How to train a puppy to walk on a diaper: useful tips. How to train a puppy and an adult dog to toilet on the street, wean them from going to the toilet at home? How to train a small breed puppy to toilet in an apartment for a diaper? When the puppy begins to endure and ask for that

Help, please, gave us a puppy, now the pet is 3 months old. A huge difficulty - does not go to the diaper, shits on beds, carpets. I used well-known means, sat with the puppy at the diaper, there is no result! I've been fighting for 2 months!


The site contains the answer to the message in the form of a large and understandable article. However, the author wishes to hear personal recommendations. It will also be interesting to other readers of the portal. Here are two examples of the best ways to toilet train your toddler. We note right away that the second option is the simplest and most effective.

The first option is used when it is not planned to restrict the puppy in movement around the apartment. If from the first day in the house the baby can visit the living rooms, take a closer look at the indicated method:

  • The nappies are laid out in the rooms and places where the baby is more often. Instead of devices that are not cheap, it is permissible to spread newspapers on the floor;
  • When the pet does business for a newspaper or diaper - praise, give a treat, just stroke;
  • If the baby has marked the floor or furniture - scold, change the tone of voice. It is not allowed to beat a small puppy, poking your nose into a puddle rarely helps if the main moment is missed and the "treasure" is discovered only later;
  • The amount of litter is gradually decreasing. First, remove those where the puppy has stopped walking a long time ago, but do not shock the dog, remove 1 piece at a time;
  • When your pet learns to walk on the diaper, gradually move the fabric closer to the intended location of the tray in the future.

Every puppy learns the requirements differently. The first will digest the information in a couple of days, the second will take 4-5 weeks. Ideally, it is shown to monitor the baby constantly, if possible, take a vacation from work. It is not known how the author tried to accustom the dog to a temporary toilet, but, indeed, a lot of time has already been lost.

The second option is deliberate and competent, but the method is often forgotten. The baby is initially allocated space for eating, sleeping and recovering. A vacant spacious corner in a room or, for example, a kitchen is allocated. In a small room, it is easier for the puppy to get comfortable and arrange places for sleeping, playing and defecating.

  1. The floor is covered with absorbent mats.
  2. Remove the diaper gradually.
  3. Take the puppy for a walk around the apartment. If you notice a desire to mark the area, immediately place it on a litter.
  4. You saw how your pet chose an absorbent mat for business instead of a free area of \u200b\u200bthe floor - praise.
  5. Remove the diapers gradually, except for the only one remaining in the tray.

The main thing is not to leave used materials! Change to fresh ones immediately. If the action is not performed, it becomes clear why the pet does not understand for a long time where it is possible to go. The puppy believes that the house must smell like urine, achieving the goal in a known way.

We decided to take a dog, but what about the toilet? Breeders' advertisements for the sale of puppies almost always promise litter training.

But in fact, it turns out that the dog makes puddles everywhere except in the right place.

Let's talk about how to tame your puppy to a diaper or litter box.

This process will take patience and perseverance. But then you will no longer find "fragrant" gifts in the apartment.

Toilet for a dog in an apartment

There are three options for how you can arrange a toilet for a puppy and an adult dog:

  • regular newspaper;
  • diaper - disposable or reusable;
  • tray with special filler.

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. The litter box is more of a feline option. Purrs like to bury waste, but dogs have no such instinct. They are more accustomed to doing their business for the newspaper. In turn, the newspaper may not please the owner: there is more smell from it than from the tray. The newspapers will have to be changed all the time, and the diapers will have to be washed. It is better, of course, to train the dog to the litter box, but if you cannot get along with the animal, you will have to get used to the diaper.

A soft diaper is more likely for a puppy or a small indoor dog. It is better to train a large dog in an apartment to a litter box.

Advice: when taking a puppy from a breeder, ask what the baby was taught to: a diaper or a newspaper. Keep up the good work to get him up to speed.

If the preference is given to the tray, you need to choose the option without high sides and stable. The toilet staggering under the animal when it is there can scare the dog away from the litter box for a long time.

The newspaper and the diaper, when the puppy gets a little more comfortable in the house and realizes that his affairs need to be done on it, it is better to put it in the tray too, a regular pallet without any nets. If the animal doesn't like the height, replace it with a simple tray or car mat. This will keep the toilet hygienic and prevent it from leaking onto the floor. Try not to change this pallet, but keep it clean.

