What you need to go through a pregnant woman at 23 weeks. Twenty-third week of pregnancy: “Mom, I hiccup! Drawing pains in the abdomen

23rd week of pregnancy; pregnancy 23 weeks

23 weeks pregnant: The weight of the fetus at week 23 reaches approximately 510 grams. His movements, which until recently seemed like the flutter of butterfly wings, are now becoming sharp and strong, the baby can even wake up his mother at night if he plays out a lot. Mom can be consoled by the fact that quite a bit of time will pass, and not only she will listen to the movements of the baby at night, but also dad, who will also not be allowed to sleep such “dances” in his wife’s stomach. However, we, of course, exaggerate.

It is quite possible to calm a baby at night by stroking his stomach, singing a lullaby to the baby, walking around the room. That is, doing everything that needs to be done when a newborn baby does not sleep. Great workout for mom!

At the sixth month of pregnancy, the fetal respiratory system is actively developing, it is already constantly making respiratory movements, but the lungs are not yet straightened, so it is not yet possible to talk about full breathing. However, the system works, preparing for the moment the baby is born.

During the 6th month of pregnancy, a rapid increase in the mass of the fetal brain occurs: if at two months it weighed 2 g, then at five months - 20-24 g, and by the end of the sixth month its weight reaches 100 g. The ratio of the mass of the spinal cord to head. At three months it was (1:18), and at six months it was (1:100).

In order for the fetal brain to develop properly, it must be provided with sufficient oxygen. Walking in the fresh air should be a mandatory part of the daily routine of a pregnant woman, but walking alone is not enough. You need to learn how to breathe properly, relax completely, do special relaxation exercises - all this is necessary for the baby, especially now, when his brain and nervous system are developing so actively.

Control functions, along with the nervous system, are increasingly being taken over by the endocrine system. Almost all endocrine glands work - pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid and parathyroid glands, pancreas, adrenal glands. At this time, the spleen is also connected to the work of the hematopoietic organs. It is in it that the “assembly” of lymphocytes and monocytes takes place - white blood cells that perform protective functions in the body. Defective erythrocytes are sorted and destroyed here - red blood cells, carriers of hemoglobin. And the iron that is released at the same time is used by the body in the process of formation of new red blood cells in the red bone marrow.

Despite the fact that most pregnant women do not have problems in the second trimester, there are some fairly common troubles expressed to one degree or another, some of which are worth dwelling on.

So, in addition to problems with the intestines, kidneys and veins, fungal infections and back pain, which have already been discussed, swelling may bother the expectant mother. And they are connected not only with an overload of the kidneys.

The increase in estrogen in the blood during pregnancy causes the body to retain more fluid than usual, as this is necessary to nourish the placenta and produce enough milk. This is what often causes swelling, swelling of the ankles and fingers. The fact that at this time a woman often gets a little engagement ring does not mean that you need to buy a new one. Just the old needs to be removed for the time being and postponed until better times. Moreover, it is time to wean ourselves from jewelry - soon a newborn will be in the arms of the mother, whose delicate skin is very easy to injure with a ring on the mother's finger.

In severe cases, this swelling leads to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome, in which excess fluid accumulates in the wrists and blocks the nerve located there, providing sensation to the fingers. There is a tingling or burning sensation in the fingers. After childbirth, this condition usually goes away on its own.

Vein problems usually get worse at the end of the second trimester. Of course, varicose veins or hemorrhoids are far from being the lot of all pregnant women, but in general, vein changes are a normal phenomenon for pregnancy. Their range is very wide and it is not at all necessary that varicose veins will develop.

In some women, the hips from top to bottom are “crossed out” with thin, cobweb-like, reddish lines - this is the so-called superficial varicose veins. Similar lines may appear on the chest. Both are associated with hormonal changes. After childbirth, these lines may fade or disappear altogether. If this does not happen, you can get rid of them with the help of simple cosmetic procedures.

In order to maintain the veins in good condition and prevent the development of varicose veins, we recall the preventive measures. It is important to maintain a normal weight for this period of pregnancy, try to elevate your legs when lying down, do not sit with your legs down and do not stand for a long time. Clothing should be loose, shoes should be comfortable, if necessary, special supportive tights should be used.

