Day of good deeds. An event for children of primary and secondary school age. Scenario of the holiday "dear friendship, kindness and mercy"

"Day of good deeds"

Class hour

Polshkova Victoria Valeryanovna, teacher of additional education of the highest qualification category, MAOU DO CRTDYU, Kamensky district, Penza region

[email protected]


November 4 is declared a day of good deeds in Russia. On this day, it is customary to do good deeds and deeds, especially to take care of those who are old and lonely, those who are smaller than us. The event fosters the skills of good, polite relationships in the team, teaches to do good deeds and deeds, the ability to act together.

purpose- to create conditions for the formation of a stable motivation in children of a sense of kindness, camaraderie, mutual assistance.


    Learn to do good deeds and deeds.

    Promote the development of speech, consolidate and generalize the concepts of "kindness", "magic words", "politeness", "good deeds and deeds."

    Improve the ability to interact in a team.

    To cultivate the skills of kindness and mercy towards others.

Materials and equipment:

    Computer and multimedia;

    Audio equipment;

    Video clip "Song of Kindness";

    Proverbs and sayings about kindness and kindness;

    Audio material for the lesson;

    Multi-colored leaves in the form of tree leaves.

Event plan

    Greeting. Game "Kind words"

    Watching the video "Song of Kindness"

    Introduction to the topic. Definition of the concept of "kindness". Creating a problem situation

    Parable "Two Wayfarers"

    Analysis of proverbs and sayings about kindness and kindness, their meaning

    Definition of "courtesy"

    The game "Continue the phrase"

    Polite words

    Performance of the song "Smile", music. V. Shainsky

    "Tree of Good Deeds"

    Reflection. "Pyramid of Friendship"

    Song "On the Way of Good"

Event progress

Greeting. Game "Kind words"

Hello guys! I am glad to see you healthy and beautiful again!

I propose to stand in a circle and convey a good mood to each other.

To begin with, smile at each other, because a smile is a symbol of kindness and good mood. Take your neighbor's hand along the chain and say kind words-compliments, for example, polite, caring, sincere, sympathetic, not indifferent ...

Well done boys! Let a smile and good mood be our helpers today. I have prepared for you a video "Song of Kindness", the author of the song is Tatiana Mukhametshina, let's watch it.

Watching the video "Song of Kindness"

November 4 is declared a day of good deeds in Russia. On this day, it is customary to do good deeds and deeds, especially to take care of those who are old and lonely, about those who are smaller than us. What do you think we are going to talk about today? (The children's answers are about kindness, kindness). What is kindness? (Answers of children).

Kindness is responsiveness, the desire to do good, to give care and love to others, to help people without demanding reward or gratitude for this. Kindness makes us sympathetic and tolerant.

What can we learn in today's lesson? (Courtesy, kindness, helping each other and others).

Listen, I'm going to tell you an old parable.

Parable "Two Wayfarers"

Two travelers are walking along the valley of life, each with a large bag. For one, it is heavy, as it was full of stones, and for the other, it is light, because it is filled only with particles of wood.

Stones are man's evil deeds, and wood is his good deeds.

Now the time has come for them to cross the fast and wide river of trials. The one who had his bag filled with stones immediately went to the bottom.

And the one who all his life collected small and large particles from the tree of goodness, pressed a light bag to his heart and swam across this river like on a lifebuoy.

Tell me, what supports a person on a difficult life path? (His good deeds)

There are many proverbs and sayings about kindness and kindness. People often use proverbs and sayings in conversation. Let's remember some of them and try to explain their meaning.

(Children take turns choosing proverbs and sayings and explaining their meaning, the teacher guides and complements).

What are the synonyms for the word kindness? (Answers of children).

And you know that a kind person is very polite.

Politeness is a character trait that is characterized by good manners, good deeds and education, the ability to respectfully and tactfully communicate with people. I suggest the game "Continue the phrase" on the knowledge of polite words. I will pronounce the beginning of the phrase, and you - the end. Be careful!

The game "Continue the phrase"

A block of ice will melt from a warm word ... thank you

The old tree stump will turn green when he hears ... good afternoon

If you can't eat anymore, we tell mom, ... thank you

When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... "I'm sorry, please!"

Polite words

The first words we start the day with are good morning, hello! Saying them, we wish our loved ones and friends good health, so that they have a bright and joyful day all day.

Guys, what other polite words do you know? (Answers of children).

Polite, kind words spoken from the heart, with a smile on his face, delight the ear, and the soul becomes warmer.

You all know the song "Smile". What cartoon is she from? ("Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond"). Now we will sing this kind song with you.

Performance of the song "Smile", music. V. Shainsky

Good deeds bring joy and improve your mood. What good deeds do you do at home? Write on the pieces of paper the good deeds you have done in the past week.

Children are given leaves in the form of tree leaves. Children sign the leaflets.

I will teach you how you can grow the Good Deeds Tree.

"Tree of Good Deeds"

A large branch is strengthened in a pot of earth. "Leaves" cut out of paper (leaves of different shapes), on which good deeds are written, are attached to the branches.

Each, attaching his piece of paper, reads the good deed that he has done.

Our “tree of good deeds” will “grow” every day. And everyone can grow such a tree!

