The nails on the hands of the disease exfoliate. Contact with various substances. Folk remedies for the health of the nail plate

For a woman, the condition of the nails is of great importance, beautiful hands are one of the components of attractiveness. How unpleasant it is when the nails begin to exfoliate and take on an unimportant appearance. For effective treatment of violations of their form and quality, it is necessary to first establish the cause of this problem in order to choose the most effective way to eliminate it.

Why nails exfoliate: reasons?

Sometimes you have to look with envy at a friend whose hands are well-groomed, and a magnificent manicure attracts the attention of others. Try to figure out why you do not have such long and strong nails.

There may be several reasons for deviations, but they all lie in a malfunction in your state of health.

Improper nutrition

The reason for the separation of nails almost always lies in a systematic malnutrition, a lack of essential trace elements and vitamins leads to the fact that nails and hair become brittle and inconspicuous. Particularly severe consequences occur after strict diets, when the entire body suffers from a lack of nutrients. The main elements that your nails need are calcium, silicon and magnesium. If you're not eating enough meat, nuts, and dairy, you're in trouble.

Effects of chemicals on nails

Try to do all household chores that involve water and cleaning products while wearing rubber gloves. Household chemicals destroy not only dirt in the kitchen or bathroom, but also destroy the structure of the nail. Poor-quality cosmetics can be worse than chemistry, it is better not to paint your nails at all than to use cheap varnishes. Pay attention to the content of formaldehyde in them.

Lack of moisture as the cause of brittle nails

An insufficient amount of moisture in the body also affects the condition of the nails, which leads to their dryness, yellow tint, loss of elasticity and brittleness.

Poor quality manicure

It is important to use special soft or glass nail files when carrying out a manicure, metal ones destroy the structure of the nail. It is desirable to direct the nail file in one direction, then the risk of delamination is reduced.

Surely all people at least once in their lives, but noticed that their nails exfoliate. Women pay more attention to their hands, so more often they notice this problem.

Someone thinks that brittle nails are not a cause for concern, but someone with this problem goes to the doctor. We advise you not to go to extremes and try to restore the health of your nails yourself.

Nail: features of its structure and structure

To begin with, you must understand what a nail is.

Nail plate- This is a collection of a large number of very thin keratinized scales. Thanks to keratin and water, our nail is plastic, but at the same time dense.

If failures occur in the body at the cellular level, or you simply injure the nail, small gaps appear between the layers of scales, which increase over time and turn into cracks. It is this process that is called delamination of the nail plate.

Causes and treatment of brittle nails

If your nails are very exfoliating, then before treating them, you need to figure out why this process is happening.

There can be many reasons. They are in turn divided into internal and external.

Internal causes lie within the body itself (diseases of organs and systems). External - this is the impact of negative factors on the nail.

  • Aggressive household chemicals. If you wash dishes, clean the apartment, wash clothes without wearing rubber gloves, then be aware that the chemical components of these products negatively affect not only the skin of the hands, but also the nails.
  • stressful situations. Oddly enough, stress is one of the main causes of brittle nails. All due to the fact that during strong experiences in the work of the body malfunctions occur, and the foliation of the nail is a direct consequence of the disruption of the normal functioning of various organs.
  • Use of acetone products and frequent use of varnishes. No need to cover your nails with cheap varnishes. Manufacturers of such products do not think about the dangers of nail polishes and use cheap components. Such funds not only adversely affect the nail plate, but also do not hold well. After 1-2 days you will have to remove the varnish with a special tool. Acetone-containing liquids dry out the nail very much, which leads to its delamination.
  • Disruptions in the normal functioning of the body. If at least one organ does not work properly in a person, it affects the whole body. Often, it is the nails (their color, size, shape, etc.) that help doctors identify the disease in a patient.
  • Mechanical traumatization of the nail. If you inadvertently hit the nail, then it can not only exfoliate, but also turn blue, fall behind, and then generally “peel off”. Of course, over time it will recover, but it will take a long time. Often the reason that the nail on the thumb is exfoliating is the constant desire to pick something up and tuck it in.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body. Nails can exfoliate if the body does not receive the vitamins and minerals it needs. Most often this happens in the spring, when there is a shortage of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Regular overdrying and hypothermia of the hands.
  • Irregular hygiene procedures (manicure), use of non-professional tools. If you constantly forget that you need to do a manicure, or it will be done by an amateur who does not know the rules for this procedure, then you will probably face the problem of nail foliation in a month. Another factor that does not add to the health of the nail plate is the use of low-quality tools. For example, not everyone knows that you can not use a metal file.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. While the child is in the mother's tummy, and then eats her milk, the necessary trace elements are rapidly leaving the woman's body. Thus, nature made sure that the baby received everything he needed. But the nails are the first to suffer from a lack of calcium.
  • Bad habits. The use of alcohol and tobacco does not add health to the nails, making them thin, yellow and brittle.

