DIY Christmas wreath from mittens. We make wreaths from pine cones with our own hands. Video: spruce garland wreath

The easiest and fastest way to make a Christmas decoration.

What do you need

  • Bulk base made of foam or cardboard (read below how to make it yourself);
  • pencil - optional;
  • wide tinsel;
  • stationery pins or tape;
  • fabric - optional;
  • glue gun, fishing line or thread - optional;
  • any

How to do

If you don't have a suitable base, cut the ring out of heavy cardboard. If you want to make your workpiece voluminous, glue paper or film to it.

Wrap tinsel on top and secure it with pins or tape. If you are afraid that the base will be visible, you should wrap it with a fabric of a suitable color.

Using glue, fishing line or thread, you can decorate the wreath with Christmas decorations, pine cones, ribbons or other decorative elements.

Christmas wreaths from Christmas balls

Such a wreath is also made quite quickly. You just need to stock up on a mountain of balls.

What do you need

  • Thin hanger;
  • christmas balls;
  • tape of a suitable color.

How to do

As in the previous tinsel method, the hanger must be bent to form a ring. Then the top of the wire should be untwisted.

Put a lot of Christmas balls on the hanger and secure the wire on top. Tie a large bow from the ribbon on the hook.

You can diversify the wreath by adding artificial pine branches with decorations to it. To do this, leave some space on both sides of the hook without filling it with balls. Then glue the branches there, and already on them - a bow.

The balls can also be fixed on a volumetric base for a wreath using a glue gun:

An original wreath can be made by simply wrapping the base with any fabric or thread and adding festive decorations.,

What do you need

  • Bulk base or cardboard;
  • cloth, burlap, twine or yarn;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • stationery pins or - optional;
  • any New Year's decorations.

How to do

Such wreaths can be made from both a volumetric and a flat cardboard base.

If using cloth or burlap, cut them into wide strips. Wrap the base, securing the chosen material with glue, pins or tape.

Then glue some decorations to the wreath. It can be Christmas decorations, artificial pine branches, New Year's decor and much more. Here are some ideas for inspiration:

Christmas wreaths of ribbons

If the previous options for winding the base are too simple for you, decorate the wreath with ribbon figures. Here you have to make an effort, but the result is worth it.

What do you need

  • Comb;
  • glue gun;
  • narrow green ribbon;
  • narrow red ribbon;
  • narrow gold ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • green felt;
  • christmas balls;
  • red pom-poms;
  • wide colored tape;
  • thread;
  • needle.

How to do

Use a comb and glue to make the green, red and gold ribbon figurines as shown in the video.

Cut a ring out of the cardboard. Now use it to make a second felt ring. Glue both blanks.

On the side of the base where there is no felt, make a loop of gold ribbon and glue the Christmas balls. Cover the place of their attachment with felt.

Glue ribbon blanks and pom-poms to the same side, as shown in the video. Sew a bow from a wide ribbon and fasten a small piece of gold ribbon in the middle. Place a bow over the balls.

And here is another interesting version of the ribbon wreath. A circle cut from a disposable plate was taken for the base. But you can also use a cardboard ring, as in the previous method.

Christmas wreaths made of pompons or balls of yarn

Pompons can be bought or made by hand. We will show you how to make a wreath from homemade pom-poms.

What do you need

  • Yarn;
  • a device for making pompons or a fork;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • bulk base or cardboard;
  • christmas decorations are optional.

How to do

From yarn - preferably multi-colored - make a lot of pom-poms. If they are of different sizes, the wreath will be more interesting.

In the video above, pompons are made using a special device. But you can use other methods as well.

A similar device is easy to make from cardboard:

You can make small pom-poms with a fork:

No less beautiful will turn out without any devices, if you just wind the yarn around your fingers:

Trim the edges of the pom poms with scissors. This will make them more flavorful and fluffy. Glue them to a bulk base or cardboard ring. If you wish, you can decorate the wreath with decorative items.

This is how unusual pom-pom wreaths look like:

In the same way, you can glue small balls of yarn to the base. Such jewelry looks no less original:

Christmas wreaths of cones

For lovers of making masterpieces from natural materials.

What do you need

  • secateurs - optional;
  • twine;
  • glue gun;
  • cones;
  • christmas balls;
  • dried;
  • nutshell;
  • fruit pits;
  • sponge;
  • orange paint;
  • white paint;
  • artificial snow spray.

