Modern childhood: what is it? Children and modern world. Education and how to find a common language with children Conditions and problems of modern childhood

On topical issues of modern childhood

E. Sh. Kamaldinova (National Institute of Business,

Moscow Humanitarian University)

The article analyzes the socio-philosophical, legal, theoretical and methodological, socio-pedagogical, psychological aspects of the problem of childhood: the status of children, age borders, singularities of the social situation in modern society, social formation. Keywords: UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Rights of the Child, State Regulatory Acts, Child State Phenomenon, Social Formation.

The adoption of the UN General Assembly in November 1989. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, signing it with the heads of 190 countries of the world, the ratification of the Convention by the USSR Supreme Council in June 1990 marked the folding of the new situation in the world and specifically in Russia in relation to children.

The problem of the rights of a child, his full life, upbringing, education and development always worried humanity. Its decision means ensuring state guarantees in the social formation of a person, in its entry into independent livelihoods, the implementation of its rights and legitimate interests.

Development of a sociological concept of a real idea of \u200b\u200bchildhood and models of the socialization of the child in modern society refers to the 70-80th years of the XX century. The basis of this concept of childhood, a particular child is revealed in the context of a full-fledged participant in social activities, social activities in general. There was a need to revise the research theory and practice of the socialization of childhood (I. S. Kon, E. M. Rybinsky, S. N. Scheglov) within the framework of the current theory of socialization. This affected a certain set of problems: a) the basics and structure of socialization, childhood and everyday life as its regulatory context; b) analysis of aspects of the social inequality of children within the framework of certain opportunities identified by the Company for the development of educational and professional status; c) consideration of socialization as a specific interfocal process, organically determined, intersecting with political and social order and

stepping by the natural mechanism of generations for each other.

The designated approach is based on the concept of generation ordering, characterizes the context of the social, mutually designed and structured nature of the categories of a child and adult, their social interaction.

In this sense, it is advisable to single out the theoretical relevance of optimal design and regulation of relations between generations of various age groups as a central element, the most important component of society in the context of functional communication with gender, economic, socio-political relations.

A society in which poor children is a sore society. The cure of such a society, and our specifically, can begin with the approval in our public consciousness and life of a fundamental idea: our life can also be assessed through modern childhood. The priority of movement from children to society actually there is a prerequisite of our today's and tomorrow's culture. This idea in its meaningful sense approves social significance, sociocultural determinants of education, childhood existence.

Under the conditions of a fundamental public reorganization, the question of updating the traditional paradigm of the preparation and inclusion of the younger generation in the life of society is worthwhile. In this context, there is a large set of problems of a methodological nature, including: childhood as an element of culture;

socialization of children as a way of existence and transmission of culture; Childhood as a special subculture of society.

Traditionally, in science an idea of \u200b\u200bthe category of childhood (I. S. Kon et al.) It is characterized as an invariant stage of human development or as a demographic category. But in its historical and social essence, childhood is a cultural and historical phenomenon, which can be systematically comprehended only taking into account age symbolism, i.e., submission systems and images during certain periods of development. In this case, perceived, meaningful and legitimized values \u200b\u200bare manifested in the culture of the individual in different periods of socialization, its life path, in the context of the diverse characteristics of the age stratification of society.

In this context, the conceptual meaning is gained by categories characterizing the personality development process (during childhood) - the social formation of children, which, in turn, implies the rationale and embodiment into the public practice of the holistic theory of social development of the new generation.

First of all, we are talking about the recognition of childhood not as a preparatory stage of life, but as a full, normal, obligatory period of life of every child and on guaranteeing the state of the state for its full-fledged and high-quality socialization.

The question of the rights of the child (children) in the history of the community arose relatively recently. In the XIX century, especially in his second half, the need to protect children, including from the arbitrariness of parents, from the exploitation of employers was sharply updated. In the framework of democratic movements, at that time, the attention of the progressive forces was attracted to the recognition of the soreness of the child, to facilitating the realization of fundamental rights and freedoms. L. N. Tolstoy, K. D. Ushin, K. N. Ventcel and many others wrote about this in Russia.

K. N. Ventcel one of his articles was called - "The child of this moment is a self-sustaining target of education" and formulated in it the following thesis: "The child is

there is a self-sufficient goal of upbringing. Education should ensure that every real moment of the child's life is full and had a value in itself, and not as a transitional step towards mature age "(Ventcel, 1993: 18). September 25, 1917 he implemented a "proclamation of a child's rights declaration" (ibid.: 138-143). One of its items read: "4. Each child, whatever age, there is a certain personality and in any case cannot be the property of his parents, nor the property of society, nor the property of the state. "

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. The problem of social intrinsicness and recognition of the significance of the child as a social entity as a human being located in a special danger (military, political, social and poverty, poverty, illness, illiteracy), rightly actualized the issue of the legal recognition of the child as a person in society. Before the formation of the UN in 1924, the League of Nations adopted the Geneva Declaration of Rights of the Child. And although it did not contain obligatory prescriptions for States parties to implement it, but in accordance with this document, the child was recognized as an object of international legal protection.

One of the first acts of the United Nations established in 1945 was the formation of the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Associated in 1948 was a special priority for the protection and assistance to children. In 1959, the United Nations adopted a declaration of the rights of the child. It proclaimed ten social and legal principles of protection and ensuring the well-being of children at the national and international level. But this document only formulates leading principles and recommendations.

The continuing deterioration of the situation of children in many states in the world demanded the adoption of such an international document, which would be found in the framework of the UN fixed

valo is the most important international legal norms in the state of protecting the main life rights and interests of children. Preparation and holding in 1979 the International Year of the Child signified the beginning of work on the draft relevant international standards of the Convention, guarantees the basic rights in the field of life protection and versatile development of children. On November 20, 1989, the UN General Assembly adopts the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. On January 25, 1996, the Council of Europe adopts the European Convention on the Implementation of Children's Rights, really confirming and proclaiming the norms guaranteed by the Convention.

