First breastfeeding and its secrets. Milk formulas for babies. From mom's side

So the long 9 months of waiting for the meeting with the baby have come to an end! Childbirth was left behind, forever dividing our life into "before" and "after". How we waited for this opportunity - to look into the baby's eyes, smell the top of his head, run a hand over his tender cheek! How many worries and troubles preceded this moment, how we prepared and hoped for a successful outcome of childbirth ...

We tried to organize the most worthy meeting for our treasure - exactly the one he dreamed about, deciding to get out of his mother’s cozy tummy. We decided that we would feed him with our milk. We want to give it the best possible start!

How does breastfeeding start?

Early breastfeeding

Back in 1980, the World Health Organization recognized the method of early breastfeeding as mandatory for all countries - 20-30 minutes after birth. Why is this step - to feed the baby right after childbirth - so important that its obligation had to be voiced at the international level?

Firstly, this recommendation is associated with the uniqueness of the composition of colostrum - a colorless liquid that is produced by the mammary glands starting from the second trimester of pregnancy. Any woman in labor has colostrum. It is small in volume and is an incredibly rich concentrate of nutrients. Like a tiny vitamin, the reception of which gives so much strength in the days of spring vitamin deficiency! Colostrum contains substances to protect the newborn from various infectious diseases (pneumonia, blood poisoning, intestinal disorders). Its composition provides complete immune protection for the immature organism of the baby. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are in the form that is 100% able to assimilate the gastrointestinal tract of a newborn, whose functional systems have not yet been fully functional. At the household level, feeding with colostrum means that your baby will be protected from allergies, dysbacteriosis, liver diseases, will quickly recuperate after childbirth, avoid weight loss in the first days, will not encounter jaundice of newborns, loss of water and a drop in hemoglobin levels in the blood. Indeed, breastfeeding completely continues the prenatal scenario, when everything necessary for the growth and development of the baby was received through the umbilical cord!

Second, the psychological aspect of early attachment is of unique importance. Psychologists discovered the phenomenon of imprinting - the deepest imprinting of first impressions by the human mind. The baby, falling into the arms of the mother, forever imprints her as an object of affection and imitation. A special place is occupied by eye-to-eye contact - the attentive, soulful gaze of the newborn meets the loving and admiring eyes of the mother. What the baby will face in the first hours after childbirth can determine his future moral and social development. Studies have shown that children deprived of contact with their mother in the first hours and days after childbirth demonstrate an inability to establish close loving relationships with other people, have a reduced maternal instinct (women), show sexual weakness in adulthood (men), and lose the reproductive instinct - the ability to create strong and child-loving families. If, from the first minutes of birth, the baby is next to his mother, who loves and understands him, then from the very beginning he captures love, care and benevolence as the basis and norm of human life.

Thirdly, latching on to the breast immediately after giving birth sends an important signal to the baby: labor is over, you are safe, you can rest and recover! At the hormonal level, it looks like this: the stress hormones necessary for the successful development of the birth process give way to the calming and pain-relieving hormones that the baby begins to receive with colostrum. A newborn cannot cope with stress without sucking on her mother's breast. This means that his body continues to work in a stressful mode, absorbing internal resources and slowing down physiological adaptation to extrauterine life conditions.

Fourth, early feeding is extremely important for the mother herself.

1. The act of sucking at the breast stimulates the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland of the brain of the woman in labor, and the hormone oxytocin begins to be actively produced. This invaluable substance contributes to the contraction of the uterus, bloodless separation of the placenta and, more importantly, eliminates postpartum hemorrhage! An early start to breastfeeding provides a rapid contraction of the uterus, prevents the development of pathologies that occur when its contraction is delayed. If the baby kisses the breast immediately after giving birth, the mother has not the slightest chance of dying from blood loss!
2. In addition to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, the anterior pituitary is also stimulated, due to which the hormone prolactin is formed. A very important hormone! It is he who is responsible for the amount of milk in a nursing woman. Prolactin and oxytocin, produced in response to breastfeeding by the baby, further increase the volume of breast cells and full milk flow - the removal of milk from the breast.
3. The mechanisms of the formation of the maternal instinct are triggered. The maternal instinct is not some initial given given. The ability to feel and understand your child "from the inside" arises only due to certain conditions. And one of the most important among them is early contact with the newborn, which in itself gives rise to the establishment of a deep relationship between mother and child. "My baby is alive, beautiful, defenseless, he needs my attention and understanding" - this is an example message to the subconscious, which leads to the emergence of the maternal instinct. The lack of active breastfeeding in the first half hour after birth leads to a certain biological insensitivity towards the baby. Such a mother subsequently does not fully understand and does not feel the needs of her baby, constantly worries "is everything in order, and is he developing normally", underestimates her own importance and indispensability for the baby, delegates responsibility for him to various specialists and simply advisers ... Postpartum depression, which has already become common, is caused precisely by a violation of early contact with the child. Mom's body feels a certain loss and frustration of hopes: with such love they carried and gave birth - and now, the baby disappeared in an unknown direction! Let us add only one very interesting example: a study was carried out abroad, the purpose of which was to identify the source of the mother's attachment to the child. A group of women who had voiced their desire to leave the newborn in the hospital in advance and legally formalize the refusal of it, immediately after giving birth, put the baby to the breast. The mother and baby spent the first hour together, feeding in an embrace. After such an experience, only one mother was able to part with her baby. Everyone else experienced a surge of maternal love and responsibility!

What exactly does the World Health Organization mean by early attachment? This is not just the spread of the baby on the mother's belly and awkward attempts to provoke sucking movements immediately after childbirth, which has become common in Russian maternity hospitals. The first latch is a full feeding, carried out after 20-30 minutes from birth, during which the newborn can receive from 40 to 60 ml of colostrum. The baby, already a little recovered after passing through the birth canal, is activated in search of the mother's nipple. Having received what he wants, the baby sucks for a long time. As the stomach fills, stretching the walls of the stomach slows down the sucking movements, and the baby falls asleep on the mother's breast. It is very important to wait until this moment and not to pick up the breast prematurely. The sleeping baby can be positioned next to the mother, who undergoes the postpartum treatment and then can also rest.

