Words that I miss a woman. SMS to your beloved girl "miss and love" in your own words (short). SMS to your girlfriend - short and beautiful

My favorite fairy, I remember with trepidation the magic of your incredibly bottomless eyes, and I am completely ready to know their mysterious depth.

I want to enjoy the slightest spark of light that flashed in your sincere soul, and my love is able to give you an infinity of radiant fireworks.

If I had wings to grow, I would show you the edge of the infinite Universe, and the cradle of life where my Love was born.

I miss the delicate velvet of your palms, I miss the sweetly burning kisses, and I see your eyes in lush clouds.

An eternity has passed since we met ... Although not. Only a year. It was enough to understand - you are an integral part of my soul, (name).

For you, my dear, I will collect a bouquet of azure sunbeams. He will carefully warm you in moments of gloomy bad weather, or a bad mood.

Your melodic laughter is the sweetest music. It fills my heart, making it speed up the rhythm, and I am ready to completely dissolve in her notes.

(Name), we have only recently opened our palms, and I have already missed your silky touches and boundless tenderness.

The fragrance of your hair (name) is sweeter than a bouquet of wild flowers, the tenderness of your hands is like the weightlessness of clouds, and the sparkle of your eyes shines brighter than the Sun for me.

Beloved, you, like a ripe strawberry, beckon with your beauty, fascinate with a special taste and intoxicate with an intoxicating aroma.

My little letter, having overcome the barriers of megacities, will remind you, dear, that I yearn. And together with the letter, I send you a kiss.

Your eyes are the azure charm of the sea, and drowning in them, I realized that I was swallowed up by the raging ocean of Love.

(Name), you are like an unread book, and after a year of our relationship, I greedily read new chapters. And I want to do it forever!

There is no flower that compares in beauty with you, unique, and there is no such fruit that would be juicier than your purple lips.

My white-winged Angel, you filled my life with sunshine, and I kiss your soft wings, leaving little petals of Love on them.

SMS to your girlfriend - short and beautiful!

When we part, my sorceress, you come into my dreams with a bewitching vision, and fill them with your heavenly charm.

I wish my words to saturate your days with sweet honey, kitten: you are my irreplaceable little man, you are my most treasured treasure, (name)!

Forgive me for not daring to make this confession for a long time: my heart, from the first moments, burned with fiery Love for you, (name).

You penetrated my life like a radiant spring, illuminating my world with billions of bright colors. I am ready to shout to the whole Universe: I love you!

You are far away, the only one. But I remember the tenderness of your skin, which is like the velvet of a ripe peach, and I miss you unspeakably.

About my Love (name), the ripe Moon, crowning the night sky, will whisper in a whisper, and my confession will crumble with incredible star fireworks.

(Name), our meeting, like a rare pearl from distant overseas shores, brought me a lot of unique emotions. I want to see you again.

You, like a dream, melted into the evening mist, and I miss your lips, (name), hoping to see your charming smile again.

I'm ready to step over the threshold of Eternity holding your hand, dear. I will lead you through the archway of the star gates and show you unknown worlds.

Before you, my dear, the rainbow colors of everyday life were unknown to me. But having come into contact with the rays of your soul, I enjoy every day I live.

The weightlessness of our souls embodied in a feeling of sincere Love, and I am grateful to you for these exceptional emotions, my dear (name).

I miss you, feeling the darkening skies. And a motley scattering of thousands of unknown planets displays your name on a crystal dome.

Tonight, I will get the brightest star from the sky, and I will give it to you, my only one, as a symbol of unquenchable Love.

I will lull the cosmic vacuum with delicious rose petals, and I will make an appointment with you among the unknown Universes, my extraordinary (name).

My dear treasure, more recently than you, there is no one in my life. And the ruby ​​of my heart, from now on, shines only for you, (name).

My Love, with a fresh wind, will penetrate into your house, my beloved, and shower you with silky kisses of my tenderness.

I see the fading lights of street lamps in the window, and my heart is filled with sadness that you are not around today.

Darling, you are like raspberry sweetness, and the taste of your kiss still warms my lips. Apparently, I fell in love with you, (name).

I was waiting for my first love, and I was a little afraid of it. But the sky gave me you, and I realized the incredible delight of this feeling.

The boundlessness of the cosmic prairie is negligible compared to my all-encompassing Love for you, (name).

Confessions to a girl Good morning beloved Good night beloved I miss my beloved I miss my wife Apologies to my beloved Love girl

Beloved, madly missing you, I realized that there is no dearer than a little man, and I am grateful for this to our separation. She showed me how to cherish every moment next to you, how to love you and pamper you immensely!

Every minute my thoughts rush to you alone. To say that I miss is to convey only a hundredth of my longing. Everything looks gray without you. My sweetest dreams are dreams of our upcoming meeting.

My dear, I miss you! I want to touch you, feel the warmth and tenderness of your velvet skin, kiss you and never part for such a long time.

