Emo (musical style). Fashion Reviews

Emo story


Ian (or Ian) McKay ( Ian MacKaye), April 2007

Talking about terms: many believe that with the first album Embrace such a direction in music as "Emo-punk" appeared ... - (interrupts) I know that, but I've never used the "emo" prefix myself. This word has a funny story. In 85-86, some part of the local scene was actively developing in Washington, from which groups such as Rites Of Spring, Embrace, Rain and many others emerged. Many cynical people did not like their style and ... God knows what they didn’t like, but they joked about this kind of music and began to call it “emo-core”. Such a joke. Like, it's not hardcore at all, but some kind of emotional core. This joke was picked up by the fanzines: when it was necessary to curse the group, it was often called "emo-core". But for some reason, five years later, people began to use this word as the name of a certain musical style. There and then appeared groups, supposedly playing in this style. I cannot understand this. It seems to me that all music is emotional, it shouldn't be called “emotional”. Punk music is initially emotional. Groups that today call their work "emo punk" ... I don't find their music particularly emotional, usually it's just pop music. And a special name is invented for it to make it easier for the listener to understand what he is buying. I have nothing against this, but I myself do not want to invent a definition for my music.

In the music press, the interpretation of the concept of "emo" has changed somewhat. The term "emo" has come to refer to bands playing post-hardcore (such as The Used, Funeral For a Friend, AFI, Underoath, Origami) or pop punk (Jimmy Eat World, Taking Back Sunday, Panic at the Disco, Neversmile) and following the trends of the emo subculture. However, in each case, the group's attribution to emo is controversial and a subject of controversy and criticism, since they all differ significantly from the hardcore roots of the genre.

see also

Notes (edit)

emo hate themselves, goths hate everyone

The emo youth subculture, like the Goth subculture, "hatched" out of punk. And if, albeit far enough from the aggressive rebellion of punks to alienation from the world and purely aesthetic protest, you can somehow still be associated with punks, then you can't put emo next to it.

The very name of the emo subculture is an abbreviation for the English "emotional", "emotional". The main thing for emo kid, and this is how they, along with emo boy and emo girl, can be called, is an expression of emotions. A representative of the emo subculture is a vulnerable and depressive person. Favorite emo gestures are as emotional as they are. Emo can fold their hands in the shape of a heart, put two fingers to their temples in the manner of a pistol, or tilt their head so that bangs hang down, which makes their appearance even more touching.

It is believed that emo was first talked about in the West in 1988. The emo subculture also began with music - namely, with the performances of the Fugazy group. Other sources write that the first emo appeared in 1984 and their appearance is associated with the work of the group "Rites of Spring".

And if punks are youth from the suburbs, goths are the middle class, then emo are originally children from wealthy families. emos in the late 1980s - early 1990s in Western countries was called the alternative golden youth. The second wave of popularity of the emo subculture came in the early 2000s.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe emo subculture is the importance of emotions, but at the same time emotions are displayed by them. It is no coincidence that emo kids like no one else like to take pictures of themselves in the mirror. Emo believe in love - real and sincere, but at the same time, in most cases, they experience emotions of sadness and sadness, and certainly like no one else they know that life is suffering.

Emo subculture clothing style and accessories

Like the Goths, the style of emo boys has a lot in common with that of girls, and in general, the image of young people in emo style is inherent in femininity. Like the Goths, the main color of clothing is black. But not the only one. A pair of him is pink.

A characteristic element of emo-style clothing is skinny jeans. Girls wear tutu skirts. All emo wear tight tight T-shirts, black or pink belts, sneakers with bright or black laces, slip-ons (shoes similar to slippers, but with rubber soles), plaid scarves around the neck.

On emo clothes, you can find unusual and bright patterns - hearts, blades, pistols. Sometimes the pink heart can be cracked or even torn to shreds. And there are also a skull with bones, a black five-pointed star on a pink background, and cartoon characters.

Emo clothing can be striped and checked.

Bags with images or logos of famous emo groups, zip bags (bags that are worn over the shoulder) with numerous patches.
Mitts and gloves.

Leggings and knee-highs.
Scarves and badges attached to clothing and even shoes.
Multi-colored bright bracelets on hands.
The beads are large and bright colors.

Soft toys that emo people carry with them. Moreover, emo teddy bears can rip open their bellies and sew them up with thick threads.

Emo boys often wear glasses as an accessory.

Easy to identify emo and hairstyles. Emo hairstyle is a slanting, torn bangs to the tip of the nose, covering one eye, and in the back there is short hair sticking out in different directions. Hair is better than black. Girls can wear "childish" hairstyles - for example, two small ponytails with bright hairpins on the sides, bows.

Emo wear piercings, after all, the heirs of the punks. Piercings can be on the left nostril, on the lips and eyebrows, in the bridge of the nose, emo and ears pierced.

