How to make nails grow faster. Strong nails at home

Long and strong nails growing overnight, as the magic wand, the dream of many girls. Beautiful manicure is capable of favorably add and emphasize any image, give an additional aggressive sexuality girl-vamp and emphasize the tenderness, the romance of the young charming. Therefore, the question of how to quickly grow nails, visits women's heads with enviable constancy.

Several cognitive facts

From all the above, we can conclude that to repel claws for 1 day or for 2 simply unreal. On this time limit, only the process of extension will help you. Moreover, the techniques of this procedure now exist is a great set. However, natural nails after removing the extensive needed additional nutrition and some time to restore.

How to grow nails long and strong?

Stop dressing them! Such a nervous habit is observed, unfortunately, many. Moreover, its consequences not only spoil the appearance of the manicure, but also can lead to the appearance of bacterial infections on their hands and in the mouth.

Get rid of the bad habit easier if:

  1. Follow the condition of your hands. Well-groomed, neatly polished nails and fingers without burrs gnaw not so much.
  2. If the habit of gnawing the nails arises from boredom, try to take your mouth with a chewing, after all, it is unlikely to be chewed.
  3. Do not bite the skin around the nails. Some convince themselves that they do not harm the nail plate, but this is self-deception. In fact, moisture entering and saliva relaxes it, making more breaking.
  4. Select one nail a week that you will not gnaw. Gradually, adding to it one by one "inedible", you will travel from an unpleasant habit.
  5. When recurrences appear in moments of boredom and nervous shocks, it will be worth talking to a psychologist. After all, this habit is not a trifle, but a common disease.

Refuse gel and acrylic nails

Undoubtedly, such a manicure is beautiful, accurate and allows for a long time to give hands well-kept views. However, after their removal, native nails become dry, brittle, lose their natural and healthy shine, slow down in growth. Even with proper and neat removal, the nail bed is injured.

  • If you refuse acrylic and gel manicure above your strength, try alternating it with usual.
  • Do not remove the coating manually. Such actions often lead to damage to the top layer of the nail bed, which is very weakened by the nails.
  • Do not skip the basic and fixing coating. It would seem that here is this. Especially in a hurry, wanting a manicure to dry, we allow themselves to skip these important stages. However, thereby substitute the nails "under the blow."

    The basic coating protects the nail plates from the malicious effect of varnish, makes a manicure longer and strong, protecting it from premature seals.

Nails - not fool's tools

Of course, it is very convenient to dypipe the labels with nails, sucking glue, disconnect the rings for keys, even unscrew the screws. But if you wish to grow strong, healthy and beautiful nails in your arms, from these classes will have to refuse. Scissors, screwdrivers, blades and the like tool - this is what helps to pick up, delay and disconnect everything you need during the day.

Substances useful for nail growth

Correct care

Plays a crucial role in creating an ideal manicure. In order to grow healthy, strong and long nails, a complex of procedures is required. Let's start with the Azov.

Home pantry recipes for nail growth

Rationally selected nutrition and proper care provide health and strength to your marks. For rapid growth, there are several recipes with the simplest ingredients. They can be used at home.

Note that such recipes do not give a guarantee of a chic manicure in a couple of days, but the growth rates of nails and their condition improves significantly.

Olive oil

Qualitatively moisturized marigolds are grown in a triple rate. In this case, an indispensable assistant is an ordinary olive oil, capable of penetrating deep into the skin and nails, eating and at the same time moisturizing them. In addition, it includes vitamin E, which improves blood circulation, helping to restore and treat damaged nails, positively affecting their strength and growth rate.

Coconut oil

Used as a cosmetics for health and nail growth. Contains important nutrients, indispensable in the fight for the beauty and power of manicure. In addition, coconut oil strengthens the cuticle, playing a key role in the growth of nail growth, helps to get rid of infectious and fungal diseases of the nail plate.

  • Daily before bedtime massaging nails with warm cleaning coconut oil. Circular massage movements will improve blood circulation.
  • Mix the quarter cup of organic coconut oil and honey with 4 drops of rosemary oil. Slightly warm the solution in the microwave oven. Finish your fingers into this bath for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure once or twice a week.

Orange fresh

Effective nail growth stimulant allows them to grow them in a week. The vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen and retains the health of the nails, and folic acid will provide an acceleration of growth.

Daily 10-minute baths with orange Fresh, in the first week they give an impressive result. After the procedure, do not forget to thoroughly rinse your hands and treat them with moisturizing cream.



