Wedding scenarios. Wedding scripts. Themed weddings. Themed wedding styles: scripts

An unconventional solution is a thematic wedding, ideas for which are truly inexhaustible.

Themed weddings are the strong point of most wedding planners. For the bride and groom who want something like this, an experienced organizer is ready to turn the wedding day into a real theatrical performance with a thoughtful script, costumes and surroundings.

Starting from the scenarios of the bride's redemption, to the scenario of the celebration itself.

Having enough imagination and creative inclinations, a couple can try to plan their own themed wedding, the script of which is available on the Internet. In this case, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with ten original ideas for a wedding celebration.

1. Wedding with national flavor

Many will think that this is nothing original. These or those folk traditions are present at all weddings without exception.

But, as a rule, they are taken out of context. But if both the groom and the bride and all the guests are dressed in national costumes, the festive table will burst with dishes of national cuisine, and the scenario of a thematic wedding will consist of many years of rituals and ceremonies, the colorful spectacle will not leave anyone indifferent.

10. A futuristic wedding for those who don't want to live in the past

What will a wedding ceremony look like in 20, 30 or even 100 years?

Video invitations, ultra-modern cars, a breathtaking wedding dress, a high-tech banquet hall interior ... Everyone can have their own vision of the future.

In this article we will talk about holding a wedding, having considered an example of its scenario. It will be great to carry out on-site registration directly on the "Secret" ship - official or symbolic. The presenter can act in the guise Storyteller - the one who once predicted the girl Assol to meet with Gray. Groom - captain of the ship "Secret" ... Bride - symbolic "Assol" , that is, the beloved woman of the captain. Witnesses - cabin boy ... Guests - just guests on the "Secret" ship .

Plan - scenario of a thematic wedding "Scarlet Sails"

1. Meeting guests. Guests on the ship are greeted by the captain and his beloved, as well as their assistants - cabin boys. At the appointed time, the ship's whistle or the sound of a blow to the bell sounds, the lights go out, romantic music turns on, and the Leading Storyteller reads out slightly altered lines from Green's work:

It was a long time ago. The little girl (Name of the bride) once met the Storyteller. He told her a wonderful story that she would grow up to be a kind, intelligent and beautiful girl who would be loved by a brave captain. He will sail to her on a magnificent ship under scarlet sails and take her to the Pink Valley, where they will live happily and amicably, and (Name of the bride) will never know tears and sorrow. Years have passed. All this time (Name of the bride) was waiting for her captain. And she waited. He came for her under scarlet sails and promised eternal love and boundless happiness. Today they will become husband and wife and embark on a romantic journey to their Rose Valley. Let's witness the creation of a new family and guide them to their happiness.

2. Wedding ceremony. The light is turned on, and the wedding ceremony is held (it can be conducted by the leading storyteller).

3. First table. Toasts. The choice of "bitter". The captain and his wife invite guests to the tables. The presenter says the first toasts, but is in no hurry to say "Bitter!"

The presenter offers to choose "Gorky" - the person who will give the command "Bitter!" To choose "bitter", you need to invite several men and offer to blow on a banknote. Whose banknote will fly away further, he has the most powerful lungs, which means he can loudly and for a long time shout "Bitter!" Now this man becomes the head of the command "Bitter!" - he can shout it out at any moment, and the guests are obliged to pick it up.

4. Departure for a trip and the game "Raising anchors". The host says it's time to take a trip to Rose Valley.

The sails are up, which means full speed ahead! What's the matter? Why are we standing still?

This question is addressed to guests. Some of them will definitely suggest that the anchor has not been raised.

Indeed, we did not raise the anchor. And we have several anchors, so we need the help of men. Who wants to take part in raising anchors?

The game "Raising anchors". You will need lightweight cardboard anchors to play. Each anchor is tied to a thread about one and a half meters long. Male participants take the thread in their mouths, the anchor hangs down. At the command of the leader, you need to raise the anchor without using your hands, but collecting the thread in your mouth. Whoever lifts the anchor to the chin first gets a prize. After that, the presenter thanks everyone and announces:

Well, now for sure - full speed ahead!

Sounds of the sea and romantic music.

5. New toasts and acquaintance of guests and relatives. The host offers to drink for the fact that the ship "Secret" set sail. After that, an offer is made to get to know each other better. All guests are given multi-colored signal flags. The presenter says:

Signal witnesses (witnesses raise flags);
- Signal the bride's parents;
- Signal the groom's parents;
- Signal to the grandmothers of the bride and groom;
- signal the grandfathers of the bride and groom;
- Signal the godparents of the bride and groom;
- Signal brothers and sisters of the bride and groom;
- Signal to the rest of the bride's relatives, etc.

When all groups of relatives and other invitees (friends, colleagues, etc.) are named, the following calls will follow:

Signal to everyone who wishes happiness to the young;
- Signal those who want young people to have at least three children;
- Signal those who get drunk today;
- Signal those who also want to get married;
- Signal those who are on a diet, but today left her at home;
- Signal those who are glad they came to our wedding!

6. Stop "Desert Island". After a while, the Host announces the first stop - Desert Island.

We all know this island is uninhabited. A great place for young people to be together and perform their first dance of the newlyweds.

The dance of the newlyweds is taking place. If there are little girls at the wedding, they can wave blue ribbons beautifully, circling around the young and creating "waves".

7. Toasts and handing over to the guests of the ship's log for recording wishes.

8. Second stop "The Island of Bad Luck". The presenter, unnoticed, while the guests are busy, brings out a sign with a sign "The Island of Bad Luck". Letters should be written in chalk to erase the "Not" prefix later.

There is an island of bad luck in the ocean, all covered with greenery, absolutely all. Wow - they have a bunch of greenery (the presenter shows the gesture "money" with his fingers), and they complain about bad luck. What about the luck of our newlyweds and their friends? Check it out?

Several m + f couples are called, including a newlywed couple. The presenter pours on the floor a mass of green bills - dummies of dollars. Couples should collect papers from the floor - whoever collects more is the lucky one. You need to collect it as long as the music sounds - a fragment of the song "The Island of Bad Luck".

That's really lucky, so lucky - the bills are fake! So that's why it's an island of bad luck! It's just that its inhabitants do not know that it is not those who have a lot of real money that are lucky, but those who have found their love. Our members have found their love. True? If so, kiss.

All participating couples kiss and leave.

The host announces:

Well, since we are staying on the island, let's still check - whether it is so unlucky. Will any of the girls be able to catch the bridal bouquet?

Next comes the ritual of throwing the bouquet and, if the young people wish,. Of course, someone catches them. The presenter erases the "not" on the plate and says that now it is an island of luck, because these two dodgers (those who caught the bouquet and the garter) are definitely lucky.

9. Third stop "Island with a lighthouse". Young people light and kindle a common candle with them. The presenter comments as follows: the newlyweds lit a lighthouse that will illuminate their path and protect them from all troubles.

10. Fourth stop "Island with reefs". All guests are at the tables. The host suddenly announces that there is danger ahead - the reefs. We need to taxi. The host asks everyone to get together on the dance floor and stand in a circle.

