Scenario of the sports holiday "Dad, Mom, I - Sports Family." Sports holiday scenario in elementary school: "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family

Goals and objectives:

  1. Strengthening the health of children and their parents.
  2. Education of love for physical culture and sports, feelings of friendship.
  3. Promotion of healthy lifestyles.
  4. Definition of the strongest team.

Location: gym.

Equipment and equipment:

Stopwatch, whistle, roulette, racks (flags or kegli), balls (basketball, volleyball, football, tennis), balloons, rope, hoops, bags, rope.

Non-standard equipment:

Wooden bricks, wooden classes (height 15 cm; diameter 13-15 cm, a hole drilled in the top and stretched the rope (the length of the rope is 2 meters), wooden gymnastic sticks.

Registration: Slogans posters: "Want to be strong - run!", "Want to be beautiful - run!", "You want to be smart - run!", "Sport is health", "Sport is a success," "Sport is a friendship "," Sport - stronger than all "," there is no greater victory than the victory over yourself. "

Musical accompaniment: sport march.


Families teams are involved in the number of three people - dad, mom and child - team captain.


    The winner is awarded to the medal, diploma and prize.

    The winners are awarded with diplomas and sweet prizes.

    Families can be awarded by nominations:

Holiday move

Under the sounds of the sports march, the teams enter the gym, and are built in one rank to the jury.

Lead I.

Sick guests dear, please!
Merry you and joy!
For a long time we will spend you,
The holiday is not starting without you.
We have for everyone: and the word, and the place!

(teams occupy their places)

Lead II.

Hello! Hello! Hello!
Today here, in the gym
We are sport, decrease compatible.
We are this nice holiday with you
Perfect games to devote.

Lead I.

We see friendly faces here.
Sports Spirit we feel around
Everyone here is the heart of the Olympic
Here every sport and art of friend.

Lead II.

He will win the competition
Who labels, deft and silene
Will show all its reduction
Who is the Spirit, the body is hardened.

Lead I.

About Sport, dear!
In life with you
To be friends always
Give God for many years!
Fills us the joy of movement.
The heart beats in the chest of cheerful!
And sports victory instant
Complete smiles of friends.

Lead II.

And learn the sport helps us
After all, health is the basis of everything
Who walks with sports in life
He can go far.
About Sport, dear!
In life with you
To be friends always
Give God for many years!

Lead I.

Nice to say words such
His guests meeting at the door
We are so glad you are expensive.
So happy ...

Lead II.

Let me discover our family all-around championship "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!" And submit commands of the participants of our competitions.

Lead I.

pope (take a step forward)

Here they are in front of us - slightly beyond, in places are tightened and even in something invincible, and what exactly - we will learn later ( dads fall into place).

Lead II.

mom.(take a step forward)

They are always in shape. Make themselves knowing permanent workouts: stove, shopping, weeding, washing, cleaning. And even the annual respite of March 8 do not knock them out of the gauge. And we are sure that today they will ask tone to their teams (Moms take a step back).

Lead I.

And finally captains Team! (children make a step forward)

These are still with diaper for many years have time to work with regular training and united their parents into a friendly team, setting themselves all new tasks: hard in teaching, easy in battle.

Lead II.

1 Team ( name)
Team captain

2 Team ( name)
Team captain

3 team ( name)
Team captain

Lead I.

On the shoulder the victory is brave, waiting for the big success
Who, without having fluttered if one for all needs to be taken into battle.
Let the jury all the course of the battle without a blister trace
Who will be friendly, that in battle and wins.
Business time, hour fun. Teams word for you

(wishes to rivals, tell teams)

Lead II.

We present to you the Judges College ( organizer of extracurricular work, teachers of physical culture, representatives of the parent committee, school council).

Sports part of the holiday

Lead I.

1 contest

The workout is very important for athletes, as you can see the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy.
And our contest "Merry crossing"

The first are dads. On the coliblies pass the distance. Returns ( also on the colibars). And transmit to the relay to moms. Moms: Move on 3 wooden bricks, alternately moving them, but at the same time stand on them ( on the floor not to go). They reach the flags, take 3 bricks and run back. The next command is moving the captain of the team. The child uses two hoops for crossing - from one hoop jumps into another.

Lead II.

2 contest

How good that there are games in the world
In which the joy of movement with the ball.
Combines us ball on the planet
And lights our hearts with fire.
After the first task
Listen carefully
Second test.

(Families location for the total start line)

Pope be the first to begin: driven by a football ball rack before the flag and returned in the same way. Moms begin: Moms: Perform a straight bug down ( volleyball) The ball to the rack and back. The third children begin: keeping a basketball ball ( it is also necessary as dads to circle a bow or rack). And finish finish.