The concept of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is built on the fundamental position, which recognizes equal rights of children, youth (from birth to 18 years) to existence, survival, development, on self-realization itself in the modern world. The livelihood of children on this basis requires the adoption and realization by all the structures of the company's new ethics attitudes towards children, by childhood as a unique social phenomenon.

The UN in order to enhance the attention of the global community to the Convention in 1990, the World Summit in the interests of children. The historical meaning of such a forum was that the meeting participants - the heads of state adopted the World Declaration on ensuring the survival, protection and development of children, an action plan for the implementation of the declaration in the 1990s. Chapters 159 delegations agreed to make emergency measures, national plans focused on the solution of urgent problems of childhood. This not only marked a fundamentally new situation in the field of developing and guaranteed state policy in the interests of children, but also marked by the community of adults a huge number of topical problems in the field of childhood, requiring their long-term and operational solutions for today's and tomorrow's smaller generation.

For the first time in world practice, an international document was adopted, approving the priority of the interests of children in the field of politics,

the need for a humane, promising solution by all states that ratify it, the issues of ensuring full-fledged life, health, education and development, the preparation of children for independent vital activity in accordance with the norms of international law.

The UN General Assembly In November 1989, the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child confirmed its commitment to humanistic principles, and the international community called it the great Charter of Valibilities for children, the global constitution of the child's rights. Her ratification of the Supreme Council of the USSR was held in June 1990, which determined the relevant commitments and successors of Russia in the protection of children's rights.

One of the first steps was the adoption by the Russian Federation in 1995 by the National Plan of Action for Children until 2000, implemented within the presidential, and later the long-term federal program "Children of Russia", which includes various subprogrammes in various years - "Children- orphans "," children with disabilities "," gifted children "," Children and family "," Prevention of neglect and offenses "and others. The target purpose and features of their implementation in different regions relative to different groups of children undoubtedly had and have a positive sense, although technologies and forms of ensuring activities are essentially differentiated in certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The beginning of the 90s in Russia was noted by the active development of the regulatory framework for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children: the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993), the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (1995), Family Code of the Russian Federation (1995), Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (1995), Labor Code of the Russian Federation (2002), RF Law "On Education" (1992) and others, as well as federal laws "On state support for youth and children's public associations" (1995), " On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care "(1995)," On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child

ka in the Russian Federation "(1998)," On the basics of the system of prevention of neglect and offenses of a minor "(1999), the Law of Moscow" On the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child in the city of Moscow ", the laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation ...

Modern Russian legislation contains relevant basic regulations, allowing to realize the priority interests of children. The question is that their implementation becomes the daily norm for all the structures of the state, society and citizens.

The state elected the program-target method of implementing measures to solve the problems of children in society. One of the mechanisms of state support for children since 1995, we are in favor of the Federal Target Program "Children of Russia". Priorities in solving problems are determined by the decrease in infant and maternal mortality, a decrease in disability among children with chronic pathology, strengthening the health of the child at all stages of its development, widespread guaranteeing sufficient conditions for solving the tasks of survival, full development, upbringing, education.

In recent years, financial support, strengthening the material and technical base of institutions have significantly intensified. However, the system for preventing the stability of the life of children (especially in adolescence) is not effective enough.

In this area, the measures of operational compensatory assistance, the stable functioning of the designated institutions, are not adjusted. To current acute social problems should include the decision to reduce child mortality, malnutrition, overcoming the illiteracy of millions of children in the world, providing all families with drinking water, normal living conditions, assisting children in difficult life situations (children left without parental care children -Invids, children who have drawbacks in mental and (or) physical development, children - victims of armed conflicts, environmental and technological

gene catastrophe, natural disasters, children from families of refugees and forced displaced persons, children - victims of violence and other categories of children from socially vulnerable groups).

According to the aforementioned Convention on the Rights of the Child, the participating States every five years represent periodic reports on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Russia was represented in 1993 and 1998. Cultitive analytical reports for discussion and adopting support measures.

From 1993 to the present, the Government of the Russian Federation is preparing and submitted to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation an annual report "On the situation of children in the Russian Federation". In those submitted to now, more than ten reports are analyzed by the situation of various groups of children in Russia, as well as measures aimed at improving its.

The full-fledged systemic solution of the designated issues requires a significant increase in the legislative obligations of the state, the actions of society, all its structural divisions to create elementary sufficient conditions for the full and healthy life of each child, to implement and stimulate the social, personal development of each young citizen, to raise free, creative, Constructive, spiritually rich generation of people.

This required the development and adoption of the concept of the concept, based on the recognition of the intrinsicity of childhood, to the responsibility of adults for the fate of each child. The return of a deformed, affected by the deep crisis of our society to his original humane essence requires recognition of childhood, youth, youth as a fundamental, and not a preparatory part of life.

The cure can and should begin with the approval in our public consciousness, in professional activities in all spheres of life of the society of a fundamental idea - to evaluate life through the well-being of children and the characteristics of modern childhood. Priority of the assessment and movement of society

in developing children, in fact there is a basic prerequisite for public, humanistic essence of sociocultural determinants of the existence and development of society.

One of the deep reasons for the long-term crisis of the Company is that the entire preceding adulthood of the childhood period was considered and is considered as a period of preparation for life in an adult community. All activities (traditionally education, education) are built on the need to adapt children to the world of adults, at ignoring the intrinsication of the children's community as one of their important conditions for the development of society as a whole, the development of its culture, mentality, economic and political spheres of vital activity. The state policy in the interests of children should be radically activated, it is mainly implemented by the residual basis.

Today's generation of children is essentially on the periphery of public policy, public interest, on the side of the legislative and administrative solution to the vital problems of childhood. The vitality of children and adolescents is actually actually outside legal orientations, norms. Statistics, which characterizes the main trends of public life, confirms the fact that life, installation, behavior, the entire subculture of today's children mirror reflects, exacerbate the deep contradictions of modern Russian society. A surge of suicides of adolescents is one of the dramatic accepts the sharpness and dramaticness of today's situation.

