How to make a rocket with your own hands from paper, cardboard, foil, bottle, matches - diagrams and models. How to make a space rocket that flies - a step-by-step master class. Craft ideas on space

Space theme fascinates and intrigues children and adults. Cosmonautics Day is a great occasion to remember the first flight into space of Yuri Gagarin. All children also adore the amazing story of the first flight of two space dogs - Belka and Strelka. And how many children and adults love funny aliens, because Cosmonautics Day is an occasion to remember that perhaps we are not alone in the Universe.
How to make a craft for Cosmonautics Day with your own hands? Do-it-yourself gifts for the day of cosmonautics. Master classes with step by step photos. Cosmonautics day craft ideas. Ideas for making space rockets, planets, planes, astronauts and aliens.

A good craft option for Cosmonautics Day is an applique in the form of a rocket flying across the starry sky, the main elements of which are made of salt dough. Crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten are made in order to make the topic of space exploration closer and more interesting for children.

Are you planning to make a craft for one of your defenders? We propose to master another interesting technique for working with paper - facing. By February 23, like any other holiday, using this technique it will be possible to make an original and very nice postcard or panel.

The holiday of the most courageous, courageous and strong person for a child - the Pope - is approaching - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And that means it's time to think about what is the best gift to prepare. Children usually make gifts for February 23 with their own hands.

Drawings about space have a special, attractive power: children always draw them with great pleasure, willingly fantasizing about travel and life among the stars. We propose to show the children how to make a drawing on the theme of "Space", taking as a basis a pencil sketch, colored pencils, gouache and watercolors.

Children about the constellations. Constellations pictures for children are not chosen by us as a topic for classes by chance. Astronomy for children is an area that stands on the border of the real and the fabulous world. The starry sky arouses great interest in children, encourages them to study the world around them, space, look for information in various sources, develops the child's memory and ability to think abstractly.

Crafts for Cosmonautics Day give children the opportunity to immerse themselves in the most beloved theme for many of them - the theme of the Cosmos. Children really like to fantasize and dream about the vast expanses of space, imagining themselves flying on a rocket or spaceship.

The simple, but rather interesting craft "Flight into space" will surely please your little explorer, and he will gladly pick up the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking it for the upcoming Cosmonautics Day.

An uncomplicated, but very cute postcard made by a child for Cosmonautics Day will surely become an unexpected gift for a loved one, since most often gifts are not given on this day. But this does not make them less pleasant to receive.

The application for Cosmonautics Day for a kindergarten is a great opportunity to tell children about a huge breakthrough in the development of all mankind - the first flight of our, Soviet, man into the vast and unexplored space.

Craft for Cosmonautics Day from scrap materials! Making a fast and bright rocket with flames! Each child has an endless supply of generosity and a desire to please his close friends and relatives, so one of the main tasks of parents is to create conditions for these qualities to manifest themselves.

Plasticine crafts for February 23 are a great gift option for boys, their grandfathers and dads. Having made a beautiful car, tank or plane from plasticine, you will delight defenders of any age.

More than forty-five years have passed since the very moment when Earth Day was first celebrated on our planet. Children's drawings, crafts, and their generous donations from their own piggy banks help to draw the attention of adults around the world to the importance of maintaining peace and cohesion of the population of all countries.

Children love to create mock-ups of real-life things. This helps them better understand the world around them and feel like a part of it. Many kids like to create miniature models of large objects - buildings, bridges, vehicles and even planets.

Plasticine crafts do not have to be voluminous. Flat plasticine crafts - applications, in the process of making which children's fingers gain strength, and the children themselves, gain patience and perseverance - look no less impressive.

On the day of the celebration of the first manned flight into space, the children create with great interest crafts on the space theme from any means at their disposal. Most often, paper becomes the basis for creativity. But it is quite possible to replace it with another material - for example, a plasticine craft for Cosmonautics Day can turn out to be beautiful.

Cosmonautics Day, like any other holiday, is an excellent occasion to engage in creativity with the children. Crafts on the theme "Space" always excite the vivid imagination of children, because they are attracted by everything unusual, unusual, going beyond reality.