At the beginning of the second half of pregnancy, a pregnant woman may experience pain when walking, associated with the fact that the joints between the pelvic bones begin to soften in preparation for the passage of the child. The woman's center of gravity shifts and her gait changes. At this time, a prenatal bandage should already be used, which will relieve the load from the spine and abdomen. However, the bandage should not be worn all the time - especially if the child actively objects to its use.

Another problem that most pregnant women face is calf muscle cramps. As a rule, they occur in the evening or at night, and their strength can be such that the woman wakes up and cannot fall asleep. Muscle cramps are usually caused by a violation in the body of mineral metabolism and congestion in the legs. Lack of calcium in the diet, poor circulation of fluids in the body, excess lactic acid and other harmful metabolic products can affect the normal functioning of the muscles.

In order to avoid this trouble, or at least alleviate it, it is useful to massage the legs - from the hips to the feet. This exercise is also suitable: lie on the floor, raise your legs, bending them at the knees, and firmly rest your toes against the wall. A contrast shower has a good effect on the muscles of the legs.

Food should contain sufficient amounts of vitamin E, calcium and magnesium. With a high level of magnesium in the blood, muscle and nerve excitation decreases, which prevents the occurrence of seizures. Finally, an active lifestyle will also help: classes in the pool work especially well. If convulsions greatly interfere with the expectant mother, then you need to ask the doctor to select a complex of necessary trace elements, vitamins or nutritional supplements.

23 weeks pregnant: fetal development and mother's feelings

By week 23, some pregnant women are just beginning to enjoy their position, while others are already dreaming of quickly moving into the category of young mothers. 23rd week of pregnancy: what is special at this time, what should the baby look like, how much does it weigh, what are the norms of its development, what does the expectant mother feel? Let's look at this period in more detail.

  1. 23 pregnancy: what happens to the baby?
  2. Ultrasound at 23 weeks pregnant

23 weeks pregnant: how many months is it?

By the middle of the period of being in an “interesting position”, the woman is no longer surprised that the doctor, when determining the age of the fetus, calls not the same number of weeks as the total gestational age, but a couple less. Now the fetus is 21 weeks (from conception). 23 weeks pregnant - what month is it?

Obstetric period - 5 and a half months. We can say that most of the way has been covered. Further, time will go faster and faster, and the child will increasingly remind his mother of his existence.

23 weeks pregnant: what happens to the baby?

At a period of 22-23 weeks, the future baby grows significantly: the weight of the child is from 400 to 500 g. Interesting changes occur with the fetus. He is capable of:

  • vigorously move arms and legs;
  • swallow amniotic fluid;
  • grab yourself by the leg or mother by the umbilical cord;
  • push off from the walls of the uterus and swim cheerfully in your “personal sea”;
  • grimace;
  • sleep and stay awake, and its rhythm may not coincide with my mother's.

By the time the period approaches the 23rd week of pregnancy, women feel that the baby is kicking more and more intensively in the lower abdomen. This is understandable: he has grown up, he already “knows” a lot, and there is still plenty of space in the mother’s womb. This is where active training comes in.

The 23rd obstetric week of pregnancy is characterized by the beginning of a rapid weight gain for the baby. The fetus at the 23rd week of pregnancy, along with the uterus, resembles a soccer ball in size. The layer of subcutaneous fat becomes thicker, but the wrinkling and redness of the skin does not yet disappear.

The volume of the brain is growing, it is approaching 100 g. The respiratory system is becoming more and more perfect: if earlier the baby made respiratory movements from time to time, swallowing amniotic fluid, now he “exercises” constantly in this way: he is able to produce up to 60 breaths per minute. At the same time, he "drinks" the amniotic fluid, which contributes to the development of the lungs, not yet straightened, because the respiratory tract is filled with fluid.

Experts believe that a child at the 23rd week of pregnancy can see the first dreams. This is due to the formation of the phase of REM sleep - it is she who is "responsible" for our dreams.

Ultrasound at 23 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound at 23-24 weeks is not prescribed as often, since it is usually performed from to, within. But if the study has not been completed, the doctor will definitely write out a referral.

The baby at the 23rd week of pregnancy is almost completely formed and quite viable. It weighs an average of 500 g, its size (height) is approximately 20 - 25 cm. The doctor looks not only at these indicators, but also at other parameters:

  • the ratio of the proportions of the body of the child;
  • weight of the placenta;
  • amount of amniotic fluid.

