Why in Islam women wear a handkerchief. How to make hijab from scarf? In fashion chiffon, silk tender tones and apple flowers

ksyusha Petrov

It is unlikely that there is a wardrobe subject, Which causes more fierce disputes than the headdress of Muslims. Hijab has never been "just with a handkerchief", and globalization has turned a piece of fabric into a cultural, religious and political symbol that personifies the Muslim world and, above all, the submission of Europeans about him. In Russia, the federal minister of education and the head of Chechnya in Russia, the parents of the student are challenging the right to wear the hijab in court, in France, only subsided the scandals around the ban Burkini, because of which representatives of power in Islamophobia, and literally Days in Austria decided to ban Bourges and Nikha, who closing the face.

While alone is called "freeing women of the East", thoring with them covered, others advocate the right to choose for each, regardless of whether a woman wants or hiding their body from curious views. Part of the secular Europeans Hijab (for example, at school) causes allergies in itself, as a reminder of someone else's religiosity, and radical right is simply convinced that complete assimilation is a religious rule that is not disputed.

The speeches of European politicians against the Muslim dress code can hardly be called courageous: one thing when you manage the world power and came to a conservative country with a diplomatic visit, and quite another - when you grew up in this culture and oppose the system, really risking freedom and Life. Nevertheless, in countries where the absence of hijab is punishable by law, protest groups appear for the right to choose from: for example, supporters of the Iranian movement publish their photos with uncovered heads on social networks and make-up. Men-professionalinists, on the contrary, put on hijab to support their wives and girlfriends.

Another example - Syriki, who were captured by the militants of ISHIL (The organization is recognized as terrorist, its activities on the territory of the Russian Federation is prohibited. - Ed.): Once on freedom, women defiantly burned the Black Breakers, which were put on them terrorists-fundamentalists. It is difficult to not remember Western feminists, who are attributed to burning bras in protest against patriarchate - but, like any bright media picture, this example does not reflect the complex reality.

On Russian-speaking Muslim resources Often condemned girls from which the hair or the lower part of the chin are visible from under the scroll: theologians believe that this area is not part of the person, which means it should be closed, like the neck. "Right" hijab completely closes everything except the person, from under it can hang around a special tight cap, but the hair should remain inside. For example, the Islam.ru resource reports that girls who see the neck, hair and a part of the head, "fall under sin" if they are seen by foreign men. In general, on Muslim forums you can find an answer to any exciting question, including from the sphere of beauty: for example, is it possible to paint nails to Muslim or not (the correct answer is impossible, otherwise the ablution before namaz is not counted).

Ban or permission

Faber's DW Overview of Sabine is confident that even progressive Muslims consider the total prohibition by oppressive Muslims, and only aggravate it: when such a law enters into force, religious husbands simply prohibit wives to go out, and the conservative Muslim community even more closes in yourself. The same situation with hijabs in schools: Pro -nying girls come to the lessons in the scarf, the authorities, in fact, deprive them of the opportunity to get a secular education and make a conscious choice. And if the ban on hats, fully or partially closing the face, can still be explained by safety about security, then the fear of hijab, covering only hair and neck, is more like a manifestation of intolerance than to combat terrorist threat.

Most democratic countries are forced to constantly balance between the secularity and freedom of religion - and then everything is not entirely obvious. The French authorities went further than others, rejecting any religious attributes, so in the schools of the shawls are prohibited, and the right to be on the beach in Burkini Muslims managed only through the Supreme Court. In Russia, such a ban is not available everywhere: after a recent scandal in a rural school in Mordovia, where teachers were banned to wear scarves, the Parliament of Chechnya is a special amendment to the law on education, allowing schoolgirls to come to classes in Hijab. However, the wearing hijab in the republic is practically necessary, and the question of the scarf for the leadership of Chechnya is also a matter of political influence.

Most Russians belong to the hijabam calmly: this year 50% of respondents survey VTsioms, which need to cancel the ban on wearing hats, so that Muslim girls can safely learn. Practice shows that the ban of the hijab generates a lot of domestic problems - for example, before official permission to be photographed on documents in the headdress Many Muslims in Tatarstan simply refused to receive a passport.