Well done, guys, how many good deeds you have done. If each of us does good deeds and deeds every day, there will be more good than evil on earth.


Hurry up to do good deeds,

That always don't count.


Hurry up to do good deeds,

When gratitude does not come to you.

The third:

Hurry up to do good deeds,

To love others for your goodness.


Hurry up to do good deeds,

In the name of affirming yourself.


Hurry up to do good deeds,

It will work out - consider yourself lucky!


Hurry up to do good deeds,

So that there is not enough time for evil!

Reflection. "Pyramid of Friendship"

I propose to stand together in a circle. Join hands and smile at each other. It is very pleasant that you will know how to be friends.

Let's build "Pyramid of friendship".

Children make a pyramid from their hands and express their wishes.

Educator : Do you feel the warmth of your hands? Are you pleased?

Children's answers

Look at how high we got the pyramid, and all because friendship lives in our studio.

A person does good deeds and good deeds not for the sake of fame, but from a pure heart, so that others are cozy and comfortable, so that life around becomes interesting and exciting.

Actions of kindness help to realize your involvement in life. You not only take, but also give to this world. Any person should live not only in his little world. He should see those people who live much worse than him and help them to the best of his ability.

Let's do good deeds, it will be light and happy around them!

The song is being sung "On the road of good"

Ask a strict life

Which road to go

Where in the world is white
Depart in the morning.

Follow the sun

Although this path is unknown

Go my friend always go
On the road of good.
Follow the sun

Although this path is unknown

Go my friend always go
On the road of good.

Forget your worries

Downs and ups

Don't whine when fate is yourself
Doesn't lead like a sister.

But if it's bad with a friend,

Do not trust in a miracle

Hurry to him, always lead
On the road of good.
But if it's bad with a friend,
Do not trust in a miracle
Hurry to him, always lead
On the road of good.



    Two travelers, parable


    "On the Way of Good", song from the movie "Little Muk", Lyricist: Entin Y. Composer (music): Minkov M.

    Proverbs and sayings about kindness, kindness

    Solovieva E.V. Heritage and true story, and a fairy tale: a guide to moral education of children of preschool and primary school age on the basis of traditional Russian culture. - M .: Hoop, 20s.

    Smile - song from the m / f "Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond", muses. V. Shainsky

Purpose: the formation of an emotional attitude to reality.


  • to form an idea among students about kindness as an important human quality;
  • to form in children a positive attitude towards all people;
  • promote the assimilation of certain norms and universal values;
  • encourage the desire to do good deeds;
  • develop confidence in yourself and your capabilities, communication skills.

Event progress:

The event begins with watching the cartoon "Just like that" by the Soyuzmultfilm studio in 1976.

1 presenter: Good - what does it look like?

2 presenter: Just smile at the passer-by.

Do only good deeds!

And do no harm to anyone!

1 presenter: February 17th in many countries is the Day of spontaneous acts of kindness.

2 presenter: This holiday should be celebrated "by the whole world", regardless of place of residence, citizenship and nationality.

1 presenter: The organizers of the Day of Spontaneous Acts of Kindness call on this day to be not just kind and responsive to someone else's misfortune, but kind, boundlessly and unselfishly.

2 presenter: On November 13, 1998, the first conference of the World Kindness Movement took place in Tokyo. The event was attended by Japan, Australia, UK, USA, Canada, Singapore and Thailand. They then decided that the holiday would be celebrated on February 17th.

1 presenter: Later, many European countries joined the movement, but Russia only recently.

2 presenter: In some countries, on this holiday, it is also customary to give flowers to friends and strangers.

1 lead: Compliment at least three people that day. It is believed that you improve their mood not only for this day, but for the whole week. And they, in turn, will improve it to someone else.

2 presenter: on this day they tell their parents, friends, how much they love them. Try it yourself.

1 presenter: Tell your friends and acquaintances about this holiday!

2 presenter: We find the meaning of the word "Good" in the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language by Ozhegov, Dahl, Efremova and others.

1 presenter: "Good" is something positive, good, useful, the opposite of evil; kind deed.

2 presenter: "Good" is the good, which is honest and useful, everything that is required of us by the duty of a person, a citizen, a family man; the opposite of bad and evil.

1 presenter: "Good" - personal property, things,belongings .

2 presenter: "Good" - Okay, okay. Let's do it your way!

1 presenter: The adjective "kind", meaning "kind-hearted", "compassionate", "good", was first used in Russian in the 11th century

2 presenter All people need kindness

Let there be more good ones.

They don't say in vain when they meet

"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".

And it's not for nothing that we have

Wish "Good hour."

1 presenter Good luck to the young artists.

2 presenter Poem Genrikh Akulov "There are not enough good people, as always" reads ...

Student: There are not enough good people, as always,
Kind people, as always, are in short supply.
Kind people are not always understood
The heart of the good hurts more.
Kind - generously help the sick,
Kind - give warmth and comfort,
The kind ones walk in step with the weak
And no "thank you" is expected.

1 presenter Words and music by Tatiana Mukhametshina

"The Song of Kindness" is performed by ...

In this huge world in which you and I live,

Not enough warmth, not enough human kindness.

Together we will learn to cherish and love each other,

Let us learn to each other, like stars, to shine together.


In the spring the water will rustle

In winter the winds will sing.