In addition, he will definitely evaluate the condition of the cervix on ultrasound, see if there is any uterine tone. Cervix 23 mm? This is not enough, such a condition may indicate the danger of premature birth. Normally, the neck should be still long at this time. In this case, limitation of physical activity is shown, according to indications, drugs are prescribed or surgical treatment is used in the form of special ones, which will be removed before childbirth.

A soft cervix is ​​a sign of the beginning preparation for childbirth. Specialist supervision required! In addition, there are other signs of a possible miscarriage: in particular, severe pain in the lower abdomen. If the body is too early to expel the fetus, a woman is prescribed utrozhestan. It relieves spasms, fights contractions of the muscles of the uterus - that is, it helps to maintain pregnancy.

The doctor will measure the BPR (biparietal size, i.e. the distance between the extreme parietal points) of the fetus. It should be from 54 to 62 mm.

If this parameter is significantly below the norm, then we can assume intrauterine growth retardation, which is due to hereditary factors or some kind of chronic diseases of the mother.

A significant increase in BDP may indicate dropsy that develops in an unborn baby.

If the size is not very different from normal, but slightly larger, then the doctor evaluates the possibility of natural delivery. It is possible that a caesarean section will be offered to the woman, since the large head of the fetus will prevent him from being born without injury, and can cause serious problems for the woman in labor, up to a danger to life.

Pregnancy 23 weeks: how does the baby feel?

The fetus at this point is almost ready for independent life. Therefore, if it was still not possible to prevent childbirth, and their obvious signs appeared:

  • leakage of amniotic fluid (this symptom is quite insidious, in small portions they “mask” as vaginal discharge);
  • true contractions;
  • nausea -

no need to despair: the baby has every chance to “ripen” in specially created conditions and become an ordinary child.

The baby, being in the womb, hears sounds from the outside world, is able to see, touch. Sharp signals "from outside" can frighten him, excite him: he shudders from loud music. The even, gentle voice of the mother, the beat of the mother's heart soothe the child.

The tummy of the expectant mother clearly betrays her "interesting position". It cannot be hidden by any wide dresses.

A well-marked dark line runs down from the navel - it will disappear after childbirth. This is a deposition of skin pigment - melanin. Thanks to him, the skin in the groin, nipples is intensively stained. Changes are reversible. A woman may feel itching on the skin of her abdomen associated with her stretching. The first stretch marks appear, with which you need to start fighting with creams.

Pregnancy 23 weeks: the development of the fetus is fast, there is very little left before maternity leave, which means that the expectant mother needs to complete all the work at work. Now, when the state of health is normal and the stomach still does not really interfere, the right moment has come for this.

Movement at 23 weeks of gestation: normal

By the 23rd week of pregnancy, how often do you feel fetal movements? The fetus makes up to 100 or more movements, but the mother does not feel all of them.

It is considered normal if, at the 23rd week of pregnancy, movements are felt more than 10 times a day. The child is still pushing gently enough in the lower abdomen, the amniotic fluid smooths out the sensations of his movements. The movements of the fetus are not yet similar to the kicks and jerks that women who are at a later date describe, because the size of the child is not yet so large.

You should pay attention to such moments: there are a lot of movements - perhaps the fetus does not have enough oxygen. If the child moves a little (and it seems to the pregnant woman that the stomach has become smaller - it does not grow), you need to urgently see a doctor, at least in order to dispel your fears.

Uterine tone at 23 weeks of gestation: symptoms

At week 23, uterine tone is as possible as before. The lower abdomen stiffens, the appearance of pain is not excluded, in addition, brown discharge (or pink - but in any case different from the usual) may appear.

A woman may notice that her stomach is pulling, her lower back hurts, and in general the sensations are not pleasant. The main thing is to recognize the problem in time and call a doctor. Lumbar pain, pain in the pubic joint - due to the redistribution of the vertical axis and softening of the ligaments and joints. This is how the body prepares for childbirth.

