I betrayed the VK statuses about my friend. Friends statuses

“Suddenly the sky leaned lower, and the rain began to knock on the roofs…” - what a country, everyone is knocking, even the rain!

Pain. Betrayal. Resentment. Drowned out the beat of the heart, I recognized this power, Revenge ... yes! Her name is!

Damn a world in which betrayal is called practicality.

Was - betrayed, and became - betrayed ... just one letter that can break a person ...

She was ready for betrayal from anyone. Except yourself.

There are three things in life that you can never predict, these are ... Love, Betrayal and Death.

Believe in true love, friendship without betrayal and Santa Claus ...

Erase everything from memory, forget promises, spit out poison with a taste of betrayal. How many days and nights will it take this time for the wound to heal?

I always did not understand people talking about the betrayal of friends, I believed my own. Yesterday I found out what they think of me. Knife in the back...

You say smoking is the worst habit? But what about hypocrisy, betrayal, egocentrism?

Friends need to be chosen wisely. If there was a betrayal, then for any reason this person was not your friend ...

A soul that has committed a betrayal perceives any surprise as the beginning of retribution.

A woman does not cheat in two cases: if she thinks that her man is the best, or if she thinks that they are all the same.

Behind every successful man is the love of a woman. Behind every successful career of a woman is the betrayal of men.

The hostess threw the bunny. Deceived, bitch, bunny. Played and forgot. She broke Zaikino's heart. He drank and sank down, but did not resign himself to resentment. From the betrayal of the mistress. The bunny has turned into a monster. He took revenge on her cruelly. Chopped it into cabbage. Because it is very necessary to respect other people's feelings.

The golden man is easier to sell.

Of all the men who are incapable of betrayal, I have only my father ...

It is the betrayal of a loved one that makes you think about those around you ...

Sometimes you don't know which is better, to lose a friend or to forgive her for her betrayal ...

Judas Iscariot, when he realized that he was a traitor, hanged himself. To your happiness, you are not at all very intelligent.

Every backstab has its own face.

How damn good you are in between betrayals ...

I swear never to fall in love again, because my heart can no longer stand betrayal. I swear !! I want to forget forever the word PAIN ... I can .. you hear, I CAN !!!

Lying. Cheating. Betrayal. Growing up is hard work. We all see, but we do not want to understand.

People love to call the meanest things by noble names. For example, betrayal is called tactical necessity, and lies are called defensive mimicry.

The world is full of similar stories. Life, love, betrayal, revenge, flight - all this is boring and has already happened ...

We easily overcome difficulties, we courageously endure betrayal and endure grievances, we laugh in the face of troubles and walk with our heads held high, but the choice of a dress for the evening often brings us to hysteria ...

You cannot forgive treason, vrenyo and betrayal !!! Especially to friends!

No mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, his fingertips speak; betrayal oozes from him through every season.

There is nothing to be done - then we surrender to love, then love betrays us.

  • Forward\u003e

15 years of friendship with you no longer oblige me to do anything, but all because of your betrayal, my friend.

Instead of love, loneliness comes to replace happiness, grief, and instead of friendship, sheer betrayal.

A comrade can leave at any moment, absolutely unexpectedly, in fact, in the same way as he appeared.

Better to let enemies show trouble by looking at us in the face than best friends gossip behind our backs.

Best status:
Only those who have gone through the betrayal of their best friend are able to understand how trivial were the problems that once seemed serious.

When betrayal becomes a habit, there is no room for friendship.

After the betrayal of friends, the rest is a mere trifle to survive.

Wherever you look, everywhere there is one betrayal and it does not matter if there is a friend, or he is not.

After meeting with you, I realized what treason smells like, he has the smell of your perfume.

When you trust people and try to do everything for someone with a soul, from a pure heart, for some reason they answer you with betrayal and distrust. Why is there no justice in the world?

The best defense against betrayal is to trust each other.

Betrayal begins where trust ends.

Finding a good friend is only half the battle, you still have to be like that yourself.

Each person has many friends, but friendship is extremely rare.

Building true friendship is much more difficult than love.

Best of all, only your four-legged friend will keep your secrets.

Until you realize that there are only wolves around, you will already be eaten.

Again, betrayal, perhaps, would not have hurt so much, if not so often.

To betray your secret is stupidity, to betray a stranger is treason.

There are no real friends, but real traitors.

Of course, I forgive you, but only for the last time ...

A traitorous friend is a hundred times worse than a worst enemy.

