School love: how to please a classmate or classmate? I like a classmate: what to do

To the question of how to attract the attention of a classmate if he does not pay attention to me? given by the author Ying Li ~^.^~ the best answer is There are the following recommendations:
1.-- Become unpredictable. Today you are with him with all your heart. Tomorrow is cold. Confuse him. Remember:
In sex, too, do not leave certainty. Vary your behavior: either be assertive, EVEN ROUGH, or become more gentle than gentle.
When you don’t know who your partner will turn into in the next meeting, --- an angel or a demon, you begin to appreciate him in any way.
2. - You can fall in love with knowledge of the laws of psychology (according to Freud)
Apply the so-called BREAKING EFFECT.
This method consists in a constant change of stimuli. A person is flattered, then rejected. And so many times.
In the end, the usual reactions go astray: a person expects praise, but he is scolded. He waits for reproach, and he is praised.
IT ROLLS THE PSYCHE and eventually subordinates the experimenter.
True, you need to make a reservation: the method does not always help to fall in love with yourself.
It can also cause violent denial, and even, moreover, provoke the hatred of a loved one.
Psychologists identify 8 main points in the behavior of a woman, giving her the opportunity to seduce even the most impregnable object.
(it is necessary that at the first glance he had sexual thoughts)
First look----it's CLOTHING:
Evaluate your figure: what can you like more about it?
Clothing should emphasize the benefits!
---- An exchange of glances can strike like an electrical impulse and be remembered for a long time.
It should read only three words: "I WANT YOU!"
How to learn to look like that ... (does not fit ...
--- That attentive look, lingering on the object of seduction for a second or two more than it should be.
At the same time, he should not be aggressive or defiant - this will only scare away the "victim".
The best way is to lower your eyelids slightly, to look furtively, askance. As soon as the "object" notices that you are watching him, immediately look away.
Try to look at the "object" sideways because of the rounded raised shoulder --- from the point of view of psychology, it is an imitation of your own chest.
Already from one such reception, a man, as a rule, STARTS EXCITED.
VOICE timbre:
A man can be lured into your networks and ... by the correct use of vowels!
According to biologists, in wildlife, long lingering sounds have always been invocative.
It turns out that wide vowels (A, O, E) act on men more effectively than narrow ones (I, E)
A series of consonants from a woman's mouth ALARM a man, and hissing ones evoke disgust at all, being associated with a snake.
eloquent gesture:
A well-known thing, but for some reason often forgotten by women.
Start stroking a cigarette, the stem of a wine glass, your finger, or any long cylindrical object.
This is a very specific hint of what's on your mind.
A man is arranged by nature in such a way that wet, parted female lips evoke the corresponding visual range in his brain ---- even if at that moment he is busy with completely non-romantic things.
Another attractive posture is to sit with your legs crossed.
One leg is pressed tightly against the other, which creates a feeling of increased muscle tone.
This is the state of a woman who is ready for sex.
Physiologically speaking, WHAT DOES THE AVERAGE MAN WANT?

How to please a guy - a classmate at school

School... This is a place where boys and girls not only get knowledge, but also communicate. And therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that one day a student will have a desire to meet a classmate she likes or a guy from a parallel class. And then she needs to know how to act.

What to do if you like a guy at school - how to attract his attention?

If you like a guy at school, the first thing to remember is that it's always better to be yourself so that a classmate will like you. You must be a very interesting person, so give the guy the opportunity to appreciate you. Be confident when talking with classmates and wanting to please one of them - such people always attract the attention of others.

The external is no less important than the internal, so carefully monitor your appearance - beautiful neat clothes, perhaps an interesting hairstyle and no cosmetic frills on your face. You should not experiment with revealing clothes either, because your task is for him to see a girl in you, and not a sexual object. In addition, the decision to attract a guy is just so risky that he will form the wrong opinion about you.

