How to strengthen hair with curdled milk. Curdled milk for hair is an affordable oriental chic. Recipes for curdled milk hair masks

Smooth beautiful skin is a gift from Nature, which can be extended for many years. Do you agree that a woman looks advantageous if her face is smooth, fresh, with a natural blush, without pimples, irregularities and tons of makeup?

Adopt the secrets of world celebrities and the recipes of nutritionists who know how to preserve youthful skin not by hearsay, but from their own experience.

Own merit

It is much easier to be beautiful and graceful in youth than in an elegant age. However, young girls often look much older than their age. Intense tanning in a solarium, hair extensions and an abundant layer of makeup on the face do not make anyone more beautiful, but on the contrary, they age and spoil the appearance, sometimes beyond recognition.

However, excessive facial cleansing, exfoliation and whitening, instead of prolonging the freshness of youth, lead to thinning and rapid aging of the skin. Even vitamins will not help here. "Nothing ages like the desire to rejuvenate!" - said Coco Chanel. Wrinkles on the face after 40 years are normal, but their absence causes associations of an unnatural mask.

Intense grooming, including excessive amounts of vitamins, is considered a psychological abnormality called dysmorphophobia. A person tends to exaggerate any defect on the face or body, becomes irritable, harsh, self-critical. Of course, there are “lucky ones” who inherited youthful skin and a slender figure through their genetic line to old age. But mostly beauty, healthy and blooming appearance is its own merit. What are the secrets of youth and recipes to prolong it?


The great Coco Chanel - a woman to the marrow of her bones - said that for female beauty and youth, first of all, a full and healthy sleep is important. The more "solid" the age, the better the night's rest should be. The French fashion trendsetter herself went to bed at 22 o'clock, and nothing could force her to change the chosen daily routine.

Why is a night's rest so important? Because its absence will necessarily lead to a violation of the regenerative functions of cells, to a violation of the body's production of melatonin, the so-called sleep hormone. From insomnia, any type of skin will become flabby, wrinkled, covered with age spots, and the oval of the face will change.

Ayurveda adherents suggest going to bed around 10 pm and waking up before 6 am. Sleep should be 7-8 hours for the brain to be fully rested. Before going to bed, the bedroom should be well ventilated, or even better - sleep with the window open, the room should be darkened, or a special bandage should be in front of your eyes.

Skin care

It is necessary to learn to take care of the face and body from childhood and do it throughout life. Lack of sleep, cosmetics that are not washed off at night, the use of low-quality facial skin care products gradually leave their mark in the form of early wrinkles, tired facial skin, circles under the eyes, and rapid aging. It is not recommended to wash your face with soap, as the alkali "draws" water from the body and degreases the skin. It is much more beneficial to use a liquid substitute or washing gel instead of regular soap.

Ladies of Balzac's age are not allowed to wipe their face with alcohol-based lotions: they violate the skin's protective cover. Products for morning and evening face care should be more gentle and gentle than for young skin.

Attention: youthful skin requires active hydration, especially after washing or cleansing, and then using a nourishing cream according to age and skin type. By the way, expensive creams are not always useful, often their cheap counterparts have a more useful composition. At night, you need to use a night cream or do without it at all, so that the face "breathes".

Shower and peeling

Monica Bellucci starts every morning with a cool shower. The charming Italian woman claims that mankind has not yet invented a better remedy for skin tone than a contrast shower. The actress also protects her face from direct sunlight, and on hot days she always uses a refreshing facial spray. Ageless Sophia Loren moisturizes her face, neck and décolleté with ice cubes every morning. And peeling and masks, which contain the necessary elements and vitamins, can also prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

Sun protection

Scientists claim that a huge percentage of wrinkles are caused by exposure to harmful UV rays. Even being in the shade, the body receives a sufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation, so lying on the heat in order to “get a good” tan or often go to the solarium is harmful. Chasing a tan when young can lead to early pigmentation, dryness and thinness of the skin and many wrinkles in old age.

6 "golden" rules

  1. Give up regular soap in favor of foam or gel for washing your face;
  2. Be sure to moisturize your skin;
  3. Select skin care products carefully, and not according to the principle: “expensive means high quality”;
  4. Make nourishing face masks (so that vitamins nourish the epidermis) and peel cleansing;
  5. Go to bed and get up in the morning at the same time;
  6. Protect your face from direct exposure to UV rays.