Lead I.

Second Competition All teams have demonstrated excellent possession of the ball and good physical training. And now I will spend the third contest.

3 contest

Here's a task
Pomery and more appropriate.
To go ahead to go,
Need a balloon to lead.

Pope moving forward to the racks are born with a gymnastic stick balloon and back in the same way ( the result is determined by the first who came to the finish). Moms ties the balloon, the second leg is free. Standing in a whistle is beginning to step on to each other on the ball ( whoever will remain the ball, that mother and won).

Lead II.

I see from the side
Teams in the technique are equal.
Look I want me to see
Whose captains postcases.

The balls are laid on the floor (the amount is not limited). The captains of the teams should be sitting on balloons so that they burst. Whoever palpacles the balls, he won. After the competition, all burst balls are given the jury to count.

Lead I.

4 contest

Basketball excitement
I love to worry.
Joy and sorry
For me as grace.
The beauty of the game is captive
Spirit fighting.
I admire skill.
Oh! Basketball love!

Lead II.

4 View - Send Ring
You need a basketball ball.
Only hand accuracy and eye accuracy
Let you get to fall more than once.

Lead I.

Pope plant a child on the shoulders. Mom serves a basketball ball. The child must throw to the basketball ring. The game is given 90 seconds ( the number of hits is considered).
(this competition can simultaneously perform two or more teams, depending on the availability of basketball rings).

Lead II.

You got well,
Calculate with the ball managed.
Time you walked in vain.
Persistently trained.

Lead I.

While the Judge College sums up for the four competition advertising pause.
(the support group of one of the command shows its dance)

Lead II.

The results of four competitions were summed up. The word is provided by the referee.

Lead I.

We continue our family all-around competitions.

Lead II.

5 competition

What a miracle - Skok Yesch!
Went, the bag started!
Hey, grab it, catch,
Keep the bag!

Lead I.

The teams are built at the starting line in the column and on the whistle each participant of the team on distillation jumps in the bag to the rack and returned in the same way, transfers the next participant to the relay.

Lead II.

Competition ended in bags.

6 competition

Choose jumping on the moral -
With height or long
And the pushing left, right
RVI spaces silence.
If he was swollenged
Pushed out of the peasors,
Then consider jumping
You fly in the flight of bold

Lead I.

Now you ( teams) Should demonstrate their jump abilities, such physical qualities as agility, speed, flexibility. The success of your teams will depend on your personal results.

"Long jump".

All teams are built in the column one by one in any order of the overall start of the start. The first numbers jump in length, pushing out two legs at the same time. Measurement is made on the heels of first touches of the floor. The second numbers jump from the landing site of the first, etc. Places of commands are determined by the range of marks of the latter ( 3-H.) participants.

Lead II.

The teams jumped perfectly, setting a high tone to us by the contest. Today, all worthy of the highest praise, all the teams showed cohesion and will to victory. But in all competitions there is someone better. Now ask the judicial board to summarize on six past contests.
(one member of the judiciary announces results)

Lead I.

7 Competition

Commands are invited to the relay.

1. Running with a relay stick ( performs the whole family).

2. Running with a gymnastic stick ( running the dads are beginning on top on the stick, they are successful to the rack, circle, come back, take mom, then a child).

3. "Caracatia" ( focusing with hands and legs, back parallel to the floor, moving forward).

4. Maintaining a "big" tennis ball to the mark and throwing the ball into the target.

5. The relay "All at once" - the teams run simultaneously in full compositions. Participants are taken by hand ( or get up in the column, take the belt) Run to the rack, ignite it and return to the finish.

He donates the team, the participants of which, without breaking the hands, the first will take place at the initial position. The locations of the commands are determined by the finishing procedure.

Lead II.

Well done! Well done!
Right run - everyone is familiar,
With the relay, they coped perfectly.
You conquered us all here
You have shown the strength of the Spirit.

While the judiciary collides the results of the competition, until our spirit teams are translated, rest, and we will see how fans are sick for their team.

Lead I.

Now the fans of the task. Support your team. One fans from each team.

8 contest

And girls through the rope,
You need to jump on half a minute.
So funny they poured
Support them with cotton friendly.

Lead II.

Rope, who does not know her
She helps us to grow.
Jump you i invite
And I turn on your stopwatch.

(on one girl from the team simultaneously jumping with a rope. The number of jumps in 30 seconds is considered. Wins the participant who has the number of jumps more)

Lead I.

You are gracefully so jump
As if the butterflies were fluttered.