Although the Hijab religious families are perceived as a duty, many women make a decision to "be covered" on their own - for them, Hijab becomes a kind of manifest of independence, identity and loyalty to the principles. For young Muslims living in Western countries, it becomes a matter of honor. After September 11 terrorist attack and the heyday of Islamophobia that followed him in any girl in the default handkerchief, the terrorist - Muslims consider to destroy this dangerous stereotype to destroy.

In the world where the female body is perceived as a product, the desire to hide their beauty from strangers seems radical

Progressive young Muslims, whom Shelina Dzhanmohamed dubbed the "generation M", has its role models - people who destroy stereotypes, without refusing to their culture: for example, the fencing officer Ibtyhaj Muhammad, who was the first among the Americans at the Olympiad in Hijab, or Nobel's laureate Awards Malal Yusufzay. Muslim community has its memes, publics and canals on YouTube, their clothing brands and freebies, music and fashionable clips in the Hijab-Sweang spirit: for example, the singer Mona in his incendiary track declares that it wanted to spit on the haters and is not going to To anyone to report for their hijab.

Islamic fashion has long been out of the part limits "" and their positions all over the world: Marks & Spencer took up Burkini, Dkny, Mango and Tommy Hilfiger produce capsule collections to Ramadan, Dolce & Gabbana do specially for the Muslim countries, ABI, and "Course on Modesty "took on the podiums in Milan, Paris and New York.

If television is more demonizing Islam, then social networks make Muslim culture closer and clearer: for example, on video Blog. Aidan Mamedova, who with humor answers questions about his religion, tests cosmetics and shares reasoning about life, almost 150 thousand people signed, and not all of them are Muslims. Hijab activist offer women to try on a handkerchief to feel at the Muslim Platology: As a rule, the girls who first covered their heads feel surprisingly comfortable.

No matter how paradoxically sounded, Hijab may be a feminist gesture: in its popular handling of Hannah Yusuf explains that the idea of \u200b\u200b"oppressed oriental women" is a product of indulgent colonialism, and Hijab may not only be a religious symbol, but also to oppose culture violence. The desire to hide your beauty from outsiders is a kind of answer to the world, where the female body is sexy and perceived as a product. Nevertheless, radical feminists consider attachment to the hijab manifestation of Stockholm syndrome. And moderates simply support the right of women to wear what they like - be it trousers, a tiny bikini or black bedspread. "There is nothing exempted to be covered, as in showing any parts of your body. This freedom is in the ability to choose, "Susuf summarizes.


I grew up in Ufa in the family of the surgeon and the gynecologist, I studied at the school in the Fizmat class, listened to Punk and Hardcore, rose on American films, European books. About religion, about nationality then did not even think. Then he entered the NEU HSE to the Faculty of Sociology, and

I gradually gave me to understand that I was not Russian. Only here I realized that Tatarka. Probably, at this point I could "rub", change the name, merge with the majority, but it happened that I, on the contrary, began to be interested in my roots, history and religion of the peoples of the Volga region.

Starting to study the Quran, I was shocked: it says that our universe expands that our sky (atmosphere) and the Earth were initially a single "cloud", and then were divided, the process of the appearance of the embryo and many more. Then I felt and believed that this teaching could not be a man's creation, that this is something incomparably more. So I found faith, said Shahada, became Muslim, began to read Namaz. Question about hijab I took as the care of the Creator about me. Began to pray that the Most High helps me to be covered so that this is a blessing for my current life and the next after death.

At first, I put on the turban and started to wear closed clothes, then gradually closed the neck with a handkerchief. Then I still studied and lived in a hostel. I talked well there, and my decision to "be covered" was perceived normally. I am glad that he studied in HSE, people with a big horizon study and work there. It is understood that the lifestyle of a person does not necessarily have to coincide with their own.

In the hijab, I felt "under the auspices", protected from an external fuss. He gives me a feeling of integrity, rest

I live far from my parents, and they always worry about me all the time. When I came to them on vacation in a scarf, of course, they were frightened that I got under the influence of some sect. They themselves are not religious people, I was judged by Islam basically at the news on the TV. Mom said she was ashamed to go out with me to the street that I should remove the scarf and be "like all the normal people." Most of all she was afraid that I could not find a job. When I got a specialty in a large international company, my mother calmed down.