Nutrition or beauty recipes from nutritionists

Healthy food and essential vitamins are the key to beautiful skin. Healthy foods, vitamins and proper nutrition are the secrets of a beautiful appearance. The daily inclusion in the diet of the use of cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs, cottage cheese is a guarantee of a blooming face skin. Recipes for spicy and fatty dishes, as well as products containing preservatives, additives and dyes, should disappear from the menu.

We must forget about smoking and alcohol - these are the first pests of a pleasant complexion and youth. Fast food, in which there are practically no vitamins, just a convenient "snack" that has nothing to do with a proper and healthy diet.

All the same Coco Chanel recommended essential products for a full breakfast: cereals, cottage cheese, fruits and berries. Vitamins are available, youthfulness of the skin is ensured, extra pounds are not terrible, and there is enough energy for the entire first half of the day.

  1. Fresh berries (blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, plums), containing not only vitamins, but also antioxidants - they protect the skin from harmful external factors.
  2. Kiwi, guava are the leaders among fruits that promote collagen production. Strawberry is a berry that contains many vitamins and has the same ability.
  3. Tomatoes are foods that contain lycopene, which protects the epidermis from UV rays.
  4. Seafood (especially oysters) contains trace elements necessary for female youth and beauty of skin, hair and nails.
  5. Red fish as a source of Omega-3.
  6. Cocoa - This drink contains flavonoids that provide blood circulation and prevent the flaking process. Cocoa can be substituted for green tea, but the latter excites the nervous system.


Another essential element of all diets and healthy eating is water. Juices, soft drinks, drinks are other products. You need to drink up to two liters of clean water per day, without waiting for signs of thirst.

The main volume of consumed water should fall on the first half of the day, that is, up to 16 hours. And you need to drink every 15 minutes, several sips. In the morning on an empty stomach, you can drink a whole glass, but not late in the evening and before bedtime, otherwise swelling under the eyes is guaranteed.


More movement: dancing, sports, fitness - everything will do and will work for you. Charlize Theron, for example, loves to run with her dogs, and the secrets of youth and beauty of Monica Bellucci in yoga and swimming. The best part is that you can do physical exercise at any time. Even a 15-minute but daily morning exercise can recharge you with energy and good mood for the whole day.

You have to take care of your own appearance all your life. Appropriate skin care helps to maintain natural beauty and prevent premature wrinkles. Each age category has its own characteristics. What is relevant for adolescents loses its meaning for women over twenty. What is necessary for mature skin is not required in younger years.

Cosmetologists focus on the need to change the strategy precisely at the age of 25. Why this particular period? How to properly care for your face? The algorithm of actions depends on the type of skin. A competent approach means taking into account all the nuances.

The illusion of eternal youth

It's time to think how to keep the youthfulness of the skin after 25 years. Perhaps not everyone agrees. After all, the face at this age looks great. There is not a single fold. It seems that wrinkles are still very far away. But this is a delusion. Without proper support, skin can age prematurely. And fighting wrinkles is much more difficult than preventing them. Don't be under the illusion that you will always look like this. Gorgeous appearance even in old age is possible. But you need to influence the future from a young age. Learn to face the truth. And the sooner the better. Beautiful skin is the result of our own efforts.

Having barely celebrated the 25th anniversary, it is difficult to realize that youth is short-lived. And yet the period of growth and development of the organism is over. The first changes begin. And even if they do not appear soon, aging is still inevitable. The starting point begins exactly at twenty-five years. What happens at this stage of life?

  • the renewal of the skin slows down;
  • cell regeneration becomes slower;
  • less collagen and elastin are produced;
  • moisture is less retained in tissues.

All of this has its consequences:

  • deterioration in complexion;
  • drying out of the skin;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • decreased elasticity;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • uneven terrain;
  • the appearance of pigmentation.

By the age of 30, age-related changes can be noticeable. Especially if there are factors contributing to premature aging:

  • improper care;
  • bad habits;
  • intense exposure to UV rays;
  • frequent stress;
  • lack of sleep and overwork;
  • the impact of poor ecology;
  • unbalanced diet.

