School uniform for pioneers. School uniform of the USSR. In pre-revolutionary Russia

Tomorrow is the first of September !!! Inspired ... I reviewed a lot of material, decided to put it together somehow. Here's what happened

History of school uniforms in USSR and R Russia

If you recall the Soviet times and school years, then many people immediately have associations with school uniforms. Some recall her brown with white collars, some blue. Some people remember smart white aprons, while others - big bows on their heads. But everyone agrees with the fact that during the Soviet era, school uniforms were compulsory, and the question of whether or not to wear a uniform was not up for debate. On the contrary, for non-observance of school discipline was severely punished. The memory of the school uniform of the USSR still lives on.

School uniforms in Russia have a rich history.

Until 1917, it was a class sign, since only children of wealthy parents could afford to study at the gymnasium: nobles, intellectuals and large industrialists.
The exact date of the introduction of the school uniform in Russia1834 year. It was in this year that a law was passed that approved a separate type of civilian uniform. These included high school and student uniforms of a military style: invariably caps, tunics and overcoats, which differed only in color, piping, buttons and emblems.
The introduction of uniforms for students in educational institutions of tsarist Russia is primarily due to the fact that these institutions were state-owned. In those days, all civil servants were required to wear uniforms corresponding to their rank and rank, according to the "Table of Ranks". So, all teachers in state educational institutions (gymnasiums) wore uniform frock coats. Based on this, it was a natural introduction for students of uniforms.
The uniform was worn not only in the gymnasium, but also on the street, at home, during celebrations and holidays. She was a source of pride. In all educational institutions, the uniform was.
Caps were usually light blue with three white edging, and with a black peak, and a crumpled cap with a broken peak was considered a special chic among the boys. In winter, headphones and a hood in the color of natural camel hair, trimmed with gray braid, were added to it.
Usually the students wore a blue cloth tunic with silver raised buttons, belted with a black patent belt with a silver buckle, and black trousers without piping. There was also an output form: a dark blue or dark gray single-breasted uniform with a collar trimmed with silver galloon. The knapsack was an invariable attribute of the gymnasium students.
Until 1917, the shape of the uniform changed several times (1855, 1868, 1896 and 1913)according to fashion trends. But all this time, the boys' uniforms fluctuated on the verge of a civilian military suit.

At the same time, women's education began to develop. Therefore, a student uniform was required for girls. In 1896, a provision appeared on the gymnasium uniform for girls. The pupils of the famous Smolny Institute were ordered to wear dresses of certain colors, depending on the age of the pupils. For pupils 6 - 9 years old - brown (coffee), 9 - 12 years old - blue, 12 - 15 years old - gray and 15 - 18 years old - white.

To attend the gymnasium, they had three types of clothing provided for by the charter:
1. "Obligatory uniform for daily attendance", which consisted of a brown woolen dress and a black woolen apron.
2.Dark formal dresses with pleated knee-length skirts.
3. On holidays - a white apron.Girls always wore braids with bows.
The charter required "to keep the dress clean, tidy, not to wear it at home, to smooth it out and keep the white collar clean on a daily basis."
The dress uniform consisted of the same dress, a white apron and an elegant lace collar. In full dress, schoolgirls attended the theater, the Eleninskaya church on holidays, and went to it on Christmas and New Year's evenings. Also, "no one was forbidden to have a separate dress of any model and cut, if the parents' funds allowed such a luxury."

The color scheme was different for each educational institution.
For example, from the memoirs of Valentina Savitskaya, a graduate of Gymnasium No. 36 in 1909, we know that the color of the fabric of the girls' dresses was different, depending on age: for the younger ones it was dark blue, for 12-14-year-olds it was almost the color of a sea wave , and the graduates have brown. And the pupils of the famous Smolny Institute were instructed to wear dresses of other colors, depending on the age of the pupils: for pupils 6 - 9 years old - brown (coffee), 9 - 12 years old - blue, 12 - 15 years old - gray and 15 - 18 years old - white.

However, soon after the revolution, as part of the struggle against bourgeois vestiges and the legacy of the tsarist police regime, a decree was issued in 1918 abolishing the wearing of school uniforms. Undoubtedly, in the early years of the Soviet state, wearing school uniforms was an unaffordable luxury in a country ravaged by world war, revolution and civil war.

