Help refresh your relationship after all. What to do in this situation? How to refresh relationships with my husband

In the article you will learn:

Hello, friends!

If love passed - it's not back it back. But I know how to refresh relationships in pairwho has not yet lost this wonderful feeling! Total 10 uncomplicated techniques And your union will be filled with new sensations and joyful moments.

Before, I'll start, I want to say that you are just super well done, since you read this article. I almost noticed that everyday life, short-term, minor problems, forget about them about the main thing. Relationships, especially after 2 years and further, become more ordinary, gray and while you are immersed in it, you do not notice that you miss many moments that

  • will please both
  • fill the joint life with new sensations,
  • make it more diverse and more interesting.

So I remind such easy to perform, but important pair Ideas that not only refresh the relationship, but also strengthen them. The main rule, without which they never work, is to do everything with pleasure and pleasure! So, let's go.

140 beats per minute

When do you get together especially good? When something surprises you, pleases, excites, in general, what captures your spirit and makes the heart more often! Together experienced sensations unite You and lead to aware of what together is very interesting. It works even after 10 joint years Life.

  • Therefore, do what both of you start.
  1. Go to rock-Concerts,
  2. erotic performances
  3. or horror movies.
  4. Go to hiking By unconsidered place
  5. or trips on off-road.
  6. Attend political rallies,
  7. gambling On the origin of the universe, football or end of the world, about everything you like.

Refresh confidence in relationships

When do you deep and tremble a person? When you do something scary, but together You did it! I.e overcame some barrier.

  • For example, they turned on the light during love classes. Just in order to open your eyes, look at each other, to trust the partner completely.
  • Or started together some businesswhich was not solved before and it requires cohesion between spouses.
  • Visited shelter For animals and met his inhabitants, bought and began to equip the cottage, and maybe you always wanted to create a musical group or present a dog at the exhibition, but you lacked courage.

Think what would you like to do together?

Love on the tips of the fingers

Nothing makes the family so warm and friendly as tactile affection.

The desire to hug each other, kiss, touch, to fix the strands of the hair, remove the dust, please correct clothes.

Remember how you communicated at the beginning of the relationship? Do you still meet your loved on the threshold when he comes and escort when he leaves?
Are you kissing for the night, do you hug at the meeting, stroke and pat each other?

If you have already forgotten how you do, then urgently proper! After all, it is so nice.

Another thing if you unpleasantly touch each other. This is a serious sign of disturbed relationships and in this case they need not to refresh, but to disassemble at the reception at a specialist. This may be a symptom of deep offshift or lack of love. It can also be another crisis in relations.

Give joy

Another way to refresh relationships - make a partner a pleasant surprises.

Not every day, of course, but periodically and suddenly. Imagine how you would be nice if you came tired of work, and you will be waiting for a magnificent rose in a vase. What, no colors? Take the initiative to yourself and start yourself!

  • Chocolate under the pillow or note with a wish of a good day in the pocket of the jacket - all these the little things will delight lovedand he will want to demonstrate his love and joy to be with you.

Kilometers soul

Those who are far from each other also does not interfere with their feelings. Love is possible but only if you are very very Good trust. My tips are designed to make your relationship more diverse.

  • Use all the latest internet technologies. See together Skype films, cover each other beautiful erotic photos or arrange a surprise arrival! But only if you are sure that the partner will really appreciate such a surprise.

External - equal to internal

To maintain a high level relationship, do not forget about physical appeal. Yes, such a banal council. Because I'm not so often meeting men who sincerely admire their spouse, her refined taste, elegance, the ability to look good.

But every woman is under force. It is not possible to start your figure, care for the skin, hair, change the wardrobe periodically, pick up the appropriate clothes. Listen to your man and necessarily change for the better.

  • I will reveal one secret: Men most like those women in which they are investing. A man is proud of his woman, her skills and abilities, and especially the ability to look wonderful and in age.

Childhood Somewhere

No less pleasant way to refresh relationships, especially if there is small child, play desktop, sports and other games!

