How to get rid of negative and protect against negative impacts? How to deal with the negative: reconfigure yourself. How to get rid of the negative accumulated within himself

" Very important topic, very! Because it is really difficult to communicate with some people - you will talk half an hour, and then half a day you have to recover. They suck energy - and do it quite effectively. Those 7 receptions that are described below are true work. The main thing is to remember them, keep them. And not to give yourself offense;)

People who are harder to love everything need love most. ~ Mirny warrior (this is a book. And the film on the book. Interesting)

Have you ever deal with negative people? If so, then you know that it happens terribly hard.

I remember my former colleague, which was just such. During our conversations, she firmly complained about his colleagues, to work and for life. At the same time, she quite cynically responded about people as a whole, constantly doubting their intentions. Talking with her did not deliver pleasure. At all.

After our first conversation, I felt completely exhausted. Although we have talked only 20-30 minutes, I had no mood, neither the strength to do something else. It was the feeling that someone has sucked life from me, and it took three hours so that this effect passed.

When we communicated later, the same thing happened. She was so pessimistic that her negative energy seemed to go to me after the conversation, and also left an unpleasant taste in the mouth. And you know, it bothered me very much. I would love to communicate with her if I could.

Then one day I decided that I need to develop an action plan - how to cope with negative people. In the end, she is not the only one person I will meet in my life. I thought: "For each negative person, whom I will meet now, thousands of those I can once meet. If I learn to cope with her - I can cope with all the others. "

Holding it in the mind, I conducted a brainstorming - how best to deal with negative people.

In the end, I felt several key techniques to do it effectively. They can be very useful to establish good relationship with such people. And although now I am more often dealing with positive people, these steps come to the rescue when I sometimes meet negative people.

If now in your life there is such a negative person, you do not need to suffer from him. You are not alone in your problem - I came across negative people often and learned how to cope with them. Let them try to lower you - you yourself can choose how to react and what to do.

So, 7 receptions that will help you deal with negative people.

Reception 1. Do not let yourself be involved in negative

I noticed one thing: Negative people tend to focus on bad things and ignore good. They exaggerate the problems encountered, and therefore their position seems much worse than it really is.

For the first time, when you communicate with a negative person, listen carefully and offer help if necessary. Drive support - let him (she) knows that not alone. Nevertheless, make a mark somewhere. If a person continues to complain about the same problem even after several discussions - this is a sign that you need to be free.

To begin with, try changing the topic. If he (she) enter a negative corkscrew, let him (she) continue, but not involve in the negative. Let's make simple answers, like "Yes, I see," or "Yeah". When he (she) will react positively, respond to affirmatively and enthusiastically. If you do it quite often, he (she) will soon understand what is happening, and will become more positive in communication.

Reception number 2. Use groups

Communication with a negative personality can be very tedious. When I talked with my negative colleague, I used to be completely depleted for several hours, although the conversation itself lasted only 20-30 minutes. It happened because I took on all her negative.

To solve this problem, let them be next to you, when you are talking to a negative person. In fact, the more people, the better. Then the negative energy will share between you and other people, and you do not have to carry her gravity alone.

An additional plus from the fact that someone else will be near - other people help to identify different sides of individuality. When there are others next, they can help open a different, positive side of a negative person. I experienced it before, and it helped me see a "negative" person in a more positive light.

Reception number 3. Operate comments

Negative people can be quite critical from time to time. They periodically release comments that can hurt very much, especially when they are directed at you.

For example, I had a girlfriend, which was very netthatic. She loved to give different dismissive and critical comments. At first I was worried about her words, wondering why she was so critical every time he says. I also thought I could something wrong with me - maybe I'm not good enough. However, when I observed, as she communicates with our common friends, I realized that she behaves the same with them. Her comments were not personal attacks - it was her usual behavior.

Realize that a negative person usually does not want to hurt you - he or she just driven into the trap of his own negative. Learn to deal with negative comments. Operate them. Instead of taking it (her) words to his account, personally, consider them as another point of view. Let's follow the husk and see if you can benefit or learn something from what is said.

Reception number 4. Switch to more nice themes

Some negative people come from certain topics. For example, one of the friend turns into a "sacrifice of circumstances" whenever it comes to work. It doesn't matter what I say, he will continue to complain to work, on which everything is just terrible, and will not be able to stop.