At the present stage of the Russian development of Russia, the issue of updating the traditional paradigm (system of ideas, provisions underlying the theory and practice of solving the problem) of the preparation and inclusion of the younger generation in the life of society is relevant. The dialectic of the Company's update is feasible on the basis of the "Children - Society" system, "youth - society". In this case, the fundamental importance acquires the development process,

muling the process of social self-allocation of independent adult vitality. Of particular importance in public policy in this regard, the content of the work of children's and youthful public associations, aimed at the deployment of the subject, socially active positions of children, adolescents, young people in various spheres of public manifestation.

The real recognition of the rights of the child is characterized by various aspects: legal, socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical, etc. The difficulties of their permission are today are obvious, but braking turns into even more dramatic consequences. An important meaning in this regard acquires a socio-pedagogical solution to the issue.

Some psychological issues of growing children and adolescents also deserve special attention. The complication of social conditions sharply affected the content and mechanisms of their social development. The elements of the destruction of traditional mechanisms for the socialization of children are manifested in many indicators, but the characteristics of age are very significant. Acceleration of biological ripening (acceleration), growth of mental well-being, the inadequacy of the forms of manifestation of self-consciousness, unconfiguring the increasing feelings of adolescence in adolescents them really low status leads to a significant decrease in social age.

The marginalness of the youth in these conditions is not only a negative attribute of age development, but also a significant factor in the inhibition of socio-cultural movement of society as a whole.

The most dramatic factor in the non-working conditions of full-blooded socialization is insufficient in the legislation of standards, which would be legal "vests", fixing the stages of growing children, gaining various age groups more and more civil rights and obligations, their legal registration

the gradual entry into the world of adult citizens.

The actual insecurity of juvenile jurisprudence makes it difficult to formulate and solve the global law and the meaning of sufficient legal grounds for subject self-expression by the community of 14-18-year-olds in all spheres of vital activity. This provision contributes to the deepening of negative processes associated with social alienation, the increase in criminality, the deviant behavior of adolescents and young people, the complication of the junior self-expression process in the diverse forms of socially significant activities. According to expert experts, abolished losses in Russia's resources have already occurred over the past two decades.

The underestimation of the activating socio-age processes, the needs of social transitions in the status of a significant number of adolescents turns into the deepening of the gap between the need for the intensive inclusion of the smallest in society and the delay of their socially mature manifestation. The legal status of children and adolescents of various ages in children's public associations (from 8 to 18 years inclusive) needs to be concretizing.

Recognition of the rights of the child during its educational activity means first of all the refusal to the tradition of paternalism, decisions for the child with adults of all his problems. This suggests a new design focused on building the process of education in all social institutions through

helicing, cooperation, through trust and respect. In such a creative mutual influence environment, the adult stimulates the self-confidence of the child, helps the children's team to make its decision, helps in the implementation of the program adopted by this team, makes it possible to find freedom of search, freedom of experiments, freedom of solving and making mistakes.

Creation of appropriate conditions, stimulation, support for the status of a subject, both associations and its individual participants, is an urgent task that the adult community has to be solved daily in communicating with children.

References Ventcel, K. N. (1993) Free Education: Sat. Election Tr. M.: Vocational education.

On The Topical Problems of Contemporary Childhood E. SH. Kamaldinova (The National Institute of Business,

Moscow University for the Humanities)

The Article Analyzes Theoretical and Methodological, Social and Pedagogical, And Psychological Aspects of The Problem of Childhood: The Features of Children, Age Brackets, The Features of Social Position in The Contemporry World and Social Formation.

Keywords: The Child, Rights of the Child, State Regulatory Enactments, The Phenomenon of Childhood, Social Formation.

BIBLIGRAPHY (Transliteration) VenttSel ', K. N. (1993) Svobodnoe vospitanie: SB. IZBR. tr. M.: Professional'noe Obrazovanie.

Childhood problem in the modern world

Lutsva Irina Yurevna
Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov (branch) "Rostov State Economic University (Rinh)"

This article discloses the problem of childhood, is shown attitude to childhood in different historical periods of time and at the present stage of the development of society. As well as the modern stage of building new forms of relations between children and adults, which is the discovery between the life of children and adults.


Luceva Irina Yurevna.
Taganrog Institute Named After A. P. Chekhov (Branch "Rostov State Economic University (RINKH)"

This article Considers The Relationship to Childhood in Different Historical Time Periods and At The Present Stage Of Development Of Society. AS Well As Considers The Current Stage Of Construction Of New Forms of Relationships Children and Adults, The Dominant Indicator of Which Is The Gap Between The Lives of Children and Adults.

Childhood is one of the most important periods in a person's life. During this period, the child passes the greatest path in its individual development from a helpless creature to an adapted personality adapted to the nature and society capable of taking responsibility.

To date, there are many definitions of the concept of "childhood", as well as the distinction of its temporary framework.

Thus, from the point of view of sociology, childhood is nothing but a constant and naturally replaced part of society, which performs a number of specific functions, and also actively interacts with the society and its individual elements. In physiology and psychology, childhood represents the stage of the life cycle, during which the body begins and continues to develop, forming its most important functions. And in social pedagogy, this period of life is considered as the initial stage of identification socialization, including the assimilation of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values, the development of social roles that allow the child to develop and function in society.

Childhood's problem and the laws of the psychic and personal development of the child were engaged in such scientists like LS Vygotsky p.p. Blonsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.F. Lazur, A.N. Leontyev, L.I. Bozovic, etc.

The authors offer a large number of concepts and principles of the psychophysical development of a child during this period of life, however, today there is no consensus and answer to the question of how childhood should be and how to educate the younger generation.

The evolution of childhood status has passed a long and difficult path. Back in the Middle Ages, a positive feature of childhood was considered to be susceptible to upbringing. A bright representative of that time, Philip Navararsky, noted that this period is the foundation for all the future life on which you can build a good and strong future. Later, a great contribution to childhood was made by the scientist Erasmus Rotterdam, who determined that it was extremely important to take into account age and prevent the child's strength in any form of activity.

From the point of view of science, the understanding of childhood as a special and peculiar phenomenon began to form in the second half of the XIX century, but only in the 20th century there was interest in childhood as a special social phenomenon due to the efforts of M. Montessori, N.F. Pestalozzi and other pedagogy reformers.