It is possible to protect the skin from harmful effects. But it is worth taking care of this in advance. Carefully selected facial skin care after 25 years will preserve youthfulness. So what can you do in order not to lament over missed opportunities?

What to focus on?

Every skin type has its own needs. But unequivocally, facial care after 25 years implies:

  1. cleansing;
  2. moisturizing;
  3. food;
  4. uV protection.

It is necessary to select cosmetics taking into account individual characteristics. For example, a cream with a light texture is suitable for the oily type. Owners of dry skin should take care of additional nutrition. Therefore, the cream will be of a denser consistency.

Main rules

There are a number of rules that apply to everyone without exception:

  1. Select products according to skin type;
  2. Do not use anti-aging cosmetics. It is designed to solve bigger problems;
  3. Do not overuse your tan. Before exposing your body to the sun's rays, treat the surface with a special cream;
  4. Control facial expressions. Constantly frowning face - skin folds as a result;
  5. Give preference to quality natural products. This applies to both hygiene products and decorative cosmetics;
  6. Try to lead a correct lifestyle. Cosmetic procedures are powerless if you chronically lack sleep or, for example, abuse alcohol;
  7. Monitor the amount of fluid you drink. The need for an adult body is 1-1.5 liters of water per day. Moisturizers will not cope with dryness if there is a lack of moisture.

A visit to a beautician is not unusual for women caring for their own appearance. The specialist will not only carry out the necessary manipulations. In the salon you can get good advice on further care. A professional will recommend cosmetics and a list of procedures. However, not everyone can afford this pleasure financially. It is possible to figure out how to care for your skin type on your own.

Arsenal of products for regular use

It is no longer possible to limit yourself to washing and applying cream. A set of cosmetics should be tailored to individual needs. When buying, pay attention to the following points:

  • mark 25+;
  • skin type;
  • a description of the impact of the product;
  • list of ingredients.

Required components

The composition is of particular importance. The following components should be present in products for skin after 25 years

Retinol (vitamin A)

Accelerates cell regeneration. Prevents the formation of wrinkles. Neutralizes free radicals. Promotes exfoliation of the stratum corneum. Evens out the relief and retains natural elasticity.

Vitamin E

Effectively moisturizes the skin. Famous for its antioxidant effects. Postpone the manifestation of old age for many years.

Flavonoid (vitamin P)

Stimulates the body's synthesis of substances that act as antioxidants. Protects the epidermis from free radicals.

Vitamin C

Normalizes metabolic processes. Protects against negative environmental influences. Promotes natural collagen production. Removes toxins and other harmful elements.

Fruit acids

Properties depend on the variety. Salicylic is needed to treat rashes. Glycolic cleans pores well, activates the renewal process. Almond prevents photoaging. Pyruvic acid restores the barrier function of the skin, retains moisture.


Influence the processes occurring in the tissues of the dermis. Improves blood circulation. Stimulates collagen production. Accelerate the renewal of the epidermis. Retain firmness. They have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Herbal extracts

Depending on the purpose of the product for a certain type of skin, it may contain extracts of medicinal plants. For example, chamomile, calendula, nettle, coltsfoot, St. John's wort - for oily skin. Sage, mint, linden blossom, elder flowers, rose petals - for dry.

Natural oils

Their number is impressive. You should choose the component that suits your skin type.

Dry skin

Dry skin needs products that provide:

  • active nutrition;
  • deep hydration;
  • preventing moisture loss;
  • softening of the skin;
  • neutralization of the effects of UV rays;
  • preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

Oily skin

Oily skin needs products to achieve the following effects:

  • regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  • elimination of excess sebum;
  • calming, removing irritation;
  • cessation of inflammatory processes;
  • maintaining water balance;
  • protection from environmental factors;
  • saturation with nutrients;
  • prevention of premature aging.

Necessary cosmetics

Here is an approximate list of cosmetics required for facial care after 25 years:

  1. Means for cleansing the skin: foam, gel, milk, tonic, lotion, micellar water, etc .;
  2. Creams: for application during the daytime, at night, as well as for the area around the eyes and sunscreen for use in summer;
  3. Additional products: serums to enhance the action of the cream, masks to solve specific problems.