If you have the opportunity to communicate with the object of your sighs, use it to your advantage. Be genuinely interested in his hobbies and problems. Let him feel that this is important to you, and he, having felt his importance, will surely distinguish you from the crowd of other girls. Smile more when talking.

So, the goal is achieved - did the guy pay attention to you? Now is the time to find out how to make acquaintance with him and even fall in love with a guy at school.

How to meet a guy at school

What to do if it is impossible to communicate in the classroom, and even more so in noisy crowded corridors to communicate? One has only to approach the “object” of interest to you, as it will be instantly noticed by everyone who is nearby at that moment. Therefore, we will act differently.

The ideal option to make an acquaintance is to do it unobtrusively so that everything looks natural. Then it will immediately be possible to painlessly determine whether the guy is generally set to be friends with a representative of the opposite sex.

It is better to get acquainted with the guy you like when he is not busy with anything special. It's better to know more about it first. Perhaps he is well versed in any school subject? Then you need to use it. Ask him to help you - to explain the material that you do not understand. Or he is an anime fan - you can ask him to watch something. Look for your points of contact and act! And to even more interest the guy, offer him some help in return. This will help you stand out from the crowd of the same "interested" as you are. Mutually beneficial cooperation is the best basis for a serious friendship.

If you managed to make an acquaintance in a banal way - by asking the “object” for a piece of paper, a spare pen or something else, then do not forget to continue your communication further. Say hello to him the next day at school. And after a few days, ask him for something again. It is likely that after that he will express a desire to get to know you, but even if not, take the initiative into your own hands. The phrase “you helped me so many times, and we don’t even know each other” will be a great start.

If the guy you like has achieved something significant, for example, he took part in the school olympiad, taking one of the first places, then you can unobtrusively make an acquaintance by approaching him and expressing your admiration for his success. Anyone would love to hear these words!

How to learn to flirt with a guy and a girl, a man and a woman? How to file for divorce, where to apply and how long does a divorce last

One of the most interesting periods of your life is school. No matter how difficult, uninteresting, or boring at school, this time is always remembered with quiet sadness in the future. For any girl, school is an opportunity to find friends, girlfriends, to meet her first sympathy here. Often such sympathy develops into a feeling for both the girl and the guy.

And it doesn’t matter how old you are: at 11 years old, and at 12 years old, and at an older age - falling in love comes without asking ages.

Of course, everyone wants to please the person who is cute to her. But she doesn't know how, or a boy from another class. How to please a boy at school? We will try to understand the difficult situation and find solutions.

  • The main reason is that girls spend a lot of time with them, especially if they are classmates. Studying in different classes, you constantly intersect at recess, general school events, on the way to school and home. When you constantly see a handsome and interesting guy, it's hard to make you not like him. How to please a boy in 1 day at school? Nothing is impossible, you just need to believe in success!
  • When to fall in love, if not in school years? The coolest, most carefree time. Where, if not at school, you can get to know a guy, evaluate his qualities: whether he knows how to make friends, how he treats girls, whether he has serious hobbies, his character.
  • The strongest and most fun companies are school ones, and their peculiarity is that you can have an interesting and fun time outside the school.

Finally, you liked the guy, sympathy for him becomes more and more, and you understand that you need to do something in order to like him too. We offer girls answers to the question: how to make a guy fall in love with you in 10 ways.

