Falconary eye - unique stone capabilities. Tiger-falcon

Horoscopes of stones and minerals
Fishes quartz: falcon, bullish, cat and tiger eye

These stones are strong overalls. Their "glance" is associated with the presence in quartz on the parallel surfaces of the stone of thin fibrous minerals (inclusions) or subtle hollow tubes, as a result of which the narrow moving strip (blike) runs on it when the stone turns.

It is considered that falconary Eye (Dark Blue Color) Very well helps Aries, cancer, weights, Capricorn, that is, people of the signs of the zodiac of the cardinal cross or those who have the main fundamental planets are in this cross.

Feline quartz eye (grayish color, the most rare and expensive) is shown by such signs of the zodiac: lions, scorpions, aquarius, calves, that is, people with a pronounced stationary cross the signs of the zodiac. People of the rolling cross is very good eye of the Tiger (yellow and brown shades): Gemini, Devs, Silver, Fish. Bulls-eye (brown and red-brown) carries the most punching character, it is not recommended to wear it for a long time.

You need to know who you are in the Sun in the horoscope, or on the planetary kernel, can you wear this particular stone. It must be said that people of the rolling cross of their energy impede the wearing of a falcony eye, the tiger eye rejects a falcon, the cat's eye rejects a tiger and so on. Fine quarters are not connected specifically with some zodiac sign and planet in the sky, but with three guns, with the corresponding three zodiac crosses.

The main planets of the Crosses: Cardinal - Mars, a fixed - Venus, Movable - Mercury. All choke quartz are very capricious stones, they only feel the owner, only a person who can cope with themselves. It is better for people to drive themselves, the eyes are better not to wear. To quartz, you need to get used to the quarters, they are from the "tight" stones that can be worn: to wear them for several years. Before they begin to act. It is that the ring in which there is such a "charm" (and it is necessary to wear it only in the ring, sometimes in the bracelet), begins to "press" to the threatening danger, to squeeze the finger. If a person turns attention to this and put a ring under the pillow in the 18th lunar day, then he will get a revelation in a dream, what a danger awaits him. Usually a warning comes long, charms warn a few months before the event.

A falcony eye is associated with Sattva and, therefore, with a cardinal cross and from the first zodiac zone - the accumulation area. The task of this stone is to clean the person as much as possible. It contributes to the cardinal cleaning of man and developing countering astral attacks. Sattva is a joy of joy, balanced, harmonious state, associated with good, happiness, beneficial onset of purity.

Feline eye is associated with Tamas. Tamas is bone, inert, dark condition associated with inertia, apathy leading to ignorance. The task of a feline eye - to stabilize a person as much as possible. It is connected with the conservation zone and with a fixed cross. This is a defender, he guards man. In many cases, the stone acts on his property, and on the family, prevents the penetration of alien impacts into it. This stone contributes to the strengthening of family bonds.

Tiger eye is associated with Rajas - the transformation zone. Rajas is a mobile, passionate, active condition associated with exciting, pleasure, anxiety. It is the tiger eye that is a real stone of magicians who protect them from alien impact and gives them force. It is also used in alchemy, promotes metamorphosis. Also, no one understands the real magic force of churricular quartz. They are some mysterious threads associated with a whole epoch. For example, a tiger eye was a faith in the era of fish.

It is necessary to change the overlap only in silver, as silver is a good conductor. Gold is bad for them, as it is too given metal and prevents the manifestation of the faith. Buy these stones are recommended in the 25th lunar day after the new moon, and the first time to wear in the 11th lunar day. The true names of the glaze quartz in an ancient tradition are the following: Sattva - Eye Eye (Esoteric air element); Tamas - Oko Fish or Eyes Frog (Esoteric Element of Water): Rajas - Tiger's eye (Esoteric Element Earth). Three beasts: the beast in the air, the beast in the water, the beast on the ground. There is a fourth eye - Salamandra's eye, used limited in alchemy. This stone is associated with the element of fire.

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Scientific articles and materials scientific author K.305 (Ukraine, Kharkov) can be officially ordered at: ul. Cooperative, 13, Kharkov, UA-61003, Ukraine (act. Code K.305 2009-2019, Kharkov, Ukraine, passport citizens of Ukraine mm670618., Born on September 18, 1970 and constantly hesitantly live in the city of Kharkov, Ukraine, in 1994 he graduated from MMF Henna. V.N. Karazin, diploma KZ N 002101, Department of Mathematical Physics of the Applied Office of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Henu from 1989 to 1994, Ukraine, Kharkov, Certificate P N 586275 on the end of the SS N 9 Kharkov 1987 - to Devic. Kanunovaya Yu.V. until 22.11.2000, Dzerzhinsky district Kharkov). I love classic hard rock and heavy metal ().