Even in the works of the ancient Greek and Roman herbers, it is indicated on the high efficiency of this plant to accelerate the growth of nails. Being a source of calcium, silicon and other beneficial substances, the hat improves the overall state of the nail plates.

  1. A little more than half of the teaspoon of dried stalks of the horsetail, fill with two glasses of boiling water.
  2. Cover the lid and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Strain and let cool.
  4. Immerse your hands in this infusion for 20 minutes.
  5. Repeat the procedure for at least four times a week.


Plant, familiar yet by our ancestors as a stimulator of growth of nail plates. Its effectiveness is due to the high content of silicon dioxide and other beneficial substances that promote the formation of the nail plate, to strengthen it and prevent fragility.

  1. In the glass of boiling water brew 2-3 teaspoons of dried pulp leaves.
  2. Let them breed 10 minutes.
  3. Strain and add a bit of honey.
  4. Drink daily around the cup of this tasty and useful herbal tea.


Remember healthy and strong marigolds, let him not for 3 days, and at least in a week, - the dream of many girls, and embody her in life quite real. It is only necessary to overpower your own laziness, put the goal and go to it.

Beautiful and long nails and a neat manicure are two things that every girl should have. Long nails often attract attention. To make them long and beautiful will need a little time.

Nail growth process

How nails grow - hand finger frame

The growth rate of nails in the hands is often depends on the most different factors. Before applying leaving, it should be sorted out how to grow nails and which components are needed plate. The main construction component is keratin (protein). It is allocated due to the continuous synthesis of keratin in the lunula (white section of the lower part of the nail plate).

To nails grow smooth and healthy, eat right. Try to eat more fiber and greens. The components contained in these products accelerate the growth of marigolds. Schuput has a very good effect on hair and nails. Eat a teaspoon of sesame daily and see the result in a week.

The average growth rate of nails is one and a half millimeters per day. This indicator changes (it all depends on your age and health).

Relieve your nails correctly and at home, without resorting to extension services. All such procedures literally destroy the record. It is better to gain patience and grow your nails on your hands at home, how to cope with the destructive effect of extension.

Protection of the nail plate from the impact of the external environment

An important criterion for beautiful marigolds is everyday protection against chemicals and sunlight. Twice a day rub in them and the skin of the hand cream with SPF. SPF is the sun protection factor. Most importantly use similar cream in summer, when solar activity reaches the maximum indicator. Remember that the SPF indicator in the cream should not exceed 40.

Many dermatologists advise to make weekly breaks after washing the varnish on their hands and do not paint the nails with nothing but the strengthening basis. The database for manicure is a means that can protect manicure and speed up growth due to useful components. Several components of high-quality basic coating:

  1. Glycerol. This component prevents the dryness of the nail plate. With the help of glycerin increases the growth rate of marigolds.
  2. Propolis is a nutrient component with restoring properties.
  3. Lemon juice. It is able to properly whiten the marigold after using a lacquer removal.

Apply the database is needed every day. Erase the previous layer and apply a new one. In this way, you can correctly raise nails. Already in two or four weeks after the start of using the base, you will notice that they began to grow faster and look well maintained.

Features of the shape of the nail plate

Relieve square nails a little more difficult than oval. The fact is that the owners of soft nails, square nail plates have a property of bending more often, forming the base at the base. If you want to correctly repel the nails of the square shape, use the baths and masks that are aimed at strengthening the soft plate.

First of all, the nail shape must be comfortable for you. There are several rules for the proper feeding technique, which does not provoke separation: the plate must be written to the medium stiffener in one direction. Begin to maintain square marigolds are necessary with side parts. Try not to put pressure on the plate. After the completion of the procedure, clean the space under the nails and apply moisturizing oil - it increases the growth rate.

Nails can not be written after taking a bath, because the plate is in a softened state, so it will be badly squeezed, and the sawing will form irregularities.

If you have short and brittle marks, try to give them an oval form, it will allow them to grow faster at home and do not break. Oval form can extend the life of the manicure for one to three weeks.

Homemade baths and masks

Despite the fact that nails care is a complex lesson that requires a lot of time, neat square nails can be used to grow in one or two weeks with the help of baths and masks. Making masks are preferably twice a week, no more often.