At this time, “trial” contractions begin - Braxton-Hicks contractions, when the uterus periodically contracts strongly, preparing for childbirth. There is a preparation of the muscular layer of the uterus for the expulsion of the fetus during childbirth. They do not pose a threat to the baby and mother. It is difficult to confuse them with real contractions: they are much weaker, irregular, and let go when relaxed. But pay attention: if the pain does not go away, in addition, you notice the leakage of water, then perhaps this is the beginning of premature birth. Water leaks, even in small quantities? Urgently to the hospital!

Well-being of a woman at 23 weeks

5.5 months is the time when a little weight gain begins to be felt. The rate of weight gain for the entire pregnancy at this point is up to 7 kg. Moreover, the weight of the child does not occupy the lion's share here: weight gain is due to the growth of the uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid, and the deposition of fat reserves in the woman's body. Pay attention to the fact that fluid may be retained in the body,. In order to check whether there is fluid retention, you need to calculate the daily diuresis and the volume of fluid taken (do not forget to take into account fruits, liquid food). By the 23rd week of pregnancy with twins, the mother often begins to get tired, she wants to lie down, relax: of course, it is not easy to carry two babies under the heart, this gives almost a double load on all organs. Due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder, frequent urination is your constant companion.

Allocations at the 23rd week of pregnancy are abundant, transparent or whitish. They don't have to be:

  • pink;
  • red;
  • brown;
  • green;
  • curdled;
  • yellow.

Should not have a strong odor.

Nausea at 23 weeks pregnant is rare. It will rather indicate a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract than toxicosis. Late toxicosis, which is called preeclampsia, manifests itself as edema, as well as altered analyzes). therefore, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor for timely measures to preserve the health of the fetus and mother.

If you feel sick, there is vomiting, and besides, the temperature has risen - an intestinal infection is not excluded. If the throat hurts, on the lip. Perhaps these are flu symptoms if the disease began suddenly, and fever, muscle aches are felt. Self-medication is unacceptable - you need to consult a gynecologist and a therapist who oversees pregnant women.

A woman is worried about what is happening to her and the baby if the ultrasound doctor diagnoses "low placentation". The condition requires observation, because in some cases it is fraught with placental abruption. However, most pregnant women manage to safely carry and give birth to a child.

But the diagnosis of "breech presentation" should not be alarming yet - at this time it does not matter how the fetus is located. He still has time to turn over more than once.

Women note the following changes in the body at this time: the first drops of colostrum appear, sometimes shortness of breath is annoyed due to a raised abdomen, due to squeezing of the stomach by the rising uterus.

  • to walk alot;
  • get more positive emotions (for example, admiring the first photo of an unborn baby who already looks like a tiny man);
  • eat little and often;
  • limit salt intake and maintain good eating habits.

If desired, you can have sex, if there are no contraindications. In general, you can find a lot of interesting and useful activities. Pregnancy is not a disease, but a special condition, so do not overly take care of yourself. Do whatever brings you pleasure. The main thing is to observe the measure! Have an easy pregnancy!

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The second trimester continues - the easiest and most pleasant time of pregnancy. At week 23, many women notice changes not only in their figure, but also in their appearance. Under the influence of another change in the hormonal background, the hair becomes thicker, shiny and silky, and the skin simply shines.

Usually at this time, the general condition and well-being remains good, but this does not mean that you can relax and not take care of yourself. You need to eat right, move enough and worry less.


The movements of the fetus are becoming more active and now even the most inexperienced and inattentive future mothers will notice them. Most often, the baby develops vigorous activity at night or in the evening, when the mother goes to rest. To calm him down a little, you can stroke his tummy and sing a lullaby quietly.

Increasing pressure on the internal organs provokes heartburn.. In such a situation, do not rush to resort to medicines or drink soda. Sometimes a little milk or a small piece of chocolate helps to make you feel better. Reduces the problem and fractional nutrition. Presses the uterus and bladder. You have to go to the toilet more often, and everything returns to normal only after childbirth. To run less at night and get better sleep, you can try to drink less liquid in the evening.

Some women notice that their hands turn red. This is normal and is related to hormones and should not be cause for concern.

Braxton-Hicks contractions often appear at this time.. They usually resemble mild, painless uterine cramps. This is not dangerous and is part of the preparation of the body for childbirth. And with an uncomfortable body position, women may experience pain in the abdomen due to stretching of the ligaments of the uterus. Sometimes, already at this time, the divergence of the pelvic bones before childbirth begins. It leads to pain in the symphysis and changes in gait.