Come on, friends, always

Wish each other well!

Let them not give us marks at school for the generosity of the soul,

Once you take it and do good just like that,

And then, in the cold, it will smell painfully in spring,

And then there will be more than one smile on earth!

Hundreds of roads await us, but each will have its own,

And friends, of course, will help to reach the goal.

So that our old dreams come true soon

Let the lesson of kindness always be the main lesson!

Teacher: In the early twentieth century, a Scottish farmer was returning home and walking past a marshland. Suddenly he heard cries for help. The farmer rushed to the rescue and saw the boy, who was being sucked into its terrible abysses by swamp mud.
The boy tried to climb out of the terrible mass of the swamp bog, but his every movement sentenced him to imminent death. The boy screamed in despair and fear. The farmer quickly cut down a thick branch, cautiously approached and handed the saving branch to the drowning man. The boy got out to safety. He was trembling, he could not stop tears for a long time, but the main thing - he was saved!
“Come to my house,” the farmer suggested to him. - You need to calm down, dry up and warm up.
- No, no, - the boy shook his head, - my dad is waiting for me. He's very worried, I guess.
Looking gratefully into the eyes of his savior, the boy ran away ...
In the morning, the farmer saw that a rich carriage pulled up by luxurious thoroughbred horses drove up to his house. A richly dressed gentleman got out of the carriage and asked:
“Did you save my son’s life yesterday?”
“Yes, I am,” the farmer replied.
- How much do I owe you?
- Do not offend me, sir. You don't owe me anything, because I did what a normal person should have done.
- No, I can't just leave it like that, because my son is very dear to me. Name any amount, - the visitor insisted.
“I don’t want to say anything else on this topic. Goodbye. The farmer turned to leave. And then his son jumped out onto the porch.
- Is your son? asked the rich guest.
“Yes,” the farmer replied proudly, stroking the boy's head.
- Let's do this. I will take your son with me to London and pay for his education. If he is as noble as his father, then neither you nor I will regret this decision.
Several years have passed. The farmer's son graduated from high school, then a medical university, and soon his name became world famous as the name of the man who discovered penicillin. His name was Alexander Flemming.
Before the war, the son of that same gentleman entered one of the wealthy London clinics with a severe form of pneumonia. What do you think saved his life this time? - Yes, penicillin discovered by Alexander Flemming.
The wealthy gentleman who educated Flemming was named Randolph Churchill. And his son's name was Winston Churchill, who later became Prime Minister of England.
Winston Churchill once said: "What you have done will return to you."

1 presenter: In Russian, there are many proverbs about kindness. Let's listen to some of them.

1 student: Kind words are more valuable than wealth.

2 student: A kind word and the cat is pleased.

1 student: Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.

2 student: Years take beauty away, kindness does not take away.

1 student: The world is not without good people.

2 student: The evil one cries with envy, and the good one with joy.

1 student: There is a silver lining.

2 student: Nothing leads to bad things.

1 student: Life is given for good deeds.

2 student: A good ending - the crown of the whole business!

Playing with the audience (the presenters read, three guys show the movements from the stage)

Let's play, brothers, bravo:

Smile at the neighbor on the right

Whether you are a guy or a virgin.

Wink at the neighbor on the left.

Now we stand on our feet

Clap our hands together!

All friends are in this room:

You and him, him and me.

Taking each other by the shoulder

Hug hotly!

And now, friends, in a circle,

We will shake hands with each other!

Need "Hello!" to tell

And wish "good luck"!

And, wishing everyone well,

Shout loudly "Hurray!"

2 presenter: Although this holiday is very young, kind people in Russia have always been revered. It is not for nothing that there are so many words in the Russian language that include the rootgood, good. Let's remember these words.

  • Kindness
  • Good nature
  • Benevolence
  • Thanks
  • Charity
  • Mercy
  • Kindness
  • Good man
  • To approve

1 presenter a poem by Andrey Dementiev reads ...

You can't buy kindness in the bazaar
You can't take a song's sincerity.
Envy does not come to people from books.
And without books, we comprehend lies.
All studied under the same programs,
But not everyone went to learn for the future.
He, as he was, remained a boor.
This one got sick from arrogance.
Apparently, sometimes education
There is not enough strength to touch the soul.
My grandfather without a diploma and without a title
He was just a kind person.
So there was kindness in the beginning? ..
Let her come to every home
Whatever we study afterwards,
Whoever in life they were later.

2 presenter At the end of our communicationlet's all together perform the song of Zhanna Kolmagorova "Give me your hand"

Give me your hand,

Look into my eyes.

In the hour of parting

Don't forget to say the words

Magic words

Good over evil

Love is always right, right!

And at this hour I wish

Remember and love each other

Be kind.

Trust your friend and be yourself

A bet over eternal vanity

The heart is beating

With our song exactly to the beat.

The song is flowing

Let it be like this all the time:

Let the music sound

And my heart beats to the beat

He is not silent.

Chorus: Let's join hands, friends!

And at this hour I wish

Remember and love each other

Be kind.

Trust your friend and be yourself

A bet over eternal vanity

Never part with a dream!

Natalia Mikhailovna Belova

Scenario Day greetings for older children

To give joy to people, you need kind and polite to be!

