Sew a developing mat with your hands for newborns. Round wicker rugs. What do you need

Galina Pestovnikova

Development fine motor skills of hands toddlers is a very important point in the formation of a full-fledged and successful person. Her degree development is of paramount importance to development of the child as a whole, affects the higher nervous activity and mental child development, has a positive effect on development speech and cognitive mental processes: memory, thinking, perception, etc. Thus, development of fine motor skills of hands, in our opinion, is a very important and urgent issue.

In order to turn exercises on development fine motor skills of hands in funny and entertaining games, we sewed into a group with the help of parents developing mat.

It is designed for young children, so everything developing elements are contrasting, there are no small parts that can be swallowed. Such the mat promotes the development of tactile, visual and auditory perception, teaches toddler coordinate hand movements, play independently.

We used developmental mat for babiespurchased in a store by complementing it developing elements

1. Details were made of felt, Velcro and buttons were sewn to us

2. Sewed flowers with slits, for buttons

3. Mat supplemented with different figures (fungus, apple, sewn on zippers of different lengths

4. Sewed a butterfly out of felt that can be hidden in a pocket

5. We got such an interesting, colorful mat for development fine motor skills of hands and sensory abilities

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Dear colleagues! We all know that the development of fine motor skills in children is one of the most important stimulating factors.

Parents strive to develop their baby from birth. They acquire a huge number of toys that help the baby to learn about the world. The children's development mat is included in the list of useful devices for the child. It is sold in a children's store, but most people want to build it with their own hands. And it's pretty simple to do it.

Children's development mat

Children's development mat

A developing rug is a canvas made of fabric or knitted with yarn. It is complemented with bright applications and various moving elements with which the baby can play. Sometimes the rug is equipped with a frame to which the toys are hung. It is used from the moment of birth, which allows you to start the development of a child from 0 years old and older.

Among the functions of a children's development mat, the following are noted:

  1. Help in concentrating the child's attention on objects. Improving coordination, training fine motor skills of the hands due to the constant sorting of fixed elements.
  2. Development of mental abilities and training of logical thinking with tasks in a game format.
  3. Learning and memorizing different geometric shapes, their differences in shape and parameters.
  4. Training in the recognition of colors and shades, memory training.
  5. Development of imagination.
  6. Learning the alphabet and counting.

Children's rug with a steam locomotive
Light developmental rug for a child with sheep

In a newborn baby, the brain is not fully developed. At the beginning of the life path, nerve connections begin to develop most actively. This is positively influenced by the environment that surrounds the child. How often and effectively the newborn is dealt with is of great importance.

An exercise mat is one of the most useful toys. Combines a platform not only for the game, but also for the development of the child. When the baby learns to sit on his own, the involvement of strangers is no longer needed, and he will play alone, without a mother.

Developing mat for a child

The advantages of a do-it-yourself rug

Among the advantages of constructing a developing rug with your own hands, the following factors can be noted:

  1. When making an object yourself, you can put your soul, care, and love into the project.
  2. The material is chosen by you personally. In this case, you will definitely be sure of the composition of the toy.
  3. You can make a rug of the required size and shape, and not adapt to a ready-made version.
  4. You will have a lot of fun. You can embody your own ideas, including imagination and realize creative ideas.
  5. Developing elements and other decorations are selected by you yourself. You can embody your own idea, decorate in a special way or repeat existing designs.
  6. The product will turn out to be original, one-of-a-kind and will fully meet the needs of your baby.

Baby mat
Developing mat for a child

Deciding on the design and construction

The final model will depend on many factors. First of all, the sex of the child and the range of interests matter. Girls prefer round rugs. It is necessary to divide them into large zones, which should be clearly defined. Do not make the details on the toy too small.

For boys, a separate type is suitable - these are car mats. And on it everything should be like in real life, traffic lights, zebras and so on. If the baby prefers to play alone, you can arrange the canvas in more detail and stylized. If he prefers to use the design in a company with someone, for example a brother, then it is recommended to depict everything closer to the real road.