If a person was deeply rooted in his negative, in his problems, the decision could be the change of topic. Start a new topic to raise the mood. Simple things - cinema, day incidents, common friends, hobbies, happy news may noticeably facilitate the conversation. Support it in areas for which a person is experiencing positive emotions.

Reception number 5. Carefully choose who spend your time with

As Jim Ron was expressed - "You are the average of those 5 people with whom spend the most time." This quotation means that those with whom you spend time have a huge impact on what kind of person you become.

I think it is very true. Think about the time you spend with negative people - do you feel good or bad after that? The same with positive people. - How do you feel after you spend time with them?

Whenever I spend time with negative people, I feel heaving after that, I feel bad aftertaste. When I meet with positive people, I feel the tide of optimism and energy. This effect remains after communication. Conducting more time with negative people, you gradually become negative too. At first it may be temporarily, but over time the effect will begin to root in you.

If you feel that certain people in your life are negative, realize how much time you spend with them. I advise you to limit the duration - it can help. For example, if they want to chat with you, but you do not like their company, learn to say "no". If this is a meeting or a phone call, set the limit how much they will continue. Store the topic of discussion, and do not let him last more than a certain time.

Reception number 6. Define areas in which you can make positive changes.

Negative people are negative because they lack love, positive and heat. Often they behave like creating a barrier that will protect them from the world.

One of the best ways to help them - bring a positive in their lives. Think about what is worried about a person now, and think about how you can help him (her). It should not be something too complicated, and you definitely should not do it if you do not want. The key is to be sincere in the desire to help, and show him (s) another look at life.

Some time ago, I had a girlfriend who did not like her work. She did not like the environment and corporate culture. On my (already formerly) workplace a vacancy appeared, so I offered her this opportunity. She eventually received this work, performs it for 3 years, and makes it perfectly.

Today it leads much happier, active and optimistic life. It is definitely more positive than a few years ago. Although I do not yet put that it will be completely satisfied with his career, I feel satisfied from what I helped a little at the right time. In addition, there is always something that you can help the other - look back and help with what you can. A small effect on your part can lead to great changes in your relationship.

Reception number 7. Stop communicating with them

If nothing helps - limit contacts with these people or even completely remove them from your life.

Instead of spending your time with negative people, concentrate better on positive people. In the past, I spent a lot of time with negative people trying to help them. It took me a lot of energy and often it was absolutely bipolyzno. I revised my methods. Now I prefer to work with positive friends and business partners. It turned out and more pleasant, and more useful.

Remember that you build your life, and you decide which you want it to be. If negative people make you feel bad, work on it using 7 sets out. Correctly acting, you can noticeably change your relationship.

Businessman, teacher and author of the book "Green Light for the Future" John Coeberer offers several own advice on combating all types of stress:

Please accept the fact that very few manifests the stress. Do not think that you are invulnerable and able to avoid negative consequences of stress. You need to know your enemy in the face. Learn yourself to understand how stress can affect specifically for you.

Remember, you can defeat stress. This is the main thing. It is such an internal installation that will help you to leave the winner in the battle with stress. Go to the Internet and read as many stories as possible about how different people managed to overcome stress and live happily and calmly. The awareness of the fact that someone was in the same situation, and was able to successfully come out of her.

Strive for physical and psychological comfort.The correct diet, the system of physical exercises in combination with high self-esteem and the Aza of spiritual practice can be very good to prepare you for successful stress fighting. Awareness that your mind, body and soul are in good shape, will serve as a deterrent for stress.

Accept the assertion: "When one door is closed, another will be opened." In life, nothing happens just like that, and something best is waiting for you right around the corner. As soon as you believe it, you will immediately see many magical confirmations.

Like in your life humor. The surrounding world is full of humor. See comedies, read funny stories on the Internet, learn to laugh. When you laugh, your body produces endorphins - hormones of good mood.

Collect around yourself positive people and try to minimize communication with people who are constantly emitting negative. Such people have a huge negative impact, avoid communicating with them. Let in your life as much fun, optimistic and friendly people. Take the time to breathe the flavor of flowers, treat yourself to chocolate, arrange yourself an unplanned output, go on vacation to where I have long wanted. It is very important that there was something that makes something that makes you smile.

Let the sun in your life, literally. Vitamin D3 is very useful for physical and emotional health. At least sometimes in clear days, enjoy the sun and warmth.

