Crafts that can be made from straws for a cocktail. Interesting ideas for crafts from straws for a cocktail

Very often, parents think about what is interesting and new to captivate a child, so that classes are useful for kids. An excellent option would be crafts from tubes of juice.

vase with flower

Such a product can be presented as a souvenir to mom, grandmother or aunt. They will be pleased to receive gifts in the form of crafts made from juice tubes, which the baby himself made with his own hands. The child will like this task, especially since it is not difficult to make a vase, and the result will be bright and beautiful.

To make such crafts from juice tubes, in addition to the usual set of materials and tools, you will need plasticine, rubber bands, a disposable plate and a postcard. Various bows, ribbons, etc. will come in handy for decoration.

For stability, all tubes are cut in half and fastened with stationery rubber bands. The design is glued to a disposable plate or postcard. Next, the vase needs to be decorated with satin ribbons and a bow.

Now you should move on to making a flower. To do this, all the tubes from the juice must be cut into pieces of 2-3 cm. The entire flower will consist of individual inflorescences. They are made from small pieces of tubes, one of the sides of which is cut into small fringes. Ready inflorescences are inserted into each other and attached to a plasticine ball. The more inflorescences you get, the more magnificent the flower will be. When it is completely ready, you need to combine the entire structure, and the craft is ready.

Crafts for the New Year: Christmas toys from tubes

Children always look forward to the New Year holidays, and to make the preparations even more interesting and fun, you can make a Christmas tree toy yourself.

For work you will need cocktail tubes, scissors, a thread and a needle. First of all, the tubes are cut into 8 parts of 5 cm and 4 parts of 4 cm. You need to connect four parts of 4 cm to each other with a needle and thread. The part is fixed with a knot, but the thread is not cut.

The two vertices of the triangle are connected from above, the other two - from below. On one of the resulting vertices, a loop is fixed for hanging, and on the other, a bead or bell.

And although New Year's crafts from straws look much simpler than purchased decorations, a toy made by a child's hands will take pride of place on the Christmas tree.

Photo frame

Craft in the form of a photo frame made of juice tubes looks bright, and at the same time it is very practical. The frame will perfectly fit into the design of the children's room, and for its manufacture you will not need special materials, everything you need is at hand.

Crafts from juice tubes in the form of a photo frame are made quickly and easily. The first step is to prepare a cardboard base that will match the size of the photo. Next, you should measure the length of the corners of the frame and cut out the corresponding segments from the tubes. They are glued on the sides. After that, you need to cut out many of the same segments from multi-colored tubes and glue them to the cardboard base with glue or double-sided tape.

A photo is attached to the back, and the frame is ready. If desired, you can additionally attach a piece of cardboard so that the frame stands confidently on a horizontal surface.

Crafts from tubes from baby juice: geometric figures for educational games

Thanks to such designs with a child in a playful way, you can study entertaining geometry. Simple and original crafts will help to have an interesting time and easily explain to the baby what geometric shapes are.

First, try to make a pyramid. To do this, it is necessary to fold the short part of the tube along, it is inserted into the long part. Thus, a triangle is obtained. Identical figures are fastened together with adhesive tape and combined into a pyramid. In a similar way, you can add a wide variety of figures: pentagons, squares, etc.

Crafts from juice tubes for children will be a great occasion for entertaining games and will help your child remember new geometric shapes.


Girls of all ages love jewelry. Younger children can be offered to make crafts from juice tubes in the form of decorations. They are perfect for summer holidays, especially if you are going to go to the sea. The little fashionista will look like a mermaid.

It is very easy to make such decorations. The tubes from the juice are cut into segments of different sizes. They need to be strung on a thick thread, but it is better to use a fishing line. Details alternate among themselves in color, they can be diluted with various beads. In a similar way, bracelets and necklaces are created that will delight a young fashionista.

original crafts

Plastic straws from cocktails provide ample opportunities for the manufacture of various shapes of lampshades and shades for lamps. It can take several hundred tubes to create a stylish and original lamp. They are simply folded in half and threaded through holes in the fabric.

Small nightlights can simply be pasted over with small multi-colored pieces of cocktail tubes. All kinds of coasters, candlesticks and other items are decorated in a similar way. The lampshade can be decorated much easier: just glue it with tubes.

To end up with a really original little thing, you need to experiment with the sizes and placement options for the tubes. They can be cut at one of the tips to end up with unusual voluminous decor items.

To create crafts from juice tubes in the form of a stand, you just need to take a tin can and also glue it over with tubes, alternating parts of various colors and sizes. This will make a wonderful organizer for pens, pencils or a cute vase.