What can the craft be made of for Cosmonautics Day? Of course, from paper, plasticine, and other "traditional" materials. But children will be interested if you take not quite familiar things as a basis for this craft - for example, unnecessary CDs, fluffy pom-poms and chenille wire.

You can add more variety and fun to the daily routine of children by mastering a new activity. To do this, you just need to captivate the baby. One of the developing and very original activities is making crafts with your own hands.

What crafts can be done for astronautics day with children

What materials and ideas are not used to make crafts on the topic of Space with their own hands. Space-themed products can be made from cardboard, discs, boxes, salt dough, plastic bottles, candy wrappers, plasticine and other gizmos found at home. To arrange beautiful children's crafts for the Day of Cosmonautics, you just need to tell the child how to do it correctly.

From disks

The handicraft "Flying Saucer" made from a disc will look original and unusual. The halves from the Kinder surprise will serve as a cockpit for the aliens. The plastic egg can be partially used, so it will be much more convenient to fix it on the plate. Do not forget to paint the flying saucer with your baby or stick on top of the craft stars, toy eyes and other items as you wish.

From plasticine

To make an astronaut suitable for an exhibition in a kindergarten or school, you need to have plasticine of your favorite colors and imagination. Here is one of the ways how to make a craft in the form of an astronaut with your own hands:

  1. We roll up a ball of red plasticine - this will be a helmet.
  2. We fold the plasticine blue sausage and turn it into a spring. We make several spirals that will become the arms and legs of the hero of the craft - the astronaut.
  3. From yellow or white plasticine we form a porthole for a helmet, draw a face.
  4. We attach gloves and shoes made of red color to the spacesuit.
  5. We cut several small strips of red tone, sculpt equipment for the astronaut and attach it to the spacesuit.

There is another option for making plasticine crafts on the topic of Space:

  1. We roll up two balls - these will be the head and body of the craft.
  2. We form ten small balls and six of a slightly larger size, small ones will serve as handles, large ones - legs.
  3. We flatten a piece of orange plasticine and attach the crafts to the body. We attach three colored balls to the cover - we get the astronaut's control panel.
  4. We sculpt a porthole from white plasticine, frame it with a thin strip of red.
  5. We take black plasticine, make headphones and attach them to the helmet.

Salted dough

For the Day of Cosmonautics, you can bring an original craft in the form of funny aliens to the kindergarten. To make your own work, take:

  • multi-colored salty dough;
  • toy stars, buttons and eyes;
  • wire;
  • stacks.

Aliens can be sculpted in different shapes and sizes, whatever your little one wants. We make antennas out of wire, because what kind of alien will come out without them? We glue small eyes on a creature from another planet, decorate the craft with buttons or stars. If the child cannot come up with an image of the future alien, tell him by making an example. You can decorate an alien as you like, it all depends on the imagination of the crumbs and the idea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bwork.

Made of paper or cardboard

The rocket is one of the most popular DIY space crafts. To make it using the quilling technique, you will need corrugated stripes, an egg from Kinder surprise, PVA glue. The process of making paper crafts with children is as follows:

  1. Use the halves of the egg as a template for the circles.
  2. From the strips we wind the top of the rocket, wings, base and porthole.
  3. Insert an egg from Kinder into the center of the rocket, connect all the details of the craft into a single whole.

Crafts from a plastic bottle

To make a space rocket soaring up with your own hands, you need:

  • empty plastic bottle;
  • cardboard;
  • a pump that inflates balls;
  • scotch;
  • water.

The main purpose of this craft for kids is to launch it into a spectacular flight. The rocket will fall apart into small pieces, therefore, you should not be too zealous with the details. Follow the instructions:

  1. It is necessary to cut the top of the craft in the shape of a cone and 3 rocket blades from the cardboard.
  2. All received elements must be tied with tape to the container.
  3. After completing the previous steps, insert the pumping needle into the stopper. The hole must match the diameter of the needle, otherwise water will flow out of the rocket. If they do not match, water can be poured already before starting.
  4. It's time to power the pump and watch the rocket fly!