This is not the whole list of reasons that can lead to the delamination of the nail plate. It is very important to eliminate the factors that provoke fragility of the nail, and then proceed to treatment.

Just do not think that there is a magic pill, after drinking which your nails will be healthy. Restoration of the nail plate is a long process that requires an integrated approach. You must be prepared for the fact that you will have to change your habits, lifestyle and learn to pay attention to your hands, and especially your nails.

What to do when fingernails peel

If you are concerned about the problem of lamination of the nail plate, then the ideal option is to see a doctor. If you do not think that your situation is so critical, then we suggest you try to solve it yourself.

Remember that treatment should be comprehensive. If you do not follow our recommendations, then your nails will continue to exfoliate and thin.

Salon procedures

Very often, women with the problem of brittle nails turn to manicure masters. They believe that these specialists will be able to restore their nails. There is a deal of truth in it.

Beauty salons offer a wide range of services for the restoration of nail plates. Now let's talk about the most popular procedures.

Applications with wax and paraffin

During this procedure, wax or paraffin is applied to the nails, left to harden for 15-25 minutes, and then removed.

Japanese manicure

This is a very pleasant procedure during which jojoba oil is rubbed into the skin of the hands and nail plates. After that, the master makes a special massage using oils with mineral components. The final stage is the application of polishing powder made on the basis of beeswax to the nail.

Spa manicure

This is a complex of pleasant manipulations with the hands, during which the hands are massaged, nourishing and strengthening baths are made, the client undergoes an aromatherapy session.

Nail sealing

The essence of this procedure is as follows, the master files the nails and prepares a bath with a special lotion. After the client steams her nails in it, vitamin oils and wax are rubbed into the nail plate with a special suede file. In this case, the master pays special attention to the tip of the nail plate.


Applications are made on the nails with vitamins A and E, and with the help of a current that comes through special equipment, useful components are transferred immediately to the nail plate.

Pharmaceutical remedies that will help solve the problem of delamination of nails

If you still decide to treat your nails yourself, we suggest using products that you can buy at any pharmacy.

  1. Hand creams. Most cosmetic creams contain the necessary vitamins that nourish not only the skin of the hands, but also the nails. In addition, they are excellent moisturizers. Therefore, lubricating your hands with cream, do not forget to massage the nail plates.
  2. Nail wax. This is a tool with which you can seal the edge of the nail. Thanks to this, the nails will not exfoliate for about 1 month.
  3. Medical varnishes. These are most often colorless products that strengthen, nourish and protect the nail plate. They can be applied under regular varnish as a base.
  4. Healing mud. This is a product that is applied to the hands, and washed off after 15 minutes.

Where to buy nail strengthener

  • Biowax for nails and cuticles firming, 35 ml
  • Nail and cuticle oil, almond oil, Oil For Nails and Cuticle DGP 75 ml
  • Nail softener, 17 ml
  • Universal nail strengthener DGP 17 ml

All these tools and more, you can find with our partners " Cashback service LetyShops ". You not only buy goods in trusted stores, but also get cashback. Saving is always better!

You can buy all the tools we have described and use them in combination, without thinking that you will harm your nails and hands.

Traditional medicine recipes for brittle nails

If you do not have the time, money or desire to visit expensive beauty salons, we will offer a great alternative to salon procedures.