You should not stop there, there are various crafts for the New Year. You can make an original New Year's wreath on the door from juice tubes. You just need to make a round cardboard base, glue it with tubes of different sizes and decorate the craft with a bow. In this way, you can make smaller snowflakes.


Every year, multiple fast food chains serve more than 50 million cocktail tubes along with drinks. And these are just statistics from the US. There are a lot of plastic straws in landfills. However, they don't have to be thrown away. After all, crafts made from juice tubes will help diversify your leisure time and captivate your child. Such bright gizmos can decorate not only the children's room, but also the Christmas tree. The child will be delighted with such activities aimed at his development.

What can be made from thread for knitting? Of course, something to tie, so the majority will say. And if you add tubules for a cocktail to the threads? Such materials will make an interesting basket in the shape of a heart, and its creation is demonstrated in our master class - crafts from straws for a cocktail with your own hands.

But the master class is a little later. And now I want to show what in general the world has come up with from cocktail tubes: coasters, bracelets, postcards, even hair ties! Detailed ideas in the video.

Video - tube crafts

Master class - an organizer of tubes and threads

To make our basket, we will prepare:

  • cardboard;
  • red sheet of paper;
  • tubes for a cocktail;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • beads;
  • Knitting;
  • glue stick.

The bottom of our basket will be made of cardboard, which needs to be decorated with red paper. First, fold a sheet of paper in half, after which we draw the outline of a heart with a pencil. Cut along the marked line.

Now, along this contour, we cut out a template from cardboard.

Glue the red heart onto the cardboard.

Next, you need to outline the places for fixing the frame, which we will make from the tubes. We mark with a pencil the points for gluing them, there should be an odd number of such places, only in this case we will get the weaving of the side walls of our basket.

Now we need to decide on the height of our basket. We decided that its height would be about 4 cm. Therefore, we cut the cocktail tubes into pieces of this length. Given our template, we need 23 such blanks.

We will glue them to the bottom with hot glue. We apply a drop of glue on the base, after which we apply a tube.

So we need to glue all the blanks from the tubes.

After that, we begin to weave around the entire circumference of our craft. Finish off by tying a knot.

This is how our weaving should look like.

We decorate the upper ends of the tubes with red beads. Fix them with hot glue.

Our heart-shaped basket made of tubes and threads is ready.

Weaving from newspaper tubes is a very popular activity, and this is not surprising: something had to come to replace the traditional weaving from a vine. crafts paper is obtained no worse, and most importantly, weaving from tubes is available to both adults and children - you just need to prepare more material. This is what we will do today: we present a master class for beginners in making newspaper tubes.

Materials and tools

Paper. Let's go to the blanks of the "paper vine"! What is better to make tubes for weaving? First of all from old newspapers. Newsprint paper is thin, curls well, absorbs ink well. Low weight A4 paper (60-65 g/m2) is also suitable. It is called "newspaper" or "consumer", "writing".

In addition, magazines, old notebooks, cash tape, etc. can be used to make tubes.

How to cut paper
Paper is a fibrous material, and, like fabric, it has a longitudinal and transverse direction of the fibers. Usually, small format newspapers (57x40 cm) have fibers along the long side, and large ones (84x57 cm) along the short side. In A4 paper, the fibers often run along the long side, but sometimes paper cut across by manufacturers comes across. Before cutting the entire stack into strips, check the curl of the material on one of the sheets. Lay the sheet on a damp surface - it will begin to roll itself into a roll in the longitudinal direction. In this direction, and you need to cut.

Glue. To work with newspaper tubes, you can choose any glue suitable for paper. For example, PVA or glue stick. It is important that it has good fixing properties, otherwise your tubes may unwind during painting.

Density also matters. If the glue is too liquid, the tubes will soak when building up.

Wood stains water-based will help to paint paper tubes in the colors of pine, maple, oak, rosewood and even ebony wood. On sale you can find about two dozen shades. There is a stain in powder, which is diluted with water before work.

A mixture of building primer and color also very well suited for coloring tubules. Before work, be sure to dilute the primer with water, as indicated in the instructions on the bottle. Keep in mind that paper is a highly absorbent surface.

How else to color the tubes
To give the tubes the desired color, you can use paints for wool, fabric, printer, food coloring, hot decoction of onion peel, brilliant green and potassium permanganate.