Roses are beautiful, but you are more beautiful, the sun is great, but you are brighter, butterflies are very fragile, but you are softer, the ocean is huge, but my love is greater. I miss you the most!

Probably, time has stopped, and the distance separating us is not decreasing. And I'm still waiting even more, my love, for our meeting, I'm waiting for your eyes, in which I'm ready to drown, your smile, brighter than sunlight, I'm waiting for you, because I miss you and love you.

I dream of a new date, choking in anguish. The world without you is bleak. I madly and desperately miss your native gentle voice, your clear eyes. I am depressed and almost crushed. Deliver me from this unbearable sadness.

The night without you has lost its sleep, the day without you has lost its end. Breathing without you has lost its ease, words are confused and play hide and seek with thoughts. Unscented flowers, melodies without a soul, a black and white world... a touch of sadness over everything... Fix it all, my desired happiness, my colorful and beloved world.

I miss, my dear and beloved, so much that sometimes it is difficult to breathe. I want to run to you and fall into a gentle embrace, smell your hair, feel your warmth.

If fate brings two people together, uniting their hearts with love, then why send them a test of separation afterward. Probably, in order for them to understand: in this world there is someone whose presence is necessary, like air. Without you, my love, I'm just unbearable!

While I wait for our meeting, as if centuries pass, not hours. Come back, I'm really waiting for you - my priceless, most wonderful, magnificent, beloved and simply irreplaceable girl!

Darling! Save me from the threads of gray loneliness, fill my life with new meaning. After all, without you it is sad and painful. The world of color loses when you leave, and becomes colorful at each of our meetings.

Darling! The stars grow dim without you, the sun hides behind the clouds, the wind gets angry and bends the trees. Even nature feels how lonely I am without you. Perhaps this is the main confirmation of my love.

You are a young sorceress who has captured me with the spell of her unearthly beauty. I miss every second, I remember your eyes, smile, movements. You are a fairy sent to me from heaven by kind angels!

Depressedly I go to work, I go back without mood. Nothing is interesting without you. Come back, make my life bright, return joy, laughter, surprise, delight and warmth to it!

Your eyes are like dew drops, your hair is soft silk, your lips are sweet honey, and your soul is sublime, like an angel's. I miss my queen everywhere and always! I want to be around!

Alina Ogonyok

I am alone when you are far away.
It's not easy for me without you, my dear.
I so want you to be near
So that, as always, so gently hugged.
I miss you, my dear
But we'll see you soon, I know.

I live for you every day.
Only the thought: "You are with me."
I close my eyes
I see you before me!
I can't sleep at night
I want to return the day
To hug you again.
Give all tenderness to you.

Darling, I miss you very much, -
I want to see and hug!
Kiss and for a very long time, -
Love you, don't let go!

I've been thinking all day today
And I can't find peace
I miss you very, very much
My beautiful angel.

I miss you so dear
I want to write to you
That I've been dreaming all day
Hug-kiss you!

What I want most right now is
To make my dream come true.
She came and gently hugged
She whispered softly:
I miss you!

If you knew how much I miss you
And how dearly I love you.
I'm texting again
And I catch myself thinking.
Though you are far away and not with me,
My heart is beating wildly in my chest.
I remember our meetings again
And I whisper, you just wait for me.

You know I miss.
It's very hard for me without you
No one will warm my heart
So missing your warmth.

Darling I miss you so much
And I'm always looking forward to our meeting!
I don't forget about you
Because I love it so much!

I can not see you
I am very sad without you.
Without you, everything is boring, gray,
And my heart is empty...

I miss you so much
I don't want to drink, eat, sleep.
My love, I'm so sorry
That I can't kiss you.

You can't convey all feelings in SMS,
How I miss you, dear.
I will repeat again and again to everyone:
She is not you, she is completely different.

Soon we will be with you
We'll be side by side night and day.
In the meantime, I'm sending you a text message
About how cute I really miss.

Darling, how far are you
And I'm lonely here and it's not easy,
How I'm tired of being bored
I dream to hug you quickly.

Darling, I miss you
And imagine how I hug
You are so strong, passionate, hot,
And I don't need anything else.

You are sitting alone, bored.
You remember me.
Know that I'm sad too
I am texting you.
You read it soon -
It will immediately become more fun.

Separation is pain, in separation eternity
One minute without you.
I want to give all my tenderness
To you, my love.

But the cities separated us
In worldly cares, vanity
I want to scream - my strength has run out
I love, miss you.

Separation pain is inexplicable,
Her words do not appease.
You are so needed, you are so loved, -
I want to say at the meeting.
In the meantime, what is in the heart
I'll send it as an SMS.

I touch the reflection
Delicate skin on glass
But not you - oh yes - a vision,
I can't live without you.

Gave me hope today
Your scent in the wind
I miss you like before
I love you alone.

As soon as our conversation ended,
Also, the breathing tube has not cooled down.
And I miss you already. That's not nonsense.
Admit it, you have bewitched me?

