confidence!

How can you confess your love?

Confessing your love with words is not at all necessary! You can show it to the girl quite well. Below are examples of a declaration of love to a girl:

  • Take a spray can and write a declaration of love in front of her windows (it is corny, but she will be pleased, and she will always remember you, going home. The question is, does she know who wrote this and whether she likes you)
  • Send a courier to her home with flowers and a postcard, with a declaration of love (a good option if you are afraid to confess in her eyes, and whether to sign the postcard or not - the choice is yours)
  • Write a love message on social media (it doesn't take much courage here either)
  • Paste over the walls of her entrance with declarations of love to her apartment 🙂
  • Declare your love on the radio (a good option if she is currently listening to the desired wave)
  • Just walk up and confess your love (takes a lot of courage if there are a lot of people around)
  • Declare your love, then kiss and pick up (usually the girl is slightly shocked and may not resist)
  • Use various jokes with a declaration of love (on the Internet in bulk)
  • Record a video with a declaration of love (simple option, you only need to speak and express yourself confidently. You can drink a little so as not to worry)

What exactly to say?

Let's take a closer look at which words and phrases to speak, and which ones are better to forget altogether. A lot of guys make a mistake here. You can chase away such nonsense that the girl will freeze, and your attractiveness in her eyes will fall.

An example of wrong phrases:

  • I love you more than life (somehow you belittle yourself, boy)
  • I can't live without you (looks pathetic)
  • I want to spend my whole life with you (a very needy phrase, and you are guaranteed not to spend your whole life with her)
  • I love you madly, I'm crazy about you (you need it and with this phrase you allow her to manipulate yourself or even scare you)
  • I love you, do you love me? (you need it again, you ask "well, love, I love you")

An example of adequate and cool phrases:

  • I like you, what are we going to do about it? (such a cool phrase J)
  • I'm in love with your eyes, look at me and don't blink (also a good phrase, a little humor perfectly relieves tension)
  • I confess I fell in love, just stop coming to me in a dream (humor and recognition work great)
  • I fell in love! So confess, did you put the love potion in my tea? (humor is good because if there is an obvious refusal, then there will be less unpleasant aftertaste. Well, you were joking and that's all J)
  • I really like you, let's try to get closer? (show her your serious intention and don't push her)
  • For all the time of communication with you, you have become more than a friend to me. (she can ask who she has become and you confess to her. This beginning softens the excitement)
  • I want you to become my girlfriend (why not, a normal phrase, you can add "Let's have one date and you won't regret")

These are the phrases you can use to declare your love. And you can come up with a bunch of adequate confessions. It is not necessary to speak directly in the forehead, girls perfectly understand hints, unlike us guys. And of course, do not forget about the inner state!

What could be more beautiful and desirable in the world than love? After all, it is this feeling that makes you soar in the sky, forgetting about all the problems and worries. But no matter how strong the feelings are, sometimes it is so difficult to express them in words, picking up and saying all that is necessary and important about your feelings.

Thanks to the confessions presented on the pages of our site, you will be able to confess your love to the girl you like in an original and beautiful way. Only we have collected the warmest, sensual and beautiful confessions not only in prose, but also in poetry, romantic wishes. Or maybe you are a quivering girl who is afraid to be the first to tell a young man about her feelings? Then our declarations of love will help you take this important first step in your life, thereby subtly hinting about your pure and romantic feelings for him alone.

Let the declarations of love become a borderline for you, which will resolve your further relationship, give them certainty and confirm your mutual desire to be together forever.

It happens so, you love a young man or a girl, and he (she) also guesses about it, but does not dare to take the first step. But, even when you decided to take this first step and confess your feelings, the second question arises: "How beautiful is it to confess your love?"

How often do we want to hear words of love from the lips of a loved one. And how rarely do we ourselves tell our loved ones and loved ones about our feelings ...

As often, tender affectionate words are torn from the heart. And you are ready not just to speak - to scream about your love! But the loved one at this moment is far away ...

And sometimes love just tears the soul apart. Because you love, but you don't know if it is mutual. Are you worried, embarrassed, afraid to admit - what if your love will not be accepted, and what if now is "not the right moment"? And you wait, postponing "until a better opportunity." And a loved one feels the same and is just as shy, waiting for a "chance". But chance never comes. And then suddenly you realize that it's too late to say something ...

The most suitable moment for a declaration of love is the moment when you feel love! Stop waiting! Take every chance, every opportunity to tell about your feelings!

Declare your love to the whole world! Tell your loved ones how you love them! Give your loved one your warmth, tenderness and affection!

Confess your love, say "I love you!" or just affectionate words to your loved one right now! And get recognition in return!

You are my happiness, my heart, my life! I love you!