Further, the Host explains that now there will be "ritual dances", during which the guests will all together help the captain not to get to the reefs, and for this you need to follow the commands. Everyone dances and follows the commands given by the leader. If the command is pronounced for the first time, the moderator shows how to proceed. Then the dancers orient themselves independently.


To the left of the rudder - everyone leans to the left;
- Right rudder - all lean to the right;
- Full forward - lean forward;
- More right - turn to the right;
-More left - turn left;
- Keep it up - take the hands of your neighbors;
-Full back - take the ass back, taking the pose of "duck";
-Stop the car - stopped.

The commands are repeated several times in any order.

After the dance, the Presenter announces that they managed to steer after all - not without the help, of course, of the guests, but you need to practice evacuating. The game "Evacuation" is held. Two teams of 7-10 people are called. Two chairs are put - these are boats. The teams should sit down together on one chair as soon as possible. The winner is the team that copes faster.

11. Second table. Everyone again convenes to the table, glasses are raised, toasts are pronounced, “bitter” gives the command “Bitter”.

12. Fifth stop "Treasure Island". The host invites the guests to get the treasures and give them to the young - that is, to hand them over. A huge chest can be prepared in advance for guests' gifts.

13. Sixth stop "Iceberg". The task for the witnesses is to melt a large piece of ice in which a small heart is frozen. At the end of defrosting, the Leader announces that with such helpers, the bride and groom are not afraid of any icebergs - the witness and the witness will come to the rescue and melt any ice. Toast to the witnesses.

14. Seventh stop "Siren Island". Girls in the guise of sirens dance enticingly, beckoning to the bride. The bride leaves with them. A few minutes later, the Host announces that the sirens have kidnapped the bride and want to make her one of them. The guests collect the ransom. But this is not enough. It is necessary that one of the young people speak to the sirens' teeth.

Sirens go out without a bride, male volunteers receive leaflets with nautical tongue twisters from the host. If at least one of the men can pronounce the tongue twister without mistakes three times in a row, the sirens will return the bride. And the savior is entitled to a prize.

15. Eighth stop "Island of Ibiza". The host announces that there is a disco here and invites everyone to take part. Dancing, free time.

16. Third table. Toasts, "bitter", the speech of the parents.

17. Ninth stop “Monte Cristo Island”. We need to find the treasures of Monte Cristo. This is a box of bonbonnieres. To search, you can select several guests, blindfold them, and only then put a box with the inscription "Treasures of Monte Cristo" in a conspicuous place. Guests will give seekers hints on where to go. When the box is found, it will be empty. Then the Moderator will take out another box, and the participants with their eyes closed will start looking for it again. This time they will find what they were looking for. are immediately distributed to guests.

18. The tenth stop "Chunga-changa Island". Chunga-changa is about songs, dances and exotic delicacies. invites guests to dance, and then a cake decorated with exotic fruits (real or made from cream) is brought out. Cutting the cake, dessert. Dance break.

19. Eleventh stop. Rose Valley. The final dance of the young people, their farewell to the matrimonial "cabin".

Then disco and other games.

What other games can be played at the Scarlet Sails wedding?

For instance, mermaid racing ... Tie the girls' legs at ankle level with ribbons and send for a pearl lying on the opposite side. Running is unlikely to work - you have to jump. Who is the first - she wins.

Competition for the best cabin boy : tie five knots on the rope as quickly as possible, and then untie. But the second condition is reported only when everyone is tying the knots.

Competition for a well-aimed cabin boy: throw a lifebuoy over an oblong object, such as a small beer keg.

Game "Tacking between reefs" : bypass the pins by wearing fins and holding binoculars to your eyes. Whoever comes to the finish line first wins.

So how do you choose the theme for your wedding?

First, you need to take into account the wishes of the guests. If you decide to have a modest wedding, where only your closest friends will be invited, then choosing a musical theme is very simple. After all, friends love the same music that you do.

Numerous relatives also need to understand the idea behind your wedding. For example, a ceremony and a banquet in a retro style will appeal to grandmothers and aunts, but a cowboy or rocker wedding will confuse them. Be sure to warn guests about outfits that should match the theme of the celebration. For example, stylish clothes zara suitable for a youth wedding, and evening dresses for a retro party.

Check with older relatives in advance, they may also want to try something new and will not mind dancing at a rock and roll party. The main thing is to do everything in concert.

Before you start organizing a themed wedding, be sure to think through all the details. You will have to decorate the hall, tables, car in the theme of the wedding. In addition, the entertainment program should include wedding contests and performances by artists. Invitations, cake, floristry, images of newlyweds and gifts to guests should be kept in a thematic vein. Only if you are sure that you will be able to complete all the elements in the chosen style, proceed to the next step.

As soon as the idea of \u200b\u200bthe celebration is chosen, we start looking for a cafe or restaurant that suits the style. Do not under any circumstances do the opposite. For example, let's say you decide to have a Greek-style wedding but have already paid for an Art Nouveau restaurant. Imagine how a bride will look in a Greek dress against the backdrop of bright walls with intricate architecture. As a last resort, you can choose a restaurant with neutral decorations and complement it with draperies from fabrics, posters, bows, flowers and other elements inherent in your theme.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the host, he should not only look good and be able to find an approach to each guest, but also understand the wedding theme. At a pirate wedding, the toastmaster must speak appropriately and be dressed, otherwise the impressions will turn out to be very blurry.

After these highlights, a little distraction is needed. If you have chosen a rock star wedding, attend a rock concert and recharge with the creative energy that will inspire you to create the holiday. If you have chosen a nautical wedding, go for a walk along the coast. As a last resort, watch a few films on the desired topic and inspiration will come.

1) Gangster style wedding:


The first thing to do is decide on the costumes of the groom, bride and guests, as well as choose jewelry for the cars. After that, you can think over the design of the invitation cards and send them out. You can, for example, make them in the form of playing cards with the image of the newlyweds. It is necessary to tell the guest in advance about the style of the celebration so that they can choose the right outfits. For women, dresses with a low waist or an open back, as well as small stockings and a hat, are well suited. Pearl jewelry will complement the look. Men should dress in tuxedos with a bow tie and patent leather boots in black and white or completely black. Any look must have a cigar. The venue for a wedding celebration in this style can be a nightclub, a country house or a restaurant. It is recommended during the wedding to provide sufficient space for various outdoor games, for example, "Chicago dance".

Hall decoration:

The room should be decorated in green or red, and do not forget to divide the room into small areas, where you will put tables for 6 people and a green velvet tablecloth should lie on each of them. You can decorate the hall with various posters with portraits of young people, parents and guests.

Meeting guests and the groom with the bride:

Young people should stay for 10 minutes so that guests can prepare for their arrival. The guests are greeted by Mr. Smith and Mrs. Wesson, they are also disguised animators. And all this is accompanied by shots from a pistol, of course, a child's. Then the presenters ask the guests for a pre-agreed password. Usually it sounds something like this: "the mafia is immortal." After that, the guests are properly instructed.