Emo makeup is used by both girls and boys - they apply lipstick in skin color to the lips, eyeliner and mascara are used, a light foundation is applied to the face, and black varnish is applied to the nails.

Today there are few followers of this subculture and their main feature is not the direction in music, but the style of dress and demeanor. Modern emo pay the most attention to the style of clothing and accessories. In general, they do the right thing, why bother with questionable music and depressive ideology, when it is better to live with traditional values, and stand out with an unusual style of clothing and experiments with images.

Emo is a style born in the musical environment, which has long stepped into the world of fashion and to this day continues its confident black-and-pink march. Emo is one of the most easily recognizable styles, which, however, is not recognized by the majority for its demonstrativeness, catchy, pronounced contrast. Expressionemotions - this is the main life principle for emo. They are distinguished by a clear desireself-expression, special, sensual perception of the world. Most often emo kids are vulnerable and a littledepressede people. In our world, there is a stereotypical view of emo as whiny guys and girls.

Clothes, shoes and accessories

Undoubtedly, the color in clothes betrays emo with a head. Intense blacks and grays paired with vibrant shades of pinks, blues and whites are the foundation of this style. It is thanks to the catchiness that the emo style is so popular among adolescents who are so often inclined to maximalism and a thirst for self-expression. In addition, each color also carries a semantic load. So black symbolizes sadness, longing and pain, and bright elements, on the contrary, emphasize joyful moments in life, such as love, friendship.

In general, the look of the emo style is very democratic. Emo followers can often be seen wearing skinny jeans, leggings and dark colored T-shirts. The usual pink is always a complement to the main color, but brighter colors such as purple or red, as well as purple or bright lilac are allowed.

Despite the presence of purely girlish colors - fuchsia and all shades of pink, emo guys wear exactly the same colors. This is the secret of emo style. It can be safely attributed to the unisex category. Almost any clothing or accessory inherent in emo style can be easily worn by both boys and girls, with rare exceptions.

Skirts play an interesting touch in the creation of the emo girl style. It can be asymmetrical skirts of any dark or, on the contrary, bright pink shades and of any length, or, on the contrary, fluffy tutu skirts.

The outerwear of emo kid is, as a rule, a short, tight-fitting jacket or a sweatshirt that is not athletic. The presence of traditional emo elements, such as broken hearts, crossed pistols, a favorite emo strip or cage, also carry different emotional messages.

No one is as inclined to an abundance of accessories in an image as emo kid. The most popular among them are wristbands, gloves or mitts, knee-highs, stockings or leggings, scarves, including arafats, as well as various bags, belts and, of course, badges. The colors of the accessories are also varied - stripes and checkerboard, emo-style drawings, images of your favorite emo-rock bands.

The favorite emo shoes are sneakers or slips, which are comfortable as in house slippers. Emo culture doesn't accept heels. Shoe laces, badges or buttons act as bright strokes in shoes.

Emo haircut and makeup

Black is inherent not only in emo clothes, but also the hair of most young people is dyed in this color. Very often there is a combination of black hair with various kinds of coloring in bright shades of not only pink, but also other colors.

The oblique bangs that fall over one eye are the hallmark of emo hairstyles, and the complete lack of symmetry is haircuts in general.

Well, of course, emo makeup does not lag behind clothing and hairstyles in its bright flamboyance. The emphasis, of course, is on the eyes, which emo, both guys and girls, are thickly blackened.

Despite the fact that the course of emo was initially quite serious, and its adherents could boast of a very different number of years lived, nowadays, the representatives of this subculture are mainly teenagers. Otherwise, they are also called emokids (from the English emo kid, or emo child). So, by what signs can you easily determine that you have an emocid in front of you?

Emo has long bangs that cover half of the face. One eye is completely covered, so it's not even entirely clear if this prevents the emo representative from looking around. The hairstyle usually has several strands of a contrasting color. Most often, emo dyes their hair black, and individual strands in white or pink. It happens, and vice versa, the hair is discolored, and contrasting strands are painted in a dark color. Especially black, white, and bright acid colors.

Emocks love facial piercings. Lips, eyebrows, nose: the face of a true emo is usually richly decorated with various earrings. Combined with special makeup, it really looks impressive. Emo makeup necessarily implies a bright accent on the eyes. They are summed up in black or another dark color, moreover, the eyeliner is not thin and, but bright and rather dense. There is always a layer of mascara on the eyelashes. Not only emo, but also boys can paint their eyes. This is not homosexual orientation, but simply emphasizes the eyes, the "mirror of emotions", in the case of emo.

Emo clothes

The clothes that emokids prefer are usually pink and black. This symbolizes the ideology of the subculture, where black means longing and sadness, and pink means joy and positive emotions. The combination in one image of contrasting hints that you are in front of an emotional person who can easily have sudden mood swings.