I love you for your insanely beautiful eyes that look at me with tenderness and care. I love you for your hot body that keeps me warm at night. I love you for your hot kisses that intoxicate me!

I love you, and I want the whole world to know about it, but at the same time it was our little secret. I want to read you like an open book, but at the same time try to unravel the secret that is hidden inside you ...

Today I met a girl who I really liked. We talked with her for a long time, walked around the city together, and then I even took her home. And then I realized that I love her very much and want to be with her always.

You can't even imagine how dear you are to me! During the day I meet many different girls passing by me, but none of these girls will ever stir my heart, like you, only you can do it! All my life I dreamed of a girl like you ... Affectionate, smart, beautiful, gentle, the list is endless. You are incredibly unique among all the girls I've ever seen. You are the only girl I want to be with forever.

Every morning, as soon as I wake up, the first thing I think about is you. I think about you both during the day and before falling asleep, and even in my sleep. And if I suddenly wake up at night, then I think about you again, after which a smile appears on my face, because I know that I will definitely dream about you, and I know that I will soon see you in reality. And when I see it, I will breathe in the smell of your hair, look into your beautiful eyes, touch your tender lips, feel the beating of your heart and your warm breath.

Even if not so much time has passed since our acquaintance, but I am completely sure that I want to live with you all my life, moreover, without you I can no longer imagine it. And believe me, with me you will be the happiest girl in this World, I will save you from all hardships and problems, I will do everything so that you do not know sadness and sadness, I will do everything so that you always smile as you do now!

I love you so much that you can’t even imagine!

What is love? Each person endows this word with his own special "content". For some, love is an unbridled passion, for someone - an endless series of romantic events, for someone - unthinkable, crazy actions. The moment when you appeared in my life was an amazing discovery for me - I understood what love is for me. From the first day of our acquaintance, tender, bright feelings flutter in my chest, intensifying with every call, message, every meeting. Now I can draw a clear line between the feeling of sympathy, love and the feeling of love that I have for you.

I love you! My love is not a dream or a fairy tale. My love is something intangible, it is the union of souls. It cannot be measured by the number of our meetings, any of your actions, gifts and other romantic nonsense. I love every line of your face, every moment of our sometimes short meetings. Know, my feelings do not depend on whether you are near, they will not cool down, even if we are separated by thousands of kilometers. First of all, spiritual closeness is important to me, but when you are far away, I often close my eyes and feel you near, your choppy breathing, your gentle voice and the dune touch of your strong, courageous hands.

You are my air. I want to live for you. It is important for me to know everything about you, about your experiences and dreams. I will be grateful if you will allow me to share every moment of your life with you, no matter if it is sad, full of grief, or joyful. You are everything for me! Before we met, I could not have imagined that you can know a person so well and at the same time feel that there is still so much unsolved in him. With you, every "I love you" sounds like the first time. I love the feeling when you are near, because with you you can not hide under masks, you can be yourself, talk on any topic.

My feelings for you cover me completely, give me the strength to become better every day, I have to work with myself, develop spiritually and physically. You opened a new person in me, a new potential. Next to you, I feel free, you do not put limits and limits on me, you give me the opportunity to make decisions on my own. I can't help but love you and myself when I'm next to you.

I love you! But I do not want to scream about our love, I want it to be our little secret. I cannot know what lies ahead of us, but I know for sure that my love does not depend on what is happening in the outside world. I will fight for our relationship, for our love. You are the meaning of my life. I will be infinitely happy if you share my feelings.

You are a wonderful and very dear person to me. I so want you to be happy, and I will be grateful to you if you allow me to take part in this.

I keep you very carefully in my heart ... every look of your beautiful eyes, every word that your angelic lips uttered, every second that we were near. You completely and completely filled my soul and heart ... and my heart cannot be without you ... I love you baby!

You are my happiness, my heart, my life!
I love you!

I'm sorry, but I won't find tender words.
I just want to say that I love you.

My sweet baby. I love and adore you. I think that even the most beautiful confessions still do not reflect your angelic beauty and tenderness, love and affection. I love you!

If one day there comes a day when there is no room in my heart for you, it will be the darkest day of my life. Then not a drop of joy will remain in him, and life will lose its meaning. I love you.

I will give you dawn, moon and stars, moonlight. And the breath of the breeze, as gentle as a touch of lips. I will give myself to you, because, I love you!

You warm my soul, you illuminate my life, with you I feel like in a happy dream, you are a miracle, I love you!

Declaration of love for a girl is an exciting and important step in the life of any guy, man. A declaration of love to your wife is a touching reminder of your feelings, which can add more warmth and romance to family life. These confessions can sound equally well both in prose and in poetry. However, in both cases, it is important that the confession is beautiful and sincere, as in these confessions.