Open lesson on the world around us "our friendly family". Our friendly family My friendly family the world around us

When respect reigns in the family, then Happiness comes to the house. Folk wisdom says "Happy is he who lives in joy and respect!" Who do you think your happiness depends on? Guess riddles about the most important people in your life.

1. She is the best in the world,

You cannot live without it.

Katya, Petit has it

And, of course, mine. (Mother)

2. Who will move the cabinet heavy?
Who will fix the sockets for us,
Who will nail all the shelves,
Who sings in the bathroom in the morning?
Who is driving the car?
Who will we go to football with? (dad)

3. I always look at him

And I take an example from him.

He looks so much like dad!

But only with gray hair - so what? (granddad)

4. Mom has a job, dad has a job,

They have Saturday for me!

And with her I'm always at home,

She never scolds me! (Granny)

5. For mom's joy, dad for a reward,

He appeared, the heir is a joy.

Native, unintelligent, buttons-eyes -

All the attention, care and affection for him. (son, brother)

6. Joy in the eyes, surprise in the eyes,

There is still an addition in our family!

A girl has appeared in our house!

Now I am her brother, and she is my ... (sister)

7. Mom has a sister

You won't find it more fun!

I'm very proud of her

After all, she is my ... (aunt)

8. Dad's brother came to visit us.

I am very glad to meet him!

He repeats, looking into my eyes:

"Press your hand, because I'm yours ... (uncle)"

(students read the words of the answer: dad, mom, grandmother, ... is family or relatives)

2. Vocabulary work. (group work) slide 5

Now let's find out the meanings of the words that will be discussed in the lesson.

We will work in groups. Each group will receive a word that you need to decipher and find its interpretation in the dictionary.

A family - a group of relatives living together, united by common interests.

Kinship - the relationship between people, created by the presence of common close ancestors.

Traditions - what has passed from one generation to another, what is inherited from previous generations.

Now let's think about what unites all family members. To do this, read the sentences on the chalkboard and look for those that might be a sign of a good and friendly family:

1. Family members quarrel every day, offend each other.

2. Family members love and do not hurt each other.

3. They live in the same apartment.

4. Each family member has his own separate apartment.

5. Doing housework together.

6. Each family member rests separately.

7. Allocate money together for purchases.

8. Together they have a rest and spend their free time.

9. Everyone has their own wallet.

10. Each family member has his own household.

V. Physical minutes.

We go for firewood and carry the saw with us (walking)

Together we saw a log, it is very thick.

To heat the stove, you need to saw a lot. (sawing movements)

So that the wood gets into the stove, we will cut them into planks. (lumberjack movements)

And now we will collect them and take them to the shed (slopes)

After hard work, you must always sit. (sit at their desks)

Vi. Continuation of work.

  1. Let's go back to the tutorial assistant (p. 46).
    -Consider the drawing in the textbook and tell us how Seryozha and Nadia's family communicate.

Our heroes talk, respectfully, politely, they are attentive and caring to each other.

Think about what a "communication culture" is?
Output: polite speech, cultural behavior, kind, respectful attitude towards a person isculture of communication. (slide 9)

  1. Exercise "Continue the sentence" (slide 10)

If the people closest to you came to our lesson now, what could you tell them? The suggestions that will now appear on the board will help you with this.

I want my mom and dad to be ...
- I love it when my grandmother ...
- My mom and dad are the most ...
- I love my parents because ...
- I trust my parents ...
- I love my grandfather because ...
- I want to wish my parents ...
- I consider my family ...
- My mom is the most ... for me ... - I want my grandfather and grandmother ... - I wish my loved ones ...

3. Wishes of parents to their children (video) (slide 11)

After such pleasant words, I want to do something good. I suggest building a home for your family. Let's call it ...

4. The house of my dreams.Appendix 1 (slide 12)

Guys, write on the logs at home the words that you think are needed for a friendly family.

What words did you use? (houses are hung on the board)





mutual aid






Goals: to acquaint with the goals and objectives of the section; discuss the rules of the culture of communication in the family.

Planned results: students are aware of the value of their family traditions; learn to explain what a culture of communication is; draw conclusions from the material studied.

Equipment: posters “Be attentive to loved ones!”, “Help around the house!”; students have colored chips, colored pencils.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Analysis of verification work

(The teacher analyzes the mistakes made in the test work, examines the tasks that caused difficulties.)

III. Knowledge update

(You can use CMMs (Test 39, pp. 55-56).)

IV. Self-determination to activity

Today in the lesson we are starting to study a new section.

- Read on p. 41 textbooks, as it is called. (Communication.)

- Read what we will learn as you study this section.