In the hijab, I felt "under the auspices", protected from an external fuss. He gives me a feeling of integrity, rest. For Muslim, it is important to find the balance between the worldly and spiritual, the golden middle. For me, the handkerchief is a beacon: when I have a desire to remove him, I understand that it is too plunged into the worldly and you need to work on spiritual.

Whatever they say, take it up with men and women to close their body from strangers - one of the elements of religion. It seems to me that Muslimians who do not wear a handkerchief, there is some kind of conflict and discomfort or inside or with their surroundings.

When I have a bad mood, it seems to me that people are looking at me, whispering for my back. When I have a good mood, even when I started talking loudly, "I would have returned to your aul," I just smile at them and go further. "Jokes" about a bomb or terrorism will be released mainly drunk young people. It seems to me that we have in our country to any person who differs from the majority will be a claim. The point is not even in the hijab - people will find what to find face.


I accepted Islam four years ago, but not immediately covered, but somewhere in a year. And all this year I suffered, realizing that the order to cover the same mandatory as prayer five times a day - and it concerns not only Muslim, but in general, all women. This is wisdom

Gentlemen, his classroom and mercy for us. The man is weak and proved to various collections from the side, so I could not immediately get covered - sometimes she tied something on his head, but it was not a hijab. Then I went to Morocco for the month of Ramadan, and there was an incident associated with health: I was physically very bad, I was very poisoned, and at the same time felt insignificant. It can happen with any person: when you feel well, it seems that everything can be what you have no barriers, but when the body gives a crash, you stop feeling omnipotent. I then completely weakened, and suddenly I wanted to be covered - I realized that without this I was not protected, even when I observe all the other orders of my religion. I felt that I used to be a hypocrisy, and immediately put on the hijab - returned to Moscow in it and did not take it anymore.

My friends and relatives responded surprisingly calmly - I did not feel aggression from anyone. I am always not quite trivial, therefore, probably, many perceived hijab as a part of some kind of new image, but no one asked any questions. By clothes I wore before, I do not miss at all - all the old things have already distributed. Now I think that self-expression through clothes and appearance - for those who cannot show themselves differently.

Sometimes I'm going to the subway, and it seems to me wild that not all women are covered that they show themselves

It is easy for me to observe Islam's prescriptions. When you understand who your creator is aware that in the first place is not your small things, but gratitude to God, you will always find five minutes to pray. People spend much more time at absolutely useless things. Prayer - inspiration, at this time you are leaving what is really important, and your little life acquires meaning. People who believe that this is a restriction of freedom is very mistaken. This is freedom - this life is finite, and the next eternal life must be prepared for her.

When I am covered, I feel protected. I can not imagine how I would go outside without hijab. There is no longguing for my hair waving the wind. Sometimes I'm going to the subway, and it seems to me wild that not all women are covered that they show themselves. After all, this is an order for everyone: all religions say that a woman should be as it were in a cocoon must be closed. Hijab protects women and other people's views, and from themselves. The woman after all the weak creature, from her the most of the troubles and dirt, and therefore it lies great responsibility - you should not put your beauty at the bottom. This universal rule is not temporary, not national, not cultural. For men, the analogue of the hijab is a beard, a symbol of masculinity and modesty.


I accepted Islam recently, in September last year. It all started with acquaintance with a young man who later became my husband. I liked his mood, his mentality, I asked questions, and he began to tell me about his religion. I remembered that five years

back I was thinking about accepting Islam, but then it moved into the background against the background of other bright events in life. The more I learned about Islam, the more I understood that the laws of Sharia agree on my understanding of the world. I found answers to many questions that I was tormented by all my life. And two months did not pass, as I clearly understood that I want to accept Islam, and came to the mosque already in the hijab.

My family reacted to my decision very negative. This problem is relevant for many newlyracted Muslims: many ask me what to do with the reaction of loved ones, how to deal with it, but I do not know. My relatives still do not respect my religion and try to put pressure on me so that I returned to your old life. They say that I was an ambitious girl with a big future, and now I became a Hangehog. It is unpleasant, and you need to work a lot, first of all above yourself, to overcome resistance and not to respond with a negative.

When I was just going to take Islam, I had no money at all to buy hijab. When my Muslim girlfriend asked why I was coated with a coating, I told that this is a financial problem, she laughed and gave me a hijab. I reached it to the house - I remember that I was already lying on the snow and there was almost winter, and at home I took it and in five minutes I went out on the street without a hijab, just in the usual scarf. Then it was very shameful.