From the memoirs of Valentina Savitskaya, a graduate of gymnasium No. 36 in 1909: “The old uniform was considered a symbol of belonging to the upper classes (there was even a contemptuous nickname for a sentimental girl -“ schoolgirl ”). It was believed that the form symbolizes unfreedom, humiliated, servile position of the student. But this rejection of the form had another, more understandable reason - poverty. Pupils went to school in whatever their parents could provide. "
From the point of view of the "class struggle", the old form was considered a symbol of belonging to the upper classes (there was even a contemptuous nickname for a sentimental girl - "schoolgirl"). On the other hand, the form symbolized the absolute lack of freedom of the student, his humiliated and servile position.
The official explanations were as follows: the form demonstrates the lack of freedom of the student, humiliates him. And in fact, the country at that time simply did not have the financial ability to dress a huge number of children in uniform. Pupils went to school in whatever their parents could provide them, and the state at that moment was actively fighting against devastation, class enemies and remnants of the past.

1945 M. Nesterova. "Study perfectly!"

Shot from the movie "Two Captains"

The period of "formlessness" lasted until 1948.School uniforms are becoming mandatory again.The new uniform resembled the old school uniforms. From now on, boys were required to wear gray military tunics with a stand-up collar, with five buttons, with two welt pockets with flaps on the chest.The element of the school uniform was also a belt with a buckle and a cap with a leather visor, which the guys wore on the street. Girls - brown woolen dresses with a black apron tied at the back with a bow. It was then that white "holiday" aprons and sewn-on collars and cuffs appeared. On ordinary days, it was supposed to wear black or brown bows, with a white apron - white (even in such cases, white tights were welcome).Even the hairstyle had to meet the requirements of puritanical morality - "model haircuts" were strictly prohibited until the end of the 50s, not to mention hair coloring. Girls always wore braids with bows.

At the same time, symbolism became an attribute of young students: the pioneers had a red tie, the Komsomol members and the Octobrists had a badge on their chest.

You had to know how to tie a pioneer tie.

The school uniform of the era of I. V. Stalin can be seen in the films "First Grader", "Alyosha Ptitsyn develops character" and "Vasyok Trubachev and his comrades":

The first Soviet school uniform existed until 1962. In the 1962 school year, caps with a cockade, waist belts with a large buckle had already disappeared in men's school uniforms, and gymnasts were changed to gray woolen suits with four buttons. Hairstyles were strictly regulated - under a typewriter, as in the army. And the girls' uniform remained the same.

On the side of the sleeve, a soft plastic emblem was sewn with a painted open textbook and a rising sun.

October and Komsomol badges remained a mandatory addition to the school uniform. The pioneers have added a badge to the pioneer tie. Other types of badges have appeared, including awards and commemoratives.

We can see schoolchildren of the late 1960s in the cult film We'll Live Until Monday, as well as in the films Deniskin's Tales, The Old Man Hottabych, and others.

The 1968 season Models magazine describes a new school uniform that "was about to be introduced as compulsory in all Soviet schools."

Soviet life is a magical world: a sideboard, a string bag and kefir ...

10 symbolic items of the USSR era.

November 7 is still the red day of the calendar for many. If only because this is an excellent occasion to remember Soviet childhood and youth. And at the same time - those things that surrounded the citizens of the USSR. Komsomolskaya Pravda talked about the outstanding artifacts of everyday life in the country of victorious socialism with the director of the Moscow Design Museum, Alexandra Sankova.

String bag

This bag is, without exaggeration, ingenious. In Soviet times, it was problematic to go and buy something. Everyone got out or grabbed on the occasion. Went out for lunch break, saw the line - got up. You definitely need it! And what "this", you can find out closer to the counter. Carrying a shopping bag with you? Too voluminous. A shopping bag (the name itself reflects the unpredictability of the appearance of goods) easily fit in a pocket. Everyone had it and is now returning to our bags and pockets. Today it is loved for its environmental friendliness. Unlike plastic bags, it is not disposable and does not decompose for centuries like plastic. By the way, they came up with a string bag specifically for triangular milk bags. In an ordinary bag, they made holes with their corners. And they didn't tear the string bag.