(joint leisure for parents and older children)

purpose: Development of relationships between children and their parents through inclusion in joint play activities. Creation of a positive favorable climate that ensures rapprochement, mutual understanding between children and adults.


1. To acquaint children and parents with international holiday - Greetings Day;

2. To promote empathy education in preschoolers, kindness, politeness and attentive attitude towards others;

3. Strengthen the ability of children to work in a team.

Children and parents (guests) sit on both sides hall: children on the left, parents on the right.

Veda: Invented by someone simply and wisely when meeting greet: « Good morning « Good morning the sun and the birds! « Good morning smiling faces! And everyone becomes kind, gullible ... Let « Good morning lasts until evening!

Musical greeting.

good day, dear children and adults!

And to you I "Hello!"i say it again!

And corresponding with the mood, I give a smile of joy!

What is special we said to each other?

Just "Hello",just "HELLO!"

We didn't say anything else.

Why, then, has there been a drop of happiness in the world?

Why did life become more joyful?

Come on and we say, friend friend: "Hello!"

In that day wonderful everyone is friendly around!

Let be kindness, smile, joy enter every home!

« good day - we say to people! Let be our world will be kinder!

SONG « GOOD DAY muses. J. Dubravina pod. gr.

MUZ. Hand: Today holiday - KIND DAY! We learn a lot about kindness and courtesy... And you guys consider yourself kind? (responsible children) Polite (responsible children) Who is cultured and polite in your family (responsible children) Well done guys, very good, That's right, kind is a person, doing good to others, ready to help, sympathetic, affable.

The main thing in all greetings is to show your friendly attitude towards each other!

Greetings great, now let's have fun!

We will sing, joke, play and, of course, dance!

DANCE WITH WELCOME (children and adults stand in a large circle, perform movements to the soundtrack, with acceleration) Art gr. №4

We'll go right now (movements are performed according to the lyrics of the song.)

We're going right now, one, two, three, (all go to the right in a circle)

And then let's go left, one, two, three, (go left)

We will gather in a circle, one, two, three, (go in a circle)

And we will disperse from the circle, one, two, three, (expand the circle)

We'll spin in place, one, two, three, (spinning in place)

And we'll all jump together, one, two, three, (jumping)

We clap our hands one, two, three (clap their hands)

Let's greet each other like Africans (Japanese, look! (greet the neighbor)

(dance 5 times, say hello: like Africans (rub their backs with a neighbor, like the Japanese (put their hands together in front of their breasts, bow like Latinos (hug their neighbors like Brazilians) (slap each other on the shoulder, like Russians (shake hands) .


MUZ. Hand: Kindness is amazing... She brings together like nothing else, she - t

from the language in which everyone wants to speak with you, in which we can only understand each other…. If a kindness lives on, adults and children rejoice.

SONG "IF A KIND YOU» from m / f "About Leopold the Cat" prep. gr. and Art. gr.

MUZ. Hand: Kindness - it is also a person's desire to give complete happiness to everyone

people, all of humanity. Kind is a person, doing good to others, ready to help, responsive Understand and fulfill the desire of another - One pleasure, honestly! I will try now to guess your desire. Do you want a fairy to visit us Of good.

Fairy appears Of good.

FAIRY: Hello! Let's get acquainted? Friends, I'm a fairy. Hello. And here are my

the words: "Thank you", "Sorry", "Please", "Forgive me!", "Health in the morning!" In communication with each other, words to all of us need: "Excuse me, are you comfortable?" "Can I help you", "I apologize""Good appetite", "Ah, be so kind! And in life it is very important to repeat them often, so that it is so pleasant to hear them, to call them, and not to offend people with rude words.

FAIRY: Do you know how to do good deeds? Then I want to ask you how

what did you do if you saw a crying baby who lost his mother? What would you do if you saw an adult drop something? What would you do when an adult came to visit you (mother's friend, neighbor? (children's answers.)On the ground there are a lot of kind words and people... But there is also evil and deception. From

it depends on us what we should be and what our life should be! Try to give people warmth, happiness and care, because in life it is important who you are, it does not matter who you are.

"By doing good deed, do not be embarrassed that it is not enough "... I offer us all

together to do a small but necessary thing - to amuse each other,

so that a smile appears on your face, and for this we will dance!


FAIRY: Our life is boring without a fairy tale,

Dolog daylike a whole year.

Sight kinder and brighter than paint,

If a fairy tale comes to us.

A fragment of a song sounds « Kind fairy tale» from m / f.

MUZ. Hand: Everyone knows that in fairy tales there are good and evil... So that in life

it was like in kind a fairy tale with a good ending, you and I need to be kind and polite, and for this we need to know a lot of polite words. Guys, let's play a game with you and show Fairy Of goodwhat polite words we know (explanation of the rules games: I ask you about something, you only fulfill if I say the magic word

YOU ARE WELCOME. for instance: "Children, please stand up." Etc. (children

get up.)


Fairy: What great fellows you are all, and how many polite words you know. Now, let's imagine the situation: in the group, the person on duty Sasha accidentally broke a plate. He was upset and almost cries. What would you children tell him? (Answers of the children.) The girl, fulfilling the instructions of the teacher, pasted the book and accidentally spilled glue. What words of comfort would you say to her? What would you do? (Answers of the children.)And who helped his friend today? Who shared their toys in the group? And there are those who bring sweets and treat them to their friends, and do not quietly eat them alone? (Answers of the children.)Well done! I praise you. Who is everyone kinder, he is good for everyone, You cannot reiterate those friends. Remember this guys.