Procedure name Required Ingredients Sequence
Baths for nails
With sea salt and iodine1 st. l. sea ​​salt;
A few drops of iodine;
Hot water.
Add salt and iodine to the water and wait until the salt dissolves. After that, dip your fingers in water and keep them there for about 15 minutes.
herbal bath1 st. l. one of the herbs
St. John's wort;
1 st. water.
Throw one of the herbs into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. After that, you can put your hands in a herbal bath, and after 15 minutes, blot them with a towel and lubricate with a nourishing cream.
With olive oil and lemon juice5 st. l. olive oils;
1 st. l. lemon juice;
1 st. water.
Mix all the ingredients and dip your fingers for 10-15 minutes. After that, steamed hands should be blotted with a towel.
Gelatin bath1 sachet of gelatin;
A glass of warm water
Pour a bag of gelatin into hot (but not boiling) water and let it swell. After that, lower your fingers into the bath and keep them there for 15-20 minutes.
Masks and compresses
Vitamin compress1 tsp olive oil
1 ampoule of vitamin A
Mix the ingredients and rub the resulting mixture into the nails. After that, put on cotton gloves and do not remove for 1 hour.
fruit maskBanana
Take one of the fruits and grind the pulp into a pulp. Apply a puree mass on the nails and do not rinse for 15 minutes.
Cocoa butter maskCacao butterApply a small amount of cocoa butter to the nail plate. After 1 hour, wash it off and apply a nourishing cream on your hands.
Wax masksWax (paraffin)Melt the paraffin in a water bath. After it has cooled to a comfortable temperature for you, put your fingers in it. After complete hardening, remove your fingers, and in the morning clean your nails from wax.
Healing oil masksCastor, olive, sea buckthorn, lemon oilTake one of the indicated oils and rub it with smooth movements into the nail plate. Wash off the mask after 1 hour.
Useful rubbing into the nail plate
Vitamin C TherapyLemonTake a slice of lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Rub the resulting liquid into the surface of the nail. If you don’t want to bother, then just treat the nail plates with a slice of lemon.
Rubbing with iodineIodineSoak an ear stick in iodine and gently treat the nail. It will turn yellow but will return to its natural color over time.
Rubbing with cranberries or currantsSeveral cranberries or black currantsSqueeze the juice from the berries and apply it on the nails. Wash off after 30-60 minutes.

Nail massage

Massage is useful not only for the back, legs, abdomen, but also for nails. We most often massage our hands and do not pay attention to our nails. But it is very simple to do, and this procedure takes no more than 10 minutes of time.

For a massage, you will need sesame or castor oil. Moisten the fingers of one hand in it and begin to massage the nail plates of the other hand with smooth circular movements. Gradually move from one finger to another. After you process one hand, move on to the other.

You can not wash off the oil after the massage. This procedure is recommended to be done daily and preferably before bedtime.

What to do if the nails continue to exfoliate no matter what?

If you get rid of bad habits, eat a balanced diet, drink the necessary amount of water, take care of your nails, but they still exfoliate, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

Brittle nails can indicate serious health problems, so it is better not to delay a visit to the doctor.

How to recognize the disease by the color of the nails

A healthy nail should have a pinkish tint. If the nail plate has changed color, then this may indicate various diseases.

  • Bluish nail color is most common in people with heart disease.
  • Yellow nails can signal liver problems, fungal diseases, dysbacteriosis, etc.
  • If you notice white spots on your nail, then know that your body lacks zinc and potassium.
  • Owners of nails without a hole need to contact an endocrinologist and check the functioning of the thyroid gland.

But not only the color of the nail can tell about the state of the whole organism. During the diagnosis, doctors pay special attention to the shape of the nail plate.

For example, if the nail has a convex shape, this may indicate lung diseases, and in the form of a spoon - a lack of iron in the body.

Remember that you can only assume the presence of some diseases, and the diagnosis should be made by a doctor. Therefore, if your nails have changed color, then this is an occasion to visit a medical facility.

The nails of a child exfoliate: causes and treatment

If you notice that your child's nails are exfoliating, you should not assume that the problem will be solved by itself.

There are several reasons for brittle nails in children.

  1. Bad habit of biting nails.
  2. Traumatization of the nail plates.
  3. Lack of vitamins and essential trace elements.
  4. Diseases associated with the nervous system.
  5. Fungal and other diseases.

Caring mothers should not treat even such a seemingly simple disease on their own. In any case, you need to seek advice from pediatricians. Only they, on the basis of the obtained tests, can make an accurate diagnosis.

Most often, doctors prescribe the following treatment:

  1. Balance the child's diet;
  2. Drink vitamin complexes;
  3. Treat the nail plates with vitamins A and E;
  4. Steam your hands in baths with the addition of sea salt and iodine;
  5. Stop biting your nails.

There are situations when a child exfoliates the nail on the big toe. This suggests that the baby wears uncomfortable and tight shoes.

Prevention of brittle nails

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, even if your nails do not exfoliate, you need to do everything possible to keep them healthy.

  • Clean, wash, wash dishes only with rubber gloves.
  • Eat in a balanced way.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Be thoughtful when choosing cosmetics.
  • Let your nails rest. It lies in the fact that you will not apply varnish for some time.
  • Be less nervous.
  • Get good sleep.
  • Do a hygienic manicure regularly.
  • Try not to injure your nails. Do not try to pick something up or pry with them.
  • Pamper your nails with all kinds of baths and masks.

Whether you're dealing with brittle nails or not, we've put together a few tips that will help anyone and everyone.