Thank you very much to the fools.
(the best jumper gets a sweet prize or diploma)

Lead II.

9 Competition

Sports Competition -
This is the same drawing.
After all, an athlete, he is like an artist,
His world of emotions is complicated.
Sports wonderful moments,
Looking for an embodiment in the colors.
And my friends, now!
Draw it for you!

Lead II.

I invite "families" to take part in one contest "Guess what is drawn."
(competition participants receive two sheets with drawings depicting part of the sports equipment. It is necessary to try it)

Lead I.

What are you wonderful artists.

10 competition

Yes, very nicely worked out,
And they can see nicely tired.
However, what else to come up with
So without falling and without noise.
Yeah! There is a glorious fun
She will have to temper.

Lead II.

We have one game
You will like it,
Go to the site
Straighten together in order.
Dad, Mom and Guys
We call the rope.

Lead I.

I ask you to start
For strength to test the rope.

(commands compete in rope testing).

Lead II.

Last view of the competition,
We completed now
The result of all of our contests,
Let the judges bring to us.

Lead I.

(teams to summarize the holiday are built in the center of the sports hall)

And here we will sum up
What weren't they who
Let sports expensive expensive
Health will be full of your days.

Lead II.

Let his youth, friendship, sports and peace
Always stepping with us next.
Whom the world has skated,
He looks friendly look.
Today we became stronger.
Today we became friendly.

Lead I.

Today there are no losers,
There are just the best of the best.
Let in every heart of friendship light,
He will lit a good ray actions.

Lead I.

To summarize the word, the jury is provided.
(announcements in the team event of a sports holiday, awards)

Lead I.

Thank you, and goodbye!
To new meetings in the gym.
Connect Sports and Know
And the soul greate the good light.

Lead II.

Thank you all for your attention
Zador and ringing laughter.
For fire competition
Ensure success.
That is the moment of the train,
There will be a brief our speech.
Talk to everyone - goodbye,
Before happy new meetings!

1 leading. Good afternoon, dear guests. Today we gathered on sports holiday "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family"To compete in force, dexterity, resourcefulness and just relax and chat with children. We are glad to see you always healthy, ready for physical trials.

Family is a pier and harbor,

Return again

From freight and swimming wanders,

Love always reigns here.

The birth of children, the first step, the first laying,

Dreams of good, excitement and trepid.

Family is a work, about another concern,

Family is a lot of homework.

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But happily live alone is impossible!

Always be together, love takeret

I want to talk about us about us:

What good your family!

And now I can imagine the participants of today's sporting event (march sounds).

The hall includes one after another team.

2 leading. Announces under what number of the team and which family it represents

(their four to 4 participants in each: Dad, Mom, Two Children).

And - "Carlson"

II - "Capital"

III - "Cheburashka"

IV - "Kangaroo".

1st leading. Evaluate the skill of our participants will be the judges:

Before proceeding to the competition, we offer workout for the mind:

1. Heroine What fairy tale One of the vegetables helped become happy and get married? (Princess on the Pea)

2. About which insek this bike: "Summer red

lookage did not have time "... (dragonfly)

And now I give you the 10 most common letters. For 2 min. You need to make up words. Wins the one who will be more words. (Atclorenis)

2 leading. Teams ready for start? (Teams: "Ready!").

(Before each relay, leading helpers demonstrate how the game is held).

1 leading.

The first relay "Paired Run"

(associated each for one leg to each other).

First, the dad run with her mother, then, returning to her place, unleash their feet and bind to the children and those also tie up. Which team first overcome this relay wins.

2 leading.

The second relay "Run carefully".

(4 spoons, 4 tennis balls. The participant of each team is given a spoon in which the ball is put).

Your task: to go around the chair, without missing the ball and does not help yourself when running with your hand. Return to your place and transfer a spoon with a ball to another. Which team will quickly cope with the task.

1 leading. While the judges count the scored glasses, for you the dance "Merry Devor"

2 leading. The word is provided to the judges.

Third relay for fathers.

Which of the fathers is more than one hand with a weight of 32, 24 or 16 kg.

1 leading.

The fourth relay "Evacuation".

Dad and mom fold hands in the form of "armchairs" and carry their child to a given mark, then returning after another child, tolerate it in the same way. Who will faster making children, the team and wins.

2 leading.

The fifth relay "train".

6 chairs are placed on the floor at a distance of 1m from each other. The first task is starting to perform dad with mom, they run a snake between the chairs, keeping each other. The second time the first child joins them, then the second. Which team will quickly leave in full composition around the chairs and return to his place - wins.

1 leading. While the judges count the glasses offer the dance "In-Tango" The word is provided to the judges.