When I accepted Islam and left the mosque in the hijab, I felt clean - as if it was just born. Previously, I noticed many interested views, chained to my body, and starting to wear hijab, began to notice other views - respectful. Hijab exalted me, and did not humiliate, it is a very interesting feeling. First of all, he protects against male views - from those who look at you as a piece of meat, and the hijab shrug off from the sins of the surrounding world.

I am very calm for oblique glads: in the past life I was bald, all in piercing and tattoos, so I got used to the rebupping

I am very calm for oblique glads: in the past life I was bald, all in piercing, tattoos and often looked like Lady Gaga, so I got used to the re-paper. Once I wanted to approach the woman on the street to ask the way, and she did not let me down to himself, began to shout and insult. It was ridiculous and a shame.

There are attacks when you look old photos and it seems I want to return to the "free" life - but when you ask yourself why, you understand that this makes no sense. For me, Islam is the truth, and even if I rent a hijab, stop praying and keep the post, I will stay Muslim and can not refuse it.

I think that the human worldview begins to form very early, even up to three years. If I have a daughter, I will explain to her since childhood that Hijab is a duty that goes to her. I think, with this upbringing, she herself wants to wear a hijab, and then - let's see how the Most High, and it will be.

To me, like many girls, I want to constantly buy new scarves and clothes - but it must be remembered that the waste is also a vice. I twist in rolls and put on the shelf with a pyramid. The most extravagant of my old things I left myself and put on at home, for her husband - when he comes home, I meet it very beautiful.

Previously, I was professionally engaged in sports, and now I took a pause, but in the future I plan to resume Powerlifting classes, at least at the amateur level. I will do in the sharovar and sweatshirt or long sports tunica. I am engaged in heavy athletics, there are no sharp movements like running or jumps, so such clothes do not constrain movements.

The Soviet Union has made its own adjustments, so the secular Islam is now much more common - "We all know, keep the basic rules, but we believe in the soul, so we do not wear a hijab." At the same time, in Kabardino-Balkaria, where I was born, many women begin to wear a scarf after marriage - this is rather not with religion, but with a local culture. The tradition was transformed in such a way that the handkerchief is not constantly being worn, but only under her husband's relatives: it turns out that if you live with my mother-in-law and mother-in-law, then you cover your head constantly, and if you go to your relatives once a month - you wear once a month.

I think, historically Hijab is really associated with the oppression of women (remember at least the Iranian religious revolution), but if no one forces the girl to be covered, and she herself wants it, she fucks it wildly. This is her right. In my region, girls are not forced to wear a handkerchief, but sometimes they grow up and come to it themselves. In the end, it is just a clothing element, ban hijab - how to ban pants. But when it is forced to force how, for example, in Iran or in Chechnya, where it is necessary to cover your head, hijab really becomes a symbol of oppression.

I think, historically hijab is really associated with the oppression of women, but if no one forces the girl to be covered, and she herself wants it, she fucks it wildly

Radical Muslims do not consider secular Islam real, and in something they are right: secular Muslims do not live along the canons that are registered in the Quran. This is actually a very deep topic, which in two words you will not tell. For me, the national identity has always been more important than religious. Probably, if I got married in the village and was supposed to wear a handkerchief before my husband's relatives, I would wear it, because it is a tribute to tradition. Many women in the North Caucasus wear a handkerchief, but it is not a hijab - they simply tie his knot from behind, the hair is visible. Often adult women allow the daughters not to wear a handkerchief at birth if they do not want. Of course, religious people can say that they live wrong and burned in hell, but in the Caucasus, they also learn and respect the elders - so there are two installations here.

Now it is generally difficult to surprise something: I have a friend who had previously wore Dreda and smoked in secret from the parents, and now goes to the hijab, there are rates - when women take a handkerchief. It often happens just after they disagree with radically religious men: when the husband goes into the Mountains of the militant, the wife understands that something went wrong, and gradually refuses Hijab. I have a friend who usually does not wear a hijab, but puts on a special black hooded hood at the time of Namaz. My aunt also goes - she's all such a secular, painted in a blonde, but makes Namaz and at that time covers his head. Religious guys say that it is impossible: in theory, you should look like in everyday life as during prayer, so that you never have a shame to seem before God.