Moisturizing mask with iodine. Take a teaspoon of cream (better than a fat), a tablespoon of boiled hot water and two drops of iodine. Mix all the components and apply a mixture to finger tips. Avoid skin hands. Wash the remedy after 15 or 20 minutes and apply a moisturizing cream to consolidate effect.

To whiten the plate, prepare the bath with the addition of lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide. Take half the seagulls of warm water and add juice and peroxide in equal amounts. You can also add a catering salt for an absorbing effect.

To power and prophylaxions, prepare a mask of white clay, chamomile beam, and currant juice (you can replace with juice of any other red berry). To significantly speed up the growth of the nail, use the gelatin dissolved in hot water.

Application of vitamins and mineral complexes

Vitamins and minerals accelerate the growth of nails and make them healthy

How to grow novel correctly, if they start out on the reworn stage of growth? If you have thin, resolve and brittle nails, you must immediately begin the process of recovery and increase the growth rate. Vitamins that will help properly grow nails at home can be purchased at the pharmacy:

  • vitamin A. contributes to the intensive production of keratin, strengthens the marigold;
  • vitamin E. nourishes a plate of a nobel calcium and prevents the harmful effects of chemical preparations;
  • vitamin C. acts on marigolds at the structural level. Makes it more rude, eliminates constant fragility and stratification. Thanks to the use of vitamins, the marigolds can be repel on 2-3 centimeters in just two weeks.

In addition to the above vitamins, vitamin complexes should be used, which includes zinc, iron and calcium:

  • zinc contributes to the production of proteins, in particular keratin. The most common source of zinc is a banana. Eat it in food daily;
  • calcium is contained in all dairy products. This component accelerates the growth of the nail;
  • iron - firming component. His sources: buckwheat and apples.

Nail care products and cuticle

To nails look well-groomed, it is necessary to cut the cuticle regularly. Do it you need once a week at home. Cutting the cuticles in two ways: edged and unedged. The edged joint venture $ o bob implies mechanical cutting, unedged - softening and removing the cuticle with oils and creams.

Removing the cuticle frees the bed of the nogot, and the nail plate begins to grow better.

You will need

  • - egg;
  • - honey;
  • - olive oil;
  • - nutritious cream;
  • - sea salt;
  • - lemon juice;
  • - Lemon.


Proper and healthy diet is the first step towards your beauty. This rule concerns not only the skin, but also nails, especially if they are constantly breaking and saved, and soft. This suggests that your body needs a high-quality vitamin feed. Fill the lack of vitamins you will be helped by products rich in iodine, calcium and biotin. You can purchase a complex of vitamins designed to strengthen nails and hair in a pharmacy.

Honey bath will help to return your nails healthy look and fortress. For her cooking you will need a chicken egg that should be thoroughly beat. Add one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of olive oil. Slightly warm the composition in the water bath so that the egg does not curl. Lower the fingertips in the warm mixture. Ten minutes later, remove the remnants of the means from the nail and apply the nutrient cream.

Sea salt baths used for ten days will make your nails strong and solid. Dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in half a liter of warm water, lower your fingers into the container and keep for twenty minutes. After the salt bath, blot nails Soft napkin and lubricate your hands with bold cream, especially well massage the base of the nail plate.

Take a tablespoon of olive oil and make it on a water bath (so as not to lose useful properties), add a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Apply the prepared nutritional mixture on nails And make a pretty massate. Then put on the hands of cotton gloves and leave the compress all night. This procedure is recommended twice a week.

Very useful impact on nails Has massage. To do this, you will need a lemon zest, which should be led by neat movements from top to bottom. After this procedure, we carry a small amount of oil or moisturizing cream in the nail plates. A good finger massage will help strengthen blood circulation and blood circulation. Remove the remnants of the cream with a soft napkin. You can cut the lemon into two halves and immerse your fingers into the flesh for five minutes. Vitamin C is useful in lemon and skin around them.

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Many fine sex representatives face a huge problem, which lies in the brittleness and smelling of nails. It looks fairly simple, and also prevents the normal to grow.


Most often, this phenomenon has a seasonal, and accordingly overtakes exactly when their body is relatively weakened or it just lacks some vitamins. This situation is observed in the autumn-winter period, as well as when the vitamin reserve is not yet replenished.

In order to balance the food you need to eat food such as milk, legumes, figs, almonds, dates, cabbage, caviar, carrots, butter, egg yolks, carrots, butter, eggs, eggs, carrots. Our very negative effects are influenced by a variety of detergents, which is why doctors recommend gloves.