The rapid development of the modern world has a huge impact on childhood. To date, the child is recognized as an independent law of law and has a special social status. However, the active technology and the introduction of innovations in all areas of vital activity put forward the urgent need to interrelation of the world of children with the world of adults.

On the one hand, the world of adults and the world of children came closer, which is due to the fact that the child has become available all that it was previously forbidden: it has almost no limited access to information, increasingly becoming permissible, from this there was a certain independence of children.

On the other hand, adults moved away from children and not only because the first ceased to engage in children. Recently, children remain aside from the Company's activities in the discussion of various problems of adults.

Today, increasingly talking about the discrimination of children. The world of childhood is somehow deformed by the world of adults.

The modern stage of building new forms of relations between children and adults is designated by scientists as a crisis of childhood, which is the primary indicator of which is the gap between the life of children and adults.

Scientists allocate a number of characteristic features for this crisis.

First, the relationship of adults and children, in which adults act as teachers and educators, where their efforts are not aimed at interacting with the child, but on the impact.

Secondly, previously folded ideas about the development of the world are destroyed as an adult, and the period of breaking the image of an adult world comes. If earlier the children were not tolerated to enter the world of adults, today there is some fear of growing up.

Thirdly, the children were at all outside socially significant cases. Today, the tendency to removing the world of adults from the world of children is becoming popular. However, there are several parties to consider such a feature of the crisis of childhood. On the one hand, the children are provided with all the benefits, but at the same time adults do not let them in their world, as a result of which the first resort to extreme measures to defend their rights to stay in the world of adults - alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc. on the other hand, They are at all excluded from real socially significant activities, more often indulged by parents and remain longer under their care, but it all leads to no less unpleasant consequences. Children become unable to do anything, which in turn leads to a protracted infantilism.

There is also a decay of specific types of activities of children - "pseudo-school" forms of learning displacing the game from the life of children. Distribution in adolescence activities specific to the younger schoolboy leads to the exacerbation of the adolescent crisis, its protracted and destructive nature. The game and children's feasts have undergone colossal changes, due to the active informatization and computerization of society, especially in recent decades.

All this happens under the powerful onslaught of innovation of the modern world. The media, the television and unmanaged flow of information from the monitors of our computers displaces traditional forms of children's activities and communicate with adults, which leads to the distortion of the worldview of children and their life values, and also become not rare cases of violation of the mental health of the child.

All this suggests that the child is much faster to adulthood, rather than a few years ago, in preschool age, he begins to actively get acquainted with modern appliances, and in school, it becomes her confident user. Parents are increasingly demanding from a child of discipline and obedience, limiting the right to choose and the ability to be themselves. All this entails irreversible consequences: the impact of physical and mental health, the loss of active communication skills, distortion of moral and moral representations, the annulment of the inner world.

As D.B. Elkonin, childhood occurs exactly when the child cannot be included in the social production system due to the fact that it is unable to fully master the instruments of labor due to their complexity, as a result of which the natural inclusion of children in productive labor is moved away. However, this thought was relevant a couple of dozen years ago, and today we see an absolutely opposite picture.

Despite the many pedagogical research and statistical data indicating that in the modern world, the growth of such children's problems, as social orphanhood, deviant in the children's sphere, the problem of health, social adaptation and freedom of choice has increased the activity of state policy in the field of childhood.

Today, it is the child who is in the center of numerous discussions and debates, it is precisely in relation to childhood in such a large scale the development of new laws and subtitle acts is being developed. All this indicates that childhood has tremendous significance for the state, and therefore for the future.

Each of us was once a child, and today, having the opportunity to consider the problem of childhood through a scientific prism, can realize how difficult it is to be a child and how great the task of pedagogy in this difficult time of life of every person. To date, the main task of each of us is to help the younger generation, because their future and the future of our country will depend on us. And if today the child is only a tiny birth of a new life in the womb, then tomorrow it will become a new symbol of history, a person who can open new horizons.

Bibliographic list
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Poverty as a key source of unfavorable modern Russian family

Medical and demographic situation in Russia

The problem of abortion

Maternity benefits

Social orphanhood: sleepwear


List of references


The family acts as the first educational institute, the connection with which a person feels throughout his life. It is in the family that the foundations of human morality are laid, the norms of behavior are formed, the inner world and individual qualities of the individual are revealed. The family contributes to self-affirmation of a person, stimulates its social and creative activity. In other words, the family is carried out primary socialization of the child. Naturally, the malfunction in the functioning of the family is directly reflected in the child and its development.

In modern Russia, the family as a social institution is definitely going through the crisis. You can allocate several faces of this crisis at once: demographic, socio-economic, moral and moral. One way or another, there is a mass spread of such a phenomenon as an unfavorable family. Hence the mass distribution of a whole range of problems that are collapsed for children in such families.

In this paper, an attempt was made to analyze the social problems of childhood in modern Russia. It is necessary to emphasize the following: The topic "Social problems of children" is not included in the list of "socially significant", oddly and neither regrettable. Russian society has accustomed to the type of juvenile beggars, criminals and prostitutes, and such phenomena as domestic violence, alcoholism in the family, mass poverty is simply the norm of life. However, the very presence of these problems that are, underlined, mass, threaten the future of our country. Therefore, their study and decision is an urgent need.

1. Poverty as a key source of unfavorable modern Russian family

Of course, the reasons for the disadvantage of a particular family can be many and for each specific family they are different. However, it is obvious that the key social problem that determined in our time the explosive growth of the number of disadvantaged families is poverty.

In 1992, due to the total economic crisis and "shock therapy", the bulk of the population was thrown into the abyss of poverty. At the same time, actually turned out to be "expropriated" and all savings of the population in cash and non-cash forms. Hence the data on the 70-80% stake of the poor in Russia appeared.