Physiological changes

By week 23, the body of the expectant mother is already noticeably rounded, and the baby is spinning and pushing in the stomach. Gradually, he is preparing for an independent life. All his organs develop and improve.

What happens in a woman's body?

The uterus grows and displaces all organs. For an ideally healthy woman, this should not cause any discomfort, but, unfortunately, there are few of us among us. If the expectant mother often suffered from cystitis before pregnancy, now she is threatened with increased urination. With digestive problems, heartburn and constipation appear.

Changes in the child's body. How does the baby develop?

At week 23, the baby can move quite freely in the uterus and even somersault. But his increased activity often causes discomfort to the mother. Elbow and heel kicks are very noticeable.

The most notable changes this week:

  • the baby begins to grow fat. Despite this, he still looks wrinkled and red due to the fact that the skin is formed much earlier, and only then the baby "grows" to it;
  • the fetus becomes more active. If you now visit an ultrasound, you can see how he somersaults, grabs the umbilical cord and plays with his arms and legs;
  • the digestive system is almost ready to go. A child can swallow up to 500 ml of amniotic fluid daily and excrete it from the body in the form of urine. The amniotic fluid contains particles of protective lubricant, epidermis, vellus hair, and they also enter the fetal stomach. The liquid part is absorbed into the blood, and the rest is digested and moved to the intestines, where it heats up. There it should be until birth. And only after the birth of the child for the first time "poops" a dark substance called meconium;
  • development of the central nervous system (CNS) continues. With the help of special devices, even at such a time, it is possible to record the activity of the baby's brain, similar to that of born children and even adults. It is believed that at this stage of development the child can already dream;
  • the fetal eyes are open. Now he well distinguishes light and darkness and can react to them. He also has good hearing. You can even notice his reaction to different sounds.

Fruit size

This week, the growth of the fetus increases 28-30 centimeters, and its coccyx-parietal size is about 10 centimeters smaller. The weight of the baby is about 520 grams. After this week, the rate of weight gain in children can vary greatly. As a result, all babies are born with different body weights. Indicators from 2.5 kg to 5 kg are normal.

Changes in the mother's body

There are no significant changes in the mother's body at the 23rd week of pregnancy. It's just that her body is becoming more and more rounded, and getting used to a new figure can be difficult. In addition, the load on the back and legs increases, which can become a source of discomfort. To minimize them, you need to wear comfortable shoes and rest more often, it also does not hurt to buy a bandage, which is suitable for long walks.

Analyzes and examinations

No special tests are required this week. If you plan to visit your doctor, you will need a complete urinalysis (CUA). It allows you to monitor the condition of the kidneys and changes in their functioning, and also helps to pre-determine preeclampsia, one of the signs of which is the appearance of protein in the urine. Sometimes it is required to pass a general blood testto diagnose possible deviations in the state of a woman's health, as well as to determine the level of sugar in her.

During the visit, the gynecologist necessarily measures the height of the fundus of the uterus, the volume of the abdomen and the weight of the woman, which allows us to draw conclusions about the development of the baby. Blood pressure is also measured.

objective data

This week, the height of the bottom of the uterus is 23 centimeters. But a difference of one or even two centimeters is allowed if regular measurements show an increase. Up to this point, a woman can gain no more than 8 kilograms of weight. If there is an excess, you need to analyze your diet and check if this is a sign of hidden edema.

Ultrasound examination

In most cases, an ultrasound examination is not scheduled for 23 weeks. But, if the doctor decides to conduct it right now, then he will definitely study the correspondence of the development of the fetus to his biological age, and also analyze the degree of maturity of the placenta, which should be equal to zero. The thickness of the placenta usually corresponds to the gestational age - at 23 weeks it is 23 millimeters.

Sometimes the study may reveal areas with reduced blood circulation, which are called calcifications. The doctor also evaluates the fetal heart rate, and if it is above 180-190 beats per minute, this may indicate oxygen starvation. Therefore, a Doppler study of blood flow in the umbilical arteries is additionally prescribed. It allows you to detect insufficiency of placental blood flow.

HCG at 23 weeks pregnant

The range of normal hCG values ​​this week is very wide - from 2700 units to 80000.