  • Can go out And fight in badminton, drive the ball or remember childhood and play ... in the Cossacks-Robbers! At the same time, the kid teach, and they will entertain. And joint memories of childhood will make you closer.
  • Among board games Choose what you like more: card, strategic, on the development of attention, etc. And it can get a twister from the distant enessole and decide how to warm up.

Not only children fool

It is sometimes very fun to think about!

Turn on cheerful music, dance, beat, leave the pillows. Sometimes it is important to feel like people free from worry And the hassle of everyday life. As if you are again children and for 7 years.

  • Such a pastime will allow you to understand what you are together easily and comfortable.

Full splitting

And here I suggest to leave no longer with pillows, but with something sore. But not in each other, of course. And in the wall, prepared for this.

  1. Shipping gender and wall paper or newspapers.
  2. Prepare those things or dishes that are terribly tired and you do not get rid of them.
  3. AND thought These walls in the wall, pronouncing those minor claims that you have accumulated each other.

for example, scattering socks, dirty cups on the table, crumbs on a computer or in bed, etc.

  • Bate with pleasure, you are excellent Remove tension And together relax!

Value of women

If you have long been married and love her husband again for you a difficult task, then in this case only one advice will be useful - take yourself.

  • But so that as a result you did not move away at all, and attracted his attention.

Be something enthusiastic, active, beautiful and this attractive ... And a man who is interested in a woman will start doing everything, only to pay her attention to himself. Therefore, think about what you have not yet taken from this life and go!

And finally

To resist mistressesYou need to become the best mistress yourself! You are out of competition. And it should understand both spouses.

  • Refresh the relationship with new experiments in sex.
  • Go to the sex shop, see an erotic film, buy spicy things, be sexy to each other.

Believe me, it is possible to do and after 15 years of marriage!

Well, it seems, we lit all sides of the relationship and possible entertainment that will overtake you as a couple. If you have something to add, tell in the comments.

Wish you all the best!

  • Love and take care of your halves!
    So far. With you there was a joon.

Build a strong family is not easy. The boat is a happy marital life and strives to break up the stones of household quarrels, misunderstanding, jealousy, distrust. If there is love and spiritual communication between the spouses, the conflicts are usually temporary, and the couple is able to overcome them alone. It happens that the scandals have come so far that it becomes easy to be nearly unbearable - in this case it does not hurt the consultation of an experienced psychologist. How to establish relationships with her husband if cold and disregard appeared? What to do to overcome the crisis of family relationships and return harmony and peace to the house?

The most common causes of disagreements

Families where the quarrels do not arise, does not exist. Each person has a certain set of personal qualities and feelings, so the basis of the ideal relationship between husband and wife becomes the unconditional adoption of a partner with all the shortcomings of his character. Conflicts in families that lead to deterioration of relationships have different reasons:

  • the desire to "remake" and change a loved one;
  • material difficulties;
  • lack of harmony in intimate life;
  • harmful habits: alcohol abuse and drug use;
  • jealousy;
  • the struggle for the leadership position in the family;
  • different life priorities.

What to do when life begins to "eat" love

Most quarrels between spouses occur on household soil. Adults cannot decide who should wash the dishes, remove the apartment, take the garbage or repair. The lack of support, constant reproaches and discontent of the second halves radically change the relationship in marriage - they become like a heavy burden, from which you want to get rid of. If the spouses really love and value with their feelings, come to a compromise for them will not be an unbearable task.

Reliable relationships with her husband because of household conflicts? So it's time to change everything.

  1. Split duties. All family members should take part in domestic affairs. Even a 3-year-old kid is able to remove toys, older children will easily buy home milk or bread, and a man is able to store the bed or remove the dishes from the table after breakfast. The main task of a woman is to convey to households that purity, comfort and comfortable atmosphere in the house are achieved by common efforts. It is not necessary to separate the responsibilities for men and women, let everyone help each other, considering it not with a gravitate.
  2. Get "helpers". Today, technical progress came as far away that some of the homework can be safely shifted to household appliances. Buy a multicooker, dishwasher and washing machine, a good vacuum cleaner - they greatly facilitate the life of hostesses.
  3. Even in perfectly clean house it happens boring. Your world is not enclosed in 4 walls. Organize exit weekends, go to visit, public events, picnics. Conduct more time alone with your husband.