So, if in the late 60s, the proportion of low-income ("poor") was 29.6%, in the late 70s - 32.1%, in the late 80s - 30.7%, then as a result of shock Therapies of the problem of poverty as independent disappears, replacing the problem of economic destruction, the fall in the level of economic development and, as a result of this-linked level of the population as a whole. Poor becomes like a country as a whole. But the catastrophic fall in income of the population was considered at the same time an emergency, but very temporary phenomenon associated with a short period of socio-economic transformations. Thus, these processes were "transformers", decorated without taking into account Russian features on shock therapy.

The family cannot exist for a long time, using up to 70% of their food budget, as there are still a number of low-elastic needs (housing and communal, transport, clothing for children). In terms of high inflation, which mostly affects goods consumed by low-income, the border of poverty under the influence of prices is changing intensively. At the same time, the poor people could not endlessly remain within the framework of the extreme consumption structure: some food reserves were rapidly exhausted, children grew out of their clothes and shoes, and the prices for housing and utilities and transport were intensively grew.

There were two forms of poverty: "stable" and "floating". The first is due to the fact that the low level of material security, as a rule, leads to a deterioration in health, decalification, depophesionation, and ultimately to degradation. Poor parents reproduce potentially poor children, which is determined by their health, education obtained by qualifications. Social studies of stability of poverty reaffirmed this hypothesis and showed that people who are "born as constantly poor" remain those throughout life. The second form, much less frequently found, is related to the fact that the poor sometimes take incredible efforts and "pop up" from their social, actually closed circle, adapting to new conditions, defending their right to the best life. Of course, in such a "jump, not only subjective, personal factors, but also the objective conditions created by the state and society play a significant role.

The dramatic situation is that two-thirds of children and one third of the elderly population were "behind the threshold" of social guarantees in the poverty group. Meanwhile, the main part of the elderly by their past work has provided themselves with the right to at least a hazardous existence, and with the poverty of children can not be put up, because It undoubtedly leads to a decrease in the quality of future generations and, as a result, the main characteristics of the human potential of the nation.

There is an intensive process of feminizing poverty, which has extreme forms of manifestation in the form of a stagnant and deep poverty. Along with traditional poor (lonely mother and large families, people with disabilities and the elderly), the category of "new poor" appeared, representing those groups of the population, which in their education and qualifications, social status and demographic characteristics never before (in Soviet times) were not low-income. All experts came to the conclusion that working poor is a purely Russian phenomenon. Today, their low incomes are primarily due to the unreasonably low level of wages at state-owned enterprises, unemployment and partial employment, as well as non-payment of wages and pensions.

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation in the third quarter of 2003, the share of population with cash income below the subsistence minimum of the total number was 21.9% or 31.2 million. These figures indicate the dynamics of a significant reduction in poverty.

A detailed analysis of the composition of poor families or what is called "profile" of the poor, shows that in the demographic plan of the total number of family members of more than a quarter (27.3%) - these are children under 16, near the fifth part (17.2%) - Persons older than working age, and the rest - more than half (55.5%) - a able-bodied population. Special calculations show that in a timely agreed part of the population with disposal resources below the subsistence minimum in 1999 it was 59.1 million people, including 15.2 million children, 24.9 million women and 19.0 million men. This means that the poor were: 52.4% of the total number of children under 16, 39.5% of the number of women and 35.6% of the number of men. Such is the most general characteristic. It suggests that in terms of material security more than half of children are below the "borders" of a decent life, and the share of poor women is higher than the proportion of poor men. Despite the fact that the difference on the floor is small, after all, there is every reason to talk about poverty feminization, which is confirmed by the factors that form it.

According to the poor, the following groups of adult population are allocated among the poor: more than one third (39.0%) are working, about one fifth (20.6%) -Pensions, 3% - unemployed, 5.3% - housewives, including women Located in maternity leave for child care. In terms of demographic typology, there are three groups among poor families: a) married couples with children and other relatives (50.8%); b) incomplete families that may include other relatives in their composition (19.4%).

Poverty, unemployment, economic and social instability, intact hope, collapse of plans intensify the process of marginalization of the population. As a result, the social layer of Puffers appears, as a consequence of increasing downward social mobility, increasing in its intensity. So forms and strengthens "Social bottom", which is actually rejected by society, practically not knowing his true sizes. A special study of this problem allows you to distinguish between four groups of people constituting the "Social bottom": 1) beggars, which are openly asked. 2) bums, lost their housing, as you know, first of all, due to the emergence of the housing market; 3) Street children who lost their parents either ran out of the house; 4) Street prostitutes (including children) leading an asocial lifestyle. Representatives of the "Social DNA" have similar features. These are people who are in a state of social exclusion, deprived of social resources, sustainable connections, lost elementary social skills and dominant values \u200b\u200bof society. They actually have already stopped the struggle for their social existence. At the same time, each of the named groups has its own specifics, but there are no tough faces between them: the homeless can be a beggar, and a homeless bell. Nevertheless, all representatives of the Social DNA have their own signs, features of the formation and socio-demographic properties of their identification.

2. Medical and demographic situation in Russia

With the implementation of the National Project, as noted with satisfaction, the Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council on Social Policy Valentina Petrenko, the mentality is changing in relation to health care, mother, child, family. However, there are a lot of problems. About how they can be solved, it was on a round table meeting on topical issues of demographics and the protection of children's health, which was held in the Federation Council.

According to expert estimates, we have 60% of the total birth of the first child, 30% of the second, 10% - third and more. And in England, the birth of a second child is 50%. In France, the rate is made on the birth of the third and subsequent children. The study shows that about 60% of Russian marital couples with one child would like to have a second if they had conditions: housing, financial opportunities.

The problem of infant mortality is quite acute. There are progress. If not to look around. And yet, you should not diminish the achievements of the Mother and Child Health Service. They are. So, recently there has been a significant reduction in maternal mortality. Although the problem in the structure of maternal mortality, according to the director of the Department of Medical and Social Problems of Family, Motherhood and Children's Ministry of Health and Social Development, Olga Sharapova, remain abortions, their share even increased. It was 18%, it became in 2006 - 23%.

Improvement is observed in the incidence of women: there is a decrease in the frequency of detection of anemia during pregnancy (by more than 3%), violations of generic activities (by 5%), the development of septic conditions in pregnant women and in the femalenits (almost 30%), bleeding in postpartum and postoperative periods (by 16%).