To meet young people you will need:

Rose petals (they will shower the bride and groom), as well as a trifle (they will throw it at their feet. After shedding, the young come up to their parents who hold a loaf made in the shape of a heart (pistols are molded on top of it). for alcohol, because in the gangster period it was supposed to drink alcohol from them. Young people break off a piece of a loaf, seasoning with salt and feed them to a friend. At the same moment, guests fire from pistols (toy) and open bottles of champagne. After drinking it, the host says that it is necessary to break the mugs, and the bride needs to sweep up the fragments so that no one knows about this party. While the bride is sweeping, the guests cheer her up. After that, they are gradually tied with three different ribbons: white silver and gold. First they are tied with white, it means a long and happy family life. Then silver, which symbolizes a silver wedding. Toraya means 50 years of marriage, that is, a golden wedding. It's very funny to watch when young people portray themselves as old people.

Wedding events:

Include a cabaret in the show program - this will add an exquisite taste to the celebration. You can also steal the groom, because he is the main gangster. At the very end, you should make a cake, which is best done in the form of a tape measure. Thus, a gangster wedding will appeal to everyone. Therefore, it is very important to properly design the hall and plan the event completely.

2) Retro wedding. Style "Hipsters":

In order to have a retro style wedding, you need to keep everything in the style of this era, because it is known that retro style does not tolerate half a turn. So, wedding invitations
... They can be made in the form of vinyl records or from a joint photograph with craquelures on yellowed paper.

Conduct the bride ransom in the form of a dance competition between guys and girls. And if we are talking about dudes, then the music should sound appropriate: boogie-woogie, rock and roll, twist. So, among all, the groom chooses the best of the best chucks (as dudes call girls).

A festive card must also match the style and mood of the holiday. Pobeda or Volga cars are best suited. You can even get by ... by tram!

Clothes for guys: bright shirts, tight trousers in a cage or bright color, colorful socks, a double-breasted jacket, pointed boots, and of course, a "cook" on the head, a bright tie and glasses!
Clothes for girls: bright, colorful dresses, fluffy skirts, stockings, shoes, 50s-style hairstyle and matching makeup: red lipstick and black arrows.

At the entrance to the restaurant, guests are greeted by dudes who ask for a password. For example: Are you changing from a three-room apartment to a two-room apartment? Answer: Uncle Yos is no longer engaged in exchange.

The decoration of the hall according to the scenario of a wedding in a retro style can be as follows: balloons, confetti, an old Soviet turntable on reels, records, aged photos, an old rotary telephone. Stock up on accessories for guests: ties, glasses, bright gloves, umbrellas. Let them be "sold" by the guy in the corner, who, opening his cloak, offers his simple product. Suddenly, one of the guests will not be able to dress "appropriately", despite the dress code, then your salesman will play an important role.

Program: while the guests are eating, a saxophone sounds. And the dishes are served by waiters dressed in the spirit of the 50s. Then your toastmaster, stylized as Elvis Presley, will pass the word for congratulations to the party committee, local, phaser and maser. That is, as you guessed, parents and people close to you. Conduct contests: the dance marathon, who dances the longest, will receive the title of "King of Rock and Roll".who will come up with a suit faster from the material at hand in this style. guessing well-known melodies of style; lottery of retros about things. voting for the future baby (child). For example: if the guests want a boy, they put money to the groom in the right pocket, if a girl, then in the left one. competition for men for the best fashion show

While resting, do not forget that "goons" can rush to you with a round-up and theft of the bride. Then you will have to save her from the hands of the Komsomol - vigilantes.

First dance newlyweds, according to the wedding scenario in a retro style, dance to a ballad of the 50s or to a boogie-woogie. Also, traditionally, the bride participates in throwing the wedding bouquet, and, of course, the people bring out the wedding cake, which can be in the form of a vinyl record.

The evening continues with incendiary dances to the appropriate melodies: twist, rock and roll, boogie-woogie. You can invite a professional choreographer who will conduct a master class for beginners and "initiate" them into a dandy.

3) Scenario "Marine" wedding:

If the city in which you are arranging your wedding is located near the sea or river, you can replace the standard walk around the city with a yacht or boat trip. Instead of pigeons, you can release fish into the reservoir, which will also be symbolic. Toastmaster or host of the holiday from among your guests should also be in the image: Mermaid, Neptune, Captain, Boatswain, Jung - the choice is almost limitless.

Even traditions such as throwing a bouquet and a garter can be played in a nautical style. To throw a bouquet means to anchor into the ocean of family life, a garter is a lifeline for single friends from the storms and disasters of a bachelor life.

Build an entertainment program based on a trip around the world. At the same time, during the holiday, you can make thematic stops in different parts of the world or fictional shores.

As soon as the newlyweds arrive at the banquet hall, the toastmaster invites all guests to travel to the island of Happiness and Love. Wedding toasts can be pronounced to the sound of sea waves recorded on a disc.

The first stop will take place on the Island of Romance, where the young will perform the first marital dance, on the Island of Gratitude, the newlyweds will thank their parents, on the Island of Friendship, the young couple will hear many wedding greetings from your friends and girlfriends.

After that, the first first competition can be arranged. Invite 2 teams of volunteers to participate in the relay. Hand the flippers to the first participant and explain the essence of the competition: in flippers you need to run to the other end of the hall, take the pearl back, put the pearl in the vase, remove the flippers and pass it to the next participant. The team that moves all the pearls for the bride's necklace is the winner.

An interesting quiz is held on the Island of Wealth. The host brings out a chest decorated in a nautical style. Guests must guess what is in it: a calculator, a stocking with a small bill, a wallet with a coin, abacus, papers. In addition to this, the chest contains a bottle of champagne and an invitation to the wedding anniversary. The guest who correctly named the contents of the chest receives a prize - an invitation and champagne. And the chest itself is presented to the young as a symbol of their financial well-being.

The next stop is the Island of Fun and Joy, where relatives and friends begin to have fun in wedding contests

Volunteers are divided into two teams, male and female. The host announces that a tug-of-war will take place in the next competition. The women's team is perplexed, and the men's team is going to succumb to the weaker sex. The facilitator's assistants carry out the rope, music is played and the rope is lifted at shoulder level. In pairs, participants must go under the rope. Anyone who fails to pass without bending is eliminated from the competition. Gradually the assistants lower the rope. The team with the largest number of participants wins.

Optionally, you can add your own Islands and give them names. If the wedding program includes pop numbers or performances, be sure to name the stop. At the end of the evening, guests arrive on the Island of Happiness and Love, accompanied by slow music and candlelight, the guests accompany the newlyweds to the island, where they will spend their first wedding night.

The second option for a maritime wedding involves stops in the entertainment program in real countries and cities. In these thematic blocks it is necessary to include national music, arrange games and wedding contests

A stop in Italy allows for a spaghetti winding contest. The spaghetti is toilet paper, and the fork is a volunteer. To make it more fun to wrap a guest with paper, you can arrange this competition as a race between two teams. The prize must be related to Italy.