Varnish. To make your work durable and not afraid of dampness, it needs to be varnished. Any wood varnish will work, but acrylic is best for indoors. It is odorless, after application it dries quickly and becomes transparent, forming a protective film.

Needles and skewers. To twist paper strips into tubes, you will need knitting needles of different diameters - from 1.5 to 4.5 mm - or wooden barbecue skewers. Tubes twisted on a thin needle, most of all look like a vine. They are dense and almost do not wrinkle during weaving. And on a thick needle, tubes are obtained that are easy to flatten. And if they are twisted from very thin paper, then they can be woven like straws.

Scissors or knife. You will need one of these tools to cut newspapers into strips. But twisted tubes are best cut with wire cutters.

Spray needed to moisten dry tubes: sprinkle them with water and put them in a plastic bag. They will become flexible and obedient again. Also, a spray gun can be used to apply paint to crafts.

brushes used for painting finished crafts and - sometimes - tubules. You will need a wide and thin brush.

Clothespins fix the tubes, prevent the weaving from blooming and facilitate gluing parts.

Shilom make holes, push the rows of weaving apart, drag the tubes between them.

Making newspaper tubes

  1. Cut the newspaper along the long side into several pieces. The two stripes along the edges are the most valuable, they make white tubes. The central stripes will also go into action. Tubes with letters look good in weaving, emphasizing the unusual nature of the material.

  1. It is best to twist the tubes on a table with a rough surface. Attach the needle to one side of the paper strip at an angle of approximately 30°. If there is a limiter on the spoke, then it must be behind the surface of the table.

  1. Wrap the corner of the newspaper at the same angle and press firmly.

  1. With your right hand, turn the knitting needle, gradually twisting the tube, with your left hand, hold the newspaper.

  1. Put a little glue on the corner of the strip, roll it up to the end and let the glue grab.

  1. Take out the needle. Since we started to twist the strip from the side of the text, the tube turned out to be white.

The width of the paper strips depends on what kind of product you have in mind. If you decide to weave something large, then the width of the strip should be 8-10 cm. For a small craft, 6-7 cm is enough. The narrower the strip, the thinner the knitting needle should be. Stripes 10 cm wide are best wound on a needle with a diameter of 2.5 mm. For a strip 6 cm wide, a knitting needle with a diameter of 1.5 mm is suitable.

Tubule extension

If you twisted the tube correctly, then on one side it will be slightly wider than on the other. In this case, to build one tube, you just need to insert 1.5-2 cm into another.

If the ends of the tubes turned out to be the same, then to build up, fold one end with a “corner” or cut it at an acute angle.

To make the connection strong and reliable, use glue.


It is convenient to paint newspaper tubes in a tray with a small amount of liquid or dip several pieces at once into a bottle with a wide neck. You can paint with a wide brush on a surface previously covered with oilcloth, slightly scrolling the tubes. It is best to dry them on a wire rack or stacked in a woodpile.

If you want to paint the finished craft, do it first with a wide brush, and then with a thin one, carefully smearing the cracks. You can also give the work the desired color with a spray gun or by immersing it in a container with a coloring agent and slowly turning it.

Next time we will weave the first figures from newspaper tubes.

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Comment on the article "Newspaper tubes for weaving - do-it-yourself: a master class"

Craft according to technology class 2 "basket of flowers": they gave out 2 sheets, the child only understood that it should be glued onto cardboard. DIY crafts from newspaper tubes are a great opportunity to diversify summer holidays with children.


These are stencils that need to be transferred to cardboard. "Toilet-top view" is the basket, which must be cut out along solid lines and wrapped with threads, "three pieces" - round and drop-shaped elements for making flowers, they also need to be wrapped with threads. From the received, assemble the panel "basket of flowers" Strelka - you need to wind threads on it, so that it is more convenient to wrap the blanks. Something like this!

Don't have a textbook? As I understand it, if Rogovtseva's textbook, then you need to make a basket out of thread :)

DIY crafts from newspaper tubes: hedgehog and owlet. If I just saw a photo without a title of the article, I would never guess what they are made of .. Comment on the article "DIY crafts from newspaper tubes ...

Do-it-yourself newspaper tubes for weaving: a master class. Mushrooms went crazy. take a maple leaf, circle and cut out of color. cardboard. cut out 2 things with glue. an ice cream stick in the middle. finally ... a folder for work.


Please help me make a puppet with strings

09/23/2018 20:06:01, Vaprrrpka

Good day!
I can tell you as a 5th grade student.
We are assigned laboratory work on technology (labor) and there is nothing complicated about it.
Although my mom almost always grumbles when I bring something home to finish.