It must be borne in mind that the practice of narcotic anesthesia excludes the possibility of an early start of feeding: the so-called medicinal substances introduced into the mother's blood during childbirth penetrate the placenta into the baby's blood and anesthetize his nerve centers. As a result, the newly born baby cannot realize the necessary sucking movements. Nevertheless, in Western countries, even in this case, they try to ensure early contact between the mother and the child, and after the cesarean section, they practice the first attempts to breastfeed the baby as early as 6 hours after the operation.

The beginning of a new life

Not only a child was born. Simultaneously with him, his mother was born, a magical transformation of a pregnant woman into a nursing woman took place. How to live together now? How to organize feedings? How to recover from childbirth?

The first attachment is now over. Here the baby fell asleep. Mom also rested. Then we will give the baby a breast every time he asks. Do not angrily demand, going into a long cry. And grunting quietly, it will show the very first signs of discomfort and anxiety. The fact is that the feeling of hunger for a baby is an unbearable and hitherto unknown pain. Moreover, the pain of his entire tiny creature, accustomed to the round-the-clock intake of useful nutrients during 9 months of pregnancy. And the newborn's ventricle is still very small in volume, and colostrum is absorbed almost immediately after ingestion. Let's not let the baby cry in pain! We will be sensitive to the signals with which he shows a desire to suck on the breast and remember that feedings can have a wide range of frequencies and durations. Usually, during the first days, the newborn is constantly asleep, periodically showing signs of dissatisfaction or activation in search of a breast (opens his mouth wide, sticks out his tongue, turns, presses his legs to his chest, clings to a fist or a diaper located nearby ...). As soon as we notice these changes in behavior, we offer the breast and do not pick it up before he releases it himself (unless it hurts you; if painful sensations arise, you must carefully remove the breast from his mouth and offer it again in the correct position). It is the unrestricted access to the breast that will ensure the timely arrival of a sufficient amount of milk, which will occur 3-5 days after childbirth. Before that, it will produce nutritious colostrum in the volume needed by the baby. If you allow the baby to determine the time for feeding, you will not need to feed him with formula or add some water, as is often recommended in the hospital.

Having sucked a little (or for a long time) half asleep, the newborn falls deeply asleep again. We will try not to disturb his rhythms of sleep and awakening in any way. Calm sucking, undisturbed sleep are the best conditions for the recovery of the child's strength after the labor of birth. Discuss in advance with the staff of the maternity hospital this possibility - to carry out procedures and examinations not when it is convenient for "an aunt in a white coat", but when the mood and condition of your baby allows: after feeding, before changing a diaper, at the very beginning of wakefulness or after emptying the contents of the intestine, when the baby is so surprised by the processes taking place with him that he even for a while forgets about the consolation in his mother's chest.

From the very beginning, we teach the baby the correct attachment. We patiently and persistently teach him to open his mouth, master comfortable feeding positions, control the behavior of the little man at the breast. If necessary, we call a breastfeeding consultant to help you master sucking skills. The simplest body positions for learning to attach are seated. But even if the mother has stitches and the prohibition to sit, you can choose several options for convenient feeding while lying down. And if you do not have problems with sutures, all the same, horizontal positions are the most optimal for the postpartum period: bed rest is recommended to prevent prolapse of internal organs after the rapid return of the uterus to pre-pregnant size. Let us remind once again about the dangers of using imitators of a mother's nipple - pacifiers and bottles. A baby who periodically receives breast substitutes instead of breasts cannot be taught to take breast correctly ...

All that has been said logically leads us to the conclusion: the key to a successful start of breastfeeding will be only the joint stay of a woman in labor with a newborn. Moreover, the stay is uninterrupted, without interruptions for "daily examinations from 10 to 14 hours" or for "a good night's rest for mom." And really, will not mom get tired if the baby, requiring care, will be around all the time? Not at all! As we said, during the first days our long-awaited treasure is mostly asleep, sometimes waking up for feedings. And it is just active and regular breastfeeding that will help a woman quickly recover from childbirth. The hormonal background is normalized, the arrival of milk is accelerated, the process of uterine contraction proceeds safely. Long-term feedings pacify, make you lie in an embrace with your baby for a long time, which is useful both for the accumulation of strength and for establishing contact with the little "alien". I would also like to add that the joint stay of a mother with a child after childbirth is the number one item in the rules for successful breastfeeding, developed by the World Health Organization in conjunction with UNESCO (United Nations Children's Fund) and recommended for implementation in maternity hospitals around the world.
We overcome possible confusion and difficulties

Redness or inflammation of the nipples.
In principle, there is nothing dangerous in this - a thicker layer of epithelium is being formed (as when learning to play the guitar - beginners may have pain in the fingertips of their left hand). We will focus on the technique of correct attachment to the breast, during which the baby's nipple is deep in the mouth, at the level of the tongue root, and is deprived of even the minimal possibility of injury from the gums. If necessary, use an emollient cream or oil to soothe irritation.

Excess milk.
Typically, the feeding period for colostrum lasts 3-5 days. After that, the composition of the food changes - its volume and watery component increase. This is called the arrival of milk. For some mothers, this process is associated with a feeling of painful distention in the chest, fever, hardening in the tissues of the mammary gland. We take the following measures:

1. we work out the correct grip of the breast by the baby to the ideal - no one is better able to empty the breast;
2. we try to keep the baby at the breast for a longer time, we apply it often and productively;
3. for a day (no longer!) We limit the volume of fluid entering our body by three glasses, drink in small sips;
4. do not pump! It is important to start the natural mechanisms for regulating the volume of milk produced. Additional pumping provokes its production in even greater quantities;
5. In no case do we take drugs that reduce lactation! They have a hormonal basis and can greatly damage successful lactation in the future (not to mention the side effects and contraindications for admission ...). If in the hospital you will be offered something to drink to "relieve the condition" - be sure to ask about the name and do not hesitate to ask for a summary of the medicine to read.