Cologne "Chypre"

The undisputed symbol of the Soviet era was created in France by perfumer Fransau Coty. The name of the cologne is nothing more than a distorted "Cyprus" - Chypre. At first, this perfume was for women, and then it changed its gender. In the USSR, it was produced by the Novaya Zarya factory, changing the composition, which, of course, lost the aroma. Cologne was loved not only by fashionistas (however, it was not considered particularly prestigious), but also by alcoholics. The alcohol content in it is at least 70 percent!

In general, the basis of "Chypre" has become a part of many cult perfumes - for example, in "Chanel No. 5". By the way, "Chypre" can be bought even now. Online stores offer it for a ridiculous price of 200 rubles.

Kefir bottles

Now, you can also see a lot of similar containers on the shelves. But they are far from the Soviet kefir bottle. Most importantly, those Soviet bottles did not have labels. The containers were returnable, and so that enterprises did not have to glue labels every time and then wash them off, foil covers of different colors were used to recognize the goods. Silver - with milk. Green - on kefir. Intense pink - with cream. The production date was stamped on the lid.

Empty bottles could be returned - 15 kopecks per 0.5 liter bottle. Before handing over they were washed with a brush. If the neck of the container turned out to be chipped, the bottle was not subject to return.

Chandelier "Cascade"

Remember the scene from the movie "Mimino"? "The chandelier is not made of Venetian glass, but made in Voronezh, in the Clara Zetkin artel, and is sold at a retail price of 37 rubles 46 kopecks." Mass models were even cheaper, about 20 rubles. And they hung in almost every second apartment! The small lamps had two rows of cascades. Chandeliers for three to five bulbs have up to four rows of curly hangers. At first, the chandelier delighted with its brilliance and brightness, but soon the plastic became cloudy and lost its former splendor. Washing such a chandelier is a real hard labor. Each element had to be removed, washed and hung back. No wonder they got lost every now and then. And it was impossible to buy spare parts. So after a while, the headdress of light bulbs went bald ...


Brown school uniform

School uniforms for girls were introduced back in tsarist Russia, in 1896.

After the revolution, such attire was considered something bourgeois, they tried to do without it. Uniforms returned again in 1949. By the way, the female form was almost the same throughout the Soviet era, in contrast to the male one.

Most of the models were made from inexpensive fabrics, so by the end of the first term, the skirt of the dress was pretty shiny. Soviet girls dreamed of somehow ennobling the dull toilet. Cuffs and collars were sewn onto the dress.

Every day the girls wore black aprons over their dresses, and white aprons on holidays. It was the same with the bows. Anyone other than black and white was prohibited.


Although this toy is familiar to every Soviet and Russian child, it was not invented for the first time in the USSR. And in Japan. And even nine centuries ago!

In pre-revolutionary Russia, these toys were called "somersaults" or "vanka-vstankas". So the tumbler as we know it, in a red plastic dress, is an echo of the “old world”.

Its familiar form was developed by specialists from the Zagorsk Research Institute of Toys in 1958. Vanka-vstanka is still being released.

And what else

Do you remember?

Bots "Goodbye Youth". A very telling name, although unofficial. The bots received it for their not even modesty, but wretchedness. But they were warm, light and comfortable. The top is made of felt, there was a zipper. Rubber sole - flexible and non-slip. These shoes appeared as a result of the marriage union of galoshes and felt boots. The bots were developed by Soviet shoemakers in 1961. Serial production started already in 1963. By the way, this model is still being sewn, it is in demand.

Sideboard. Furniture design in the USSR began to be dealt with only in the late 50s. Before that, the old, master's furniture was "worn out". Or they were making something without thinking about design. And in the era of mass development, a lot of furniture was required for tiny Khrushchev houses. Moreover, compact - so that it would pass through narrow corridors. Sideboards appeared in each apartment, where the hostesses exhibited the most valuable things that the citizens of the USSR had. Crystal, tea sets.

Bicycle "Eaglet". A personal vehicle is the dream of any Soviet child. Having received this miracle as a gift, the children tuned it as best they could: they fitted a fringe on the steering wheel and seat. The spokes were covered with colored wires and ratchets were inserted.

"Eaglet" appeared in Minsk in the 1950s. It was designed for children from 7 to 15 years old.