MUZ, RUK: This is how we live, warmed by one dream,

Anything happens with us, but we still remember the wise advice-

What you sow, you reap!

The most important thing in any greeting is a smile!

A man without a smile is strings without a violin

Do not hesitate, do not be embarrassed -

Smile, smile!

SONG "SMILE", music. V. Shainsky, lyrics M. Plyatskovsky

(1 verse and chorus)

I AM A FAIRY Hello Fairy Kindness, and therefore I want to treat you goodbye

all of you with a magic caramel, which will help you children learn

poems and proverbs about kindness, commit good deeds, to defend

kids and everyone who needs help. After all, only he is beautiful and generous

soul, in whom there is no anger!

7. Distributes treats. The fairy says goodbye and leaves.

MUZ. Hand: Of good, happiness, prosperity, peace, good health to all of you! Until next time, dear friends!


Tasks :

Holiday progress:


Chorus: In the spring the water will rustle,
In winter the winds will sing.
Come on, friends, always
Wish each other well!

1. Kindness is necessary for all people,

Let there be more good ones.

They don't say in vain when they meet

"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".

And it's not for nothing that we have

Wish "Good hour".

Kindness - it is from the ages

Human decoration ...

2) Being kind is not easy at all

Kindness does not depend on growth.

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not gingerbread, not candy.

If kindness shines like the sun

Adults and children are happy.

She shines with kind eyesInvisible, but with bright raysThe soul will warm and respond.

Beauty changes its priceFrom time to time dims, like rhinestones,But only like shiny diamondsA welcome ray, Kindness shines.

There is nothing more beautiful than beautyShe is worthy of all praiseBut only the one who knows Kindness,

1.Kindness, kindness,

Kindness is not a little for you,

There is love in kindness

And of course there is pity!

May all people in the world

They love each other very much,

2.Let not stand between them,

Colds, evil blizzards!

You give kindness

From the heart and spontaneously

And let this act

Doesn't seem strange!


PoemSuch a friendship

5.I am my neighbor Olya
I pulled the pigtail at school

- This Olya is for me again
She did not give an answer to write off.

I poked it painfully in the back with a pen
Classmate Marina,

So as not to make faces at me.

I threw a washing machine into Lena,
To her - like peas against the wall,

6.A cheerful Katyusha,
I called it laughter.

Larissa's sneak bag
I threw a rat in the morning
She will arrange a hole in the bag,

- Here's the fun coming soon!

One Irishka for the whole class
I respect, as a boy,
I have been friends with Ira for a long time -
I’ll just put a button on it ...

You, yes I, yes you and me,
You, yes I, yes you and me,

If everyone lived alone
That has long been in pieces

You, yes I, yes you and me,
You, yes I, yes you and me,

Maybe by the orange river
Little people are already sad there,

You, yes I, yes you and me,
You, yes I, yes you and me,

Even if we part,
Friendship still remains
Stays with us forever.


1. Guys are growing before our eyes!
Lived in my poems once
Vovka is a kind soul.
(That was the nickname for the baby!)
And now he is an adult boy,
About twelve years old,
And readers, perhaps
Adult Vovka will surprise you.

2.Vovka finished with kindness,
He decided he was embarrassed
In such a mature age
Be some kind of kind!
He blushed at this word,
Began to be ashamed of kindness
He, to look harsh,
Tugging at the cats' tails.
Tugging cats by the tails

3.And waiting for darkness,
He asked them for forgiveness
For bad treatment.
Know all that he is unkind,
Angrier than a wolf! Angrier than a cobra!
- Beware, or I will kill! -
He threatened a sparrow.

4.Walked for an hour with a slingshot,
But then I got upset
Buried her furtively
In the garden under a bush.
He sits on the roof now
Hidden, not breathing,
Just not to hear:
"Vovka is a kind soul!"

Now let's play - a game“Say good words”is to replace all bad words with good ones.

Give all the good to others
This will not make you poorer.

You, in this world of eternal vanity,

You do not regret affection, warmth,

Screening of the sketch "RYABA CHICKEN"

We lived, we did not grieve.

They washed down the crackers with tea,

Once a month they chewed sausage.

And everything would be fine

yes Small Hen

She took it and laid the testicle.

The testicle is not simple

The egg is golden.

And now at our prices

And in general it is priceless.

For family advice

Gathered Granddaughter with Grandma Grandfather.

Grandfather. Anyway. Such a thing.

What to do with this testicle?

Maybe eat? Or sell?

Or change for dollars?

Maybe the walls will fall

Will we buy a modern musical center?

Grandma. What are you, Grandfather ?! Fear God!

Music doesn't cost much!

We'd better buy a TV

Vacuum cleaner or transistor

Or take a cart of soap,

To keep the house clean.

Granddaughter. Maybe we can buy me a perfume?

Grooms will be stunned!

Or French lipstick?

I will be glad to her too!

And everyday noisy dispute.

That is not the case, but that is not the case.

