The most popular heroine Ever After High. Questionnaires

Gillian Binstock is Jack's daughter.

Story:"Jack and the Beanstalk"

Roommate: Nina Tumbell

Secret Desire of the Heart: Live without limits! No beanstalk - I can't climb it, and no giant - I can't run away from it.

My "Magic" Ability: My magic beans are perfect for a quick escape, especially from giants.

Oh, That Cursed Moment!: Being fearless, sometimes my friends accidentally get into terrible situations because of me.

Favorite School Lesson: Grimmnastics. I'm trying to convince the school to introduce extreme beanstalk climbing.

Least Favorite School Lesson: Mythmatics (translator's note: a combination of the words "myth" and "mathematics"). I'm not very good at counting beans.

Best Friends For All Ages: Darling Charming and Cerise Hood are always open for adventure.

Michelle Mermaid- Daughter of the Little Mermaid.

Story:"The little Mermaid"

Roommate: Farah Goodfary

Secret Desire of the Heart: I want my voice to be heard from the stage and screens of the whole earth Happily Ever After.

My "Magic" Ability: Being a mermaid, I can control the water. For example, the size of the waves. It is incredibly mesmerizing while surfing.

Oh, That Cursed Moment!: Unfortunately, as soon as even a drop of water hits me, my legs turn into a tail. So I can't go for a walk in the rain.

Favorite School Lesson: Enchanting song. I like to sing with other princesses at school.

Least Favorite School Lesson: Science and Spells. Especially the chapter "Voice Changer for Sea Witches".

Best Friends For All Ages: I love writing music with Melody Piper and swimming with Cedar Wood.

Nina Tumbell- Thumbelina's daughter.


Roommate: Gillian Binstock

Secret Desire of the Heart: We live to take care of the world. Even the smallest fairy tale characters can do a lot.

My "Magic" Ability: Even though I'm actually no bigger than a finger, I'm able to get taller whenever I want to.

Oh, That Cursed Moment!: Although I don't sweat in small amounts, I can get wet for a moment if I get upset.

Favorite School Lesson: ecological magic. It is important to know how to properly dispose of old potion bottles.

Least Favorite School Lesson: Fables. Seriously? In my book, short stories are no worse!

Best Friends For All Ages: Ashlynn Ella and Rosabella Beauty are two girls who love nature and animals as much as I do.

Crystal Winter- Daughter of the Snow King and the Snow Queen.

History of Parents: The Snow Queen.

Secret Desire of the Heart: I'm in charmstorg (approx. Enchantment + delight / hexcited) be heir to the throne, but for now I want to play hockey!

My "Magic" Ability: My royal wand has snow magic, and my snow blaster has ice magic.

"Oh, it's a curse!": I am so accustomed to walking on ice that I begin to slide on the unfrozen surface.

Favorite School Subject: Magic Meteorology. I have shivers all over my body from learning how to make the day snowy and perfect!

Least Favorite School Subject: Cooking. Why are people so eager to defrost frozen foods? Their textures are like royal ruins!

Best friends: Ashlynn Ella and Briar Beauty have been my two favorite princesses since elementary school.

Daring Charming-son of King Charming

Story: Every fairy tale where Prince Charming comes to the rescue.

Neighbor: Hopper Quakington ||

Secret Desire of the Heart: To live life to the fullest, while doing real feats.

My "Magic" Ability: I have the most charming smile in the land of Happily Ever After! She can make any fabulous day better.

Romantic Relationship Status: Yes, Apple is cute and we are destined to be together, but why should the other ladies at school not be charmed?

Oh, That Damned Moment!: I'm easily upset, but when I see this beautiful face, everything goes away.

Favorite Subject: Theatre. I was born to be the center of attention!

Least Favorite Item:Slaying Dragons. Of course, I train on it, but this subject is so simple that I get bored.

Best Friends For All Ages: My brother Dexter Charming and Hopper Quakington ||

Courtley Jester- daughter Joker cards

Story:"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"


Secret desire of the heart: I just want to have a significant role in my story, and this is not a joke.

My "Magic" ability: I can magically change my appearance. It's just the power of the wild card!

Alistair won me over!

Oh, That Damn Moment! People take the joker out of the game too quickly.

Favorite School Lesson: General Villainy.

Unloved School Lesson:Royal Student Council Just because I'm not the King or Queen doesn't mean I can't be the leader.

Best Friends For All Ages: Duchess Swan

Many said that she looks like Raven. And why is it surprising that daughter Raven looks like her mother?

Secret desire of the heart: find new friends... then to manage them ALL! HAHAHAHA

My "Magic" Ability: I have a spell for every occasion... an evil spell.