Psychology of relations husband and wife - complex science. It is impossible to build a strong family if there is no love and intimacy of moral. The woman should be a support for her husband, support his undertakings and aspirations, console in minutes of grief. No cleaning and repairings are unworthy of dramatic scenes.

How to avoid scandal and return mutual understanding after a quarrel

Any conflicts lead to negative changes in the relationships of spouses. Therefore, the best way to avoid bad relationships with your husband is not provoking quarrels and do everything possible in order not to take part in them. Do not close the disassembly and try to calm down and show restraint if the serve is the second half. Almost always timely silence helps to keep the world in the family.

If the conflict can not be avoided, let the spouse say, without showing mutual aggression. Men are very painful and sharply react to criticism and humiliation of their capabilities, a banal quarrel can provoke them to leaving the house, offend and hurt. How to return warm relationships with your husband? Speak, even if we are confident that the hubby is not right, and then move yourself like a wise woman: stick your loved one, hug, tell me some gentle words. Women's warmth and love are able to design wonders!

Wives on a note

Many women often think about how to return the passion in relation to her husband. Harmony in intimate life is one of the main components of a happy marriage. How to refresh her husband's feelings? First of all, you need to start with changes in yourself. If a woman does not find time for himself, she very soon becomes unattractive and uninteresting for a man. Daily 1-2 hours take away personally for yourself, even if the kitchen does not wash the dishes and the floor is covered with a layer of dust. How to revive relationships with her husband, regardless of the number of years spent?

  • Take care of your face and body, attend a cosmetologist and hairdresser, do exercise if you need to put a figure in order.
  • Do not refuse to buy a beautiful lingerie and do not go home in a wicked bathrobe or stretched T-shirt.
  • Do not be afraid of the experiments of the bedroom, because there should be no secrets and prohibitions between close people.

Stop "choke a man"! Do not dwell on it and his interests, harmoniously develop and learn from the new one yourself, to become a beloved also an interesting interlocutor. Remember, there is always a chance to change everything for the better, even if the relationship with your husband on the verge of divorce.

How to refresh relationships with her husband? Psychologists brought 5 rules for fair sex representatives who will make dramatically change the situation in the family.

  1. Eliminate egoism. Husband wants to spend the evening in the company of friends, and not with his wife? Release. From the pair of hours spent the head of the family outside the house, the marriage will not collapse. And he will not be stronger if a man after the scandal gives up and will remain, seemingly disabled.
  2. Do not be afraid of responsibility. Do not fall asleep all problems on your husband, learn how to make decisions yourself and answer your actions.
  3. Do not compare your partner with others. Nothing annoying representatives of strong sex as a comparison of their mental or physical abilities, the material situation or career growth with the achievements of foreign persons. How to update relationships with your husband? Take a look at him in a new way, take with all the shortcomings and advantages, leave criticism and just enjoy the society of your loved one.
  4. How to refresh relationships in a pair? Make unexpected actions! Instead of a regular visit to Mom on the weekend, do something interesting to both partners: go to the movies, spend time on nature or break the day in bed. Change old habits for new ones that will come up and get ready.
  5. Do not let strangers intervene in marital relationships. All conflicts should remain between spouses, do not interfere with friends or relatives. The marriage is between two people and problems they must also solve alone.

Harmony in relations between his wife and husband is achieved only by joint efforts. Do not be afraid to give up and just love a person, then all the adversity will pass the side!

In your joint marriage life, there were probably moments and unrestrained passions, and kisses on a staircase, and unrestrained loving classes even on a lunch break. Where did all this disappear and is there a way to return everything to the previous places and revive the very freshness of feelings?

Rhythmic life rhythm, constant fatigue, which over time develops into chronic, leads to the fact that we lose interest in those things that had previously been dreaming at night.

We cease to be interested in in the same volume and as an intimate relationship and we are increasingly coming home after a busy day just fall asleep.

How to refresh relationships with my husband

The first recipe refers to pairs that mutually want to make their family life brighter. To do this, we will fit joint trips to rest, moving to cinema and even visiting the sex shop. Nothing brings together people as a joint getting pleasure.