- What seemed especially interesting to you? (Answers of the children.)

- Listen to an amazing story that happened to one boy.

Once upon a time there was a boy named Tolya. Like all children, he went to school. Once Tolya went to school without having learned his lesson, and was very afraid that the teacher would call him to the blackboard to answer.

“Oh, if I could become invisible so that no one could see or hear me,” he thought.

The teacher began the lesson with a roll call. When it was Tolya's turn, hearing his last name, the boy replied: "I'm here." But the teacher, sighing, said: “It's a pity that Tolya didn't come to school today. I just wanted to call him to the board to answer. " Then Tolya realized that he had become invisible, and was very happy about that.

After the lesson, the students ran out into the street. They had fun talking to each other, laughing, playing different games. Tolya ran out with them. But the guys didn't see the boy. Tolya tried in vain to attract attention. He really wanted to boast that he was invisible. He ran up to one, then to another boy, told them something funny, even offered sweets. But the guys simply did not notice him. Tolya got bored and he ran home. In the courtyard, he saw that his mother was standing on the balcony and waiting for him.

- Mom, here I am! - shouted Tolya.

But my mother did not see or hear him, so she did not answer her son.

“I don’t want to be invisible,” Tolya cried. - I want my mother to see me, I want to talk to the guys, I want the teacher to call me to answer the lesson! It's too bad to be invisible! It's too bad to be alone!

And Tolya again became an ordinary boy.

- Did this story interest you? What was especially memorable? (Answers of the children.)

- Why was Tolya happy at the beginning of the tale that he had become invisible?

- Why did Tolya decide that being invisible is bad? (Answers of the children.)

- Guess what we will talk about in the lesson. (About family.)

- Read the lesson topic on p. 42. (Our friendly family.)

- What do you think, what educational tasks will we set for ourselves? (Answers of the children.)

- Read what Ant offers us.

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Conversation, work on the textbook

(Students answer questions 1, 2 (p. 42).)

- Consider the picture below. Tell us about your family.

- How do you understand the words "communication culture"? (Answers of the children.)

- Look at the photos on p. 43. Complete the assignment to them.

(Students complete the assignment, then talk about their families.)

2. Fulfillment of tasks in the workbook No. 1,2 (p. 21).


Vi. Physical education

(The teacher reads the text several times, and the students gradually replace words with gestures (one word after each reading). Cap - children point to the head, mine - to themselves, triangular - they point to a triangle with their hands, he - they point to another, do not - shake their head .)

My triangular cap

My triangular cap,

My triangular cap.

And if it's not triangular,

So he is not my hat.

Vii. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

- Read the text on p. 44-45 textbooks. Discuss the role of family traditions in pairs.

- What is tradition?

- What family traditions have you read about?

- What traditions do you have in your family?

- What family traditions did you like?

- What are family traditions for?

- What can you do to preserve good family traditions?

- Now listen to the story of V. Oseeva "Cookies". Mom poured cookies onto a plate. Grandmother clinked the cups merrily. They all sat down at the table. Vova pushed the plate towards him.

“Delhi one at a time,” Misha said sternly.

The boys poured all the cookies onto the table and arranged them in two piles.

- Exactly? - asked Vova. Misha measured the group with his eyes.

- Exactly. Grandma, pour us some tea!

The grandmother served tea to both. The table was quiet. The cookie piles diminished rapidly.

- Loose! Sweet! - Misha said.

- Yes! - responded with a full mouth Vova.

Mom and grandmother were silent. When all the cookies had been eaten, Vova took a deep breath, patted himself on the stomach and climbed out from the table. Misha finished the last bite and looked at his mother - she was stirring the tea with a spoon. He looked at his grandmother - she was chewing a crust of black bread.

- What should the boys do to make everyone happy? (Answers of the children.)

(The teacher hangs out the poster "Be attentive to your loved ones!")

Tired of work

Mother came in the evening.

And he sees that his son

The bed is not made

That the tea in the glass is getting cold

That the floor is not swept

That lying on the couch

He reads a book.

- How do you meet your mother? (Answers of the children.)

- What will you do if a friend (girlfriend) came to you, and your mother asked you to help her? (Answers of the children.)

(The teacher hangs up the “Help around the house!” Poster.)

VIII. Reflection

(Students answer textbook questions (page 45, box).)

(Students take out one of the signs and explain their choice.)

IX. Lesson summary

- What did we talk about today in the lesson?

- What new have you learned?

- How should you behave in relation to loved ones?


Prepare a story about your family's traditions.

Additional material

Two sluts

Lena is walking down the street, and everyone is looking at her and wondering: is it a girl or a brush from a vacuum cleaner? All kinds of threads hang on Lenin's dress, feathers are stuck in his hair, scraps of paper, dust on his cheeks, hands and feet too. No, the brush is cleaner than Lena even after a big cleaning.