Also positively on nails Lemon affects. You need to cut it in half and plug all for a few minutes nails. If there is no lemon at hand, you can use other acid berries. It may be a cranberry, lingonberry or currant.

The next folk recipe is vegetable oil with lemon juice. Such a mixture must be applied every night before bed for 10 days. At the same time, salt baths can also be used, which help them strengthen and eliminate fragility. After the salt bath, you can immediately apply on nails iodine, since after this procedure, it penetrates the nail plate much better.

If you notice that your marigolds just started to get out, immediately take measures to restore them. After all, over time, the situation is only aggravated and very big problems will appear. So, dear ladies, take care of natural nails - the beauty of your hands!

Video on the topic

Nails begin to get lazy and break for many reasons, for example, with a lack of vitamins and minerals, as well as with the deviations in a hormonal background. You can return a healthy view of nail plates, but you need to correctly, and most importantly - to care about them regularly.

Nails should be paid to high attention, and for a healthy and beautiful view of one care will be not enough - you need to regularly make firming baths and eat well. Proper nutrition is very important, as it guarantees health and blooming appearance as a whole.

For nails, you must necessarily eat dishes with gelatin content: jelly, marmalade, soups and fuel.

In order for your nails to be strong, eat one-piece grain, fish and seafood, dairy and soy products.

The strength and flexibility of the nail plate, as well as on the color, affect the frequent contacts with detergents and water.

To your nails do not laugh, shorten them with non-manicure scissors, but a sawn.

The appearance of the nails will talk about the state of your health. If they have milk-white spots, they may indicate liver disease or nail injury. In the form of such spots on the nails, immature cells and emptiness between them are postponed. If your nails are constantly walking and breaking, it can talk about a lack of vitamins, disturbed metabolism or improper care.

How can I strengthen your nails?

An excellent tool to strengthen the nails is lemon juice, which should be rubbed in the nail hole area. To obtain a larger effect, you can use a special tool for the cuticle and strengthening the nails containing lemon oil and vitamin E. This means should be rubbed several times a day before applying the hand cream. The result will not make long wait.

Tips for daily nail care.

At least once a day, rub your nails with a brush to remove pollution and propagate nails.

Lock the fat cream into your nails to soften the skin around the nail, improve blood circulation and smooth the nail surface. It is better to do it before bedtime.

Wash your hands right. If your nails are sensitive and brittle, use not ordinary soap, but oil from orange crusts.

For weak nails, periodically spend therapeutic courses during which refrain from manicure.

As soon as various hand care products appear, many disputes arise immediately about what kind of care is better. It concerns this and manicure, because beautiful well-groomed nails always remain the second face of a woman, and there are several ways to give the shape of nails.

Standing disputes in matters of nail care begin with how to correctly give the form. After all, for this there is at least two tools: manicure scissors and nail files.

Films or scissors

All methods of giving the desired shape nails are a traumatic procedure for the nail plate. Make a manicure without its partial damage - absolutely impossible task.

The least injured method of giving the shape of nails can be selected based on the qualities of the nail plate.

The tool selection in this case depends mostly from the quality of the nails themselves.

Strong and hard nails are much better to feed. Scissors will break the thick nail faster or will contribute to chopping small pieces, like from plastic. To drink such nails, though long, but problems with the bundle will arise.

Conduct thin and soft nails is quite possible by conventional manicure scissors. This kind of nails behave like paper, so cutting them - the best choice.

How to carefully fill nails

For a beautiful and well-kept manicure, it is best to combine the proposed tools in the reasonable limits.

During the manicure, it is recommended to use both scissors, and a sawing, while observing the rules of neat nail circulation.

First, the nail is carefully cut with scissors. At the same time, it is necessary to somewhat retreat from the place where the nail goes over the edge. Otherwise, infection is possible under the skin. Similar non-accurate actions can lead to what they will begin to black nails or heating burrs.

The most dangerous manifestation of a careless manicure is the formation of ingrown nails, which requires surgical intervention. Especially strongly similar phenomenon are subject to, which solee large loads, constantly being in shoes.

After primary giving shape, the nails should be treated with a pailer. This issue also needs to be followed by several simple rules.

It is strictly forbidden to led the head of the nail to the nail to different directions, because they will start to get out much faster. And it is also not recommended to make more than 10 movements on one nail to prevent its excessive damage.

It is worth noting that metal peelings are the most injured for the nail plate. Their use is assumed mainly for artificially scorched nails.