Lack of milk or slow milk flow.
This can happen with deviations in the natural development of the labor scenario: you underwent a caesarean section, injected with the hormone oxytocin to speed up labor, were given painkillers, did not attach the baby to the breast after childbirth ... We do not lose heart and do not put an end to breastfeeding! Milk will definitely begin to be produced in the right amount - just not as quickly as we would like. In this case, it is doubly important to teach the baby to suckle effectively. For supplementary feeding, it is better to use donor milk - maybe negotiate with a roommate? It should be given from a spoon (pipette, syringe (without a needle), cup) or from a special supplemental feeding system (SNS), which is an inverted bottle suspended next to the breast and has a thin catheter at the end instead of a nipple attached to the nipple. This allows you to offer additional food to the baby right during breastfeeding: the baby sucks on the breast, and receives supplementary food through the tube. After leaving the hospital, you can use the help of a breastfeeding specialist to establish full lactation.

Weak sucking activity of the baby, strong weight loss.
These situations require the same measures as the previous one: patiently teach the baby the correct attachment; We supplement in the required amount from a spoon (cup, pipette, syringe, SNS). And most importantly - we find out the cause of the problem. This state of affairs may be the result of difficult childbirth for the baby, the use of strong medicines in the birth process. Or maybe a symptom of some disease.

Separate maintenance of mother and baby in the hospital.
If it is impossible to influence the situation in the direction of its improvement and achieve the opportunity to be around the clock with the newborn, then we take the following steps to prevent possible problems.

1. Starting from the second day after childbirth and until the active arrival of milk, we organize regular breast pumping: once every three hours, both breasts, 15 minutes each. At the same time, it is not so important what and how much is released from the breast. Our goal is to form a “request” for milk production, to imitate the sucking activity of a newborn. It is advisable to purchase a mechanical or electric breast pump to facilitate the process of breast emptying - unskilled manual pumping can injure delicate breast tissue.
2. The minutes when the baby is brought to you for feeding, we use to practice the correct attachment or the establishment of skin contact, if the baby is sound asleep. Let's not have any illusions: without a mother, he is fed with mixtures from a bottle. Therefore, he may cry when trying to take a breast or hurt you from making already formed irregular movements with his tongue. Let us tune in to competent retraining of the crumbs from the bottle to the chest, which will become possible after being discharged home and completely refusing to bottle feeding.
3. As soon as you feel a significant rush of milk (usually 3-5 days), you need to take the following measures:
* limiting the fluid you drink to three glasses - per day;
* the breast can be smeared with ointments that improve lymphatic drainage (Arnica, Traumeel) or apply cold compresses (cabbage leaf, wet terry towel);
* We strictly observe the rhythm of pumping and strive for uniform emptying of the mammary gland. Now we will empty our breasts more often - once every 2 hours, for 10-15 minutes each, taking a night break from 24 to 6 in the morning.

It will be possible to finally balance the amount of milk for the needs of the newborn only after discharge from the hospital, when the crumbs will have the opportunity to have unlimited access to mother's breast and he will forever part with her imitators. Let's tune in in advance to work on establishing breastfeeding: teaching the correct attachment, feeding positions, overcoming a possible lack of milk (or, conversely, its excess amount), compensation for violations of early contact with the baby.

Hospitalization of mom or newborn.
Anything can happen in life. And the forced separation after childbirth too. It is important for us to remember one thing: you can return breastfeeding in absolutely any situation. Even if you have no milk left at all, even if the baby has been bottle-fed for a long time, even if he has never eaten anything other than artificial formula, the restoration of breastfeeding is absolutely possible! With a strong desire, there is an opportunity to feed even a foster child with your milk - wasn’t this the way the nurses earned their money?
Learn, learn and learn ...

You and I are the pioneers in breastfeeding babies. Even if these are not our first births, they are still pupils! Each new baby requires a completely new approach. And with each child we go through this school anew: the first attachment, the first hours and days, the first difficulties, the first successes. As in everything else - the first steps, the first words, the first grades in school, the first certificates of maturity ...

Good luck! We will stock up on patience and indulgence towards ourselves. Not everything will work out right away. But with a great desire and perseverance, it will definitely work out!

This will contribute to the good quality of milk - the only type of food for the baby in the first months of his life. In addition, breastfeeding will become quite painful for your nipples, and therefore, throughout the second trimester, expectant mothers are advised to wear bras with an inner lining of hard fabric. This natural massage will moderately coarse the nipples, and the first breastfeeding will be easier. At the same time, it is not necessary to continue stimulating them in the last trimester, so as not to provoke premature birth.

Beginning of breastfeeding

Regardless of whether you give birth with the traditional method or with the help of cesarean, such nuances are not affected. The calorie content of this specific substance is very high, and the content of the most important trace elements for a child in it is simply fantastic (the list includes more than 40 items). In this regard, breastfeeding for the first time is recommended literally immediately after the baby is born.

High-grade milk will begin to be produced by the mammary glands much later, approximately on the third or fifth day. From this time on, you should limit the volume of fluid you drink and in no case consume cow's milk - in the first case, the chest will overflow excessively, and in the second, the baby may begin to colic.

Such a drinking regime should not be violated until the moment when the feeling of "fossilization" of the breast ceases to appear.

What is the best position to feed?

There is no single standard on this score, since the best position is always considered to be the one that is most comfortable for both - mom and baby (in addition, photos of various feeding methods can be spied on the Internet).