It should not be considered that your spouse will find you perverted in kind, if you offer him a diversification of sex life. It is not necessary to offer directly, you can enter hecta and leave an open wanderer on the Internet, on which it is described about the benefits of sexual toys.

The second recipe is suitable for unrestrained romantic natures for which the entourage and emotional dating background have always occupied the first place, and only then there was a process of obtaining pleasures and communicating with a loved one. We order a hotel room, hand a favorite envelope with address, time and number key and go to the world of pleasures for two.

The third recipe for those who are able to give a thousand and one advice to all, how to refresh relationships, but afraid to use them in their lives. Write recognition in love your beloved and hang it on the fridge or put in the mailbox.

Put it into a container with food to work his favorite candies with a small converton, in which it will be waiting for a postcard with a warm wishes of a pleasant day or recognition in love.

You can not wait for the day of lovers, but come up with your own holiday calendar, it is beautiful to arrange it and give these days the moments of joy and pleasure to each other.

How to refresh family relationships

Sometimes the work makes us leave for a business trip, and if they become very long, then after each return, try again to awaken in your second half a sense of love.

You have to give gifts, writing long love letters by mail and e-mail, as well as by heart to learn the phone delivery services telephones in order to delight your favorite on holidays even at a distance.

There is nothing impossible and sometimes love from separation for a period of time is only stronger and becomes deeper. This is because when we do not have the opportunity to touch your beloved person daily, hugging and kissing him, make him pleasant surprises, then the value of these intimate moments increases for each of us several times.

Each pair comes such a moment when, it seems that love goes somewhere, and tenderness is dulled. In fact, long communication simply needs periodic "Living Injections".

How to refresh feelings in relationships

Go somewhere on weekends

It does not mean the usual catch-up to the country or to parents, and a small excursion to the still unknown places. You can travel to the neighboring small towns, shoot rooms in small cozy hotels, and explore interesting places together.

Sit surprises

Unexpected little things can perfectly refresh any relationship. You do not need to be limited to important dates or holidays to give your partner a small surprise. Hide your favorite chocolate under the pillow or put in the book that your chosen one is reading a cute postcard with the words of love.

Ask questions

You will not believe, but such an easy method, almost the best answer to the question: how to refresh the relationship. Experts noticed that being at home, the couple spends on talking about personal affairs and problems only 4% of the time. Short suites in the kitchen very help to resume interest in each other. Every day every day is interested in: how was your day?

Go to bed just together

Such a council gives almost all psychologists. Studies have shown that absolutely all happy couples do not go to sleep apart - even if they need to wake up in the morning at different times.

Touch each other

Communication with half is not only a verbal dialogue. Feel free to touch the chosen as possible as possible, because the easiest gestures will help to refresh relationships - sit down, hug, put your head on your shoulder or affect your hair. It has long been proven that men, just kissing their wife before leaving for work, live for several years longer than those who do not.

Carry me

No need to forget about appearance and run ourselves, getting used to long, stable relationships. Sign up together at the gym or run in the morning, go to hairdressers and spa salons.

Explain in love

Maybe it will seem to someone banal or even vulgar. In vain! As you often remind the half as he or she dear to you and say how much you love each other. In fact, this is the best way to refresh relationships!

How to shake relationships?

Very good relationships maintain in the same form very difficult. So you need to pay attention to this very much. After all, if interest in you disappears, the problem will arise very large, and it can happen and parting.

Causes of cooling relationships:

  • As they say - household houses. And it is true. Monotonicity and events over time bored;
  • There is no diversity in sex. This is especially poorly reflected in the female half. And so they often seek themselves a variety on the side;
  • Employment at work. This happens for one simple reason. Material welfare - first of all;

All these and other reasons often become a relationship between the relationship and their fading. How to get rid of this and what needs to be done to feel the feelings of love and understanding again to beat up with even greater force? You just need to shake the relationship!

Best ways to shake relationships

Want to refresh relationships? Then you should not be afraid of various experiments in an intimate life. After all, a variety can help you very much. As many professionals say psychologists that such partitions occur due to the fact that there is no diversity in sex.