  1. Use an acetone-free nail polish remover.
  2. Before applying colored varnish, paint the nail with a healing one.
  3. Discard metal files, replacing them with crystal-coated glass files or Teflon-coated files.
  4. You need to file the nail in one direction.
  5. When shaping the nails with a nail file, do not touch the side of the nail.
  6. Make your nails oval. Square nails are more prone to splitting.
  7. Handle metal graters with care.
  8. Before carrying out any medical procedures, remove part of the cuticle. Thanks to this, useful trace elements will saturate the nail plate better and faster.
  9. If you type a lot on the keyboard, we advise you to trim the weakened nails.
  10. When choosing creams, give preference to products containing protein, vitamin C and keratin.

Useful tips from bloggers. Video on what to do with brittle and exfoliating nails.


The problem of brittleness and fragility of nails is faced by both women and men of any age. Most often we ourselves are to blame for this. Aggressive household chemicals, bad habits, stress, malnutrition, etc. take away health from the nail plate.

It takes more than one month to restore it. Treatment should be comprehensive and continuous. We hope you take advantage of our tips and tricks, and your nails will always be healthy.

Useful articles:

Splitting nails is not only a cosmetic problem that spoils the appearance of hands. Under it, violations in the work of the body and various diseases can be hidden. To effectively eliminate bundles, an integrated approach is required, including drug treatment, the exclusion of negative influences and cosmetic procedures.

Revealing the causes

In order to better understand the methods of dealing with delamination of nails, you need to understand why such a problem occurs. This may be due to external and internal problems in the body or a negative mechanical or chemical effect on the nail.

External negative factors that lead to the formation of gaps between the nail plates, forming cracks and delaminations:

  • household chemicals: laundry detergents, liquids for washing dishes and other surfaces, bleaching agents;
  • cosmetics for nails: the use of acetone-containing nail polish removers and nail polishes, which include formaldehyde;
  • violation of the rules for removing gel color coatings from nails and after building;
  • violation of the rules for manicure: incorrect technique and insufficient frequency of hygienic manicure;
  • professional activities associated with frequent damage to nails;
  • hypothermia and dry hands.
Internal negative factors, including diseases:
  • strict diets and unbalanced nutrition;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals: phosphorus, calcium, iron, protein, vitamins A, E, D;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • endocrine system disorder;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • lichen, fungal and other skin infections;
  • (with menopause, pregnancy, transitional age).

What to do?

Since the causes of nail exfoliation are very diverse, the solution to the problem will depend on their origin.

First of all, you need to visit a dermatologist, therapist (or, on his recommendation, another narrow specialist) to identify possible diseases and cure them with the help of a therapeutic course that the doctor will prescribe.

If the cause of nail delamination is a disease, the use of only cosmetics will not be able to solve it.

If, the cause has become incorrect and the nails must follow the following rules:
  • Protect hands from the negative effects of the external environment (frost, sun) and chemical home care products. Do all work with rubber gloves.
  • Adhere to the rules for performing hygienic manicure. Before the procedure, do a hand bath (1 liter of warm water and 1 teaspoon of salt) for 15-20 minutes. Use non-metallic tools when pushing back the cuticles, use a glass file or a laser file to trim the tips of the nails, while the movements should be in one direction.
  • Use high quality cosmetics. Pay attention to the composition of nail polish and nail polish remover when buying.
  • Quality extension. Use the services of proven salons when building and correcting extended nails. Better yet, give up this type of manicure for the time of solving the problem.
  • Adjust your diet. Without fail, the diet should include: dairy products, greens, fish, meat, nuts, raisins, broccoli, cereals.
  • Drink vitamin complexes. It is better if they are prescribed by a doctor, based on the results of the tests. Thus, it is possible to determine the duration of the course, and perhaps several approaches to vitamin therapy will be needed. Often, Multi-tabs vitamins are used to eliminate the problem of stratification of nails.
  • Use traditional medicine methods or purchased products. Baths and masks for hands and nails, which will be based on herbal ingredients, will definitely bring a positive effect. And for those who do not like folk remedies, the cosmetic industry offers a wide range of products and services for restoring the nail plate.
The video from the NATURE med channel briefly talks about the reasons leading to nail separation and what to do about it. Recipes of simple and affordable means for strengthening the nail plate are given.

Methods of treatment

After treating the underlying cause, or together with it, cosmetics should be used to quickly restore the nail plates.

Folk recipes

Regular use of folk remedies nourishes the nail plate, improves its structure and the condition of the skin of the hands. At the same time, they are accessible, effective and definitely cannot harm.