Side-lying feeding

In this position, it is convenient to use both the upper and lower portion of each breast. In addition, in this case, the child can also be easily put on a side (as an option - put a pillow under his head). If the suction from the upper part is difficult, which sometimes happens when stagnation forms in it, the jack position will be the most successful position, in which the cub is laid with its legs to the mother's head.

Sitting feeding

If mommy is not sleeping or tired, it is even better to use a sitting position. Firstly, in it, mother's hands play the role of a cradle for the child. Secondly, when placing the baby's head on the inner bend of the elbow of one hand and pushing the palm of the other under the back, the position of the baby is very easy to control - adjusting it to the most comfortable and correct sucking position.


Often a serious problem for women is not only a lack of milk, but also an excess of it. Of course, if it is possible to use additional feeding instead of pumping, the issue is solved by itself, but this does not happen so often. What to do in other cases? For starters, pump only when chest pain and obvious tension appear. Moreover, the balance must be found here too - if the excess is not removed enough, you can gradually come to mastitis, and if the excess, "to the last drop" - to get a constantly increasing milk production, pumping which will take more and more time and effort.

Be that as it may, it is necessary to master, and it is best to take her lessons from an experienced midwife (or any other woman whose practical skills in this matter are beyond doubt).

Finally, some mothers try to simplify their lives by expressing milk in the evening in such an amount that the child will have enough for the night feeding (of course, someone from the family will feed them from a bottle). No one doubts the fact that even 6 hours of full sleep for the mother of a tiny baby is almost manna from heaven! However, experts do not recommend doing this at once for three reasons. The first is guaranteed chest congestion and wild pain the next morning. The second - a one-time pumping of such a volume of milk (feeding itself + a portion at night) will start a vicious circle of its overproduction. And the third is the receipt by the child's subconscious of the information that there is a method to get drunk with much less effort - the consequences of which we talked about above.

Cracked nipples

The first days of feeding always have a little chest pain - and you have to put up with it. And the appearance of cracks on too delicate nipples is an inevitable consequence of their constant deformation during active sucking with the baby's mouth. To get rid of pain for at least the second reason, from the very first days of feeding, the nipples need careful, appropriate care for the situation. First of all, after each feeding, they must be lubricated with a special cream (modern industry produces them in the widest range). But washing the nipples with soapy water before feeding is completely unnecessary - it is much more effective and useful to lubricate them with a few drops of milk squeezed out of the breast.

Frequently asked Questions

Will I learn to breastfeed?

Don't worry - learn! As a matter of fact, any woman who has given birth at least once is capable of breastfeeding (at least with colostrum). In medical practice, there are cases when a child was fed not only by foster mothers, but even by grandmothers or just outside women. The only reason for the lack of milk is either psychological reasons (for example, stress), or serious physiological deficiencies. Under other normal conditions, experts have not recorded the facts of the fundamental impossibility for a woman to breastfeed a baby.

The kid eats well, but still cries. Maybe he doesn't have enough milk !?

There can be many reasons for crying in children of this age - from postpartum injuries to any physiological discomfort. But hunger is definitely not one of them! And therefore attempts to "feed" a mixture from a bottle will only add to your problems. It is not for nothing that mammologists have a saying: "Well-fed children do not always sleep, and hungry children do not always cry." All that you can achieve with such an initiative is the reluctance of the newborn to suckle the breast.

Does a baby need a nipple?

For babies - in no case! The same is true for bottle feeding. The reasons were described in detail above.

How can you tell if your baby has enough milk?

It's very simple - by diapers. Eating only colostrum at first, the child pees about 3 times a day. When switching to milk, the number of urinations doubles in the next 1-2 weeks. By the end of the first month - twice more, reaching (with a normal volume of milk received) up to 12-14 times a day and remaining at this level further.

Who Can Teach Feeding Techniques?

First of all - other women who have such experience. Previously, this science was passed from mother to daughter, and now numerous video lessons on the Internet have been added to this.

Most women understand the benefits of breastfeeding and want to breastfeed their babies. However, in some cases, desire alone is not enough. In this article, we will share information that will help you establish breastfeeding from the very first days so that the process feeding baby brought only joy.

Preparing for breastfeeding.

Often, mothers expecting a baby to be born hear the opinion that you need to prepare for breastfeeding , what is important prepare yourself and your breasts for breastfeeding ... How can this be done? Let's say right away that rubbing the breasts, massaging the nipples, putting coarse fabrics in underwear and other methods of “strengthening” the skin of the nipples in no way affect the quality of further breastfeeding. And on the contrary, such actions are extremely undesirable, because excessive breast stimulation in late pregnancy can, in some cases, lead to premature birth. Just believe that nature has already done everything for you! Our body is already a perfect instrument and there is no need to prepare the breast for the natural process in any special way.

Perhaps one of the most important moments in preparing for successful breastfeeding will be to enlist the support of your family and friends, experienced in breastfeeding girlfriends - in the present or in the past successfully nursing mothers. It would be helpful to visit in your city. In addition, it is advisable to study all kinds of up-to-date information on breastfeeding ... And after childbirth, it is impossible to overestimate the help of the family - it is she who is of great importance so that the first time a nursing mother can devote maximum time to her child and the establishment of breastfeeding.

First attachment to the chest.

So, the baby was born! What happens next? Usually, the baby is immediately laid out on the mother's stomach and left to lie there for a while, allowing him to enjoy the first meeting "live". This is a very important moment for both mom and baby. After resting after childbirth, the baby begins to look for the breast and clings to it. The entire process can take up to 40 minutes or more. Therefore, it is advisable not to rush if the conditions in the hospital allow it. For a mom, breastfeeding early helps the uterus begin to contract, which reduces the risk of inflammation and PPH. In the early days, due to the contractions of the uterus under the influence of oxytocin, you may feel something like labor pains (of course, much less severe and less painful), while the baby suckles.