Developing mat for a child
Beautiful large rug with the name of the child

If it is difficult for the little one to sit still, then the product is complemented by a soft barrier. It is not necessary to build it massive and high. Place the barrier structure in the center. This will help keep your baby on the development mat. A soft barrier is psychologically preferable to a playpen. It helps to keep the child discreetly in the play area.

There are models equipped with special arches. You can make them yourself. Such a rug can replace a playpen and not have an intrusive fence. It will help the child develop self-discipline and will not create physical obstacles insurmountable. A developing rug with arcs will not allow the baby to fall backwards, unlike the arena.

Children's development mat with various patterns
Children's development mat

Necessary materials

To build a development mat, stock up on the following materials.

  1. The foundation. Foam rubber or a baby blanket is suitable for her. You can choose a soft fabric, but it must be dense.
  2. The material with which the canvas will be covered. Decor elements are also made from it. Opt for natural fabrics. The toddler will spend quite a lot of time with this toy, and it should not provoke the appearance of rashes and irritation. You can choose any colors. It is recommended to refuse too bright, neon shades. They do not have a positive effect and will quickly irritate the baby.
  3. Related items. As them, you can take buttons of various sizes and colors, threads of all kinds of shades, colored zippers. Ropes, braid, elastic bands, Velcro and other details required to decorate will come in handy.

Children's development mat with a house
Children's rug with a pattern

Required tools

To build a development mat, use the following tools:

  1. scissors;
  2. needles;
  3. threads matching the color;
  4. sewing machine.

Few tools are required, much more material is needed. The process itself is pretty easy and straightforward.

Children's rug with a house

Manufacturing process: step by step instructions

A simple scheme will help in the manufacture. Draw on paper how the future toy will look like, its shape, size, draw additional details. This will make the job faster and easier. When making a gaming accessory, follow the instructions.

Children's mat with a mouse

Preparation of the base.

Using scissors from the base fabric, cut out the fabric according to the parameters you selected. The same should be done with the future lining and padding polyester. The resulting elements are arranged in three layers so that the synthetic winterizer is in the middle. Using threads and a needle, join the parts into one whole base. Overlock the edges. To do this, you can take the edging or just bend them.

Children's rug with a road and a river
Children's developmental mat with fish

Construction of the playing field.

When the base is finished, it is on it that they begin to recreate the playing field. It has already been noted that before starting work, a sketch should be made of how the product will look in the future. You can place any objects in this area, a flower bed, a forest, a river, a road along which cars will drive, and so on. Turn on your imagination and remember the hobbies and interests of the child. Shapes of the desired color and size should be cut from the fabric. After manufacturing, they are attached to the base. Sew everything by hand first, then use a sewing machine. Some parts can be attached to the base using a soft adhesive - non-woven. It is easier and more convenient to work with it.

Children's play and development mat

Construction of play parts.

This stage of work is the most time consuming. Flowers, mushrooms, birds, castles from fairy tales and so on can act as details for the game. The boy can build boats, cars or airplanes. Once the game pieces are made, they can be secured using laces or ribbons attached to buttons or Velcro. Thanks to this, they will become mobile. You can simply sew them on. To add volume, they should be filled with padding polyester.

Bright children's development rug

Anchoring objects.

Place the prepared parts on the base as shown in the sketch. Each song must be completely finished. Arrange objects in the right places, secure them securely. Then it is imperative to check how firmly everything is fixed so that nothing falls off during the game, or the crumb does not tear anything off.

Kids rug

The final stage is decoration

It has already been noted that as a decor, you can build a variety of figures from fabric or other raw materials. Make a boat that can move along a special fixed cord. If there is a house on the canvas, build windows and doors that will open so that fairy-tale characters can go inside.

For small objects, pockets are made that can be closed with a zipper. Lace buttons or small beads are a great addition. It is important that they are of different colors and that the child can move them.

Children's rug with drawings
Children's development mat

In addition to houses and cars, you can make various animals. If you decide to place a lake on the canvas, make it out of polyethylene. It must be transparent. Can be replaced with organza. Place the fish under the plastic. For the construction of the lake itself, use a fleecy cloth of a suitable shade. The developing rug, which you make with your own hands, will be able to reflect your ideas and fantasies, and will deliver a large portion of positive emotions, fun and joy to your baby. Especially if it becomes a reflection of the interests and hobbies of the baby. The game and development will take place at the same time.