In 2009-2019, the Kharkov Ukrainian scientific author K.305 The following publications came out:
UDC 531.0 BBK 22.311 K.305 part 1 "Bessel functions and cylindrical functions in elementary presentation with computing programs", 2009, Kharkov
UDC 531.0 BBK 22.311 K.305 "Special functions of mathematical physics", part 3. "Modeling abnormal and extraordinary natural and technogenic processes", 2009, Kharkov
"All about stones and minerals. Magic and therapeutic properties of stones", 2009, Kharkov
Attachment 1 to UDC 549: 291.33 BBK 86.41: 26.31 K.305 "Contact and non-contact lithotherapy", 2009-2019, Kharkiv (with the author's video edge of 2010)
Appendix 2. to UDC 549: 291.33 BBK 86.41: 26.31 K.305 "Magnetotherapy and Treatment of Magnets", 2009-2019, Kharkiv (with the author's Copyright 2010 for a computer)
ISBN 966-7343-29-5 K.305, 1994-1999, Kharkov. Recovered in 2010 by the author K.305 Edition of the author K.305 "Recurrent relations for solutions of second-order differential equations" (Protecting the copyrights of the diploma work MMF 1994 by the author K.305, officially performed personally by the author in 2010 - the withdrawal of unauthorized foreign illegal "left" code of the BBC illegally implemented in 1999)
Other scientific and popularization materials of the Kharkov scientific author K.305 (Ukraine) for the period 2009-2019 and others. Can be ordered in Kharkiv Universal Scientific Library at the address: ul. Cooperative, 13, Kharkov, UA-61003, Ukraine. The author constantly lives and works in the city of Kharkov (Ukraine).

Kaftanova Yu. V.
K.305 All about stones and minerals. Magic and therapeutic properties of stones. Scientific and popular publication. - H.: ChP Publishing House "New Word", 2009. - 264 p. ISBN 978-966-2046-92-2
Registration of the author K.305 in the information system ORCID 0000-0003-4306-1738
Designed not only to mineral specialists, but also on a wide range of trained readers.
2008-2019. Yulia Kaftanova, A / me 10911, Kharkov, UA-61003, Ukraine, Mob. tel. +38 050 0463643.

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Quartz feline eye, tiger eye, falcon and bullish - These are minerals of quartz group (SiO 2 ), are named "Eyes" of animals, they are due to the characteristic optical effect - in the form of a cabochon or simply on a convex polished surface, a narrow light beam is acquired, sliding along the surface of the stone when a rotation resembling a vertical pupil of an animal. All of them have similar properties: have a reference hardness -7, or a little less, silky shine, a sink and a snoze. Spatcy is absent.

Feline eye

Quartz feline eye - This is a transparent and translucent quartz with the inclusions of the finest fibers of asbestos, rutila or with emptiness and cracks. It may be white, gray, greenish, yellow, pinkish color with rainbow overflows. It can be confused with a chriscoerlovy cat eye possessing the same effect, and since 1976 there are synthetic stones in trade. If the term "cat's eye" is used without specifying the mineral, then it refers to chrysoberyl. The imitation of cat eye is obtained from the synthetic titanium of barium and fibrous borosilicate glass.

Place of Birth

It is quite rare. The largest deposit is on about. Sri Lanka, where the feline eye lies in the places of pebbles. In Russia, there is in the Urals, as well as in Brazil, India, Mexico, USA.

This is a typical gem-guard that protects its owner from the "evil eye", leprosy, scabies, and even on alcohol abuse, does not allow the disease, enemy, wild and evil beast to him. Feline eye, according to existing legends, Doctors Paralysis (especially after strokes), diseases of blood, insomnia, arthritis, spinal sickness and joints, chronic angina, bone inflammation. Helps to treat all chronic diseases of its owner, making more efficient drug therapy. It reduces blood pressure, contributes to the curability of psoriasis, heart weakness, inflammation of the middle ear, chronic depression and schizophrenia. Removes fatigue and irritability. He protects not only the mind and health of his owner, but also his property from the thief, protects against treason, including a married one. This is the mascot player players, protects their owners from property losses. He is credited with the ability to keep love, to make the owner invisible in battle. Cat eye is useful to carry with me to increase prudence and increasing intuition; He is very advised to wear people with neurosis. In the Holy Scripture in the second book, Moses it says that the Rod of the High Priest Aaron was decorated with a feline eye with the names of the twelve knees of Israel engraved on it.