Of course, it is very desirable to control the child when first attachment .
This will allow:

  • avoid painful abrasions and cracks on the mother's chest;
  • enjoy the process of breastfeeding without discomfort;
  • prevent engorgement and swelling of the breast at the time of the arrival of milk;
  • to ensure good separation of colostrum, and then stable milk production in the amount needed by the baby.

If the birth did not go as planned, or a cesarean section was performed and the first attachment of the baby happened later than we would like - do not be discouraged! You will still have the opportunity to attach your baby to your breast and organize breastfeeding properly. In any case, no matter what difficulties arise, everyone problems can be resolved, especially with the help of an experienced one.

The first days of breastfeeding.

Many mothers immediately after childbirth begin to worry about the following questions: "When will the milk come?" "What will I feed my baby if the milk does not come immediately?"

Indeed, milk usually does not come immediately, but from 3 to 7 days after childbirth (this may be accompanied by heaviness, soreness, swelling of the mammary glands). And immediately after childbirth, the breast begins to exude colostrum - a sticky liquid in a small volume. Colostrum is a valuable liquid, rich in anti-infectious factors, antibodies, oligosaccharides (playing the role of prebiotics), vitamins. Colostrum volume on the first day it is from 10 ml, and by the third day its volume increases to about 100 ml. It is no coincidence that colostrum has such a small volume, because the body of a newborn cannot yet cope with a large amount of nutrition. However, despite such a small volume, this first food contains all the necessary nutrients (for example, the protein content of colostrum is 14%, which is about three times the amount of protein in mature milk). Therefore, newborns, as a rule, absolutely do not need supplementary feeding!

In the early days, all babies lose weight. This is definitely a worrying moment for parents. But even that doesn't mean that the child is starving : such weight loss is physiological and natural for a newborn baby - it is associated with the loss of fluid by the baby during breathing, evaporation through the skin, with urine and meconium. Weight loss by no more than 10% of the initial body weight is considered the norm, and by 10-14 days of life, with adequate nutrition, the baby's weight at birth is restored and weight gain begins.

So, it is completely natural for a baby to be with mom from the very first days after giving birth. Mom and baby learn to interact with each other, and frequent breast sucking gives a good start successful feeding ... What does "frequent sucking" mean? feeding on demand ? Many mothers say: "I feed on demand, every 2-3 hours." However, a healthy full-term newborn, as a rule, wants to breastfeed more often - normally, the newborn is applied to the breast on average 12-15 times per day.

Try not to miss the first baby signals who wants to kiss the breast, for example, such as:

  • winding the head from side to side;
  • protruding the tongue;
  • sucking fists;
  • groaning;
  • crying is the last signal that a desperate baby gives to mom. It is important to remember that a calm baby will take the breast most correctly, and it will be more difficult to attach a screaming, choking baby.

There is also feeding "at the request of the mother" ... This means that it is better for the mother to wake up the child if he sleeps for more than 2 - 2.5 hours. It happens that children begin to sleep a lot and have difficulty waking up from weakness. Ultimately, this is often followed by weight loss of the child and / or stagnation in the breast, a decrease in the amount of milk in the mother.

Try not to shift your baby frequently from one breast to the other. Continuous sucking on one breast (20-40 minutes) will allow the baby to get to hind milk - more fatty and high-calorie. It is normal for the baby to suck and pause for the first time with the breast in the mouth. When he is satisfied, he will let go of his chest.

Items such as bottles and pacifiers interfere with breastfeeding. The fact is that a baby sucks a bottle in a completely different way from a breast. Breast sucking is labor for the baby. It is much easier to get food from any bottle (even anatomical, orthodontic and any modern one). It is noticed that after meeting with a bottle or pacifier babies start to get nervous at the breast , and in some cases in general.

With the right organization of breastfeeding, there is no need for regular breastfeeding. You do not need to be afraid of stagnant milk if you watch how the baby grabs the breast and feed him on demand. Moreover, regular pumping can just lead to (after all, more and more milk will be formed, and the baby will not cope with it).

At the end of the article, I would like to say that the birth of a child is the greatest joy. And at the same time, caring for a child is a lot of work, especially for the parents of the first baby. Be prepared for the fact that not everything will turn out as you imagined or not as it is written in the book. The main thing is not to be alone with your difficulties, not to be ashamed to seek help from grandmothers, relatives, friends. Now more than ever you have every right to do so! Well, the difficulties in feeding the baby will always help to overcome ours.

Daria Feldsherova, breastfeeding consultant
(edited by Alena Korotkova, psychologist, breastfeeding consultant)

Ideally, the first latching of the baby to the breast should occur immediately after birth (or no later than the first 30 minutes). When the baby is born and makes the first cry, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord and puts it on the mother's chest, helping the baby to find and grab the nipple. This is how the first feed takes place, which lasts only 1–2 minutes. Why so few? Do not forget that the baby has just been born and is lying on his mother completely naked. With a longer stay at the breast, a newborn with not yet established thermoregulation processes may simply freeze. And the point of the first feeding is not at all to feed him. First of all, the baby receives valuable drops of colostrum, and with it the body's immune defenses. This is due to the fact that colostrum contains many antibodies that protect the baby from various infections, and their highest concentrations are noted just after the baby is born. Therefore, early attachment is a kind of vaccination of a newborn baby against many diseases.

In addition, early attachment promotes the colonization of the child's intestines with normal microflora. This is due to the fact that colostrum is rich in components that stimulate the development and growth of bifidobacteria. In addition, there is evidence that lactic acid microflora accumulates on the surface of the nipples of a nursing woman, and when the baby is applied to the breast, he receives the necessary beneficial bacteria along with drops of colostrum.

First feeding: stress-free!