Mask with whitening effect, nourishing

In addition to giving elasticity and density to the nail plate, nourishing it with useful elements, it also has whitening properties.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 tsp olive oil;
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt.
  • combine the juice from the whole lemon with oil, add salt and mix;
  • apply the mixture on the nails, grabbing the skin around them;
  • leave to act for 10-12 minutes;
  • wash off with warm water.
The result will be noticeable with daily use of the mask for 7 days.

Mask enriched with vitamin A with a cleansing effect

It has a nourishing effect, cleans and whitens nails, saturates them with vitamins.

For cooking you need:

  • 2 drops of pharmacy vitamin A;
  • 1 st. l. olive or sunflower oil;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 0.5 tsp apple cider vinegar.
  • warm the oil well, but do not bring to a boil;
  • set to cool;
  • combine with salt, introduce vinegar and vitamin A;
  • the mask should be rubbed well into the nail plate and left for 15 minutes to act.
For the expected effect, the procedure should be carried out for a week every day.

You can prepare the mask for future use and store in the refrigerator, and heat before use.

Mask of fruits and other products

Excellent masks that not only strengthen the nails, but also have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands.

It is necessary to prepare such products or their sets:

  • Kiwi or avocado.
  • Cottage cheese and sour cream.
  • Carrots and lemon juice.
  • Fresh potatoes, cabbage and cream.
Mode of application:
  • grind the selected ingredients in a blender;
  • combine the components until a mixture of sour cream density is formed;
  • put the mixture into rubber gloves slightly larger than the size of the hand;
  • hold your hands in them for 15-20 minutes.
This mask can be done from 2 times a week.

Firming bath

Can be used before a hygienic manicure, helps to strengthen nails, cleanses them of impurities, helps to recover from delamination and brittleness, softens the skin of the hands and cuticles.

For cooking:

  • 1 st. l. soda, you can with a slide;
  • 200-250 ml of water;
  • 0.5 tsp iodine.
  • we heat the water to a comfortable temperature of 37-40 degrees;
  • dissolve soda in it, add iodine;
  • Immerse your hands and hold for about 7 minutes.
Such baths can be done 2 times a week.

Other water baths

  • Using essential oils. One of the oils: pine, bergamot, tea tree, patchouli, myrrh, cedar, diluted in a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Add 1-2 tsp per liter of warm water. salt (can be sea) and cooked oil. Keep your hands in this water for 15-20 minutes and at the same time massage your fingertips and nails.
  • With lemon juice. Lemon juice is mixed with vegetable oil, adhering to a ratio of 1:5. The prepared mixture is added to the heated water and hands are kept in it for 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, hands do not need to be washed off, but simply blotted with a towel.
  • With medicinal herbs. To prepare the bath, use: chamomile, calendula, celandine, St. John's wort. 1 st. l. any herb is brewed in 200-250 ml of boiling water. Then the grass is removed and the fingers are immersed in the broth. They should be kept until the water has completely cooled.

oil bath

In addition to strengthening nails, it promotes their growth, has an antiseptic effect, relieves some infections, eliminates the yellowness of nails, and helps smooth their surface.

For cooking:

1. Dry grass 1 tbsp. l.:

  • nettle
  • chamomile
  • flax seeds.
  • 0.5 cup olive;
  • 1-2 drops of ylang-ylang;
  • 1-2 drops of tea tree;
  • 1-2 drops of sandalwood.
3. 1 tsp oatmeal (hercules);

4. 1 tsp salt, preferably sea salt;

5. 1 capsule of pharmacy vitamin E.


  • heat the olive oil in a water bath until steam appears;
  • add a mixture of herbs and boil for 15 minutes over low heat;
  • set to cool;
  • we filter;
  • grind oatmeal and salt in a coffee grinder, add to the cooked oil;
  • just before use, add essential oils and vitamin E;
  • immerse the fingertips in an oil bath and hold for 15 minutes;
  • after, to enhance the effect, we carry out a light massage of the fingers, rinse with warm water.
The prepared mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. The procedure should be carried out daily. The result will be noticeable in about a week.

Essential oils in their purest form

The following oils are used to strengthen nails:
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • avocado;
  • castor;
  • lemon;
  • olive.
Mode of application:
  • the selected oil, in the amount of a few drops, is rubbed into the nails with massage movements;
  • after application, hands are not washed, left to act overnight, cosmetic gloves can be worn.

Any of the above traditional medicine will be effective only with regular and long-term use.

Salon procedures

If there is no desire to use home remedies, then you can use the services of specialists in beauty salons who offer a variety of nail restoration services.