Grandfather. You are a bastard!

Grandma. You are an idiot!

The light has not seen this!

Only the Hen is silent

Stands near the table.

Hen. Well, I never expected

Become the cause of a scandal.

To stop it

I need to break an egg.

And, flapping his wing lightly,

I dropped the testicle on the floor,

Broke it to smithereens!

Granddaughter is crying, Baba is crying ...

Granddaughter and Grandma.

What have you done, Ryaba?

He turned out his pockets with a hole.

Grandfather. No money, so what ?!

Peace in the family is the most precious thing!

The song "Do Good" sounds

1.Your hands are strong -
Protect the weak!
Your thoughts are true
Teach the stupid!
Your eyes are your soul:
Kind and clean!
Give it to the one
Who hurts alone!

Do good on the whole Earth,
Do good to others for good.
Not for a nice "thank you"
Hearing you near

Do good on the whole Earth,
Do good to others for good.
Not for a nice "thank you"
Hearing you by my side

2.I will fly to the sky
I'll scream my fill
I will tell all the secrets of the day
Until the light.
I will fly to the sky
I'll scream my fill
I will tell all the secrets of the day
Until the light la!

And sacrifice your life, and hurry

Not for fame or sweets

And at the behest of the soul.

Don't let the hurt soul

Momentary judgment.

Wait. Chill out. Believe me -


Everything will fall into place.

You are strong.

The strong are not vindictive.

The weapon of the strong is kindness.

1. Today we glorify gray hair

Tired wrinkled hands

But it happened in the old days

Didn't know these hands of boredom

Your whole life is filled with toil

Warmed by the warmth of the soul and joy

Yes, look, you look around

The planet has never seen sweeter faces.

And let autumn walk in the yard

And the world turned the page of the century,

It's good that there are calendars

Elderly person's day.

2.You have reached the age of

What is asking for a welcome word

Please accept our congratulations

Health, happiness and goodness

And let the bad mood

You will never have

Look at the world with delight

And sadness will recede and trouble

Success, luck and luck

May it always accompany you.

3. Years go by year after year

They run tirelessly

Years are always in a hurry to spite

But let them pass by

Fight them zealously

Live longer, don't get old

And all enemies in defiance

Drink as little medicine as possible

4. The law of nature is so harsh

Years run in the flow of the century

How many beautiful words there are

To congratulate a man

But we are not looking for these words,

But we just sincerely wish:

Health, happiness and flowers

And to live all 100 not discouraged.

5. We wish you not to get sick, not to lose heart.

Get more rest, sleep better

Quietly so that matters argue

And so that fate always keeps you

Thank you so much

For your severity and kindness

May peace and happiness in your life

One road side by side

6. All of you are over 50

But we just can't believe

Where are the years in such a hurry?

What are they hoping for?

We will not let you grow old

Let others grow old

And all ailments as one

Let them fall off from you.

Health, happiness, bright days

Good luck and a lot of joy

And despite your age

Don't fall for old age

Children's performance:

1. If you shared with a friend

You are your candy-

You did well

Everyone will say it.

2. You learned someone else's secret

And smashed it right now

It's bad, it's not worse

It is even despicable!

3. If you filed in front of everyone

Girl coat,

You are a cultured person

World boy!

4. If you are like a wild beast,

You immediately start to fight

You are not worthy, believe me

To be called a man!

5. If you have warmed the cat,

You feed the birds in the cold

It's just beauty

This is the only way to do it!

6. You blackened a dog's eye,

Threw the cat into a puddle.

Be sure forty times

You dogs are worse.

7. Respect the people around you,

Seniors, juniors too.

And then you, my friend,

They will call it good.

There is some kind of magic in it ...

There are too few good people.

And yet they are the majority.

Become a kind wizard

Well try

When someone is in trouble.

You can rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if someone helps

Your kindness and your friendship

You do not live in vain.


-Let's exclaim,

To admire each other,

- High-flown words

There is no need to be afraid.

-Let's understand

Each other at a glance,

-That, having made a mistake once,

Don't be wrong again.

Give, people, warm words!

From evil, war begins,

The song "The Road of Kindness" is played

Ask a strict life
Which road to go?
Where in the world is white
Head out in the morning?
Follow the Sun behind
Although this path is unknown
Go my friend always go
On the road of good!

Forget your worries
Downs and ups
Don't whine when fate leads
Yourself not like a sister
And if it's bad with a friend -
Do not trust in a miracle
Hurry to him, always go
On the road of good!

Oh, how many different
Doubts and temptations
Don't forget that this life is
Not child's play!
Drive away temptations
Learn the unspoken law:
Go my friend always go
On the road of good!

‹ ›

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  • To the class teacher


Scenario of the holiday "Do Good"

purpose: the formation of a value attitude to the moral category - good


  • To form in students an idea of \u200b\u200bgoodness, good deeds.
  • Develop the ability to work in multi-age groups, cooperation skills, communication skills.
  • Foster a sense of kindness, sensitivity, compassion, benevolence.

Holiday progress:

- Human kindness and mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people creates the basis of human happiness. A person who does good to others, who knows how to empathize with them, feels happy.

The song "Song of Kindness" is played

In this huge world in which you and I live,
Not enough warmth, not enough human kindness.
Together we will learn to cherish and love each other,
Let's learn to each other, like stars, to shine.