Honey, I've already started talking to the chair and having breakfast with the kettle. If you don't call me, I'll get serious with the vacuum cleaner. 444

Strange things are going on in my head - I constantly think about you... 655

They asked me if I miss you. I did not answer, but simply closed my eyes, smiled and walked away ... And then I whispered: "crazy" ... 436 (1)

I lie in bed and miss you, I want you so dear. I want to hug, kiss, I want to hug you. 528

I don't live, I exist.
And I can live only then
When I kiss you
When you hug me! 271

Days pass, nights pass. I can't hear the sound of your steps. I miss you so much, when will we see you again? 160 - sms miss you

I remember the taste of your lips, I remember the warmth of your hands ... My heart yearns for you, groans, cries from separation. 230

Without you, everything is so boring that I'm even bored to breathe! 225 (1)

(function (w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function () ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "RA -132683-1", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-132683-1", horizontalAlign: false, async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script "); s.type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this, this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

I love you, I can't live without you, I don't want to live without you! 191

When can I kiss you, look into your wonderful eyes? Kisses, hugs, waiting for a meeting. You are my biggest joy! 172

Empty days, empty nights. Empty life, empty eyes. Empty heart and soul, when everything is there, but you are not! 192 (1)

I'll wait for you. Eternity is not a term. 152

Your face will light up with a smile not in vain, because I will say that I miss you very much! 95

I would love to see you on the pillow next to me and kiss you sweetly! 207

When you get bored sometimes
And sadness worries you
You remember that there is a heart in the world,
Who loves you! 94

I think to turn life into a fairy tale, we just need to meet! 81 (1)

Your name whispers the music of the rain
Your name drops the sky with drops ...
And only the sky, only the rain understands
How my heart misses you! 106

How hard it is when you are not around, how your warmth is missing. All the days of separation seem like hell, but know that I will still wait for you. 128

Night without you is not night, day without you is not day. Hurry come back to me, I live without you like a shadow. 70

I want to be with you just "Now", "Tomorrow" and "Always". 127

I want to be close to you and see your happiness! Kiss and miss you! I hope that soon I will hug and press you to my chest! 98

I miss this night so much, unfortunately you are not with me. And only one thought comes to mind - to meet you as soon as possible! 77

I miss you very much
I want to see you urgently
I want to hug you
And never let go.

My princess dear
I miss you very much,
Everything you need for happiness
To be with you, but not in a dream.

I love you my dear
And I'll say a hundred times
What I really, really miss
That I treasure you!

I miss you my dear
So lonely without you
What to do if you're not around?
I want to touch you with my eyes
I want to hug you, my dear
When I'll see you, I don't know
But read my words
You remember: I love you.

How I miss you -
You don't know, trust me!
After all, you are my love, my star,
Open the door to your heart!

Silently I will go there
And I remain silent.
Oh sun, I love you
So I'm afraid to lose!

Now you're somewhere far away
Maybe busy...
You know it's not easy
I can live without you.

I don't even see you for an hour
I'm already going crazy.
I think about us all the time
How bad without you!

Without those eyes, without those hands
I'll die without your lips.
Without your phrases, without sweet agony
I scream in pain.

So have pity, sun, above me,
Come and hug.
I will be happy only with you -
Drive away separation!

My dear, dear
I missed you
You are my sunshine, my happiness
I always need.

I'm so sad, lonely
I decided to write to you
Decided to send you a smile
And what I love to say to you!

That you mean a lot
That you are the light of my soul
I will send a kiss dear,
You quickly accept it!

I'm very sad, I'm sad
I want to see you
I miss you my dear
I send you my kiss.

And the sun doesn't shine without you
And without you it's so hard for me
I'm not interested without you
I want now, I want to you!

So I want to see you
To gently hug
To steal from you all
Kiss for a long time.

My dear, dear,
Look forward to meeting,
I miss you so much.
Yours, infinitely in love.

My love, I miss you
Nothing pleases me
And every night I imagine
How I will hug you.

How to kiss you tenderly
I whisper something in my ear
I'm so lonely without you
I miss you a lot, and I'm sad.

My beloved baby
How I miss you!
Friends, work, movies, books
They cannot replace you.

When we are together the world is beautiful
In separation - sad and dull.
I don't agree to live without you
My life is boring and the world is not nice.

I want to be with you forever
Never parting.
'Cause I love you heartily
I am yours, dear, forever!

I miss. What else to say?
Words are so hard to find
But you know and I know
Which is very difficult without you.

I want to see you again
I want to feel love
After all, you are my love,
I miss you very much!

You are not near, but the soul is with you,
With affectionate, desired and dear,
Sincere and real,
With rainbow, beloved and alluring.

Distance brings us closer
Feelings, willpower strengthen.
The long-awaited meeting will happen
And the dream will come true!

The minutes are so long
And I've already lost count.
Just a little more to wait
But somehow very sad.

I want to see you soon
Hug you, don't let go.
Oh, how to bring this moment closer!
It remains just to wait.