If you do not come to mind anything, then read the special literature or look on the Internet. There, for sure something you can find. After all, this is the experience that can be good for you in further actions.

How to shake relationships? Of course, it can sound strongly trite, but lunch in nature, can help you very much in this problem.

If you have a similar event boring, you can go hiking, for example, climb on the mountain or arrange a date on the roof of the house. After all, if you yourself will show such initiative, then this is a very good sign.

If your second half is very busy for such events, you can go on a day off in the city, at any base. Arrange a fire, kebab and a tent.

Try to diversify your life and with a joint meal. Suppose - arrange lunch on the roof or in the mountains. These new sensations will help you open new feelings and resume the old ones.

Try weekends spending out at home. Nature, tourist hiking, the night of the fire, dose dawn - excellent and useful for you both time spent and harmonizes your relationship.

After all, the most important thing in these actions is not where you will be, but the fact that you will be alone. This is primarily romance, kisses and so on. In general, it is very useful and will help you to help you in a relationship.

To refresh relationships, try to surprise your loved one. After all, if you have a damn - unpredictability, it can very much can please the soul mate. Try to surprise your partner more. Diverse every evening something. For example: dinner with candlelight, sexy clothes, moving in a movie for an evening session, etc.

Psychologists, they told a very interesting thing, that after the beloved got married, they cease to care for themselves. Of course, this is not quite, but still, they are not so demanding that it was before.

It can greatly worsen your relationship. Everything will start with the quarrel, and it can endure even parting. Always experiment with clothes, wear a new and original so that your loved one liked it and surprised him.

Try to watch yourself every day. After all, it is often precisely the household that makes us constantly the same every day - clothes, appearance, all this adversely affects the relationship. So more often attend beauty salons, change the wardrobe;

To shake the relationship, try to experiment more in sex. It is because of this that such crises often occur. However, it is not necessary to change everything sharply. Everyone must occur gradually. Read the special literature, you can even watch the films of this topic;

Try to give each other more often gifts and do surprises, pleasant, of course. Send your favorite bouquet of flowers to work with a note on how you love her. Or make a gift when walking. It will be very unexpectedly nice to your second half;

Even such an act as to write on the asphalt, that you love her, will not remain unnoticed;

Of course, the focus of relationships is a temporary phenomenon. If it is correct to determine and together to go through this step, then in the future your feelings for many years will be even stronger, and your life will be more joyful and happy.

In general, to shake and refresh the relationship, you can return them to the previous direction, most importantly, you should not forget that this difficulty is given to you, if you handle it, then it can be done well and then you definitely do not part.

Quarrels and disagreements between spouses are a common phenomenon for any married couple. Sometimes household problems and difficulties are inhibited so much that there are thoughts about divorce. How to establish relations with your wife and save marriage?

Is there life after the wedding?

The first months of living together the happiest for any couple. Spouses are happy to spend time together, do not get tired to please each other with pleasant surprises. Over time, household problems are becoming more and more. There are minor disagreements. The small harmful habits of the second half, who were tired and amused to the wedding, after marriage begin to cause irritation. If you think about how to establish relations with your wife, most likely, the situation is already unfavorable. Fighting for feelings is definitely worth if they are still. But how to be if the favorite spouse is increasingly unhappy, it suits scandals on an empty place and frankly "saws"? The main thing is not to panic and not enter into open conflicts.

Listen and learn to hear

In the aphorisms that it is almost impossible to understand women, there is some truth. But in fact, most men simply do not know how to listen. The representatives of the fine sex love to talk, often they say too much. In order to come to mutual understanding with his own spouse, first of all let her speak. All women's claims can be divided into specific and abstract. In the first case, there is an accurate wording, for example, a wife may be outraged by a low level of material wealth, a lack of help in house or inattention from the spouse.

In this case, to solve the problem, you need to listen to the words of the second half and try to find a way out of the current situation. Much more difficult is the case with abstract complaints. One of the most popular among them: "You do not love me!" Hearing something similar from the mouth of my own wife, a man must gain patience. Try to calmly talk and find out what exactly your second half would like to change in your relationship.