Oh, That Cursed Moment!: Besides being imprisoned in the Mirror World? Days when there is a bad hairstyle on the head. They are the worst.

Favorite School Lesson: History of Evil Spells. I just love reading about the Evil Queen. It's cool, right?

Least Favorite School Lesson: Royal administration. Shouldn't it become the QUEEN's office?

Best Friends For All Ages: Raven Queen. She's the best, but I think she could be a little meaner. Is not it so?

Justin Denser - daughter of the twelfth Dancing Princess.

Story:"Twelve Dancing Princesses"

Roommate: Ramona Badwolf

Secret Desire of the Heart: After finishing my story, I want to open a dance studio with my own show and music program.

My "Magic" Ability: When I dance, people in the vicinity suddenly start dancing in the same way! This happens all the time, even when I don't want to!

Romantic Relationship Status: I am ready to share the dance floor with a guy, but for this he must be the perfect prince.

Oh, That Damn Moment! Every time I try to cheat, I always get caught red-handed. Still, it's part of my destiny.

Favorite School Lesson: Music. I love being inspired by songs and imagining new images.

Least Favorite School Lesson: Princessology. Even though I am an Heiress, I prefer lessons that allow me to reveal my creative nature.

Best Friends For All Ages: Melody Piper always plays only the best tunes, and I have a royal admiration for the talent of Duchess Swan.

Even though I enjoy being the Fairy Godmother, I would like to go to balls myself from time to time and dance the night away.

My "Magic" ability: With my wand, fairy dust, and the right spell, I can create something truly royal!

Romance Page: Right now I'm obsessed with learning my magical abilities, so I don't have time for relationships.

Oh, That Cursed Moment!: My magic lasts until the clock strikes midnight. So keep a close eye on the time!

Favorite School Lesson: Fashion and Design. I can make crystal shoes out of glass; I like to give people things they love to wear.

Least Favorite School Lesson: Cooking. I accidentally turned a pumpkin pie into a royal carriage!

Best Friends For All Ages: Ashlynn Ella is a royalty who has descended from heaven to earth. Besides her, Cedar Wood - her work gives me inspiration.

A few years ago, the puppet world was simply blown up by a completely unusual novelty. The famous toy manufacturer Mattel, who once created Barbie, released the Monster School animated series and a series of dolls based on it. Naughty stylish girls with the features of cute monsters instantly won millions of hearts. Their fans included not only little girls, but also adult serious collectors.

But not all parents, especially those who did not watch the adaptation of the monster story, liked their peculiar aesthetics. The manufacturer immediately reacted to the mood of potential buyers and pleased lovers of high-quality dolls with another novelty, known as Ever After High (“Long and Happily”).

This was the beginning of the story, the heroes of which were the offspring of fabulous families. All Ever After High characters are unique, each of them has a unique style, skin tone and mold, and in features there is a resemblance to the heroes of favorite children's fairy tales.

Series and puppets

From an economic point of view, Mattel has developed a brilliant marketing strategy. The series, which tells about the life of students of a special school, fuels consumer interest in the company's products. Of course, everyone wants not just a doll, but a doll with a story, a character, a unique style.

The characters of Ever After High first appear on the screen, and after the new seasons of the series - on store shelves. The first release included only four characters, but today the buyer is offered more than five dozen dolls. Some of them are reissued annually in each new collection.

first wave girls

In 2013, 4 dolls were released. Today they are still desirable and valuable, because they are rightfully considered pioneers.

The series includes 4 characters:

  • Apple White is a fair-skinned blonde. Despite the fact that her mother Snow White once ate an enchanted apple and fell victim to the curse of eternal sleep, Apple herself simply adores these fruits. The doll has a very light skin tone, soft golden hair, and her outfit is embellished with apples.
  • Raven Queen didn't inherit the Evil Queen's ambition or bad temper from her mother. Her appearance is bright and expressive, gray-purple hair sets off the depth of her dark eyes. Raven's style is gothic, but overall very feminine. The doll is dressed in a royal dress, decorated with feathers, chains and spikes.
  • Briar Beauty, like her mother Sleeping Beauty, loves to take a nap. The doll is wearing a delicate pink-chocolate dress with roses. Accessories are decorated with the same flowers.
  • Madeline Hatter is one of the most interesting Ever After High dolls. She is released on a teenage body, which means she is a little shorter than the rest (like Howlin MH). Her turquoise-purple hair, cup accessories and radiant smile suggest that the girl comes from an unusual family. Still would! Her father is the Mad Hatter.