On the example of children under the age of one month, we actually manage the indicators of life and death, "says the director of the Ivanovo Research Institute of Motherhood and Childhood. V.N. Gorodkov Roszdrava Lyubov Siskieev. - If other services also work with other age categories, I think a lot will change.

There is a different question that I would like more. According to E. Baybarina, despite significant investments, it is felt underfunding perinatal service. Equipment wear in maternity homes reaches 80%, effective techniques are not used sufficiently. Modern technologies for conducting, say, artificial ventilation of the lungs in a variety of modes against the background of the introduction of a surfactant allow you to successfully find premature children. But everything rests on financial problems, since the chipping of such a child costs about 7 thousand rubles a day (for comparison: in Europe - 2-3 thousand euros). Where such funds are found, the achievements are obvious. As an example, the Moscow Regional Perinatal Center can be brought, where early neonatal mortality decreased in a short time up to 2.3 ppm.

The decrease in perinatal and neonatal losses is highly time, it is possible mainly by applying high-tech medical care, the use of effective safe drugs, noted the participants of the "Round Table". However, there are a number of problems related to their availability. Regions are forced to allocate money for expensive drugs from their budgets, but the limited means makes it impossible to be widely used. In addition, in the standards of medical care for children, primarily until the year of life, there are no modern methods for the prevention and treatment of pulmonary pathology. In some subjects, there is a decrease in the provision of non-station doctors.

As is known, the overwhelming majority of diseases in the early neonatal period and many diseases in breast and older age are associated with the unfavorable course of pregnancy and childbirth, which requires a significant strengthening of the preventive orientation of obstetricians for the birth of a healthy child. In the meantime, the focus of obstetres is the condition and health of a pregnant woman, and not the outcome of pregnancy. High remains fulviability. But here there is a reserve in increasing the number of born children, noted during the "round table" L. Sisseyev.

Special attention should be paid to the reproductive health of Northerners, the Deputy Committee of the Federation Council on the Affairs of the North and the Minorial Peoples of Gennady Oleinik believes. Three-quarters of pregnant women living in the north have significant deviations in health, 70% of them are not allowed by the necessary food, vitamins and trace elements. All this significantly affects the health of future generations. Up to 80% of children have violations of their development before birth.

Children of the North are in unequal starting conditions of life compared to children of other regions of the country and are 2-3 times more often. Under the influence of adverse climate-ecological factors, there is a lag for 2-5 years of age development of the immune system. Each fifth child has a body mass deficiency. Many northern regions of Russia are not able to independently solve the problem of ensuring the full development of children in extreme conditions, they need an additional, target state support. With its absence, the process of depopulation will increase. Repeatedly raised the question of the need to preserve the program "Children of the North". Unfortunately, efforts turned out to be vain. At least a number of problems of the children of the North and allocated a separate line in the "Healthy Generation" subroutines, "Children and the Family" of the Federal Target Program "Children of Russia", but this is not enough.

3. Aborto problem

The population of our country decreases: dies more than it appears. This is caused by the new demographic initiative of the president, which provides for supporting families with children, an increase in childhood benefits, the payment of maternal capital, etc. But only economic measures are clearly not enough. It is necessary that motherhood and paternity become a conscious need, and the children were desirable and significant in the life goal of each family. In Volgograd, approached the problem on the other side. Here, for the first time in Russia, the service of psychologists began to work in women's consultations. Their task is to convince the pregnant woman who gathering to make an abortion, give up their decision, to preserve the life of the future child.

Five main causes of abortion in Russia

Why is a woman solved on an abortion operation unsafe, which suits a serious impact on her health and well-being, and not too approved by society? As a rule, not from a good life, psychologists figured out. Here are the most frequent reasons:

Unstable marriage, insecurity in a partner. When the marriage felt on the seams or "love did not succeed," only the most naive women expect that the birth of a child, and not the first, will help preserve relations. Most women are afraid that this is, on the contrary, the husband or partner will push off, and they will remain alone with the child, and even two in their hands.

Unresolved housing problems. Many young families are forced to live with parents or remove cheap housing. This often becomes the reason for the rejection of the child's birth, especially the second.

Bad financial position. With low incomes of young families, the birth of a child often forces them to lower their living standards, refusing to itself in many ways. But if at the birth of the first child, grandparents are ready to assist them, including financial, the birth of the second grandson sometimes meet without much joy, as it lays down the burden and on them.

Insufficient level of sexual culture. Many young women and men are not aware of the modern methods of contraception, do not think about the consequences of random and unprotected sexual relations.

Medical indications. The health status of many women is such that pregnancy (especially repeated) may be dangerous for them. The prevalence of such a phenomenon, as a pregnancy due to rape, official statistics silent, but, according to doctors, it is not as rare, as it seems.

Over the past 15 years, the number of abortions in Russia has significantly decreased - more than 2 times. If at the beginning of the 90s, more than 4 million abortions were officially recorded, in recent years, according to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, their number does not exceed 1.7 million per year. And yet it is early to talk about significant successes in this area: at the same time we fell and fertility, so about 57% of all pregnancies are still aborted. Particularly disturbed by the fact that every fifth abortion is performed by teenage girls up to 18 years old.

From 10 to 15% of abortions give various complications that require serious and long-term treatment, and sometimes end the tragically - the death of a woman. Up to 8% of women after abortion become fruitless. In our country, each 10th pair of marriage is not able to conceive a child. According to the Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, RAMS, barren 6-7 million Russian women, but these data are incomplete.

There is no doubt that the legalization of abortions in the 20th century was an element of the restraint of a woman, provided it with the right to solve his fate. But since then, somehow it was forgotten that a woman and a man are equally involved in the appearance of a new life. 29-year-old Jeanne and her husband Ilya are the rarest case: in one of the Volgograd women's consultations, this couple came together. They have an apartment, a second-grader's son is growing.

But if we get a second child, you will have to limit them all in many ways - the family budget will bake, "says Ilya. - To the "maternal capital" still need to live, and money for additional spending will be required not in three years, and immediately. Wife gets a good salary. And what will she stay after the decree? By law, everything should be preserved, but will the employer wait?