2 leading.

Sixth relay for mothers "find out your children."

Moms with blindfolded eyes recognize their children to the touch. (children stand next to each other with hands stretched forward)

1 leading.

Seventh relay for Dad "Who's Faster Inflated Ball"

2 leading.

The eighth relay "balls".

At a distance of 8 meters in front of each team, there are two hoops. In each of them, 4 goals. On the team, each participant must move (translate) the balls from one wrap to another and return to his team, passing the relay to another participant.

As long as the judges count points, we offer to see the "Eastern motifs" and "Acrobatic Kaleidoscope" dance.

1 leading. Caution-word is provided to the judges.

The nine relay "all together".

All players need to sit down, tightly take the waist and so go around the gymnastic bench, return to their place. The team wins that will not lose the participants and fulfill the task faster.

2 leading.

Tenth relay "Tyjah Kosynka".

On the one hand, there are 4 chairs opposite each team. On each of them a casman. On the opposite side of the team. By the signal "Once, two, three - run!" Participants run to the chairs, take a shock, tackle her head and sit on the chairs. Then get up, remove the ghost, put on the chair and run to their team, passing the next participant (cotton in hand). The team wins that the first to complete this game.

Judges summarize.

2 leading.

Eleventh relay "Four Rings".

Two chairs put on each other, one to flip up with legs. In turn, the participants of each team throw rings, trying to put on the foot of the chair from the distance of 5 steps. The victory will won the team that will scatter more rings.

1 leading.

The twelfth relay "relay with closed eyes".

With closed eyes, participants must pass between the kegs placed at a distance of 2 steps, starting from a distance of 5 meters from Kegeli. That team wins, which scores fewer penalty glasses (taped, but without knocking down a shelter - 1 point, knocking down the kebul - 2 points). While the judges summarize, we offer the dance "Golden Paints".

2 leading. And now we offer the following task.

"Game with hoops"

At first, the older generation representative puts the hoop through his head on himself and takes off his legs, it makes it 2 times, then transmits the hoop to a child who should jump three times through it, like through the rope. The game goes for a while. Wins the team that spent less time.

1 leading. Of course, everyone heard about football. Many love this game to watch, and where - not away and drive themselves. But our football will be a little different. We called it:

"Space Football"

Hit the ball blindfolded. Two participants from the team.

As long as the judges summarize, we will spend the game with the audience.

Sports quiz with spectators.

2 leading. Questions:

1. How often are the Olympic Games? (1 time in four years).

2. In which country took place the World Cup in 2014? (Brazil).

3. How many players in a football team? (eleven).

1 leading.

4. How many players in a volleyball team? (6).

5. What group sports take part in the Winter Olympics? (Figure riding, hockey, ski racing, jumping from a springboard, San Sport).

6. What game sports take part in the Summer Olympics? (Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Handball, etc.).

2 leading. Attention! All participants! The word is provided to the judges of the competition. (The judges summarize the competitions, declare the winner). The word for greeting and presenting the prizes is provided to the school director and physical education teacher. Congratulations to the participants sports holiday for schoolchildren of primary classes.

1 leading. We are very grateful to our parents and children, participated in our school sports festival. And I want to wish that in your families everything is in order so that you are all healthy.

2 leading. The holiday ended. To new meetings!

Filatova Elena Anatolyevna
Scenario of the sports festival competition "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family"

Scenario of the sports holiday"Dad, mother, I - sport family"

Form of: Competition.

Goals and objectives:

Upbringing patriotism

Health promotion

Education of the right attitude towards a healthy lifestyle,

Promoting the strengthening of relationships in family.

Equipment: gymnastic benches, 3 sticks and 3 washers, badminton rackets, balloons, rope, tennis rackets and balls, jumps for jumping, gymnastic mats, 4 ribbons for "Bundles".


Teams- families Participate in the number of three people - dad, mother And the child is the captain of the team. Three teams participate in each two families.


1. The winner is awarded the medal, a diploma and prize.

2. The winners are awarded with diplomas and sweet prizes.

3. Families can be awarded by nominations:

"The coolest a family";

"The most volitional a family";

"The fastest, deft, skillful."

Sports holiday

« Mother, dad, I - sport family»

Holiday move

Under the sounds sports Marsha team comes in gymand are built in three columns. Lead 1.

Sick guests dear, please!

Merry you and joy!

For a long time we will spend you,

Holiday without you.

We have for everyone there: And the word, and the place!

Lead 2.

Hello! Hello! Hello!

Today here, in sports Hall

we sport, reduction compatible.

We are this nice holiday with you

Perfect games to devote.

Lead 1.