Remember, everything goes. Each of us can remember many cases in life, when all problems are poured simultaneously and begins to seem that there is no way out. However, life continues.

Discard the need all the time to be right. It is so important to be right for many of us that for the sake of this we destroy the relationship, career and in the end your life. Dr. Wain Dyer has extensive experience in resolving such situations. He advises to just tell his opponent: "Yes, you are really right" and let everything remain as it is.

And finally, the most important thing is to imagine that you live life without stress. Make a deep breath and imagine how such life looks like, feel the emotions that it is filled, and begin to live as if your life is just like this - without stress and negative.

Dedicate a little time every day with these exercises, especially the latter, and then you will have much more chances to cope with the stressful situation.

Even the favorite work sometimes turns out to be fraught with stressful situations. Cut the salary, the contract broke down, the project was covered, the chef did the drain, the client heated, or you were simply tired of numerous loads, and the vacation is not soon ... How long how to reduce the impact of negative factors to a minimum? The advice of our readers gives psychologist Elena Godina.

Work is a factor of stress, "the specialist believes. - No wonder they say: the one who does not do nothing. If you sit at home all day and idle, then stressful situations, naturally, becomes much smaller. But most of us still go to work or, as a last resort, worries remotely, at home. And any work is communication, responsibility and, of course, problems. Whatever a good worker you are, "and on the old woman there is a drup." No one is insured against mistakes, inadequate colleagues and bosses, or from ordinary fatigue.

So, what measures can we accept, so that work does not become our nightmare?

First of all, do our health, because our performance depends on it.

In order for the strength and energy to you, you should eat correctly, use more vitamins, fiber, fruits and vegetables. Instead of ordinary teas, it is better to drink herbal infusions, they are much more fragrant and useful than fruit tea in bags.

Do not abuse coffee, smoking and alcohol.

It is also desirable to do at least some kind of sport or at least not neglected the morning charge.

Make your workplace comfortable.

No matter, in the office you are working or at home. Your table should be located in a convenient place, a chair or chair, where you are sitting, should also be comfortable enough, given the fact that you will spend quite a lot of time on it.

It also does not interfere with the workplace in the workplace: piles of papers and unnecessary things will be distracted by the execution of official tasks. In addition, in the grief of rubbish it is difficult to find something necessary. Take a rule to make cleaning at your desk at least once a week.

If possible, make a plan for a day and distribute tasks according to the degree of importance and urgency.

In the work that requires solving diverse tasks, it is very important to learn how to place priorities. If we have to deal with several things at once, we sometimes we lose and grab it alternately for one thing, then for another, no one thing is to the end. In other cases, we strive to cope first with the case, which requires high time and energy. As a result, we get stress, and the work has not been completed.

Priority for you should be urgency. If some kind of project should be passed today, tomorrow, you will try for it. And the one that needs to be passed in a week will wait. If everything needs to be done in one day, first all small things first, and then you will be thrown for large ones. You will see that the work went much more productively.

Decide problems as they arrive.

Sometimes, if the matter is not very urgent, we postpone it "for later." Suppose to call someone, talk to someone, draw up a document, send a letter ... Gradually, such "indefinition" is accumulated, but you still have to rake them! Therefore, it is better to deal with the problem as quickly as possible so that then I did not have to do it in the regime of insane.

If you do not want trouble in life, it is important to know how to protect yourself from the negative energy of the people who surround you. Perfect if your surroundings consists of completely from positive personalities, which are good to you, - then to worry about what. Otherwise, you need to learn how to put energy blocks. Talk about how to do it.

We all accustomed to protect the body from cold or heat, immunity - from diseases. But the protection of the energy in the list of mandatory events is usually not included. And in vain - because very often there are "toxic people" on our life path. These are energy vampires that are able to harm you quite seriously.

What are the dangerous contacts with energy vampires:

  • Complaints, envy, negative, these personalities are capable of tiring. After communicating with such people there is a feeling of emotional fatigue, anxiety, unpleasant thoughts appear
  • Mental harm from toxic people is transferred to the physical shell of a person - you can notice the deterioration of well-being, start to get sick
  • Criticizing, condemning you or impartially expressing, energy vampires are able to affect the course of your life. They literally take good luck, deprive you of energy, which is why many problems may arise in the affairs of financial and personal

If it is impossible to completely exclude contacts with such personalities, it is worth taking care of the purification of its own space and the energy shell from the whole negative effect.