The psychologist must be ready for such a conversation. Will Tatyana be able to convince Zhanna and Ilya that the greatest joy of the birth of the baby will redeek all the transient everyday troubles and material difficulties? So far enough and the fact that both of them did not make a final decision.

Abortions of the Catholic Church and Islam are uniquely banned, therefore, in countries where these religions have strong positions, abortion statistics are low. Abortions are allowed in most countries in Europe, North America, East Asia - China, Mongolia, Vietnam, DPRK and practically in India. With restrictions, they are allowed in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand. In China, Hong Kong, the Republic of Korea and Vietnam produce from 25 to 45 abortions per 100 pregnant women, in India and Turkey - 5. In Zambia and South Africa - about 5, in the rest of Africa - at least 17.

In the countries of the European Union, abortions are permitted everywhere, except Ireland. However, their number is different: from 18.3 in Sweden to 5.4 per 1000 women of childbearing age in Spain. In the Netherlands, their least in the world: less than 5 per 1,000 women.

The maximum abortion falls on the republic of the former USSR and formerly socially: in 14 out of 25 countries - from 40 to 63 per 100 pregnant women.

4. Pregnancy benefits and childbirth

Russian parliamentarians are convinced that there are no problems in the country with the existence of sources of funds necessary to increase maternity benefits. In their opinion, for these purposes you can use huge gold and collar stocks and stabilization fund. At the same time, parliamentarians are considered, it is necessary to produce exact, arithmeticly verified calculations so that the innovation is beneficial to women and with a large, and with a small salary. In addition, politicians expressed the view that it is necessary to proceed from the minimum subsistence level of the child, and not from the salary that a woman received before pregnancy, so as not to put in the discriminatory position most residents of the country have a low wage.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation recognized the norm of the law that does not correspond to the maximum amount of pregnancy benefits and childbirth. The norm, which remained in the laws on the Budget of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) for five years, was essentially deprived of secured workers of women equivalent payroll during the decree.

After six months, by decision of the COP, the first part of Article 15 of the Law "On the Budget of the Social Insurance Fund for 2002" will lose force, for the first time established the Standard of the average monthly income, which may not exceed decreasing payments. During this time, the Government of Russia and the State Duma will also have to fix the current legislation. The appropriate bill, relieving restrictions on the size of a monthly maternity benefit and childbirth will be introduced to the State Duma over the next one and a half weeks, and until the end of the spring session it is planned to accept it.

The basis for the proceedings was the complaint in the CS of a resident of the city of Sarov Nizhny Novgorod Region Tatiana Banikina, who appealed to the court with a complaint against the violation of the constitutional rights of all the well-earning women in the state social garant of the child. In the announced decree, the judge stated that these laws "disproportionately limit the amount of pregnancy benefits for insured women whose average earnings exceeds the maximum amount provided for in it."

In 2002, the size of the monthly maternity benefit and childbirth was determined in the amount of average earnings and did not exceed 11,700 rubles. Since 2002, the Maternal Maximum has repeatedly raised and by 2007 the threshold rose to 16125 rubles. However, this amount is far from all Russians is one hundred percent compensation for average annual earnings.

At the same time, many experts have doubts that the state will soon begin by 100 percent to reimburse the income of pregnant and young mothers.

The Constitutional Court refers to the documents of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which describe that it is preferable to bring the size of maternity payments to 100% of the average wage. As the representative of the Federation Council explained to the Council of Elena Vinogradov, thus, the limitations in size will remain, and how much the benefits are increased, while it is difficult to say.

According to the representative of the State Duma, Elena Mizulina, the government and the Duma will have to provide a "some other mechanism" of payments, since the social insurance fund may not have enough funds. It is possible that part of the amount will pay extra for the employer.

According to the lawyer of the NGO Center of Social and Labor Rights, Anna Nvaditsky, employers are unlikely to positively appreciate such innovations. Today, the benefits of future and young mothers are paid entirely from insurance amounts, while employers often find out that women are expensive than men.

According to the Plenipotentiary representative of the government in the constitutional, supreme and arbitration courts, Mikhail Bushchevsky, "The Constitutional Court motivated its decision to create favorable conditions for increasing fertility." "It seems to me that the COP went beyond his powers. The issues of demographic policies relate to the competence of legislative and executive power, "said Brenzhevsky.

poverty Social family orphanhood

5. Social orphanhood: Smenworkers

The scientific community is interested in the scientific community in the early 1990s. However, systematic surveys across Russia or large regions was not conducted. The reason is the absence of own funds and budget allocations from scientific institutions, as well as the lack of interest in this problem in the authorities both local and federal. Forces of scientific groups of surveys were held only for individual cities of Russia.

Problems of street children for several years have been studied by the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This paper presents the results of surveys 1995 and 1999, conducted by the author, the survey "Russian newspaper" in 2002, as well as survey of experts who analyzed the situation of homelessness in the country.

In 1995 survey, 115 street children were attended by the Samara Receiver. The results showed that 62.5% of children, saved from home, lived before that in families.This is also confirmed by the static distributors delivered to children's receivers (in 1999 they are transformed into the temporary insulation centers of minor offenders). In 1995, 32.4 thousand adolescents were ran away from the family or 56.6% of all delivered distributors.

About half (43.7%) of the surveyed children lived in incomplete families, i.e. With one of the parents (almost always this mother), 31% - with grandparents, grandfather or other relatives. The main reason for this situation is the deprivation of parents of rights for failure to comply with the duties towards children. Only 25% of children live in a full family, i.e. with father and mother. However, very often there is an unemployed in such a family (sometimes the unemployed is both parent), there are other reasons for disadvantaged.

A fairly large number of children runs away from the parents of alcoholics. Moreover, this reason has never been noted in our examination as the only one, usually she was accompanied by the starvation of the child, his bad relationships with parents, teachers. Another point should be noted: children who left the house for this reason amounted to almost 30% among 9-14-year-old, half - 5-8-year-old and almost 100% among 15-17-year-olds.