My adolescence was a time of change. The world changed, the country changed - the school changed. This was expressed, in particular, in the abandonment of the school uniform. There were no official orders - just the students gradually stopped wearing it, and the teachers did not mind. I wore the uniform to the last - how could you refuse it when everyone did it!

But now - from year to year, graduates put on a ceremonial school uniform of Soviet times for the holiday of the "Last Bell". One can only guess where they get it (is the parental uniform still intact?), But the fact remains - girls go to the holiday in brown dresses with white aprons ...

Speaking about the Soviet school uniform, it should be clear: for a long time - from 1918 to 1949 - it was not there at all! The reasons for this were different - ideological and economic. From an ideological point of view, the school uniform was a "bourgeois relic", and, perhaps, it was in a country where most of the population could not buy it for their children due to poverty. The uniform in Soviet schools was introduced only in 1949. The uniform for boys is a topic for a separate conversation, but for girls, the uniform that existed before the October Revolution in gymnasiums was actually restored.

In 1834, in Russia, the form of a civilian uniform was approved by law. Gymnasiums were also state institutions, so uniforms were worn there - both by teachers and students. At first, this concerned only men's gymnasiums, and only in 1886 was the uniform for girls approved.

It was supposed to appear in uniform not only in the gymnasium, but also in the theater, church and even on holidays. In such cases, they wore a dress with a white apron, in everyday school days - with a black one. As for the dress, it was not always brown - in some establishments its color varied from class to class, but still brown predominated. It was he who was subsequently chosen for the Soviet school uniform.

Why brown?

One of the main reasons is its practicality. Such clothes are less noticeable for dirt - therefore, they are most suitable for everyday wear (especially considering that in Soviet times, not every family was able to buy their daughter a "spare" uniform dress so that she could wash more often). Brown is not “inappropriate” for anyone - unlike red or blue.

Perhaps brown was chosen intuitively because of the effect it has on the human psyche. This is one of the calmest colors (any teacher who has tried to calm down the class at least once knows how important it is to calm down in school). In addition, this color is least associated with sexual arousal. Perhaps this was correct: school is a place of study, not of passions.

Interesting data were obtained in the course of later psychological studies carried out after the abolition of the school uniform. It turned out that at the age of 7, girls prefer brown, and boys - purple, i.e. just those colors that were inherent in the Soviet school uniform. From this point of view, the school uniform played another role: it provided psychological comfort when adapting to school.

School uniform: past and present

The controversy about the school uniform has not subsided for many years: is it necessary, and if so, which one? If with the uniform for boys everything is more or less clear, at all times it was customary to dress them up in trousers and a jacket, then the uniform for girls is the subject of the most fierce discussions. When did the school uniform appear, what style of dress, and what color did our great-grandmothers wear?

The first school uniform in Russia was introduced for high school students at the end of the 19th century and consisted of a brown dress and an apron. For ordinary days, a black apron was intended, and for special occasions - a white one. At the same time, in private educational institutions, the color of the uniform sometimes depended on the age of the students. Dresses for toddlers and school dresses for high school girls could differ in style.

The gymnasium uniform served as the prototype of the Soviet school uniform: an apron and a dress, which are well remembered by those who happened to study during the Soviet Union. If you want to remember Soviet times, visit our website: here you will find several options for school dresses and aprons that combine modern fashion and Soviet style of school clothes.

During perestroika, school uniforms were either canceled or reintroduced. An interesting fact: until the end of the 20th century, only schoolgirls from Siberia, the Northern regions and Leningrad were allowed to wear trousers, and even then only in winter. For all the other students, there was such a school uniform: a dress or skirt and a jacket or jacket.

School uniform today

In our time, experiments with school uniforms do not stop. Today it has lost its disciplining role and only emphasizes the image of this or that educational institution. There are many options for new school clothes that are trendy and stylish, but you can buy a school dress with an apron, a traditional Soviet uniform. To do this, just visit our online store and choose the model you need.

School uniform requirements

Whatever the school uniform, dress, skirts, or trousers, jackets and jackets must meet the basic requirements for children's clothing:

It is sewn from natural materials - wool and cotton, which are breathable and absorbent. Synthetic fabrics are not allowed, which interfere with normal heat exchange and may cause hypothermia or overheating of the child. All fabrics used must be pleasant to the touch and non-irritating.

