Stencil owl from felt Print. Owl from felt: pattern, tips, step-by-step instructions. Owl from felt: simple master class

At all times the wise and having a clear mind of the bird was Sovunya. In the teachings of Feng Shui, it helps the owner to acquire new knowledge, take only deliberate solutions and protects from unnecessary spending. The wisdom of this bird at all times was impressed by people and forced them to learn from her many things. Many people dream of having such a figure in the house, so the needlewomen was making the fetra with their own hands. You can buy it in the store, but this kind of needlework is very interesting and pleasant.

Easy master class of toy sovuny

Master class owls from felt

For this master class, we need the following materials and tools:

  • dark and light brown, white, blue, orange and blue material;
  • needle;
  • zigzag tape;
  • moulin white and brown;
  • scissors;
  • glue "Moment" colorless;
  • pair of black buttons;
  • tape from satin;
  • sintepon;
  • small brooch in the form of God's cows.

To get a soup from felt patterns need to be done for the following details:

  • eyes;
  • torso;
  • several wings;
  • eye overlays;
  • abdomen;
  • beak.
  • We proceed to the main job. Patterns for owls from fetra We put on the material and cut the following parts:
  • Torch 2 pcs.
  • Puboho 1 pc.
  • 2 overlays under the eyes.
  • Pair of wings.
  • Small beak.

We begin to make the front of the crafts. We stick to the carved abdomen, and glue it to the body. Buttons impose on the eyes and sew them to them. To the body glue overlays for the eyes, and on them on top of themselves. Contour of lining We are wearing a decorative seam of contrasting color with a needle. Blind on both sides of the wings on the poultry belly. Several halves of toys are sewn with looped seam. A small piece of satin ribbon sews inside so that you can hang on the Christmas tree.

Crafts need to fill with sintepsum. On the front, part of the toy are sewn from above the beak and rude on the abdomen of God's cow. Master Class Manufacturing Products from this fabric is made. You can make patterns of owls from felt boy and girls. To do this, it is necessary to choose the appropriate color range of parts, for the girl bighup, and the boy is darling.

Hello to all my subscribers and guests of this blog! In touch with you Catherine. As promised in one of his articles, today I will share with you schemes of toys from felt. A selection will not be too big, I suggest you only what I liked it, what I found on the Internet.

Remember my, from it you can also take some ideas and ideas about how you can sew these wonderful, and most importantly beautiful, unique felt toys for different topics. If you are not interested in needlework, then you may love to knit such a beauty in the Amigurum style, then go through this and knit the most important symbol of the upcoming New Year.

Well, who first sees and thinks about the fact that this is for the material, I will say right away that this is the most unpretentious and convenient in the work of the material. With him, you will definitely burn with him, it does not appear and the parts are cut very carefully and beautifully the first time.

Now so much the world does not stand in place that innovation and prud, and in this direction too, for the smallest you can even make a carousel over the bed.

And for children, there are any ideas and work options from various animated series, you just imagine how the child will be glad if you give him a set of a supercryl cartoon.

Or, for example, Mimmichki.

Pengrano Penguin.

When my kids were a little more, they loved watching Pepppe's pork, of course within reasonable).

Kitty, it can be made even soft, simple tying it with syntheps.

And these beauties learned? Yes, yes a puppy patrol.

For the most tiny kids, babies are perfectly suitable or sinushariki. Schemes and master class Who needs, I can send, write a comment at the bottom of this article (what is in my piggy bank I will gladly share with you).

Our house has an alphabet from felt tissue with animals and animals. Isn't it brilliant? How do you think?

If you need all this cheerful alphabet in the form of animals, write.

Girls can be sewed such a doll.

Soon holidays and therefore I wanted to present you something like this beautifully beautiful, how do you like this idea? How many different options and a squirrel, lionok, zebra, a penguin, bat and even Picamach.

Master class on how to sew souvenirs from felt

Now it has become very fashionable to sew toys for the kids who were still born or when they were one year old. Usually do it in the form of a name and some kind of plot. I suggest you see this video, just those who do not know how to make it all the details of the felt toys. You will help to figure out, see all stages of work:

Well, of course, if you dream to sew a fabulous hero or cartoon heroes, then you will definitely use this video instruction, on the basis of it you can subsequently do animals or men absolutely any, the main thing is to find and print the template of whom they decided to sew:

Christmas felt toys for new year 2018

When it comes to the pre-New Year hassle, everyone will start to create immediately, so here you have small ideas.

Crafts in the form of a deer.

The house with a white snow cover.
Beauty Christmas tree.

Gingerbread men.


This year's symbol is a dog, so you can make it on the Christmas tree, below I will present you even more schemes with different rocks of puppies.

