Salt dough modeling workshop: Salt dough roses. Salt dough for creating roses: modeling instructions

How to make roses from salt dough? How to knead the dough correctly? How to make and arrange flowers. (10+)

Salt dough roses

The convenience of sculpting from salt dough was appreciated by people in ancient times. From it, figurines of "larks" were made, with which they met spring. Salt dough was also used to make toys. In Russia, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Belarus and Bulgaria, there were traditions associated with figurines made from salt dough. For example, in Ukraine, figurines from it were given at weddings, wishing all the best. And today, salt dough is a fairly popular material for creativity. Flowers, trees, figurines of animals, figurines of people, panels and compositions are made from it.

We need: 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup salt, 1 cup water, rolling pin, knife, thick beading wire; a pot or a tin in which we will “plant” roses; plaster or alabaster, pink and green watercolors.

Step 1. Knead the dough

We knead the dough. Mix well a glass of flour and half a glass of salt. Then gradually add water - a glass or a little less. Knead. The dough should be tight. If it turned out to be very soft, then you can knead it with a small amount of flour and additional salt.

Step 2. Making blanks

We make blanks. For one rosette, we need five blanks - each of which should be slightly larger than the previous one. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to the desired thickness. Cut out a circle with a knife and cut it in half. Ready! The edges of the semicircle can be cut curly. It turned out two blanks - one for this rose, the second is not useful - you can leave it for the next one. We make five such semicircles - each a little more than the previous one.

Step 3. We collect the rose

Collecting rose. Make a small ball out of the dough. Then we take the smallest blank-petal. We fit one end to the ball and loosely wrap this ball with a blank, forming a kind of roller. We take a larger workpiece and wrap it too. So we do with all the blanks. Now let's make a stem. Carefully pierce the rosette in the center (that is, in the place where the ball is located). We make a smooth transition from flower to stem.

Similarly, we make two more roses.

Step 4. Dry

We dry the roses at a temperature of 90 degrees in the oven. Drying time depends on the size of the roses.

Step 5. Pot

Now we need to "plant" our roses. Maybe in a pot. But I didn't have a pot on hand. And therefore, she created from improvised materials. I took a tin can (it fit in size), filled it with a solution of gypsum and water. Before it hardened, I lowered the stem-wire there to such a level that the gypsum came into contact with the roses. Waited for it to freeze. In my case, the amount of gypsum that was in the tin froze within 10-15 minutes. In order not to hold the roses with your hands while the plaster hardens, I advise you to fix them in the right position with some heavy objects that are higher than the roses.

Step 6. Finishing touch

After the plaster hardened, I painted it with green watercolor paint. The top of the jar was covered with pink velvet paper. Next, I painted the roses with pink watercolor paint. If desired, you can shade the edges of the rose petals with a darker color, but this should be done only after the pink paint has completely dried.

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Roses made from salt test, can be used in creating panels, installations or decorating various interior items. To make them with your own hands, it is enough to imagine how this beautiful flower blooms.

You will need

  • - wheat flour, half a glass;
  • - finely ground salt, half a glass;
  • - water or PVA glue, a couple of teaspoons;
  • - a knife for cutting plasticine or a regular knife;
  • - food film.


  1. Knead the dough to create roses. To do this, mix half a glass of fine salt with the same amount of flour. Choose regular, non-iodized salt and flour without additives, otherwise the dough may “rise” and the finished flower will crack. Add one to two teaspoons of water to the mixture, mix thoroughly. Keep in mind that the dough should be very cool. Add some more water if necessary. Instead, you can use PVA glue. The dough, kneaded on its basis, has greater plasticity and is less prone to cracking during drying.
  2. Roll out the dough on a table covered with cling film or a plastic bag, this coating will make it easy to “unstick” the future details of the flower. The thickness of the dough should be no more than three mm, otherwise the flower petals will look bulky.
  3. Cut out the petals of the future rose with the tip of a knife; in shape, they should resemble the real parts of the flower. The optimal number of petals is 10-12, but if the dough is thick, then a smaller amount can be made. For the edges, make larger blanks, for the center - smaller.
  4. Take the petal in your hands and lightly press on its edges with your fingers so that they become thinner and seem to “vanish”. You can also give each petal an individual shape, bumps, to make the bud look more natural.
  5. Start creating a rose from its center. Roll the petal into a tube, slightly open one of its edges. Wrap the next petal around the first, bend slightly outward. So repeat several times, when the center of the bud turns out to be quite voluminous, add the petals in such a way that they open up more and more.
  6. Dry the rose at room temperature, periodically turning it over to one side or the other. After that, place in the oven and bake at a temperature not exceeding 100 degrees with the door not tightly closed.

