How best to send a child to kindergarten. How old is the child in the garden? - Tips for psychologists and experienced parents

  • Day Son
  • Hysteria
  • Kindergarten is a very important stage in the life of a child. When you give a child in kindergarten, parents decide, depending on the well-being of the family, the employment of mom and dad at work, the presence of grandparents. But no longer a question, whether it is necessary to do it at all. Undoubtedly, kindergarten is useful for a child.. He teaches the baby to adapt, to start contacts, communicate, live in society. Without these skills, the child will be difficult to go to the first class and live on.

    However, due to the visit to the kindergarten, Mom and Pap have many questions, which primarily concern the health status of the kid. The authoritative children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky tells how to prepare a child to a responsible period in his life, how to overcome the difficulties of the first time and to preserve children's health.

    At what age is better to give a child

    This question must be solved only inside the family. Typically, kids lead to a kindergarten aged from 1 to 3 years, less often - at an older age.Many kindergartens have recently introduced a segless restriction - until one and a half years old do not take. If there are doubts, it's time to come to the kindergarten, it is better to consult with teachers, educators, a children's psychologist. They will tell if the baby is ready for life in the Great Team.

    Doctors are interested in the other - what will be done by mom when the child takes into the garden. If she decided to go to work on the same day, this is not the most successful decision, Komarovsky believes. First, the child will be more often sick, and it is natural, and therefore mom will have to often take sick leave. And, secondly, the adaptation will be softer if the mother tries at the first time to "dispense" a visit to the kindergarten for his child.

    The optimal option for pediatricians, including Komarovsky, consider the situation when a mother stays at home on maternity leave for a few months in order to be able to leave a child at home without clarifying the child at any time if he had the first appearance of the ailment - a runny nose, cough . It is good for the kid himself, as it easier to suffer the disease, and for other children, which he will not infilt.

    About the fact that a "good kindergarten" is and how to approach the choice of kindergarten, Dr. Komarovsky will tell in the next issue.


    This is the most difficult in the whole story with the beginning of the garden visit. Evgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that there are no children who would not pass through the complex adaptation process. With a child, there is a lot of things at once: it is experiencing, emotionally and psychologically, in his body, too, "rebuilding". In the kindergarten - the day of the day, and therefore he will have to adapt to the will of the will, new food, the child's immunity "gets acquainted" with new viruses circulating in the children's team, and from here - frequent incidence, especially at first, while there are no specific in the body antibodies

    How long will the adaptation last, depends only on the child himself. One is 2-3 months old, others have a year and even more.

    If the parents can not affect the incidence in any way, then make adaptation easier to them completely. To do this, you need to choose the right time of year when the baby will start walking in the garden. In the seasons of increased morbidity (from the end of October to April) it is better not to do, Komarovsky speak. But in the late spring and summer - please.

    Possible problems

    Such a significant change in the child's life, as a kindergarten, can entail a number of problems, both psychological and medical character. However, Komarovsky advises them to prepare in advance. Best of all, from birth.

    Hardening, adequate attitude towards the treatment of childhood diseases at an early age, to receiving certain medicines, as well as preventive vaccinations, which are made on time and on schedule is the best way to prepare a baby to visiting the preschool institution.

    The child's addictiveness to new conditions, according to Komarovsky, is a purely individual process.. One kid will quickly accept new "game conditions", the other will resist change a little longer. These are mainly the problems of the psychological kind, although sometimes on the background of the inner rejection of new conditions, the baby can get sick and quite physically. Such a connection in medicine is called psychosomatics.

    Floating and hysteria

    These are the most common manifestations of psychological problems that any kid have, which began to led into kindergarten. In this situation, Komarovsky recommends not to "blow out an elephant flies," do not record a child in patients. Soothing and sedatives are needed only by those kids who are very painful about the new in their lives, and if children's doctors are a psychiatrist and a neurologist believe that such a need is really there.

    But this situation is actually a rarity, and therefore it is not necessary to search for "sedative for a nervous child." The best tactics of parents - favor and goodwill. It is impossible to put pressure on the baby, shout and force in no case. It will only make it difficult to adapt the process.

    The famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky will tell the famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky in the next issue.

    Frequent diseases

    Evgeny Komarovsky considers it natural.Frequent diseases are mainly caused by viruses, and the likelihood of "picking up" them is higher if the circle of communication is wider. Of course, sitting at home, the baby is less likely to get sick with flu or windmill, although she does not seek to zero, because parents can bring parents from or guests. But you can't hold the child all my life at home!