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts on the topic "Space"

Cosmonautics Day is a great occasion to tell kids about space and make DIY crafts on the topic of Space. Any materials at hand will help to create an original work. It is much easier to do any craft with step-by-step instructions in front of you. Use the guide below for detailed steps on how to glue or sculpt popular holiday attributes.

How to make a flying saucer

A self-made UFO will delight the baby. To make the craft, you will need a plastic bottle with a disposable plate. Let's get started:

  1. With scissors or a clerical knife, carefully separate the bottom of the bottle.
  2. We cut off its upper part, cut off the neck.
  3. Put the bottom of the bottle on a plate, draw a circle with a marker.
  4. Cut out the circle, departing from the drawn borders. We make incisions.
  5. Insert the upper part of the bottle into the resulting hole. It will be fixed thanks to the incisions.
  6. We fix everything with adhesive tape, we get a craft cabin.
  7. Insert the bottom of the bottle from below, fix it.
  8. Attaching the bottom of the bottle to paper or shiny cardboard, draw a circle and cut out a circle. We insert the plates into the hole.
  9. We trim the edges of the plate with scissors so that they coincide with the edges of the cardboard.
  10. Place the top of the bottle in the middle.
  11. We seat a plasticine alien inside the flying saucer - the main character of the craft.
  12. With the help of baking soda, vinegar and citric acid, you can make a real acid rain or a whole volcano! To do this, put a small amount of soda in a container, dilute the vinegar with water, gradually adding vinegar or citric acid to the soda. It will turn out to be an indescribable sight!

Rocket from a plastic bottle

Making crafts on the topic of Space with your own hands is very interesting. You can make an original rocket with a child if you have:

  • white acrylic paint;
  • plastic rectangular bottle;
  • three lids of different colors and sizes;
  • two cardboard tubes;
  • thick cardboard orange, red, yellow;
  • felt-tip pens and pencils;
  • scissors;
  • hot glue.

We make the craft step by step like this:

  1. Pour white paint into the bottle. Shake well so that the paint evenly stains the entire inner surface. It will be less laborious if you immediately take a white bottle.
  2. We paint the tubes in the desired color or decorate with a drawing. We make tongues of flame from colored cardboard, glue them to the inside of the case. To make the flame develop beautifully, you can also cut it out of the newspaper. We attach the nozzles with fire to the bottle with hot glue.
  3. Multi-colored plastic covers will serve as portholes. We attach them to the front of the future rocket with a glue gun.
  4. Cut out two cardboard triangles, paint with felt-tip pens, glue on both sides.
  5. We attach the plastic cup to the bottom of the rocket. It will serve as another nozzle and a reliable base for the rocket.
  6. After the glue dries, the product will be completely ready, you just have to come up with a name.

Planets of the solar system from plasticine

For the Day of Cosmonautics, it is better to do crafts on the topic of Space with your own hands. This will help the child learn a lot and have fun with mom or dad. To sculpt the planets of the solar system is easy to sculpt when you have step-by-step instructions at hand:

  1. We take a dense sheet and colored plasticine to create an unusual composition.
  2. The sun will be the central object of the craft, we begin to sculpt with it. To do this, we mix yellow, orange, white colors, but so that they can be distinguished, it is not necessary to make a single color.
  3. Glue the resulting mass in the center of the sheet, smear it with your fingers in a circle.
  4. To get the orbits of the planets for crafts, we roll out thin threads of white or beige plasticine.
  5. Create nine rings around the Sun.
  6. Mercury is the smallest planet. We roll it into a ball, mixing small pieces of gray, brown and white colors. We squeeze craters with a toothpick.
  7. We make Venus three times larger from black, brown and gray. Set the relief of the planet with a wire.
  8. Earth is the brightest planet in the solar system and crafts. We create it from green, blue and yellow plasticine.
  9. The mysterious Mars is obtained by mixing orange and black.
  10. For a large Jupiter, you will need beige, brown and orange stripes.
  11. We form Saturn, attach a ring around its axis.
  12. We sculpt uranium with a ring from blue shades.
  13. Neptune looks like a regular blue plasticine ball.
  14. Little Pluto comes from gray and white.
  15. When finished, lay out the planets in order and attach them to the orbits in which they should be located. The process of sculpting the craft can be made even more creative if you draw a lunar rover or a comet on a sheet.