From a psychological point of view, the first attachment to the breast is also equally important. Once born, the baby finds himself in an unfamiliar environment and experiences severe stress. In order for him to feel safe, it is important for him to have his mother nearby. Only when the baby feels the warmth of her mother's skin, the beating of her heart, smell and voice, he calms down. The mother's touch immediately after the birth of the baby, skin-to-skin contact and early breastfeeding can alleviate postpartum stress and facilitate the process of adaptation of the newborn to a new world for him.

Psychologists say that when a baby is next to his mother after childbirth, she becomes an object of affection for him for life. This phenomenon is called imprinting. It is in the first minutes of life that a deep emotional connection is formed between them when a newborn baby and a mother come into contact.

When to postpone the first feed

Unfortunately, not all newborn babies can be immediately attached to the breast. It depends on the condition of the baby and mother after childbirth.

There are medical contraindications for the early attachment of the baby to the breast.

From the side of the child:

  • assessment of the condition of the newborn on the Apgar scale below 7 points;
  • severe asphyxia (choking) and respiratory distress syndrome;
  • birth injury;
  • deep prematurity (birth weight less than 1500 g);
  • congenital developmental defects that prevent active seizure and sucking of the breast (severe malformations of the gastrointestinal tract, maxillofacial apparatus, heart).

From mom's side:

  • moderate to severe kidney damage;
  • severe bleeding during childbirth and in the early postpartum period;
  • if a woman is unconscious;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • HIV infection;
  • malignant neoplasms.

In these cases, the baby can be attached to the breast when his condition or the condition of the mother returns to normal.

First feeding: instructions

Approximately a couple of hours after giving birth, when the mother and baby have a little rest, the first full feeding of the newborn should take place.

How to choose the right feeding position? In order for breastfeeding to be pleasant and arouse only positive emotions in the mother, first of all, you should be comfortable. This will contribute to the correct grip of the chest. In the early days, a breastfeeding woman can experiment with positions and find several positions in which she will feel comfortable feeding her baby. This can be done while sitting, lying down, or even standing. During the day, the position can be changed: for example, during the day feeding the baby while sitting, and at night - lying down.

After a cesarean section or episiotomy, it is not always easy for a woman to find a comfortable position for feeding a baby. It is important to avoid stress on the suture area. In these situations, as a rule, the poses "lying on the side", "jack" or "feeding from under the armpit" are used. But no matter what position for feeding the mother chooses, in order for the baby to suckle correctly and effectively, the following rules must be observed:

  • the baby's torso should be turned towards the mother, he should be as close as possible to her chest;
  • the baby should be flush with the breast. To do this, you can use additional devices - rollers, a pillow, a twisted blanket, etc.;
  • the baby should be located relative to the breast so that the nipple is at the level of its nose and the head can be slightly tilted back.

After the mother and baby are comfortable, you can start feeding.

How to attach the baby to the breast correctly?Most new mothers believe that the baby itself should be able to suckle properly. But this is not the case! If the mother has no experience in breastfeeding, the medical staff of the maternity hospital should explain and show how to apply the baby to the breast.

If a child takes the breast incorrectly from the first days and no one corrects him, he gets used to such sucking and then it is more difficult to retrain him. Improper breast latching is the main cause of cracked and sore nipples. It becomes painful for the mother to feed the baby, and often she tries to do it less often, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the amount of milk or disrupts its outflow, causing lactostasis (milk stagnation). In addition, by improperly capturing the breast, the baby cannot suck out a sufficient amount of milk and remains hungry.

For the attachment to be correct, the baby's mouth should be wide open, and his chin should be touching the mother's breast. If the baby does not open his mouth wide, then you should entice him by running the nipple over his lips. With a correct grip, the lower and upper lips of the child should be turned outward (and not pressed inward), it captures not only the nipple, but also the areola. Only in this case will his sucking movements be effective. If your baby is breastfeeding correctly, his cheeks will inflate rather than retract. The baby's nose touches the chest lightly and breathes freely.

The main thing that a mother should remember is that feeding should not be accompanied by painful sensations. If a woman feels pain, then the baby is not breastfeeding correctly.

If the baby and mother are separated

Ideally, the mother and baby after childbirth should constantly be together so that at the first request a woman can apply the baby to her breast. It is feeding on demand that is the main factor in stimulating lactation: the more often you feed, the more milk is produced in the mother.

But there are situations when, due to the health condition of the mother or baby, they cannot constantly be together in the first days after childbirth. In such cases, the child, as a rule, is brought to the mother for feeding 6-7 times a day. But for the formation of lactation and the production of milk in an amount sufficient for the baby, this is not enough. Therefore, the woman is advised to express each breast for 5-10 minutes after each feed, and add two extra pumpings in the morning (at about 8 am) and in the evening (at about 10 pm).

If the baby is not brought for feeding after birth for health reasons, it is advisable for the mother to begin expressing within the first 6 hours after birth, which in this situation will imitate the baby's sucking. In addition, if the colostrum is not removed before milk arrives, it can lead to engorgement - a condition in which the temperature rises, the mammary glands become swollen, and milk flow is impaired.

If anesthesia was used during labor
Note that when using epidural anesthesia during labor, the baby can be applied to the breast immediately after birth. But if a cesarean section was performed during childbirth, then the possibility of early attachment will depend on the type of anesthesia and the well-being of the mother and child. If the operation was performed under general anesthesia and the woman is not conscious, then early attachment is postponed until she is transferred to the recovery room. In the case of local anesthesia (epidural anesthesia), the baby can be applied to the breast right in the operating room before the end of the operation.

The first difficulties of the first feeding

Together with the first feeding, when the mother and baby are just beginning to adapt to each other, the first difficulties may arise.

The baby does not want to breastfeed.Often, newly minted mothers notice that when trying to feed, the child turns his head and does not take the breast. Indeed, at first the baby can shake his head, grab the breast several times, and then release it. This is not a rejection of the breast - this is how the search reflex manifests itself in the baby.