  1. Remember: appearance is the main female weapon. Each girl is beautiful in her own way, but if you want a guy to like you, you need to try. Guys don't like provocative looks, most of them like the owners of natural beauty, so stick to minimal makeup. Any guy will always pay attention to the clothes that the girl is wearing, provided that these are not jeans and trousers, but dresses and skirts. Make sure that these clothes are not too short and tight. Remember that your task is to please, and not to provoke a guy with your defiant look. Sometimes a too short skirt or a frank neckline repels a young man.
  2. Simplicity is strength! Try to keep your behavior as close to natural as possible, no need to try to be better than you really are. Smile as often as possible, and try to be in a good mood. Cheerful girls like guys, and attract attention. A sincere smile makes any guy once again pay attention to the girl.
  3. Intrusive people try to avoid, remember this. There needs to be a middle ground here. From an excess of feelings, girls often behave stupidly - they chase a guy, and then run away, giggling. You can't do that, it's indecent. Don't show that you're in love. How to make a guy fall in love with you at school? If you are in different classes, then you should try to meet more often at school, but such meetings should not be intrusive and look like harassment.
  4. Surprise and try to be different. To do this, you need to use the best character traits, focusing on them. For example, today you are a dreamy and thoughtful person, and tomorrow you are a cheerful and mischievous girl. And do not think that if you are not the first beauty, then you need to hide in a corner and not stick out! Beauty is important, but love is not for beauty. Look around: here comes a couple of lovers: she is nothing special, but she carries herself with dignity, and he is nearby: a handsome, interesting man. Or vice versa. In a person, the main thing is not beauty, but character, and charisma!
  5. Don't Ignore Your Self Development. How ? Develop your intellect and work on perfecting your personality. This also applies to the Internet. Now there are so many opportunities to learn new things, and things that you can argue about and talk about. Working on yourself will help you not only to interest a guy, but also to become better and more interesting for yourself and others. Find out what his favorite movies, games, and so on. You must be aware of everything.
  6. Color is a very powerful energy. which helps in relationships. Just recently, 100 years ago, lovers gave each other the same color details of clothing: ribbons, scarves, silk scarves, and even camisoles and outerwear. Why do you think? To look like a couple! If you know how the guy you're in love with dresses, dress in his style, in his colors to look like a couple with him. If you are already talking with a guy, then build your communication correctly. For example, try to praise him, but do it unobtrusively and for visible virtues.
  7. Patience is also very important! Try to be patient and know how to wait. Remember that it takes time for a guy to show interest in you, especially if before that your communication was minimal.
  8. Believe in yourself and in your strength. It’s hard to please someone if you don’t like yourself and are constantly looking for flaws. Notice your strengths, if you have weaknesses, try to work on getting rid of them. A lot of guys like confident girls.
  9. Sometimes you have to take the initiative because young people are more shy than girls. Not everyone is ready to take the first step and start communication.
  10. Thoughts tend to become reality, so think more about the good. How do you get a guy to like you at school? Imagine that the guy likes you too, your first conversation, your first date. These dreams can very well become a reality, provided that you put some effort into it.

It must also be reminded that there are many things that should not be done in relation to a young person, as they can only repel.

  • Do not try to attract attention with defiant behavior. Many girls believe that if they suddenly start smoking or drinking alcohol, then the guy will pay attention to it. In most cases, this will happen, but his approval of such behavior does not need to wait.
  • You don't have to be the guy's friend. A girl friend rarely becomes a soulmate, so clearly define for yourself what you want from this person.
  • Do not rush time, and do not expect a quick result. Achieve your goal gradually, boys, to some extent, also like to be conquered. And even more they like girls who are picky, and with self-respect.
    Don't tell everyone you know about your new crush. It is not known in what form this information will reach the person you like. Trust only the most trusted and close people.
  • The worst question you can ask a guy you like is if he likes kids.
  • Don't impose your society. You should not go everywhere for a guy, constantly call him, and leave a lot of messages on social networks. A girl who does not allow you to pass quietly, only repels, and not vice versa. In the case of such behavior, the young man will have a desire to limit communication, because he will only have unpleasant emotions from him.

Well, if you find out that the guy you like already has a girlfriend, you should not despair. Life is striped like a zebra! Today you are unlucky, but tomorrow everything will be different! Try different ways and means to get sympathy in return.

And take note: even if your love is not mutual, and the boy does not look in your direction, this is not a tragedy. It is important that you have learned beautiful feelings, which means that you have become spiritually richer! The ability to present yourself, good mood, confidence and sociability are indispensable things in your life.