We see here friendly faces

Sports Spirit we feel around

Everyone here is the heart of the Olympic,

Everyone here sport and art friend.

Lead 2.

He will win the competition

Who are labels, cleft and silen,

Will show all its reduction

Who is the Spirit, the body is hardened.

Lead 1.

Dear friends! Let me open our sports holiday« Mother, dad, I - sport family" And now we want to introduce our brave and strong dads.

Pope (take a step forward)

Here they are in front of us - slightly beyond, in places are tightened and even in something invincible, and what exactly - we will learn later (Dads fall into place).

And now, our wonderful moms.

mom- (take a step forward)

They are always in shape. Make yourself known permanent training: stove, shopping, weeding, washing, cleaning. And even the annual respite of March 8 do not knock them out of the gauge. And we are sure that today they will ask tone to their teams (Moms take a step back).

And finally, the smallest competitors! (children make a step forward)

These are from the diaper for many years have time to work with constant training and united their parents in a friendly team, setting themselves all new tasks: Heavy in teaching, easy to battle.

Lead 2.

We welcome and congratulate everyone from the soul, who today went to the start! Successes to our teams and victories!

Lead 1.

Nice to say the words such

His guests meeting at the door,

We are so glad you are expensive.

So happy ...

We present to you the Judges College (As part ....). Guest Word Guests holiday ....

Lead 2.

On the shoulder the victory is brave, waiting for the big success

Who, without having fluttered if one for all needs to be taken into battle.

Let the jury all the move of the battle without a missing will be traced,

Who will be friendly, that in battle and wins.

Business time, hour fun. Commands word for you.

Teams come up with their name and motto. At this time, the musical pause sounds.

Lead 1.

Competition First: "Collect the pyramid".

Competition is held for the participants of the whole team. Pope begins, on the team run, wear a ring on a stick of the pyramid and return, passing the relay mamamAnd then children. The team wins which faster the rest will gather the pyramid.

Lead 2.

Competition Second: "Planting potatoes".(Inventory: Tennis balls and hoops). Competition for the whole team. Opposite each team, 5 wrap is laid out, and in the hands of PAPs there are baskets with tennis balls. On the team, Pope is running forward and lay down the balls one at each hoop. The next participant collects balls in the basket. The competition is considered to be completed, when all the participants in the competition will be held their stage.

Lead 1.

I see from the side,

Teams in the technique are equal.

We want to look like a peristers,

Whose children are postpower.

Competition Third: Our guys are called to the start. Children are our pride, this is our fame! There are permanent workouts on agility, courage, courage, strength. Let's see if our children stubbornly trained.

On the floor shut down balls (Number is not limited). The captains of the teams should be sitting on balloons so that they burst. Who will burst the balls, he won. After the competition, all burst balls are given the jury to count.

May the daily charging will help us, which we are doing before lessons, will help us our jumps, slopes, squats. Teachers in class lessons spoke: How important it is not only your hands, but also your head.

Lead 2.

Competition Four: First, as accepted, in each familyThe battle is in a strong half, our dads. They will now remember their youth and love for the mass game - hockey. The task of dad is the maintenance of the washer with the stick between the racks.

Next to paps are mother-in-law. Competition for mothers - Running with a racket for a racket for a balloon badminton. He is very easy, naive and does not understand that in the hands of the owners who will not blame their chance. Support them with applause.

(Competition without children, they rest).

Pause (Gymnast performance).

Lead 1.

Competition Fifth: Competition "Bunch" will show us how to act mom and dad together, and children in a pair with their companion. Description: (Pope's right foot and left mother's legs are connected, and children, holding hands, run to the rack and back, passing the next pair to the relay). Yes, life taught us to run not only on two legs, but also when you need, on three.

Lead 2.

Competition Sixth:

What a miracle - Skok Yesch!

Went, the bag started!

Hey, grab it, catch,

Keep the bag!

The teams are built at the starting line into the column and on the whistle of the dad, and then moms can be riveted in the bag to the rack and returned in the same way, transfers the next participant to the relay. Children perform jumping ahead with the ball between the legs.

Lead 1.

Seventh Competition: And again at the start of our dads. They run, throwing the ball with a tennisy ball. Let's see who will be the best juggler and runner at the same time. Do you think this is a simple task? Not! It is very difficult! But our participants are not afraid of difficulties.

Lead 2.

Competition eighth: And now we raise our moms to start. Description: They must run with a gymnastic jump, jumping over it to the rack and back.

Words leading during competition: We have a stubborn struggle! All participants show just professionalism in this video of the contest.

Lead 1.

Here's a task

Pomery and more appropriate.