Arriving in Spain, arrange a bullfight. To participate, you need two volunteers, a couple of buttons, scotch tape, a ball, red cloth. Two pushpins are attached to the “bull” on the forehead with tape, the “torero” is attached a ball in the lumbar region and a red cloth is handed over. To Spanish music, the bull needs to burst a ball. When the music stops, it's time to take stock of who gets the prize.

Entering the port of Brazil signals the start of a football competition. There are many options here: to keep the ball in the air, not letting it fall, but without using your hands. You can also arrange for scoring goals. This will require several pairs of M + F. the girls are given plastic buckets that are clamped on the floor between their feet. The guys are given small balloons to be thrown into the gates. Each pair that scores a goal is entitled to a prize.

During the whole holiday, you can make 10 thematic stops in different countries. Competitions, performances by artists, dance breaks should alternate. The last stop is the Island of Happiness and Love, to which the newlyweds go.

4) Home Wedding For those who are celebrating at home:

Idea: to organize a wedding celebration at home.
If you want to host your wedding at home or do not have the funds to hold your wedding in a public place, then use the Home Wedding scenario for your wedding at home. All that is required of you is the correspondence of the number of guests to the area of \u200b\u200bthe house or apartment.

    Make a list of guests, send an invitation to each guest. In it, indicate the time and date of the meeting. You should also warn that the celebration will take place at home.
    If you have a large apartment or a house with large rooms, then you can hold a celebration in one room. Then you need to put tables along the walls, and in the center of the room there will be a dance floor and a competition area. If the rooms are small, then you can put tables in one room, and make a platform for dancing and competitions in the second room.

    As a gift for a celebration according to the “Home Wedding” scenario of the wedding at home, you can use things that make the house cozy or remind you of the house. For example, it can be sets, dressing gowns, bedding sets.

    Guests are greeted at the entrance or gate of the young. Guests line up in a long corridor from the gate to the very doors of the house. If the meeting is at the entrance, then the guests line up in front of the entrance towards the young. The newlyweds pass along this corridor forward, at this time they are thrown with rose petals, coins, sweets and rice.
    At the end of the corridor, a young family is met by parents. They offer newlyweds to drink to education of the family. After that, the parents say that let all the sorrows and troubles remain in the past, and that only joyful events await the young family ahead. Then the parents offer to break the wine glasses so that all the misfortunes scatter to pieces and could not get into the new family.

    After that, the husband takes his wife in his arms and carries her across the threshold into the house. If the wedding takes place in a multi-storey building, then the newly-made husband can carry his wife across the threshold to the entrance, then lower it, and then on the last staircase again take his wife in his arms and, carrying her along the stairs, carry her across the threshold of the apartment.

    After the bride and groom enter the house or apartment, they are met there by the toastmaster or parents. Parents offer the newlyweds bread and salt, and then the newlyweds, according to the scenario of the wedding at home "Home Wedding", will have to participate in the Three Lanes competition. For the competition, you will need to prepare three strips. Better to make them in different colors. On the white side of the stripes, write three words: matriarchy, patriarchy and equality. For example, write equality on blue, matriarchy on yellow, and patriarchy on green. These strips are placed in front of the newlyweds so that it is not visible what is written on the strips. The newlyweds are offered to choose the path along which they will go together. The bride and groom choose one strip. The presenter turns this strip over and says who will rule in the family. If the family chooses matriarchy, then the wife will be the head of the family, if the patriarchy, then the husband, if they choose equality, then equality will reign in the family.

    Then everyone goes to the tables where the feast will take place. Since there is not enough space for outdoor games, hold games and contests either at table or those that do not require a lot of space,
    At the end of the party, a wedding cake is served. The newlyweds cut the cake together and sell the pieces. Can be sold for congratulations and wishes to a young family. But you can sell a cake for gifts that guests brought to a wedding for the young.

    The holiday according to the scenario of a wedding at home "Home Wedding" should be completed by throwing the bride's bouquet and a garter. After that, the young people say the final words for their guests (thanks or wishes to the guests).

    The guests disperse. But you need to ask several people to help with cleaning the house or apartment. Close relatives and witnesses are suitable for this.

5) Greek Wedding or Penelope and Odysseus Wedding

If you love ancient culture and have always dreamed of walking in the clothes of the ancient Greek style, then you can hold your wedding based on the ancient Greek myth "Odysseus and Penelope". The scenario we have proposed will not only help organize an unrivaled celebration, but will also allow you to preserve all wedding traditions.

Festive costumes. The bride is in a spacious beautiful tunic embroidered with pearls and gold. The groom in the clothes of the Greek hero Odysseus. Both are wearing sandals stylized as ancient Greek.

Let the wedding cortege move in carts, also stylized as antique ones. In such carts, they ride standing, and they are low on the ground, have large wheels and are somewhat reminiscent of ships.

The ransom should be based on the legends of Odysseus, based on how Odysseus fought ancient Greek mythical heroes in order to get to his Penelope.

In the registry office, when the newlyweds enter the registration hall, Greek music should sound. And after the ceremony of presenting the rings, the newlyweds perform the sirtaki dance.

After the registry office, the newlyweds should go for a walk along memorable places, I propose to spend this walk on the shore of a lake, river or any ennobled reservoir within your city. Invite a harpist, a live harp will be a surprise for the newlyweds. Let the woman playing the harp be similarly dressed in an ancient Greek tunic and sing the song "Song of Love" especially for the newlyweds.

After such a musical surprise, the newlyweds, according to custom, must release a couple of doves. When choosing pigeons for your wedding, make sure you are provided with a trained pigeon pair that makes 3 honor circles in the sky after they are released. Since 3 circles are a sign of prosperity and happiness in family life.

After the wedding walk, everyone goes to the banquet. The table should also match the antique style. Of the spirits, only wine, which should be placed on tables in earthenware jugs. The menu should be rich in seafood and Greek snacks. You can order a banquet in a Greek restaurant, then there will be no problems with the selection of the menu.

The room where the wedding banquet will take place should also be stylized as antiquity. Greek pattern tablecloths, chair covers, etc.

Upon entering, all guests must dress in tunics and turn into ancient Greek gods and goddesses. Toastmaster will play the role of Zeus. And instead of the traditional loaf, witnesses put laurel wreaths on the heads of the newlyweds, which in ancient Greece were considered a symbol of honor and respect.

The entire wedding feast will be held in antique style. Hire circus performers for the wedding, let the festive program include trained pigeons, trained dogs and heavyweight athletes.

During the evening, guests become participants in ancient Greek legends. When it comes time to give gifts, the invitees reincarnate as Cyclops, centaurs, gods and goddesses and bring their gifts for the benefit of the revered couple who have united their hearts today.

At the end of the evening, arrange fireworks to the sounds of the same harp. At this time, let the chocolate fountain start working. Prepare a huge variety of different fruits, let them be carried out on huge antique trays, and after the fireworks, guests can enjoy a treat of fruit in chocolate. I assure you, your antique style wedding will be remembered by many for many, many years.

6) Weddings in the style of "Venice Carnival"

Idea: to organize a wedding in the style of the Venetian carnival.
If you want to celebrate your wedding with chic, luxury and unbridled fun, then conduct it according to the scenario of the first wedding day "Wedding in the style of the Venetian carnival." Nobody will forget such a wedding!