From this article you will learn:

Every girl once has to solve the problem, so that he pays attention to her. So you want to stand out for him from the whole crowd, so that his awesome smile is addressed only to you. Not everything always goes smoothly: sometimes you need to overcome serious difficulties - a boy may like another girl, he may not notice you point-blank, or you are completely unfamiliar. What to do? How to achieve what you want? If you take into account a few useful tips, perhaps you will succeed.

What kind of boy would like?

What kind of boy would like?

If you want to please a boy, everything will depend on who he is. It's one thing if you are in the same class with him and are constantly in front of each other. And it's a completely different thing when you barely know each other. So, who do you want to like:

  • at school: a classmate, a boy from another class;
  • beloved;
  • former;
  • unfamiliar;
  • if he loves another;
  • by correspondence.

If you need to please a boy who is not on this list, act according to the circumstances. In addition, there are some universal tips that can be used in any situation. Even if your boy is the most extraordinary in school.

Do you want to please a tough boy and therefore try to be a match for him - impudent, vulgar and overly self-confident? Be careful: psychologists say that it is these guys who are distinguished by complexes and vulnerability. So by your behavior you can inadvertently offend him and push him away from you forever.

Tips on how to please a boy

Small universal instructions on how to please a boy, will help you establish a relationship with any person. Just do not break the rules outlined here, otherwise you will not be able to achieve any results.

  1. Find out his interests and look for information that might captivate him. This will help to start a conversation, you will have something to talk about.
  2. Start taking care of yourself. To please a boy, you need to be beautiful. Do your hair, make-up should be unobtrusive, clothes - not defiant, emphasizing the dignity of your figure. And don't forget well-groomed nails.
  3. act natural. Do not begin to grimace at his appearance, laugh out loud and joke stupidly.
  4. At the same time, sometimes throw ambiguous glances at him, distinguish him from the crowd, turn to him more often than others - let me know if you like the boy.
  5. When communicating more closely, do not open up 100%. Let you have a secret that the boy will definitely want to solve.
  6. Don't brag. Don't just talk about yourself. Be able to listen to him and empathize with his problems.
  7. smile at him. We have already talked about the magical effect of a smile on a person.
  8. Show that you have many images. If you are an obedient student at school, and he is used to seeing you like this, do not be afraid to play a little hooligan on a date outside the school walls.
  9. Praise him.

The main thing - do not overdo it. Do not be intrusive - and you can any boy will like whoever he is. As for common interests, there is a risk of completely dissolving in his world and completely forgetting about your own. Do not do this. He should know that you are a complete person who has his own hobbies. So he will respect you. Well, if you add a few specific ones to these universal tips that relate specifically to your situation, success is guaranteed.

How to please a boy at school?

How to please a boy at school?

Situation #1: how to please a boy at school, who is so close - here he is, passing you along the corridor, sitting next to you in the dining room ... Much will depend on whether he is your classmate or not.


So, how to please a boy from the class:

  1. If you're a better student than him, try offering to help him with his homework.
  2. If he learns better than you, ask him for help with this.
  3. Try to get close to his friends, who are probably in your class. From them you can learn more about him and easily join his company.
  4. Participate in extracurricular activities with him. Make a wall newspaper together, put on a skit, dance or sing a song - rehearsals and success after the concert will bring you together.
  5. You have the same number of lessons at school - so what's stopping you from going home together?

If you need to please a boy classmate, act according to this scheme - and there will be no disappointment.

From another class

You will have to behave a little differently if you do not study together. How can like a boy from another class especially if he is older than you?

  1. Try to catch his eye more often during changes, but at the same time do not be intrusive. Model the situation so that you find yourself next to him by chance.
  2. Get friends who communicate with him - this will help you cross paths more often.
  3. If he is older, you must match his level. Develop, read books, watch the news. If in a conversation with him you express your own opinion about something to him, he will certainly be amazed and will stop seeing you as a little girl.
  4. Ask him for help in something: in studies, in sports, in staging a school scene.