Spouse - your best friend

Many modern families suffer due to lack of communication between spouses. Try to remember when the last time you truly talked with your own wife. Many couples after several years of marriage communicate an exceptionally standard set of household phrases. These are small orders and requests to each other. However, when your relationship began, you probably saw a pleasant companion and an interesting person in a partner.

What has changed? Start with small. Ask every day, how was the day that he was remembered, what a mood of the spouse. Share your news and thoughts, if you see that the wife is located to the conversation. Feel free to ask the Council and listen to it. Watch out for the quality of communication, try to contact your beloved politely.

Women love ears

If sometimes it seems that love from the partner has passed? Compliments - the simplest way to conquer a woman. Feel free to praise your wife. Be careful to all the trifles. Make the compliments of her appearance, thank you for the delicious food that she prepares. Just think about how much your wife actually does for you. She seeks to make a house cozy, trying to look better, to like and certainly pleases in the trifles that you sometimes do not think.

Do not be lazy to say more often to her and celebrate all of her successes aloud. Observe this simple rule, and probably quarrels in the family will take place much less often.

Learn to care for your own wife

Remember the very beginning of your romantic relationship with your wife. Surely you wanted to be in her eyes the hero, surprise her every day and wearing in my hands literally the word. So why not try to at least partially return that magical time? Of course, never will be as it was already. But it is even for the better. Having lived all these years together, you know exactly all the preferences of the spouse. You no longer need to guess what to surprise her. Buy just so bouquet of flowers or cute souvenir. Do you still think how to establish relationships with your wife? Arrange a real surprise for it. Let it be dinner in a restaurant on a weekday or a walk outside the city on weekends.

Regular touch - pledge of strong relationships

When the relationship on the verge of a divorce, most spouses stop talking at all very often in this case, her husband and wife ignore each other, being at home together. You can correct the situation, if you try to restore, try to hug and kiss your spouse more often. Many have a pretty habit of accomplishing and meet each other to work / from work. Feel free to manifest your feelings in public places. Hug a spouse on the street, keep your hand in the company of friends, helping to get out of the car.

Try to make all these simple gestures with your habits, and positive changes will not make you wait. Most likely, very soon you can boast everyone that you have an ideal wife. A separate consideration deserves the issue of intimate relations in marriage. Sexologists argue that regular sex is a pledge of a strong marriage. But it is important to listen to the desires of your second half. You can not insist on sex or worse, to force my wife, if it refuses. In the bedroom everything should occur only by mutual desire. If you lack passion, you can try something new. It is advisable only to pre-discuss everything with his wife and, sharing its erotic fantasies, decide which of them should be implemented in reality in the very near future.

Time for two

Full diverse duties and affairs of varying degrees of importance. If there are children in the family, sometimes the parents sometimes sleep and clean your teeth. What to think about improving your relationship! And yet it is worth trying to find time for yourself. A good option, how to restore relations with my wife, - Take a rule regularly spend time only together. Let it be one evening a week or whole weekend.

Children can be sent to visit the grandmother, leave with a nanny or put to sleep early. Disconnect the phone and concentrate on each other. You can go to a mini-trip, just walk, watch a movie or all day to fall into bed. Choose the option of the pastime exclusively by our own interests and the amount of free time.

Stop jealous without reason

Many married women complain about unfortunate jealousy from her husband. Indeed, many spouses negatively relate to regular meetings of wives with girlfriends, hiking campaigns, to corporate parties. Any man by nature of his own owner. And even with solid confidence in loyalty to her chosen, every husband is discomfort, realizing that the wife in beautiful clothes go somewhere resting alone. How to avoid quarrels on the soil of rest separately?

It is important to find a compromise. Ask a spouse to warn you in advance about all meetings in women's companies and boldly negotiate these days to spend time with your friends. In no case, do not prohibit my wife to have some kind of hobby. But if you are very worried and angry when your spouse is having fun without you, tell her about it. Invite more often relax together, and it is quite possible that very soon instead of sites with girlfriends tradition will be dinner with their families.

How to express your discontent?