You don't need to have friends ... You need to be friends with them.

There are friends that you simply cannot help but lose, unfortunately, they prevail in the majority.

There are three things in life that you can never predict, these are ... .. Love, Betrayal and Death.

The betrayal is the more painful the closer you are to the person who betrayed.

You look at animals and you hate people more and more. Betrayal, lies, hypocrisy are peculiar only to man.

In this life, everything returns and if you betrayed at least once, then you can be sure that they will betray you too.

Betrayal is like a blow below the belt ... always unexpected and very painful ...

In most cases, the stab in the back is delivered by those whom you are protecting with your chest.

Almost everyone can betray, but only a few are capable of forgiving.

Thank you my friends, your betrayal has made me stronger.

Why is a stab in the back inflicted by those who, as a rule, are protected by the chest?

Betrayal of your best friend, like a blow below the belt - just as unexpected and painful.

I tear my life like a piece of paper, together with those who did not want to go further with me ... And I begin to write it from a blank piece of paper ...

I am finally disappointed in people, yelling in my eyes: "We are friends!", But in reality it turns out no more than acquaintances ... It's a shame.

The place, the circumstances, the system of symbols and signs have changed, but the smell, taste and essence of betrayal are the same throughout the planet !!!

What could be more tragic than unrequited love? Friendship, because the pain of a lost friendship dies down much longer.

I was a DEVOTED friend, but I became a DEVOTIONAL, just one letter changed my life.

Betrayal is always an unexpected blow.

They do not justify their betrayal to strangers.

It is impossible to keep your back straight with so many knives.

The wider you open your arms, the easier it is to crucify you.

There is only one step from devotion to betrayal.

Pain. Betrayal. Resentment. Drowned out the beat of the heart, I recognized this power, Revenge ... yes! Her name is!

Betrayal is most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character.

Selling friends is not a sign of bankruptcy, but a sign of a career.

If there are only wolves around you, then before you know it, you will be devoured.

To forgive betrayal, in principle, is not difficult, but, alas, it is impossible to forget it.

If you trust someone, then you will certainly be betrayed, so I prefer to trust only myself.

Blindly trusting the first impression I was weaned by nothing more than the first betrayal.

Not having real and faithful friends is the worst loneliness.

Traitors betray themselves first of all.

Some friends are the last thing to trust.

True friends only exist in childhood. So naive…. do not yet know flattery, betrayal, envy

It's so funny to look into your eyes and listen to you lie, because I know the truth.

If you don't want to be betrayed, then never trust anyone with your secrets.

  • My grandmother always said, "Don't talk to your friend, but share with the pillow." I now understand why.
  • False friends, like a shadow, follow us on our heels as we walk in the sun, and immediately leave us as soon as we step into the shadow.
  • Betrayal in love can be forgiven, but betrayal of a friend is impossible.
  • Even the BEST girlfriend can cease to be, and the category "best" is changed to "traitor."
  • I will drive away the dull pain that hurts my heart like a knife. I could forgive everything, but not betrayal and lies!
  • Betrayal of a friend, like the law, does not have retroactive effect.
  • In our time, you can not trust anyone! Remember, girls, a friend is the worst enemy who knows everything about you ...
  • I can still forgive my friend's betrayal, but, alas, I can never trust this person!
  • The most dastardly crime is abuse of a friend's trust.
  • A friend took her husband and dressmaker away from her. The departure of the latter put an end to their relationship.
  • Statuses about the betrayal of a friend to tears - And you know ... it's even good that you betrayed me, friend ... now I know that even 10 years of friendship do not oblige you to anything ...
  • It seemed to me that my friend was the best, but turned out to be a traitor.
  • Betrayal of a best friend is worse than betrayal of a loved one!
  • Hmmm ... it's hard to survive the betrayal of your best friend ... I loved him ... but it turns out you love each other behind my back too ...
  • It's hard to come to terms with the betrayal of friends. But you checked how good friends they were!
  • The most dangerous rival is a friend.
  • Women's friendship exists as long as the interests of women do not overlap!
  • You can survive the betrayal of a friend! You just need to understand that for her you were not a friend!
  • It's so painful and sad without friends, but when they frame you over and over again, pride and dignity just can't stand it.
  • Choose your enemies carefully. But friends too, because they can become enemies.
  • A former girlfriend spreads obscene gossip about me, and some of them are even untrue ...
  • A friend's betrayal cannot be forgiven ... But for the future, one must take into account that there will still be such scum in life ...
  • Thanks for the betrayal! Thank you for recognizing such rubbish in my ex-girlfriend.
  • If you betrayed once, there is no guarantee that you will not betray yet. You can, of course, forgive, but it is better to delete her forever from the number of friends and not communicate!
  • Quotes about the betrayal of a friend with meaning - Sometimes you don't know which is better - to lose a friend or to forgive her for her betrayal.
  • From time to time, girlfriends betray. Or they hurt by doing things we don't expect them to do. This is life.
  • But this is how a person is made, Our current cruel age. Your friend let you down, She divorced your boyfriend.
  • A friend is the best person in life, she will support, understand, but if she hurts, then it will be the most terrible pain!
  • It is a well-known truth: "If you want to get hold of an enemy, get a girlfriend!"
  • Betrayal of a friend is like a blow below the belt ... It is always unexpected and very painful.