Soon the series was replenished with new characters "Ever After High". Can't there be great love in a real fairy tale? Dexter and Dering Charming are royal sons, handsome and smart. They have friends: Sparrow Hood (the same adventurer as Robin Hood, his father), Alistair Wonderland (the son of Alice herself, the conqueror of Wonderland, and the same dreamer).

The most unusual characters Ever After High

The popularity of dolls inspires the manufacturer to create new images. In the same 2013, Saraize Hood joined the series. The doll came out on an adult body, she is slightly taller than the rest (like Nefera from MX).

Noteworthy Cupid. According to legend, the girl transferred to Ever After High from Monster High. Today, this is the only character that exists in both worlds. The dolls are similar to each other, but different.

Cedar (Cedar) Wood has a unique body. The point is not only in the chocolate skintone, but also in the woody relief. No wonder, because her dad is Pinocchio.

Pairs and sets

Ashlyn Ella and Hunter Huntsman are very popular Ever After High characters. This is a happy couple. The dolls were released at the end of 2013, the set is complemented by accessories and stands.

Another couple is sisters Holly and Poppy O'Hair, children of Rapunzel. Girls are very different. Holly loves her long golden hair, and Poppy wears an asymmetrical short haircut with colored streaks.

We are waiting for new products from Mattel

The manufacturer annually pleases followers with new releases of Ever After High. The full list of characters in the series today has already exceeded a hundred, and dolls have been released for many of them. Analyzing the Monster High assortment, one can assume that someday Mattel will release play sets with accessories, clothes and furniture based on the Ever After High series.

The history of the Happily Ever After School is just beginning.

Heroes of famous cartoons often have a long and happy fate. They not only enter the consciousness and memory of their fans, but also turn into charming dolls that come to life thanks to their manufacturers. This happened with the famous cartoon Ever After High, whose characters have now become colorful and charming dolls thanks to Mattel.

How were they created?

After the stunning success of a series of dolls under the interesting name Monster High, the company decided to launch a new puppet series called the Happily Ever After School, based on the cartoon of the same name (this is how the name Ever After High is translated into Russian). Along with this, various enterprising businessmen released photos, pictures and computer games with the heroes of Ever After High.

Dolls first saw the light on May 30, 2013, and continue to be produced to this day. In 2014, on June 5, this brand was introduced in Russia.

It was a basic series, where the dolls replicated the daily outfits of the cartoon characters: it was a huge success. The set included a layout with the character's story, a comb key and a stand. A series of dolls was presented by the most powerful company, which is one of the most famous brands. In the same year, Detsky Mir stores began selling girls' clothes, and the Eksmo publishing house will release a book called The Book of Legends about the adventures of the glorious characters of Ever After High.

According to their characteristics, Ever After High dolls, compared to the Monster High series, are more human-like and have rounded faces, as photos and pictures clearly show.

The bodies of the dolls are made of ABS plastic, which is very durable and elastic, based on resin. One of the main features of this material is non-toxicity: this is extremely important, since Ever After High dolls are intended for children and teenagers.

The heads of Ever After High dolls are made of PVC. This material is also a non-toxic thermoplastic and is used in the manufacture of plastic windows.

Hair is made from nylon-based materials. The dolls are made on hinges: they can move their legs, arms, head - almost like living ones. Thus, the Ever After High series of dolls is safe for children's games: they can be given to teenagers and toddlers without fear.

History of Ever After High School

The legend of the cartoon and the series of Ever After High dolls is based on the story that the heirs of famous heroes of children's fairy tales also grow up and, like their parents and all ordinary people, must study at school. This school is called "Long and Happily" (as the name was translated from the original Ever After High). Only fairy-tale heroes can get into this school: ordinary children cannot enter it. The sons and daughters of Goldilocks, Robin Hood, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Humpty Dumpty and other characters beloved by the children study here.

The children of magical heroes must repeat the fate of their parents, but they do not always agree to do what they are told. That is why there are disagreements and riots at the Ever After High school. Students are divided into two camps: heirs and apostates.

There are quite a few heroes of the famous cartoon, and they all have bright names. The heirs cherish the traditions of their parents, and the apostates wish to decide their own fate. They have their own views on good and evil. As a result, a school called Ever After High seems to be divided into two camps. Based on this confrontation, all new adventures take place.

Released collections

The Ever After High doll catalog consists of over a dozen main characters. However, this is not the whole series. The catalog is constantly updated with new dolls that go on sale.