DIY crafts from newspaper tubes: hedgehog and owlet. Cute animals turned out. If I just saw a photo without the title of the article, I would never have guessed what they were made of. Homework for work!


in my case, in general, a woman does work, they make wood, threes and twos are a common thing for work. in the 5th grade in the first quarter, all the boys in the class were given a mark of no higher than 4. my hands grow from the wrong place, to the music. they play instruments, but tinkering - it doesn’t work out according to the requirements of the teacher, I had to send my father-in-law to the school - he is very handy, the teacher repaired the machines in the class, she softened :))))

We have 2 boys instead of "going work" attend labor lessons with girls - sewing and cooking. The mothers wrote a statement to the director and they were transferred without any problems. Maybe you can follow this path - cooking is also useful for a boy :-)

See other discussions: Do-it-yourself newspaper tubes for weaving: a master class. DIY paper crafts: a paddle turntable. Glue a circle with a diameter of 3.5 cm, cut out of black paper, to the middle of the “flower”.


I made mushrooms last year - printed on a color printer - just need to mirror the image!! to glue on 2 sides. I took the sticks in a Japanese restaurant - a security guard was having fun there - they took out 20 pieces to me, I say save me, I need to go to the garden - it was at 10 pm, I got caught in a downpour and was like a wet unfortunate chicken.

Mushrooms went crazy.


Draw pictures from books. Children like it :-) Color them and get a stained glass window, cut it out, hang it. "Permanent markers" work well, not those for transparencies. And just to draw on transparencies, children are usually inspired by new material.

Find a piece of plexiglass (solid transparent plastic), screw it to some kind of base so that it sticks out vertically. Fasten the transparent with clothespins, put objects behind and trace on the transparent along the contour. It is convenient to close one eye and keep the head still. It turns out projection. You can take the design with you to the railway and in general to the open air and study the prospect. Or to the airport - to circle the planes, to the zoo - animals. If the view from the window is interesting, you can fasten it to the glass and do the same.

You can cut out a ghost or a hobbit invisible in the ring if you are building scenes. Or windows if you are building a house.

for pictures (of course, drawn by a child) instead of glasses in frames;
box, cut off one side - in the box, as in a showcase, you make a composition. For example "aquarium" or something else;
redraw pictures (as they redraw on tracing paper), then either color them (with an alcohol marker?), Cut them out, etc.
windows for houses made of cardboard boxes;
handbags for fashionistas (cut out the shape, make holes along the edges with a hole punch, connect the details of the handbag with narrow colored ribbons);
glasses (so, for pampering :));

This is what immediately came to mind. If I think of anything else, I'll write.

DIY crafts from newspaper tubes: hedgehog and owlet. Weaving from newspaper tubes resembles weaving from a vine, and even very young children have been doing it for a long time. Today we offer the first weaving lesson - a master class on making from newspaper ...

DIY crafts from newspaper tubes: hedgehog and owlet. Newspaper hut. After all, this is a fabulous holiday for children! The work "Fairy meadow" was made by the girl Anya together with her parents.

Weaving from vines, straw and other plant fibers is a fascinating business, but ordinary newspaper tubes can become a modern alternative to them. After all, natural materials are quite capricious, you should spend a lot of effort on their proper preparation, which is very problematic in an apartment.

Therefore, weaving from paper vines is rapidly gaining popularity. This hobby requires minimal investment, and the products are very beautiful and durable. In addition, you can easily get rid of piles of accumulated newspapers and magazines, turning them into hand-made masterpieces and delighting your friends with unusual presents.

In this article, we will reveal all the secrets: how to make newspaper tubes and color them, how to properly prepare a hand-made paper vine for weaving, and other little tricks so that your crafts are perfect.

What to make a paper vine

If you decide to turn mountains of waste paper into elegant baskets and planters, we support your desire to make this world a better place, and we will help you choose the right material for making paper vines.


We recommend starting your acquaintance with a fashionable hobby with straws. from newspapers. Firstly, it is the cheapest, more precisely, even a free consumable. Secondly, they are soft and obedient. Newspaper pages are easy to roll into a neat tube, even an absolute beginner can handle this activity.

Consumer paper 45-48 g/m2

If you don't find any deposits of unnecessary newspapers, visit the nearest stationery store and purchase a couple of packs of consumer paper. It can also be found under the names offset or newspaper.
Fax paper can also be attributed to this category of raw materials. Its density will also allow you to harvest tubes without problems.

glossy magazines

If you have accumulated a whole collection of glossy magazines that you can’t throw away, then use it for a good cause. Magazine pages, all kinds of flyers and even leaflets are also suitable for twisting tubules. But we want to warn you right away: the products from them are rough. In addition, a dense glossy vine is more difficult to paint than paper.