School clothes are required to be wrinkle-resistant, easy to wash and easy to iron. You can buy a uniform for junior and middle school students, as well as school dresses for high school students that meet all the requirements in our online store. Use the convenient catalog to order the desired model. We offer both modern models and the traditional school apron and dress at affordable prices.

Strict requirements are imposed on the quality of cut and tailoring: all seams must be carefully processed, buttons - tightly sewn, zippers and buttons - easy to unfasten and securely fasten.

Any school uniform: an apron and a dress, a skirt and a jacket, trousers and a jacket are sewn quite spacious. This makes it possible, if necessary, to put on an additional light sweater under it.

In our store you can buy a school dress with an apron or a skirt with a jacket. The most important thing is that the girl likes the purchase, otherwise the child will feel uncomfortable even in the best shape.

The main trends in school fashion

It is known that a sense of style and concepts of beauty are formed in childhood, so the form should not only be comfortable, but also correspond to the main fashion trends. This also applies to school dresses for high school girls, and outfits for babies who first crossed the threshold of school. Our store offers on its website fashionable and comfortable dresses for girls of all ages at affordable prices.

Toddlers and middle school students will love school dresses for girls, trimmed with lace or ruffled trims at the hem. School dresses with contrasting details are also in fashion, and for romantic young ladies, designers have developed models of comfortable dresses with ruffles. All this you can buy in our online store, you can also buy a school dress with an apron with a modern design and original finish

But the main element in the school fashion was the sundress, which replaced the traditional apron. Sundresses are made of wool and are black or dark blue. And in order to bring some “zest” into clothes, school sundresses are decorated with some bright original detail.

You can choose a stylish blouse for a sundress. At the peak of popularity, the shirt cut, which involves a combination of strict men's fashion with details inherent in women's clothing: lace inserts, decorative collars, etc. Girls will also like blouses with trim in the form of voluminous bows, frills, wide, lush collars.

Not only school dresses for girls are in fashion, but also jackets and cardigans: our store offers both strict models with a straight silhouette in the spirit of old English private schools, and flirty fitted jackets for little beauties with a flashlight sleeve and an original fastener.

Schoolgirls of different ages also fell in love with skirts: a large cage, lace trimmings, fluffy folds and pleating are in fashion. From adult fashion, the girls adopted tulip skirts that look great on their figures.

School uniform: styles and opinions

The opinion about the school uniform is ambiguous: some believe that it is not needed at all, others suggest returning the Soviet school uniform, and still others like modern models more. When did the school uniform appear and what was it like?

From the history of school uniforms

The uniform for boys in Russia appeared in the 30s of the 19th century, and for girls - almost 60 years later. In most gymnasiums, it consisted of a brown dress and an apron: black for every day and white for special occasions. The gymnasium uniform became the prototype for the Soviet school uniform, which was introduced in the middle of the 20th century.

Since then, the school uniform for boys has changed several times, but the brown dresses and aprons have remained unchanged. And to this day, graduates traditionally put on Soviet school uniforms on the last bell: after all, now it has turned into a symbol of farewell to childhood and school.

All those wishing to purchase a Soviet school uniform, which successfully combines modern trends and the style of those years, are invited to visit our online store.

In perestroika times, the school uniform was either abolished or introduced, but now it has lost its former significance and more often than not simply emphasizes the status of a particular educational institution. We invite you to the website of our store: here you will find both the school uniform of the USSR, which recently has more and more fans, and modern models.

Choosing a school uniform

Supporters of the school uniform believe that it equalizes all students regardless of their social status and helps parents decide what to wear their child to school. There is also an opinion that the form disciplines the child.

Opponents argue that school uniforms interfere with children's self-expression, hinder the development of their individuality, and express fears that for poor families the uniform adopted in this or that educational institution may not be affordable.

If you are still going to buy a school uniform for your child, our online store is waiting for you: here you will find any model: traditional dresses and aprons or modern sundresses with blouses of all sizes and styles. It may be easier for you to choose the option you want if you know a few simple rules for choosing a shape:

Buy only clothes made from natural fabrics, pay attention to the quality of the material of the top of the product and the lining. Our store is ready to offer you a USSR school uniform or modern school clothes of the highest quality at affordable prices.