Many parents find this accessory very useful. In addition, while the little one is busy with the bright parts of the canvas, mom and dad have time to do household chores.

Video: How to choose a developmental mat for children

50 photos of ideas for developing rugs for children:

Making toddlers' fingers more dexterous and skillful is the main purpose of a developmental rug. Each of the models of this toy, presented in this section, is a multifunctional trainer for the development of speech, sensory perception and fine motor skills.

How to independently make such a didactic manual for kids is described in detail in many publications. The practical experience of using developing rugs is also described here. It is also important: the "recipes" of colleagues, which you will find on these pages, are quite simple, and, although they are intended for needlewomen, do not require any rare materials or "heroic efforts".

An educational mat is a great "learning with passion" tool.

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Every caring parent needs to know how to help their child improve. For example, he can make a development rug for him with his own hands. This children's rug is not only playful, but also useful in terms of improving the intellectual abilities of the baby. You can sew many of these rugs. The best ideas for such work are described in this article.

The development mat is useful in improving the intellectual ability of the toddler.

Child psychologists believe that such a product must be present in the house where the baby lives. There are many reasons for this, the main one is that such a carpet helps a little child to develop tactile sensations.

You can find a development rug in a baby store, or you can make one yourself for your kids. In addition, there are quite a few ideas for such works. Here is some of them:

  • Didactic children's carpet.
  • Sensory baby carpet.
  • Pom-pom flooring.
  • Puzzle mat.
  • Mosaic mat, etc.

One of the components of a happy child is his development. But who, besides the parents, is most interested in their child growing and developing? The pledge of parental love in caring. It is a caring parent who must ensure that his child develops harmoniously.

Having made a developmental mat for the child, the parent will help him with this.

Gallery: do-it-yourself development rug (25 photos)

How to make a do-it-yourself development mat (video)

Why is it needed?

Specialists such as pediatricians and child psychologists have not yet agreed on a single functional purpose of such children's carpets. However, they all believe that using them for home purposes favorably affects both the cognitive and mental properties of the baby's personality.

In order for such a product to really help the baby to develop, it is important that he devotes quite a lot of time allocated to him for play activity to the rug. However, parents should make sure that their child, among all their toys, does not give preference to carpet exclusively. It is important to follow this rule, as otherwise, the child may grow up to be a pronounced introvert. This means that he will be fixated exclusively on his own inner world.

There is no need to hope that such a rug will replace the baby's parents. However, he can make it much easier for them. For example, while the mother of the baby is preparing food, her child will be busy playing with a developing rug. It is especially useful for kindergarten teachers.

Therefore, answering the question: "Do I need to use such a rug?", You can answer unequivocally, yes, you need to.

How to sew a do-it-yourself development rug for kindergarten?

Such a rug will not only bring practical benefits to children, but also decorate the nursery.

You need to do it like this:

  1. For such work, you need a cotton cloth. It is better to use fabric of different colors. Small patches are cut out and stitched together. It is recommended to use a sewing machine. The shape of the carpet should resemble a cover.
  2. Then pieces of drape are cut out. The drape is inserted into the sewn cover.
  3. This method of creating a rug should use many buttons of different colors and sizes. Button islands will be created. For example, you need to embroider a butterfly with buttons on the bottom left side of the product. To do this, it is necessary to draw in advance its silhouette with a pencil on the fabric.
  4. A little to the right, you can embroider a hedgehog, and below - a house.
  5. Make each element different from the other in size and color, so young children can more easily identify it.

Such a rug will not only bring practical benefits to children, but also decorate the nursery

Tip: all objects on such a product should be portrayed as positive, for example, a hedgehog needs to embroider a smile with red threads.

Sensory developmental mat for toddler

Sensory perception in a child is formed at the moment of his contact with sensory objects. Therefore, the creation of such a carpet will be of great practical value for a small child.