The most popular and effective procedures:

1. Wax or paraffin nail applications. A warm and soft wax or paraffin composition is applied to the nails and nearby tissues and left to act for 15-20 minutes. Such applications improve blood circulation in tissues, promote rapid cell renewal and moisture retention, which improves the condition of split nails in a short time.

2. Japanese manicure. The procedure consists of 3 steps:

  • the specialist massages the fingers using jojoba oil, which is rubbed into the nails;
  • further hydromassage of hands is carried out;
  • in conclusion, a special mask with a healing mineral composition is made on the hands and polishing powder with beeswax is applied.
3. Spa manicure. Includes a range of wellness treatments:
  • aromatherapy;
  • nourishing or strengthening masks for nails and hands;
  • baths from vegetable extracts;
  • massage of all hands;
  • paraffin therapy.
Such an integrated approach is one of the most successful and effective in the fight against delamination of nails.

4. Sealing. It is carried out with a very pronounced problem with the nails, when the entire plate needs to be updated. Perform the procedure according to the following scheme:

  • use a salt bath for nails;
  • process the nail plate with a special grinder or nail file;
  • wax and a mixture of oils enriched with vitamins are rubbed into the treated surface of the nail.
5. Electrophoresis with vitamins A and E. It consists in the introduction of vitamins deep under the skin using galvanic current. The advantages of this method include:
  • the action of vitamins occurs on tissue changed under the influence of current;
  • active substances penetrate into cells in the form of ions;
  • the duration of action of active substances increases;
  • substances are concentrated directly in the problem area.
All this increases the effectiveness of the treatment of stratified nails.

Cosmetics for self-use

In addition to salon and folk remedies, purchased cosmetics such as:
  • Cream and balm for hands. You need to choose based on personal preferences and characteristics of the body. The cream is rubbed daily into the nail and periungual area of ​​the skin. Buyers note the positive effect of such funds: "Underground cream", "People's healer".
  • Wax for nails. It is sold in pharmacies and is used as an alternative to a similar salon procedure.
  • Healing nail polish. The composition includes vitamin complexes to activate growth. In addition, such a varnish is able to seal the damaged nail plate, protecting it from external influences. The most common series of therapeutic varnishes from Eveline, FIONA, Dance Legend.
  • Healing mud. You can buy it in pharmacies or specialized cosmetic stores. To restore nails, hilly, peaty and silty muds are used, which contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances. Dry mud is diluted with water, or used without dilution, if it is already sold in the required consistency. Apply to the nails in a thick layer and leave for 15 minutes. After - the dirt is washed off with warm water, and the nails are rinsed with water with the addition of a small amount of salt.
A short review, recommendations and feedback from a real user regarding the effectiveness of the use of 2 remedies for delamination of nails: ORLEY and Aromatika oil, in a video clip.

Splitting nails in a child

If a child has a stratification of nails, then this always indicates health problems or mechanical damage to the nail plate.

The most common problems preceding the separation of the nails of a child:

  • Avitaminosis. The nail exfoliates from the base, may acquire a yellowish tint, or there are white spots on its surface.
  • Disorders of the nervous system. In stressful situations and when experiencing children often suck and bite their fingers, which is reflected in the condition of the nails. In addition, there may be sleep disorders, lack of appetite, unusual, nervous behavior.
  • fungal diseases. Children are also susceptible to fungal infection of the nail plate, like adults.
  • Violations in the body. Problems with metabolism, adrenal glands, anemia are reflected in the nails.
  • Injuries. Any injury to the fingers in the area of ​​​​the nails can lead to their fragility and delamination.

If a child's nails exfoliate, this is an occasion to immediately show him to the doctor.

General recommendations for dealing with this problem in children include:
  • adhere to the daily routine and avoid stressful situations in every possible way;
  • if the child has a habit of biting his nails - you need to consult a psychologist;
  • timely detection and treatment of diseases.
Stratified nails can be the result of improper care or indicate the presence of failures in the body. Therefore, the problem needs to be solved comprehensively. From cosmetic procedures, whether it be the services of a cosmetologist, purchased or folk remedies, you can expect a positive result only after the root causes have been eliminated.

Split nails are a common problem. Everyone faces it in one way or another. Most often in the spring, when the body's reserves of vitamins are exhausted, and new ones have not yet been accumulated. However, it happens that the nails on the hands exfoliate even at seemingly the most favorable times - in summer and autumn. Vitamins - a dime a dozen.