Therefore, such rigid tubes are most often used to create frames for large products, frames, mirrors and shelves. That is, everything that requires additional strength and rigidity of the structure.

Office paper

This is the most unsuitable material due to the rather high density (A4 / A3 office paper has a density of 80 g / m2). The tubes from it are too dense and unyielding. Using office paper of any size, you will encounter difficulties already at the preparation stage: it will take much longer to roll it into a tube than when using other types of raw materials. And the most important thing: the finished vine will turn out to be too stiff, it will be difficult to lay it in weaving, and twists and creases will be noticeable in the finished product.

After analyzing all of the above, we can highlight our favorites. Leading by a large margin in terms of the number of advantages newspapers and newsprint (aka consumer) paper with a density of 45-48 g / m². It is this raw material that we recommend using for the preparation of paper vines.

How to twist paper tubes

It's time to move from theory to practice and learn how to twist newspaper tubes correctly and quickly. At first, this may seem like something prohibitively complicated. But in this case, the main thing is to start and adapt. A little training - and you will see that the spell that prevented your fingers from obeying has dissipated and the tubes will begin to turn out almost by themselves.

For work you will need:
The thinner the base (knitting needle), the higher quality raw materials for your masterpieces you can produce. Therefore, immediately strive for the ideal and try to gradually accustom yourself to folding the thinnest dense tubes.

We are preparing a newspaper

They are distinguished by the presence or absence of a pure white edge. Tubes rolled from strips with a clean newspaper edge will be white and without lettering. Products from the remaining strips will be with a typographic font or drawings.

To weave medium-sized products, you will need to use a knitting needle 1 mm or 1.5 mm thick and strips 7-10 cm wide. Remember, the thinner the paper, the wider the strip should be for twisting the tube.

Develop your experience and experiment with the thickness of the workpieces that is convenient for you. In the meantime, we recommend that for medium-sized crafts, when using a 1-1.5 mm knitting needle, take strips of newsprint 7-8 cm wide, and for massive products, increase the width of the strips to 10 cm.

We do not recommend twisting long tubes for a full spread of a newspaper sheet, since with such a length of the strip the tube does not turn out to be even. Hence, there are problems with building up and, as a result, with the appearance of the product. So we recommend that beginners abandon long tubes of more than 40 cm, and twist tubes from strips 30 cm long, as a result, you will no longer have problems with building up and the appearance of the product will undoubtedly improve.

The main secret of successful paper preparation is to cut it at the grain.

When cutting the first strips, beginners often notice that in one direction everything goes like clockwork, while in the other it is much more difficult to cut, and the cut turns out to be “shaggy”. Similar difficulties can be encountered when twisting the vine.

These apparent anomalies are related to the direction of the cellulose fibers in the paper sheet. That is, before cutting, you need to determine their location.

Method number 1

Tear the newspaper in different directions (vertically and horizontally). The tear along the fiber will be smooth and straight, its edges will be less shaggy. Accordingly, the breaks across the fibers will be uneven. For this method of verification, a familiar but slightly modified rule is suitable from childhood: tear seven times - cut one.

Method number 2

Fold a sheet of paper in two perpendicular directions and iron the folds with your fingers. The fold going along the fibers will be smooth and even to the touch, which turned out to be across - rough and slightly broken.

From the foregoing, we formulate a simple but very important rule: always cut strips for tubes along the paper fibers.

Spinning on a spoke

Now it's time to learn how to twist your first straws from newspapers for weaving. Be patient and watch step-by-step photos, everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance, just do not forget to strictly follow our instructions.

Advice: it will not be very convenient to twist on a bare table, since the paper slides on a smooth surface and does not adhere well to the knitting needle. We advise you to twist on a silicone baking mat, these are sold in hardware stores, in Ikea, in Fix Price.

It is desirable that the surface be slightly rubberized, then the hitch will be very good, the knitting needle will not fidget and the tube will be wound more tightly. Be sure to pay attention to this important nuance!

Some craftswomen advise using a piece of vinyl wallpaper instead of expensive rugs. Vinyl also gives great grip and is a budget option.

Experiment with the choice of bedding and rugs, only in this way you will understand what will be more convenient for you to do this.