Master Class:

  1. It will take a lot of fabric scraps to sew the individual items. It is also worth considering the fabric surface, which will become the basis of the product. Cotton fabric is great.
  2. You need to prepare two square pieces of fabric of the same color and sew them. The seam should be on the wrong side.
  3. Then you should think about what elements will be on the rug. It can be a Christmas tree, a hedgehog, a strawberry, a lion, a penguin, etc. To sew each of these elements, you need to select the fabric of the appropriate color. Each of the details should be large enough for the baby to see it well.

Sensory perception in a child is formed at the moment of his contact with sensory objects

How to make a didactic rug?

Small children should be able to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships from childhood. A didactic rug is the best assistant in this matter. It is important to make it in such a way that the child can trace the logical chain.

So, the way to create such a product:

  1. You need to prepare a base carpet. As a base, a fabric folded in half and stitched in this way is suitable. It is important that the seam is on the wrong side.
  2. Now you need to do didactic design in order to turn an ordinary rug into a developing one.
  3. A house needs to be sewn from several pieces of fabric. It should be as simple as possible, consisting of a square base, a triangular roof, two rectangular windows and a door.
  4. All elements are sewn into the rug by hand. We recommend using a thread that matches the fabric. The stitches should not be too large.
  5. Now you need to sew a road going from the house somewhere, for example, to the garden. The road must be curved.
  6. Then another road is made, going to another object, for example, to a store. It is necessary to make the elements in such a way that the baby understands what exactly they mean. For example, if a hospital is depicted, then a house with a red cross in the center is being made.

Small children should be able to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships from childhood.

Advice: It will be difficult for a baby to identify all objects on such a developing rug on his own, so it is important that the parents explain all the designations to him.

  • The detailing should be not too large, but not too small. Each element must be clear so that the baby can clearly see what exactly is shown in front of him.
  • Bright details should be finer than dark or dull ones. Screaming colors will not delight the kid. Therefore, if the rug is too bright, the child will quickly get tired of playing with it. It's all about the excessive strain on his eyes.
  • If the child walks around the house on stilts, it is better to remove the rug from the floor, since, having run over it, he can tear off some parts, for example, buttons. Also, the baby may fall, catching on the edge of the carpet.
  • In order for the child to better navigate the objects depicted on the development rug, it is necessary to accompany the story about them with illustrations. It would also be nice to show the kid certain objects in life. For example, if there is a dog on the mat, parents can point to the dog running down the street.

Children's development rug with their own hands (video)

A hand-made rug will surely help a small child develop useful intellectual skills. The main thing is that parents make the carpet with love.

Educational toys for a child that you can make yourself. Review of simple and useful toys for a child.

Educational toys for children function to stimulate the acquisition of certain skills. Depending on the age, the child must be able to perform certain actions. The timely neuropsychic development of the child is responsible for this. Toys help you develop your abilities better.

What educational toys can be made with their own hands from scrap materials?

  • All toys that are made with your own hands must correspond to a certain age of the baby. Until the first year of life, the child is just learning to interact with the outside world, he develops a grasping reflex, the first control of coordination arises
  • During this period, the toy should be bright and eye-catching. It is also important that its elements are large enough, a component of no more than two or three parts. Homemade beads, rag balls, rattles are good.
  • After about six months of age, you can make nesting dolls, cloth dolls and beautiful cubes. All this develops fine motor skills and promotes speech activity.
  • After a year, you can give your child toys that he can disassemble. For the study of colors, toys can be combined according to the scale. They develop associative cards and cubes with pictures well
  • After two years, plasticine is suitable for the child, it can also be made at home. At the same time, using food coloring, you can achieve any color you need. Develop well various crafts from paper and cardboard

DIY toys for developing motor skills

For the development of motor skills, it is important for a child to always have in front of his eyes a bright object with elements that he cannot take into his mouth, and if he starts to bite, he will not swallow. Mostly a toy is made of fabric, with small inserts so that the child can grab and pull them.

