Pattern of men's sports shorts. Pattern of men's shorts: taking measurements, building a pattern, tips for novice seamstresses and experienced craftsmen in video tutorials

In the summer, your companion cannot do without men's shorts! It is especially convenient in men's shorts on vacation - in shorts you can go to the beach, to a cafe, or to a youth disco!

And even if you have already bought shorts for relaxation, sew another one according to our pattern - firstly, custom-made men's shorts are a real exclusive, and secondly, such shorts will fit perfectly!

Pattern of men's shorts

Pattern of men's shorts. Click to enlarge

Before you start building a pattern for men's shorts, you need to take the following measurements:

Waist half-girth - 44cm

Semi-girth of the thighs (on the buttocks) - 50cm

Shorts length - 56cm

Construction of a pattern for the front half of men's shorts

Draw horizontal and vertical lines from point A to the right and down.

Men's shorts length. From point A put down the length of men's underpants to measure - point H: AH \u003d 58cm - length of shorts by measure + 2cm.

Men's shorts stride line. From point A vertically downward, postpone 1/2 of the hip girth by measure plus 3 cm - point B:

AB \u003d 50/2 + 3 \u003d 28cm.

From point B draw a horizontal line BG1 - the step line for men's shorts.

From point H1 draw a line parallel to the AT line.

The width of the waist of the front half of men's shorts. From point A along the line to the right, set aside ½ of the hip girth by measure plus 3 cm - point T: AT \u003d 50/2 + 3 \u003d 28cm.

Draw a perpendicular down from point T; at the intersection with the step line we put point B1, and at the intersection with the length line - point H4. Н4Н2 is equal to 1 cm.

We connect points H and H2 with a slightly concave line.

The width of the bottom of the front half of men's shorts. H2H3 is 5cm.

Connect points A and T1 with a straight line.

Step width of the front half of men's shorts. From point B1 along the step line, set aside to the right 1/10 of the girth of the buttocks by measure plus 0.5 cm and set the point D: B1G \u003d 50/10 + 0.5 \u003d 5.5 cm.

Connect points B2 and G with a concave line, points G and H3 - connect with a concave line.

In addition, build a one-piece zipper valance 4 cm wide and about 20 cm long along the length of the zipper.

The pattern of the front half of the men's shorts is a green outline.

Construction of the back half of men's shorts.

Back seam of men's shorts. T1T2 \u003d 2.5cm.

Connect points G, T2 with a straight line and from point T2 continue it up.

From point T2 we put 4cm upwards and set point A1: T2A1 \u003d 4cm.

Connect points A, A1 with a straight line.

Step width of the back half of men's shorts: ГГ1 \u003d 4cm.

The width of the bottom of the back half of men's shorts: H2H3 \u003d 3cm.

We connect points Г1 and 2 with a curved line. G1G2 \u003d 1cm.

Connect points H and 2 with a slightly concave line. Connect points A1 and G2 with a slightly convex line, as shown in the pattern of men's panties (red line).

The pattern of the front half of the men's shorts is a red outline.

Men's shorts are cut out according to the pattern on the fabric with a seam on the side. You can cut the shorts unfolded without a side seam if the width of the fabric allows.

When cutting the shorts on the fabric, make an allowance for hemming the bottom of the shorts 3cm, for gathering at the top - 4cm, for all other seams - 1cm. An elastic band 3 cm wide is measured at the waist with a slight tension.

I think you will be interested:

What could be more comfortable than shorts for men on a hot summer day? Of course, you won't go to work in this form, but to relax on the street and at home this is exactly what you need. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive thing, because the pattern of which is very easy, you can sew it yourself. To do this, you will need fabric, paper or a construction oilcloth to model the workpiece, a typewriter and, of course, desire.

About cutting and sewing

The pattern of men's shorts is done in two ways.

The first way

Modeling shorts on the main Here you will need to calculate the length of the future product, make allowances for free fit and remove the tackle darts. The first two points are clear, but what about the last one? There is nothing complicated about it. The fit of the shorts at the waist is usually done with an elastic band and drawstring, while the leg is in most cases straight from the hip. Therefore, in order to align the outer cut of the leg, you need to remove the dart. To do this, a perpendicular is drawn from its top to the bottom, along this line, the pattern of men's shorts is cut to the top and aligned at the waist. Increases are made along the side seams so that the shorts can be easily put on.

If the style provides a standard trouser fit and a zipper, then it will be enough to adjust only the length. Such construction of the pattern of shorts is used by professional cutters.

Second way

It is a little clumsy, but if you don't have a basic base of trousers of the right size at hand, you simply cannot do without it. In this case, the pattern of men's shorts is done as follows:

Depending on the chosen style, the shorts can be modeled using a pattern made in both ways. So, for example, in the side seams it is easy to leave decorative cuts with rounded edges of the front and back halves. Side inserts made of contrasting fabric will look interesting, and it can be not only straight vertical lines. The pattern of men's shorts can be cut into several parts with smooth lines or sharp corners, but remember that the more shaped parts, the harder the assembly of the product.

About color

The pattern on the fabric is not always appropriate, but summer shorts are exactly the thing that will only benefit from its presence. Floral patterns, vertical, horizontal and even diagonal stripes, camouflage colors and the most incredible designs with embroidered fabric are all a fashion trend that has lived for many seasons. And combinations with such a thing can be the most unexpected. Designers in their collections suggest combining seemingly inappropriate things, but the result is simply amazing. So, for example, a combination of a strict jumper with striped shorts, a jacket with embroidered capri pants or a plain shirt with a model with a floral pattern. There are a lot of variations, so even the most capricious man can find his ideal summer version without changing his style.