Let's summarize. Ideal tube parameters:
  • the same width along the entire length;
  • consists of parallel turns;
  • tight, dense and does not unwind;
  • without a large cavity in the middle.
The first tube turned out to be far from ideal, and the process of twisting it seems too laborious? Do not despair! Show patience and perseverance, do not chase speed and quantity, accustom yourself to the idea that the main thing is the quality of your paper vine. Experienced craftswomen wind more than two hundred tubes in an hour, while watching their favorite TV shows. So everything is in your hands - literally and figuratively.

We paint newspaper tubes

Newspaper gurus are advised to use for work already painted vine. And do not paint the finished product after weaving. As a rule, products of complex shape are difficult to paint over completely, and gaps look untidy and spoil the overall impression.

Therefore, the next thing you have to learn is how to dye paper tubes for weaving. You can color them in a variety of ways and substances.

Tip: if you have tubes from a newspaper, then it is advisable to sort those with a print separately, white - separately, with letters - separately. It will be more convenient when coloring.

wood stain

For our purposes, you can use wood stain both water-based and alcohol-based. Non-aqueous stain has a strong odor and should be handled in a well-ventilated area, ideally on a balcony or outdoors.

Water-based stain is more pleasant to work with: there is no smell, the tone lays down more evenly, although it dries a little longer.

Using a water stain, you can:

  • paint undiluted or dilute it with water, achieving the desired shade;
  • add varnish (colorless water-based acrylic), building primer or special dyes (colours) to it.

Approximate proportions for the stain-lacquer-water composition:
4-8 tablespoons are added to 0.5 l of diluted stain. varnish. Its exact amount depends on the thickness of the varnish itself.

Paint the paper tubes with this mixture (by bathing / dipping in the solution, or by smearing with a brush). Immediately after that, put them on a wire rack or on an upside-down shoe box lid and blow a little with a hair dryer so that they do not stick together. Leave them to dry until desired softness. Store them in a plastic bag without closing the ends.

Already painted tubes can still be treated with Dufa impregnation diluted with water after they have completely dried. After that, they need to be dried with a hairdryer and folded into a bag, leaving the tips open. This allows you to get an elastic, obedient vine. And the dryness of the tips will provide us with a trouble-free extension of the tubes.

Weaving craftswoman Lada Ligay conducted an experiment with water stains of different colors, see what result certain colors give on the tubes (we would like to note that stains from different companies can give slightly different final shades).

Experiment with mixing stains of two different colors:

Painting with colors

This coloring method allows you to experiment with shades to your heart's content: you can get a bright fuchsia color, rich brown, natural straw color or noble coffee color. It all depends on the assortment of the hardware store closest to you.

Saturated colors you get by mixing color, water and building primer (or varnish).

Pastel shades are obtained by combining color with water and acrylic white enamel.

When painting with colors, be sure to use color fixers (lacquer, enamel, primer). because without it, pipes can stain hands.

For a bright color, choose a primer or varnish, and do not pour enamel! Another important point: the color must be added to the enamel or varnish and mixed thoroughly. Only then can the mixture be diluted warm water. Otherwise, the color will not dissolve in water and you will get spotty tubes (speckled).

If you decide on this method of staining, pay attention to such brands of colors: Tex, Palizh, Lacra, PROFICOLOR, Sniezka COLOREX, Dufa, TICIANA, Halo, AlinaEX, Expert, EKOTERRA.

Approximate recipes for a coloring composition with colors:

  1. 0.5 l of water, 1-2 tbsp. color, 1 tbsp. acrylic varnish;
  2. another option: 100 ml of water, 2 tbsp. white acrylic enamel, 0.5-1 tbsp. colored color;
  3. 0.5 l of water or water-based stain, 150 ml of acrylic varnish, color until the desired shade is obtained.
The third method of painting allows the twist to stick together completely. To prevent the tubes from sticking together, you can dry them with a hairdryer (and you don’t need to process the tubes before weaving with anything else).

Before weaving, the vine will only need to be additionally moistened. To do this, dip it under a stream of warm running water for 15-20 seconds, fold it into a bag with the ends outward and send it to the battery for several hours.

There is simply no single correct advice on the better to paint newspaper tubes. Don't be afraid to experiment and look for your own composition. And to make your search successful, we offer you an interesting video tutorial on painting from Alena Bugrova.

We paint white

Perfect whiteness can be achieved in this way. It is necessary to prepare the paint: mix 0.5 l of water with 2 tbsp. white acrylic enamel and 2 tbsp. varnish or primer, add another 100 ml of hot water. It is better to paint over the tubes with a brush in a deep pan or baking sheet, 40-50 pieces at a time. Lay them out on thick cardboard or upside down shoe boxes and remember to stir occasionally to prevent sticking to each other.