    His immunity should "study", "train", fix, and for this he just needs to be faced with the pathogens of the disease.

    In addition, there are a number of diseases that are better to overcome in childhood, since they are incredibly dangerous for adults. This is all familiar windmill, rubella.

    Dr. Komarovsky will tell about the prevention of childhood diseases in kindergarten.

    Evgeny Komarovsky, according to Evgenia Komarovsky, deserves not the fact and frequency of diseases, "brought" from the kindergarten, but the severity of these ailments. One kid is sick for five days quite easily, another two weeks lies in bed, and then parents one month fond the consequences of complications. This is no way a pre-school institution is in no way guilty. This feature of the immunity of each particular baby, as well as the specificity of its treatment.

    The frequent diseases of the kindergarten child should not be written off on the educators who did not want to go for a walk for a walk, not tied the scarf or forgot about the cap. These parents are conveniently masked their own inconsistency, says Komarovsky. First, they create a baby with greenhouse conditions, which actually "crippled" his immunity, and then complain that, having met with a rain or a draft in the kindergarten, their baby was painful. The absence of such greenhouse conditions, the correct and adequate attitude of the parents to the child from birth practically reduces such "random" diseases in kindergarten.

    How to choose a good kindergarten

    At the level of morbidity, the type of kindergarten, its logistical support, the qualifications of teachers and nurse do not affect, is sure Evgeny Komarovsky. Therefore, to recommend a specific kindergarten - a private or state, the duties of doctors are not included.

    But experts note that the kindergartens, where groups are located in a normal building, with a recent renovation, where there are no children in the group, it is better adapted for children. Well, if there is a swimming pool in the preschool institution if people who understand how important the premises are important, even in winter.

    What a child is considered "Nesadikovsky"

    There are no such children by and large, says Komarovsky. This "diagnosis" put educators and teachers, and sometimes the parents themselves, when adaptation is too delayed or the child learned to "launch" the process of the disease in his psychological reasons (the most psychosomatics).

    About the concept of "Nesadikovsky Child" and whether such a concept will generally tell Dr. Komarovsky in the release below.

    The trouble is, says Komarovsky, which in most kindergartens do not respect the correct temperature regime, do not follow the humidity of the air. Educators come to horror when thinking to open the window and venture a group in the midst of winter. As a result, a child who breathes in the garden with dry air in a broken group, is sick more often. And it is mistakenly considered the contraindication to visiting the kindergarten. It is about such children and they say that they are Nesadikovsky.

    Make from such a "Nesadikovsky" baby quite Sadikovsky - really and quite simple, says Komarovsky. It is enough to create in the group the right conditions, strengthen the immunity of the child at home, encourage the visit to the garden, make it interesting.

    Kindergarten, this is the place where the child acquires self-service skills and communication without the supervision of parents. Complete independence and ability to negotiate, are improved in preschool institutions, unless of course, the baby is ready for this, and the teacher supports the child.

    First, make sure the kindergarten is convenient for you and meets the general requirements, it will help to avoid many problems. The most convenient option is considered next to the house or work. However, before going there, gather information about the kindergarten, visiting the city's Internet forum or polishing familiar. The pre-school institution should inspire confidence, otherwise the preschooler may suffer there. If for reviews the preschool institution suits you, visit it with the child. See game rooms and bedrooms. Sometimes, the kindergartens organize the day of the open door, do not miss such a chance to get acquainted with the educators and rules.

    When to give a child in the garden

    How old is the child ready for kindergarten? On this account, parents have different opinions, and different situations in families. Someone gives immediately after the second day of birth in acute necessity, and someone at 3 to 4 years. The most suitable age from the point of view of psychologists - from three to five years, when the preschooler needs constant communication with peers. At the same time, he must own certain skills, otherwise adaptation will last long and painfully. A small person should be ready emotionally, be able to establish social ties and independently solve needs. Pay attention to the behavior of the child on the site - it is divided (exchanging) whether it is toys, as establishes relationships. Whether a preschooler is able to enthusiastically play for 30 minutes without mother attention.

    The child ready to kindergarten has the following skills:

    • goes to the toilet or pot
    • washes hands
    • correctly uses dishes and cutting devices
    • on their own dress and strips
    • solves conflicts not aggressive way
    • she strives for communication.