Chorus: In the spring the water will rustle,
In winter the winds will sing.
Come on, friends, always
Wish each other well!

Let them not give us marks at school for the generosity of the soul,
Once you take it and do good just like that,
And then, in the cold, it will smell naggingly in spring,
And then there will be more than one smile on earth!

Hundreds of roads await us, but each will have its own,
And friends, of course, will help to reach the goal.
So that our old dreams come true soon
Let the lesson of kindness always be the main lesson!

1. Kindness is necessary for all people,

Let there be more good ones.

They don't say in vain when they meet

"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".

And it's not for nothing that we have

Wish "Good hour".

Kindness - it is from the ages

Human decoration ...

2) being kind is not easy at all

Kindness does not depend on growth.

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not gingerbread, not candy.

If kindness shines like the sun

Adults and children are happy.

3. The most valuable thing in the world is Kindness,
She shines with kind eyes
Invisible, but with bright rays
The soul will warm and respond.

Beauty changes its price
From time to time dims, like rhinestones,
But only like shiny diamonds
A welcome ray, Kindness shines.

There is nothing more beautiful than beauty
She is worthy of all praise
But only the one who knows Kindness,
Bow to her low to the ground.

-A kind, benevolent person knows how to communicate, maintain good relationships with people.

-And now we will play and find out if you know "Magic Words"?

1.Even a block of ice grows from the word warm ... (thanks)
2. Even a tree stump will turn green when he hears ... (good afternoon)
3. If we are unable to eat anymore, let us tell our mother…. (thank)
4. The boy is polite and developed when he meets ... (hello)
5.When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... (forgive me, please)
6.Both in France and Denmark they say goodbye ... (goodbye)

1.Kindness, kindness,

Kindness is not a little for you,

There is love in kindness

And of course there is pity!

May all people in the world

They love each other very much,

2.Let not stand between them,

Colds, evil blizzards!

You give kindness

From the heart and spontaneously

And let this act

Doesn't seem strange!

- You rarely meet a person who has never quarreled with anyone in his life. We will give advice: avoid conflicts, quarrels, ill-considered actions. Quarrels develop bad character traits, a person becomes grumpy, unrestrained, angry.

Poem Such a friendship

5.I am my neighbor Olya
I pulled the pigtail at school

This Olya is for me again
She did not give an answer to write off.

I poked it painfully in the back with a pen
Classmate Marina,
It is necessary with her, in general, stricter,
So as not to make faces at me.

I threw a washing machine into Lena,
To her - like peas against the wall,

6.A cheerful Katyusha,
I called it laughter.

Larissa's sneak bag
I threw a rat in the morning
She will arrange a hole in the bag,

Here's the fun coming soon!

One Irishka for the whole class
I respect, as a boy,
I have been friends with Ira for a long time -
I just put a button on it ...

The song "You, yes I, yes we are with you" sounds

You, yes I, yes you and me,
You, yes I, yes you and me,
It's good when there are friends in the world.
If everyone lived alone
That has long been in pieces
Probably the Earth would have collapsed.

You, yes I, yes you and me,
You, yes I, yes you and me,
Let's go around the earth, let's go to Mars,
Maybe by the orange river
Little people are already sad there,
Because we have not been here for too long.

You, yes I, yes you and me,
You, yes I, yes you and me,
Nothing will separate us and never.
Even if we part,
Friendship still remains
Stays with us forever.

- Even the smallest suffering cannot be inflicted on anything living. Worthy of condemnation are those heartless people who throw cats and dogs into the street, condemning them to torment. Show concern for stray animals, help them survive.

1. Guys are growing before our eyes!
Lived in my poems once
Vovka is a kind soul.
(That was the nickname for the baby!)
And now he is an adult boy,
About twelve years old,
And readers, perhaps
Adult Vovka will surprise you.

2.Vovka finished with kindness,
He decided he was embarrassed
In such a mature age
Be some kind of kind!
He blushed at this word,
Began to be ashamed of kindness
He, to look harsh,
Tugging at the cats' tails.
Tugging cats by the tails

3.And waiting for darkness,
He asked them for forgiveness
For bad treatment.
Know all that he is unkind,
Angrier than a wolf! Angrier than a cobra!
- Beware, or I will kill! -
He threatened a sparrow.

4.Walked for an hour with a slingshot,
But then I got upset
Buried it furtively
In the garden under a bush.
He sits on the roof now
Hidden, not breathing,
Just not to hear:
"Vovka is a kind soul!"

The song "If you went out with a friend ..."

Now let's play - the game “Say good words” is to replace all bad words with good ones.

Rude - affectionate, evil - kind, greedy - generous, sad - cheerful, enmity - friendship, grief - joy, hatred - love, deception - truth, humiliation - praise, cruelty - tenderness

-I would especially like to say about the attitude towards parents. Sometimes children are insolent, rude to their parents, inattentive to them. This is upsetting. Be gentle, kind, considerate. Give love and gratitude to those who gave you life, put you on your feet, whose days and nights were filled with caring for you.

Give all the good to others
This will not make you poorer.
Everything that you give is considered yours
The hand of the giver, believe me, does not grow thin.