Patterns of New Year's toys from felt

Of course, the symbol of any year is mittens, mittens, Christmas trees, horses, since all these accessories always decorate a fir.

You can even make a key chain and donate as a souvenir.

Or such a table set.

Christmas bell.

Schemes and patterns of animals from felt for beginners

Now I offer you a fairly simple scheme, for those who are at the very beginning. Choose and do on health!

Funny kitty.

Bear in all its glory.

Giraffe is charming.

Insects such as butterfly and bee.

Bookmark for books in the shape of a gentle butterfly.


This bunny with long ears conquered me.

Dog and puppy.

These are such mischievous cute puppies.

Toy owl.

Cockerel and family of chicken and chickens, which can be made on Easter.

You can sew different other animals, for example, it can be a monkey, mouse, elephant, lion, pig or teddy bear. They have the scheme for all and the same, simply place on different frills.

Also very much like an angel idea.

Toys for children developing fine motility hands

For the smallest there are options for crafts in the form of puzzles, it looks pretty interesting:

Or you can make such a game, pick up "clothes" to the animal))).

Or make a finger fairy tale or cute animals.

The most famous tale of teremok.

Or lacing.

On this, I have everything that I liked to share myself and with you, so take threads, needle, scissors and felt and create different masterpieces. All pleasant creative fruitful work. See you later))).

Sincerely, Catherine Manzurova

The fact that everyone has without exception is a soft toy. Some children have all the room they are rooted. But the most beloved toys of a small child those who are made by lovers of moms. Now we will show you how to make a cute felt owl. You can attract to the process and children.

Options for such universities can be a lot, depending on the color of the felt, which you choose.

You will need:

  • different colors of felt;
  • scissors;
  • threads Mulina;
  • needle;
  • super glue;
  • you can take beads for the eyes, and you can also make them from felt;
  • filler for owls (for example, wool, syntheps).


On paper, apply the outline of the future owl. Then cut this drawing, attach to the feta and cut out. You should have about the parts that you will see below in the pictures. You can come up with something your own.

Now all parts of the owls must be collected, sew, decorate.

On the front of the owl, start gluing (or to sew how you like it) eyes, beak, tummy. Owl's eyes you can make from beads or buttons, and it is from the same felt. Threads Muline can be decorated with owls by making an interesting embroidery.

When the owls are ready, you can take a filler and start sewing the front and rear parts.

At the end of the Sweeper, and if you want - foot.

Sovka is ready! She can become a favorite of your child. And each owl will be exclusive.

Owls attractive birds, in the world they are about 420 different species. Mostly owls live with their pair all their lives. And I decided not to divide them, but to do together.
Ov is amazing abilities, they can turn their head to 270 degrees, and vision is even better than the eagle.
In the world of needlework, the sovuks came up with a very bright and color coloring, also due to the fantasy of many handmakers of the owls appear various shapes and sizes. Each creates from what is at hand, so even one template can get completely different birds and for different destinations. For example, I make for decoration on your hair, but you can also use such cute owls for children's finger games. It all depends on your fantasy and desires.
Below I will show and tell me how the soviek did I, and what happened from it.

To create such owls we will need:

  1. Felt of different colors
  2. Syntheton
  3. Scissors
  4. Threads with needle
  5. Rhinestones for the eyes, you can use both beads or embroider with threads, if desired.
  6. Glue (I have a crystal moment)
  7. Podolka 8 cm.
  8. The owl template and its individual parts.

Redraw the owl to cardboard or leaflet, or print on the printer and cut out. Owl size 6, 5 cm. The height of the body and 4, 5 cm of the body width without wings, 6 cm width (together with wings). Size for decoration.
For finger games, the size of the owls should be increased.
One owl will need:
Torso - 2 details,
Wings - 2.
Eyes - 2.
Nose - 1.
Breast (heart) - 1 detail

Such details turned out

We fold the parts between themselves and stitch, leaving a small hole to fill with syntheps.

For the decoration, the non-flashing hole is left from above, for finger games, on the contrary, it can be put on a finger.

Fulfing the synthesis of the insides of the owls, making the average density.

Wrapped with syntheps, sew the top (in the case of a finger game, you do not need a hole).

In arbitrary form cut out from the felt twig and leaves

To fasten the twigs, cut the rectangle and glit to the hairpin, it will be our barrel.

We stick to the barrel a branch with leaves

Cut another rectangle for fastening owls

And we glue our already ready owl.

On the back side

Back side

Loving couple ready

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Original and funny pillows - fashionable and stylish interior detail. Textile or made of fur, such pillows toys will appeal to both adults and children. Bunnies, cats, dogs - what only animals do not create skillful handles of craftsmen! Today we will deal with how to sew the owl pillow with your own hands on a simple pattern.

