Do-it-yourself Santa Claus sleigh made of paper. Magic sleigh of Santa Claus with your own hands. Master Class

Tatyana Perova

Sleigh Santa Claus- a wonderful idea for decorating a New Year's interior, for wrapping gifts or for fruits and sweets on a festive table.

It's not hard to make them. It is necessary to prepare thick cardboard, scissors, glue, decorative Christmas decorations, as well as a good mood and desire.

1. Draw the Sleigh Template (A4 format) and cut out.

2. We transfer the template to cardboard and cut it out in duplicate.

3. Cut out a rectangle from cardboard according to the attached pattern.

4. Bend the cut out rectangle along the fold lines (dotted line).

6. We glue this blank on one of the sides of the sleigh.

7. Glue the second side of the sleigh in the same way. Got like this sled.

8. Let's prepare plastic snowflake and star decorations.

Santa's sleigh is ready. It remains only to fill them with gifts and sweets or decorate the New Year's interior.

I wish you creative success and thank you for your attention!

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Decorative paper composition "Magic Sleigh"

Do you know, dear friends, when exactly the children receive gifts from Nikolaus? It takes place on December 6th. Saint Nicholas arrives on a patterned sleigh and spreads what he wants, what he has imagined.

At Christmas, gifts are given from relatives and friends. And, perhaps, something special that did not have time to guess from the Wizard with a white beard.

Northern oleshki are harnessed to the sleigh.

Knowing some historical facts related to the northern regions, I will undertake to assert that in Veliky Ustyug (the residence of Father Frost) they did not ride horses before. Reindeer were the most common means of transport.

So I decided to show how you can make a decorative composition with such sledges. I am sure that it can be done together with the children, as it is interesting and not difficult.

The size of the sleigh and, accordingly, the oleshek, as well as the number of them, you will determine yourself. I took a fairly small size possible.

Here it is, the very beginning. The templates are printed on two sheets of A4 format: 4 deer fit on one, and sledge templates on half of the second.

And these are the templates:

1. Paper sleigh.

I did them in this order: first the runners, then the sledges.

I cut out the runners, after punching through the folds, I looked at how they would fold.

After that, I painted the part black, assembled and glued it together.

It doesn't matter where exactly the snow and star fog settled on the sleigh - whether in the sky, on the ground or from the wind, but there must be snow!

Now you can do the wagon-sled itself!

Painted template red.

And now I'll show you a little magic!

There is such a possibility of decor as applying sweat. Probably, you have seen rich nesting dolls with golden kokoshniks? So, this was done with the help of sweat.

Potal is sold in shops with goods for artists with a footage.

Glue for gilding is needed for it (mordan is also called it). Such glue can also be bought where everything for modeling from Fimo clay is available.

There is a way to perform such a decorative technique using PVA glue. This is the so-called hot method: PVA glue is applied to the drawing, it is allowed to dry, then an eraser is heated on the sole of the iron, and the potal is pressed against the glue with such a heated rubber. Then the shiny coating remains in the drawing, and in the hands - a film.

But this method is not always convenient. For example, if there is still no skill, then the potal may remain around the drawing.

With glue for sweating (mordan), everything is much simpler - they applied it with a brush to the pattern, let it dry, and then pressed the sweat with its matte side to the glue.

And a fabulous pattern appears.

And on a magic sleigh, you need a fabulously frosty pattern!

(A similar effect can be achieved with the contours of who owns them, and the application of a gel with glitters. The choice is up to you, according to the availability of materials at home and skills.)

Of course, the sled itself is also a little covered in snow.

Magic transport is ready! Waiting to be loaded with gifts to please the kids.

2. Paper deer.

Well, what about the deer? I admit, I planned to make them completely in accordance with the templates. But as soon as I cut out the first deer with such numerous small details-notches, and even these strips with the names "side one" and "side two", and even taking into account the small sizes that I set myself for printing, ... something I got bored at once. I thought kids couldn't do that.

And from these thoughts, my oleshki immediately lost weight dramatically and became just flat. And from one deer, two magically appeared!

(Of course, if you are very patient and have chosen a large printout size, you can try making the animals 3D in their original form.)

Additionally, I cut out the antlers for the second deer. And I began to think about how to make the deer able to stand.

Initially, unplanned details appeared - strips of paper, which were supposed to be glued to the legs on both sides and thus install the olle.

But I came to the conclusion that this will not be enough. A deer with decor will be too heavy.

And then a new idea was born, as it turned out, very successful.

So far, nothing complicated: paint the animal in deer colors and decorate with stars and star dust.