To go ahead to go,

Need a balloon to lead.

Competition ninth: And finally, our last contest. He is for the whole team. The game in volleyball by the balloon, in turn, each team member. The task is to reach the finish as soon as possible, without dropping the ball.

Lead 2.

Last view of the competition,

We completed now

The result of all of our contests,

Let the judges bring to us.

(Commands for summing up holidays are built in the center of the sports hall)

Pause (Speech of fighters).

And here we will sum up,

What weren't they who

Lose sports expensive

Health will be full of your days.

Lead 1.

Today there are no losers,

There are just the best of the best.

Let in every heart of friendship light,

He will lit a good ray actions.

To summarize the word, the jury is provided.

(Declared results in the team competition sports holiday, Award is held)

Pause (Gymnast performance)

Lead 1.:

Thank you, and goodbye!

To new meetings in in the gym.

Connect sports and Knaging,

And the soul greate the good light.

Lead 2.:

Thank you all for your attention

Zador and ringing laughter.

For fire competitions

Ensure success.

That is the moment of the train,

There will be a brief our speech.

Talk to everyone - goodbye,

Before happy new meetings!

Protocol sports Competition« Dad, mother, I - sport family».

Title Competition Team number 1 Team number 2 Team number 3

"Collect the pyramid"

(for the whole team)

"Planting potatoes"

(for the whole team)


(for children)

"Game in hockey"

"Game in Badminton"

(for moms)

5. "Bunch"

(for the whole team)

6. "Jumping in bags"

(for dad and mothers,

"Jumping with a ball"

(for children)

7. "Tennis game"

(for dad)

8. "Jump with a skipping"

(for moms)

9. "Game in Volleyball"

(for the whole team)

Number of penalty glasses (0.5 points are removed for violations).

Summing up the competition:

(Number of glasses total)

Scenario of the sports holiday

"Dad, Mom, I am sports A family".

Before the beginning of the holiday, music sounds.

Look for us

Here gathered a whole class

Nearby - Pope, Moms.

Pope threw sofas,

Moms threw a saucepan

And costumes pulled out!

Everyone want to compete

Jold and laugh

Power, dexterity show,

And the skill to prove!

We are all glad to this meeting

Gathered not for rewards

We need more often needed

So that we all live together!

- Hello, dear moms and dads!

We gathered here to compete in strength and dexterity, speed and endurance. And we also gathered in order to get together more closely to make friends with each other, see what our children know how and that their parents can.

And no matter who wins in this competition, the main thing is that we felt the atmosphere of the holiday. Let the motto of our today's meeting be ordinary words: "Inseparable friends - Sports, Parents and Children

Inseparable friends

There are on white light.

Inseparable friends -

This is a sport and children!

Sport comes to our school

The relay is cheerful.

Grows in class shift

Our glorious record holders.

We are an excellent, friendly class,

All sports with us!

Love air, sun, work,

Good things go!

Will tell you any of us:

Be a very cool athlete!

Dedicate every hour

Sport, every minute!

Inseparable friends

There are on white light.

Inseparable friends -

Sports, parents and children!

The holiday has already begun, but you have to get acquainted with the participants.I do not hide, every child would like to see their parents today on the playground. But not all parents decided to take this step. Who are those families who, overcoming the constraint, agreed to participate in our contest.

- Meet our courageous, hardened, sportspop! Not everyone will withstand the overload of the traditional male tricing: football, newspaper and sofa. But they do not surrender. Here they are all in front of us - slightly beyond, in places are tightened, in some places they collected, but not defeated, and even in something invincible, and what exactly - we will learn later.

- And now here will come outmom.! They are always in shape. They give aware of themselves permanent workouts in the female Troyboard: stove, shopping, washing. And we are confident that today they will ask the tone to their teams in competitions. Because it is known that the family keeps on three whales: a woman, a woman and a woman again!

- And finally, the captains of the teams are ourchildren! These are still with a diaper for many years have time to work with regular training and united their parents into a friendly team, putting all new and new tasks in front of them, constantly increasing the burden. But not in vain they say: it is hard to learn, easy to fight.


1. The first sports family appears

dad........., mother............. andteam captain

The name of your team and your motto ...

2. Sports honor familywill defend dad........, mother........... and the captain of the team

Please, introduce yourself …

3. But another team in which everyone adores sports. This is family

Dad........... , motherand captain

4. Meet the family team ______________________

Well, teams are ready? (READY!)

Fans, ready? (READY!)

Who is missing?

Presentation of the jury

Competitions today will judge:

Referee: To spend a competition

You need an experienced judge.

This can be seen, Cause -

The judge, of course, I will!

