Can pregnancy occur if there is a spiral. Signs of an ectopic pregnancy with a coil


An ectopic pregnancy is a relatively rare occurrence. Thus, only 2-3% of all registered conceptions occur. However, there are risk factors that increase this likelihood. With an intrauterine device that has contraceptive functions, sometimes conception can still occur, since its effectiveness is not 100%. At the same time, the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy (IMP) is higher than in the usual case.

Pregnancy with a spiral

Despite the fact that many women are afraid of such a development of pregnancy, in fact, an ectopic pregnancy with this device is extremely rare. This pathology is observed only in 0.2% of all pregnant patients. This indicator is true when it comes to the most common contraceptive spiral - hormonal.

The indicator is slightly higher when it comes to a copper spiral. It is 0.8%. This is due to the fact that the quality of such a device is much lower.

A characteristic feature in this case is that any pregnancy that occurs with a spiral is ectopic. This is due to the fact that the release of hormones into the uterine cavity does not allow the embryo to attach to the mucous membrane in the cavity. And if it is attached somewhere, then in the tubes, on the ovaries, etc.

This method of contraception is quite common. However, it is quite dangerous. The following types of risks arise:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy;
  2. Device rejection, which occurs in 5-15% of patients, more often in nulliparous;
  3. Inflammatory processes in the reproductive system often occur precisely in the presence of a spiral;
  4. Abundant menstrual bleeding is a characteristic feature of the spiral (because of them, anemia can even develop);
  5. Pain in the lower abdomen, often very intense and growing.

At the same time, an ectopic pregnancy that occurs with a spiral can go undiagnosed for quite a long time. This is due to the fact that the system "erases" the main features of the HMB. It makes differential diagnosis difficult. Some spotting, abdominal pain may occur in this case without pregnancy.

In this case, the main diagnostic feature is the presence or absence of menses. But given that a specific reaction to the spiral is possible, expressed in a temporary cessation of menstruation, this method cannot be called sufficiently reliable. In addition, in 30% of women, menstruation persists with HMP,

Pregnancy after extraction

The spiral is a rather difficult method of contraception for the body. It can have long-term consequences, which will appear only after a few years. Such consequences include a decrease in the patency of the fallopian tubes, infertility, and inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. Including latent and implicit. As a result of which the adhesive process may develop.

There are statistics confirming that the risk of developing IUD in women who have previously worn a spiral is higher than in those who have not used it. Moreover, the probability of developing HMB is several times higher. The reason for this may be both a decrease in patency, and inflammatory and adhesive processes. After all, they also increase the likelihood of developing pathology.


In the early days, the phenomenon is not diagnosed. You can suspect it in the absence of menstruation, nausea, abdominal pain. The following methods are used for diagnostics:

  1. Blood test for hormones;
  2. Diagnostic laparoscopy.

In some cases, other methods are prescribed. However, in most cases, only a blood test and ultrasound is sufficient.


When such a diagnosis is made, an immediate response is necessary. In the early stages, the most acceptable way would be to remove the embryo laparoscopically. The method is low-traumatic and does not have serious consequences.

Types of ectopic pregnancy

During pregnancy at a time when the size of the embryo is large, a laparotomy is needed. With this intervention, an incision is made in the abdominal wall. The embryo is then excised.

As an alternative, drug treatment has been developed. After taking such drugs, in fact, a miscarriage occurs. But they are applicable only in the early stages. They are almost never prescribed, as they harm the body.

Spiral selection

To reduce the likelihood that a pregnancy will develop with a spiral, you need to choose high-quality contraceptives. Preference should be given to more expensive, but also safer hormonal coils. Doctors call the Mirena system the best in this area. It is even used to treat certain gynecological diseases.

This system ejects dosed into the uterine cavity analogue of progesterone - levonolgestrel. It effectively prevents conception.

It is better not to use copper spirals for contraception. But they can be successfully used after unprotected intercourse, in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy. This is preferable to taking hormonal drugs like Ovidon systemically.

Every woman should remember - only a medical specialist - a gynecologist can confirm or refute the fact of conception and pregnancy. After a comprehensive examination and all the diagnostic procedures necessary for making the correct diagnosis, pregnancy with a previously installed spiral will be discussed further.

If a woman had previously, before the moment of conception, an intrauterine device was installed as a means of contraception, and pregnancy occurred, do not panic. Of course, the consequences for a woman can be very different, but in accordance with medical statistics and the practice of doctors, this is a very common phenomenon in gynecology. It is enough to constantly monitor the health status of a woman and a child - a gynecologist and a woman in labor in such a situation should act as one.

An intrauterine device, like a condom or birth control pill, performs a similar function in preventing and preventing unwanted conception and pregnancy. So the effectiveness of the spiral is 98 out of 100 percent, and in these 2 cases out of 100, unwanted fertilization and pregnancy can occur.