The pattern of men's shorts with an elastic band appeared one of the first on the site, which is clear from its serial number. The pattern was built, as already indicated by me, under the cheerful jersey in mice.

Actually, this jersey made me build a separate pattern, and not dance from the already available one. The waistband, from which the shorts were sewn, is a rather flimsy material for a man, but, due to the increased width of the shorts, it turns out to be quite reliable.

The pattern should be suitable for sewing the simplest men's shorts "family members", if, of course, I remember them correctly. It is better to use knitwear for panties, but classic satin will do.

Cutting men's shorts with elastic

The pattern of men's shorts is built without seam allowances, we will add them ourselves. The width of all allowances for sewing on a conventional sewing machine is equal to the width of the foot, for the overlock - the width of the stitch. We cut the pockets with 1 cm allowances, at the top - 2 cm.

The pattern of men's shorts with an elastic band already contains a one-piece belt and hem, nothing needs to be added, except for processing allowances.

We will cut two front and two back halves, a pocket can be one or two. I sewed one with a zipper.

Sewing men's shorts with elastic

Like other waist patterns of this kind, this one is extremely simple.

If we make a pocket, then we start with it. Iron the entrance to the pocket twice and secure it with parallel finishing stitches. Iron the remaining sections of the pocket to the wrong side by 1 cm.From the pattern we transfer the location lines, sew the pocket with hand stitches or pin it with pins and lay the finishing lines 0.1 cm wide from the edge and, if desired, the second one to the width of the sewing machine's foot from the first.

Sew side, middle and crotch seams. You can change the order, it has no fundamental significance. Iron the seams and iron them. On the seamy side, we iron the allowances of the bottom and upper cut of the shorts with an elastic band by 1 cm. The second time we iron along the lines that were transferred from the pattern. We apply hem allowances to the shorts with an elastic band and fasten with finishing lines on a sewing machine, departing from the ironed sections of 0.1 cm.At the top, near the front middle cut in the belt, we leave a hole for threading the elastic.

Men's shorts are perhaps one of the most controversial items in men's wardrobe. After all, since ancient times, boys have sought to grow out of "short pants", and long pants were seen as a sign of growing up and "the entrance to the world of men."

But it happens that in the summer the asphalt melts underfoot from the heat, and shorts can increasingly be found on city streets. Of course, you can't put them on at work, but you can't think of the best summer clothes for your free time. And on the beach and fishing, picnic and out-of-town walk, a pair of shorts will be simply irreplaceable.

Today our selection is dedicated to several original models shortsthat you can sew for your loved ones do it yourself... Many models are based on the same pattern, the most common

1. For our country, shorts are an element of modern clothing, unusual for a traditional costume, however, in regions with a milder climate, men have been wearing short pants for more than a century. For example - kobakama, which have long been worn by representatives of all strata of Japanese society - from formidable samurai to ordinary peasants and fishermen

And another example of classic kobakama made of solid silk fabric with beautiful old ornaments ...

2. Japanese fashion designers are famous for combining traditional folk motives with modern materials very successfully. Here jeans shorts inspired by the kobakama from the timeless streetwear denim

3. For those who fish in warm seas, short light trousers are indispensable. These trousers with an unusual cut are familiar to the fishermen of Thailand, so beloved by Russian tourists.

They will certainly appeal to those who like to spend a warm summer evening with a fishing rod on the banks of Russian rivers and lakes.

And it's easy to sew them. By the way, there is a pocket hidden in the colored stripe.

4. Short trousers are a familiar element not only of East Asian wardrobes, but also of the traditional costume of South Germans inhabiting the Alpine regions of Central Europe. Leather shorts, Tyrolean hat and warm leggings are as well-known symbols of the German Alps as the mountain flower edelweiss, fluffy yodels and the sweet Jagermeister liqueur

5. Something in common with the conservative costume of old Europe and these fashionable, almost avant-garde shorts with tractor "zippers" and brutal metal buttons

6. The well-known Scottish kilt is not a shorts, but performs the same function. It can be said that it is a "distant relative" of the Alpine folklore costume.

7. The kilt is not so dense and conservative as it seems at first glance. In the XXI century, the clothing of the mountaineers of foggy Albion fell in love with representatives of youth subcultures and is already coming to the streets of European cities.

8. However, for many, the conservatism of the costume is not a drawback, but, on the contrary, a dignity that gives its owner solidity and gloss. Sew such a set of plaid tweed for your son - and the little tomboy will look like a goody from a noble family.

9. Such corduroy shorts with straps were worn in childhood by dads and grandfathers of today's kindergarteners, but the unfading classics do not lose their relevance in our days. On the contrary - for their convenience and functionality, the panties also received a certain touching nostalgic shade.

10. And these retro floral beach shorts are suitable not only for a preschooler, but also for a fashionable young man.

11. Boardshorts came to the modern man's summer wardrobe from the arsenal of ocean riders-surfers. Long, knee-length pants, bright colors serve both swimming trunks and beachwear

Here, of course, color plays an important role.

12. Beach shorts can be short. This model is interesting because the pattern is made of different fabrics using the patchwork technique.

13. By the way, you can also sew swimming trunks yourself - an interesting fabric and success is guaranteed.

14. Children's shorts open up space for your imagination. This model is suitable for both the beach and the street. And you can use beautiful shreds