Falcon (hrictered) eye

The fine-fiber opaque quartz unit with the inclusions of horny deception (blue-blue crocoidolite), from iscin-black to iscin-green with golden-green or gray-green overflows and silky gloss. Occasionally has a pinkish tint. It often lies with a tiger eye with plates width in several centimeters.

According to legend , is a gem-guard, particularly helping its owner in martial arts with enemies; He is keen on guarding the health and life of his master. When the danger approaches a lot. This is a good mascot for people who are often in dangerous and stressful situations, he exacerbates a little and perception, makes a man with a temper and intuitive.

It is formed from a falcony eye by displacing the horn toilet with oxides and iron hydroxides (for example, gothtis, limonitite), which fill the hollow tubules in the quartz structure. Opaque, possesses golden-brown color with golden-yellow overflows, for him is typical. The color is caused by an admixture of oxidized iron. Slies along with a falcony eye, forming a fairly noticeable and beautiful transition (tiger-falcon-eye).

Place of Birth

South Africa, Australia, China, India, Myanmar, Namibia, Ukraine, USA (California).

Magic and Medical Properties

In folk medicine, a tiger eye is considered an excellent tool to restore the body after severe operations. In some countries, healers recommend to wear a tiger eye jewelry for disease prevention. It is believed that this stone reduces blood pressure in hypertension, normalizes sleep, eliminates insomnia and nightmares. A tiger eye talisman serves to people who are engaged in creative activities, as well as those who work or hobbies are associated with risk for life or increased injuries. For example, a key chain with a tiger eye is able to strengthen the will to victory at the athlete. He helps everyone who else or another is associated with trade or commerce - will protect against dishonest partners, will help get a big profit from transactions. If a person dedicates his life to business, then the tiger eye will help him achieve large peaks.

This quartz having a brown-red or dense-raspberry shade due to the fine-fiber inclusions of hematite. Most often, it is obtained by calcining a tiger eye, as a result of which the lymonitis and goths are oxidized and transferred to red hematite. It also has a challenge and silky shine characteristic of eye stones. A bullish eye is also called Labrador (field spat from a group of plagioclauses), which has a similar effect.

Magic and Medical Properties

The bullish eye has a punchy force and helps energetic and active people to achieve his goals. It helps in economic activity, extinguishes anger, brings good luck to good and mental people, aggravates intuition.

Peersit - Rare and beautiful type of mineral of a tiger eye with a silky overflow, which is attached to the inclusion stone - parallel fibers of the crocidolite mineral. The name "Petersite" mineral received in honor of Side Peters, who first discovered him in Namibia. Until 1997, Petersites mined only in Namibia, so this gem has had a very high cost. Later, a deposit of no less beautiful Petersit in China was opened. Other Mineral Names: Falconary Eye, Humble Eye. The color of minerals is yellowish green,
Golden, bluish. Glitter - glass. Hardness 4.

Magic and Medical Properties

It is believed that this mineral helps to keep calm in stressful situations, it is capable of significantly improving memory, develop talent and intuition. Women recommend Petersite to increase attractiveness. Petersite - mascot of teachers, educators, people whose activities are connected with public speeches.

Tiger eye is found in many places in the world, including in Australia, USA, Eastern Siberia and Ukraine. Most often, the tiger eye is yellow-brown, brown and black and black and yellow combination of shades.

It is one of the varieties of quartz. This stone is very saturated with fibrous material. It is thanks to him that we have considered a stone and has a special tide in the form of waves. It is best to notice this effect in the stones made in the form of Cabochonov. Another characteristic sign of a tiger eye, a golden-brownish chip, is ensured due to the presence of iron hydroxide in stone.

Than a tiger eye differs from falcon and bull

Tiger eye has two "relatives" - a falcon and bullish eye. Despite the fact that they are similar to each other, this is not the same thing. Difference of the falcony eye from the tiger, which can be seen with the naked eye, is its painting. Falconary eye is very turbid, dark gray shade. There are also variants of light green and gas colors.

The bullish eye was formed as a result of a long exposure to high temperature. Because of this, it is absolutely no stripes: the fact is that the limonite, which is part of the bull'ye eye, under the influence of high air temperature (regardless of its source - natural or artificial) is transformed into hematite. This chemical reaction also leads to the appearance on the surface of the stone of a brown-brown shade, because of which he, strictly speaking, and got its name.