Now you can proceed to any other ways to care for your hands, and beautifully and correctly decorated nails will become the key to the attractiveness of female handles.

Each part of the body has its own purpose, and nails including. This is one of the protective mechanisms created by nature. If people were lost their nails, it would make your fingers vulnerable to all mechanical and chemical influences.

Nails are solid formation of horny fabric. The base of the nail is ocelly cuticle, its purpose is the creation of a barrier for the penetration of dust, dirt, pathogenic bacteria leading to inflammatory processes or fungal diseases. Nails can cut, tear, scratch. With their help, you can open small valves or raise small items. Sometimes nails use for. With my fingers, it is even difficult to keep even a glass with water, because the grip will be loosened. No nails are impossible on musical instruments or print on a computer. Without these horns, it is rather problematic even to dial the phone number. In ancient times, the nails were determined by the cultural or social status of a person - for example, Chinese tangerines had very long curved nails. Currently, this is an important component of the appearance of a person. Without healthy and well-groomed nails, it is impossible to submit a finished image. Thanks to the modern design of nails, including Neil-art, piercing, extension, nails have become an independent decoration. Some long nails Need to work. For example, Aleutian wicker products are famous for their strength, weave from the finest strips of special grass. And in order to split the stems of this herb, the aleuts grow very long nails. In addition, the nail record reflects the state of our health. Changes in color or deformation of nails are often a sign of painful processes occurring in the body. The appearance of lesions can be caused by the action of the factors of the external environment, infection, chronic diseases, injury, genetic predisposition. Personal grooves on the nails speak of inflammation or rheumatism, transversely reflect internal organs or lack of zinc in the body. Convex nails Indicate the diseases of the lungs or bronchi. With insufficient blood circulation, the nail acquire a bluish shade. Yellow nails Indicate the liver disease. The lack of calcium reflects white splashes.


  • Nails. Building, food, disease

Even the most beautiful varnish will look no better if he is inflicted unevenly, the stripes are visible, and on the cuticle - drums. Gently apply enamel helps a properly selected brush, patience and time spent on training. Never make a manicure in a hurry. Exactly imposed varnish does not only look beautiful, but also keeps longer.

Selection of means for manicure

To make the varnish lay perfectly smoothly, it is important to choose the right tools for manicure. The easiest way to apply glossy enamel of bright and dark tones. Light varnishes are much more capricious, they can shine and go to the stripes. Not very simple in applying also varnishes with pearl and matte. The latter will dry very quickly and can be wount of ugly beatings.

If you are not sure that you can make nails in a couple of minutes, do not buy quick-drying varnishes. They are fixed on the nails instantly, so it is necessary to apply them a pair of accurate smears. Choose classic enamels, preferably more liquid. They themselves are distributed on the nails, hiding small irregularities.

Be sure to use the alignment base under varnish. She will smooth the plate, lacquer over the base will be more careful and lasted longer. Fix the manicure will help the brilliant top, which is applied over the colored varnish. It will hide small irregularities and give nails a beautiful gloss.

Mobile nails according to the rules

Before proceeding with staining, make a manicure. Cut or move the cuticle, treat the side rollers, align the nail length. Then polish the plates with polishing bars. First, treat your nails with a rough side, removing the groove, and then polish the soft buff. Wipe the plate with liquid to remove varnish. She degreases the nails and improve the grip of the varnish with the plate.

Cover the nails with an aligning protective base. Carefully dry it and proceed to staining. Check if the lacquer did not thicken. If it seems to you too pull, add a few drops of diluent into the vial. Do not use a liquid for removing varnish or acetone, these agents will spoil enamel.

Stir the lacquer, losing the bottle between the palms. Put your hand on a solid surface, for example on the edge of the table. Dry the brush into the bottle. Install it in the center of the plate, and then push to the cuticle so that the edge of the brush exactly outlines the cuticle. Then lead the brush to the left along the side roller and to the tip of the nail. Once again, squeak the brush and in the same way the right side of the nail. After that, pull the tips of the hairs at the end of the plate.

Give the lacquer dry and cover the nails with the second layer. Try to dial the right amount of varnish so that the enamel does not spread on the nail. Check the density of the coating, bringing the nails to the light. On exactly painted plates, stripes or oscillates are not visible. If the lumens are still noticeable, apply another layer of varnish.