Muslims shame at all for everything - for example, if you smoke and do Namaz, you will tell you that you are a hypocrite. It seems to me that it is wrong, because so Islam never adapts: accusing a man in hypocrisy for any inconsistencies with a strict norm, it is only pushing to radicalism.

Lyuba Kozorzov

Fariz Rodriguez

Illustrations and layout:
Dasha Chertanova

Katya Starostina

I never wrote anything personal about the wearing hijab, for I thought that it was written and so much. Sometimes I think that this aspect is given overly increased attention to the detriment of Islamic knowledge and worship.

The scarf is a symbol of Muslim and distinguishes it from other women. Many representatives of other denominations relate to it are wary or, on the contrary, try to understand the essence of the wearing hijab. So many Muslimians have already answered this question that I do not see much sense to add something else.

For those seven years that I am Muslim and fulfill the prescriptions of Islam, the question most often sounds: "Why do you wear it?"

This is hijab. Over the years, I also wore a bandana, covering hair, and chimar, fully hiding the outlines of the body and face. I like to choose the style of Hijab, the most suitable for my clothes and mood, find what I feel comfortable. Now my favorite style is free, with a lot of drapes. And my scarves reflect not so much ethnic, but a multicultural aspect.

The reason why I started to wear hijab is faith in Islamic prescriptions. I said Shakhada and became Muslim in the city, where the vast majority of the population wore Islamic clothes. Wearing hijab and even Night was not a problem and I did not feel the negative reaction of others. It was there norm, and I realized that I need to act in the same way.

Ayata Koran and the Khadith of the Prophet Muhammad (Salalylah Alayhi Va Sallam), as well as the testimony of his spouse and associates, of which it clearly shows the prescription to women to cover their heads and the whole body. So did the very first Muslimians.

Like most women, I sometimes hesitated about Hijab, but never questioned his obligation prescribed by Quran. There were moments when I was not covered because of work, when the employer does not allow Muslims to wear a headdress, despite the freedom of religious freedom guaranteed by the Constitution. But I have always experienced some kind of guilt due to the fact that he did not wear hijab, and felt that he should return to him.

In addition, a simple answer that I am Muslim and wearing a hijab is prescribed by a religion, does not satisfy many people, and they want to know why I need hijab, especially since other Muslims do not always cover their heads.

I can't answer the rest of Muslim and why they do not wear hijab, I can not say what they think on this issue. I can't judge them, because I do not know what kind of life circumstances they have. I can only say what my goal is and what is the advantage of wearing a handker.

Modesty. When I dare properly, I do not demonstrate the outlines of my body. People evaluate me not by clothes, but according to my actions and speeches, as far as I do my job well and how I interact with others, and not look, I am beautiful and relevant "fashionable" standards.
From the same point of view, I protect my beauty from prying eyes and keep it for my spouse. And he knows that he does not have to share me with anyone. In my direction, increased male attention was directed, and it does not make him feel insecure or me - feel disrespect for himself.
I differ markedly from others, because I am Muslim. Most people will inspire respect. They see that such a woman as I cannot whistle after or make obscene offers. They understand that you can not get acquainted with me at the bar or nightclub, and even on the street or in the office. There is a certain level of respect, when men do not belong to me the same way as other women around them, and believe that I will not become their easy prey. In fact, I noticed that most of them, and even Nemusulman, belong to me more than gentlemen! They open the door in front of me, give way to transport and help when I need it. In general, I feel great respect for others.
Wearing a Muslim headboron reminds me of my duties. I get even better when I wear a handkerchief, as he reminds me of what behavior and level of morality expect others from me. The situation is less likely that I lose my composure, and a high chance that I will be kind and merciful in difficult situations.

In my experience, Hijab is very helpful. Not only because he guarantees me protection and security, I also strive to please the Creator, fulfilling his prescriptions. I note that my life has become more comfortable due to the scarf.

Contrary to the fact that many think about my duty to wear hijab (and so-called suffering), I do not feel discomfort or infringement of my rights. The handkerchief opens up new opportunities in front of me and is my personal choice, and not by the consequence of the pressure from the family or anyone.

I am an independent American Muslim with a high degree of personal freedom and self-realization. The handkerchief never served me with an obstacle to achieving the goals, and made my life more comfortable, helped harmoniously interact with loved ones and society.