When buying, be sure to measure the shape of the child and take into account his opinion: the suit should not hinder movement and be spacious enough so that you can wear a light turtleneck or sweater under it. Our online store offers school uniforms of all sizes on its website.

When choosing a shape, give preference to models made of non-wrinkling materials that are easy to clean and iron quickly. It is desirable that the form can be machine washed. Here you can buy an elegant school uniform for the last call, and practical, undemanding to care for casual suits for boys and girls.

Be sure to check the quality of the seams, see if the pockets are firmly sewn, how well the buttons and buttons hold. Zippers should be easy to close and not jam, buttons should be quickly fastened and not require too much effort. Invite your child to button up himself and see how easily he copes with the task.

Experienced managers of our store will help you choose a school uniform for the last call and clothes for daily activities. Choose from stylish, modern designs and traditional brown dresses with aprons.

Fashion trends in school uniform

The school uniform of the USSR is still popular, in which many secondary schools dress their students. Now the prickly woolen fabric has been replaced by a more pleasant to the touch lavsan, modern details have been added, but the style remains the same.

For fans of modern trends in school uniforms, our online store is pleased to offer sundresses made in dark blue or black colors, which are at the peak of popularity today. You will also find blouses for girls of all ages with us. The shirt style is very common. Many girls also like lush trimmings in the form of frills, ruffles, and frills.

Little women of fashion can go to school in dresses or suits, consisting of a skirt and a jacket. We are pleased to offer any style of school jackets for girls: strict models in the spirit of the old schools of England, and flirty fitted models for romantic people.

For boys, everything is much simpler: strict classic suits are still popular, but school fashion also allows sweaters or vests made in restrained colors.

We invite schoolchildren and their parents to our store: there is an order desk and a help desk for you. It is possible to order home delivery of goods. Read more about our assortment and the list of our services on the website of the online store.

And autumn, as you know, begins on September 1st. And this is a school holiday, well, in any case, it is a holiday for those who go to school for the first time. So for Vovka it was a real holiday, he really wanted to go to school, although he did not yet know what was going on there and how it would be in this school, but he felt that everything should be great! He will, like his older brother, learn to read and write, and then he will read. Yes, he will read himself, and not just listen to radio plays and watch pictures in books or wait for someone to read him an interesting book. He had long imagined, from the very winter, how he would enter a new school under construction in the courtyard, how he would sit down at a new school desk, open the alphabet and ... something didn't work. But at school he will learn!
And he also really wanted to dress in a new, personally purchased, school suit with a white shirt and pick up his personal schoolbag. About two weeks ago, he and his parents walked through the school market and looked at the variety of school subjects: notebooks, pens, pencils, plasticine and other school supplies, everything was beautiful and interesting, but most of all he glanced at where the school uniform was sold. There, on hangers, costumes and white shirts with emblems on the sleeves hung and attracted them like a magnet. Vovka was afraid to think that now his parents would pass by this beauty, and he would have to go to school in what he has, in what his older brother once wore, and so he wanted to have his own personal thing, smelling of the freshness of novelty. He was silent and furtively glanced at his parents - they would pass by or stop.
They stopped and the father said:
- Well, cockerel, choose your suit and shirt.
After these words, everything in him turned upside down and it seemed that the whole world had quieted down, waiting for his choice ...
Vovka proudly carried a new purchase, wrapped in crisp white paper, like a flag, and it seemed to him that everyone around him was looking only at him, understood his joy and rejoiced with him, and the sun was shining and warming in a special way. : brighter and warmer than ever. He felt very happy that he wanted to run in circles and jump on one leg, and maybe even just fly up. But, as befits a man, with difficulty restraining his emotions, pretending to be calm, he quickly moved towards the house, though more quickly than if his mother called him home from the street, three or four times faster, so he could not wait for everything it is to dress and walk "dandy" around the apartment.
Then, when his parents went to work for days, Vovka dressed up and walked around the apartment for a long time in a new school uniform, getting used to the role of a first grader, rehearsing his gait in front of the mirror, talking to his reflection, proving something to him. And only when the screams of friends, calling him to leave, were heard from the street, he carefully took off his uniform, carefully placed it in the wardrobe and, only then, quickly dressed in everyday life, jumped out of the apartment into the street. (from the book "Vovkin's stories")