We are so different: seven differences between a man and a woman. Why are men and women so different

1. The queue for women's toilets is always longer and longer than for men's. Why?

Even if we take the same number of women and men and send them all to the toilet queue at the same time, the male half will advance and finish faster than the female half. Why?

Everything is simple here. A man goes to the toilet with only one specific and very logical goal - to go to the toilet. A woman, on the other hand, can touch up her lips there, fix her hair, pull up her skirt, and already, in the meantime, go, in fact, to the toilet. That is why the queues in the women's restrooms do not end as quickly as in the men's.

The second reason is the ability of a man to increase the time between trips to the toilet. It depends on the structure of the genitourinary system. In a woman, the uterus is located next to the bladder, respectively, the woman has less opportunity to increase the time interval between visits to the toilet. It is for this reason that pregnant women go to the toilet even more often than other women.

2. Arriving at a cafe and ordering tea or coffee for herself, almost every woman, accompanied by this, chooses some kind of dessert, something sweet. A man is quite calmly limited to one drink. Why?

They say that the answer to this question lies in the very nature of women. Scientists from Michigan decided to answer the question why women love sweets more than men.

The experiment was carried out on rats, for which 60 individuals of both sexes were selected. Over a long period of time, they were presented with two types of pills: nourishing and containing vanilla. It turned out that females soon began to look for sweet pellets six times more often than males. By transferring the data to people, experts found that women gravitate towards sweets 10 times more than men. It turns out that nature has laid in us a mechanism responsible for this process. The fact is that the female brain is more sensitive to food that contains fats and sugars. Therefore, it is so difficult to fight addiction to flour and sweets. It's a pity…

An additional explanation for this fact is that most often it is with the help of sweets that a woman tries to get rid of stress. A man is naturally calmer and less emotional, respectively, and he can cope with both positive and negative emotions better than a woman.

3. Quite often you can see how a man covers a woman with his jacket / jacket / coat, because she freezes more than he does. Why?

The reason, of course, may be that, apart from a light dress, this person was wearing nothing, but even if a woman is dressed for the weather, the likelihood that she will freeze faster than a man is very high. The question again arises - why do women freeze more than men? Again, it's all about physiology.

Here we are faced with a paradox. The female body retains heat better due to a more even distribution of subcutaneous fat. Blood from fatty layers quickly flows to the internal organs and maintains their normal temperature. However, it is precisely because of this unique heat preservation system that women freeze much faster than men: the blood rushing to the internal organs does not have time to rush to the legs and arms, which are cold, and women feel cold, despite the fact that body heat is actually stored in they are better than men. One theory for the evolutionary development of this heat-keeping mechanism in women is that women, who had less muscle and fat mass, needed more advanced technology to maintain a certain temperature of internal organs in order to survive in cold conditions.

4. Small arthropod creatures such as spiders, cockroaches and all representatives of this family usually cause wild horror in a woman. And if she sees one of them, she starts squealing, jumping on chairs and tables. Why?

I personally cannot recall such a scene involving a man. Why is the sight of spiders, various creeping reptiles so terrifying for a woman?

Scientists believe that this quality for women is innate, embedded in the genes. The wariness of spiders is a consequence of the role of a woman, which she played back in prehistoric times. We are talking about the need to protect offspring from various dangers, in particular, from the bites of poisonous spiders. Men hunted at that time, and the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity not only took care of the household, but also protected the children. So distrust of arthropods in women, as they say, is in the blood: genetic memory is affected.

Scientists made such conclusions after the experiment: they showed images of spiders and flowers to children under three years old. At the same time, the boys looked at the pictures with the same interest, but the girls peered at the cards with spiders much more inquisitively.

Thus, arachnophobia is not an acquired, but an innate quality, which is a subconscious form of concern for offspring. You can only praise a woman for this good goal!

5. Those stingy male tears.

Several times a month, 74% of women and 20% of men cry with or without it. 36% of women and 25% of men cry from pain, 41% of women and 22% of men cry from love and related experiences. Why is a woman more willing to sob into a handkerchief or a vest than a man?