Repeat the procedure after 15 minutes. If staining is carried out in advance and harvested for future use, then let the vine dry completely. And before work, just moisten it with water and leave it in the bag overnight. In the morning you can weave.

Then the woven white finished product is primed with varnish with the addition of water and acrylic white enamel (1-2 tablespoons per 0.5 l of diluted varnish). It is also worth pouring 1-2 tbsp into the finishing layer of varnish. enamel. With this method, you will receive a product whose dazzling whiteness will be timeless.

Paint deep black

This is the best way to paint the vine so the letters don't show. The ebony water stain and black tint give it a rich black color. Further already familiar scheme: water, varnish, acrylic enamel.

We offer to consolidate the theory with another video that reveals in detail all the secrets of how to paint newspaper tubes for weaving.

Processing tubules before weaving. plastic tubules

For a neat appearance of the finished product, it is important to use well-dried tubules. This will allow the twist to stick together securely and make it invisible in weaving.

The tubes that will go to the racks must be left dry. We moisten the rest before weaving to make them pliable and flexible.

In our next article, read simple weaving patterns and types of bends.

Priming and varnishing the finished product

Priming is an important stage in the work on a wicker product. It helps to strengthen it, gives additional strength and reduces the number of finishing coats of varnish. In this case, you can use both PVA glue and acrylic varnish.

To obtain a primer, each of them is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. But priming with varnish is more preferable, as it helps prevent the product from yellowing over time, which can occur when using PVA glue.

We recommend using acrylic lacquer to finish the wicker crafts. It is considered the most harmless, devoid of a pungent odor, and you can work with it in a residential area.

If the operation of your product will take place in conditions of high humidity, it is better to cover it with parquet varnish or varnish for baths and saunas. This will create a protective film - and the creation of your hands will delight you for years.

Remember, alkyd varnishes cannot be used for our purposes!

Please note that varnishes can give a different effect. Choose from matte, glossy, super glossy, silky matte, etc. Be guided by your vision and sense of beauty.

The varnish, which includes wax, allows you to maintain the residual flexibility of products. But it is categorically not suitable for impregnating tubes before weaving, since it does not glue the twist well. To achieve the effect of "plasticine" tubes with it will not work.

We tried to cover in as much detail as possible all the nuances of working on newspaper tubes, and most importantly, we paid attention to how important it is to process the tubes before weaving. Now you have to gain experience on your own, because every little thing can affect the final result. With a little practice, you will be able to create wicker masterpieces with your own hands, as if descended from a picture that you could not even think of before.

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If you have ever dreamed of trying the weaving technique, but difficulties in extracting material stopped you, then you can rejoice, because weaving from newspaper tubes will make all your dreams come true. Be sure to master this fascinating art, and you will be able to make a lot of practical and decorative things! By the way, recycling newspapers will help you get not only a beautiful frame for a picture or a pencil box, a container for bulk or a hot stand, you can also weave bags and even clothes.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

Decided to master this kind of handmade? Then the first step is to start with the manufacture of those elements from which any craft will be made - these are paper tubes.

It should be noted that not only newspaper pages, but also glossy magazine pages, A4 office paper and even old wallpapers can serve as material for them. It all depends on how tough and durable your "homemade" should be.

First of all, using a knife (it must certainly be well sharpened), cut the newspaper page into strips, the optimal width of each is considered to be 7-12 cm. The longer the strip, the longer, respectively, you will get a tube, which means that its less likely to need to be increased. However, it is better not to overdo it with the length - it may be inconvenient for you to twist.

Take a knitting needle, attach it to the lower left corner and start twisting, the strip must be twisted tightly and neatly. Coat the remaining small corner with glue and glue it to the tube (for this purpose, you can use clerical glue or a glue stick). Remove the needle from the paper element. Congratulations - you have taken the first step towards tube weaving for beginners!

New straw weaving - Easter

We associate the bright Easter holiday with such attributes as multi-colored eggs, wicker baskets, and various products depicting chickens. All this can be done with newspaper weaving.

If you are just taking your first steps in this technique, then practice making colorful Easter eggs. We bring to your attention an elementary master class on spiral weaving. Woven eggs can be dyed in all the colors of the rainbow and placed in a wicker basket - it will turn out extraordinarily beautiful. And if your soul longs for a more original Easter decoration, then you can attach pendants to the eggs, decorate the place of attachment and hang such a composition on the wall.