It is believed that the separation of nails indicates, most likely, a lack of calcium in the body, and this is true, but only half. In fact, the cause of delamination of nails may be a lack of elements such as iron, silicon, etc. And besides, this may be the result of exposure to today's popular detergents rich in all kinds of chemicals: for washing dishes, bathrooms, ovens, floors, etc. , other...

Do we not know how many different “useful things” for the house are in the bathroom cabinet.

And since it is very difficult to find out exactly what reason caused the bundle in you, it is advisable to treat this problem comprehensively.

What to do if the nails exfoliate, what folk remedies can we resort to in such a situation?

What to do so that the nails do not exfoliate

Household chemicals

To begin with, let's make it a rule to do all household chores related to washing anything with household rubber gloves.

Even if the concepts of “environmentally friendly”, “harmless”, “natural” are not alien to you and you wash the dishes with mustard and the bathroom with soda, it’s still better to play it safe with gloves, because frequent “rinsing” of hands in water can also negatively affect the condition of the nails, as well as the skin of the hands, in fact.


In order to make up for a possible deficiency of trace elements and vitamins in the body, we ... no, we do not run to the pharmacy for a jar of super-multi-vitamins. The very first thing we can do is try to adjust our diet by including foods rich in silicon in the diet (green beans, lettuce, bananas, parsley, currants), (egg yolk, beef meat, liver, beets, dried fruits, legumes,), calcium (cheese, cottage cheese, nuts, fresh herbs). Since all these products are healthy, tasty, rich in vitamins and minerals (not only the above), you will not only heal your nails, but also replenish your body's reserves, which will also have a positive effect on the condition of nails and hair.

Manicure wisdom

Regardless of the condition of your nails, they need proper care. In your kit for home manicure are required:

  1. Glass nail file (because the metal one itself can lead to the problem of delamination of the nails).
  2. Therapeutic varnish containing in its composition minerals, vitamins, moisturizers, proteins.
  3. Nail polish remover without acetone.

At least 2 days a week, give them (nails) a break from polish.

It's best to use it as little as possible. The perfect French manicure is beautiful well-groomed healthy nails without any traces of varnish :)

And finally, if this problem has already appeared, the nails need to be treated. And you can do this without leaving your home and folk remedies.

Treatment: folk remedies

A full-fledged treatment at home will take at least a month, so do not count on a quick result. After all, it is important not to hide the problem temporarily, but to cure it.

  1. One of the best home remedies for natural cosmetology is. Nails in this case are no exception. Put a few drops of lemon juice into a teaspoon of oil, apply on your nails, put on cotton gloves and leave this mask overnight.
  2. In addition to olive oil, you can use sea salt. To do this, dissolve a tablespoon (without a slide) of salt in a liter of warm water and dip your fingers there for 5-7 minutes. The procedure is done 3 times a week. Course - 10 times. A month later, if necessary, the course can be repeated. And for the prevention of delamination of nails, it is enough to do this procedure once a week. Do not be afraid to lower your hands completely into the vessel, since the sea has a beneficial effect not only on the nails, but also on the skin of the hands. It strengthens the skin of the hands, makes it more resistant to the effects of cold, which is especially important on the eve of winter.
  3. Another interesting recipe that you can make if your nails exfoliate is a wine bath. To do this, of course, you need to take natural red wine (100 gr) and a teaspoon of sea salt. Heat the wine to 40-50 degrees, add salt and mix well so that the salt dissolves. Dip your fingers (fully immersing your nails) in the bath for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse your hands with warm water, wipe and grease with your favorite cream.
  4. Compresses-“thimbles” using natural beeswax have an excellent effect on the nails. To do this, in the evening you need to warm it up in a water bath, immerse the whole nails in it and dry it in the air. With such "thimbles" go to bed. Wax can be easily removed in the morning. Natural wax can be bought from beekeepers in the market. They usually sell it in small pieces.

Whatever method you choose in case the nails exfoliate and break - the main thing is to be consistent and do not "go the distance" halfway. The main thing is not to be lazy to do something when the nails exfoliate. Then the result will please you pretty soon.

Ksenia Poddubnaya

Split nails are by far the most common problem among women. Meanwhile, we ourselves are to blame for the fact that the nails begin to exfoliate. What are the causes of stratification of nails and methods of treatment?

Causes of splitting nails.
The causes of splitting nails can be both internal and external. Among the internal causes, the main source of this nail disease is, oddly enough, an unbalanced diet, which leads to a deficiency in the body of the most important vitamins and minerals. Among the substances necessary for the body, calcium should be distinguished, due to the lack of which the nails exfoliate. The deficiency of this trace element should be replenished by the use of calcium preparations in combination with vitamin D and phosphorus, since the body does not absorb it in its pure form. In addition to vitamin preparations, the diet should include as many foods rich in this group of vitamins as possible. These products include: raw egg yolk, sour-milk products, seafood, butter, fish liver, cheese, nuts, fruits and most berries, cottage cheese. High levels of vitamin D in the liver of cod, mackerel, herring, halibut, and beef liver. Phosphorus and calcium can be found in large quantities in legumes, cottage cheese, white cheeses, apples, whole grains of wheat.