    Skills will feel confident, and the ability to communicate will help start a new friendship and avoid conflicts, and parents who gave the baby in the garden will be calmer.

    What time of year is better to give a child in kindergarten

    After reviewing the forums of parents, you can see the separation of opinions. Every time of year has its own characteristics:

    1. Give in the summer

    Benefits: Little peers, less viral diseases.

    Disadvantages: The garden closes on repair or does not gain newcomers at this time of year, food poisoning and viral epidemics are possible.

    2. Deliver in autumn

    Benefits: The pre-school institution opens the doors for everyone, many new children, which means it will be easier.

    Disadvantages: Possible frequent colds and ORVIs, for some crumbs a large number of preschoolers becomes a source of stress.

    3. Give in winter

    Benefits: Preparing for the New Year holiday reduces stress. In kindergarten more peers than on the site.

    Disadvantages: Frequent ARVI, the need to receive immunostimulants.

    4. Give in spring

    Benefits: The preschooler will be happy to communicate, as it was strongly limited in winter.

    Disadvantages: The probability of colds, complexity due to a sharp increase in peers.

    In many cases, autumn is the most acceptable option. At this time, new groups are recruited, the kids are not lost in society, because in the summer there were many children on the courts. Immunity gets used to new conditions gradually.

    How often the child will be sick in the kindergarten, does not depend on the time of year. There are cases when, during a summer epidemic, children were sick in varying severity, and one kid received complications. The frequency of diseases depends on immunity, nutrition and atmosphere in the family. Adaptation to the kindergarten depends on the time of year, the relationship of parents to the baby, the total atmosphere inside the family and the skills of the preschooler.

    The age of the kid from the year to one and a half years is the worst period in order to send the child to nursery. Any, even short-term separation with mom - tragedy for a little man. Even if a loving grandmother or caring nanny remains with him, her mother will not replace nobody. Only the most extreme circumstances can be explained to the Nasry at this age.

    Psychologists believe that the child in the garden is 1.5 years old - too early. At this age, the connection between mom and baby is still very strong. The child reacts painfully both in the absence of Mom and the approach to him of other people's people.

    In 2 years, it's a little easier to get used to the kindergarten. If it is active, can independently have, walk to the toilet, you can try to take it into the garden. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully follow the condition of the child. If the adaptation process is hard, do not insist on visiting the garden. The pressure on the child may adversely affect its ability to further establish contact with other people.

    Kids aged 3-4 years

    By three years, the baby can already calmly tolerate the absence of mom for some time. It has the necessary self-service skills, easily contact with other children. It is this age that the most optimal for "exit to the light". At the age of three to four years, children begin with pleasure to play overall games, learn to share toys, gradually go to role-playing games, distributing the roles among themselves. This is invaluable communication experience.

    At this age, a very small number of children can be called "Nesadikov". With a gradual teaching to the kindergarten group, the child adapts well in an unfamiliar atmosphere.

    In the group of children, the child will quickly go to those skills that have not yet learned. But the chief "plus" in visiting the kindergarten at such age is, as already noted, the assimilation of communication skills with peers and senior people.

    If for some reason the child did not attend kindergarten to four years, there is nothing terrible. A four-year-old kid is not too late to go to the garden. It is at this time that children get a complete pleasure from communicating and playing with peers.

    The child will not lag behind other children, without visiting the kindergarten. It is important that one is not to climb the circle of his communication with mom, dad and relatives. You can expand the area of \u200b\u200bcommunication with the help of various children's clubs, circles, early development schools. It is not important that at what age the child went to the garden. It is important how he reacts to it, as it knows how to build communication with the peers and elders, as he adapts in society.

    One of the most exciting periods for young parents - when their kid has grown and the moment of his arrival in kindergarten. Crook will have to learn to find a language with peers and do without mother assistance, becoming more independent. When asked, when it is better to go to the garden, there is no universal answer. All children are individual, each has its own "best" time to start visiting the garden. But at the first stage of preparing for the garden, it is possible to determine whether the child is ready to adapt to new living conditions.

    Early Children: Garden from 1.5 years

    Pre-school institutions take pupils into nursery to achieve age of 1.5 years. The child can be taken in Nursery and in the year, by agreement with the Head.