How to do

Twist the rods into a ring, as shown in the video. Cut off excess with pruning shears. As a basis, you can use a volumetric blank - ready-made or made by hand, as shown in the first method.

Make a loop of string on top and secure with glue.

Glue cones, balls, peels, shells and seeds to the wreath. Use a sponge to tint the wreath with orange and white paint. Sprinkle it with fake snow.

Here are some more examples of decorating cone wreaths:

A volumetric base can be made from a video about a tinsel wreath or use the tips from this master class:

A wreath with a flat cardboard base will also turn out very beautiful:

Christmas wreaths from branches

For such wreaths, both live and artificial can be used.

What do you need

  • Willow rods or volumetric base;
  • wire;
  • secateurs;
  • fir branches;
  • threads;
  • glue gun - optional;
  • christmas decorations are optional.

How to do

If you choose rods as a base, twist them into a ring and wrap them with wire.

Cut large spruce branches into several small ones with pruning shears. Attach them to the base with wire. If desired, make a loop out of the last one (this is not necessary, since the wreath can simply be hung from the base).

Wrap the threads around the branches to keep them from sticking out. Decorations can be glued to the wreath or screwed with wire.

Wreaths made of branches, especially natural ones, look very beautiful and elegant:

Christmas wreaths made of paper

Beautiful decor elements from ordinary colored and corrugated, as well as from unnecessary newspapers.

Plain paper wreaths

What do you need

  • Scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • white paper;
  • glue;
  • green double-sided paper of different shades;
  • red ribbon;
  • red double-sided paper;
  • dense film;
  • flat beads;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • beads with a hole.

How to do

Cut a ring out of cardboard, and then - according to the resulting template - the same one out of white paper.

Glue the two green sheets together and draw a pencil around the cardboard ring. Draw a circle with a larger diameter and a smaller one in the middle. Cut the workpiece along the last marked lines.

Lubricate the cardboard ring with glue and glue to the green paper blank. Make cuts in the paper and glue the resulting rectangles to the ring. Place a loop of tape on the same side. Lubricate the ring with glue and cover with a blank of white paper.

Fold a few sheets of green and red paper across and cut along the fold. Then fold them in a narrow accordion, as shown in the video. Cut each accordion into small pieces. Opening them and alternating colors, place the blanks on the base in a circle.

Draw a small circle on the foil with glue and place the beads along the outline and in the middle. Cut out this circle and sew some thread to it, putting beads on it in the process. Glue flat beads on the other side of the workpiece.

Tie the resulting toy to a wreath. Instead, you can take a ready-made Christmas ball or other suitable decoration. Make a bow out of the ribbon and tie it to the top of the wreath.

Taking a disposable plate as a basis and gluing strips of colored paper to it, you can quickly and easily make a Christmas decoration:

From twisted paper strips, you get such a cute wreath:

Newspaper wreaths

What do you need

  • Knitting needle;
  • newspapers;
  • glue;
  • brush;
  • green paint;
  • red paint;
  • red ribbon.

How to do

Using a knitting needle, twist two sheets of newspaper into a tube, fix the tip with glue. Turn the tube into a ring by gluing the edges together.

Fold a few more newspaper sheets into wide strips and glue them in half lengthwise separately. Wrap them around the ring, making a thick base for the wreath.

Using the knitting needles, make many tubes of different lengths from the pieces of newspaper. Twist each of them and squeeze out the middle with your hands. The video shows this process in detail.

Glue the resulting blanks to the base. Color them green and red. Make a bow out of the ribbon and glue it to the top of the wreath.

And here is a variant of a completely different wreath from the same newspaper tubes:

What do you need

  • Cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • green corrugated paper;
  • pencil with an eraser at the end;
  • glue;
  • red pom-poms;
  • red ribbon.

How to do

Make a wide cardboard ring. Cut the paper into small squares. Using the back of a pencil, bend each of them and glue them to the base.

Attach pompons or other decorations to the wreath. Make a loop out of the ribbon by passing it through the ring.

An original and simple wreath can be made just by wrapping corrugated paper around the base, tying a bow and attaching Christmas decorations:

From corrugated paper, beautiful poinsettia flowers will be obtained, which must be glued to a flat base:

Christmas wreaths from plastic bottles

Instead of throwing away unnecessary plastic containers, turn them into an original decoration.

What do you need

  • Stationery knife;
  • pliers;
  • drill;
  • spray red paint;
  • rope;
  • christmas tree beads;
  • decorative bells;
  • glue gun is optional.