If doctors diagnosed a pregnancy in a woman who had previously had a spiral, the gynecologist will offer one of 2 options for the development of the situation. A woman can decide and get rid of an unwanted pregnancy through abortion or bear a healthy child. The woman herself decides everything - just understand and consider the fact that even under the influence of the spiral, your uterus accepted a fertilized egg and formed all the suitable conditions for bearing a fetus.

What to do next?

If a woman has decided to give birth - remember 2 possible scenarios. The woman decided to give birth and is simply patiently waiting for the onset of physiological childbirth. Even the installed intrauterine device will not create any obstacles for the baby to its normal growth, formation and development. As the fetus grows, the uterus will naturally push the previously installed spiral out of the cavity and it will fall out in the middle of the baby's gestation period.

If experts recommend forced extraction of the spiral after the fact of pregnancy has been established, in particular, when the latter has hanging threads, you should follow the advice of doctors. Through such threads, infections can enter the woman’s body and, accordingly, the fetus, causing harm and provoking sepsis and miscarriage.

But, in general, pregnancy with a previously installed spiral in the practice of gynecologists is a completely normal phenomenon and practice. The whole process of bearing a fetus is indistinguishable from the course of a normal, standard pregnancy after conception. The only thing that a woman in labor should know in this case is control, constant and with special care by the gynecologist throughout the entire duration of the pregnancy, which will allow timely prevention of any complications in the health of the woman and her child.

Of course, the likelihood of a miscarriage in this case is higher than in a normal pregnancy, so you should constantly listen to your own body, any signals from it. The thing is that the ectopic coil provokes microscopic cracks and damage on the uterine mucosa. Regular gynecological examination and control by a doctor, control over the mother's own body - this is what is necessary for the full bearing of the fetus, the birth of a healthy and strong child.

The IUD is considered one of the most reliable methods of contraception, however, even with this method, incidents can occur. It is believed that 2% of patients conceive a child with a helix. In some situations, this can lead to a miscarriage, in others, safe delivery on time is possible. Intrauterine device and pregnancy: how does it happen and what should a woman do in such a situation?

How does pregnancy with a spiral occur?

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Non-compliance by a woman with medical recommendations: if the rules are not followed properly, the contraceptive may shift or fall out of the uterine cavity.
  2. Incorrect fastening of the structure.
  3. IUD expiration: After the specified time, the contraceptive effect stops and pregnancy occurs.
  4. Uncontrolled use of the spiral: when a woman, without contacting a specialist, independently installs a contraceptive, it may be placed incorrectly, which means it will not fulfill its purpose.

The Pearl Index for the IUD is 0.9-3 (less than 0.5 for the Mirena intrauterine system). This means that out of 100 women who use the spiral, pregnancy for one reason or another occurs in 1-3 of them.

Signs of pregnancy on the background of the IUD

Ectopic pregnancy with IUD: causes, symptoms, what to do

According to statistics, women who have an intrauterine device are most likely to develop an ectopic pregnancy. Moreover, the longer the contraceptive lasts, the greater the risk of its occurrence. The fact is that after conception, the zygote cannot move into the uterine cavity, where it is implanted in the endometrium. Because of this, the embryo looks for a place in the tube, where it attaches itself. The IUD provokes atrophy of the cilia of the fallopian tubes, which are designed to transport the zygote to the uterus and prevent its reverse drift.

The spiral can provoke the spread of inflammation from the vagina to the uterus, and then to the fallopian tubes and ovaries. This leads to the occurrence of adhesions and synechia that disrupt the passage of the fetal egg with the appearance of an ectopic pregnancy.

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Many women ask if it is possible to get pregnant with a spiral. There is no contraceptive that is 100% effective, so there is always a risk of pregnancy. It is determined by the so-called Pearl index. The indicator measures how many women out of a hundred become pregnant using one or another method of contraception. For an intrauterine device, the index is 97-99, that is, 1-3 women out of a hundred who use an IUD can become pregnant.

How the spiral works

Before answering the question of whether it is possible for a woman to become pregnant with a spiral, let's try to understand the effect of this contraceptive. The spiral is a small device consisting of a plastic base and copper or silver wire. It has the following effects:

  • It injures the wall of the uterus, increases its contractility, which prevents the implantation of the fetal egg.
  • It increases the contractility of the fallopian tubes, which speeds up the passage of the egg through them. The walls of the uterus are not ready to accept the embryo when it enters the cavity of this organ.
  • Interferes with the advancement of spermatozoa.
  • Silver and copper have a spermicidal effect.
  • Hormonal IUDs affect ovulation, the state of the endometrium.