Lack of silicon and iron in the body also leads to the problem of nail delamination. To replenish silicon in the body, the diet should include green beans, parsley, bananas, currants, black bread, leeks, tomatoes, radishes, wholemeal flour, oatmeal.

With a lack of iron, drugs are prescribed to treat anemia. In addition, you should increase the consumption of meat, green vegetables, liver, egg yolk, legumes, dried fruits, greens. It is also useful to drink herbal infusions of burdock, sorrel and dandelion.

In order for the substances necessary to strengthen nails to be more easily absorbed by the body, you can drink brewer's yeast in the form of tablets. In its composition, brewer's yeast contains an important element that promotes the growth and strengthening of nails - selenium, which can also be found in garlic.

Another, external cause that contributes to nail delamination is the use of detergents without the use of protective gloves, which, in turn, dries out the nail plate. Other reasons include the frequent presence of hands, and, accordingly, nails, in water and poor-quality manicure. Causes of an external nature can be eliminated by using rubber gloves when doing homework. Only under this condition can therapeutic measures be carried out. As for manicure, it is better to do it in a professional salon with a specialist in their field. If you are used to doing a manicure yourself, you need to follow some simple rules. Use an acetone-free nail polish remover to remove nail polish residue. Be sure to give your nails a rest for a couple of days (that is, do not apply decorative varnish). Metal nail files should be abandoned in favor of nail files with a special coating, since they damage the nail, forming small cracks on it, which is especially pronounced when the nail file moves in different directions. Hence, in the process of giving the nails a certain shape (namely, semi-square or oval), the movements must be strictly one direction - from each edge to the center, otherwise cracks and breaks form.

For manicure of exfoliating nails, it is recommended to choose varnishes that have a strengthening effect. As a rule, such varnishes in their composition contain small inclusions of nylon or silk fibers, as well as minerals, vitamins, moisturizers, and proteins. Today, the market of cosmetic products presents a huge range of vitamin complexes designed specifically for problem nails.

Treatment of split nails.
The most popular in-salon strengthening procedure used for splitting nails is the so-called “sealing” of nails. The essence of this procedure is to alternately apply preparations to the nail plates, which include a large amount of vitamins and microelements, proteins and special “crystal minerals”, which protect the nails from drying out and delamination. The substances applied in this way remain in the nail plate for two weeks, while after the procedure the protective varnish can not be applied, although there are no restrictions on this.

Folk remedies for the treatment of stratification of nails.
The most effective and common way to strengthen nails at home is a salt bath. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of sea salt and dilute it in 500 ml of water at room temperature. In this composition, you should keep your hands for about fifteen to twenty minutes. After that, hands should be thoroughly wiped and applied with a nourishing cream. The treatment course includes ten such procedures, carried out every three days. A month later, the course should be repeated. For preventive purposes, a salt bath will be sufficient to do once a week.

Olive oil is an excellent nourishing agent for nails. It contains many useful substances for nails. An excellent procedure for nails is the application of olive oil with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice. This procedure is best done at night, while wearing cotton gloves. It is effective to do this mask twice a week. Another effective home remedy for strengthening nails is an olive oil mask with iodine. To prepare it, take one tablespoon of olive oil and heat it in a water bath. Then add a few drops of iodine and mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the nail plate and cuticle, put on cotton gloves on your hands. This procedure is recommended to be done once every seven days, preferably at night.

In order to eliminate dryness, leading to delamination of the nails, it is necessary to nourish them with cuticle oil or cream. The agent must be applied directly to the cuticle, as this helps to improve the breathing of the nail plate, as a result of which the nails become stronger and gain elasticity.

Red pepper nail mask also helps to accelerate the growth of nails and strengthen them. To prepare such a mask, you need to combine a teaspoon of red pepper with a small amount of nourishing hand cream. The resulting mixture must be heated in a water bath, then applied with a sufficiently dense layer on the nails and left for twenty minutes. After that, the mass must be washed off. This mask is recommended to do every thirty days.

Vitamins A and E in liquid form will also serve as an excellent top dressing for your nails.

Observing not tricky tips, you can forever say goodbye to the problem of delamination of nails. All in your hands!