Russian folk proverb calls no sorrows from the hut. And this folk wisdom is useful to remember each of us. Never criticize your own spouse at third parties and do not talk about it disrespectful with your own friends even in her absence. Let all you have an ideal wife. Believe me, the conversations in the company about the lack of companion of life do not bring any benefit.

If there are problems, and you have some claims to the spouse, discuss them alone in a relaxed atmosphere. With a personal conversation, all his thoughts should clearly formulate, avoid generalizations. Never compare your wife with anyone from familiar women. Believe me, there is nothing offend phrases: "But my mom ..." or "Irina does not come as you." In a couple of days you will forget the words that have said in the cast, and the insult on them can live in the vulnerable for years.

Care needs every woman

Even if your spouse is a harsh business woman, in the depths of the soul, she dreams of coming home to a man, next to whom he can feel like a little girl. Surround your favorite concern, and you will never have to think about how to establish relationships with my wife. A man should not abandon male work on home. We regularly help your spouse to wear heavy bags, try to take on some dwellings. Do not know what exactly needs to be done? Come and ask: "How to help?"

Next to the real man blossoms, it becomes good, soft and incredibly beautiful. Create all the conditions for your spouse that you can rely on you in any situation.

Family traditions

All happy families have their own traditions. Each couple are individual, but these little sacraments make life more interesting, and the relationship between spouses deeper. If you still think how to establish relationships in the family, perhaps, it's time to come up with traditions, which you will like it?

Regular dinners along with domestic and Sunday trips to relatives, friends with friends or romantic evenings every month at the date of your dating - options There are infinite set. You can offer a spouse an unusual competition - invent the most interesting and pleasant traditions for the family during the day. In the evening, read the drawn lists together and select those points that are interesting to both.

Make gifts to your wives

Each of us knows how nice to receive gifts. So why not please the closest person - your own spouse? Many men will say that if you regularly please my wife expensive presents without reason, you can also be spoiled. This is a reasonable judgment, but for most women, the main thing is not a gift, but attention. Candy box on a bedside table, cute keychain or photo frame, stylish jewelry, cosmetics - all these little things will not damage your budget. And establish relationships can help.

If the phrase "we constantly swear with your wife" - it's about you, try instead of the next clarification of the relationship to bring the spouse of sweets or flowers. From time to time you can leave my wife romantic messages, write SMS messages. An option for those who do not know what exactly to give their own spouse - make a useful habit of time to give her an acceptable amount of money for you with a proposal to buy something for you. Similar gestures will appreciate any woman.

Love is the main thing!

Very often about how to establish spoiled relationships, men think of too little time and attention to their wives. If the spouse cooled to you, probably there are problems in your relationship. Words "I love you" means a lot for every woman. Get the habit to regularly utter this phrase. Learn to understand your soul mate. And remember that since the creation of the family you are not just lovers, and full partners in all spheres of life. Innegrate into all the problems of your second half. Do not dare to mock her feelings and thoughts, even if she claims that she has nothing to wear before full cabinet.

Trust in relationships means a lot. A woman will feel calm and happily, subject to confidence that her houses appreciate and understand. And most importantly, do not forget that relations require constant work of both spouses. Even in the most perfect family, they should try to treat each other better every day. This also lies the secret of a long and happy family life. Try to reveal it and become perfect for each other.


Start first. Remember when your relations, barely seeing a loved one, you forgot about everything in the world and enjoyed the communication with each other. Try to concentrate on the spouse, look at him with other eyes. Crossing the threshold of the house, leave all the problems outside the door. Do not speak and do not think about work, turn off your mobile. Even if you have a responsible job, at home you must be, not the boss. Dinner together, slowly, talk on nice themes.

Experiment, and your passion will definitely wake up, the main thing to wake it up!

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Relationship between a man and a woman over time undergo serious changes. A habit comes to change love. Romantic feelings are displaced by household problems. People still can hold hands, but their eyes are no longer trying to catch each other's look.