To please a boy at school, find any points of intersection with him - this will allow you to get closer, get to know each other better. So it will be easier to become necessary to him and attract his desired attention.

Did you know that...

do most boys really enjoy the process of conquering a girl in order to enjoy the victory that follows? So do not give up to him right away: play and stay for him that very impregnable fortress, for the sake of taking which he will move mountains.

How to please your beloved boy?

How to please your beloved boy?

Very often, girls want to please their beloved boy, with whom they seem to have a good relationship, but they want him not to be disappointed in you and love you more every day. Well, there is nothing difficult in this.

  1. Don't try to have him run after you in front of everyone. You must be equal in relationships.
  2. Respect his opinion. Listen to what he says.
  3. Never make fun of him in front of others.
  4. try hard do not sort things out with raised voices. Whims and tantrums are what boys don't like.
  5. Do not demand too much from him: do not force him to give you expensive gifts, leave his friends for you, run away from home, etc.
  6. Take care of him.
  7. Show him your love, and preferably not in public, but when you are alone.
  8. Always look good.

These useful tips on how to please a boy, with whom relations have already been established, will help to continue and strengthen them. Do not allow yourself to relax and think that he is attached to you forever. Love in adolescence is a very fragile flower that needs to be groomed and cherished.


It turns out that boys are madly in love when compliments are given to them.

How to please an ex-boy?

How to please an ex-boy?

Everything is much more complicated if you want, with whom, for some reason, relations were severed. To begin with, decide exactly for yourself: do you really want to renew them, or is this desire just an amusement for wounded pride? If the latter, then it's not worth starting. Well, if this desire is the only thing you need, proceed as follows.

  1. Don't run after him. Show that you are fine without him. Communicate with everyone, smile more often, have fun and enjoy life.
  2. Communicate with him at ease: say hello, smile.
  3. Now you need to look much better than before. Make a new hairstyle, manicure, it’s good to add fashionable little things to your wardrobe and generally change your image.
  4. Intersect with him more often so that he sees your cheerfulness and ease. This will make him look at you in a new way.
  5. Don't tease him with relationships with other boys. He may think that you are serious with someone, and will refuse you.

Now you know how to make a boy like you, with whom, it would seem, you no longer have anything in common. Interest him again, as before, and the relationship will be renewed. Perhaps you both will take into account your old mistakes and not make them again.

Keep in mind that the boy in any situation must be a winner. So if you want to really like him, you have to lose something to him. Are you ready for this?

How to please a stranger boy?

How to please a stranger boy?

It will not be very easy, with which nothing connects you at all: neither a common company, nor a school, nor interests. But even here the situation is not hopeless. You can always try to do something. What if he is your destiny?

  1. If there are no mutual acquaintances, it is necessary to establish visual contact. When meeting, cross your eyes with him and hold your eyes on him for a few seconds.
  2. This will make him pay attention to you. After 2-3 days of such visual contact, you can smile at him.
  3. Say hello to him first in a couple of days.
  4. After 2-3 days after that, you can unobtrusively talk about anything.

Here's what you need to do to please a boy you don't even know. And do not be afraid to take the first steps: drop all prejudices. If it is unobtrusive and modest, he will later only be grateful to you for your acquaintance.

How to please a boy who loves another?

An extremely difficult situation develops when it is not clear how to please a boy if he loves another. Intrigue, intrigue and try to separate a couple - there is nothing worse. Discard this scheme of action immediately. It will not lead to anything good, it will only exhaust everyone's nerves. The only thing that can be advised:

  1. Become his friend.
  2. Don't interfere in his personal relationship with another girl. Never. You can give advice, but only if he himself asks you about it.
  3. Wait patiently for this relationship to end. Perhaps it is you who will be the only one from whom he will seek solace.
  4. There is one big risk in all this: if a boy is used to seeing you as a girlfriend, it will be difficult for him to see in you a girl that he wants to date.