  • The toy shown in the picture is made of brightly colored materials at hand. A sufficiently strong plastic tube is used as a stretcher over the stroller, inside which a rope is passed
  • Velcro loops are sewn along the edges, which can be used to attach a hanging stretch to a child's bed. Accordingly, the dimensions should be selected after measuring your crib. The bar should not sag too much. It is important for the child to reach for the toy, develop soy motor skills
  • The plastic tube is sheathed first with foam rubber, then with several layers of colored towels. Cut the towel into small pieces to wrap the tube 2-3 times. This is how the colored bar is made. It is advisable to use standard rainbow colors
  • The frame of the pillow itself is made in the form of a house, but you can choose any shape. Cut on fabric, then sew the cut out fabric layouts. On the side faces, you can insert not too thick frame elements. If there is no material for them, you can do without them. The inside of the toy is stuffed with light foam, the toy should be light
  • It is not necessary to maintain the ideal shape of each toy; color and volume are more important here. For the hanging strap on the bar and sewing on the inviting little thing at the bottom, the same technology is used as for attaching the bar to the crib. If the upper part is made with Velcro, then it is best to sew the lower part "tightly" so that the child does not tear off the hanging element
  • As an additional factor that attracts attention, you can draw simple faces with a marker that mimic positive emotions.

DIY educational toy cube

The educational toy cube is designed to give the kid the opportunity to touch and throw the object. The cubic shape teaches the child's palms to large objects. This best develops basic motor skills. It is important that the child likes the toy, so you should make it very bright and rich in elements.

  • All elements of the cube must be tightly sewn. When a child plays with this toy, check from time to time to see if any parts are coming off to avoid injury. Do not use buttons, beads, or other jewelry in this toy. All decor should consist of colored fabrics that are firmly sewn around the entire perimeter
  • To develop fine motor skills, on one of the sides of the cube, you can sew a thick lace with large beads strung on it. It is also advisable to make beads from fabric, but make sure that they easily move along the lace from side to side
  • When making this toy, show your imagination as much as possible. You can take ideas from childish pictures. Don't be discouraged if some element turns out to be inaccurate or not as beautiful as you would like. If the child likes the coloring book, it will be his favorite toy.
  • A stencil of any design can be printed on paper, cut out and transferred to fabric. Make the beads themselves with a large hole in the center. You should have a donut of any shape that the child can easily move along the string while holding the toy with the other hand. It develops coordination and motor skills.

DIY turtle toy

Such a toy is aimed at ages from one year. Like most toys, the turtle is made soft; if desired, a string with beads can be attached to the shell, which the child will touch with his fingers. The toy is quite difficult to make and will require efforts from the parents to create.

  • Here, before starting work, you need to properly prepare the patterns. The main body of the turtle is made quite tall. This includes a shell on which you can attach a lot of jewelry and educational beads.
  • The head, four legs and tail are made of the same material, small in size. The main emphasis should be on the carapace, form it as multi-colored and variegated in filling as possible
  • The child will study this toy for a long time if it is diverse. Only then he will not get tired of it quickly, and he will be able to develop with her help. In length, such a toy should not exceed 15 centimeters. A too big and bulky thing will not be interesting to the baby.
  • The finished case is stuffed with foam rubber, and then trimmed with a large number of different decorations. All elements should be different not only in shape, but also in color. Show maximum variety. This will make the toy more interesting.

Do-it-yourself educational book

Despite the fact that the toy really resembles a book, its simpler version can be made from one or two pages. A complex toy book is made with several spreads, which are connected at the top with a handle.

  • Each "page" of this toy is made separately in the form of a flat square or rectangle. Try to make each plane different in color. Fill pages with interesting and instructive images of fish, pets, numbers and letters
  • It is not necessary to adhere to the boundaries of the "page", some elements of the book's toy may go beyond, this will add interest to the child, he will want to carefully study the protruding elements
  • In order for the spread to keep its shape, thick cardboard is inserted into a square fabric blank and trimmed with a soft cloth on both sides. If desired, you can add one layer of foam rubber or fleecy fabric inside
  • Do not attach small pins or buttons to the toy. All pictures should be large, but don't make them all the same size. Remember the child, while still does not highlight specific elements and perceives the object as a whole, monotony and consistency of sizes will make the toy boring and uninteresting

DIY bottle toys

Bottles are very loved by children. With their help, you can make an excellent sensory toy for a child that will develop visual, auditory, and motor function. For work, you will need small transparent bottles, any interesting filler, glue and tape.

You need to put filler inside the bottle. It is important that it is bright and interesting. Use bulk solids that make noise. Try to lay different materials, check what sound they make. Always leave about 30% empty space for the toy to sound in your baby's hands.