How to remove negative energy with yourself: 2 proven method

If you experience the negative impact of other people's energy, use one or more of the following ways. They are simple enough - train and apply them constantly.

Method first: put the borders

This method is applied in cases where "toxic" energetically person:

  1. Complaints for life. He sees everything around exclusively in black light. Complains of all and all, whines, tells about his problems, wanting to get your sympathy
  2. Negatively responds to everyone around. The government is bad, the chief of the fool, the children are naughty, the spouse - so at all the devil in the flesh. All around is to blame, only the "vampire" - well done

Complaints and condemnation of other people do not need to listen at all. Leave or deal with your own affairs. If you do not stop the conversation, use protector phrases:

  • "You will succeed, you will definitely decide all the problems." Continues to cry and complain - "No, I do not believe, you can cope with all this, I know for sure"
  • Translate the topic: "By the way, yesterday a new film came out, looked?"
  • And best of all clearly mark the borders: "Sorry, but I am not interested in listening to it"
  • Or: Oh, seriously? And what do you think about doing this? " (if complaining)

When the vampire understands that neither pity, nor sympathy from you will wait for you, and you do not support the conversations about the sins of other people, he will get back from you and will look for another "sacrifice."

The method of the second: turn on awareness

Learn to control your unconscious - it means to obtain powerful protection against someone else's negative energy. You need to control your emotions that arise in the process of communicating with negatives.

How many times have you broken, answering Hama rudeness? Relled hysterics in cases when a person deliberately provoke you to emotions? All negative feelings that you are experiencing in such moments, tremendously steal your energy.

Therefore, you need to learn "include" awareness and learn to perceive the situation calmly, without unnecessary emotions.

How to do it:

  • Suppose someone caused your anger. Before you begin to resent, scream or rude in response, think for a second, take a pause
  • Think about what can be said in response. For example, you Hamit Conductor: "And where I will find you with thousands from thousands, drove here, rich!". Instead of arranging a scandal, calmly and with a smile, pointed: "Unfortunately, I have no minor money, but I am sure that you will find the surrender, I will be very grateful."
  • Ham gets a reaction that does not expect - and either calms down, or lags behind you, leaves

Enlarge awareness in any situation that provokes you to the negative. Remember constantly: it is more important to keep calm than to "feed" a toxic person with your negative emotions.

Cleansing space from negative energy and entities

Separately, it is worth talking about cleansing space from negative energy. These techniques should be applied if you moved to a new home or apartment, and you wish to get rid of the destructive energy of past tenants.

Also, such practices can be carried out after conflicts with domestic or simply for energy "prevention".

Watch the video on how to clean the home from negative energy:

Elementary ways:

  • Cleaning with positive affirmations. General cleaning, in the course of which you throw out the whole old trash and remove the dirt - this is a great way to clean the room from negative energy. To enhance the effect, you can mentally pronounce affirmations: "All members of my family are healthy, successful and happy," "I become healthier and better every day." Etc
  • Catering all broken. The flowing faucet, broken locks, staggering doors of lockers - all this overlaps the flow of positive energy. Therefore, if at home I broke something - immediately repair
  • Clean mirrors and windows. Constantly maintain their cleanliness and rub to glitter glitter. This also applies to any other reflective surfaces.

Believers can also hang holy icons at home.

Negative energy devastantly affects our biofield, which leads to personal problems, diseases and turns life into a series of failures. Three effective ways to get out of this state.

To date, a huge amount of information is reigning around us, most of which, unfortunately, is negative. A person like a sponge absorbs all the energy waves with which interacts during the day. It is necessary to deal with negative energy impacts. This will help you positive thinking and three effective ways to purify the biofield.

Filtering information

Each person creates a world around himself: our thoughts, words, actions and desires determine further fate. The key to personal happiness and prosperity is a strong and healthy energy. If it is positive, only positive events surround you. But if the biopol is clogged by the negative, then a person is pursued by misfortunes, suffering and danger.

In this world, everything is interconnected and nothing happens just like that. Some people overtake karma, others achieve everything personally. But we are all the rulers of our own life, and, as in any responsible case, in the design of their destinies it is necessary to follow the order and certain rules.

This attracts like that. All information obtained is distributed in each cell of the body. In other words, any energy affects our DNA by modifying it at the physical level. Hence the disease that arise as if from nowhere, and a series of failures, and an unhappy life. Did you know that the faded swearing acts on our body like radioactive radiation? Mat launches the program to self-destruct, even if we just hear it.