The spiritual and educational newspaper "AS-Salaam" in April 2010 was conducted a sociological study on the topic "What prevents woman to put on Hijab?" Readers vividly discussed this topic and sent a large number of SMS messages to the editorial office with different views on this issue. We think and visitors of the site site will be interesting to learn that in fact it prevents women to follow, Islamic requirements in clothing.

The opinion of the people:

If a woman has a desire to put on Hijab, nothing hurts her! (8-928 ... 07)

For example, I interfere with the views of others. They will immediately say: as they did not dwell, and now she decided to wear a hijab ... (8-988 ... 87)

Girls and women do not wear hijab, looking at the opinion of others. (8-988 ... 56)

Putting the hijab prevents self-satisfaction, weak imman or hypocrisy. (8-963 ... 08)

Women are not solved to put on Hijab, because they are looking at them, they do not take a job, in some places, even in schools do not allow him to wear it, unreasonably claiming that the school is secular. (8-928 ... 93)

I really want to put on hijab, but it is very difficult to make this step, I miss the support of loved ones to help me, so that I fully realize that my act is right. (8-928 ... 10)

Lack of religious principles, knowledge. I think: the parents who do not invest a sense of duty, responsibility to the Most High, and the one, in turn, is also not aware of the importance of respect for religion. And if you add everything to one thing, it turns out that putting the hijab prevents the lack of faith that decorates any woman so much! (8-928 ... 76)

To put on the hijab woman nothing bothers. Now not the time as before. The main thing is that she wanted it. (8-963 ... 31)

Interferes from arrogance. And some do not allow parents. I do not understand: why don't they want their daughter in a scarf? They are mistaken, believing that if you dissolve your hair, give up, etc., they will look beautiful. Where are the brothers look?! Well, what a father, such a son! (8-988 ... 02)

The opinion of relatives, curious views of others, the thoughts that the hijab does not go to you. Inshallah, I will overcome and put on Hijab! (8-928 ... 48)

They are ashamed, they can "do not match fashion." There are girls who come to the university in the hijabs and dress up in open clothing so that they are not called "old-fashioned." (8-988 ... 24)

What prevents to put on Hijab to our Dagestan women? This, first of all, fear of losing attention of foreign men. Of course, many of this will be denyed, but it is so. (8-928 ... 51)

Wearing hijab is the responsibility of every Muslim woman. But, unfortunately, many people do not recognize this, saying that before Hijab did not wear that it was "Fashion that came from Saudi Arabia." Perhaps this is prevented from putting on hijab. But I spent a survey among my girlfriends: many answered that Hijab did not fit them that they were not yet ready for it and that people would start talking to any gossip. (8-960 ... 86)

Unfortunately, a woman in the hijab is rarely taken to state work. (8-928 ... 89)

Hijab wear me all my relatives. I do Namaz, because of what no one understands me. And if I put on Hijab - it will stop communicating with me at all! (8-928 ... 55)

A woman in the hijab is a real woman, but some condemn them: they say, they hide behind the hijab, whereas are the sinful themselves. (8-928 ... 72)

First of all, this is the weakness of Iman, and in the second place, the woman is ready to put on everything that man likes. If the hijab liked the majority, then women would wear hijab without a doubt! (8-928 ... 82)

I do not understand women who, having a husband and children, do not listen to them and do not wear hijab. It turns out that she is not enough to pay a husband and want to attract the attention of other men - so they, without understanding, turn out to be in sin. (8-928 ... 01)

There is nothing more beautiful than hijab, isn't it? I dreamed of putting it and decided, in spite of any obstacles, Alchamduullch! Mom and all native prohibit it to wear it, but with Allah I overcome these obstacles - what I wish and everyone else! (8-928 ... 94)

Personally, I do not give my parents to put on the hijab. I tried to explain to them that it is very important. But I do not justify myself. If the faith is strong - the girl will not stop anything. We are afraid of people more than anger of Allah. (8-928 ... 99)

Today, Muslims in the hijabs do not give rest to the Society: dismissed from work, exclude from schools or universities, they suffer humiliating statements to their address. But what to do, Allah Judge this is ignorant. Dear Muslims! We can only gain patience and wait for Imam Mahdi. (8-928 ... 52)