Here how to please a boy if he likes another. This is the only way out of this situation. In general, it’s better to understand right from an early age that you won’t be forced to be nice and you can’t interfere in a couple’s relationship. You don't have to be the third wheel.

How to please a boy by correspondence?

Today, social networks have become an integral part of teenagers. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more often the question arises, how to please a boy by text. There are a few unshakable rules and tips that you should follow if a similar situation arises.

  1. Don't bombard him with messages.
  2. You can start the day with an unobtrusive “Hello!” and end it with a non-binding “Bye-bye”.
  3. Once every few days, when he is online, you can ask how he is doing.
  4. Post photos, but not 10 at a time.
  5. You can ask him for his opinion on one of them.
  6. Ask for his advice more often.
  7. Offer to help him solve some problems. Be helpful to him.

Now you know, what to do to please a boy, - so you can act according to useful advice from psychologists, and not at random. If you do not chop off your shoulder, be able to control your emotions and find a golden mean in everything - the boy you like will definitely pay attention to you.

Yes, gone are the days when, in order to please the girl, the boys pulled their pigtails. Now the girls themselves want to draw attention to themselves, and they do it in very strange ways. Very often you can see how teenage girls sip beer on a par with the boys, smoke and so plant the mother that the adults fall silent. Of course, such ladies pay attention to themselves, the boys consider them “their boyfriends”, but they don’t feel anything serious about such girls. But there are many ways to please a classmate who will have a very serious relationship as a continuation.

Help in everything

Do not be afraid, we will not call on girls to help boys in everything, this is not a woman's business. Take a look around, there are more than a dozen cases that can be called non-female. And why think for a long time how to attract a classmate? Of course, ask him for help in any matter, business. The first time he will help you and forget, the second time he will smile at you, and the third and fourth he will feel like that same stone wall, behind which you can so comfortably place an attractive “stupid” who can’t do anything herself. And do not shout that you can do everything without men, remember that you must make you spend something on you in order to be of value to a classmate. Due to his youth, he will not be able to spend money on you, but the time and effort - please! Over time, he will get so used to doing something for you that he will no longer be able to live without it, that is, without you.

beauty or mind

Any girl who decides how to please a boy classmate has to choose what to demonstrate in front of him - her mind or her beauty? Let's figure it out. Beauty should be in any case, because every man not only loves a woman, but also shows off her to the rest. Not every girl is endowed with beauty, so it’s enough to be well-groomed, clean, pretty, keep an eye on your figure and avoid stooping shoulders, a hanging belly and a double chin (it happens at school age too!). The mind in the girl should also be, but it must be shown in a very limited amount. It is better to show not the best competence in some matters, to let the young man explain everything to you in a popular way, and then he will appreciate himself in your eyes. And this is much more important for a man than a woman's mind, believe me. But you don’t need to expose yourself as a stupid blonde! It is best to show the boy that you are interested in him, that you admire his erudition, skill, intelligence. And go after him with all your might. He will definitely appreciate it. You girls have already understood that eternal female wisdom is behind all this. Make it so that he makes a decision that you made in advance, and consider it your decision - this is the basic rule of a woman. Therefore, it depends only on you whether the boy likes you or not.

Common interests

If you liked a classmate, then you have a huge advantage over girls from the yard or from other classes. You are with him every day for many hours! You have a huge chance to attract attention and like him. Therefore, when deciding how to attract the attention of a classmate, take a closer look at him and understand what he likes. And not only from food, although this is also, but also what sciences he prefers to study, what he is fond of, what kind of sports or creativity. After that, immediately begin to study these topics. If he likes physics. Nothing can be done, then you have to study Ohm's laws, the gimlet rule and electrical circuits. And then feel free to start discussing with him those topics that you learned and understood best. Ask the boy questions, argue, tell him something new. And then you can just sit down at his desk, he will not even think about why you did it, he will simply continue to discuss physical phenomena with you. And if he is interested in sports, then pump your muscles and learn the names of football teams! And consider that you have drawn attention to yourself.