The whole negative, obtained and seen by you, sooner or later affects goodness and physical condition. Therefore, it is so important to filter information, get rid of communication with bad people, to get as much positive emotions as possible. But in addition to the negative impact, which you can draw from the world yourself, a person is susceptible to the bad effect on the part. The smoothness, damage and other magical actions are aimed at the destruction of your life with energy. Get rid of energy mud to help you with three efficient and proven methods.

1 Method: Elimination of energy holes in biofield

Put your hands with the back of the palm opposite each other. Imagine that there is a thicketer of negative energy between your palms. Make a deep breath and feel how Divine Energy fills you. With exhalation, clean energy should go through hands and positively charge the entire negative. You must repeat the exercise several times.

This technique should be used every morning. With it, you will not only be cleaned of negative, but also strengthen the biofield. The formed positive energy will help you to remove barriers and layering of negative impact. If you expect quick results, then at the beginning of your course should be made as possible and make such an exercise several times a day.

2 way: get rid of alien energy

If you feel discomfort in the body, you are pursued by obsessive thoughts and failures, as well as a tangible negative impact, this method will help you.

Imagine a river full of fire, and you visually put yourself on it. You should mentally throw yourself in fiery water. Thus, all your fears and negative energy will burn in the flame, and your phantom, like Phoenix, will rise from the ashes. Imagine that you have been reborn and everything around shines with white light. This is clean energy.

Now in real time you need to feel like white energy spreads through your body, starting with the legs. At the end, she should like a cocoon of omitting you, creating a shield from someone else's impact and seals.

3 Method: Energy Cleaning at the Cellular Level

Close your eyes and imagine that you are currently at sea, relax on the shore, you can't care anything, you are happy and calm. You feel like waves caress your feet. Look at yourself from the side. You must see dirty stains in those places that cause physical or emotional pain. Inhale full breasts and feel how cool marine water has discarded you. On the exhalation, feel how water retreats back, washed off part of the spots. Continue as long as the dirt does not completely come down from your body. Typically, cleansing occurs after ten times.

These are just some practices for cleansing the negative energy. Their impact flows on the mental level, which helps to be positive energy, release the negative and strengthen the biopol.

"Instead of interested when you give another vacation, you need to start living life from which you do not have to run," - (Seth Godin), a marketer, founder of the recommendation network.

"Madness is again and again to do the same, every time I expect another result," Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein), a scientist, a laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

"Most people will prefer misfortune before uncertainty," Timothy Ferriss, American Writer, Blogger, author of the book "4-hour work week."

"Being a high school student, I worked in a grocery store. I had 8 different bosses, and for all the time of work I did not bother to remember the name none of them.

The shop manager wore a golden vest, which did not go completely, and the Director-General constantly packed in a vest of light blue (which looked even more ridiculous).

At the end of the month, before passing a report on profits and loss, they turned into real monsters. To be honest, when a man is yelling on you in a light blue vest, it becomes a little shame. Therefore, when someone from my acquaintances came to the store, I waited until they go hiding in the refrigeration chamber.

My last year of graduate school was a tricky hell. I wrote a few articles and finished the dissertation, but my scientific leader refused to sign it, again and again returning to refinement. There is nothing worse than a person who orders you to jump, swinging before your face keys to a bright future.

Every day I thought about throwing everything. I felt as a spark inside me slowly goes out: I was sulfate, but I did not have anything except to watch what was happening. Something similar I had to worry just once: in childhood (my parents were constantly quarreling, and I was still too young to leave home) And when I started living with my girlfriend (at some point I realized that our relationship I went to a dead end, but I could not take anything because it was too poor and did not have the opportunity to break the lease agreement).

Fortunately, I always managed to change my life for the better. It did not occur overnight, but I always found a way to get out of one or another situation. Now, looking back, I understand that this method has always been the same. "

Negative people will destroy your life!

The human brain has addiction to negative information. The results of numerous studies show that negative information passes through the almond-shaped body (part of the limbic brain system, located in its temporal share) and immediately goes to the so-called "long-term memory storage".

At the same time, the processing process of positive information lasts about 12 seconds.

Another study showed that a person who is undergoing negative influence during 30 minutes (for example, a crude chief or a friend's monologue about what is unhappy), the neurons of the hippocampus are beginning to collapse, one of the functions of what is participation in the process of solving problems.