Lack of a decent man. In the time of the Prophet Adam (peace to him), wheat grain was the size of an ostrich egg. Over time, as the grace on Earth decreases, decreased in size and grain. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing) did Dua so that the grain did not disappear at all. Until our time, grain reached so small. So the men are so "crushed", with the exception of a small number of righteous people, that it is time for us to do all the DUA, so that the latter does not disappear! Next to the real man in women do not have problems with Hijab. (8-988 ... 92)

At this time, Hijab put on Hijab women hinder confusion-wahhabites, (followers Dajala), who, Naja Hijab, explode in no obey people. (8-988 ... 40)

If you have your answer to the question: "Why not all Muslims wear hijab?" You can send your extensive articles to our email address.

The action of the ban on Burkini is a Muslim bathing suit. Nevertheless, French resort cities that tried to introduce such a ban, resist this solution. The scandal around Burkini touched not only France - it is actively discussed worldwide; The key moment of this discussion is associated with a long-standing problem of intolerance to Muslim clothing in secular western countries. At the request of "jellyfish", Akhmet Jarlikapov - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Institute of International Studies of Mgimo, is responsible for shameful questions about Hijab and Paranzha.

What is a terraja? And how does she differ from the hijab?

Paraja is an Islamic object of clothing. "Classical" (Central Asian) Barraja is a long bathrobe with false sleeves, which hides the whole body, leaving only a face open. The person is usually covered with a chapan - a dense mesh from a horse-hairy, which can be lifted and lowered.

Burring looks like a lane, but this is another kind of Muslim clothing. Burk - this is a bedspread that closes the body with a head, for the eye in it leave the slot to the slot. Forbidden in France, the Muslim bathing suit of Burkini to the beam is not related. First, Burkini does not cover the faces of a woman, and secondly, this is a suit, and not covered; His task is to hide the outlines of the body of a bathing woman.

From other types of female Muslim clothing, Chadra is common - light covers, usually dark color, closing the whole body of a woman from head to feet. Chadra itself does not cover the face, for this can be used an additional piece of fabric or head cape, hiding hair and woman's face and leaving only a slot for the eyes.

Many varieties of Muslim hats in Europe are called hijab. It is incorrect because Hijab is any women's clothing corresponding to Sharia standards. Such clothes should close the whole body and hair of a woman; Unblend can be left only the face, handbrushes and legs below the ankle. It can be a handkerchief, a jacket with long sleeves and a skirt to the floor.

Do all Muslims have to wear a barge?

Not. Believers Muslims must wear hijab's strangers - clothes, closing body and hair (by the way, the Burkini costume is required on the beach, because in essence it is a bathing version of the hijab). There are countries in which all women are obliged to wear hijab, and regardless of religion, - such a requirement exists in Iran and Saudi Arabia. In secular countries there are no such responsibilities for women: for example, in Turkey until recently, women even forbidden to appear in Hijab in government agencies. However, today Turkey weakened this ban somewhat; Now women may appear in the hijab in the state educational institution.

In the Quran about hijab, something says?

Yes. About how believers Muslims should look like, they say mostly in two vehicles (that is, verses) of the Quran. In one of them (Sura 24 "Light", Ayat 31) It is said that women should "lower their eyes", "not to expose our gloves" and "cover with their coat cutouts on the chest." It also said that Muslimians cannot "show their beauty" to anyone, except relatives and few approximations, which are allowed in the house (for example, servants and children).

Another verse (Sura 33 "Sonslam", Ayat 59) also indicates to believers for the need to "lower the covers": "On the prophet! Tell your wives, your daughters and women of believers, so that they give their bedspreads on them (or closer). So they will be easier to learn (distinguish from slaves and harlots) and they will not be insulted. Allah - forgive, merciful. "

Why are women carrying a barge?

This is not always due to the norms of Islam. Sometimes the requirement to wear clothes, fully hiding the female body, is due, rather, cultural features. Barraja is connected with the tradition of female maidity, which was distributed in the Middle East before the origin of Islam. The tradition was supported by local moral and ethical standards, an integral part of which were the principles of chastity and spiritual purity. The recovery was distributed in the midst of the city elite, and the Jews lived in this tradition, and Christians, and now there are so many higher castes of Hindus.