Important:the trays and the tray itself must not be washed with odorous cleaning agents. Dogs are much more sensitive to odors than humans - this can permanently scare a pet away from the toilet.

Having decided what the toilet will look like, choose for it right place... To do this, it is worth observing the pet: even a small puppy will choose where to go, guided by his natural instincts. The dog will walk with great pleasure to the place, independently selected by the animals, the training process will take less time.

Usually dogs like to arrange a toilet near doors, windows, balconies. If the place suits you, make a toilet there. If not, it is best to equip a tray in the bathroom, so you will remove an unpleasant smell from living rooms. It is important that the pet has free access there. Other non-residential places without carpets and unnecessary decor are also well suited: a corridor, a kitchen.

Wherever there is a place for a toilet, choose it once and for all, and then don't change it... Otherwise, the dog will be confused, trying to figure out where to go and where not.

After choosing a place for the toilet, clear the surroundings: roll up carpets and paths. Once the puppy marks the rug, he will find that writing in a soft, fluffy and instantly absorbent mat is much more comfortable. In the future, it will be difficult to wean him. In addition, removing the smell from the flooring is not a trivial task.

The first weeks of a puppy's life should be limited to the space around the toilet... He still does not really understand where to go and why it is necessary to write and poop on the diaper. Its territory should not exceed 1.5-2 square meters, with a bare floor, a bed and a diaper.

When the puppy wakes up, he looks for a place to go to the toilet. This is definitely not a bed, but between the floor and a soft cloth, the baby will choose the latter. You can gradually expand the territory, but without leaving the option for a toilet. More puppy - more territory - the same diaper in the same place.

How to teach?

Be patient to get started. Remember: before you is a living creature, not a mechanism or a toy, mistakes are inevitable. It is impossible to train a puppy to the toilet instantly. Here's what to do:

  • Observe the behavior of the animal... Where does he like to write? In a dark corner, or perhaps by the window? This is where the toilet should be located.
  • To begin with, one place for a toilet is not enough: the baby may simply not have time to reach there. Arrange containers throughout the apartment and, as you grow up, reduce the number to two.
  • If you don't have much time to train an animal, limit its territory... Immediately after eating or sleeping - during this time the dogs usually pee, put the baby in the fence. Let him sit there until he relieves, then you can let him out for a walk. If the dog is kept in the pen all the time, it should include toys, a bed, a toilet and some free, clean floor.
  • Try to bring the dog to the place where the diaper is placed more often. Notice the moments when the puppy appears to want to pee.... The kid starts spinning in one place, sometimes whining, sniffing. Carry or lead your pet immediately to the diaper tray.
  • Refer to the breeder's experience... How did he teach the puppy, what are his parents accustomed to? It is better to choose an option that is already familiar to the animal.
  • Can be used special means... They are of two types: scaring away and luring animals. The first, for example, "Antipis" to process those surfaces where the need to handle is undesirable.
  • Replace "Antipis" will work regular bowl of food... Puppies are neat and will not urinate where they eat.
  • Therefore, the diaper must be changed frequently, the pot must be rinsed. Sometimes a clean puppy would rather be punished than urinate in a dirty place.
  • If the kid did not calculate his strength and did not run to the toilet, don't scold him... Just wipe the floor with a diaper and let the puppy smell it. The place of the puddle needs to be rinsed thoroughly so that the dog does not decide that the toilet is now here. By the way, chlorine detergents are contraindicated: they only increase the smell of urine.

Important:if the puppy is very small, you can not only spank him, but even shout. Animals at this age are very sensitive. A strict note in his voice is enough for him. From about 5 months old, you can use a slap on the bottom - but in such a way that it does not hurt, but offensive. In general, toilet slips are natural for up to 8 months. so you shouldn't swear too harshly.

Do not forget about the reward: whenever the baby gets on the diaper, praise him. You can stroke, call by name, speak in an affectionate voice and even give a treat.

To understand how quickly the puppy will make a puddle again, resort to this calculation: the baby can endure about as many hours as he is months old.

To the diaper

According to age

It is important to start the learning process as early as possible. All behavioral features are formed in an animal up to 6-7 weeks. If by this moment the dog does not understand where to write, and for what they will be scolded, then it will be worse.