You, in this world of eternal vanity,
Glorify yourself with good deeds,
You do not regret affection, warmth,
For those who are near, who are with you today.

Do not offend loved ones with a rude word,
Give them happiness and tender love.
And let them know that you are ready
Come to their aid at the first call.

Screening of the sketch "RYABA CHICKEN"

We lived, we did not grieve.

They washed down the crackers with tea,

Once a month they chewed sausage.

And everything would be fine

yes Small Hen

She took it and laid the testicle.

The testicle is not simple

The egg is golden.

And now at our prices

And in general it is priceless.

For family advice

Gathered Granddaughter with Grandma Grandfather.

Grandfather. Anyway. Such a thing.

What to do with this testicle?

Maybe eat? Or sell?

Or change for dollars?

Maybe the walls will fall

Will we buy a modern musical center?




























The song "Do Good" sounds

1.Your hands are strong -

Do good on the whole Earth,

Do good on the whole Earth,

2.I will fly to the sky


And sacrifice your life, and hurry

Not for fame or sweets

And at the behest of the soul.

Don't let the hurt soul

Momentary judgment.

Wait. Chill out. Believe me -


Everything will fall into place.


The strong are not vindictive.

The weapon of the strong is kindness.





























































Children's performance:

1. If you shared with a friend

You are your candy-

You did well

Everyone will say it.

2. You learned someone else's secret

And smashed it right now

It's bad, it's not worse

It is even despicable!

3. If you filed in front of everyone

Girl coat,

You are a cultured person

World boy!

4. If you are like a wild beast,

You immediately start to fight

You are not worthy, believe me

To be called a man!

5. If you have warmed the cat,

You feed the birds in the cold

It's just beauty

This is the only way to do it!

6. You blackened a dog's eye,

Threw the cat into a puddle.

Be sure forty times

You dogs are worse.

7. Respect the people around you,

Seniors, juniors too.

And then you, my friend,

They will call it good.


There is some kind of magic in it ...

There are too few good people.

And yet they are the majority.

Become a kind wizard

Well try





When someone is in trouble.

You can rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if someone helps

Your kindness and your friendship


You do not live in vain.

- {!LANG-0637130a99c24b66a9dd07c0f4f02cd0!}

-Let's exclaim,

To admire each other,

- High-flown words

There is no need to be afraid.

-Let's understand

Each other at a glance,

-That, having made a mistake once,

Don't be wrong again.


Give, people, warm words!


The song "The Road of Kindness" is played

Ask a strict life

Forget your worries

Oh, how many different


































Beauty changes its price

There is nothing more beautiful than beauty


Let there be more good ones.

They don't say in vain when they meet

"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".

And it's not for nothing that we have

Wish "Good hour".

Kindness - it is from the ages

Human decoration ...


Kindness does not depend on growth.

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not gingerbread, not candy.

If kindness shines like the sun

Adults and children are happy.


The song "Song of Kindness" is played

In this huge world in which you and I live,

Chorus: In the spring the water will rustle,
In winter the winds will sing.
Come on, friends, always
Wish each other well!

Let them not give us marks at school for the generosity of the soul,

Hundreds of roads await us, but each will have its own,




































































































Give all the good to others
This will not make you poorer.

You, in this world of eternal vanity,
You do not regret affection, warmth,

Do not offend loved ones with a rude word,






Kindness is not a little for you,

There is love in kindness

And of course there is pity!

May all people in the world

They love each other very much,


Colds, evil blizzards!

You give kindness

From the heart and spontaneously

And let this act

Doesn't seem strange!





This Olya is for me again


I poked it painfully in the back with a pen

Classmate Marina,



I threw a washing machine into Lena,




Larissa's sneak bag

I threw a rat in the morning


Here's the fun coming soon!

One Irishka for the whole class

I respect, as a boy,




Lived in my poems once
Vovka is a kind soul.
(That was the nickname for the baby!)
And now he is an adult boy,
About twelve years old,
And readers, perhaps
Adult Vovka will surprise you.

He decided he was embarrassed
In such a mature age
Be some kind of kind!
He blushed at this word,
Began to be ashamed of kindness
He, to look harsh,
Tugging at the cats' tails.

He asked them for forgiveness
For bad treatment.
Know all that he is unkind,
Angrier than a wolf! Angrier than a cobra!
- Beware, or I will kill! -

But then I got upset
Buried her furtively
In the garden under a bush.
He sits on the roof now
Hidden, not breathing,
Just not to hear:
















































































































{!LANG-087f50eaba83eb4501ee972d056281f6!}{!LANG-79c719005b8ce59d6635f29968faea94!} {!LANG-b50384b822a96c8628aaf7fd1a971b52!}

We lived, we did not grieve.

They washed down the crackers with tea,

Once a month they chewed sausage.

And everything would be fine

yes Small Hen

She took it and laid the testicle.

The testicle is not simple

The egg is golden.

And now at our prices

And in general it is priceless.

For family advice

Gathered Granddaughter with Grandma Grandfather.

Grandfather. Anyway. Such a thing.

What to do with this testicle?

Maybe eat? Or sell?

Or change for dollars?

Maybe the walls will fall

Will we buy a modern musical center?




































Give, people, warm words!









The song "The Road of Kindness" is played