In this case, you can "interest" the baby in feeding: hold the nipple over his cheeks and lips. You can pour a few drops of colostrum into his mouth and spread it over the nipple and areola. Then, gently holding the baby's head so that it does not rotate, you should attach it to the chest.

The baby does not suckle well.Sometimes it happens that the baby does not show anxiety from hunger, and when it is applied to the breast, it sucks very sluggishly and quickly falls asleep.

This is most likely due to the fact that newborn babies experience postpartum stress differently. Some babies often scream, demanding to calm their mother's breasts, others, as a rule, are weaker, prefer to “sleep off”. This behavior can be explained by the general weakening of the newborn's body: due to prematurity, difficult childbirth, oxygen starvation, severe jaundice, etc. The baby begins to suckle at the breast, but quickly gets tired and falls asleep. Mom must definitely bother him and wake him up for feeding, since these babies eat very little and therefore need frequent breastfeeding. In the first days, it is necessary to wake up the baby for feeding at least every 1.5-2 hours during the day and every 3-4 hours at night. Skin-to-skin contact can help these babies grow stronger. During feeding, it is advisable to undress the baby, put it between the mammary glands, cover it with a blanket or blanket and stroke it on the back, legs, arms. And when he starts to wake up, gently help him grab his chest correctly. If it was not possible to wake up the baby or he could not take the breast correctly, the mother must definitely express each mammary gland within 5-10 minutes.

Another reason why the baby may not suck well at the breast is the short hypoglossal frenum. In this case, it is difficult for a child to grasp the breast correctly and it is difficult to suck it. During sucking, a characteristic "clatter" of the tongue is heard. This problem is dealt with by a dentist who, if necessary, will make an incision in the frenum.

Mom's tight breasts.Mom's tight breasts often make breastfeeding difficult. In this situation, milk production is normal, but it is difficult to separate it, and it can be difficult for the baby to suck it in the right amount. In such cases, it is recommended to often apply the baby to the breast, and to make it easier for him to take it, the mother is advised to take a warm shower before feeding, do a light breast massage and express some milk.

"Irregular" shaped nipples.Females with flat or inverted nipples may have difficulty feeding a baby. Very often, at the first unsuccessful attempts to feed a child, women refuse to breastfeed. In fact, it is not the shape of the nipples that is important, but the ability of the areola that enters the baby's mouth to stretch. Indeed, with the correct attachment of the baby to the breast, he should capture with his mouth not only the nipple, but also the areola. For the convenience of feeding, the mother needs to choose a position that will allow the baby not to "lose" the breast (for example, the overhanging position, when the baby lies on the back, and the mother is on top of him) and teach the baby to take the breast correctly. You can also use special nipple formers and silicone nipple covers for the first time.

For the benefit of mom

Early attachment helps the mother recover faster after childbirth. It leads to the production of the hormone oxytocin in the woman's body, which "forces" the uterus to contract and quickly return to its original pre-pregnant state. In addition, oxytocin promotes rapid separation of the placenta and reduces the risk of PPH.

Nine months of waiting is a thing of the past. The painful long process of childbirth is also behind. An important event took place - the birth of a new person. The baby just recently lived in her mother's tummy, and then they went through the whole difficult process of childbirth together. And now the baby, driven by instincts, is mastering a new reality. The first feeding of the baby after childbirth occurs, as a rule, in the delivery room, a few minutes after birth.

Mom experiences feelings of tenderness and admires when the baby greedily begins to suck on the breast. At the same time, on her shoulders lies a huge responsibility for the health and life of the little man.

The importance of latching on to the breast immediately after childbirth

It is hardly possible to exaggerate the importance of the speedy attachment of a newly born baby to the breast. Every woman in labor should try and do everything possible to make this happen as soon as possible. This is necessary in order to:

  • The baby's postpartum stress has eased. When a baby, starting his life, is next to his mother, sucking on her breast, he instinctively calms down, feeling safety next to his mother's body.
  • The placenta was safely separated. Sucking on the breast by a baby is a kind of stimulation of the production of the hormone oxytocin. Under its influence, the uterus begins to contract, and this is normal. After prolonged feeding, women sometimes feel severe pain in the lower abdomen. This pain is a sign that the uterus continues to contract.
  • Milk, or rather colostrum, began to be produced. As you know, colostrum appears even during pregnancy, but in small quantities. After giving birth, it is very important to feed the baby for the first time as soon as possible in order to start the lactation process.
  • The child's digestion process started. Colostrum has a beneficial effect on the digestive system of newborns, under its influence the body is freed from meconium, and the intestinal microflora is populated with beneficial bacteria.

The value of the first drops of colostrum

Colostrum is the first milk, a very valuable and nutritious product. Despite the fact that colostrum is initially released little, its nutritional value is great, since it contains a huge amount of nutrients in high concentration.

Colostrum seems to cover the walls of the stomach and intestines with a protective layer, preventing further from disorders and intestinal colic.

This is why it is important when starting breastfeeding that you do your best to give your baby colostrum immediately after delivery.

It would seem that there is nothing easier than attaching a baby to the breast, but in practice, many newly-made mothers face certain difficulties. For example, a small baby may refuse to breastfeed. Breastfeeding technique in such situations becomes an overwhelming science.

The further fate of lactation depends on the correct attachment of the baby to the breast. It is very important that the child quickly learns how to properly suck milk, because incorrect, so-called nipple sucking, leads to injuries and cracks in the nipples. Cracks, in turn, cause a lot of discomfort to a woman, for whom each feeding becomes a test due to severe pain. In addition, due to improper latching of the breast, milk stagnation may form in a nursing mother.