A very interesting newspaper craft can be called a tray. The photos below show the creation process step by step. It is noteworthy that in this master class newspaper tubes of two colors are used: "under the tree" and reddish-orange. The combination of these shades will allow you to get a tray that is very attractive in appearance, on which you can place colored eggs on a holiday.

Well, if you have already become adept at this kind of handmade, you have mastered tubular basket weaving, then quickly get down to creating a very practical Easter basket. The master class offered by our website describes step by step all the stages of weaving such a product. An ordinary egg tray will act as the bottom, and as a result of your work, you will get an excellent craft with a reliable handle, in which Easter eggs will definitely not be damaged.

And, of course, one cannot pass by such a luxurious craft as a basket made in the shape of a chicken. Such a wicker craft will surely attract many admiring glances, for sure no one else will have this.

We propose to start work with the master class "Chicken". Of course, you have to work hard, but the result is worth it. At the end of the work, you will get an interesting container with a lid, which, when closed, will look like a chicken. Such an interesting "machinery" can even be put on the festive table by placing eggs or sweets inside. We are sure that such a handmade item will delight both children and adults.

And below is another version of the Easter chicken basket. This is already a vessel of a more traditional shape, which will also fit perfectly into the Easter interior. By the way, making it will be quite easy if you are already adept at weaving baskets, you just need to follow all the instructions from the photo and you will have an amazing craft! However, you can always see tubule weaving video if any step is giving you trouble.

Consider others can be done very quickly.

Weaving from tubules - master classes "Flowers"


We invite you to adequately prepare for such a holiday as Christmas, and indeed for all winter holidays. Let your home be decorated with an unusually attractive Poinsettia craft. This flower is also known as the "Christmas Star" and it is the star-shaped form that the man-made flower will have.

The collage below shows the stages of creating crafts. The first step is to collect the required number of petals and leaves from the tubes, then paint them with acrylic paint, respectively, in red and green. Yellow corrugated paper is needed to create round stamens. Now it remains only to assemble the "layer cake" of parts.


The next "machinery" will be equivalent in complexity, however, more details for the flower will be needed. It will be done according to the same principle: first of all, braiding the frame, make yellow petals and green leaves.

Using all the details, assemble the sunflower flower. Make the middle from coffee beans planted on glue (you can take any other suitable material).

Be sure to use all the tips of the photo collage below.

Such a sunflower craft can serve not only as a decoration, but also as a hot stand.

Weaving from newspaper tubes - a master class for making a hat

Newspaper strips are also useful for making a headdress - a cute summer wide-brimmed hat.

Use the tips of the master class below - first you need to start weaving the crown in the same way as you weave the most ordinary vases. Use a shape of a suitable diameter to make the weave take on the desired shape.

Then, having straightened the paper sticks, you should move on to making the fields. When the required width is reached, complete the weaving in the usual way.

Decorate the resulting summer hat with artificial flowers and satin ribbons.

Original weaving from newspaper tubes step by step

It must be quite boring to weave useful and practical things all the time - that's why we suggest you have fun and make exclusive and interesting "home-made" from the "paper vine".

To decorate the house, you can weave a funny mushroom. Our photo collage will tell you exactly what sequence of actions to follow. As for the features of the process, it can be noted that the leg of the mushroom is woven like a vase. You can familiarize yourself with on our website to learn some of the intricacies of needlework. The mushroom cap is made like the brim of a hat in the master class discussed above. In general, it should be noted that the level of complexity of this craft will not be high and you will be able to please yourself with such creativity.

Newspaper piano? It sounds unrealistic, but the following master class will prove to you that everything is possible! Of course, this will be a very small copy of a musical instrument, which, nevertheless, will become a real highlight of your home, and will cause genuine delight of guests. In addition, it can be used as a flower pot.

Follow all the steps that are illustrated in the photographs and then you will certainly get a funny craft. At the end of the work, be sure to paint the piano in a suitable color.

And here is another original option for home decor -.

The original tree with swirling branches will become your favorite home decor, it looks so attractive and cozy.

First of all, guided by the following photo instructions, you need to make a barrel by combining several newspaper tubes into one. Then divide the trunk into its components at the top - these will be the branches. Each of them should be braided with a “paper vine” and given a bent shape. In order for the craft to look even more attractive, it is necessary to cover it with several layers of brown paint, waiting for each layer to dry.

Newspaper weaving is a fascinating hobby that, with minimal cash outlay, will give you worthy products.