Lock the manicure using top drying. Apply it with a thick layer and dry the coating. If the cuticle and side rollers are noticeable of enamel drums, erase them with a synthetic flat tassel, moistened in a liquid for removing varnish.

Nails - plates of dead cells of the epidermis filled with keratin - they grow throughout the human life. Their growth occurs due to the fact that new, not yet buried cells in the Lunule pushed dead durable cells. A week, the nail can grow by 2 mm.

Rising nails

Nails are dense horny plates on the legs and hands of a person who are a type of epidermis. Their appointment is to protect your fingers from damage to the soft tissues and nerve endings in them. Consist of nail plates mainly from keratin - one of the types of protein, which is also contained in the skin and hair. As part of keratin, there are many sulfur atoms that strengthen this substance and make it durable and solid. In addition to the protein, there is a slight amount of water and fat, so that the surface of the nail plates is a bit.

They also have phosphorus, calcium, chrome, selenium and zinc.

The nails grow at a speed of about 1-2 mm per week, a little slower on the legs, that is, the plate is completely updated at about six months. Different environmental conditions and the state of the human body can slow down or decrease the growth of nails. In addition, the nails grow faster in women than in men. In summer, growth increases, in the winter decreases. It is noticed that on the working hand of the nails grow a little faster, possibly due to the fact that the blood supply to the most common limb used is better.

If the length of the nail can grow as much as possible, then the thickness is determined by genetically, and make the plate with natural methods thicker than laid in genes, it is impossible.

Sometimes nails are thinned due to injury or shortage of minerals, in which case they can be restored.

Nail growth mechanism

The fabric of the nails is dead, there are no nerve endings and blood vessels, so a person does not feel pain when it cuts the nails or they break. Nevertheless, the horn plates on their hands and legs grow, despite the fact that dead cells can not share. The fact is that at the base of nails the cells are alive, in this place they are actively reproduced. Each new live cell is gradually filled with keratin, which, due to its waterproof properties, stops the cells of the cell among themselves, and it dies. The damage, deadly cell is literally "squeezed out by new, recently formed and not filled with keratin cells outside, so that the nail plate is gradually lengthened.

The new nail fabric is formed in a special zone called Lunula, it can be seen on each finger, it is a small white or light semicircle at the very bottom of the nail, which is formed by a small skin layer - cuticle. It protects the place of production of keratin and new nail cells from bacteria and mechanical damage.

Most girls really want them to have long nails. But due to many reasons, few people agree to extension. After all, it is harmful to natural nails, expensive and requires a lot of time to perform the procedure. All sorts of methods are especially very popular, which contribute to the early rustling of their own nails.

It is important to note that you can accelerate growth only for healthy nails. If the plates leave or very thin - with the slightest rustling they will break or crack. Therefore, you first need to bring their condition to the norm, and then engage in accelerating growth.

To get the maximum effect - you need to act immediately for three points:

  1. Revise the daily diet and add vitamins, as well as useful trace elements.
  2. Apply masks, strengthening plates, as well as creams and other means.
  3. Musture nails from negative external influences.

When you comply with these simple rules, then you can start looking for options that will help speed up the growth of nails.

In another situation, even the most effective ways will be ineffective. Weak plates will be depleted, and will also break even faster than it was before. Popular tools are extruded from the body useful elements. Nails will continue to grow actively, but their quality will be lousy.

What to do at the very beginning

Went to accelerate growth? Then primarily adjust your diet. The main nutrients of the nails are taken from the body, which are unable to replace expensive cosmetics coming from the outside. It is important that a sufficient amount of vitamins come along with meals.

One of the most important elements - calcium. It is well absorbed with vitamin D. Your diet should include both fermented dairy products and cereals that contain this vitamin.

In addition, take care of taking vitamins B, a, E. They can be found in sunflower and butter, croups and nuts. Iron and zinc should also be present in your diet. If you are watching strong avitaminosis, consult your doctor who will appoint you a special complex from vitamins.

Strengthening nails

The most common strengthening practice is different baths. In addition to strengthening substances, such procedures effectively accelerate the growth of plates. The duration of such events is about 20 minutes. The water temperature should be from 60 to 80 degrees.