To date, the following series of doll collections have been released:

  1. Basic
  2. coronation day
  3. heritage day
  4. Through the forest
  5. Tea ceremony (party)
  6. Glass Lake or Mirror Beach
  7. Pajama, or Become more beautiful
  8. Unrestrained spring
  9. Way too Wonderland (2015)
  10. Sugar Coated (2015)
  11. Picnic (2015) - Charming Picnic

We list only some of the leading characters in this series. Pictures and photos of dolls can be seen on our website.

Checklist with collections of dolls from the School of Long and Happily.

New series of Ever After High dolls (2015).

Ever After High doll collections. The red square is the most desired. Orange - desirable, yellow - less priority, green - available, blue - uninteresting.

All dolls from the Sugar coated collection.

Raven Queen doll in the new 2015 Enchanted Picnic collection.


- the head of the heirs, the daughter of Snow White and the same white hair and blue eyes (see pictures and photos). She truly believes in the book of fate and strives to protect royal traditions.

  • - the daughter of the well-known Goldilocks with blue eyes and light curls. Like her mother, she is in search of perfection.

  • - Daughter of the Queen of Hearts. She looks angry and irritated, but secretly dreams of learning to be kind.

  • - 2 daughters of Rapunzel from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. They are extremely fond of fairy tales. Poppy is the older twin sister, but the girls decide not to divulge their secret (Poppy refers to the apostates).

  • is a daughter dressed from Swan Lake. She can dance beautifully and even turn into a black swan. Swan is trying to do everything so that her fate is long and happy.

Photo from the cartoon Ever After High.

  • The son of Prince Charming from Sleeping Beauty. He feels his charm, so he is somewhat narcissistic.

  • Daring Charming is another son of Prince Charming. In contrast to his brother, he is very brave, but likes to flirt a little.

Photos and pictures of these heroes and dolls can be seen on our website.


  • “She’s the daughter of the evil queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” She prefers to decide her own fate.

Photo from the cartoon Ever After High.

  • She is the daughter of the Mad Hatter from Lewis Carroll's Alice Through the Looking-Glass. She is optimistic and even a little eccentric.

  • The son of the Huntsman and Snow White. He loves animals, gentle and sensitive.

  • - the heiress of the god of love Eros. It should help people find love.

  • - Pinocchio's daughter. She must become a beautiful girl and prove that everyone is able to live happily ever after.

  • Daughter of the Gray Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. Behind her charming cherry hood, she hides wolf ears.

Cerise Hood - the wolf's daughter

  • - the daughter of a cat from a fairy tale by Lewis Carroll, called Cheshire. She has lavender colored hair that is tied into two ponytails. Sleeps in trees and can disappear like her dad.

Photo from the cartoon Long and Happily.

Photos and pictures of these heroes can also be viewed on our website.

These are not all the characters and dolls of the Ever After High school. A series of dolls is constantly updated with new characters. Photos and pictures on the site will give you a complete picture of how they look. Also, photos and pictures can be printed and used for personal purposes.

Ever After High School and the dolls of its students will be a great gift for any child! Characters in colorful costumes will make even the most thoughtful girl smile.

Collection of Ever After high dolls on heritage day.

Heritage Day.

Coronation Day Series.

The basic collection of Ever After High dolls.

“And they lived happily ever after…” is how many popular fairy tales end. And so begins a new line of dolls from the legendary manufacturer Mattel (the start of production is May 2013), the most famous and. However, it is already easy to believe that this series of legendary dolls will be supplemented with the name Ever After High (Happily Ever After School).

Dolls and the legend of Ever After High

It is often possible to come across the statement that Ever After High dolls are a “softened” copy of “monsters”. Say, not all parents were delighted with the fact that, yielding to the insistence of the child, they had to buy not a pretty doll, but a “genetic experiment”, and at the same time they were seriously worried about the tastes instilled in the child. And one can only guess how many children's hopes were shattered by a firm parental "no", dictated by a reinforced concrete conviction: Monster High is an inappropriate toy for the younger generation. Well, Ever After High is a wonderful alternative, as a rule, one hundred percent corresponding to parental tastes.

From the Monster High dolls named Ever After High, they did not go far, at least in terms of the design of the bodies. However, we must give them their due, they are more "human", for example, without the characteristic "monster" protruding tummy. The line includes three types of female bodies and one male. Women differ among themselves mainly in the length of the legs. The growth of dolls ranges from 24.5 to 28 cm.

Ever After High is also a school; a school in which each character must eventually swear that he will follow the fabulous fate of his parents. Well, a fabulous fate is good, who would refuse such a thing? But do not forget that we are talking not only about the descendants of positive characters, because there are a variety of students at the Long and Happily School. And what about those who do not want to follow the example of their parents? Perhaps someone will want to rewrite their "Long and Happily" according to a non-fairytale scenario!