Make a list of the guests who will be attending the wedding. Send each guest an invitation to the carnival in honor of the wedding. In the invitation, indicate the time, date and location. The invitation itself can be made in the form of a carnival mask.

You should also warn guests about the style of the holiday so that they dress appropriately. You need to wear medieval or carnival clothes. Let the guests have a mask as their ticket to the wedding. But if, nevertheless, there is such a guest who does not have a mask, you should not leave him on the street, give him a mask prepared in advance and let him pass.

A gift for newlyweds for a celebration according to the scenario of the first wedding day "Wedding in the style of the Venetian carnival" should be chosen in the appropriate style. You can give something related to the Venetian carnival or Italy, for example, an Italian bedding set.

The room or hall where the celebration will take place should be decorated in the style of Venice. Stretch scarlet ribbons along the ceiling where the tables sit, which will create a marquee effect. Wrap chairs and columns (if any) with gold ribbons. You can also decorate the floor by scattering masks and balls around it. Decorate tables with candles in beautiful candlesticks, and only Italian dishes should be served as dishes.

To make the holiday look like a Venetian carnival, you will need to invite a magician, caricature, mime and orchestra. Footmen will meet guests at the entrance, check for masks; those who do not have masks will be given them. The cartoonist and mime are already meeting the guests in the hall, showing them tricks and pantomimes. Also in the hall is a caricature artist who will sketch the guests and newlyweds during the holiday. The orchestra will be needed in order to create the atmosphere of Venice. The orchestra should be near the dance floor. In the orchestra there are ladies in lush dresses, masks and wigs, and a monsieur in black tailcoats. The orchestra will play solemn Italian music at the entrance of the newlyweds, and then a repertoire at the request of guests and young people.

While the guests are waiting for the young ones, they can write wishes to the young family. These wishes are written into a special album with a quill pen and ink. You can also use an original souvenir pen for a signature, which will also highlight the Venetian style! Subsequently, this album will be presented to the newlyweds.

When the young ones arrive, everyone goes to the table for the first feast. After it, of course, the first dance of the young, which can be carried out according to the entertainment. Dance among the candles To dance among the candles, you need as many candles as there are guests at the holiday. Now about the entertainment itself. Young people stand in the center, guests form a circle around them, each guest is given one lit candle. The light turns off, a slow melody turns on (no words). Young people dance in the center of the circle among the candles. At this time, to add romance, the toastmaster makes a speech that should be connected with the young, with their future life and candles.

Further, the newlyweds, according to the scenario of the first wedding day "Wedding in the style of the Venetian carnival", must go through trials. You can also make the groom sing a serenade for his beloved, since singing is a traditional Italian courtship.

Competitions should be alternated with dances. And first the bride and groom are dancing. And then you can sell the dance with the bride. Whoever buys it for a great price will dance with the beautiful bride.

The celebration according to the scenario of the first day of the wedding "Wedding in the style of the Venetian carnival" ends with a chest being carried out into the hall. When the chest is opened, there is the bride's dowry and a note. The note reads as follows: "A gift to the groom, the bride and their guests awaits everyone on the street." everyone goes out into the street, and there "splashes" of fireworks fly up into the sky. Thus, by ordering fireworks for a wedding

You will leave unforgettable impressions and pleasant moments of joy in the memory of all guests.

7) Wedding in the style of "Humorin". For those who love to laugh and joke heartily

There are couples that don't put your finger in your mouth, let them laugh. They turn any meeting, any conversation into a joke! You can't even really quarrel. Yes, yes, I'm not lying. They are both wedding and wedding gifts
don't mind turning it into humor. I know one couple who sang at their wedding:
“The bride cried in the registry office,
thought - for luck.
It turned out that the shoes were stinging
And the dress slipped! "
If you also agree that our whole life is caviar, excuse me, a game, then the scenario of the original wedding in the style of "Humorina" is for you.

Make smiley wedding invitations. They can be scattered in mailboxes or sent by mail.

The bride's clothes should be fun, such as a fluffy striped dress with colored stripes, shoes with curled toes. The groom, too, must keep his ears open and keep up. Colored jacket, suspenders, colored boots. You can even write right and left on them for a sense of stability for guests. Haha. Sorry, you have to be more serious, because this is a wedding! The matter is important.

The script for the original wedding in the style of "Humorine" also presupposes an original cortege. Let it be some kind of carriage, bicycle, scooter, rollers or skate.

Decorate the banquet hall for the celebration according to the scenario of the original "Yumorin" wedding with balls, ribbons, garlands. Hang up voluminous fabric smiles. You can place posters with different funny inscriptions, such as: "It's funny for you, but we have a wedding" or "Take care of your soul mate, like an apple, oh, how!

Invite KVN players, comedians, clowns to the wedding. They will become your show program. And if there are children at the wedding, they will especially remember this action!

Conduct contests: Genius of ditties - participants compete with each other for knowledge of ditties. The text can be based on both already well-known ditties and author's ones with wishes to the young. The winner is the one who sings the most ditties. Rabbit - one of the participants is told the word rabbit in his ear, which he must show with the help of a pantomime, this word is communicated to the audience. Those, in turn, pretend that they are guessing the "terribly difficult" word, while not naming the correct one. "Blow and chew" - the guys are invited to eat an apple while the candle is burning, but if the candle goes out, you must light it again. Thus, by blowing out the candle, you can interfere with your opponent.

Continue the scenario of the original "Yumorin" wedding with contests: Children's bicycle - guests will need to cover the distance on a children's bicycle, passing between the pins, and take the young people to the other side for a ruble. A fun relay race - putting your foot into a bucket, then run the relay into a bowl. This will need to be done in turn, passing the "pass" to another player. Also please the guests with contests: Announcer - a competition for a slightly drunk company on the speed and purity of speech, namely, on the pronunciation of heavy tongue twisters. In 1 minute, you will need to read the phrase-mongers, cleanly and as much as possible. Whoever does it best will win. And also with Shchepkin in which it will be necessary to remove as many clothespins as possible from the girl with closed hands. Future child - drawing on the asphalt of the future baby and a wish to the child in three minutes. The guests will make the drawings with colored crayons, and those present will determine the best original wish with applause.

According to the scenario of the original "Yumorin" wedding, carry out the throwing by the bride of a wedding bouquet. Only first, imperceptibly for everyone, throw some light object (plastic in cellophane), and then a bouquet behind it. Look at the girls' reaction.

Dances can be arranged to songs from children's cartoons. Clowns will show their tricks. Let the first dance of the newlyweds also take place with cheerful, groovy music, pappuri (cutting) is best suited.

Finally, distribute balloons to the guests. Paint the asphalt with crayons "Masha + Sasha \u003d Love", "Thank you for the wedding", "There were such and such." And please everyone with fireworks.

8) Wedding script "Yo-Ho-Ho and a Bottle of Rum" or "Pirate Wedding"

Make a guest list. Send each guest an original wedding invitation

In the form of a "black mark" indicating the time and location. But this will not be an ordinary invitation, you will send them a bottle with a folded piece of paper enclosed. This is the invitation. Also, do not forget to indicate that the wedding will be in a pirate style.