Cooking recipes:

  1. Bath with sea salt. For cooking, take one tablespoon of this component and dissolve in a liter of water. Such a bath has a powerful effect, but not suitable for everyone. After procedures, a bundle may appear. Try on yourself, and if you notice a good result - do such a bath up to two times a week.
  2. We use iodine. Add 15 drops per liter of hot water. This composition of the bath has a strengthening effect, and also removes all sorts of irritations and inflammation from the skin of the hands. In addition to all positive qualities, this means perfectly protects the hands from the appearance of fungus.
  3. Iodine is well used as a mask. Apply a remedy for the plates for the night. In the morning you will not notice any residues.
  4. For a mask, you can also apply lemon. Enough to apply juice. As a result, the plates will be whiten and strengthened.

Effective masks for rapid growth

You still do not know what to do to accelerate the growth of nails? Then keep the next recipe!

This tool is not suitable for regular use, because it can significantly weaken your nails and provoke skin irritation. Use the recipe is recommended when you need to urgently repel the nails. Over the day you can achieve 1.5 mm growth.

We begin cooking and use:

  • in equal parts, mix the red ground pepper and nourishing cream;
  • this means are treated with nail plates and finger tips;
  • time of the procedure from 15 to 20 minutes;
  • do not pay attention to the burning.

According to the results of using this accelerating agent, you will probably notice that the fingers have become red - after a while, this reaction will pass.

The mask under consideration actively contributes to the acceleration of blood circulation. Thus, the influx of blood to the nails is significantly increased, and more useful elements are income. In the region of the lunula, the active processes of production of keratin begin - the nail will grow effect.

Additional procedures for accelerating nail growth

Nails slowly grow? There is another good way to accelerate this process. You can use special means - cream, varnishes or coating. A rather good effect gives a coating (for the growth of nails) from the manufacturer "Smart Enamel".

Try adding essential and vegetable oils to the bath - these components also stimulate the production of keratin. After such a procedure, make the massage of the hands to speed up the influx of blood to the nails. Such a procedure also obscures the growth of plates.

If you do not want to use similar home methods to accelerate the growth of nails - you can contact the salon. Specialists will offer you procedures using paraffin therapy. The master will rub the wax in the plate, which effectively protect the nail plate, and also eliminates the probability of separation. In addition, this therapy contributes to the stimulation of blood circulation. As a result, the nails will accelerate in growth.

In a healthy adult, a nail plate is capable of growing 0.1 mm per day. But what if you can speed up this process? There are many working ways, how to grow nails in 1-3 days by 5 and more millimeters. Most of them are based on their enhanced nutrition and exposure to local warming drugs.


Baths with minerals and vitamins help to quickly restore the horny layer after a long exposure to the shellaca, strengthen the plate, dive its useful substances.

One of the easiest and most popular options is bath with sea salt. For its preparation you need 300 ml of warm water to dissolve 10 grams of salt. In the resulting solution, the handles are pulled out from 20 to 30 minutes. After the skin is washed with ordinary water and is treated with moisturizing cream. Repeat every day.

For the treatment of luxury and lamination of nails fit oil mask with vinegar. It will take half a glass of sunflower unrefined or olive oil and as much apple vinegar. The mixture warms up on a quiet fire - just a couple of minutes, otherwise it will become too hot. It remains only to dip the fingertips in the bath and hold them there for 10 minutes.

For strengthening, accelerating growth and tissue regeneration applies bath with iodom. It is very simple to prepare it: half a glass of warm water drop 10 drops of solution. Pushed nails in the liquid recommended from 10 to 15 minutes. Important: The plate can be lost slightly, but this is a temporary phenomenon. After a couple of hours after the bath, the iodine will not remain a trace.

To enrich any bath, you can use the following components:

  • Shea and almond oil. These basic batters quickly absorb and have strong reducing properties. At the same time, they moisturize fabrics and make them more elastic;
  • Essential oils of lemon, geranium, orange or grapefruit. All these compositions contain a large amount of vitamin C. It has clarifying, regenerating and antibacterial properties;
  • Glycerol. In most cases, the nails simply do not have time to grow to the desired size due to its fragility and dryness. Solve that problem will help a few drops of glycerol in the handbank;
  • Any available vitamins. It can be retinol, tocopherol or vitamin B.

Masks for height

In addition to the bath, you need to regularly make special masks for nail growth. They are saturated with the plate with nutrients and contribute to its rapid regeneration. In addition, some of the recipes include warming components that accelerate blood flow.

According to reviews, one of the most effective nail growth masks - with red pepper. It includes natural ground chili, so the remedy is not suitable for the care of brittle margins and sensitive skin. Before use, be sure to test susceptibility.