All kinds of emo clothing accessories are very popular. As a rule, they have something in common with the world of rock: these are wristbands, bracelets, amulets and various beads.

The silhouettes of emo clothes could be called close to casual, if not for their brightness. Skinny T-shirts, skinny skinny jeans, plaid shirts. An emo girl will not deny herself the pleasure of a beautiful fluffy dress, look like a real princess.

One look can easily combine decorations in the form of skulls and skeletons, as well as all kinds of bows and ruffles, children's or "doll" hairpins.

A characteristic part of the emo outfit is. Sneakers, often with high soles, and always with bright laces. It is better if these are multi-colored sneakers, even if these are shoes from different pairs, but in extreme cases you can be content with different laces.

In the late 90s and early 2000s, young people began to appear on the streets of cities, more often very young boys and girls, dressed in pink and black clothes, hairstyles in the same colors, with long bangs that obliquely cover half of their faces.

One might think that another style has appeared in fashion. However, this style, called "Emo", was more than a fashion trend. The emo style turned out to be a whole philosophy and attitude in life.

The history of the emergence of the Emo subculture - music and life.

The first followers of emo, as is often the case in youth subcultures, came out of music. In the late 80s, the musical movement "emocore" became popular among American youth as the most emotional branch of hard rock. In the emo direction of hard rock, lyrical ones prevailed, sometimes with lyrics that were emotional to the point of snot and tears.

Rock ballads touched upon the themes of unrequited love, pain, despair and death. Such texts guided young people not only not to hide their experiences, but, on the contrary, to demonstrate and focus the attention of others on them. The bright and open expression of emotion has become fashionable and popular. The more direct and open a person is, the more authoritative he is in the emo circle.

World perception, ideology and philosophy of Emo style.

At first glance, such a philosophy and position in life does not threaten anyone. The youth is characterized by ease. But there are sad statistics - the number of suicides among emo is higher than the average among young people. The pistol is one of my favorite emo symbols, as in the photo below:

There are features in the social behavior of adherents of the Emo style. There are no drug addicts among them, they do not drink, do not smoke. Many of them preach vegetarianism. The world perception of a true follower of the emo lifestyle is contained in the concepts of emo kid, i.e. human child. Children's spontaneity, emotionality, wide-open eyes, open to the world characterize the philosophical beginning of the emo style. The ideology of the emo style is inherently harmless and defenseless in front of the big and formidable world. This is the ideology of a child's defenselessness, like an emo girl with a toy in the photo below:

A real emo must acutely feel the injustice of the world, resist it, feel the fear and pain of others, be vulnerable to depression and express himself vividly. Emo love is characterized by sublimity and romance. In the work of Johann Wolfgang Goethe "The Suffering of Young Werther", in fact, for the first time, the attitude and philosophy of the emo style were described, although the style itself did not exist at that time.

How to distinguish the Emo style by the image and features of clothing.

External attributes expressing the image of a medium static follower of the emo style look like this:

1. The face is pale, the eyes are brought up, the lips can be in the skin tone, but red lipstick is not forbidden either. Under the eyes, there are well-traced traces of cosmetics, seemingly blurred by tears.

2. Hair is one of the important elements of emo style. They are usually black or dark. One or two strands of hair are dyed in a different color, usually pink, lilac, lilac. The bangs cover half of the face and one eye, symbolizing the secret of the soul. The other half is emotionally open to the world. Everything is as in the photo just above.
3. The combination of black with pink prevails in clothes, but there can be combinations of black with lilac, red, blue. A striped piece of clothing is recommended. On the feet are Converse sneakers, slip-ons or the like. T-shirts and jeans are tight, skinny.
4. Emo style includes piercings on the face, nose or ear, emo badges on clothes, bracelets, bags, belts and belts with rivets and chains. Teddy bears or some cute toys are hung on the chains. You can wear large glasses, hiding mascara smeared under the eyes, behind black lenses.

Emo style symbols.

Badges, pendants, pink or black beads and bracelets, designs on T-shirts and embroideries on clothes should convey the symbolism of the emo style, as the symbol of the emo pendant in the photo below conveys.

The background for the depiction of emo symbolic characters is usually pink, and the symbol itself is applied in black. Because these colors express the bipolarity of the world. Pink - symbolizes love, joy, romance and difference from another subculture - Gothic. And the black color symbolizes pain, despair, depression, death.
1. The symbolism includes a broken, cracked, torn heart, always pink.
2. Characters of Disney cartoons, more often Mickey Mouse and his girlfriend Mini, have also become symbols of the emo style. They are depicted on T-shirts, and a teddy bear Teddy snuggles to the chest, as children usually cuddle a favorite toy.
3. Often a skull and bones or crossed pistols are depicted next to a pink broken heart, as an allusion to the same crossed bones.
4. Sometimes a black five-pointed star or a pistol is depicted as a symbol.

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