Appropriate clothing should be chosen. The groom can dress like Captain Flint or Jack Sparrow. The bride should choose an outfit also in accordance with the holiday. Guests can dress like cook, boatswain, sailors, pirates. The spaciousness of the guests' clothing is huge.

The gift must be chosen so that it suits the celebration held according to the scenario of weddings "Yoho-ho and a bottle of rum." For example, it could be a gift wrapped bottle of rum.

The room where the celebration will take place according to the scenario of weddings "Yoho-ho and a bottle of rum" needs to be decorated as if it were a pirate ship. Make the place where contests will take place and guests will dance, make a deck. Make the place where the tables will be a pirate dining room. For the newlyweds, a platform should be made where the steering wheel will stand. There must be a pirate drink on the tables - rum.

When the newlyweds arrive from the registry office, they are greeted by the pirate brotherhood. Everyone is happy, because their captain has found his betrothed. Toastmaster asks the captain to go behind the wheel and take an oath to his guests. But first, guests must name 10 adjectives. Guests name 10 adjectives. The newlyweds write them down. Then they insert the named adjectives in order into a piece of paper that the toastmaster will give. It turns out something like the following: “We, brown Vasya and cold Masha, swear to our deaf guests that we will be glad to see them both oblique and cheerful in our lame house. We swear to get together on boring days and spend our iron time together. We swear to bring our windy children to you for the weekend. We swear to be friends with you forever, our glass friends. " After the newlyweds have placed all the adjectives named, they read out their oath. This is how the entertainment "We Swear" is carried out

Then the first feast takes place. During it, you can hold a competition between the guests "Pirate Compliments" Guests will have to name compliments to the bride in turn, but these should not be ordinary compliments, but those that a pirate would say. For example, as beautiful as the sea, as beautiful as treasures. The winner is the one who is the last to call a pirate compliment. This guest can be given an eye patch with the bride's painting.

After the first feast, the newlyweds go to dance the first dance. The dance can be transformed into a pirate dance with the help of guests. The guests stand in two circles around the newlyweds, put their hands on each other's shoulders and move. One circle moves clockwise, the other counterclockwise. At times, the pirates shout out their favorite exclamations “Yo ho ho! Yo - ho - ho! "

After the dance, the entertainment program begins. For example, you can run the Pirate Riddles contest. For this competition, you need to prepare many different bottles in advance: large and small, glass and plastic. Now come up with several of these riddles, the answer to which will be one word (for example, wedding). Write them down on the pieces of paper. Then put these leaves in different bottles. For example, you have prepared 20 bottles. In 8 of them, you put pieces of paper with riddles, and in the rest just empty pieces of paper. Place all the bottles around the room or hall where the competition will take place. The task of the players is as follows: they must guess the key word-guess. To do this, they search every bottle. Someone can guess after the first piece of paper with a riddle, but it will be hard for someone even after the fifth riddle found. In any case, the winner is the one who guesses the word first.

Gifts for newlyweds should be collected in the treasure chest. These treasures are then passed on to a pair of pirates.

At the end of the celebration, according to the wedding scenario "Yo-ho and a bottle of rum", a cake is brought in, which can be made either in the form of a ship or in the form of a pirate flag. Pieces of the pie are sold for coins so beloved by all pirates.

9) Wedding "Shrek" or "Wedding in the image"

In order to realize the wedding of Shrek and Fiona in reality, you will need the help of body art masters and a make-up artist. After all, even covered with green paint, you should look great. The costumes, of course, are made to order.

It is important to convince relatives and friends that on this significant day they need to prefer cheerful outfits to traditional formal wear. It will be easy enough for the bride's mother to be persuaded to play the role of Queen Lillian, but whether the future father-in-law will agree to portray a toad is a question. The witness will have to try on the mask of a donkey, so invite someone with a sense of humor to this role. The witness can be an adorable dragon. Guests will choose other characters from the cartoon. Perhaps you can buy these suits in specialized stores, they are very popular.

The Shrek theme, of course, should be started with the ransom. The fairytale castle, which will temporarily be the bride's house, will firmly close the doors for the green-skinned groom. He will have to prove to King Harold and Queen Lillian that he is worthy of the beautiful Fiona.

In the registry office, of course, you will make a splash. Perhaps it is better to schedule the celebration on a weekday or at least Friday in order to avoid the intrusive attention of passers-by near the House of Happiness and in its hall. But if you intend to bathe in plenty in the attention of others - drop all doubts! Do not forget that during the ceremony, the groom must put on his beloved finger a ring with the inscription "I love you!", Which he will take from the original cushion for rings

Instead of a traditional trip after the registry office to the memorable places of your city, arrange a photo session. To do this, you just need to invite a specialist, amateur photographs will not be able to betray all the beauty of your images. By the way, for the trip itself, a limousine will not work, you need an onion carriage.

The wedding venue should look like a Shrek house or a royal castle. It will be appropriate to agree on the scenario of the celebration with the toastmaster, because you need to recreate the wedding of the heroes. It is best to use the services of an agency that specializes in organizing weddings.

It is important to pay attention to the menu and table setting. Such a delicacy as frog legs or a dish "disguised" as it will be appropriate. If you are not impressionable, you can build "fried rats" and "snails". Don't forget that the wedding cake should also be decorated in the spirit of Shrek's wedding.

Contest "real troll"

Perfect for a first wedding day scenario. It is, in fact, a one-actor theater. All feats are performed by the future husband. Among the tasks - to name correctly the names of each of the three pigs; count all the representatives of the dragon-donkey brood that the bridesmaid will skillfully hide in the room. It is necessary to assemble a gingerbread man from small pieces (let him temporarily be made of cardboard) and put on the required outfit on Puss in Boots (but the cat must be real, just do not forget to trim his claws!).

When the time comes for the wedding gifts, guests will have the opportunity to show their creative thinking skills. Various figures of cartoon characters, dishes with their image will be appropriate.

A traditional bride's shoe is usually stolen, or she herself is stolen; at your wedding, the Donkey witness may be missing. To return it, the groom's friends participate in the "Shrek. Proverbs and Sayings" competition. Their task: to remake the famous pearls of folk wisdom, which the host of the celebration will offer them, to the theme of the wedding. You can get such funny idioms as "with a troll paradise in a swamp", "Not all Kotu swing a sword", "not all that Shrek is green"

10) Wedding "On the Water"

Today, young people strive to hold a wedding that would not resemble millions of other celebrations, without standard contests and stories. Well, we offer you the scenario of the original wedding "On the Water". We will not hide that the preparation for the wedding
will be a little more difficult, but the result will exceed all expectations. So if you are frankly brave, you are welcome. Just remember that, legally, registration on board the ship is not valid, but no one forbids you to celebrate your wedding.

When preparing for your wedding according to the scenario of the original “On the Water” wedding, you need to remember that it should not be held in winter. Agree, it's not very comfortable in the cold and on the water. You will also have to choose a vessel. The most convenient option is a motor ship, but if you are an extreme at all, you can have a wedding on rafts. The choice of models for both the first option and the second is great.