Medical properties of stone

Representatives of traditional medicine consider tiger eye one of the most effective stones in the restoration of human health after serious operations. Also in separate states, the practice of wearing decorations from this stone in preventive purposes is common. The main therapeutic properties of a tiger eye, which is currently possible without much difficulty is the normalization of blood pressure and sleep mode.

In addition, the folk medicine is recommended to carry a tiger eye for diseases of female genital organs and organs of vision, as well as violations in the work of the nervous system. To achieve the desired result, lithotherapists consider, it is possible only with regular wearing a tiger eye.

No less effective wearing the tiger eye and decorations with it is considered at such a notem as psoriasis. Folk connoisseurs are advised to regularly apply a stone to the body of the body, affected by the disease, and then later, after a matter of days, she will defectly retreat.

Magic properties of a tiger eye

Tiger eye is known and its magical properties. In most cases, this stone was used as a charm against damage and evil eye. According to modern magicians, a tiger eye instills a common mind to a person, thanks to which he does not make more rapid actions.

For people who dream of achieving career heights, regular wearing jewelry with a tiger eye will give strength, patience and will help bypass all competitors. However, it should be said here about one important moment. To succeed in work, it is necessary to make enough effort to this. If a tiger eye will use a man burdened by a constant laziness, then this will not only do not bring him anything good, but will aggravate the situation.

Also among the magical properties of a tiger eye, it is possible to note its ability to clean the human body after large feasts, eliminate the unreasonable flour of jealousy and relieve from frivolous actions, for example, constant spending a large amount of money in completely none of anyone.

First of all, this is the Virgin. Regular wearing the stone under consideration gives people born under this sign, additional energy and notch confidence. Secondly, the jewelry with a tiger eye is especially suitable for twins - they will help awaken hidden talents in such people.

No less like a tiger eye and representatives of such signs of the zodiac as a lion, Capricorn and cancer. In such people, this stone helps strengthen good character traits.

Sokolinny (hrictest eye, Petersite) and these are branded stones names. In the scientific world, they relate to the minerals of a group of eye quartz quartz. The chemical composition is silicon oxide and silica dioxide with asbestos, respectively. After processing, the stones really resemble eyes, hence the name. It is believed that the tiger eye is one of the species of Petersh. Two of these minerals were known from the most ancient times. The falcan eye deposits are located in South Africa, India, the Czech Republic and Russia. The tiger eye can be found in places where the fever of the earth's crust occurred, and volcanoes acted. Like other stones, a falconian eye has its own unique magic properties.

Appearance of "special" stones

Falconary eye is represented as a translucent quartz. It has splashes that gives it a color from blue to almost black.

History of minerals

The legends were told that the falconian eye is nothing but fallen from the sky of the star, others argued about the divine origin of the stone. So far, this mineral is especially valued (more expensive than precious stones: and a diamond) in India, where religion is of great importance and symbolized with God Brahma.

A tiger eye in antiquity had a lot of magical properties and was highly appreciated. Suchmers made amulets from him, Indians worshiped him as charm. Like Petersite, in India, a tiger eye was identified with Shiva's God. In the tribes of Africa and Australia, the mineral decorates amulets and leaders, totems and was a symbol of power. Today, this stone is used in jewelry.

But there is also a rare variety of minerals - a tiger-falcony eye. Such a metamorphosis is obtained when the stones of a kind of crop. The color of such an eye quartz has in its color shades and the other stone.

Magic properties of churricular quartz

Not only in antiquity, but to this day, the tiger eye is used as charm. The properties of the mineral include the protection of its owner from people, the meeting with which will not bring anything good. For example, when approaching the "energy vampire" or a person with an unbalanced psyche, the stone will give himself felt. If the mineral is in the ring, the decoration will begin to put pressure slightly. If the stone is in the necklace, then its owner will feel a sign, a little weighing of the decoration. A tiger eye has the ability to give its owner the features inherent in a tigra: intuition, courage, cold calculation. Products from this mineral have always been popular in the field of banking. This eye quartz has therapeutic properties: giving vitality, decrease in blood pressure, restoration of blood circulation after stroke, appetite control. The cost of stone is not high, so it is not difficult to become the owner of this mineral.

Petersite (on behalf of the scientist who opened the mineral), has a calm property. In general, it is believed that a falcony eye is able to adapt to its owner and benefit where it is necessary. This is due to its ability to recognize the truth and calm the soul. As an overlap, Petersite will save from various types of unchalled and will not give people with bad intentions to harm their owner. To calm, it is recommended to use rosary from this mineral. Falconary eye, has properties to treat endocrine diseases, normalize blood pressure and body temperature.