This is what we get when we "salt" our roses. The fact is that I really wanted to make roses and they didn’t work out for me. I have researched developments in this regard on many sites. As a result of numerous attempts, I began to do them like this:

We take already painted (I painted with gouache) dough and a couple of caps, they will come in handy.

You can roll out the dough through crumpled polyethylene, or later make an imprint of any leaf on each petal (from a home flower, or a birch, for example) - this will give the rose petals a more natural look and even look like skin.

That's how it happened.

Now, with our caps, we will cut out the blanks for the petals - small and larger.

I cut the blanks into 2 parts. At the same time, roll up a drop for the middle. Then we will gradually dress this droplet (so that she does not feel lonely).

We put on a drop of the first small petal, like this.

Then the second petal opposite the first one already looks like a bud.

This is how our future rose looks in profile... Next, we gradually dress our drop in petals, small and large in succession.

Now I’m completely impudent - I cut off my ass with scissors so that the rose can be glued to something, so it will not be too bulky.

Here's what happened. Let's dry it, make leaves and complete feng shui...

Let's put it on lace, next to the angels and you can go out into people.

The final version with lace and a basket. Lace - a round doily (crocheted, "Iris" threads), folded in half to give volume and waviness. Throw pearls into the basket for elegance (I hope it looks like this) and that's it. You can cut thin-thin green paper into the basket, as they do shavings in quilling, or put a sesal.

Good luck and inspiration to all in creativity.

I love you and it's always a pleasure to meet you.

Many craftswomen prefer to use salt dough for sculpting panels, table compositions, and other decor attributes. This material is plastic and pliable, after drying it acquires proper strength. If the ingredients are kneaded correctly, the composition will not crack and crumble, and will not lose its unique properties for a long time. Salt dough crafts that children love to make always look unusual. You can make anything from it: from toy pretzels to cartoon characters.

Salt dough roses

A distinctive characteristic of this material for creativity can be called the fact that you do not need special tools to work with it. It is best to sculpt with your hands. If there is no artistic ability, then a template will help. It is enough to select the desired image and transfer it to hard cardboard, then pierce holes along the contour of the traced bends with a long needle.

The template is applied to the rolled out dough and slightly pressed to leave the contour lines. It remains to add only a few small details and the composition is ready.

How to prepare material for modeling?

The recipe for salt dough is simple, even a child can cook it. If a baby will work with plastic material, then it is better to give preference to natural ingredients:

  • two parts flour;
  • two parts fine salt;
  • 1 part cool water;
  • storage package.

For craftswomen, more complex recipes are suitable. To create relief figures, add 1 tbsp of wallpaper glue or PVA to the components listed above. It will not be superfluous to try strong modeling dough in action, the recipe is suitable for creating voluminous figures:

  • 200 g rye flour;
  • 400 g of fine table salt;
  • 120 ml water at room temperature.

Salt dough for sculpting small parts:

  • 300 g rye flour;
  • 200 g of fine table salt;
  • 4 tbsp glycerin (available at the pharmacy)
  • 120-150 ml of water;
  • 2 tbsp wallpaper paste.

Children's crafts from dough

How to make dough for modeling correctly? All components are mixed until the composition becomes uniform and elastic. If the mass turned out to be liquid, then you can add a little flour, and knead everything thoroughly again. Some needlewomen recommend replacing water with starch jelly:

  • 1 tbsp potato starch;
  • ½ cup water and 1 cup hot.

First, the starch is dissolved in cool water, then hot water is added and the composition is allowed to thicken. Salt dough, the master class of which has been described, turns out to be more plastic, more pliable and stronger.

How to sculpt roses?

For panels, desktop compositions, photo frames, you can make roses from dough. There are several manufacturing methods, consider the simplest. A small piece of plastic mass is taken, a ball is rolled, and then a neat rectangle with rounded corners is formed. The edges should be formed as thin as possible. The prepared blank is twisted into a bud. From another rectangle, petals are formed in the same way and attached to the bud. The procedure is repeated several times until a rose of the desired volume and size is formed. In this way, the required number of flowers is molded.

This master class from the dough is suitable for both beginners and experienced craftswomen. If there is no experience, then for a start it is recommended to make a few trial colors.

Next, the queue for the leaves, their size will depend on the parameters of the composition. They are even easier to make than salt dough flowers. First, a small circle is rolled out, a leaf is cut out of it with a knife. To make it even, you can use a ready-made molding or make a pre-blank from cardboard. The veins are not difficult to form with a toothpick.

When everything is ready, flowers and leaves are combined into a single composition. If the first time it turned out not so elegant and neat, do not be upset. Next time it will be much better, but for now you can buy and admire its beauty. Another example of creating a rose from separate circles is shown in the video.