The extinction of relations in marriage is simply inevitable. So the human psyche is arranged. The desire for something new and unknown is laid in you. Very often it leads to the collapse of the family. To avoid this, it is necessary to make something warm, pleasant and interesting to both spouses. Unfortunately, quite a large number of men see romance, first of all, solely in sex. Rutin kills them in bed. In addition, if your spouse is already 40 or more, this component of family life becomes especially important for him. That is why representatives of strong sex are filled with mistresses. They want to sense themselves with real power men. Give him to feel mighty and tireless during love jeads, and he will turn to you for you.

Try to add more flirt to your marital communication. You are a woman, you are charming. Build your eyes with eyes. Remember how you looked at him after your first kiss. Long-term joint accommodation made you both predictable for each other. Return a riddle, which he, in his opinion, has long been solved. After that, the first passion will arise in your partner again.

Try to spend together as much time as possible. Men are often heavy on the rise, they are not so easy to tear off the beloved chairs. Enjoy him on the mind about what the magic night awaits him after a walk, the campaign to the cinema, visits to the restaurant. Feel free to pay attention to people. No need to automatically take it on hand. Hug your beloved, put his hand on my waist (if he himself does not guess), touch his legs under the restaurant table. The seduction of his husband is not a simple, but the reward for this will certainly be the most pleasant.

Look together your photos, videos (recording your marriage ceremony will be inappropriate here). Remember with him emotions, which then experienced. Tell him about my impressions from the first bouquet that he gave you. Remember or think of some kind of secret from that time. Satisfied your family life with joint entertainment and recreation.

Try to forget the offenses that you probably have a lot accumulated for the past years. It is known that a woman forgives everything, but does not forget, but you still try to make an effort on yourself.

If you are a man who needs to do everything in order to return feelings and emotions into his family, you will do it much easier. Start again to give gifts and bouquets with your beloved wife, invite her on dates, show off with compliments, then success will be provided to you.

When a candy-bought a bakery period passes in love, you must not forget to refresh your relationship with your loved one, so that the joint pastime does not turn into a habit. For this you need to do for each other surprises. How to surprise your loved one?


Tell you a dear to your heart a person about his love in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world! Offer "I love you!" Large letters write felt-tip pen on separate stickers, in the languages \u200b\u200bof all the peoples of the planet and decorate the walls of his room.

Favorite girl will be pleasantly surprised if, when presenting a gift to show originality. To do this, take the Watman Sheet and turn it into it, and empty space fill in gifts. Next, buy a gift paper and wrap it into a roll. The resulting bundle tie the sides of bright ribbons. So it turned out a big candy with the "delicious" stuffing! Hearts Gift will give the inscription: "Candy for my beloved!"

If you decide to make a girl offer, go to the salon of floristics or a flower shop and order a bouquet consisting of eight living large roses and one artificial. Bouquet deep into the note with such words: "My only, I will love you with all my heart until the petals fall from the last rose of this bouquet!"

When a young man makes his choices, he gives her a ring. Please give her bride, present her the golden ring in a chocolate case! Sprinkle the fragrant case with sequins from caramel!

Agree with your friends who are not familiar with your girlfriend. Buy 4-5 lush flower bouquets, hide inside love notes. Imagine the situation: In the evening, your girl goes home from work, and throughout the way the men are suitable for her and with a smile handed flowers!

Adjust with friends in advance so that they call your beloved from different phone numbers and recharged the verses of love. Before reading poems, ask them to breathe helium. It is desirable that you are not at the moment next to the participants of the draw!

Ask your friends or colleagues in the exiterable time to send SMS-ku to the dear heart to a person with such text: "He (a) is very!". Be at the moment next to your second half, in order to rejoice in the resulting surprise together!

If your life satellite is departed in a long business trip, in the last minutes, in front of separation, give him a valuable photo album, where family photos will be replaced by the descriptions of the happiest moments of the marriage!

If the husband has an anniversary or a birthday, please Himself with a certificate for the fulfillment of desires ... Be prepared for what you need to fulfill any desire for your favorite spouse!

Buy a massive cup or a gold medal in the souvenir store (naturally, not precious metal!). Ask the masters to engrave such an inscription: "The winner who conquered my heart!"


To surprise your loved one, you do not need to have a lot of money. Sometimes it is enough to have several friends and attach a little fantasy.