How to do

Cut the bottoms off the bottles. Make vertical cuts on them along the lines of the hollows. Bend the corners of each cut piece inward. For security, clamp the folds with pliers.

Drill a hole in the middle of each workpiece. Paint the plastic with red paint on both sides. Take two blanks and connect them with teeth inward, as shown in the video. Pass a rope through them.

Put the rest of the blanks on it, alternating them in the same order.

At the end, tie the rope tightly, forming a wreath from the blanks. Put beads on it and attach bells on top. They can be hung on beads or glued.

The wreath can be decorated with pine cones, Christmas balls and other New Year's toys, painted green or any other color.

Master class with step-by-step photos on making a New Year's wreath

Gaponova Natalya Mikhailovna, teacher of technology MCOU "Secondary School No. 29" of the city of Revda, Sverdlovsk region
Work description: The master class is intended for teachers of technology, teachers of additional education, children 13-18 years old and their parents who want to try themselves in working with various materials and decorate the interior of the apartment with interesting, New Year's works.

Purpose: The product can be used as a gift for the New Year's celebration, as well as interior decoration of an apartment, classroom, any room.
The purpose of the teacher: Develop creative thinking, perception, accuracy. Observe the rules of safe work.

So, let's start creating!

Christmas wreaths are an interesting and versatile decorative element. It can be used to decorate almost any room and object, since the wreath can be hung or simply laid on a flat surface.
We owe the Christmas wreath to a Lutheran theologian Johann Hinrich Wiechern... As the story goes, in the early 19th century, he mentored several orphans. The theology expert in every possible way expanded the knowledge of children in the field of theology, and to make religious dogmas easier for them to perceive, he came up with various "visual aids". To count the days of fasting before Christmas, he invented a wreath, or rather, it was an ordinary wheel on which candles were placed (a certain prototype of the future Christmas wreath), which served as calendar days - small candles were lit on weekdays, and large ones on weekends.

So, once the Christmas wreath replaced the calendar, and after a considerable amount of time, it turned into a symbolic and beautiful attribute of the New Year holidays.

They began to decorate the Christmas wreath in every possible way - with fir branches, New Year's toys, ribbons, etc. And also, he changed the location - now not only tables are decorated with wreaths, but they are also hung on doors and windows. So, while retaining the status of a symbol of winter holidays, the Christmas wreath has completely lost its original purpose and meaning.

There are no restrictions in creating Christmas wreaths, and wreaths made in different techniques and from completely different materials may well get along within the same apartment.

To make our New Year's wreath, we need:

1. Thick cardboard for making a circle.

2. Old unnecessary magazines, newspapers to create the volume of the wreath.

3. Artificial fir twigs, Christmas balls of different diameters, satin ribbons, Christmas beads, fir cones, a glue gun and glue sticks for it, masking tape, green corrugated paper and various New Year's elements.

Stages of work:

1. Harvesting cones. We select by size (it depends on the radius of the wreath), if the radius is large (25-30 cm), then the cones are larger, if the radius is small (18-23 cm), then the cones are smaller. We paint the cones with acrylic paint (spray can).

2. Determine the radius of the wreath. Cut out a circle from thick cardboard, as shown in the photo above. From old magazines or newspapers, we fold the accordion and glue it tightly to the circle.

3. Thus, we fill the whole circle.

4. This blank is tightly wrapped with masking tape.

5. Then wrap the blank with green corrugated paper.

6. Strengthening the rake. It could be some kind of decorative buttonhole or satin ribbon. In my case, it was a satin ribbon.

7. Begin to fill the circle with spruce branches. Glue the twig so that part of the twig looks to the side, and the other part is tightly glued to the circle. We glue with a glue gun.

8. Gradually fill in the outer and inner circle of the wreath.

9. Fill the circle with spruce branches so that there is room in the center for decorative elements.

10. We begin to design a wreath. We glue cones, Christmas balls of different diameters.

11. It is important not to overload the wreath with various elements, but this is a matter of taste ...

12. Wreaths made for gifts to all my family and friends, that's what I did!

13. If the wreath is not made of spruce branches, then the color of the corrugated paper may not be green, but the color of your wreath, as in my case the paper was pink.