Let the jury all the move of the battle

Without a blister trace.

Who will be friendly,

That in battle and wins!

1 Competition "Charging" (synchronization)

Before any competitions, you need to warm up, prepare the body to physically exercise, straighten all the muscles, everything is relying from serious athletes.

The first - the relay is important,

Morning charging family will show each.

All teams for musical accompaniment

performed complex of morning charging - 2 min.

The jury gives an assessment of each team.

2 Competition "Run" (speed)

Running is very different,

But always so beautiful

Fast, slow and medium,

Running with an obstacle, barrier,

And wins one

Who does not lag behind anything.

Only passion, hard work

You will lead to victory.

The conditions of this contest are such - the captains are fleeing in the hoops, coming to the line of the foot of the sports field. Run to run to the starting line. Then the relay from them receive parents.

Mom is not up to games with balls, she runs in the kitchen. Get your instrument - tray.

Running with a tray

Players handed a tray on which there is a cup with water. All team players run there and back. Wins the one who spills as possible, less water

And for our dads, we prepared the following task

You need to spend the ball around the chips, reach the start line and go back with the ball in your hands.

Competition Competition, our respected jury summarizes the results.

3 Competition "Takenken"

Everyone knows, everything is clear

What is healthy to be nice.

Just need to know

How healthy to become!

Well, friends!

We can not relax!

Spirit transferred -

Competition number three!

- The whole team takes part in this competition.

Open this contest captains of teams. They are givenballs - need to knock down as much kegs as possible

Then the relay takes moms. They must throwbasketballin garbage.

The latter in this competition is accuracy and dexterity will show us dads. They need to score into the gatesoccer ball.

4 Competition "Cooker, strength"

Now we will go hiking. Yes got into the swamp

Leading. Pass through the swamp

Maybe everyone!

But how to get to

Do not dock legs?

Merry laughter

Striving for victory

Will help you

And guarantees success!


In this competition, all members of family teams are involved, and it is called "the child's transportation". We remember that the family went to a multi-day trip, and the child was so tired on the way that he could not go further. The task of Pope and Moms - on the clutch hands to transfer the child to a certain distance and return to the place. We call this type of transport "popomamobile" Whose paogramobile will come to the first one?

If the child fell, you have to stay, pick it up and continue the path next.

Evaluation of the jury

Playing with fans

Power is, of course, good, but the mind is better!

5 Competition (Mind, Creativity)


In the snow two stripes,

Surprised two foxes.

One closer approached:

Someone came here ... (skis)

Who will catch me on ice?

We run into distillation.

And they are not horses, but shiny ... (skates).

I was riddled to me:

What is this miracles?

Steering wheel, saddle and two pedals,

Two shiny wheels.

The riddles have an answer

This is my ... (bike)

Who can "settle the horse", but will not make him move off? (Gymnast.)

Even in a strong heat in gloves, he leads the game? (Boxer.)

Which of the athletes can not do without a ring? (Parachute.)

Master of Sports, and without a stick he is helpless old women? (Hockey player.)


Each family is offered for 3 minutes to prepare and show the concrete sport with static or dynamic pose. Task jury guess the sport.

Collect the phrase

- For the next competition to help teams we invite

2 people from support groups.

Now teams are offeredfrom the letters to collect the phrase: "Give victory!" In this competition, you need a sharp eye, resourcefulness and speed of reaction.

- Two people from the support group hold a stretched cord, and the teams find the letters on the cord on the cord on the cord on the floor. Team, faster than all gathered phraseYou give a victory!, Bring glasses with your team.

So, the teams ask to take their places.

Attention started ...

Game with spectators(While the word victory is hanging)

We gathered for a fun sports holiday, and every team needed what?

That's right, "victory". After each phrase, this word is lost in one letter. Be careful and correctly complement the offers.

By sea floats the ship - "victory".

The sailors came time - lunch.

But they happened - trouble.

They disappeared - food.

Sailors in panic? - Yes.

What do they scream? - AND!!!

That is how I ask you to meet our participants

The final

Attention! Attention! Our families are an amazing people.

They showed today: collens, dexterity, mind, perseverance, resourcefulness and desire for victory.

Competition results. Award.

Do not be afraid, people, rain and chairs!

More often attend the stadium,

who from children's years with sports is friends,

always healthy, beautiful and deft, and strong.

Well, now, while the jury works, we suggest everyone together to sing a song

Water cold pour,

If you want to be healthy.

We useful the sun, air and water

From diseases help us always.

From all diseases we use

Sun, air and water!

Check if you want to be healthy

Try to forget about doctors,

Water cold pour,

If you want to be healthy.