They are very magical - they fly under the stars and under the northern lights, so they have gained such a brilliance - an unusual starry twinkling and play of radiance at the pole.

And the idea is this: set the whole composition on a piece from a sheet of foam. He himself is white, imagine that it is an ice floe or a snowy plain.

It is necessary to make shallow cuts in the surface according to the size of the legs, strengthen the legs in these slots and fix with glue.

You can add a soft wrinkled napkin in small pieces to show the snowdrifts. Again, I limited myself to cotton wool, covering the uneven edges of the foam with it.

Cotton wool, like on a sleigh, is glued to ordinary glue.

Therefore, the reins are just a woolen thread.

There is also a gift box template on the template sheets. You can make several of these boxes, decorate them, load them into a sleigh and send them to the kids.

Well, here's what I got...

There are already sleighs loaded with gifts, deer in stardust and twinkling are patiently waiting for Grandfather Nikolaus.

Where is he? Perhaps he went to give his assistants important instructions?

Or did you want to drink a hot drink before the road?

Or maybe you haven’t taken all the gifts with you yet?

It is likely that he is already laying out surprises for the children under the spruce.

Be that as it may, the sleigh will soon set off on its fabulous journey, bringing a lot of joy.

Let's believe in the Miracle and make the best wishes!

Sleigh of Santa Claus with their own hands. Master class with step by step photos

Author: Galina Mikhailovna Zosimova, teacher of the speech therapy group of the GBDOU kindergarten No. 27, St. Petersburg, Kirovsky district
Work description:
Here the sleigh rushes through the forest,
(it is full of mysteries and miracles),
A grandfather with a gray beard
It rules the troika daring!
His toys are in the sleigh
Cars and crackers
There are more candies...
And funny secrets! Author: Tatyana Dyulger)
I offer a master class on making crafts "Magic Sleigh of Santa Claus". These sleighs can be used for small and not heavy gifts, surprises (which you can also make yourself); you can decorate the New Year's interior or play director's games or table theater with them. This master class is addressed to adults or for joint creativity - child + adult.

Materials used in the work:

Cardboard for children's creativity - 3 sheets of matching tones, 1 sheet of paper for drawing A3 format (thick), glue moment Crystal, double-sided narrow tape, ruler, small protractor for making a semicircular headboard, cutter, pencil, pen (not writing - for creasing - for folds), 3 pieces of beautiful ribbons / braid, snowflake sequins (or punched with a hole punch), half beads - 4 pcs, a postcard (for decoration).

A drawing of the base of the sleigh (the dotted line is the fold lines). Further, the details cut out separately and used as patterns for the manufacture of decorative elements from colored cardboard. When making the headboard for the upper part, we use a protractor (convenient!)

We break through the folds (draw the pen along the ruler along the folds)

Cut out 2 bottoms, glue the white on the outside. Blue is on the inside. We glue the base of the sleigh, trying to glue the headboard obliquely back.

We cut out and glue the colored sidewalls, the headboard and the front of the sleigh inside and out with Moment Crystal glue. We leave the outer part of the headboard not glued (in order to close the ends of the ribbons later).

We glue the prepared ribbons and braid along the sides. Then glue the back of the headboard in place.
We cut out the blanks of the skids and stick them on colored cardboard: like this. Cut them out, stepping back to get a border.

We glue the skids to the sides, you can raise it higher, you can lower it as you like. We decorate the junctions with snowflakes and half beads.

We cut out a figure from a postcard, decorate it with snowflakes ... Make a hole on top with a hole punch and tie a bow.

Sleigh ready! Now you can use them however you like! I will be using them as gift wrapping!

". Its author Ludmila Yudaeva will tell you how you can make and decorate a holiday sleigh for Santa Claus. The question is very relevant, because Santa Claus cannot do without his traditional means of transportation. :)

Sleigh for Santa Claus in the technique of suite design

Hello! I am a mother of two boys, I am 31 years old. Now I'm sitting at home with my youngest child, so I entertain myself as best I can. I never knew how to sit idle, my hands are constantly doing something ...

About a year ago I fell in love with suite design, this year I fell in love with scrapbooking, now I am trying to master this type of needlework, though again with a slight touch of other hobbies. :)

One day, a friend, looking at my beautiful, freshly made orange Christmas tree with illumination (my pride) said: “This season is not a trend ...” My mouth opened, my lower lip began to twitch from frustration ... I think: “How so? When did handmade go out of fashion?.. ”And she continued, saying that this year we meet the Blue Sheep, and she is going to decorate everything exclusively in blue and maybe even silver tones.