HCG table by week of pregnancy

Factors affecting the fetus

In the womb, the fetus is reliably protected from most harmful factors, but there are substances that can penetrate the placental barrier and influence its development. First, there are numerous drugs. Not all of them harm the fetus, but it is strictly forbidden to take anything without the doctor's recommendations. Also through the placental barrier penetrate:

  • ethanol. Ethyl alcohol is known to be a cell-destroying poison. Its effect on the condition of the fetus is poorly understood, so there are no data regarding safe doses and concentrations. This means that alcohol during pregnancy is contraindicated in any quantities;
  • Nicotine. Smoking does not directly affect the development of the baby's organs, but it causes vasospasm, which leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus. Children of smoking mothers are usually born small and addicted to nicotine;
  • drugs. Most of their components easily cross the placenta and can cause severe developmental disorders in the fetus;
  • Hazardous chemicals. We use many of them in everyday life, for example, paint and varnish products. During pregnancy, it is better to limit contact with such them;
It is very important to avoid exposure to ionizing radiation. It can cause severe developmental disorders and even death of the embryo. Even a minimal impact that does not affect the condition of the fetus in any way leads to disruption of the functioning of the placenta and makes it more permeable.

Possible complications of pregnancy

Expectant mothers need to avoid crowded places where it is possible to catch SARS, and also carefully monitor their food so as not to get an intestinal infection.

Lack of vitamin D at this time can provoke the development of rickets in a child after his birth. And the lack of calcium leads to its leaching from the walls of the mother's vessels, which is the cause of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Excessive weight gain during pregnancy can be dangerous. This leads to obesity after childbirth and to the development of metabolic syndrome, which in the most difficult situations causes type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Often this week, varicose veins appear. It appears due to the weakening of the walls of blood vessels and impaired blood flow in the lower body due to squeezing of the veins by the growing uterus.

What can be the selection?

The amount and appearance of discharge at week 23 should remain unchanged. If the discharge has a whitish or transparent color, a uniform consistency and a slight sour smell, there is no need to worry. Worse, if their shade has changed to yellow or greenish, suspicious purulent impurities have appeared. This should be the reason for going to the doctor. Also, a consultation with a gynecologist will be needed when itching, pain and any discomfort in the genitals. Many topical antibacterial and antifungal medications are already allowed this week, so the doctor will be able to select safe and effective medications.

Of particular concern are expectant mothers brown spotting. In most cases, they are the result of injury to the mucous membrane of the vagina or cervix, for example, due to inaccurate sex. But if the appearance of blood is accompanied by cramping pains in the abdomen, then this may indicate a miscarriage that has begun.

Abundant watery discharge is a sign of miscarriage. It could be amniotic fluid leakage. You can diagnose it with the help of a special test purchased at a pharmacy or consult a doctor if a suspiciously large amount of transparent, odorless discharge appears.

Amniotic fluid leak test

At week 23, many women have to slightly limit their activity and reconsider the daily routine, as the previous load may already be overwhelming. But that doesn't mean you can stop exercising. Sufficient activity, proper nutrition and a positive attitude are what the well-being of a pregnant woman is based on.

Nutrition and bad habits

A healthy and balanced diet is the main rule of nutrition for expectant mothers. It is necessary to monitor the energy value of the menu. Every day a woman should consume about 3000 kcal. At the same time, you need to monitor your weight, it should increase gradually, without exceeding the permissible limits.

Be sure to include dishes from vegetables, meat, milk and cereals in the menu. We must not forget about fruits. But local seasonal products should prevail, and too exotic and allergenic should be avoided.

Caution should be taken when using spices during pregnancy. While most are harmless, they can sometimes make heartburn worse, and some, like bay leaf, can cause uterine tonicity.

Foods high in calcium and iron deserve special attention. These elements are often lacking during pregnancy. But the use of fats, salt and spices should be limited. You should also avoid excessive consumption of sugar.

Do I need to take vitamins?

Any vitamins and other useful substances are best obtained from food, so they are more fully absorbed and there is much less risk of overdose. But this is not always possible, therefore, during pregnancy, all women are advised to take calcium with vitamin D. This will help prevent the development of varicose veins in the mother and rickets in the baby.