Miraculous influence of change

Changes will make you happier. :)

A recent study conducted by Professor of Psychology of Connecticut University (University of Connecticut) John Salamon showed that one of the main factors acting on the level of human motivation is dopamine. It is quite obvious that people who feel themselves with their own lives, dopamine level is often critical.

A similar experiment conducted by scientists from the University of British Columbia (The University of British Columbia) showed that one of the simplest and rapid ways to increase the level of dopamine are change.

Many people constantly say that they want to escape from all things that they are so hateful. Nevertheless, they are not in a hurry to embody their desire, continuing to carry their usual existence, which has long ceased to bring them joy.

All because they are afraid of change. You will not be able to escape from negative events and negative people without leaving your comfort zone. If you do not find the strength to go beyond its limits, you never get rid of the need to solve not your problems and sympathize with the failures of others.

Get rid of the influence of negative people

1. Equipment "Rodo"

Remove your own benefit from your brain addiction to negative information.

At the end of the 19th century, an Atlantic cod was in great demand. Rumors about the excellent taste qualities of this fish very quickly reached the west coast. But the problem was as follows: the restaurants of the west coast were to find a way to transport fish at such a huge distance, while retaining her freshness.

Suppliers decided to send frozen fish by train. But when restaurants got and prepared a cod, she was too soft and practically lost his tasteful taste.

After some time, it was decided to build huge aquariums filled with seawater in the train cars. When the goods were delivered to the west coast, the fish was alive, but despite this, the finished dish, it was still tasteless.

A few years later, one young scientist began to study the nature of the cod and discovered that the natural enemy of this fish was som. The scientist recommended the owners of the west coast restaurants to carry fish in the same aquariums, but to immerse two or three soms.

When the Atlantic cod, which was able to flush from Somov, was delivered and cooked, her taste was not different from the one that was served in the restaurants of the Eastern Coast of America. :)

If there is a negative person in your life, from which you cannot get rid of traditional ignoring, learn how to use it in your own interests, directing his negative in the right you need.

2. Fog technique

In the event that negative people have power over you, the best thing you can do to protect yourself from their disastrous influence is to hide your true goals and plans. If they are not aware of what you really want, you will not be able to prevent you.

This is what Isaia Henkel tells about his experience with such people:

"In graduate school, I made a huge mistake, telling my scientific supervisor that I want to find work in the engineering industry.

A few months later, when some dispute broke out between us, he used this information against me. In the future, he intentionally inserted me sticks into the wheels so that I could not get a position in the company, the director of which was already ready to offer me a place.

After missing the opportunity to get on your first job, I decided to no longer devote a scientific leader into my plans, thereby completely disarmed. "

3. Technique "Investing"

Not all negative people are useless. In fact, some of them can be much smarter and talented you. Negative people who occur on our life path often have the interests with us, read the same literature and watch the same films.

Do not allow your own emotions to overshadow the fact that the people are not too pleasant to you possess qualities that can bring some benefits.

For example, if this man succeeded in theft of your largest customers, it is worth thinking about why he still does not work for you. To disarm negative people, you need to honor their merits. Thus, you can not only benefit from this, but also earn their respect and trust.

If it seems to you that someone drives you crazy, move the emotions to the background and try to evaluate the situation from the outside. Try to find in this person something that can bring certain benefits, and start working.

4. Empty technique

Negative people use those surrounding as an elixir life. They need someone who can sacrifice their time to hear about their failures and disappointments.

Forcing others to suffer, negative people feel much better, but when you disappear - create emptiness, the negative characters are forced to keep the burden of their problems independently.

The only disadvantage of the emptiness technique is that before you can completely get rid of negative people, their influence will become more than several times more.

As soon as a negative person understands that you are trying to remove from him, he will do everything to achieve your location again. Since in the past you communicated very often, they will not be easy to make you respond.

Your main task is to resist this desire and remember that sooner or later this person will leave you alone.

Multiplier of happiness

Happiness and success have the same speed of distribution as viruses. According to scholars estimates, communication with a successful positive person increases your chances of becoming happy by 15%. If a friend of your friend is an Iclamp optimist, then your chances of playing a merryback increase by 10%, and if the most positive person you know is your friend's friend, the likelihood that you will become a little happier, increases by 6%. :)

There are more than 7,000,000,000 people on our planet. It would seem that to find the one who will support you and take what you have, should be easy. However, most of us are very difficult to let someone new in our life, since there are much more eloquent mistakes, resentment and commitments, rather than a prospect of make friends with a positive person.