How to make a robot from scrap materials

One of the simple, but unusual, options would be a robot made of plastic lids. The assembly method for such an original product is simple:

  1. We pass metal rods between the covers, so the robot will be mobile.
  2. The craft can also be fastened with a glue gun.
  3. Putting a couple of covers vertically, we get wheels on which the space hero will move.

Find out what you can do with your own hands.

Video tutorials on creating crafts on the topic of Space for children

At all times, spaceships and stars are of great interest to kids. They can be easily implemented with detailed video instructions at hand. After watching a few videos below, you can make a beautiful and original craft on the theme of Space for kindergarten with your child. Classes will cause positive emotions in the crumbs and contribute to the development of his imagination, thinking, teach him to concentrate.

Largely thanks to the recently launched Falcon Heavy rocket, interest in space discoveries and technologies has grown exponentially among both adults and children. The latter are already beginning to dream of becoming, if not an astronaut, then certainly a developer of the latest aircraft. Well, the approaching day of cosmonautics gives a reason to try your hand for the time being in the simplest: making crafts on the topic of space with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself rocket

It's no wonder that the rocket is the most popular piece of the space series.

The easiest way to make this aircraft is from a plastic bottle. For this you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • primer (PVA glue can be used as it);
  • acrylic paints;
  • colored paper;
  • foil;
  • cardboard.

Prime the bottle, let dry. Cover with acrylic paint, let dry and cover with another coat. Attach the cardboard wings. Decorate the rocket with stars cut out of paper or foil.

You can simplify the task by avoiding staining, and simply cover the bottle with paper or foil.

Here's an impressive rocket that can be made using cans of Coca-Cola or other drinks:

It is even easier to use a cardboard tube from under paper towels or toilet paper as a base for a rocket. It is enough to attach wings and a cone-nose made of cardboard to it, decorate with colored paper or decorate with felt-tip pens.

To create an imitation of a flying rocket, you can also take care of the "fire" coming from the engines.

A hero cosmonaut can fly in a rocket - just put a figure of an astronaut inside or glue a photo of the child himself. See how merrily he looks out of the window!

And you can make a real rocket that will definitely fly by watching this video and doing everything according to the instructions in it - of course, only with the help and under the supervision of your parents!


Another popular space-themed craft is a flying saucer with aliens inside.

Making it as easy as shelling pears as possible using plastic or paper disposable plates. A transparent plastic cup can be used as a cabin. For a special effect, it is good to put an alien creature (made with your own hands or an ordinary toy) in the cockpit. UFOs can be ornamented with bright rhinestones and sequins.

You can attach ice cream stick legs to the plate.

UFOs can even be felted out of wool if you have the skills of this needlework:

For making flying saucers, unnecessary CDs and kinder egg boxes will also work.

Universe layouts

All kinds of models of the Universe or the Solar system, made of plasticine, papier-mâché, tennis balls, felt, look great.

Often they are made in the form of a mobile, which can be fixed to the ceiling, creating the illusion of objects moving in space.

Origami space crafts

It takes just one sheet of paper to create an original starship, flying saucer, rocket, or fighter jet from Star Wars. This can be done with the help of origami art.

Watch a video on how to make a fighter using origami technique:

And here is a master class on making a starship:

And finally, a video, thanks to which you will learn how to make simple origami rockets:

Separately, it is worth noting the volumetric (modular) origami, which allows you to create real works of art from individual paper modules:

What kind of craft did you do? Share with us in the comments!

For many centuries, the cosmos has been stirring up human consciousness, beckoning with its grandeur and mystery. Children admire the vastness and beauty of the unknown, so they often want to recreate outer space in crafts and drawings. To do this, we have prepared several master classes on crafts on the topic of space, which will definitely please your child.