The rare spread of the mineral and its magical properties, gave him a high price. Stones are used in rings, earrings and amulets (suspensions). Petersite is not used in beads and bracelets.

To understand what a stone is better suited for a particular person, you need to understand the range of its capabilities. Tiger eye, "active" stone. It allows soberly thinking, understand its goal and perform it to the end. The falconry eye has a property of reassuring a person. Remove the nervous tension and give new forces. Creative people he helps to find a unique approach to business.

But, little to buy stones, they must "choose" their owner. Tiger eye will never "choose" a lazy person. With such a owner, the stone will disturb the mental state of its owner.

Astrology and eye quarters

Stones have both therapeutic and magical properties, but sometimes it belongs to exceptional people who have a certain zodiac sign.

The zodiac sign that suits the tiger eye is not allocated. This stone is combined with all representatives of the zodiac system, but its use for twins and virgins is especially recommended. To the devies, he gives self-confidence and energy forces. Gemini will award the manifestation of hidden talents.

Petersite more "takes" Aries, Capricors, Aquarius and Cracks. Scorpions and devans are better not to acquire this stone.

Tiger-falconry "loves" twins, virgins, water and caperpashers. On this list it is worth noting the sign of the twins. There are no stones in their horoscope, both Petersite and Tiger Eye, but it is this zodiac sign that is best "friendly" with a tiger-falcon-eyed eye. Twins can be characterized as windy, places of mercantyl groups prone to duplicity. Crossed mineral will help to find a mental balance and deeper to understand their thoughts. He will teach twins not to make hasty decisions and give its energy the orientation of actions.

Depending on impurities of various color (green, gray-blue, golden yellow or reddish) with a straight strip of silver-gray color, optically dividing the stone in half.

Often a feline eye call one of the varieties of chrysoberylla - quartz feline eye Or, as they also call such stones, eyeballs.

The most famous tiger, falcon and bullish eyes, although a lot of eye quartz, more than ten (lion, wolf, hawk, sovel, fisheye ...).

All eye quarters have the effect of opalescence and resemble an animal's irradiated sheath. It is said that quartz is the eyes of space. With their help, the Universe collects information about people and about everything that happens on Earth and transfers these knowledge to us if we want to use them.

They are also called animal eyes of a person. They not only protect the troubles, but also give us an additional "animal energy", which corresponds to the energy of that animal, in honor of which the stone is named.

All choke quartz are ideal or almost perfect charges. Imprigising the intuitive sense of danger from the owner, these stones can prevent trouble that comes to the owner or his property, home and family.

These minerals act on a person purifyingly, they maximize the owner from negative asundations, counteract the astral attacks on the thin body of the owner. The stone draws the attention of the owner on things and signs that a person did not notice earlier. He protects the household property of a person, his happiness and good luck.

At the level of the physical body, all choke quarters act on immunity. They show their effect differently, but as a result, their influence leads to an increase in the body's resistance regarding diseases and damaging external factors.

In appearance and the energies manifest themselves, choke quarters are divided into several major groups.

Stone with a overflow of gray-green or golden green.

The energy of the stone strengthens the vitality of the human body, allows you to quickly restore the forces after work, during illness and nervous stress.

Feline eye is shown for wearing lions, waterwords, scorpions and calves.

Stone with a characteristic golden brown pattern.

The stone is very practical, contributes to the improvement of the financial and material well-being of the owner. It can be used to treat eye diseases and digestive organs.

Tiger eye is shown to wear former, twins, fishes and devices.

Stone gray and blue colors (from silver-gray to isy-black) with overflows.

In everyday life, a falcony eye helps a person to concentrate energy in one direction to achieve the desired. Very helps in matters, a preventing person from failures in the professional sphere.

The stone is preferable to wear the signs of the Aries, Cancer, Capricorn and Scales.

- Stone of brown and densely raspberry shades, reminds the bull's eyes poured blood. The bullish eye is also called the eye of Salamandra.

This is a very strong stone, often used in magic. He teaches to overcome space and time, guards the magician during a session from trouble. But an ordinary person can not cope with him. A person who is not associated with the world of magicians is not recommended to wear this stone more than 3-4 days a month.

The bullish eye is an extraordinary and beautiful stone - you can use all the signs of the zodiac, but very carefully, only in those periods when you lack a punching force and energy for some business.

Wear eye quarters better in the form of a ring or bracelet, because It is hands that receive primary energy information about our communication.

The energy of churricular quartz combines the power of all four elements: fire, air, water and land in equal shares.

Feline eye stone photo.