1 month

One cannot do without mistakes at this age: the puppy still does not really understand what is happening to him and sits down where he wants. Imagine a human toddler - how to teach him? Only gradually. Therefore, at first, observe where the puppy is peeing, and put diapers in this place.

At first, the puppy will write indiscriminately: both on the floor and on the diaper. But soon everything will change: the soft and absorbent place will appeal to the puppy more than the bare floor. This will gradually develop a habit. And don't forget to praise for every hit! In a couple of weeks, the baby will go to the diaper even at night, on purpose.


At the age of 2 months, the puppy will begin to urinate less often: only after feeding, sleeping and active play. Try to put it on a diaper immediately after these processes, see that the animal does its job. If it understands and obeys you, praise. It is also necessary to carry the puppy to the diaper when he starts spinning, whining and looking for a place.


The puppy is already growing up at 3 months old and must learn to find a toilet on its own. Stop wearing it, reduce the number of diapers to 1-2. It is not worth cleaning everything at once, it is better one at a time in several days. If a mistake is made, you need to scold the pet a little in a stern voice.

Important rules

  1. Teach your dog to listen to your intonation. The strict "Fu" must become the law.
  2. If possible, buy diapers with a filler that turns into a gel. It will stay dry all day and will keep your puppy's paws from getting wet. He will love it very much.
  3. Put sod, dog droppings, a rag that rubbed urine on a diaper or in a tray - this will tell you that the need is coping here.
  4. It is very important to reward your puppy for good behavior. This point is the key to learning. Whenever your puppy has behaved as expected, praise him. This is especially important in the first few months, when the baby is just learning the correct behavior.
  5. If the puppy stubbornly does not walk on the diaper - change the material, try a newspaper.


  1. Don't yell at the animal, don't hit it. So you will only shatter the baby's psyche and get an embittered, aggressive animal at the exit. If the puppy does not understand your strict intonation, it is not his fault.... Try to work on your voice, get your way calmly but steadily.
  2. You cannot poke a puppy with its muzzle into an abandoned puddle. This is especially true for large, protective breeds: they are smart and will take this punishment as an insult. You will destroy trust from the very beginning.
  3. Don't overdo it. By the age of 3 months, the puppy should already understand that it is his duty to go to the diaper, and it is impossible to beg for a treat every time. You don't want to feed a 5 year old dog for peeing in the right place, do you?

You can't scold your puppy if you find a puddle after a while.... The pet may misinterpret the conclusion: he peed in the wrong place, the owner discovered it and scolded. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully hide the "traces of the crime"!

If you manage to withstand character, patiently work with the animal and not make these mistakes, you will have a complete victory.

Depending on the breed

Let's look at how to diaper train puppies of several of the most popular breeds. The principle of accustoming will not differ, but there are some peculiarities.


At an early age, the Chihuahua has an accelerated metabolism, the dog will go to the toilet immediately after eating. Therefore, carry the animal to the tray as soon as it has eaten. So that the baby understands that his business needs to be done in the tray, help him: pour a little water on the diaper lying inside, then put the puppy there. The kid will feel wet and urinate. Chihua very much feel the mood of the owners. So if you show him your displeasure, he will learn very quickly.


It is better to teach a puppy of this breed to a diaper by fencing off the space. Do not think that it is inhumane to restrict his movement area. It is inhumane to leave a baby in a huge, by his standards, unfamiliar space. The puppy can get hurt, eat something dangerous, and what is most terrible - it can be stepped on, because the little Yorkies are very restless and all the time spin around the owner.

Important: diapers need to be pressed down, otherwise York will use it as a means of play.

Otherwise, this breed is very easy to learn, especially in a play format. So you won't have any problems.


If the baby was purchased in the nursery, then he is most likely already accustomed to the toilet-diaper. It was just that, finding himself in a new place, he was a little confused. Your task is to help him remember the skill. It is also better to use the fence method with this breed.

Pomeranian puppies are very active, inquisitive, they climb everywhere (it is simply impossible to wean from this). You will have to cover the entire floor in the enclosure with diapers so that the babies urinate without interrupting the play, and only gradually reduce this space to one diaper.


It's not all that simple. Up to six months, a husky puppy is unable to control its own physiological processes. Until this age, their mother takes care of them. Well, if you pulled the baby away from mom too early, you will have to endure. Having started to train the husky to the toilet, worth using the newspaperrather than a diaper. Otherwise, due to habit, in the future, the husky will mark the bed and carpets.