Materials for products

To begin with, let's get acquainted with what you can make a "space" craft.

  • Plasticine;
  • Polymer clay;
  • Disks;
  • Salty dough;
  • Paper cardboard;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Boxes;
  • The cloth.

These are not all items that can be used to make crafts. The looks, colors and list of materials are limitless, just like human imagination.

Rocket from plastic bottles

A realistic space rocket can be crafted from ordinary plastic milk and beverage bottles. To do this, prepare:

  • plastic bottles;
  • ball pump;
  • scotch;
  • acrylic or gouache;
  • cardboard;
  • water.

Let's start creating an interesting space craft:

  • Cut a cone out of the cardboard that will serve as the top of the rocket. Cut out some space technology blades. Tie the received elements to the bottle.
  • Decorate the rocket with gouache or acrylics. Draw the outer covering of the ship, a window, in the window you can draw astronauts.
  • Insert the pump needle into the stopper of the product. If the hole does not match the size of the needle, pour water before launching the rocket. Use a pump. Your rocket can now take off. Enjoy the spectacle with your child!

Flying saucer from disposable saucers

In order to create a flying saucer, prepare several disposable saucers of different depths. Here are some tips for creating this easy craft:

  • Turn the plate upside down, and on top glue another plastic plate of a different depth; You can cover the plate with foil, so it will look even more unusual;
  • Paint the plates with silver paint. On top, you can draw various additional elements, such as stars, windows and aliens that inhabit the plate. You can make lanterns from buttons and rhinestones, which are located around the perimeter of the plate.
  • If you wish, you can make a hole at the bottom of a deep plate (it will be the top of the transport for aliens), through which you can insert a thread. Next, tie the plate to the chandelier.

Plasticine planets

In order to create planets of the solar system from plasticine with your own hands, use the following instructions for creating crafts on the topic of space.

Here is a detailed algorithm for creating planets:

  • Combine yellow, white and orange in one large plasticine ball. The ball must be one color and not contain streaks of foreign colors.
  • Glue the sun to the center of the dark blue sheet. Previously, you can draw small stars and play on the sheet.
  • Mix gray, brown and white in one small ball. Use a match or toothpick to make holes on the ball, they will serve as craters. The small ball will represent Mercury, which is the smallest planet in the solar system.
  • Make Venus out of brown, black and gray. One should be 2-3 times more than Mercury. Use the wire to draw the texture of the planet.
  • Make our planet green, blue and white.
  • Make Mars out of orange, red and black.
  • Jupiter needs to be made from beige, brown and orange. The planet is large enough, so spare no material.
  • Blind beautiful Saturn. Don't forget to make the famous ring of the planet.
  • Use blue and light blue to make Uranus, which also has a ring.
  • Roll a ball out of blue plasticine, which will represent Neptune.
  • Roll the white and gray colors into a small ball, symbolizing Pluto.

Once you've finished creating the planet, attach the planets to orbit in the correct order. In order to get acquainted with the correct order of the planets and original ideas for the background of the craft, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the photo of space crafts on the Internet

Simple space crafts for kids from tin cans

You can make interesting space inhabitants from ordinary tin cans, which can certainly be found in every home. Turn on your imagination to the fullest and do not be afraid to experiment with the appearance of your alien.

First, prepare a tin can. Peel it off the label.

You can keep the original silver coating of the jar, but if you wish, you can paint the jar with acrylic paint, gouache or spray paint.

Draw the mouth, eyes and ears on the jar. Make a hole in the sides of the can for you to insert straws or folded pieces of foil to form handles.

The top of the alien's head can be covered with a metal washcloth, and bright straws can be placed on top. The result will definitely amuse you and your child.

Instead of painted parts of the face, you can use bolts of different sizes as eyes.


There are a great many options for creating space crafts, differing from each other in material, color and style. Do not be afraid to experiment with these parameters, and in this case you will be able to create an original model of space objects.