An important point. A 25-year-old woman should not forget about the area around her eyes. Regular cream is not suitable for such a sensitive area. At this point, the skin is much thinner. In order to prevent the early appearance of "crow's feet", take care of the presence of an eye cream in your cosmetic bag.

You should not get carried away with experimenting. There is the possibility of a negative reaction. Be careful with sensitive skin. Consider the likelihood of individual intolerance. If the first time you were unable to find the right product, do not continue using it. Try to buy a product from another company. You will definitely find the best option. Healthy and radiant skin is an indicator of the right choice.

Step-by-step care is a prerequisite

What procedures are required for this age category? Skin care after 25 years includes the following steps.


It is better to use foam or milk for washing. Soap is strictly prohibited. Its constituents dry out and irritate the skin, and can provoke excessive release of fat. A universal option is ground oatmeal. This is an alternative to purchased products.


After washing, use a toner or lotion. Desirable natural composition. It is encouraged to brew herbs for this purpose. You can freeze the broth so that you can then wipe your face with ice cubes.

Moisturizing and nourishing

Carried out with a cream. Be sure to have two types - day and night. Please note that there should be SPF filters in the daytime. The influence of the sun at this age affects much faster than in adolescence. If you do not protect your skin, it will soon develop wrinkles.

The above procedures are daily. Besides them, there are other ways to preserve the beauty of the skin.

Other procedures

Do not neglect such effective methods to heal the skin as peels and masks. After 25 years, masks should be applied 2-3 times a week. It is enough to return to light peeling once every 7-10 days. Doing deep is advisable once a month.


Facial masks have a special place in the evening skin care ritual. Buy a ready-made mask or? This is a personal matter for every woman.

If you prefer a store product, it must be of proper quality. If you decide to prepare the mixture yourself, your skin will be doubly grateful. Natural ingredients - a variety that goes on and on.

Remember, face masks are good for all skin types. One has only to choose the appropriate composition. And the question of whether to do them shouldn't even be. No self-respecting woman will ignore such an effective, fast and affordable way to restore a healthy glow to her skin.


Peeling can be done in the salon. The beautician will select the right substances to remove dead cells. However, this task can be handled at home. Use special products. Only in this case, again, you need to take into account the peculiarities of the skin.

25 years is not the time to fight age-related changes. This is the period when you should take care of the prevention of early aging. Yes, the withering mechanism has already started. Therefore, proper care is required with the use of the right products. Plus a healthy lifestyle. It is in your power to make old age pass by as long as possible!

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 are faced with the problem of the appearance of wrinkles on the face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You start to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up at your appearance ...
  • Every time you go to the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return ...

How to keep the youthful skin of the face? This question interests every person, because everyone wants to stay young and attractive for a long time, especially when it comes to the beautiful half of humanity. There are no secrets or special magic in this matter. Only a responsible approach and the right actions will lead you to an excellent result.

Healthy and nutritious nutrition is a guarantee of youth and fresh appearance. A person's diet is directly reflected in his appearance. What do you need to eat in order to receive compliments about beautiful skin for as long as possible? Products for youthful skin are fruits and vegetables. They contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients that the body needs so much.

Of course, there can be no question of any beauty if you do not drink enough water. Young skin is moisturized skin. The drier the epidermis, the faster it ages. Therefore, it is necessary to make it a rule to drink about 2 liters of water per day.

Healthy lifestyle and youthfulness of the face

It is possible to significantly rejuvenate the appearance precisely with an integrated approach, that is, when acting on the entire body.

  1. Sports are mandatory, especially after 25 years, when the skin of any person begins to fade. Exercise gives you a good complexion, a blush and just a fresh look. It is important to choose what you like: yoga, Pilates, aerobics, cardio workouts, gym, etc.
  2. Smoking has a detrimental effect on the entire body and on the skin. The fact is that nicotine has the ability to destroy the valuable and necessary vitamin C. And it is necessary for the production of collagen, thanks to which skin turgor is maintained.
  3. It is important to spend a lot of time outdoors. If it is not possible to regularly travel to the sea, then let it be at least a summer residence. But tanning should not be abused: solar radiation leads to skin aging. The same can be said about the solarium.
  4. An ordinary dream can be an excellent remedy for beauty and youth. Sleeping and getting enough sleep is the main task of everyone who loves himself, wants to be healthy and beautiful. It is necessary to sleep at least 8 hours daily, but not more than 10. Dark circles under the eyes most often appear precisely from lack of sleep.