Scenario of the sports holiday

"Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!" .

Goals and objectives

Formation of a healthy lifestyle of families.
- Education of physical culture and moral cohesion of the family.
- development of sports and motor skills in children and adults.
- Prevention and prevention of diseases of children.

Playground decorated. Merry music sounds.

Part of the music "Together a fun to walk through the expanses"


Hello, dear parents! Hello, dear guys and guests of our holiday! We gathered here to compete in strength, dexterity, speed and endurance. And we also gathered in order to get acquainted with a closer look at each other, see what our children can and that their parents can.

And no matter who wins in this competition, the main thing is that we will feel the atmosphere of the holiday. Let the motto of our today's meeting will be the words "Inseparable friends - adults and children" !!! I urge teams to honest sports wrestling, I wish you all success. And let the strongest wins!

1 Uch-K: Look, with us

The whole class gathered here.

Near Pope, Moms.

Pope threw sofas,

Moms threw a saucepan

And costumes pulled out!

2 Uch-K: Everyone wants to compete,

Jold and laugh.

Power, dexterity show,

And the skill to prove!

3 Uch-K: This meeting we are all glad,

Gathered not for rewards

We need more often needed

To live we all together!


Let me discover our family all-around championship "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!" And submit commands of the participants of our competitions.

Our loved ones pope (take a step forward)

Here they are in front of us - slightly beyond, in places are tightened and even in something invincible, and what exactly - we will learn later ( dads fall into place).

- Niche indispensable... Mom(take a step forward)

They are always in shape. Make themselves knowing permanent workouts: stove, shopping, weeding, washing, cleaning. And we are sure that today they will ask tone to their teams (Moms take a step back).

And finally captainschildren (children make a step forward)

These are precisely many years since the diaper for many years have grown up with permanent training and united their parents into a friendly team, setting themselves all new tasks: it's hard in teaching, easy to fight.

And now let's get to know:

1 Team ( name)
Dad ...
Mother …
Team captain…

2 Team ( name)
Dad ...
Mother …
Team captain …

3 team ( name)
Dad ...
Mother …
Team captain …

4Kanda Pope Mama

5 Team Dad Captain Team


Well, now we present the judicial board. Who will evaluate our competition? Let's get acquainted with our jury:

- Head teacher it believes that the best family holiday is a sport.

- Deputy. for educational work . Until now, can not understand what health needs to be to become a real fan!

- persons: if you don't run, while you're healthy, run, when you get sick!

LEADING: So, our teams are ready? Our fans are ready? And the jury is ready ??? Then we proceed to contests. And before we make a workout to the music! Well done! Competitions begin !!!

1st Competition. "Warming up".

The whistle is necessary in turns every team of the team coming to the ball, which is at the end of the site, to tear it, go back and transfer the next participant .

2nd Competition "Running in the hoop »

Dad takes the hoop, breaks into him and runs with him to the bow, circles her, runs back, very gently takes her mother with him, they run together, then with a child - threesome.

3rd competition "Talking arrows"

Each of the participants should make three throw in the hoop; Wins a team that has more hits.

4th Competition "By swamp »

Teams are given two hoops; You need to walk to Keyli, coming to the hoop and shifting it; Reverse - running.

5th contest "Triple jump."

The first participant performs a long jump. The second - from the place where the first leap finished, etc. It is considered the total length of three jumps.

6th Competition "Strip Obstacles":

Jumping with progress forward with a ball squeezed between knees, dreamed up to the hoop - turning into the hoop; back - the same.

7th Competition "Jugging":

Select 1 representative from the command. He jumps through the rope. The team wins, whose representative jumped and did not get a larger number of times.

7th Competition "One for all and all for one".

Beginning the first child to run to the rack and back, then the dad puts the child on the shoulders and runs with him to the rack and back, then the parents put the second child on the arms crossed together and run to the rack and back.


So all the contests are behind , let's give the word jury and find out whose family today became the best, the most fast, most attentive, very friendly and sports.

The jury summarizes.



Student 1.

Today there are no losers,
There are just the best of the best.
Let in every heart of friendship light,
He will lit a good ray actions.

Student 2.

Thank you, and goodbye!
To new meetings in the gym.
Connect Sports and Know
And the soul greate the good light.

Student 3.

Thank you all for your attention
Zador and ringing laughter.
For fire competitions
For defeat, success.
That is the moment of the train,
There will be a brief our speech.
Talk to everyone - goodbye,
Before happy new meetings!

Everyone is invited to flash mob.


Families can be awarded by nominations:

    "The most cohesive family";

    "The most volitional family";

    "The fastest, deft, skillful."