I came home, climbed to sort out my hamster supplies. I tried to choose everything only blue or maximum silver. And for some reason, the idea to make a sled immediately came up - it was inspired by the approaching New Year, although there was no snow.

Orange sisal is also tucked in here, sort of like a suitable material for sledges. But already in the process I changed my mind about using it - after all, blue.

I looked at the sleigh shape on the Internet, but in the end I decided to come up with something of my own. Who, if not me, knows better what kind of sledge my Santa Claus has?

Separately, it must be said that Grandfather Frost is the only store accessory that my hand did not touch for transformations.

Also for the sled, I needed a dense wire, which I quickly cut and twisted with round-nose pliers.

I assembled the sled with my favorite glue gun.

It is worth noting that the type of attachment that I originally used for the skids turned out to be unviable. Just at the moment when the photo was taken, I was still planning to use sisal to decorate the sled. In the final version, I cut away these layers and held the wire parts together with double-sided tape and cord (more on this below).

When the foundation was ready, the question of design arose. And then I realized that I don’t want to use sisal, I just don’t see it in the end (those who make it will understand me). Your favorite corrugated paper came to the rescue again. And my sleigh became silver.

To make Grandfather comfortable, I threw a “mattress” (a piece of foam) into the sled, and added “pillows” made of organza.

I cut the organza into squares, twisted it four times in the usual way and, without hesitation, attached it to the sleigh with a stapler.

Then a Christmas tree settled in the sleigh (more precisely, twigs), and the ugly foam plastic was covered with a “silver veil” (in the world - decorative filler).

One of the previous photos also shows a gift - Grandfather Frost cannot go without gifts! Of course, in his sleigh there will later be 3 of them. They are easy to make and look very pretty.

We cut the sheet foam into squares (if you have a regular foam, you have to tinker a little). We fold a cube from the squares and wrap it with a piece of wrapping paper or film, fixing it with double-sided tape. I don’t specify the dimensions, since the foam cube can be any (for example, my Grandfather in the sleigh has gifts of several sizes).

At the end, we tie the gift with a ribbon, thread, rope ... - whatever your heart desires.

In addition, I wanted to add something forest to the sleigh. The gifts of the forest in the neighborhood came to the rescue. I added a little “frost” to the pine cones, covering them with acrylic paint (it could have been paste or salt, but then it would have turned out “snow”).

It seems that everything is prepared inside, now it is necessary to take on the outer part. She began to wrap the runners of the sled with a silvery lace. So that the winding does not peel off and lays down beautifully, I used my favorite double-sided tape.

The sides of the sledge were decorated with twists.

Having made the sledge, we move on to the sweet decor: we glue sweets on skewers, decorate the skewers with a ribbon to match the composition, in parallel we make paper cones, which we wrap with packaging film on top.

Insert a candy on a stick inside the cone, tie it at the base with a ribbon. I made 5 sweets according to this principle.

I made a cone-shaped twist by winding the wire around the handle.

I decided to add more candy flowers. She cut off a rectangular piece of blue corrugated paper.

She curled the ponytail, gently stretched it with her fingers, wrapped the candy attached to the toothpick.

Thus, 3 candies were made. I decided to make one of them a big beautiful flower. To do this, I cut out petals from blue and silver corrugated paper.

I attached the petals to the candy with double-sided tape. I added sepals to the rest of the sweets, cutting a piece of silver corrugated paper with cloves.

Having collected all the flowers, I twisted them with a teip tape, disguising the wire and the transition from paper to base.

Everything, the sled for Santa Claus is ready! And even if you remove the sweets, the composition will remain beautiful.

Grandfather got out of the sled for a while, in order to better show how everything looks.

Santa's sleigh is a great idea as gift wrapping or as a table stand for fruits and sweets. To make such sleds is quite simple. This will take about 30-40 minutes.

Necessary materials:

Thick cardboard
- Corrugated metallized paper
- Scissors
- Hot glue
- Sintepon

1) On thick cardboard, draw the outline of the sleigh and cut out 2 copies. We glue the corrugation to one copy. We cut off the excess corrugation along the contour with scissors.

2) We glue the sleigh with corrugation on both sides.

3) We take thinner cardboard. Cut out a long rectangle. The width of the rectangle is the desired width of the sled + one centimeter of padding on each side. We bend the rectangle into 3 parts: the base of the sleigh and 2 backs (small and large). We bend the indents on both sides. We coat the indents with glue and glue them to the side parts of the sled.

4) Cut off a long thin strip of synthetic winterizer. Glue it along the edge of the sleigh to cover the edges of the cardboard. We wait until the sled is dry and fill it with sweets and fruits.