Remembering the answers to the above questions, our physiology is still to blame, namely female and male hormones. Women are more tearful because of the hormone prolactin in their blood, which is responsible not only for the release of tears, but also for the production of milk during breastfeeding. And men sparingly swallow tears helps the hormone testosterone, which prevents the accumulation of tear fluid. In addition, tears are one of the fastest and most effective ways to get rid of hormones that cause stress in women. That is why women with such ease and frequency are filled with combustible crocodiles.

6. Why do women talk so much? "What else are they supposed to talk about?" (joke)

Indeed, increased speech activity is inherent in the female body from birth, and many men complain that the girls around them chat about anything and everything, just to tick the “done” box next to the “talk” task. Everything, as usual, has a scientific explanation. It turns out that in the brain of women there are much more cells that are responsible for speech functions, and when talking, women release the hormone of pleasure.

On the one hand, it is very simple - to attribute everything to nature, genetics, heredity, or something else. This makes us treat each other with more acceptance, forgive more and not notice some unimportant little things. But there is no need to overdo it either. We were created so different only to complement each other. To be interesting to each other day by day, to be changeable, while remaining themselves.

There is some truth in what they say that men and women came from different planets. We sometimes really think that we are aliens and we don't understand each other at all. Although it is not so difficult for representatives of different sexes to understand each other, the main thing is to know the seven differences between a man and a woman.

Men fall in love more often and faster

Experts believe that men and women perceive serious relationships differently, because different parts of the brain are responsible for the love feelings that they have. Women, they say, love with their ears, and this is only a fraction of the truth. They evaluate the potential of the stronger sex, using the mind and memory b. Men, in order to evaluate a woman, look at her, evaluate her external data. It has been like this since primitive times: men first became convinced that a woman is capable of producing healthy offspring, they got information about it by her appearance: smooth skin without defects, blooming appearance, shiny long hair - all this speaks of her strength and ability to endure and raise a healthy heir.

Men - sex, women - romance

There are more lovers of romance among women than among men. When a man is aroused, hormones are released, resulting in an erection. These hormones are able to suppress the ability of men to think rationally. And therefore, being in a fit of passion, your lover will not pay attention to the candles placed in the bedroom, what color your underwear is, he will be completely taken over by instincts.

Men evaluate women visually, for women the inner world is more important

A man can appreciate a woman very quickly by looking at her just a little. But women fail to visually determine whether a man is trustworthy whether he can provide it, etc. A woman needs to know how a man treats children, whether he is generous, kind, whether he can get along with her mother or not, who he works now and who he was in the past, what is his financial condition.

Men live on average less than women

According to statistics, men live an average of eight years less than women. In addition, the stronger sex does not particularly care about their health. Many men believe that dieting, quitting drinking and smoking, doing aerobics, etc. - not masculine. There are other reasons as well. For example, the fact that men do not live as long as women is partly influenced by the upbringing of the average boy, who is taught that "men do not cry." A woman will cry over grief and calm down faster, and a man will keep everything in himself, because he cannot cry. He continues to be nervous, stressed, and stress shortens life, spoiling not only mental, but also physical health.

Married men want children

While a woman is slowly resigning herself to the role of wife and housewife after marriage, a man is thinking about procreation, that is, about children. He may not talk about it, but he definitely wants to have a child.

Women are more patient and resilient

Men are the stronger sex, but women are more enduring and patient than the opposite sex. Our lovely ladies, even with a fever, a sore throat and snot, can come to work as if nothing had happened, while a man should be scratched, and he immediately unsticks. This, of course, is exaggerated, but I think you understand what I mean.

Men are not afraid of wrinkles and cellulite

Men's skin is thicker and denser in structure than women's, therefore, many members of the stronger sex look younger than many women of their age. In addition, men are not threatened with cellulite - this is a purely female problem.