One old man in a neat summer suit from this rare sight, the glasses themselves slipped to the tip of the nose.

“Girl,” he said, “why are you so dirty? Lena looked at herself:

`` I ... this is ... because ...

That's all she could mumble. She had no words for an answer.

- Where have you been? The old man asked. -Vera ...

- And you wiped the dust at Vera's with your dress, and swept away the cobwebs with pigtails?

- No, - Lena's cheeks flushed, - we played hide and seek with her. We only climbed under the table and under the bed, and did nothing else.

- Hm ... - the old man coughed.

And Lena began to put herself in order more quickly, she was ashamed to look the old man in the eyes.

And who else should be ashamed? To whom?

Yes, Vera, the same one with whom Lena was visiting, played hide and seek.

Lesson topic. Our friendly family

Target: introduce children to the concept of "family", NS to give the meaning of the family in the life of a person.

Lesson Objectives:

Educational :

    • to clarify basic ideas about the family and understanding of kinship relations; explain what a generation is;

      help to learn the basics of relationships with family members;

      to teach to work according to the model.

Developing :

    • develop attention, memory, speech;

      develop the ability to work in groups, the ability to make decisions, help each other


    • foster respect for father and mother, relatives, a sense of responsibility, pride in their family;

      to form in students the idea of ​​the family as people who love each other, care for each other.

Lesson type : learning new material.

Form of conducting : journalistic investigation

Equipment: crossword puzzle, cluster cards, rays, clouds, flowers, musical accompaniment, family coat of arms template, drawings of animals and plants, parable texts, brick cards.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson

On the board you see a crossword puzzle, having solved it, we learn the topic of the lesson.(Annex 1)


1. The oldest man in a large family.(Granddad)

3. Who is serious, not joking
Will the nail teach us how to hammer?
Who will teach you to be brave?
Having fallen from a great, do not whine,
And scratching my knee,
Don't cry? Of course,…


1. I smile like a mom,
I also frown stubbornly,
I have the same nose
And the same hair color.(Daughter)

3. Who loves you kids so much?
Who is so affectionate for you,
Without closing my eyes at night
Does everyone care about you?

4.H was snub-nosed,

Glitter in the eyes.

He does not sit still,

Examines everything around

Mom, Dad's best friend!(A son)

That's right, today we will talk about the family. I want you to reflect on the importance and necessity of the family.

III. Motivation for learning activities

1 . Compilation of the "Family" cluster (Appendix 2)

What associations do you have with the word family?(Answers of children).

mother and father

grandmother grandfather

brother sister

aunts and uncles

2. Statement of the problematic question

What is family? (The family is the closest environment of a person.)

Family is the most important thing in life for each of us - it is close and dear people, those whom we love, with whom we take an example, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect. How important it is, it happens, to find your place, and to live, thinking about what someone needs, what is interesting to live, that there is a job and a home.

Why do you need a family? What role does each family member play?(Answers of children)

The family is like the sun that giveswarmth, kindness, love ... And what kind of sun is it without rays?(The sun appears on the board.) (Appendix 3)

Each of you has a ray on your desk. Write a compliment to your family on it. What does the word "compliment" mean?(Praise, sweet, kind words)

(Native, cultured, friendly, polite, happy, cheerful, hardworking, hospitable, economic, friendly, athletic, disciplined, etc.)

What do you think can get in the way of family happiness?

(The sun is covered by clouds on which children write down the words: with quarrels, employment of parents, resentment, inattention, conflicts, fatigue, misunderstanding, illness, material difficulties, drunkenness.)

(Appendix 4)

What is a happy family based on?

(Words are written on images of flowers, attached at the bottom). (Appendix 5)

(Love, mutual respect, trust, mutual assistance, mutual understanding.)

Do you always do so to keep your relatives happy?

(Answers of children).

3. Physical education "Family exercises"

In the autumn, in the spring,
Summer and winter.
We go out into the yard
A friendly family.
Let's stand in a circle and in order
Everyone is doing exercises.
Mom raises her hands.
Daddy squats cheerfully.
Turns left and right
My brother Seva is doing it.
I'm jogging myself
And I shake my head.

IV. Learning new material

I propose to start my own journalistic investigation "What is a family?"

(Children are grouped by level: experts - high level; writers and designers - sufficient; builders - intermediate.)