14. All successful and fruitful creativity! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

New Year is a very revered holiday in our country. This is a new stage in life, many believe that with the onset of next year, changes must necessarily occur. And they depend on how you spend this holiday. There is even a proverb among the people: "as you meet the New Year, so you will spend it." For this holiday, it is customary to cook many different dishes, clean the house and decorate it in every possible way. Even without following traditions, people still decorate their homes before this holiday, since decorations are the harbingers of the holiday. They create a special atmosphere, create a New Year's mood and allow you to surprise guests with the skill of the owner. Today we will devote a day to create a DIY New Year wreath with you.

Decorations are the harbingers of the holiday

For the New Year's Eve, the wreath will be an excellent decor element.

Wreaths are made of anything

In our country, it is customary to make a wreath as a New Year's decoration. However, it has a certain history and symbolism. This decoration came to us from Western countries, where it is a symbol of Christmas. And its real name is "Christmas wreath". It is believed that his invention dates back to 1839, and is attributed to the hands of Johann Hinrich Wiechern. Hamburg theologian, Lutheran raised children from a poor family. With the onset of winter, they often asked the mentor if Christmas was coming soon (and according to Catholic traditions, this is December 25). So that the pupils could count the days until Christmas, he made a wreath from an old wheel, branches from the garden and satin ribbons, and put 24 small red candles and 4 large white ones in it. Every day the children lit one candle, and on Sunday they also lit a large white candle with the small one. So on December 24, on Christmas Eve, the last candle was burned, which spoke of the coming of Christmas.

This version is the most famous. However, there is evidence of ancient Germanic settlements where such wreaths were made before Christmas. The ancient Slavs made similar wreaths of ears, hung on the door at the entrance. They considered him a talisman and revered him very much. But there is no exact data on how these wreaths looked and what symbols they carried. In the old days, the Ukrainian Slavs, for example, used the decoration of the didukh as a symbol of Christmas. This is a sheaf of straw, which was placed in the corner of the house under the icon. It was considered a talisman, a symbol of wealth, prosperity and preservation of the ancestors' clan.

In modern traditions, the Christmas wreath has lost its symbolism and is used as a decoration. Often spruce branches, holly, mistletoe and poinsettia are used for its manufacture. These plants are renowned for their ability to stay green throughout the winter. In addition, there is a belief that if two lovers kiss under a wreath of mistletoe on Christmas night, their life together will be full of happiness. So, this decoration is hung over the front door or placed on a festive table. In the second case, candles are often used to light them on New Year's or Christmas Eve.

In general, this tradition is typical for Western countries. However, we meet it as a decoration in our country as well. Only here it does not bear any special symbolism, and wreaths are made not for Christmas, but as New Year's decorations. They look very attractive. We propose to create this miracle.

The New Year's wreath has its own history and symbolism

There are several stories of the appearance of the wreath.

General principles

Although the Christmas wreath is recognizable in any form, it has its own modification in different countries. So in Scotland we will see pieces of checkered fabric on a product along with spruce branches. American decorations use red ribbons to support the country's traditional Christmas mix of red and green. In France we will meet wreaths with interweaving of dried flowers. We use all the means at hand. So you can see wreaths of socks, ties, tinsel, and of course traditional spruce branches on the doors of neighbors.

For each country, the wreath has its own modification.

The purpose of all wreaths is the same, only modifications differ

Red ribbons are used in American jewelry

But regardless of their modifications, Christmas wreaths have a general principle of creation. Only the tools and materials used differ, in some cases the number of stages and principles of creation may differ. Let's divide the work into several stages.




Prepare everything you need

Depends on the type

Pliers, thread, glue, scissors

Creation of the base

Make a circle-base for the wreath

Wire, cardboard

Pliers, scissors

Preparation of decorative elements

Cut off the required amount of tinsel or spruce branches, string candies on a string, etc.

Sweets, tinsel, Christmas decorations, fir branches, ribbons, cones, etc.

Scissors, glue, thread, varnish, paint

Preliminary layout

Compose a composition without fixing it

Finished circle, material chosen as a base

The final stage

Freeze all elements to the canvas

All finished parts of the composition

Glue, thread, scotch tape, wire

We see the main stages of creating a composition. In the course of work, we will follow them. Let's get down to making holiday decorations by considering different types of New Year's wreaths.

It's easy to create a wreath on your own if you follow the instructions

For a wreath, all available means may be suitable.