Ah, this female and male logic, different views on life, respectively, and different life positions. It is this (of course, except for sexual characteristics) that distinguishes men from women. But, Why do we perceive the world that surrounds us differently? Why do we give different assessments of the same events that happen to us? What is the difference between a "male" look and a "female" one? And finally, the most important question: Why are men and women different?

All this "why", "what for" and "how" is a completely scientific explanation.

Vision of a man and a woman

First of all, we really look at the world differently, nature endowed women with the ability to see the picture of the world as a whole, but men see individual details in this picture. That is why, men are better than women at seeing objects at a distance(the exception is, of course, cases when there are problems with vision), but their male gaze lacks the breadth of perception, unlike women, they have absolutely no lateral perception of vision. On an example, it looks like this - a man can search for a thing lost in the house for a long time and tediously, and it will take him more time to search for it than a woman who will cover the picture of the room and the objects in it as a whole and quickly find what her scattered the man lost. Therefore, you should not scold our men for their inattention and absent-mindedness - they really do not notice the obvious things. Another example - when a woman does not look at you, this does not mean at all that she is not watching you, you are still in her field of vision, but when a man does not look at you - this means what it means - he does not see you.
Different perception of colors.Women's vision can distinguish more colors than men's.. The female eye has a higher photosensitivity because it contains more cells that are responsible for the perception and identification of colors. That is why a man will not “bother” what color of wallpaper to choose in the bedroom - light purple or dark purple, for him these two colors mean one color - purple.
Different eye sensitivity in the dark.
A woman sees better in the dark than a man, but this applies to those objects that are at close range. The man sees the night picture somewhat blurry, but, for him, objects are still visible (albeit poorly, but visible) in the distance. That is why, let a man drive a car at night better than a woman.
different hearing sensitivity.
And again women hear better and capture higher sound frequencies, and changes in intonation in the voice better than men. In addition, the female brain has the ability to separate sound information and perceive it not as a cacophony of sounds, but as separately sounding signals. On an example, it looks like this - when talking to you, a woman listens to you, speaks herself, and hears what is happening in the next room. A man, in order to focus on a conversation, needs to remove all extraneous sounds.

Differences between a man and a woman expressed by other "instruments" of perception of the surrounding world

Dream. Women's sleep is more sensitive than men's. As practice shows, it is the woman who is more likely to wake up from a barely audible night rustle. Why? Yes, because during sleep the female brain continues to work actively, and the activity of the male brain during sleep decreases by more than seventy percent. Therefore, a woman wakes up from any sound in the silence of the night ...

Leather. Men's skin is thicker than women's. That is why men tolerate cold and heat more easily, and have better protection against all kinds of scratches and abrasions. But, the price for such an undeniable advantage was the almost complete loss of skin sensitivity. And, women's skin is ten times more sensitive than men's. Therefore, stroking men is useless - they still do not feel pleasant sensations from our touches, unlike women, for whom tactile contact is of great importance. This feature of the skin also affects the fact that men have much fewer wrinkles and they appear at a more mature age, the envy of the fair sex.

Different perception of pain of men and women. A woman feels pain signals more acutely, but she also tolerates them better. And, here is the male brain, at moments that require active physical action from a man, or when it gets into stressful situations, it loses the sensation of the pain threshold.

Tastes and smells. And, again, the female perception is in the lead here, but men are better versed in bitter and salty tastes, and women in sweet ones. Such abilities are the fruits of atavism from the past, when our male ancestors were engaged in identifying what can be eaten and what is not, and the ancestors of a woman already determined the taste, whether it is worth eating now or waiting a little ...

These are just a few illustrative examples why men and women are different, but this is really enough to understand that we are different. So different, but so necessary to each other. So, knowing that we really see, hear and feel this world differently, maybe we will stop being offended at each other and accuse of inattention, insensitivity and misunderstanding. We need to learn to accept each other the way nature created us!