Group 1 - designers

Exercise: compose a family coat of arms.(Appendix 6)

In the old days, many rich and noble families had family coats of arms. They reflected the traditions, way of life, family life. Be sure to depict animals and plants on the coat of arms that have different meanings, for example:

(On the card there are drawings of animals, birds, plants and their meaning).

lion - strength, generosity
eagle - power
sheep - patience, meekness
raven - longevity
deer - a symbol of a warrior
heron - fearfulness
wolf - greed, anger
peacock - vanity, bragging
oak - fortress
palm - durability
plum tree - peace

Try to compose your family coat of arms, for example, in which all the men in the family were warriors, strong, courageous, brave, fought for peace.

(Children attach suitable drawings to the coat of arms template.)

Group 2 - experts

(The children of this group received an anticipatory task - watch the cartoons "Mammoth", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Luntik" (episode 1).)

Exercise : to give detailed answers to questions.

Questions on cards(Appendix 7) : Who is the mammoth looking for? Who is he missing? Why does he feel bad alone?

What caused the brother to become a kid? (due to disobedience)

Who was Luntik looking for? (guys answer and conclusions)

Group 3 - writers

Exercise : to read parable "The Good Family" and give an answer to the question.

Once upon a time there was a family. Not an ordinary family. More than 100 people were in it. Are there few such families? Yes, not a little. But this family was special. No quarrels, no swearing, no fights, no strife. The rumor about this family reached Vladyka himself. And he decided to check if people were telling the truth. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: cleanliness and order, beauty and peace.

Good for children, calm for old people.

Vladyka was surprised and decided to find out how the family achieved all this. He came to the elder. “Tell me,” he says. The elder wrote something on paper for a long time. And when he wrote, he handed it to Vladyka. Only 3 words were written on paper…. (Love, forgiveness, patience.)

What words did the head of the family write?

Group 4 - builders "Family house"

Exercise: I invite you to think about what is the foundation, the foundation of any family, every home. Select the words you want. On the cards, "bricks" are written the words: love, happiness, respect, warmth, care, joy, understanding, comfort, feelings, mutual assistance.(Children choose "bricks" and attach them to the foundation of the house).

(Appendix 9)

V ... Lesson summary

What is a family?

Family is when everyone is together. Family is happiness and love in the house. A family is something that is very difficult to find and terrible to lose. Family is the most important thing in a person's life. Family is happiness, love and luck. Family is the most precious thing there isnot each of us. Family is where it is warm and tasty.

And at the end of the lesson, I want to say in words from a poem ...

Family is happiness, love and luck,
A family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

V. Reflection

At the stage of reflection, the technique "Joyful and sad Luntik" is used. Children give the token to the character whose mood they share at the moment.(Appendix 10)

Vi. Homework

Compose a short story on the topic: "My family."


1. Matyushkin A.M. Problem situations in thinking and learning. - M .: Pedagogy, 1972.

Lesson type: combined


- the formation of a holistic picture of the world and the awareness of a person's place in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and emotional-value comprehension of the teaching personal experience of communication with people and nature;



They will learn to explain what a communication culture is.

They will have the opportunity to learn to understand the value of their family's traditions


Regulatory UUD:

Understand the learning task of the lesson and strive to complete it;

Take into account the reference points of action highlighted by the teacher in the new teaching material.

Cognitive UUD:

build reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments;

Communicative UUD:

Build statements that are understandable for the partner.


Educational and cognitive interest in new educational material;

The ability for self-assessment based on the criterion of the success of educational activities;

Knowledge of basic moral standards

The main activities of students

Tell about family relationships, family atmosphere, general lessons from the drawings and photographs of the textbook;

Formulate the concept of "communication culture";

Discuss the role of family traditions in strengthening the family;

Simulate situations of family reading, family meals.

Basic concepts

Family: mom, dad, sisters, brothers, grandmothers, grandfathers. Pedigree. Family traditions. Moral.

Checking the readiness to assimilate new material

How many people do you have in your family?

What are their names? 2.

How do family members relate to each other?

Learning new material

« A family - it is an unification of people united by common interests "(according to S. I. Ozhegov)

Family and family values

3. Have you noticed the similarities in the words "relatives", "relatives", "relatives"? They are all from the word "kind". From him and "pedigree"- family history over several generations.

Types of pedigrees

First view begins to build from you and goes to information about your distant relatives. As a rule, it is followed by the father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc.

The head of the second kind is the oldest founder, and then all of his descendants are listed, including you. Such a pedigree helps to take a broad look at the genus, its activities for many times.

Comprehension and understanding of the knowledge gained

Pedigree of Ivanova Petrov

Self-application of knowledge

Sample presentation about a family

Homework study page 42-47, work. tetr. S. 23-25

Sources of information:

A. A. Pleshakov textbook, workbook

"Education" 2014

Hosting presentations the world