Mandatory home beauty treatments

Proper home care will help preserve the youthfulness of the skin. It does not require large financial costs, you just need a little free time.

If the question of how to prolong the youthfulness of the skin seems to you still not solved, why not try home mesotherapy in miniature? To do this, you will need to buy a mesoscooter with medical needles no more than 0.2 mm and a mesosum. First, a serum is applied to the face, which then needs to be walked with a roller. It forms microscopic punctures, due to which the selected anti-aging agent penetrates more effectively into the deeper layers of the epidermis.

Gymnastics for the face

Training is needed not only for the body, but also for the face. After all, it also has a lot of muscles. And they need a load. Special gymnastics will tighten the oval of the face, reduce expression and age wrinkles, and prevent them.

  1. The first exercise can be called a "pipe", because to perform it, you just need to stretch your lips for 5-6 seconds, alternating with a period of relaxation.
  2. The next exercise is to draw in your cheeks as much as possible, as if you need to drink something very thick from a straw. By the way, it is this technique that helps many famous beauties fight sagging cheeks.
  3. It will not be superfluous to recall some of the vowels from the alphabet: "o", "y", "s". You need to alternate these sounds, pronouncing them 15-20 times.

In the beautician's office

It is very good if you have the opportunity to visit a professional cosmetologist at least once every six months (and preferably once a month). Then beauty and youth are guaranteed, because you will be in the reliable hands of a specialist. A special gloss in appearance will become a bonus.

Treatments such as mesotherapy or facial massage are good. Alginant masks perfectly level out age. To cleanse the pores and maintain turgor, you can undergo ultrasonic face cleansing in courses.

If you consult with a beautician, then there is a chance to learn a lot more about individual care and how to preserve youth and beauty. Of course, all this will require certain costs. But on your own, you can maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the face at the proper level, if you approach this issue as consciously and responsibly as possible.

Every woman wants for a long time, or even better, to always remain young and attractive, to have elastic, radiant youthful skin. But, unfortunately, the years take their toll. Wrinkles appear on the face, the skin gradually loses its elasticity, freshness, and is often covered with age spots.

With the onset of the next age period, we begin to be actively interested in the issues of rejuvenation, we are looking for the only remedy that will stop aging. But, unfortunately, such a tool has not yet been invented.

What to do, ? Are there any effective anti-aging cosmetics ??? About them, about how to keep the youthful skin of the face after 40 at home, we will talk today.

Let's leave the futile search for a "magic" cream and draw up our own skin rejuvenation program, step by step, day after day:

Basic rules of care:

To look young, a woman after 40 needs a whole range of procedures that must be carried out regularly. Let's dwell on them in more detail:

Wash your face twice a day - in the morning, in the evening. After the water treatment, do not wipe your face so that the water is absorbed into the pores. It is even better to wipe your face with ice prepared from the infusion of medicinal plants: chamomile, string, parsley leaves. If your skin is dry, use a special milk, cream or gel to wash your face.

Use a cream that suits your skin type. Daytime should contain sunscreens, as well as collagen, elastin, retinol. It is very good if the composition includes fruit acids and vitamin A. All these components activate cellular metabolism, stimulate the formation of young cells.

To determine if a given cream is right for you, apply a little to clean skin. If it is quickly absorbed, does not leave an oily sheen, this cosmetic product is right for you.

In summer, use light, airy textured moisturizers. Leave more "heavy" ones with a greasy consistency for winter. When applied to the skin, massage gently into the cream with your fingertips.

Apply contrasting compresses only 1-2 times a week, alternating hot and cold. To do this, use decoctions of flowers of chamomile, linden, calendula, etc. Regular procedures help to strengthen, maintain skin elasticity, improve complexion. If you have spider veins on your face, do not use very hot water.

Exfoliate (deep cleansing) with scrubs a couple of times a week. Peeling products must contain fruit acids. Scrubs will remove dead cells, open pores, allowing the skin to breathe. To keep your skin young, apply a nourishing, stimulating mask after the procedure (we will look at the recipes a little later).