But the choice of a "banquet hall for a celebration, not water" is not so easy. You will need to know the exact number of guests, because the scale and rental price directly depend on the number of people. Remember that you do not need to save on the basics. I don’t think the guests will like a rusty vessel with shabby furniture. Make sure that there are lifebuoys on the boat, and it is best to bring a lifeguard with you.

You will make the invitations in the form of a motor ship or a ship on which you will sail. Be sure to warn guests not to take too many small children with them, as well as take precautions and not get too drunk. This is the case of a wedding when, for some, the obligatory fight at the celebration is simply not acceptable!

If you go rafting, be sure to warn guests to bring their swimwear and dress comfortably. Experience shows that if you swim for a long time in a hot season, and also surrounded by beautiful nature, many people want to swim. If you are sailing on the river, it does not hurt to take insect repellent with you, such a small detail as mosquitoes and midges can actually ruin many pleasant memories.

Decorate your boat with the original On the Water wedding scenario. Invite florists if you are sailing on a boat. After all, there are many options for flower combinations. You can also decorate the place for the celebration with draperies, balloons, marine-themed props, etc.

Think over the menu well. Remember, you will not be able to run out to the store at any moment and buy something you need in addition. Although, as a rule, the range of rental services includes a buffet or banquet service. Unless, of course, you go on a raft.

You can invite musicians with live music on the boat. Believe me, violinists, for example, will look advantageous against the backdrop of picturesque places, and will add zest to your wedding, highlighting the romantic setting. If you have chosen a raft as a vessel, then you can take a guitar, as well as at least a tape recorder. Indeed, in any case, you will have to make stops at the pier, where you can warm up, dance, and also play contests.

Speaking of contests. You can play the following competitions on rafts: a competition in which guests, passing a glass in a circle, pour a drink into it, preferably not an intoxicating one, after all, you are on the water. Whoever's glass is overfilled, he says toast, drinking the contents. Then continue with the "I want to eat" competition, where guests are divided into pairs. Their task is to unfold and eat the candy without using their hands. Whoever copes faster will be the winner.

Also at the wedding, you can play the game Topsy-turvy. "In this game, the participants are invited to show their hand, the neighbor on the right to show another part of the body. For example:" This is my hand ", but points to the ear," This is my belly " The game should be carried out quickly so that there is no time to think. Who gets lost, is eliminated from the game. When the guests get to know each other, you can continue with the Song competition. Divide the guests into two groups. Invite one team to sing a song. The other should come up with a song with the opposite meaning. For example, the first song contains the words: day, cat, smile, which means that the second team sings with the words: night, dog, sadness.

If you will be celebrating a wedding on a boat, you can play more active games. For example Suitcase. Guests are divided into two or more teams, a large bag or suitcase with clothes is placed in front of them, their task is to run up to the suitcase, put on clothes, run to the team and give a "pass". Whoever copes faster will win. Will help warm up the game In love with a neighbor, which occurs as follows. Have the players sit on chairs that are arranged in a circle. So all the chairs are taken. The presenter asks a question to any participant, “Is he in love with a neighbor?”, If he answers “yes,” then the task of the players and the presenter himself is to take chairs, “if not,” he answers that he loves people who, for example, wash, and all cleaners run too. Options: brush their teeth, shoes, wear pants, etc., who does not have time to sit down, becomes the leader.

The game of offers will also amuse the guests. Tie a spool of thread to the children's cars and put the typewriter on the other side of the hall. The players' task is to “come first”, that is to reel the reel. And many more contests you can think of when you land on land. For example, play in the water or put on inflatable slides. In a word, do everything so that your wedding will be remembered forever.

Wedding script - this is the first brick to ensure that the entire celebration passes without surprises and unpleasant surprises, a guarantee that your wedding will be fun and easy. Today, the wedding is celebrated in different ways: in nature, in a restaurant, on a boat, just the two of us in some interesting place.

What is your old dream? All in your hands! You just have to give up a little from all the problems, dream and listen to your inner voice. Imagine this day. How would you like to remember him and what would you like to tell your grandchildren many years later. In the meantime, we will offer you some options for wedding scenarios.

1. Classical wedding.

Ransom ... The wedding morning begins with the bride's ransom. The groom goes after his bride with his friends, a witness. Relatives and friends of the bride on the way of the groom create a variety of obstacles, tasks and contests. The bride is usually "redeemed" with flowers, various sweets, and money.

REGISTRY OFFICE. The bride and groom travel to the registry office in different cars. This is an echo of the tradition according to which the groom and the best men came to the church before the chosen one and waited for her at the entrance. At the entrance to the hall before the solemn registration, Mendelssohn's March will play. The young man leads the bride to the wedding table in the registry office, giving her his left hand. The groom's family and friends sit on the right side of the hall for the wedding, while the bride's family and friends sit on the left. Sometimes the newlyweds hold hands - it looks very cute. Young people should not worry about the wedding ceremony, as their behavior at this time is regulated. All that is required of the bride and groom is to say "yes" clearly enough and without delay. After the wedding procedure, the young people accept congratulations. The first to speak is the official who conducted the wedding.

Wedding. If you decide to get married, traditionally the bride should be in a white dress and a wide long veil. The groom in the temple stands on the right, and the bride on the left. During the betrothal, the bride and groom hold burning candles in their hands, which testifies that their motives for marriage are bright and pure. The priest asks them whether their desire to become lawful spouses is free, or whether they have been promised to someone else. After this, three prayers are said, in which the blessing of God is requested. At the end of the sacrament, the spouses stand at the Royal Doors of the altar, where the priest utters a word of edification to them. The wedding ceremony lasts 40-60 minutes.

Stroll. Immediately after registration, the newlyweds go for a ride in the beautiful places of the city. Stopping, the young people drink champagne with the guests and break their glasses for good luck. There is a very beautiful tradition of releasing a couple of white doves.

Feast. After returning from a walk to wedding banquet , the young are welcomed, sprinkled with small sweets, coins and rice so that life is sweet, rich and fertile.

In addition, there is a beautiful custom: parents greet the newlyweds with bread and salt, presenting them with a loaf on an embroidered towel. Bride and groom should bite off the loaf piece by piece, without touching it with your hands. Whoever bites off a larger piece will be the master of the house. The first toast is made by the bride's father.
And the feast begins, interrupted by noisy shouts " Bitterly ! ". Why bitter? Who is bitter? This custom, like many others, has a long history. Previously, the bride walked around the guests with a tray, the guest put money on it, took a glass, drank and said:" Bitter! " He drank vodka, not water. After that he kissed the bride. Those who did not give money, simply drank with the words "Bitter!" and were content to watch the kisses of others. Gradually, this custom was replaced by a humorous demand for more and more kisses from themselves newlyweds.

We have and traditions that came to us from the West, and are quite new for our country. The bride must throw the wedding bouquet to her unmarried girlfriends, and the one who catches it, according to omens, will get married faster than the other girlfriends. Just as a bride throws her bouquet to her unmarried girlfriends, the groom throws the garter removed from the bride's leg to his single friends. The first to marry is the one who catches her.