Various options

We offer you a variety of options for making New Year's wreaths. You will be surprised what materials are used and how many variations of wreaths there are. We have already said that the principle of their creation is similar, but only the external design is different. And the ring for the New Year's wreath on the table is about the same for different options. There are two most commonly used types: wire and cardboard backing. Of course, you can make a circle out of paper, wood, polystyrene, and not use any bases at all. However, the use of cardboard or wire will help make the product more durable. So, let's start with the base.

A wreath can be made from cardboard

The wreath ring can be made of metal or cardboard

The use of wire can make the wreath more durable.

Ring for wreath

First, decide on the size of the future wreath. It depends on its location. If you plan to decorate the table, remember that it should be neat and not interfere with food, but at the same time noticeable at the holiday.

So, first, draw a circle on a piece of paper that matches the size of your future wreath. Now cut off the amount of wire around the circumference. We calculate its size according to the formula presented:

Where C corresponds to the circumference, n is a mathematical constant equal to 3.14, r is the radius of the circle. You can measure the radius with a ruler and calculate the required wire length using the proposed formula. You can also use another method, and by applying a wire to the sketch of a circle, determine the required length. It is even easier to form a circle "on the fly" without precise calculations.

In any case, we have decided on the length. Now twist the ends with your pliers, forming a circle. Depending on what the next layers are made of, wind one or two more layers of wire, holding them all together. Done.

A cardboard ring is made without a blank. A circle of the required diameter is drawn on a sheet of cardboard. Next, a certain distance from the outer line is deposited at four points of the circle (so that the inner one turns out to be even). An inner circle is drawn along the marked points. Now we delete it without breaking the outer one. So we have only the bezel left. These are the rings for the New Year's wreath, on which decorative elements are attached.

Now the base is ready, and with its use we can start making Christmas decorations using various materials.

First of all, you need to decide on the size of the wreath.

It's much easier to make a wreath on the go, rather than counting every centimeter

Christmas tree branches

It is worth paying tribute to tradition. The symbol of the New Year, and in the Western countries, from where this tradition came to us, and Christmas, is the New year tree. A wreath of spruce branches is perfect as a decoration on the door, window, and also on the table.

Use both wire and cardboard backing to create it. It is better to wrap the latter with a thick layer of paper to add volume. Now we are preparing the decorative part. Take spruce or pine branches (with short needles), cut them into small pieces, prepare glue, yarn. Additionally, you can use cones, satin bows, artificial berries, bells, etc. But do not overdo it. It is advisable to mix no more than three colors (in our case it is green, red and gold).

Now let's get down to the layout. It is carried out in two ways.

For fasteners, you can:

  1. tie the branches to the base with threads;
  2. glue them using polymer glue.

The most popular is the spruce wreath

To decorate the wreath, toys, cones, ribbons are suitable.

You can use cardboard and wire to create such a wreath.

As for the appearance, we make a wreath in the following variations.

  1. "Tousled" by arranging the branches in a chaotic manner. To do this, they must be short. Place them on the glue so that they stick up. Fill in the blanks and add braid, bumps, and more.
  2. "Smooth" compared to the first option. To do this, we tie the ring in such a way that the branches are on both sides, and they are attached in the inner part of the ring. So they will be directed in one direction (from the inside to the outside), and we get a relatively smooth and voluminous wreath. For this option, you will need flexible and long twigs.

A wreath of holly, fir or mistletoe is made in the same way. You can find it in flower shops, or grow it in the garden. This amazing plant also stays green throughout the year.

The wreath can be made smooth by placing the branches in one direction.

By spreading the branches in a chaotic manner, you can get a voluminous wreath

Natural materials

Other natural materials that are quite suitable for making a New Year's wreath on the table with your own hands include cones, acorns, nuts, tangerines (dried), berries.

For these materials, it is better to use a cardboard base, tied with a large layer of paper or fabric (for volume). It is most reliable to fix it with glue.

You can make a wreath made entirely of buds. So, paint them the same color, different, or leave the natural brown. Also, buds make a great company for tangerines and cinnamon sticks. Gifts from a squirrel - nuts and acorns - look good together.

It is better to dilute such compositions with green color, using natural green leaves or a few branches of needles. It will also work well to keep the whole composition brown by adding twine or burlap to it.

Natural materials can be used for decoration

Cones are great for decorating a wreath.

For natural materials, it is better to use a cardboard base.

Fabric and thread

By the way, about sacking. Use it yourself. It is a great material for creating a warm, rustic atmosphere.