    A two-way kid in the manger will quickly learn the skills of self-service in the children's team. Children who go to Nursery are easily mastering speech. Moms worried that the child in diapers and can not without a bottle / nipple, after 1-2 months they do not recognize their crumb. In 1.5 years, the child quickly gets used to discipline.

    But when visiting the nursery, difficulties are not excluded. Long-term separation with mom can become the beginning of psychological problems. And the decline of forces often arise not from the adaptation itself, but from the bastard of the child in mom.

    Important! Parting with mom can go to the protracted stress. If after the expiration of 3 months when visiting the nursery, the child continuously disappears on crying, parents should put priorities correctly, perhaps take a pause and pick up a child from the garden.

    Garden visit from 2-2.5 years

    At this age, the child has a need for communicating with children. A two-year-old baby is already psychologically easier to "say goodbye" with mom. The child in 2 years is easier to take the day of the day, and permanent contact with peers will be only joy.

    At 2.5 years, a child may have a problem if necessary to obey the educator, i.e. man before unfamiliar. The upcoming crisis of 3 years begins to gain turnover, the baby can resist the established rules, "rebel" so that parents remain with it.

    On a note! To remove the tensions from the crumbs when visiting the garden, the child must clearly know where you leave and why, be sure to tell the baby about the plans, so it will be easier for it to wait for parting.

    At what age is better to give?

    Answering the question from the point of view of psychology, the most appropriate time is after 3 years. A three-year-old child will less tragically perceive parental care to work and stay in
    Garden; The ability to speak will help the baby more freely feel in the team, it is located to communicate with children and the educator.

    But no matter how much the child is at the time of exploring the preschool institution, this is a certain stress. The baby needs to help adapt in the new status for him.

    • Develop the kid's skills of independence. The main recommendation is not to rush and encourage the child for every achievement. Required skills: hold a spoon, ask for a pot ", be able to remove / wear shoes.
    • Autumn - the best time to enter the garden. Adaptation passes at the same time from the whole group, children quickly get used to each other. If you did not have time to get to the garden in the fall, then the optimal period of starting visiting is spring. It is worth waving the winter period to avoid the wave of ARVI.
    • Try to organize home mode similar to what is waiting for a child in the garden, a couple of months before the first visiting. Addictive and adaptation will be more easily.

    You will need

    • - the passport
    • - Child birth certificate
    • - Medical certificate with signatures of all doctors
    • - Pug in the garden


    Preschool children's institutions (DTU) are designed to temporarily find a child there until parents are at work. Their task is the upbringing of kids, adapting them to the team and the development of communication qualities. They are not obliged to teach children to engage in children, except if there are preparatory classes in the graduation groups. Everything else depends only on the educators and the head of the kindergarten, as they organize their work.

    DDD includes nursery and kindergartens. The first are intended for very small children from one and a half years, they are mainly played, engaged in creativity and are involved in independence; And the second - for children from 3 to 7 years. It must be borne in mind that there are no nursery groups in all kindergartens, so the set of children is made there are not under three years. Currently, there is a massive opening of nursery in order to reduce queues in kindergarten.

    To get to kindergarten, you need to contact the commission for the staffing of these institutions. It is necessary to write a statement and provide documents for a child, as well as your passport. At the moment there are quite large queues, and sometimes the child falls into the garden much later than planned.

    When the queue is suitable, you are given a ticket, after that you pass all doctors, and already with a medical certificate go to the garden head and conclude a contract. Each kindergarten has its own charter and requirements that are obliged to observe parents and children. In some institutions, a prerequisite for receiving is the ability of the child to go to the pot on their own, dressing and eat. Others require the preparedness of the baby to the regime, but there are also gardens that take all and, if necessary, taught everything in place.

    When it is precisely to give your child to a kindergarten, everyone decides for himself, while it is necessary to take into account how much the baby is ready for it. There are children who are very necessary communication, they love when a lot of people and in four walls with one mom just begin to arrange hysteria from boredom. In this case, you can try to tell it to the garden of the years from two, gradually catching up for a full day. It often happens that children do not need parents at all, the process of adaptation is happening very quickly. But there are also such kids who do not need a team at all, they are afraid of other people and react very acute even for temporary parting with mom. There are no such children early to give, and if there is such an opportunity, to make it better closer to school, for years to 5-6 years. But do not visit the garden at all - not a way out, because It may make it difficult to get used to school because of inability to be in society.