With the arrival of Islam, the phenomenon gained religious justifications and was widely distributed, going beyond the highest sections of society. Muslim norms provided additional legitimization of the lag and similar species of women's clothing - despite the fact that the requirements of close the face with outsiders are not even in strict Islamic norms. "Excess" Islamic requirements just evidence of the cultural roots of this clothing.

But after all, Paraja suppresses the will of a woman?

Hard to tell. On the one hand, women's capes covering them, isolate them from the rest of society, this is a symbol of their indity. Wearing a terraja or burku usually require supporters of the most conservative forms of Islam, who believe that the role of a woman in society is limited by cares about the family. In such communities, women can actually be forced to wear a larjee or beam, and often the initiative comes from older women.

In some countries, the appearance of a woman on the street without traditional clothes can directly threaten her life and health - in such a situation it is difficult to argue about the voluntary choice.

On the other hand, many Muslims voluntarily wear this garment, guided by deep religious views. In addition, at one time the lamp was considered the clothes of women from wealthy families, that is, in some sense, the symbol of wealth and influence.

Moreover, it is impossible to give an unambiguous assessment of the hijaba. In modern Western countries, non-dried dyeing women are clogged in it, but, as a rule, citizens of these states. They emphasize what the hijab is worn, because they themselves want it. For such Muslims, Hijab is a way of their self-identification and a symbol of their freedom, including the very freedom of choice, for which the defenders of women's rights in the West are.

Does Islamic countries move against the parandi and other similar clothes?

Yes there is. For example, in Iran on social networks, the movement of My Stealthy Freedom ("My Secret Freedom" is gaining momentum, the initiator of which Iranka Masih Alindjad became the initiator of which in London. Supporters of this movement oppose the mandatory wearing of Hijab and publish their photos on the Internet with a uncoated head, in modern clothes and with makeup. Judging by the official site of the movement, the number of his supporters is already more than a million people. In social networks, the movement of Iranian men who wear hijabs in support of their wives are also popular.

Why in France banned a barge?

This is not quite true. In France, they were not banned by Parandju - there is a ban on the emergence of other religious clothes in government agencies in the country. That is, it is more correct to talk about the restriction on wearing some types of clothing in some places - in the space that the secular state considers "its own." In addition, for security reasons in France, it was forbidden to appear in public places in the clothes hiding face and shape. As far as can be judged, the discussions are coming precisely how to combine the principle of secularity with the right to freedom of religion and free of self-expression.

Infographics: TUT infographics group

The Arabic people have a very long and ancient history. People living in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan and many other countries have deep beliefs, views, beliefs that Europeans seem strange. In the Arab hearts and souls there are solid ideas about the world and religion. Along with this, the Muslim people has their own traditions, and one of these traditions is that women are obliged to wear black clothes.

All Arab women walk in black

This is a deep delusion. Not all of them dressed and dressed in a black outfit. Almost all colors are permissible. But there are some shades that, according to the Sharia, wearing Muslim women are forbidden. She can wear clothes of any color, but provided that it does not wear the so-called male color. A woman should also wear clothes that do not attract a strong sex. There are many representatives of the Arab Republic dressed in relatively motley colors. This clothing is characteristic of rural and Bedouin women. The head they soak very tightly, not too worrying about the hairstyle. But the city ladies have introduced black color. They abandoned such bright outfits. Green Abai (Arab Women's Clothing) remained and remaining popular. These things look quite harmonious on them.

Arab culture

Regarding the Arab national clothes, it should hide the female body completely, with the exception of hands and stop brushes. Such an outfit is still practical application. In Arab countries, a very hot climate, therefore, the role of this clothing was to protect against scoring sunlight, as well as protection against dust and sand. That is why we can safely say that the clothing of Arab women has not only a religious bias, but also practical. Many years ago, artificially made face masks and scarves were put on the face. Despite the fact that now the hats look much simpler, the handkerchief for Arab ladies continues to be an integral part of the wardrobe. Muslim woman is obliged to wear a veil - this is traditional clothes that originates from the times of Assyria. We have always considered to walk with a covered head. In Arab countries, this is regarded as a sign of humility. Women's semi is taken to wear black abay. This type of clothing was considered virtue.

So, as mentioned above, black women's clothing in Arab countries - deep delusion. Women can dress very diverse and bright. Just the living conditions in these latitudes forced women to walk exactly so.