In our master class at Owl Blue Manica. If you sew a pillow in the bed with a girl, you can perform a schuke in pink colors.

For needlework you need:

  • fabric x / b two colors;
  • pieces of felt for eye and beak;
  • beads or black-colored butchers for pupils;
  • tape for decoration;
  • lace;
  • filler;
  • needles, pins, scissors, threads, sewing machine.


Print the pattern of the pillow in full size.

Cut from the fabric all the details of the toy.

For a bow, cut the rectangular part 8x16 cm and a square with a side of 45 mm.

We add lace and beak by performing a zigzag seam contour. Lace should lie in the center of the Taurus, between the wings.

In the same seam, we admonish the wings and eyes. Manually sew pupils - beads.

We fold two parts by the front sides inside, we spawn the pins, we spend on the contour. At the same time, do not forget to leave a plot for turning and packing.

We make notches on the convex sites so that the bag with the wings after turning does not shrink.

Soak the pillow, flying. Then the main part, that is, the manica is filled with filler.

We sew a hole with secret stitches.

Now we will do the decoration of the uniform. We fold out a square blank for a bow strip (see photo) and flying it out. A rectangular blank we cut with a 1 cm.

Soak the bow, we give up the center. Strip cover the place of assembly.

Send the decoration on the ear toys-pillows.

From a narrow ribbon we make a bow and sew it. Optionally, you can still decorate the pillow with butchers.

Pillow "Owl": video master class

Owl from fetra

Sew such toy is completely simple. Depending on the size of the aircraft, it can be a small syrefit - a key chain or a comfortable sofa pillow. Bright owl from felt with their own hands is performed on the pattern.

For work need to cook:

  • felt of different colors;
  • filler;
  • fabric for finishing tummy and wings;
  • needles, pins, scissors.


Owu, like many felt toys, it is convenient to sew, applying the seam "forward needle", in which the lengths of stitches and passes are equal.

Using pattern patterns, cut all elements from felt and fabric. Sein colored parts on the wings of felt. Nodes of thread hide between felt and cloth. For convenience, the fabric can be fixed in front of the sewer.

We draw up the face of felt owls. Checking with the pattern, placing and sewing the details of the eyes. Note that from the edge of the main part to the eye, as well as between the eyes, the distance should be about 5 mm.

Alternatively, you can choose gluing eye.

Then we sew the tummy, after pre-fixing it with a pin.

Attach claws, beak, dark details of the eaves. On the back of the tail.

We fold two main details, insert the wings between them and fix the pins. In the circumference, we perform seam, leaving a small part is not covered.

Fill out by the owl of syntheps or any other filler. We sew hole.

We sew a bork in a crib Sovice: video MK

Developing toy-seeking "Owl"

For creativity, us need to prepare:

  • fleece material of sand and salad color;
  • felt brown and white - thickness 3 mm;
  • felt, black and yellow color - 1 mm thickness;
  • repovaya tape with a bright ornament;
  • film file or any dense transparent film;
  • glue quick-drying;
  • short chain;
  • filler - rice, beads;
  • little toys - frills;
  • threads for embroidery;
  • scissors, pencil, needles, tape.


We make patterns of all elements of the toy, drawing them yourself or printing from the site.

The body with ears should be symmetrical.

We place the abdomen and rolver. To do this, you can use healthy items.

Try so that the size of the waves of ruffles were the same.

Cut the abdomen.

We place on the fabric two main details - one with a belly, another - without it.

Cut both parts.

Cut the pattern of ruffles.

We place it on the fabric and cut.

Main detail put on a transparent film.

We connect the parts of the pin and sew the window of the Zigzag seam by the window.

Cut the excess film, leaving 20-30 mm from the seam.

We fold the main details of the front side and fix the pins. Then, according to the contour, manually perform the seam "through the edge". Such seam looks good if it is performed by threads into the tone of the main part, but just darker.

From the tape we make a loop.

Send it along the edge of the product.

The top of the head and ears are not sewn. Do not cut a thread.

We glue the ruffs along the edge of the window in the form of a decorative side, closing the seam.

To fill the tummy of owls using beads or rice.

We prepare small items that we will lay in a toy, lay them on paper and take pictures.

Fill in a third of the height of the abdomen with filler. Insert there prepared frills.

We sew the top of the owls, fix and cut the thread.

Using fir-handed items as templates, we cut three white, yellow and black circle for each eye. We also cut the beak and eyebrows.

We connect white circles, we are lining with an invalible side of the beak.

We glue the details of the eyes, brow and beak.

We glue the common item on the front side of the owl.

Print photos of seekers, laminating them with a tape, rubbing a piece of cardboard or multicolored paper velcro.

Purify a hole in the corner.

Through a hole and loop on the toy we skip the chain.

Owl - IcyCaughter is ready!