If the mother cannot organize a good diet for herself, then an additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes will help to fill the lack of nutrients. With anemia, expectant mothers are prescribed iron preparations and folic acid.

intimate life

For many women, by the end of the second trimester, libido is greatly increased. Doctors do not prohibit sexual relations at this time, if there are no contraindications. Placenta previa, multiple pregnancy, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, bleeding from the vagina and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs can become an obstacle. If these problems are not present, and the woman feels good, then sex can only bring benefits. But pressure on the abdomen and too deep penetration should be avoided.

Physical activity

Every week it becomes more and more difficult for the expectant mother to do her daily work and just move around, so there is no need to talk about sports in the truest sense of the word. But for women with a sedentary job or an inactive lifestyle, it is at this stage that sufficient activity is very important.

Frequent sitting and lying in one position threatens deep vein thrombosis and weight gain. Therefore, expectant mothers are advised to walk more often, but at the same time take into account their strengths and not overdo it. Any exercises for pregnant women will be very useful. You can sign up for special fitness or yoga for "ladies in position", water aerobics or even dancing.

Medicines and medical procedures

Although the placenta is already functioning and protecting the fetus from negative effects, it is impossible to take medicines uncontrollably, since most of them easily penetrate the baby's blood. Any treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a gynecologist, based on the potential benefit to the mother and possible harm to the fetus. In cases where medical intervention can be avoided, it is better to postpone it until the postpartum period.

Relatively safe drugs for topical use are considered, they practically do not penetrate into the bloodstream and are not absorbed further by subcutaneous fatty tissue. It is allowed during pregnancy to use drugs that improve blood circulation, reduce its viscosity and lower blood pressure. If necessary, some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, can be used. Most antibiotics are contraindicated during pregnancy. Even the safest of them can disrupt the microflora in the baby's body.

But you need to remember that even drugs that are allowed during pregnancy and relatively safe drugs can affect the fetus, so their use is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Possible problems

Although this period is characterized as one of the easiest, some problems still occur:

  • maybe heaviness and pain in the legs, an increase in their size and the development of functional flat feet. Special orthopedic shoes will help to reduce discomfort, as well as a light foot massage;
  • development of hemorrhoids. The venous walls weaken under the influence of hormones and due to calcium leaching. In addition, the veins of the small pelvis are squeezed by the growing uterus. If a woman also suffers from constipation, she may soon notice pain in the anus, bleeding and prolapse of nodes. Self-medication in this case is not allowed. And to prevent the development of hemorrhoids will help timely intake of calcium, sufficient activity and proper nutrition, excluding the development of constipation;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light. Due to fluctuations in hormones in the blood, prolonged exposure to the sun can result in the appearance of age spots;
  • nausea and heartburn. At this time, they are no longer associated with toxicosis, but with the fact that the uterus overflows the bile ducts, preventing normal digestion, and lifts all the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Fractional nutrition and a comfortable posture during and after meals help in such a situation.

Video about 23 weeks of pregnancy

The development of the fetal digestive system requires so many internal resources that there is not enough energy for the growth of bone tissue.

If until the twenty-third week of pregnancy the fetus was nourished in only one way - due to nutrients from the mother's blood, now the unborn child is preparing for self-digestion of food.

The structure and functions of the gastrointestinal tract of the fetus

The human digestive tract has the following sections with their inherent functions:

All sections of the gastrointestinal tract, formed at twenty-three weeks of pregnancy, are almost ready to perform their direct duties - digestion and assimilation of food.

Changes in the mother's body

Due to the growth of the uterus, the location of the internal organs changes: the intestines are pushed aside, the load on the bladder increases.

Normally, this does not bring any discomfort. With the existing chronic, intensifying at night.

objective data

With regular monitoring of body weight, you can notice signs of a beginning. To this end appointed "unloading day" followed by weighing.

If "unloading" does not give the expected effect, therefore, due to the accumulation of fluid - hidden edema.

Ultrasound examination

Particular attention during ultrasound is paid to the condition of the placenta.

The degree of maturity should be regarded according to tabular data as "zero", and the thickness - correspond to the gestational age and be the same number of millimeters.

Twenty-three weeks of pregnancy - 23 mm.

With complaints of active fetal movement, areas with reduced blood supply, the so-called calcifications, are revealed.

Excess weight gain(7-8 kg during the period of gestation) leads to postpartum obesity and the development of metabolic syndrome with its most dangerous complication - type II.