A variety of characters go to school, loyal to the characteristics of other students. It looks like we have a lot to learn from them. But still, the school is divided into those who dream of repeating the fate of their parents (“royal”, or royal), and those who are trying to avoid this at all costs (“rebels”, or rebel).

The plot of both schools was connected by the adopted daughter of the god of love - C.A. Cupid: once she saw a photograph of the son of a handsome prince - Dexter Chaming in the school attic - she fell in love with him without memory. Thus, Cupid made her way from the world of monsters to the fairy-tale world.

As in the case of the previous line of dolls, Ever After High has good media support: an animated series has already been launched that tells about the school everyday life of the characters; on the official website you can find blogs of individual characters. The Storybook of Legends by Shannon Hale was released, which was translated into Russian and published by the Eksmo publishing house in 2014. And this is just the beginning.

The first core series in 2013 consisted of just four different characters: Raven Queen, Madeline Hatter, Apple White, and Briar Beauty.

Ever After High dolls: character photos

Rebel from Ever After High

Raven Queen

Daughter of the Evil Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Madeline Hatter

Daughter of the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland.

Ashlynn Ella

Cinderella's daughter from the fairy tale of the same name. First belonged to the "royal", then - to the "rebels".

Hunter Huntsman

Son of the Hunter from Little Red Riding Hood.

Cerise Hood

Daughter of Little Red Riding Hood from the fairy tale of the same name.

C.A.Cupid (C.A.Cupid)

Eros' daughter.

Cedar Wood

Pinocchio's daughter from the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio. The history of the wooden doll.

Poppy O'Hair (Poppy O'Hair)

Daughter of Rapunzel from the fairy tale of the same name.

One of the most popular series of dolls today is "Monster High" - in addition to the toys themselves, there are also books, comics, cartoons and computer games on this universe. What is the essence of this series? What makes her so attractive to children? Its peculiarity lies in the fact that each character here is a teenager who is the child of a famous monster. For example, there is the daughter of the Frankenstein Beast, the daughter of the Zombie, and so on. They all study in the same school, develop relationships with each other, have a pronounced character, and so on. Naturally, such popularity has not been abandoned - new characters are constantly added to the series - moreover, new series appear, such as Ever After High. These are also dolls that belong to the same high school, but at the same time they have a different common connection. All Ever After High characters are children of famous ones. In this article, you will get acquainted with the most popular of them.

Apple White

The characters in Ever After High are incredibly diverse. Of course, there are not so many of them yet, as in the Monster High school, but enough already. And the most famous among them is Apple White. Connoisseurs of the English language can guess that this is the daughter of Snow White. Like all other characters, Apple White has her own special abilities, which she inherited from her parents. This particular heroine adopted from her mother the ability to get along well with people, as well as her beautiful voice, at the sound of which birds flock from all over the area and various animals come running. As you can see, the Ever After High characters are very unusual, and you are most likely eager to find out who else is in this series.

Raven Queen

If you thought that Ever After High characters would only be the children of good fairy tale characters, then you were wrong. A great example of the opposite is the heroine Raven Queen. Naturally, she is not evil in this series, but in history she is the daughter of the Evil Queen, who is related to the same fairy tale as Apple White's mother. Like the Evil Queen, Raven Queen knows how to cast spells, but with her, she only gets black. Any attempt to create something good and kind ends in failure. However, this does not really upset the heroine, since she has quite a few other wonderful sides that her friends like about her. As you may have noticed, in the Ever After High series, the names of the characters contain a hint of who their parents are.

Briar Beauty

One of the most popular heroines in high school is Briar Beauty - already by her last name it is clear that she will not stand aside. She attracts the attention of absolutely everyone around with her beauty and the ability to present herself. As you might have guessed, this heroine is the daughter of the Sleeping Beauty, so she has her own peculiarity. In addition to the fact that she loves to sleep very much, she hears all sounds very well in her sleep and at incredibly long distances. Here are such unusual characters in the Ever After High series, whose biography can sometimes attract the attention of not only children, but also adults. Who wouldn’t want to know how the lives of loved ones from childhood went on?

Madeline Hatter

As mentioned earlier, characters can be quite unusual. Not only can they be children of negative characters - they can also be descendants of secondary characters. For example, Madeline Hatter, who is the daughter of the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland, has gained immense popularity. Her ability is to turn her hat into whatever she wants. Perhaps this is why she attracts such a huge number of fans, without having such famous parents as the previous heroes.