Betrayal statuses are aphorisms and quotes about apostasy from moral duty for your own benefit. A capacious attitude towards violation of this word and fidelity, towards betrayal of a spouse and has always been censured as a person himself. In all religions of our world, treason is considered a sin.

Friends or foes

Statuses about the betrayal of friends whom he trusted with all his heart, opened his soul and secret thoughts, remind that you need to trust with caution.

  • A fake friend is scarier than an enemy.
  • It is difficult to find someone close in spirit, but it is even more difficult to keep.
  • A dog is a good friend, but a bad friend if he is a dog.
  • He who does not share misfortune with you will not share joy.
  • The worst enemies are former friends.
  • It can be called a crime when your trust is abused.
  • It's scary to walk with a good friend to the fire and to the bathhouse, with a bad friend and to the store.
  • The trip is usually set by the one who is walking next to you.
  • He hugs him with one hand, sticks a dagger in his back with the other.
  • A traitor is like a worm: through what he crawls through, he passes through himself.

Statuses about betrayal of friends show how much pain one person can inflict on another, without even thinking. The whole world and faith in people are crumbling.

  • If you have betrayed, do not expect trust.
  • Friends usually end up with money.
  • Finding a friend is harder than love.
  • Trust only yourself, but even then with caution.
  • A blow from behind can be delivered by someone whom you protected with all your heart.
  • As a child, our parents taught us not to trust strangers. We have now learned not to trust our acquaintances.
  • There is no worse misfortune than the betrayal of a friend.

Female infidelity

Statuses about the betrayal of a loved one are always the cry of a wounded soul.

  • When your beloved betrays you, it seems that you fell from the 12th floor, but somehow survived.
  • A woman who loves cannot betray.
  • are broken arms. You can still forgive, but no hug.
  • Changing, every woman is looking for the best, but can the “best” choose a traitor?
  • The spouse is recognized on her husband's business trips.
  • Women love the weak, but they betray them because they don't respect them.

Statuses with a meaning about the betrayal of women justify the act by the weakness of the stronger sex.

  • A real man's wife does not cheat, she does not have enough strength for this.
  • A woman does not cheat, but every time she checks that you are the best.
  • Women have such a subtle perception of the world that they manage to feel sorry for themselves even during infidelity.
  • If a wife cannot change a man, she is cheating on him.
  • Do not forgive the betrayal of women, they will not forgive you for your forgiveness.
  • The woman does not change, she is looking for the best male for her offspring. This is how nature laid it down.

Male infidelity

The statuses about which young girls are abandoned for the sake of a new hobby and wives for the sake of ephemeral freedom show what pain betrayal of a loved one can bring.

  • Behind the success of a man is his beloved woman. Betrayal Behind the Success of a Woman
  • Never forgive your husband: having changed once, he will always betray.
  • the one you love can inflict.
  • He was so faithful between betrayals.
  • For each of your lies, I will give you a balloon so that you fly away in a week.
  • I forgave his betrayal, but he did not forgive my forgiveness.
  • Wish your ex good luck, because he lost his happiness.
  • A strong man will live with the woman he likes. The weak is looking for the one who will replace his mother.

About husband and girlfriends

Statuses about the betrayal of people, a husband or a close friend say that most often the closest people deceive us.