Create a wreath using burlap squares. Cut out the same squares, modify them as you wish. We suggest folding them, wrapping the edges, and placing them overlapping each other. This way, fill in the whole circle. Add some greenery and a bright bow to the composition.

Another option. Cut a long section of the not very stiff burlap, fold it in half and sew. Then, using a needle and thread, sew in the center with a stitch, collecting the fabric a little (to make an accordion). Here is an airy and light wreath. Use it without a base, or fix the resulting element on a cardboard ring, diluting it with decorative elements (bells, stars, berries, etc.).

Introducing an original idea using threads. A wreath of multi-colored tangles. This option looks great both on the door and on the table, symbolizing home comfort and warmth. It is made as follows.

Roll up balls of wool of different sizes. The threads should be woven as loosely as possible so that the balls are light. Then sew or glue the resulting balls to the cardboard base in a chaotic manner, tight enough. Tie a small piece of cloth with the same thread. Sew it to several balls and stick in the knitting needles. This idea looks creative and adds a special coziness.

You can use fabric and threads to decorate the wreath.

Such a wreath looks very beautiful and gives the room a special atmosphere.

Tinsel and Christmas decorations

New Year's tinsel is a material that is in every home and is a symbol of the New Year. It will also make a lovely Christmas wreath.

Here we will use a wire base. It is enough to wrap it in a large amount of rain to get a voluminous silhouette, and the wreath is ready. We dilute it with cones, acorns, sweets, Christmas balls. By combining several colors of Christmas tinsel, you get a wreath with a pattern that does not require additional elements.

The mentioned Christmas balls, like other Christmas tree decorations, can be used independently. The principle is the same. Fasten them to the wire frame with a thread, and the wreath is ready.

There are also many ideas: use pasta, socks, ties, beans, clothespins, sweets ... Anyway, whatever comes to your mind. The main thing is that in the process of work there is a festive mood.

Video: DIY New Year's Christmas wreath

50 photos of ideas for creating a New Year's wreath with your own hands:

Getting ready for the New Year by decorating your home is an enjoyable event that involves all family members. Inside the house, the entire decor is transformed, unusual-shaped snowflakes, New Year's tinsel, garlands appear. Each person secretly believes in Santa Claus, who needs to be shown that all household members are ready to celebrate. The doors are decorated with a New Year's wreath outside.

An example of decorating a wooden door with a Christmas wreath

Many shops and markets offer a large selection of wreaths on the door for the New Year, but a do-it-yourself wreath looks much more interesting and fabulous, like other New Year's crafts.

Once upon a time there lived a man in Hamburg, Johann Hinrich Wichern. He took children from poor families for upbringing. Before the holiday, children often asked questions: "When will Santa Claus come, when will the holiday be?"

Design options for New Year's wreaths

And then, in 1839, Johann took an ordinary wooden wheel from a cart, this was the basis, then he made a wreath out of it, decorated with 19 small red candles and 4 large white candles. Every early morning, a person lit 1 red candle, and if it was Sunday, a large white candle burned. So, the children no longer asked questions, but counted the candles that remained. Gradually, the local residents took this idea, the wreath was transformed and slightly changed its purpose.

Now it decorates almost every door before the New Year and serves as a New Year's decoration in the Christmas tradition.

Making a wreath on the door with your own hands

So what does it take to create an attribute for the New Years? How to make a Christmas wreath on the door? Firstly, this is the mood, the expectation of a fairy tale and a miracle, confidence in the new good year. Secondly, the help of a neighbor. Children, husband, grandmother - each family member can make some kind of detail for a wreath on the front door.

The process of making a New Year's wreath with your own hands

Further, the wreath can be made from improvised means without buying expensive corrugated paper or a lot of glitter in stores. Each special wreath has its own set of necessary materials.
Before you start creating a New Year's wreath on the door, you need to get your family together and come up with what the frame of the wreath will be, as well as how it can be decorated. There are many ideas:
  1. The frame is made from:

  1. Wreath decoration:

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Creative ideas for decoupage interior doors

Basic tools:

  1. Regular scissors for cutting paper shapes;
  2. PVA glue;
  3. If dense wire is involved in the process, scissors will be needed;

Depending on what kind of interesting version of the wreath was invented, such materials and tools will be needed.

Christmas wreath of dried berries on the door

For the coming year, you can make a beautiful and unusual wreath on the door from dried berries.