Huskies are extremely clean, so change the newspaper often. And keep in mind that this is definitely not the breed that you can train to the tray - they have to move a lot and often be on the street.


This is a very intelligent dog, so you can immediately show what you want from it. As soon as the baby sits down to write, say "NO" loudly, take it in an armful and carry it on the diaper. Hold there (but not strongly) until he does his job. If everything worked out, express your approval violently. I broke free and ran away - it's okay, after a while everything will be repeated and will be remembered.

To the tray


All puppies are accustomed to the diaper without options, because up to 6 months old with babies they rarely walk on the street: they still do not perceive the big, noisy and scary world, besides, most of them have not yet been vaccinated. But the tray is needed only for those animals that will rarely walk on the street in the future.

Prepare yourself that the litter training process may not go quickly. Not every pet will agree to relieve the need for an apartment in a specially designated place. But the hassle with such animals is less. Popular dog litter breeds include:

  1. Terriers.
  2. Chihuahua.
  3. Chinese Crested.
  4. Pekingese.
  5. Pomeranian and dwarf spitz.

The transition from diaper to tray is very important. Teach puppies to walk in the tray from 3-4 months. For babies, they buy a tray with as low sides as possible. If you have a girl, then such a tray can be saved, and when the puppy grows up. And if the puppy is a boy, you need to immediately set the tray away from the wall so that it does not get hurt. Alternatively, scold your baby lightly every time he starts to lift his paw. Then the animal will get used to walking on the tray like a girl.

The tray is placed in the place where the diaper used to be. At first, the described diapers are placed there - the puppy will understand by the smell that it is necessary to go there. After 2 days, the smell will already remain in the tray and you can skip the newspaper.

Advice:choose a pot with a larger size so that the baby can turn around there, do not feel cramped.

Be sure to praise your puppy for his interest in the litter box. Let him walk around him, sniff. The first time he does his business there, reward him.

Now, if the puppy has described himself, you need to take him not to the diaper, but to the tray.

Important: when the kid makes a mistake, take him to the tray, but under no circumstances slap him in the tray, do not drag him by the scruff of the neck! This will create a fear of the toilet in the animal.

Adult dog

They usually want to teach a not young dog to write and poop in a tray in an apartment for three reasons:

  1. Animal disease. It cannot endure for a long time or constantly go out.
  2. Untrained dog, which constantly does not wait for a walk.
  3. The owner is constantly busy, the inability to regularly walk with the pet.

When deciding to train an adult dog to walk in the litter box, remember that it is not easy and time-consuming. If there are no good reasons for that, it is better not to torture yourself and the animal. If you decide that you need it, proceed as follows:

  • Cover the dog in a separate room. It will be in it for the near future. Carpets and everything soft should be taken out of it. Wait for the dog to defecate, grab it by the collar and bring it to the tray. Show that you need to do things here.
  • Treat the litter box with a special scent that will lure your dog in. It is sold in veterinary pharmacies.
  • Praise for every hit. For every mistake - scold, but without beatings. It is best to have the dog in sight at all times.
  • Be sure to punish the animal if it defecates in the wrong place in front of your eyes. There can be no exceptions: otherwise the dog will understand that he may not be scolded, and will begin to test you for strength. Do not forget that the animal can describe itself with joy when the owner returns - in this case, you should not scold him.
  • When the dog is a little more comfortable, you can release it from confinement, gradually expanding the space. But for now, watch the dog to see if he goes there.

Important: depending on what breed of dog you have, toilet training in the house can take you up to 30 days.

Frequent mistakes

  • Severely punish the puppy, form his fear of the owner. A frightened animal learns less well.
  • Beat the animal for the puddles and heaps discovered over time. In especially advanced cases, this behavior of the host leads to coprophagia - eating its own excrement. It is very difficult to wean a dog from this.
  • Pick up a tray not in size, without taking into account physiological needs, too cramped. An adult dog will need a tray with a post.
  • Do not keep the tray clean.
  • Punish the dog inconsistently by “closing your eyes” every other time.
  • Disregard praise.
  • Forget about constant training. Even an adult, accustomed individual sometimes surprises. Plus, dogs can forget where their toilet is if you don't give the animal enough time.