  • Thank you, dear friend, for taking a weak person away from me. But you yourself were left without friends and with the fear that he had learned to change.
  • Never show your boyfriend to your friends, it may end up in someone else's wedding, where you will not even be invited.
  • There will be a lot of guys, but it is difficult to find a good friend who will not betray.
  • I cried on my best friend's shoulder until I smelled my boyfriend's perfume on her vest.
  • I always felt sorry for my best friend and forgave her everything. And then she grew wiser.
  • You cannot be considered a friend if you betrayed. You are just an unfamiliar girl who, passing by, took the trash from my house.
  • Your grievances are painful. But you are comforted when trouble comes to your friend.
  • Girlfriends take other people's men who are praised by their wives.

Family and Children

The statuses about the betrayal of not only the wife, but also the children are a reproach towards weak men who could not stand the happiness of being fathers.

  • If the husband leaves his wife, it hurts. But if he leaves the children, it is fatal.
  • You gave the child life, but you take the father.
  • How much can a man hate himself that runs from his little reflection?
  • If the child is abandoned by the father, then he will betray his whole life, fearing trust and love.
  • A devoted child is not alone - God is with him. The one who betrayed the child loses his guardian angel forever.
  • You betrayed, so you are weak and stupid. Weak people do not have the right to bear the title of "dad".
  • All people in their hearts carry the seed of betrayal, but only the most pitiful creatures allow this sprout to germinate.

Statuses about the betrayal of the Motherland

  • He betrayed his homeland - he betrayed himself.
  • If the price is good, you can sell your soul, but never betray your country.
  • Traitors are hated even by those they have served.
  • By betraying your homeland, you betray your own mother.
  • Love for one's country makes a citizen out of a person. Treason is a savage.
  • The Russian person clearly divides the concepts of homeland and state. The state can be sold, but the Motherland cannot.

Statuses about the betrayal of their country seem to conclude that if you are able to cheat on a friend or a woman, then you can betray your homeland.

  • Someone else's bread is sweet, but if it was bought by betrayal, then you can choke on it.
  • The homeland does not forget traitors. Even a loving mother is able to punish her son severely.
  • Love your land in joy and do not abandon it in trouble.
  • There is nothing uglier than a soul that considers its homeland unworthy.
  • Betrayal is disgusting in itself, but when they betray the Motherland, there is no worse crime.

Fake people are more dangerous to have friends than enemies.

"A soul that has committed a betrayal perceives any surprise as the beginning of retribution."

No mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, his fingertips speak; betrayal oozes from him through every season.

She was - devoted, but became - betrayed ... just one letter that can break a person ...

A friend's betrayal is a control shot in the head ...

People come and go, but life goes on.

Traitors are sold for dollars, patriots for rubles.

One minute of lies closes the mouth of trust for years to come; betrayal is killing him.

It is necessary to forgive traitors so that they cry.

How painful it is when you opened your soul and heart to a person and he just betrayed you ...

The place, the circumstances, the system of symbols and signs have changed, but the smell, taste and essence of betrayal are the same throughout the planet !!!

The most outrageous crime is abuse of a friend's trust.

Oh my friends! There are no friends in the world!

Never leave your best friend alone with your boyfriend - it could end in their wedding ...

Whoever was not with you in sorrow will not be with you in joy.

After all, sooner or later, the best friend becomes the best enemy.

Betrayal can be expected from a friend, from a guy, but not from parents ...

After betrayal, you stop believing people, and start playing with everyone, as they played with you.

Betrayal, like the law, has no retroactive effect.

Whoever promises too much will surely betray ...

Betrayal is pain, whatever you call it, there is no offense, because it is stupid to be offended, no anger, because it is a waste of energy ... One aching pain!

Betrayal is most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character.

Be sure that the one who betrayed you once will betray you again ...

I will drive away the dull pain that hurts my heart like a knife. I could forgive everything. but not betrayal and lies!


Active sections:

Our entire environment consists of public relations and people who are nearby. How dear to us sometimes our connections, someone is just an acquaintance, someone is the best friend. Communication goes on from day to day, sometimes very active, sometimes there is a lull. We are surrounded by our friends throughout our lives, as a rule, they come with us from childhood, or from the past. We trust some of them with a special desire all our secrets and problems, and, as a rule, these people justify our trust. But it happens that people are not always stable and know how to succumb to various temptations. In particular, they know how to betray. You cannot say that this is a directly common problem, but it still happens in the life of each of us, largely due to the fact that we trust someone too much with our innermost hopes and plans. After all, people are so fond of being jealous of someone else's success and taking advantage of every opportunity to spoil. Statuses about betrayal of friends contain a selection of expressions dedicated to betrayal by the closest people. Love your loved ones, but choose exactly who you can trust the secrets that are most important to you. Good luck.