How to cook a mask with pepper for nail growth:

  • In a non-metallic bowl, mix a little cream for nutrition of the skin - 2 teaspoons will be enough;
  • Add a spoonful of red pepper to it. After the composition, it is necessary to mix very thoroughly for a uniform distribution of burning particles;
  • Apply the product on the nails and the separation space. I don't need to flush the tool - over time the cream is absorbed, and the pepperns will disappear.

To apply the composition, it is best to highlight a separate brush - then the mixture will be evenly distributed over the plate. If the mask does not warm - add a little more pepper, let's say 1.5 spoons.

As an addition - after the pepper mask, it will be effective on the horny layer of several droplets of honey with garlic. It also has a warming effect, but acts more softly.

To get long, like from advertising, nails, you need to do a mask at least 1 day a week with gelatin. The nail plate consists of epidermis, collagen and keratin particles. If these substances are missing, then it immediately begins to crumble and collapse, and its growth is significantly slowed down. Gelatin is a natural source of collagen, so it is used for intensive recovery and rehabilitation of nails.

The gelatin nail mask is prepared as follows: the same amount of powder is taken on 100 ml of water. The mixture must be mixed to complete homogeneity, as a result there should be a mass of liquid consistency, without lumps and dry particles. In this "bath" you need to dip the marigold and hold there for 20 minutes.

Many girls heard about the benefits parafinotherapy. This is a brilliant caring procedure that helps simultaneously clarify the skin and nails, restore damaged tissues and accelerate the metabolism in tissues.

To spend a session at home, you do not need to buy expensive means and special paraffin. It is enough to find a candle from natural beeswax, set fire to it and flowing fluid to lubricate the nails and the skin around them. It is best to make a procedure for the night, because, it is impossible to wash off the nail composition. After such a massage, cotton gloves are put on hands.

Council: In addition to food, paraffin mask perfectly protects the nail plates from the impact of negative external factors. Therefore, before cleaning or campaigning to the beach, we also recommend processing nails in this way.

Iodized bath perfectly complements mask from iodine For nail growth. This substance is known for its antibacterial and strengthening properties. In order to make such a mask, you just need to lubricate the nogot in iodine and leave until complete absorption. Growth and cardinal change of the plate will not wait to wait - the results are noticeable on the third procedure.

Pharmacy drugs

It helps strengthen the nails, speed them up and moisturize the cuticle. In addition, the plant extract is widely used to disinfect fabrics and their protection against fungi. For this, the solution is simply applied to the marigold and the skin before absorbing. We advise you to combine the application with a soft warming massage.

Practically into all professional means to accelerate the growth of nails include vitamin complexes. But such a product is absolutely natural and safe - it is very easy to cook at home.

Vitamin Cocktail for Fast Nail Growth:

  • Mix in equal parts vitamin E (oil solution of tocopherol) and retinol (this is a substance of vitamin A). It turns out a very liquid, translucent mixture with a yellowish sampling and a characteristic smell of sunflower oil;
  • It is necessary to add a few drops of orange or lemon oil to it;
  • The solution is applied to the nobility to the tassel, distributing over the entire plate, spoon and slightly assigated separation space.

Good reviews also use nicotinic and hyaluronic acid. They accelerate the regeneration of cells, due to which the growth is activated. To make a miraculous mixture, you need to connect 500 mg of hyaluronic acid with two tablespoons of mineral water. After add 20 grams of the melted shea or almond oil to the solution. If you do this mask daily, then for 1 day a week it will be possible to repel the nails by 6 and more mm.

When using acids, it is important to look at the reaction of the nails. In some cases, they can become more fragile. Also, hyalurons and nicotineans have contraindications, such as lactation or mechanical damage to the processed areas. Before use, carefully examine the instructions for the selected drug.

Tips how to speed up nail growth:

  • At the time of intensive recovery and nutrition, stop using varnishes;
  • Do not go outside without cream on your hands. He prevents the cutting of the plate and helps protect it from negative external factors;
  • If the nails are badly damaged (for example, from a shellac or fungus), then they need to cut them all the time. Otherwise, there will be no sense from the growing - the horny layer will remain fragile and keen;
  • Take vitamins and minerals. This will help to influence growth from the inside;
  • Regularly massage the cuticle. With it, blood circulation is improved.

The perfect week course for ultrafast growth of nails includes two different baths, two masks (nutritional and warming) and daily use of the cream. With this combination, you will be surprised at 7 days as far as beautiful and strong can be your "claws".