Shevtsova Olga, World Without Harm

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4 comments to the article “A man and a woman are inhabitants of different planets…” - see below

Our differences in ways of perceiving, reacting and behaving, we are accustomed to explain by the action of hormones or upbringing. But science says that the basis of our dissimilarity lies in the peculiarities of the brains of men and women. And here's the evidence.

“We have two intersections left to go, then we turn right and see the town hall building,” says Andrei, carefully studying the tourist map of the city. “Yes, I remember there was a candy store on the corner,” I easily answer him ... Most of us, of course, are familiar with such situations. Men and women, we often perceive the world around us differently, we think differently, the same situations cause us opposite emotions. Until very recently, these differences were explained to us solely by the action of sex hormones and the style of raising boys and girls, which "forces" men and women to behave in a certain way. Today, more and more scientists are confident that the gender characteristics of our perception, thinking and even behavior are primarily related to the structure and functioning of our brain. Let's try to figure this out.

congenital dissimilarity

In January 2005, in his public speech, Lawrence Summers, rector of Harvard University (USA), stated that men are more successful in science than women, and this may be due to the anatomical features of their brain. “This remark reopened a scientific discussion that began more than a century ago, when scientists, having discovered that the brain size of men is slightly larger than that of women, they tried to use this fact to justify their intellectual superiority,” says Larry Cahill (Larry Cahill), neuroscientist at the University of California (USA).

Today there is no evidence that our intellectual abilities depend solely on the structure of the brain, but something else is clear: the brain of men and women develops and functions differently. “It differs not only in the structure of various departments, but also in the structure of neural circuits and chemical compounds that carry messages from neuron to neuron,” says Marina Butovskaya, Doctor of Biological Sciences, anthropologist. Moreover, these differences are formed long before our birth: they are laid down genetically. Between 18 and 26 weeks of fetal development, the testicles of an unborn boy begin to produce the sex hormone testosterone, which, interacting with the brain tissue, transforms it*. Ultrasound examination of a woman at 26 weeks of gestation allows you to distinguish the brain of a boy from the brain of a girl.


Comparison of merits

Research by scientists over the past ten years allows us to say that there are two types of brain: male and female. “The most important difference is that our limbic system and the cerebral cortex are developed differently,” explains Sergey Saveliev**, Doctor of Biology. - The cortex (it is responsible for conscious perception, analysis, comparison, choice) of a man contains about 11 billion nerve cells, a woman has about nine. But in the female brain, the limbic system (an older area of ​​the brain that controls physiological, hormonal processes, emotional and instinctive behavior) dominates.”

Man and woman - we are together, although so different. A few real examples confirming this indisputable fact.

The astute lady revealed the deception of Huckleberry Finn, who dressed up as a young lady like this: she threw a ball into the hem of her dress. The poor fellow reflexively shifted his legs, protecting the causal place. And this is not the only way to distinguish Him from Her.

Method number 1: take a closer look at how he breathes.

Women usually take in air with their whole chest, men - with their stomach. They can afford this luxury, since they are spared the need to bear babies: in the ninth month of pregnancy, you can’t breathe very much with your stomach! However, the office manager, hovering in front of the computer screen, and the tough guy behind the wheel of the Chrysler Cruiser also breathe in this unusual manner - a sedentary lifestyle makes it difficult for the respiratory movements of the diaphragm.

Method number 2: ask to write a text under dictation.
Men usually make much more mistakes in business and personal correspondence, and 4 times more often than women suffer from pathological illiteracy in writing (dysgraphia) and in oral speech. The male sex hormone testosterone is to blame: as early as the sixth week after conception, it inhibits the development of the left hemisphere, which is responsible for speech, reading, writing and abstract thinking. That is why boys begin to speak, on average, a year later than their peers, they read worse, cannot boast of beautiful handwriting, and also it is more difficult to adapt to the team, they worry longer about the divorce of their parents and are more prone to neurosis and depression.