As a filler, you can use water with floating elements that will attract the child. After filling in the filler, place the lid firmly on technical plastic adhesive. Make sure the lid is secure, then tape the lid with tape as extra protection so that the child does not reach the lid.

DIY educational toys made of wood

It is quite difficult to work with a tree on your own if you do not have special skills. If you know how to carve figures out of wood, make your child as many different toys as possible with which he can develop his ability to hold heavy objects. If there are no special skills, do not be discouraged, there are simple educational toys made of wood that everyone can make.

  • To make a toy, you will need to buy a 50x50 wooden block and cut it into separate cubes. Before cutting, sandpaper the surface of the bar, making it as smooth as possible, as long as you have the patience
  • Measure exactly the distance of the cube and cut the bar. The cut site will also need to be carefully sanded. For work, you can use a drill with a nozzle, if available. Or do this daunting task manually. This is necessary for the cubes to be pleasant to the touch.
  • To make the cubes beautiful and interesting, they need to be painted in different colors. To add fun, you can make different holes in the center of the cube (remember to grind them too with a round file). Then you can leave the painted cubes as they are, or stick beautiful pictures, letters, numbers on them, or draw funny faces.

DIY educational toys from kinders

The most interesting thing that can be made of kinders is “noisemakers” with different tactile sensations. These toys will develop hearing, attentiveness and the ability to hold small objects.

Making toys requires knitting skills. Tie the kinders with multi-colored threads, make the surface as different as possible to the touch. One toy can be softer to the touch, the other harder. Add interweaving of foreign elements that will change tactile signals, make the surface textured, weave patterns.

Inside each toy, you need to put certain bulk materials that will make a different sound. It is best to put the kinder halves on glue so that they do not open during the game. Be sure to make about seven different toys and leave one empty. This will add variety to the child's play and improve his hearing ability.

DIY felt toys

Felt toys are very pleasant to the touch and allow the child to combine visual and tactile memory. Such toys are made in the form of a book or a rug.

Make big letters in different colors and be sure to decorate them with beautiful animals or other pictures. Such an alphabet can be combined into an alphabet or separate cards can be made. Choose the size of the toys at your discretion. If these are separate cards with letters, in the future, you will be able to put simple words on the floor.

Do-it-yourself rug for children with arcs, with buttons

Such a toy will attract the child's attention for a long time. High arcs are made of plastic tubes and trimmed with foam rubber and colored fabrics. On such a rug for a child there are a lot of bright and colored elements that he will consider, touch and study.

Make the base of the rug at least one meter by one meter. Make it as varied and colorful as possible. Be sure to sew a large number of beautiful and eye-catching items. You can divide the rug into several thematic sections in order to push the child to a logical comprehension of everything that he sees.

Hanging arcs must contain hanging toys. This will help develop a comprehensive perception of the world, the child will spin on the rug, look down, up and around. It develops motor function well.

DIY toys for a developing rug

The development mat should be filled with a lot of different toys. The more variety there is on it, the better and faster the child will develop.

You can always replace the annoying toys on the rug or those that do not arouse the child's interest. Look carefully at his game and, depending on this, change the filling of the rug with various additional details.

All toys for a developing mat can be completely different. Make sure that they are firmly sewn to the rug so that the child cannot tear them off. One single rule for such toys is that they should be very bright and have different shapes. If at the same time they are completely unique to the touch, this will only be a plus.

DIY touch mat for children

The baby's touch mat should be filled with unusual toys and patches that he can touch with his hands. All the toys that the child liked before can be sewn to the rug, giving him the opportunity to come up with his own logical laws for their placement.

Soft toys are usually used for the rug. The mat helps to concentrate the child's attention. Most importantly, it keeps the baby in one place, fills his mind completely and eliminates the thought of crawling to the closet and being naughty there.

The touch pad develops sensory perception of the environment well. It gives the child the opportunity to understand how the world works, attracting with colored decorations. While playing on the rug, the child is able to develop independently without the help of adults. At the same time, the baby is always in motion, which is very important for his physical development.

Video: DIY educational toy for a child