Instructional video:


So now you know how to toilet train your puppy. Remember the most important thing:

  • All puppies are initially diaper accustomed. This is done at the age of 1 to 3 months. To accustom the baby to the litter box or not is an individual decision of each owner.
  • When accustoming a puppy to a diaper, you need to limit his space, reduce the choice to "soft comfortable diaper" and "uncomfortable hard floor".
  • The best way to teach your puppy something is with praise.
  • Hitting and yelling at your dog is the best way to scare and piss him off, not to toilet train him.
  • It is difficult to train an adult dog to the litter box, but it is possible. It is important to choose the correct size and design of the tray.
  • Consistency, strong nerves and patience are essential for dog toilet training.

When a charming Chihuahua puppy appears in the house, its owners immediately have a question - how to train the puppy to a litter box or diaper. It is recommended to think about this in advance. Dogs of small breeds have one big advantage over large dogs: they do not need to be walked without fail. You can do this at will, having accustomed your pet to relieve natural needs on a diaper.

Diapers for dogs: types and uses

Not so long ago, absorbent diapers, used as a toilet for puppies and small dogs, have appeared on sale in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. With their help, you can easily teach your pet to cope with natural needs in the place allotted to him for this.

There are two types of diapers:

  • disposable diapers are thrown away immediately after the puppy has gone to the toilet on them;
  • reusable should be rinsed in warm water, dry and reuse. It is not recommended to wash them in an automatic washing machine.

In addition, the diapers can be of different sizes: 60x90 and 60x60. You can select and purchase the option you need for your dog.

Using a diaper is the most convenient way to toilet train puppies, which is why many dog \u200b\u200bbreeders use it. When taking a Chihuahua to your home, you need to ask what kind of toilet the dog is accustomed to. If your pet ignores the diaper put in the tray, you should not be upset. Maybe the puppy is just confused and just needs to be watched and guided correctly. If the puppy is not toilet trained at all, then you will have to do it yourself.

In the early days of the appearance of a pet in the house you can't punish him because he emptied in the wrong place. After screaming and punishing, he may become even more afraid to approach the place designated for his toilet and it will be much more difficult to accustom him.

Training should begin at the age of two months. For the first time, it is recommended to remove all rags and carpets from the floor so that the pet does not have the opportunity to empty itself on the carpet. After all, at first he will not care where to do his business, and the carpet is soft and absorbs everything. If the puppy gets used to it, then it will be quite difficult to wean him.

Until the Chihuahua learns to go to the toilet in a strictly defined place, it best to settle in the kitchen or in the hallway. On linoleum or laminate, puddles will be visible, and only a diaper should be laid out of the soft one.

In order for the pet to remember where it needs to go and not be confused, the diaper must be placed in the same place.

Immediately after the puppy is brought into the apartment for the first time, it is recommended to put him on a prepared diaper. Surely a new pet, during the journey, which was stressful for him, wanted to empty himself and in calm conditions he will do it pretty quickly.

Limited space method

It is used for very young puppies.

It will be necessary to express your approval, stroking and playing with the Chihuahua for the first time every time after the pet does everything right. The main thing is that the puppy understands the relationship.

Help of modern means

Special sprays sold in pet stores can help to accustom the Chihuahua to a diaper. With their help you can teach a dog to a diaper and scare her away from the places where she started going to the toilet.

Some types of sprays entice and stimulate with their scent to do business in the designated area.

Others, with their pungent smell, are able to scare off the puppy and therefore they should be sprayed on wires, places on the carpet, legs of chairs, corners with wallpaper. That is, those places where dogs like to write.

If the pet nevertheless went to the carpet, then odor should be removed with detergentschlorine-free. In a house where there is a puppy, an irreplaceable thing is a spin mop.

Possible problems

In the process of training a dog to the toilet, its owner must not lose trust with his pet and have patience and strong nerves.

If all methods of training have been used, and the puppy still does not go to the toilet on a diaper, then you can try to change it to another material. For instance, lay a rag or newspaper and spray it with a special spray.

If in the future it is planned to take the dog outside for emptying, then you need to try walk with the puppy as often as possible and do it after eating and sleeping.

If all the conditions are met, the result will definitely be positive.

When the puppy turns three and a half months old, you can start walking with him and do this, preferably every three hours.

If the pet is taken out into the street every time after he just sits down, then the number of walks per day can reach from eight to nine.

The diaper should not be removed from the house. It will only need to be pushed closer to the exit.

The more carefully the dog is dealt with during this period, the faster you can get the expected result.