Spirals first appeared in the second half of the last century. Over the years of use, they have experienced many modifications. Each of them differs in its effectiveness and safety. To date, the following types of intrauterine contraceptives are known:

  • Inert IUDs (Lipps loop) are the first generation that are practically not used, due to frequent displacements and no efficiency.
  • IUDs with copper - differ in shape, there are models in the form of an umbrella, ring loops. The most popular are Nova T, Copper-T, ParaGard, Multiload.
  • Hormone-containing IUD with levonorgestrol and progesterone. Hormones are released in small portions throughout the duration of the device, preventing not only the implantation of the embryo, but also ovulation. The most famous models that have received good reviews are Mirena, Progestasert, LNG-20.

The chance of getting pregnant with the IUD decreases with each successive generation of this contraceptive. But the risk remains, no matter what the Navy is, let's look at its causes.

Why do women get pregnant with a spiral

In what cases can you get pregnant with a spiral? The most common causes are incorrect insertion of the IUD or its prolapse. Such a possibility arises when referring to a doctor with little experience in the use of these contraceptives, when installing a contraceptive device at the wrong time in the cycle. It is best to enter it on the 3-4th day of menstruation. Then the cervix is ​​a little ajar, the IUD enters easier, it is installed correctly.

The prolapse of the intrauterine device occurs, most often, in women who have given birth many times, or in those who have had several abortions. The cervix does not close tightly enough, and during menstruation, the IUD can come out with menstrual blood. This situation occurs on any other day of the cycle, but much less frequently. Pregnancy is more likely to occur when the spiral is displaced. This often happens with first generation IUDs, as their shape is imperfect.

Can I get pregnant if I use protection? Intrauterine device

Spirals from pregnancy

Can I get pregnant if I use protection? Hormonal contraceptives

Two pregnancies against the background of one spiral in the uterus? Yes.

The likelihood of getting pregnant with a spiral increases if it passes its expiration dates. First of all, this applies to hormonal IUDs, the supply of drugs in them is depleted. An expired spiral is poorly retained in the uterus, it can move, which increases the risk of implantation of the fetal egg and pregnancy. But in most cases, pregnancy occurs for unknown reasons, with a correctly positioned IUD and a normal expiration date.

Signs and features of pregnancy with a spiral

If a woman has a spiral, the first signs of pregnancy are standard. There is a delay in menstruation, the mammary glands increase, sometimes the sense of smell changes, nausea appears. A test for hCG in urine or blood will show an increase in the level of this hormone. It must be done in the first days of the delay, since pregnancy with an intrauterine device has its own characteristics.

Since there is a foreign body in the uterus, the chance of implantation of the embryo in the wrong place increases. Often, pregnancy develops in the tubes or cervix, which is very dangerous for a woman. The rupture of the tube leads to shock and bleeding, ends with the removal of the organ and threatens the life of the patient. Cervical pregnancy also leads to bleeding, trauma, and subsequent cervical insufficiency. So don't neglect your health. Carefully monitor the cycle, do tests and ultrasounds on time to identify the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy and avoid trouble.

What to do if a woman becomes pregnant with a spiral? Now doctors advise two options - to have an abortion or to bear a child. Although a dozen years ago, most gynecologists insisted on terminating a pregnancy. The fact is that with the IUD, the risk of miscarriages at the sixth or eighth week increases. Quite rarely, the device grows into the child's body, causing developmental pathologies. But modern methods of pregnancy management can avoid these negative consequences.

What to do with the intrauterine device when a woman decides to keep the baby? The decision is made on a case-by-case basis. The doctor carefully examines the location of the IUD and the attached embryo on ultrasound. If the spiral does not interfere with the development of the fetus, it is left, constantly monitoring the growth of the child and the position of the contraceptive. When there is a threat of damage to the embryo, the contraceptive device is removed. Unfortunately, miscarriages often occur after this procedure. Hormonal IUDs are subject to unequivocal removal, they often provoke miscarriages, cause developmental pathologies in children.

How to avoid pregnancy with a spiral

We figured out that you can get pregnant with a spiral with a probability of 1-3%. But are there ways to avoid this trouble? Gynecologists do not recommend using additional chemical or mechanical means. Women with IUDs are advised to adhere to the following rules:

  • Annually undergo an examination by a doctor and ultrasound in order to identify signs of loss or displacement of the contraceptive in time.
  • Periodically, you can independently check the length of the threads protruding from the cervix. Their elongation indicates a displacement, and their disappearance indicates a prolapse of the IUD.
  • Remove the IUD and install a new one after the expiration date of the contraceptive.

Some women ask the question: “If I am breastfeeding, can I put an IUD, what is the probability of pregnancy?”. The IUD is allowed to be installed three months after the birth of the child, breastfeeding is not a contraindication. In the first six months, lactation is an additional method of natural contraception that prevents a woman with a spiral from becoming pregnant.