Unfortunately, not all babies are equally good at sucking on the chest. But what if the first breastfeeding came out lumpy? It is best to contact the maternity hospital staff first. Each postpartum unit has a breastfeeding specialist. This could be a midwife or pediatric nurse dedicated to teaching inexperienced mothers the basics of hepatitis B. It is these health workers who will tell you how to properly start feeding.

How to help your baby to breastfeed for the first time

From the very beginning, it is important to find a position that is comfortable for mom and baby (sitting or lying on your side). For added comfort, you can use pillows.

The chest should be gently supported with one hand. The thumb is on top of the chest, and all the others are on the bottom. You need to squeeze the nipple slightly. When the child is near the bust, he begins to actively open his mouth in search of food. If this does not happen, you can run the nipple over his lower lip. The mouth will open instinctively. With the other hand, you need to hold the crumbs. To keep his head from spinning, you should gently hold it against the mammary gland.

Difficulty with the first attachment of the baby

Possible problems during the first application and how to overcome them:

  • At the first meeting with the mother, the child is active, looking for a nipple with his mouth, but, grabbing it, immediately releases... Probably, the child turns his head too actively and loses his mother's nipple. To help the baby, you need to hold his head, fix it right at the chest, holding it at the neck.
  • The chest is full of milk, baby, eating, chokes... When there is a lot of milk in the breast, it is hard and tight. Of course, it is difficult for a baby to grab hold of it. And a strong stream of milk is difficult for a newborn to cope with. In such a situation, the feeding position should be changed. If you put the baby on top, on the chest, then he will no longer choke. Full breasts can be flattened a little before the first feed to help soften them.
  • The baby is constantly losing breast, while the mother has flat or inverted nipples... The beginning of GW in such a situation will become difficult, but not for long. A healthy baby will definitely learn to suck on a non-standard nipple. After a while, the nipple will stretch out, it will become even easier to suck. If the baby does not want to take a flat nipple at all, silicone tips can come to the rescue. It is a little harder to pull milk out of them, but this method still helps many.

Reasons for refusing the first feed

Initially, it is important to determine why the newborn does not want to suckle mother's breast. The reasons may be different:

  1. Attachment too early. Childbirth is a colossal load not only on the mother's body, but also on the baby's body. He experienced great stress while passing through the birth canal. Now, after birth, he needs a little break to rest. Thus, the baby may not take the breast 10 minutes after birth, and after half an hour he will greedily suck it.
  2. The child does not understand how to handle the mother's breast. It seems to a young mother that her baby is turning away from the bust, but in fact, he probably turns his head in search of food. At the beginning of lactation, you need to help the child, teach him to "stick". Newborns have a sucking reflex, but they still do not know how to control their bodies.
  3. Weak sucking reflex seen in some babies. The baby simply does not have the strength to eat. After all, a child needs to make a lot of effort to suck on the breast. And if the baby was born premature, low in weight, sick, or simply weakened from prolonged childbirth, then he has practically no strength to suck. How to start breastfeeding such weakened babies? You will probably have to give them time to get stronger. The first days of life, weak children are fed from a bottle. From it, the milk itself pours into the mouth, you don't need to make a lot of effort. During this time, the mother should express her milk (colostrum) and give it to bottle feed the baby. It is advisable to try breastfeeding before each feeding. Perhaps a hungry baby will finally breastfeed. But there is also the possibility that he will soon get used to the nipple and will not want to suck on his mother's breast anymore.
  4. After a long separation, the baby may also show breastfeeding. When the mother and child are separated in the hospital, the baby is fed with formula from a bottle. The nursing staff, unfortunately, do not always take care of breastfeeding. The breast sucking technique and the nipple are different. Nipple sucking uses different muscles than breast sucking. In addition, the smell and taste of breast milk and formula are also different. The process of teaching the baby to breast, after the baby is accustomed to the bottle, will require a lot of patience and strength from the woman.

In what cases you should not rush to the first attachment

Sometimes you have to postpone the first attachment to the breast:

It will be necessary to postpone the first feeding when a woman has complications and needs to undergo certain manipulations or treatment.

The first breastfeeding is postponed when the baby is born weak and needs to be supervised by nursing staff.

  • You shouldn't give your baby two breasts at a time. You need to empty one breast first, and leave the other for the next feeding.
  • It is important to ensure proper sucking. The infant suckles correctly when the breast is stretched. If the baby smacks his lips, then the sucking technique is wrong. He grasped only the edge of the nipple with his mouth, but you need to capture the entire nipple with the areola. After the first time of such improper feeding, the woman experiences painful sensations, since small cracks appeared on the nipples.
  • After feeding, the baby should be given a posture "column" in order to release the air that got into the stomach at the time of sucking. As soon as the baby spits up, it can be settled horizontally. If you do not allow air to escape, the baby will soon suffer from pain in the tummy.
  • Often, babies do not know the measure and suck milk for a long time, using the feeding as sucking on a pacifier. Excess milk expands the ventricle, which is why the baby can be capricious. Therefore, during feedings, it is advisable to take 2-3 breaks. So the baby will soon realize that he is full and will release his breast.
  • Getting started breastfeeding for new mothers is hard science. So, many make the mistake of literally pulling the nipple out of the baby's mouth right after feeding. Doing so can damage the nipple. It is better to use the following technique: after feeding, put a clean finger in the baby's mouth, he will immediately release the breast.
  • When feeding is just beginning, it may seem to a young mother that she does not have enough breast milk, and she begins to feed the baby with formula. The supplementary feeding process only aggravates the milk shortage. Indeed, in order to increase the amount of milk, it is necessary to increase the frequency of the baby's latching to the breast. And when the baby uses additional food - a mixture - the need for mother's milk gradually disappears.

Do not panic and worry if the baby was not allowed to suck on the breast in the delivery room. Breastfeeding will definitely improve over the next days. And if there are any problems or questions, it is better to seek advice from a doctor or a hepatitis B specialist.

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