One of the most important steps towards the involvement of successful, strong, optimistic people into its lives is to improve communication skills. A large-scale study conducted by the specialists of the Center for Creative Leadership showed that weak communication skills are the first thing that harms the career growth of the employee.

Isaia Henkel proposes to use the following ways to improve communication skills.

1. Body language

In order for your interlocutor not to feel awkward, learn how to transfer your emotional state with the help of various non-verbal tricks - body positions, facial expressions, gestures.

The results of studies of the Massachusetts Technological Institute show that people who are actively gesticulating during the conversation, make the impression of strong charismatic personalities.

2. susceptibility

Usually, a sensitive person has excellent communicative skills, since it is much easier for him to "read", which in one or another situation they feel others.

One of the fastest and efficient ways to increase its susceptibility (sensitivity) is the reading of fiction. Many studies show that reading has a positive effect on human abilities to determine and understand the emotions of others.

3. Calibration under the situation

In neurolynguistic programming, the concept of "calibration" is used to describe the ability of a person to recognize and adapt to the emotional state of the interlocutor or the situation in which it falls.

If you entered the room and felt that something is wrong, the first thing you should do is to pay attention to the body language of others. Who behaves aggressively? Who seems depressed? Who occupies a neutral position?

As soon as you understand what mood in most present, you will be much easier to establish contact with them and find out what happened.

4. Movement to action

Some people emit light, others - absorb your vitality. Of course, a person who can boast excellent communicative skills, refers to the first type of people: he gives the surrounding a good mood, makes them smile, enjoy life, inspires and attaches confidence in their own power.

If you want to encourage a person to action, you will have to take care of his emotional state, since one of the most important factors affecting the degree of human motivation is the development of so-called "joy hormones", which belongs to serotonin and endorphin.

5. Simplicity

Then as You talk about something, just as important as that thanyou tell.

Replacing simple understandable words by professional terms, you allow a huge mistake. Putting the interlocutor in an awkward position, you will not look smarter in his eyes. Rather, on the contrary: he will seriously think about whether it is worth spending time on a pompous self-confident clever.

6. Multiority

The more diversity in your life, the more interesting to communicate with you.

If you are a middle manager who spends most of his time in the office, take a few surf lessons or diving, jump with a parachute or go with your friends in a hike. If you feel about the category of houses, try to find a job on the Internet.

Knowing that you have a lot of varied opportunities, you can not use them.

7. Attentiveness

The powerful, influential, successful people have no more powerful reception than the effect of presence.

The presence effect assumes that all your attention should be fixed on your interlocutor: you should not only speak, but also listen, empathize, make him believe that you don't care.

The key to success is the right sequence

Find your destination, rally around yourself and only then offer them a product or service. In case you like to work on other people, said sequence remains unchanged: first you must define your goals, and then find a job that will help you achieve them, but not in reverse order.

It should be noted that most people come exactly up to the contrary: they are arranged on the desired work, they build useful ties and only then try to find at least some meaning in all this. As a rule, such people very rarely achieve any heights.

1. Start from the end

Wage raising or guidance cannot be endpoints. These are just life guidelines, the number of which is completely unlimited.

The main goal of any person should be his lifestyle - the list of mandatory actions that he performs, barely tearing off his head from the pillow or returning home from work, then what he works through day day. This list may include sports, evening walks, reading, learning a foreign language, mathematical modeling courses and the like.

Many people burn at work for an imaginary good life. The problem is that they do not even imagine what it should be. They simply diligently strict long lists of cases, fill the weekly calendars, go to business meetings, do not part for a minute with their smartphone, without thinking about what all this should lead.

Take a pause, look forward, determine the main goal, and then start moving to it from the other end. :)

2. Arrange priorities

Your life priorities should correlate with the goals set, and not with experienced feelings and lists of cases. Only in this case will you save yourself from bizarre solutions that can knock you down from the right path.

Remember that your life goals are not only what you want to achieve, but also how you want to live your life.

3. Implement your dreams

Each of us has a dream. Create a fuzzy picture of a happier, rich and successful self is very easy. However, it is understood that the words "happier" mean for you, and determine how much you should have money to feel rich, not so simple.