Homecoming. Through the threshold of the house, the groom must carry the bride in his arms so that evil spirits do not damage her, and the groom defends her at home from all troubles.

2. European / American wedding style.

Do you want a wedding like in a romantic Hollywood movie? It primarily assumes a social event with a light buffet banquet. As a rule, there are a lot of guests and they walk around, communicate with each other, gather in small groups according to their interests. frees up space for moving, chatting, dancing, and your late guests will freely find a place and treats. In the summer, it is more common to hold a wedding in nature, where tents and awnings are set up, and tables are set right on the lawn. Musical accompaniment European wedding - very light and background music. Bridesmaids (and there can be from 2 to 20!) Must be in the same outfits.

3. Wedding in national / ethno style.

Each nation has its own wedding traditions. If you are patriots of your country, then the wedding scenario can be diversified with various traditions peculiar to your people. For example, a handmade wedding dress decorated with embroidery with national patterns and beads. The groom's suit is Ukrainian embroidered shirt. Guests can also be asked to wear national clothes. The cafe hall needs to be decorated in the national style. Musicians perform traditional Ukrainian songs.

Wedding script in Ukrainian style you can start with matchmaking rite... Ambassadors from the groom come to the bride's parents' house and, in a joking tone, ask them to marry their daughter. The train of the youngest of its boyars, boyfriends, unmarried guys, matchmakers is going to the bride. the course of the groom's wedding train to the bride's yard is furnished with games. In the modern version of the wedding scenario, this is a bride ransom ceremony. The wedding banquet is held traditionally. At the end of the holiday, the ceremony of removing the veil takes place. This is a very beautiful action, symbolizing the end of a free life and the beginning of a family life. Undoubtedly, this ceremony will add originality to your wedding script.

4. Wedding in oriental / arabic style.

This is a bright, fun and colorful wedding with music and dancing. Groom suit white, on the head of a turban or skullcap. Bride's outfit - red silk dress with a small neckline. Hair is tucked under a translucent veil. Makeup - professional with an emphasis on bright "cat" eyes. Before the wedding, traditionally, all women at home bathe and bring beauty to their future wife, paint special patterns with henna that will protect the girl from evil spirits. Banquet venue can become a tent on a green meadow in a forested area of \u200b\u200bthe city, or a restaurant decorated with bright beautiful carpets, pillows, fabrics, tables - low. Pork, as a rule, is not on the menu of such a wedding; lamb with a variety of seasonings and spices is preferred. Do not forget also about oriental sweets and hookahs in the banquet hall, you can order dancers performing belly dance and musicians performing Arabic music. All this will be just by the way and your holiday will leave an indelible impression in the memory of all the participants of the celebration!

5. Fairytale wedding or knightly wedding.

Every girl in her childhood dreams of becoming a princess and getting into a fairy tale. So why not do it on your wedding day? Bride in a long fluffy dress with a train and delicate embroidery, the groom in a fluttering cloak or knightly armor. The groom comes to fetch the bride on a white horse and with his faithful friends is going to rescue his beloved from the multi-storey fortress, passing the tests that the "evil" witness arranges for him, testing the knight (prince) for sincerity of feelings. He sings her serenades, passes tests for accuracy, tests-riddles for intelligence. Young people will drive up to the registry office in an old carriage. AND a restaurant will be decorated like an old castle, old paintings and thousands of candles will decorate a fabulous ball. IN menu there will be meat and vegetables, a lot of game and red wine. To organize such a holiday, any fairy tale can be chosen and played up for each individual pair.

6. Retro wedding.

This wedding option will surely please all guests. Everything is special at this wedding. Retro style interior, clothes, pictures on the walls, music. The newlyweds only have to choose the period of time in the style of which they want to decorate the holiday. Whether it is the revolutionary 20s or the post-war 50s, everyone will be happy anyway. A short, knee-length or just below the knee dress is suitable for a bride in this style, not white with lace. The retro groom is a shirt with pinstripes or colored polka dots, a vest. Choosing a car for your wedding retro car - the only right choice! Various rose gulls, Volga, etc. Try to create a secular living room atmosphere. Decorate the hall where the wedding will take place, you can dim the lights with paintings and posters depicting famous actors and musicians of that time. Put a small table in the corner of the hall, on it put family albums of the bride and groom - for the entertainment of guests. It is great if there is a grand piano in the room, on which you can perform an old romance during the holiday or just play. The host is an entertainer, dressed in a tailcoat and bow tie.

7. Hawaiian wedding.

This wedding is held on the seaside, the newlyweds and guests can afford to flaunt in bathing suits and be hung with fruits and flowers. Bride in a light colorful dress with an orchid or magnolia in her hair, groom in a Hawaiian shirt or light linen suit. And the main attribute for the complete image of young people is lei - circles, wreaths of tropical flowers that are worn around the neck of the young and symbolize loyalty. According to the Hawaiian rite, the priest ties the bride and groom's hands with lei on the "Kahuna pula" - an impromptu altar. The exchange of Hawaiian Lei is the highlight of the wedding ceremony. By performing this ceremony, lovers share their happiness with each other. All the guests arriving are charming islanders dressing a Hawaiian flower garland around their necks. Music - Hawaiian rhythms on exotic drums "there-there". Wedding ceremony according to Hawaiian traditions, the young people sit on their knees in front of each other, exchange vows of loyalty and love. Menu : the basis of all dishes is seafood. Salmon, shrimp, octopus, lobster masterpieces will look great on the festive table. Pineapples, bananas, coconuts, kiwis, mangoes, oranges, and avocados are a must. In the evening, you can arrange the traditional torch lighting: invite participants fire-sho and launch heavenly lanterns in the shape of hearts, as a symbol of eternal love and connection of hearts.

8. Wedding in the style of the Sicilian mafia.

If you are fans of The Godfather, lovers of Italian cuisine and adherents of close family relationships, this is what you need. Bride should look just gorgeous: a luxurious dress (maybe not white, but a luxurious golden or bright scarlet), a high hairstyle, classic pumps with a stiletto heel, expensive jewelry with precious stones. The groom should be an example of independence and ease - a snow-white shirt (the top button of which does not have to be fastened at all) with a sharp collar, a massive gold chain, cufflinks with precious stones, a classic black or dark gray suit, light suede shoes and, of course, dark glasses. Wedding procession - one of the important points of your Sicilian wedding. Young people simply cannot do without a limousine - naturally, black and without unnecessary decorations, you can decorate it with a composition of white roses, just do not add any ribbons and balls. In the restaurant, of course, only italian Cuisine with lots of snacks and red wine. The guests transform into real Italian macho and wonderful senoritas. Musical accompaniment evenings a real Jazz-Soul-Band. Entertainment evenings are also in the style of Italian mafiosi: a competition with pasta, card games and contests, roulette. And, of course, according to the law of the genre, in the midst of the fun, the police should appear and the newlyweds will have to hide. After a quick goodbye to their guests, the newlyweds go on a romantic honeymoon trip!