Method number 3: ask to bring something, I don’t know what.
Remember how many iron boots the fairy-tale hero trampled before he completed this task? That's right: The ability of women to find any thing in an apartment or office in a matter of seconds is explained by an increased tendency to detail. Women fix their attention on the most insignificant details, and men, due to the peculiarities of the brain, are not able to exchange for trifles - they think globally.

That is why your faithful remembers so painfully every morning in which corner of which chair he stuffed his precious socks yesterday!

Method number 4: sit in front of the TV to watch a soap opera.
Even the most sentimental story, as well as the strongest nervous shock, will not make a real man shed a tear. Although men, in general, endure mental and physical pain worse than women, they do not cry: firstly, because from an early age they hear that it is not masculine, and secondly, because of the physiological characteristics of the nervous system. The ability to shed tears is a kind of valve that allows you to relieve mental stress. For women, it automatically works as needed (especially often this happens at the end of the menstrual cycle and in the evening - from 19 to 22 hours), and for men, most of their lives are inoperative. There is little good in this: "unshed" negative emotions put pressure on the subconscious and make the representatives of the stronger sex aggressive, irritable, increase the risk of heart and vascular diseases. In addition, endorphins, pleasure hormones, are released with tears - they dull the feeling of pain and help to calm down. That is why women are less susceptible to suffering.

Method number 5: pay attention to how a person behaves after sleep.
Yawning, covering her mouth with her fist, not her hand? Stretching, raises and spreads his arms, and does not bend them at the elbows? There can be no two opinions - in front of you is a man.

Method number 6: send him on a business trip.
It is believed that the representatives of the stronger sex are easier to rise, more adapted to nomadic life, not too attached to the house. But a detailed analysis of the medical records of 11,000 employees of a large American bank showed that men who leave the city on official business at least once a year turn to a psychotherapist 80% more often than their colleagues sitting in one place. For women, this difference is only 18%. The female psyche is more stable than the male one: long-haul flights and separation from the family do not affect health so much and less often lead to stress.

Method number 7: treat the test subject with a chocolate bar.
If he refuses, then he is a real man. Among the representatives of the weaker sex, there are more who do not think of a day without chocolate.

Method number 8: ask to name the perfume by smell.
Most men are categorically unable to distinguish "Dior" from "Chanel". A woman's sense of smell is thinner than a man's!

Method number 9: Observe how you dress and undress.
The man puts on his trousers first, then his shirt; lady will do the opposite. The representative of the stronger sex will tie the gown belt below the navel, and his companion - above.

When taking off a sweater or T-shirt, men put their hands back and pull the clothes off their backs, women cross them over their chest and take off their blouse in front.

Method number 10: turn on the TV at maximum volume.
Hearing a loud noise, women involuntarily plug their ears with their fingers, and men cover them with their palms.

Method number 11: make the subject predict the development of a non-standard situation.

The notorious female intuition is not fiction. Men are usually strong where the laws of common sense and mathematical analysis apply, and women feel like fish in water in an irrational pool of probabilities that cannot be predicted logically. So executives who want their firm to thrive should hire a skirt-wearing marketer or include at least one woman in their analytics and logistics teams.

Method number 12: ask to show hands.
Did your counterpart honestly hold out his open palms? Only men do this. Women tend to show off the back of their hands with impeccable manicures.

Method number 13: assign several cases at the same time.
According to scientists, such a task is not up to a man, but a woman is just right. It is categorically contraindicated for the representatives of the stronger sex to view documents and maintain a conversation, draw up a deal plan and listen to the player, drive a car and answer calls. The male brain cannot work effectively in several directions at once: "multi-station" Julius Caesar is an exception that proves the rule. The female psyche is multifunctional by nature. Therefore, psychologists advise managers to assign women to oversee several projects at once.

Method number 14: ask to look at your heels.
Considering them, the representatives of the stronger sex raise their legs forward and turn the foot up. The beautiful half of humanity takes its leg back and looks behind its back. If it happens on the beach, take a closer look at how the person you are interested in moves along the hot sand. Seeds on tiptoe? Female. Moves on heels with leaps and bounds? The male!