After about five months, the puppy will realize that going to the toilet is much more pleasant and interesting on the street. And by the age of eight months, he will begin to endure before walking.

This method is only suitable for those who have the opportunity to walk their pet during the day.

For Chihuahuas, there is no special need for walking, so it will be enough to teach them first to the diaper, and then to the tray. For males it will be necessary pick up a tray with a stickand for bitches it's simple.

Teaching a dog to a diaper is a rather long process. Everything should be done gradually, while praising the puppy for the right actions and not scolding for the wrong ones. After all, the pet is still a small child, so you cannot yell at him, let alone beat him. He can get scared and hide where it will be difficult to get him. Therefore, only patience and trusting relationships can give a positive result.

So - you have a puppy in your house. The first step is to teach him to go to the toilet correctly - not where he wants to, but on the diaper. Cleanliness in the blood of any dog. Therefore, it is quite simple to teach her to go to the diaper. But you need to know some important points in order to do this quickly and easily.

Remember, first you need to explain to the baby what you require of him - a piece of goodies or praise will help best in this. You can't do it until he clearly understands everything.

At first, do not punish your pet for shitting in the wrong place. After all, it only seems to you that everything is clear and logical, but you do not know at all what conclusions the puppy will draw for itself after the punishment. It will be many times more difficult to accustom him to a diaper, if he is afraid even to approach it after your screams and punishment. !

Consider a typical situation for novice dog owners. So, the kid did his job in the middle of the room. The owner swears, grabs him, brings him to the diaper and pokes his face into it, some novice owners even spank the confused dog. The owner thinks that he has clearly explained to his pet where to write next time. But what can he think about this?

Firstly, if you started scolding a puppy when he has already moved away from the "crime scene", then most likely, he will not understand anything at all. After all, for him the seconds that have passed are an eternity. For what they are scolding - it is not clear. They poke their noses into this incomprehensible contraption - it's scary how ... Tiny one may decide that he doesn't need to go to the diaper anymore - the owner will swear.

Secondly, if you caught a pet at the process and began to swear, then the puppy can do it the next time so that you do not see and do not get upset (for example, behind the sofa). You may also think that you are angry because the puddle is too big and you need to write a little everywhere. And again about the diaper - the puppy may think that if they poke his muzzle into it so fiercely, then probably it is definitely impossible to do your business here. The conclusions of your pet with such "upbringing" can be very unexpected and unpleasant for you, although completely logical from his point of view.

Diaper training your puppy

So how do you do this, your little friend understood what is required of him? The smaller he is, the more often he needs to satisfy his needs. He needs to go to the toilet immediately after waking up, after eating, after an active game. Use this for your own purposes. For example, take your pet to a diaper immediately after sleep. Sit next to him, but don't play, just don't let go. Nature will take its toll - the puppy will do its job. Calmly, without unnecessary enthusiasm, praise him, give. Show that you are happy with your whole appearance. Believe me, the best motivation for any dog \u200b\u200bis that the owner is happy.

Suppose, after the first explanation, the puppy has not yet fully understood what you want, and begins to sit down in the wrong place. Remember not to swear. We just carry it to the diaper, do not let it go and wait. After the "ritual" is done correctly, we praise and give a small piece of some delicacy.

Very quickly, literally in a few days, your little pet will start trying to do his thing on the diaper with you, wishing to bring you joy and get his treat for it. Praise, do not skimp on rewards, strengthen skills.

When the baby has finally understood what is required of her and has consolidated the skill, you need to gradually wean her off the delicacy. First give every other time, then less and less, and then stop altogether. The skill will form and become familiar and self-evident.

What if the puppy doesn’t wear a diaper?

The process of getting used to the diaper is sometimes lengthy. But be patient. Patience, attention, and encouragement are the ingredients for success in toilet training. Do not be lazy to carry your baby to the diaper every time after sleep, after eating.

In general, try to keep the puppy in sight the first time after the appearance of the puppy in the house, so you can study the daily routine of the animal. If you saw that he begins to do his business anywhere - do not scold your pet, do not poke his face into the diaper and in no case beat him. After all, the more understanding and love you treat your puppy, the faster he will be able to understand you.

It has been proven that the character of a dog is formed in childhood, serious pathologies of animal behavior also depend on how you handle him at a young age. If you want to have a healthy, well-educated dog, use these tips, and your animal will easily learn not only to walk on a diaper, but will also be able to give you a lot of good emotions from communicating with him in the future.