To look young, be sure to get enough sleep, take vitamin complexes. It is useful to use pharmacy extracts of ginseng, eleutherococcus, golden root.

Move more, walk in the fresh air.

Find out what is useful to master and drink it every day, 1-1.5 liters.

Drugs from the pharmacy

Let's go to the pharmacy. There you can buy ready-made cosmetics, creams for aging skin care. But most of them are quite expensive and therefore not available to everyone. But there are also quite affordable, no less effective drugs that can be used for home skin rejuvenation.

For example, you can purchase the drug Panthenol (ointment or spray). Apply it to your scrubbed skin a couple of times a week. Regular use strengthens the skin, restores its functions, and activates intracellular metabolism. You can also add this remedy to your night cream (but only a little).

Skin rejuvenation at home

Effective, effective anti-aging cosmetics can be prepared on your own at home. In this case, natural, natural ingredients are used. They are environmentally friendly, do not cause allergies, are easy to prepare and not expensive. And most importantly, they are no less effective than expensive cosmetics of well-known, fashionable brands. The main thing is not to be lazy and use them regularly.

Here is a recipe for a homemade anti-aging cream for dry skin. It is recommended for use by women over 40:

Heat a mixture of 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of pharmacy lanolin in a water bath. While stirring constantly, add 2 tablespoons of peach or almond oil there. Pour in 2 tablespoons of warmed mineral, non-carbonated water. Mix everything until smooth, remove from the stove, let cool, beat with a fork or mixer. Pour into a jar. Store it cold. Use as a regular day cream.

Herbal medicine for rejuvenation

Anti-wrinkle lotion

This tool will not only smooth your skin, make it elastic, but also relieve pigmentation. Only use it regularly, day in and day out.

To make the lotion, mix 1 teaspoon each of dried chamomile, linden, chopped sage or string herb. Pour boiling water over - 1 liter. Wrap the dishes with the infusion warmer, wait until it cools down on its own. Strain, rub the skin twice a day. Or freeze the infusion and wipe the skin with ice, preferably after washing your face in the morning.

Refreshing tonic

Mix 1 teaspoon each of the dill sprigs, parsley leaves, primrose flowers, and comfrey herb. Pour boiling water over with a liter. Insulate, leave for three hours (in a thermos - 1 hour is enough). Then strain. Then use the same as the previous remedy.

Herbal tea

At least a couple of times a day, drink a cup of tea from a mixture of dry leaves of wild strawberries, raspberries, crushed rose hips. Put 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a teapot, add 200 ml of boiling water. After 15 minutes. strain. Add honey to a cup to taste and drink to your health.

This drink has a rejuvenating effect, as it is compensated by selected plants. The drink increases the level of estrogen in a woman's body. This has an extremely positive effect on overall health and improves the appearance of the skin: it enhances blood circulation, increases collagen production.

Rejuvenating balm

Cut the peeled cloves of the large head of garlic into small pieces. Put in a saucepan, add a glass of white wine (dry), boil. Reduce heat to low, simmer everything for about half an hour, then remove from the stove. When the broth has cooled, pour it into a clean jar, put it in the refrigerator.

Take balm 1 tsp in the daytime. Better half an hour before meals. Use a certain scheme: three days of admission, a break for a week - this is one course. You need to complete at least three courses.

Taking garlic balm has a pronounced anti-aging effect. And, in addition, it has the most positive effect on the general health of a woman, including on the sexual functions of the body.

Anti-aging masks


Pour 1 tbsp of olive oil into a cup, add raw yolk, add 1 tsp of honey, pour in the same amount of lemon juice. Mix well with a plastic fork. Apply to face, neck. Wash your face after 20 minutes.

Anti-wrinkle, firming

Put 1 teaspoon of May honey in a cup, add the raw protein of one egg, beat everything. Add another 1 tablespoon rice flour. Apply to face, neck. Wash your face after 20 minutes.

In conclusion, it should be noted that there are a large number of recipes for various means of rejuvenating the skin of the face after 40 years. Choose the ones that are right for you. The right remedies, professional or homemade, can help keep your skin youthful for a long time. Be healthy!