How to dry crafts?

Now you know how to make salt dough at home. It remains to find out the technology of its drying. There are several ways here:

  • natural drying;
  • using the oven.

A do-it-yourself panel or photo frame will dry for a long time at room temperature. If the products are voluminous, then it will take about 2 weeks. Therefore, the second method is used much more often. It is better to set the oven timer at the minimum temperature, and open the door for the drying time. The heating of the products should be uniform, so you do not need to preheat the oven. A similar rule applies to the cooling process.

The ideal method is drying in several stages. First, it is recommended to dry the front side for an hour, then the wrong side.

Experienced needlewomen advise taking breaks between drying for about a day. The final drying time depends on the thickness of the product and the recipe used. If glycerin or cream is added, then more time will be required. Gradual drying avoids the appearance of cracks.

Master class on modeling from salt dough in kindergarten for older preschoolers "Roses"

Pereverzeva Tatyana Alekseevna, educator MBDOU DSOV No. 6, Yeysk MO Yeysk district
Description: This master class is designed for older preschoolers aged 5–7, younger students, their parents and teachers. The craft is made in the technique of "testoplasty". It can be used as a gift for friends and relatives, as well as for interior decoration.
Target: development of creative abilities of preschool children, younger schoolchildren through the use of testoplasty techniques.
1. development of creative abilities, artistic and aesthetic taste;
2. formation of manual labor skills;
3. development of fine motor skills of the hands.
Materials and tools: green and red salt dough (200 g flour, 200 g salt and 125 g water - knead, divide into two parts), PVA glue, glue brushes, boards and oilcloths for modeling, base for crafts, stacks, hand napkins.

Recommendations for making dough:
1. Choose rye or wheat flour, without the addition of baking powder or other components.
2. Salt is better to use fine-grained, but not iodized.
3. To get the most homogeneous mass, use a mixer.
4. To give color to the material, you can add food coloring, gouache.
5. For a better connection of parts in work, moisten them with water.
6. You can dry the finished work in the oven at a temperature of 50-60 degrees for about an hour.


In my work, I use various technologies for the development of children, I am especially interested in those related to the development of children's creativity and imagination. One of these technologies is testoplasty.
Salt dough modeling is a real art! Modeling has an excellent effect on the development of the child, improves the mood not only for the smallest, but also for adults. And you can sculpt different figures from the dough for any holidays. For example, on New Year's Eve you can make a snowman and Santa Claus, a New Year's toy for the Christmas tree, various animals - because they are very cute and beautiful, and they are also very easy to mold. Thus, we will cheer up the children and ourselves and dream up a little.
Salt dough has become a very popular modeling material in recent years: it is very elastic, easy to work with, products made from such material are durable, and working with salt dough is a pleasure and joy. It can be prepared ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for several days. The dough can be made colored by adding gouache when kneading or coloring the finished dried one.
I propose to make a flower arrangement "Roses"

There are many flowers in the world bright and beautiful,
But flowers like the rose have no alternative.
She has so many shades that, without torturing herself,
Choosing a bouquet is not difficult for any occasion.
When a gentleman asks a lady for a hand with a heart,
He always presents her with roses in recognition.
There is in nature the king of beasts - a lion - a formidable master,
All flowers have a queen, the queen's name is a rose.

Let's get to work:

Step 1. Leaves.
Divide the green dough into several parts, roll them into balls.

Then flatten each ball and use your fingers to shape it into a leaf.

Then draw veins with a stack.

Step 2 Lubricate with PVA glue in the place where we will attach the leaves (on the base).
Then we put the leaves on the glue and press a little with our fingers.

Step 3 Roses.
To do this, make a thick sausage from a red dough and cut it into 3 equal parts.
Step 4 Then roll each part into a ball.

We begin to make roses from balloons.
From each ball we roll a sausage for a flower with direct hand movements.
Step 5 Then flatten.

Step 6 Roll up, slightly bending the edges of the sausage down.

Step 7 Do the same with the other two parts of the red dough.
Step 8. Then take the base, grease the center with glue and glue our roses, gently pressing them against the disk so that they stick better.

Step 9. Roll up a thin flagellum from the dough and stick it along the edge of our round base.

Look, please, what a beautiful craft I got: in the middle there are three roses, and on the sides there are green leaves. And we attached all this to a round base. Also, such a craft can be done on a plastic plate and on a disk.
Leave the whole composition for an hour until the glue dries completely. Glue a loop on the reverse side. Now our “Roses” salt dough craft can be hung on the wall. It will decorate the interior of any room!