For DIY manufacturing, you will need the following:

  1. Polyfoam - it's good if it is dense;
  2. Dried red berries - cranberries, mountain ash, viburnum, hawthorn, rose hips. Artificial berries;
  3. You will need a simple pencil;
  4. A wide strip of fabric, the same color as the berries;
  5. Scissors, knife;
  6. Bright satin ribbon;
  7. Glue gun.

After collecting everything you need, you can start creating your jewelry.

Stages of making a New Year's wreath

So, creating a New Year's attribute in stages:

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Drawing on the door of sliding wardrobes

The door craft is ready. If you have a bell, you can hang it in the center under the bow. The top of the craft is on the sides of the bow and the inner circle at the bottom is decorated with artificial snow or cotton wool. The decoration is attached to the door with double-sided tape or simply glued with tape from several sides, so that when a gust of wind blows it off into the nearest snowdrift.

New Year's wreath made of natural spruce, pine and cones

For a New Year's wreath on the door, you will need sprigs of spruce, pine, Christmas trees. The buds should be fresh (not last year's, dark brown with resin coming out). And you also need cardboard, twine or wire, green corrugated paper or fabric, a bell, bunches of mountain ash, viburnum. You will need a compass, a knife, scissors, glue, toilet paper or paper napkins - it will be good if there is a green corrugation. You will also need a red woolen thread.

Pine and cones wreath design

So, painting the creation of a wreath step by step:

A wreath made of natural spruce looks very beautiful, festive and evokes the mood of magic and fairy tales. Watch the video how to make a New Year's wreath from the branches of a Christmas tree.

Read also

Beautiful and original door decoration for the New Year

New Year's wreath on the door made of yarn

This product will be of more interest to the needleworker who is engaged in knitting. Because this New Year's decoration will require yarn. The color scheme of the wreath is varied - white, green, gray tones. You will also need PVA glue, scissors, a knife, toilet paper rolls, you can take it from a paper towel, the main thing is that there is one diameter, newsprint, one or two bumps, some dry berries.

Stages of making a New Year's wreath from yarn

To create a frame, you need to take the bushings and cut them into pieces of 3-5 cm. To prevent the bushing from wrinkling, you need to cut it with a clerical knife. This will keep the round shape.

After that, on a large empty table or on the floor, you need to lay out all the pieces to see what size the wreath will turn out to be. All pieces are collected on a thread or wire. The thread is tied, the wire is twisted. The result is a mock-up of a circle for a wreath.

Next, an old newspaper is taken and cut into strips. And also PVA glue. You need a lot of it, so you can replace it with cooked paste.

Soak the newspaper well in glue and glue the neatly assembled sleeves on the threads. For good impregnation, the glued strips of newspaper must be smeared on top.

The result is a frame for the future wreath. Let it dry for now. Now, after the base for the craft has dried, it's the turn of threading. The yarn should be thick, 2 colors.

The process of decorating a wreath with threads

The main color should completely wrap the entire circle. The end of the thread is hidden inside the winding. After that, with a strong desire, a square is knitted from the same threads of the same color with the same size as the inner radius of the base of the wreath. The inside is sewn up with this square. The winding on top is worn in the second tone of thread. It must be rare. Approximately 1 turn per 10 cm, after which the wreath can be decorated. Here is the choice of ideas: cones, rare Christmas tree branches, knitted flowers or natural berries, apples or sweets.

A variant of the design and decoration of the wreath with cones

For individuality, Christmas tree decorations, rain can be attached to the wreath. But, you do not need to do it clumsy.

The yarn should be visible - this is the base of the wreath on the door. Such a New Year's decoration on the door will be distinguished by its simplicity and originality. invites you to relax a little and make a New Year's wreath on your own, since Mother Nature will generously provide you with materials. Well, we will tell you how to do it!


If in Russia the tradition of decorating your home with New Year's wreaths takes root gradually, but not everyone tries to try it on themselves, then in Europe such accessories have long been held in high esteem by the majority of the population.

According to the Catholic custom, wreaths are not hung on the door, but placed on the table, candles are placed in the wreath: the first candle is lit on the first Sunday of the four-week fast, a week later - the second, a week later - the third, and at the end of the fast - the fourth.

This story began back in 1839 ... The appearance is associated with the Lutheran theologian Johann Hinrich Wichern, who raised children from poor families.

It was difficult for the children to navigate by the date of Christmas, and so that it was easy for them to count, Johann made a base for a wreath from an old wheel, decorating it with nineteen small red candles and four large white ones.