A few final words

Under no circumstances try to replace ordinary sand or newspaper scraps. Similar advice can be read in old books written at a time when there was no canine industry in the USSR. The fact is that your pet is guided by smell to the place for the toilet, and there is a very high risk that newspapers or sand (which do not absorb odors) will convey the smell of urine to the floor so much that you will have another question: how to wean the puppy from these substitutes diapers!

You are the proud owner of a puppy! Our congratulations to you! How do you train your dog to use a litter box or a diaper?

How to teach a puppy to a diaper?

Where to begin?

It is best to fence off the area where the puppy will be. Thus, furniture, shoes and other things will not be damaged.

In the store you need to buy a fence with a height of about 50 cm.

For the time of training the puppy to the toilet, it is best to remove the carpet, because washing it is more difficult and you will have to clean it every time. And for a small puppy, it makes no difference where to relieve himself.

We buy baby nappies or use a regular newspaper, as well as old rags and place them throughout the apartment.

At what age to teach?

It is best to start training when the puppy is 2 months old. Moreover, the puppy should not be taken outside until he has all the vaccinations.

Choosing a puppy tray.

By 3-4 months you can buy a tray. In a pet store we buy a tray or make it ourselves with our own hands. The sides should not be high so that the dog can calmly enter it. There are trays with poles for male puppies on sale.

We put newspapers, a diaper, a rag or a carpet that looks like grass inside the tray. It is better to choose the latter method, because it looks like real grass and the puppy will understand this more clearly in the future, when they start walking it outside.

When the dog has retired, we replace the newspapers or the diaper with clean ones, because some species of breeds will not go where the smell is wet. They are afraid to get their paws wet.

For the period of training the dog to the tray, it is better to buy 2 or 3 of them and place them in the apartment. A small puppy still does not understand where it can be done, and where it cannot be, and due to the young organism it does not know how to restrain itself, and also may simply not run if the tray is far away.

Usually the tray is placed in the bathroom or toilet room, it is easier to clean and wash it. Do not forget that there will be a smell and it is unacceptable to put the tray in the kitchen or bedroom.

Basic techniques.

Usually a dog at the age of 2 goes to the toilet within 20 minutes after eating or drinking water.

Also, puppies usually go to the toilet after actively playing, eating, or after sleeping.

As soon as you see that the puppy is looking for something, sniffing on the floor, going to sit down, then carry him to the tray or tray to him. You should not scold and punish him if this task fails from the first attempts. You need to be ready for this action.

If the puppy leaves the litter box, return it back.

If the puppy has made a puddle on the floor or carpet, then you should not scold him, but tell him in an angry voice that he is not right. So he will understand that he is doing wrong.

If the puppy goes to the toilet all the time in the same place, most often it is a corridor, then you just need to put a tray there.

If he went to the toilet on paper, in a tray, then you can stroke him, say: "well done" and treat him with a delicacy.

Over time, we remove newspapers, extra trays, so that there is only one place where he can do it.

There are smart dogs who will not go to the toilet at home if they are shown the street and taken out for a walk in time. When they understand that they want to go to the toilet, they will ask, showing it by barking, follow the owner, stand near the door, go to the window, or pick up a leash in their teeth.

Usually they walk the dogs 3 times a day, but if there is an opportunity, for example, you go to the store, you want to sunbathe on a summer day, just sit on the bench, then you can do more.

Over the years, the dog's body weakens and it needs to be done more often.

If it is not possible for you to take the dog out. Then ask your neighbors, relatives or find a private person who will pay for it. For example, schoolchildren - for them this is a good part-time job.

What cannot be done?

Poke your muzzle into a puddle;

Dogs cannot wash as cats do. Therefore, you should not stain your face with them.

Hit with your hand, scream loudly if the dog did not go into the tray;

If the puppy made piles and left puddles in your absence, also do not scold. The puppy just won't understand why you are scolding him.

Monitor your dog's diet. There are foods that make your stomach upset. Make sure your dog always has a bowl of water, especially during the summer.

The dog's litter box is temporary because it’s the stage before the dog knows what the street is and relies on.

The exception is small dog breeds.

It's good if you live in a country house and the dog has plenty of room to walk, and it won't wait long for the owner to come home from work.