Every morning Wychern lit one small candle, and on Sundays a large one. The fire symbolized the growing anticipation of the birthday of Jesus Christ, who personified purity and light.

The round shape of the wreaths, decorated with spruce greenery and candles, were associated with the globe and the four cardinal points. The circle was considered to be a symbol of eternal life, which Sunday gives us, green is the embodiment of life, and candles are light.

Currently, wreaths do not have to be made on your own, they are sold in flower shops, but in order to breathe symbolism into them, hide the mystery of expectation and pay tribute to Christmas, we strongly recommend that you start making them, because in the process of creating a miracle, you subconsciously imbued with the sacredness of this action and as much as possible feel the approach of something warm, light and lively. Do not be afraid, making wreaths is not difficult, the most difficult thing is to get to work and think over its design.


The first thing you need to decide on is what to make the frame for the wreath from. Actually, anything is suitable for these purposes, the main thing is to give it something the shape of a ring.

Vines, newspapers, tree twigs, old watering or vacuuming hose, cloth roller, cardboard, wire, foam tape, dry grass, corrugated pipe, embroidery hoop, Thermaflex - all these are suitable for the frame. Still, the classic base is natural materials in the form of straw, a rim of a wooden wheel, grapevine and twigs.

The prepared frame is braided with coniferous branches clockwise, and the bare part of the previous branch should be covered with the lush part of the next one. The second layer is woven in the opposite direction - so the wreath will be more magnificent. The branches are fastened together with wire (preferably green, so that it is not noticeable against the background of the needles).

Repeat weaving the wreath until it satisfies you with its splendor and is pleasing to the eye. In addition to coniferous branches, holly or thuja branches are perfect.

If you make a long-lasting wreath that will serve you for many years, replace natural needles with artificial ones. We can say that half of the work is done. You just have to decorate the New Year's wreath with the selected accessories.


The classic option is to decorate the wreath with a red satin ribbon and hang it on the front door, but it will be boring this way, so we will offer you several options for decorating a New Year's wreath.

Satin ribbons. Not one, as in the classic version, but many. With their help, you can make a very elegant wreath. Cut the tapes into equal lengths, fold in half and in turn glue them overlapping to each other on the base. Finally, decorate the wreath with a linen bow and drip a drop of citrus oil onto it. The scent will be magical.

Gift boxes.Miniature gifts made of thick colored paper decorated with bows will look beautiful on a wreath. The boxes are glued with a glue gun, but do not overdo it with the quantity so that the New Year's wreath does not look clumsy.

Gift boxes can be diluted with fruits, nuts, dried fruits, dried inflorescences, berries, cinnamon, chili peppers. It will be very bright, aromatic and original.

Woolen threads.The decor of the wreath with woolen threads does not require coniferous weaving. You just take the base (ideally a foam ring) and wrap it with thick colored threads, possibly in several layers. Additionally, you can decorate the wreath with Christmas balls, felt figures of animals, birds, plants. To give the wreath a pleasant scent, tie a canvas bag to it with some fragrant herb (lavender is fine).

Christmas balls. A wreath of Christmas balls looks great. The balls are glued to the base to each other with a glue gun. You can use large and small balls of different colors or close to each other.

The balls can be diluted with a fluffy bow, garlands, tinsel and soft toys. A kind, but only a little in a different guise.

An interesting fact - Christmas balls symbolize the fruits of good and evil that Adam and Eve tasted in the Garden of Eden.

Cones. The process is similar to decorating a New Year's wreath with balls - glue them to the base in a circle. Additionally, decorate the wreath with bows, beads and rowan sprigs. Glue a forest animal and a couple of spruce twigs to the wreath. You will have a miniature forest.

Other options. In general, you can make a confusion wreath by decorating it with absolutely everything that comes to hand: satin ribbons, cones, dried flowers, dried fruits, fruits, vegetables, flowers, citrus peels, cayenne pepper, sweets, gift boxes, yarn, Christmas decorations, decorative braid, beads, nuts, mushrooms, berries, cones, miniature handmade toys, gingerbread men and other Christmas baked goods, garland, tinsel, cinnamon sticks, woolen threads, bows, various figurines, fabric, burlap, wooden letters, sequins, buttons , beads, butterflies, wine corks, candles.

A little imagination and aesthetic taste and your New Year's wreath will be beyond praise.

Additionally, you can decorate the wreath with artificial snow, making it from sparkles and semolina, or buy ready-made in cans.