About 18% of children as a reason for leaving the house marked reluctance to learn. About 12% left home because they do not need anyone there. Among the reasons, there is such: a mother died, and the child remained on the care of relatives who did not do anything before him. At the same time, none of the respondents noted the lack of love for their parents and relatives as the reason for leaving the house. Such a tip did not take advantage of even children from alcoholics families.

About 10% of children in the survey ran out from home because they wanted to travel. But even in this case, this reason did not appear as the only one, usually such: "Fallen the company", "bad relationships with parents." Only 5% of adolescents ran out of the house solely in the search for romance and adventure.

5% of children according to surveys ran out of orphanages, shelters, boarding schools, etc.In 1995, according to state statistics, their number (ran away) in the receivers-distributors amounted to 5.6 thousand or 9.8% of the number of children delivered there. Absolute number is not very high. However, if you relate them to all children living in orphanages, their share will be 6.9%, while only 0.3% of all children living in the family run away from families.

The main reason why children run away from the dispensers receivers are desire to return home, despite the hard life there (87%). 25% ran out due to bad relationships with teachers and abuse.

The children are fleeing agesin our survey the smallest - 6 years. The most significant group of streets make up children aged 9-14 years (58% of all streets). Distribution of PA semiit shows that this is mainly boys - 78.6%, girls make up - 21.4%. Most of the streets are residents of cities (almost 80%). Rural children make up a little more than 20%. Dates of staychildren in homelessness range from 2-3 days to 7 months (meaning in mind those who have fallen in the receiver-distributor. If the child is outside the receiver-distributor or other children's institution, then these deadlines can be more than large). Moreover, in our examination, such a pattern was revealed: the less the child's age, the more period of his homelessness. The explanation is quite difficult to find.

Dangers waiting for street adolescents,diverse. One of them is connected with the place of overnight stay. Outside the nightlife usually "where you have to" (this is the most common answer). Many have a permanent place in attics or in basements of mostly old houses, at the station and can become easy prey for any criminal, including maniac. With another danger, the teenager faces, mining means for life. Its main sources: begging, theft, small racket, slowhead, part-time on gas stations, car wash, collecting and passing empty bottles. Those who are stronger can work by loaders in the store. One of the adolescents called the source of income - "undressed children." On this path, they are waiting for a lot of disappointments and surprises. Most of the streets are connected in one way or another with the criminal world.

The streets can enter both adult grouping, and if it is criminal, to get out of it, according to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is very difficult. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with general crime growth, adult people are committed less and less; In 70% of cases for young people convicted for any crime, adults stood.

By fueling out of the house, from the oppression and cruelty of parents, the teenager is often still at risk to become a victim of violence, robbery, insults. Thus, according to some data, physical violence is undergoing from 20 to 40% of children, about 8% are sexual. Great for these children and the likelihood to acquire detrimental habits, addicted to drugs, alcohol, criminal activity, prostitution.

Healthstorgelists based on the results of the survey leaves much to be desired: more than 70% of children are sick.

Second examinationin 1999, the streets were held in 1999. 69 streets who were in Zvinp G. Great Novgorod participated. His data was confirmed by many trends identified in 1995 survey Most of the street children (52%), as in the first examination, have a family: 28% complete, 24% - incomplete, 36% - live with other relatives, with grandmother and / Or with grandfather, 16%-in the orphanage, shelter.

Accommodation with parents is not always positive for the child. Already from the young age, these children had seen what, according to psychologists, had an impact on their psyche and would affect their last life. Only very few of them can forget this later and conduct a different lifestyle. This survey revealed new patterns: in 45.5% of children, one of the parents, and in some cases both are unemployed, in 17.4% of children, one of the parents was in conclusion, in 8.9% - parents (or one of them) Lained parental rights.

A comparative assessment with a 1995 survey shows that the causes of flight from the house, as well as their frequency, have not changed. On average, each child flew out of the house (orphanage) 5 times, but in some cases this number, according to them, reached 25-30 shoots.

More than a quarter of children (22.6%) were not studied and did not work. This is the most dangerous group. They turned out to be one on one with life, without the slightest support of relatives and close at that age when she was most needed. Not only their parents, but also the school, neighbors in the house, the public did not pay any attention to them. A new study confirms the criminal nature of the responding time: 52% - steal, 30.5% - work (collect bottles, work by loaders in the store), 13% - asked alms.

One third of the street children earns money alone, 19% - sometimes combine. The rest (52.5%) operate with groups. So they are easier to survive and defend themselves, but more dangerous to society. Gathering in groups, children feel more unpunished, becoming more aggressive, embonctable. Recall that in 1995 examination, almost 70% of children were combined in the Group. Apparently, the ideas of individualism are declared in society, the need and desirability to count only on themselves did not pass without a trace even for these children. There is another difference from the survey of 1995: then in 20% of cases, these groups were led by adults, now the situation is different - the number of such groups has decreased by more than 3 times and is only 6%. In 1999 examination, among the organizers, a higher proportion of peers was noted among the organizers, and not the older guys, as in 1995, part of adolescents said that they organized groups themselves.

What are the plans of these children for the future? In 1995 examination, 53% of the streets would like to return home, 29% - to continue studying at school, vocational school, technical school, 17.6% - want to live like everyone else - to learn and work. Only 12% had no plans. None of the teenagers noted such a prompt as "I can't change anything already," that is, all children, to some extent, hope for the best changes. And the best changes, in their opinion, have good and caring parents (this was noted 53.8% of street children, including among 9-14-year-olds - 64.7%, and among children 6-8 years old - 33.4 %), to have a friendly family, respectively - 46.1%, 29.4%, 77.6%. At the same time, 17.7% of children noted that they would like to live independently, separately from their parents. There were in the questionnaire and typical children's, according to adults, answers. So, almost 12% of children of 9-12 years old wrote that they would like to have a lot of toys, 23.5% are beautiful clothes. I would especially like to highlight the group of children, in the representation of which the best changes are the opportunity to feed. Moreover, their share is large enough: it amounted to 26.9% of all respondents (including aged 9-14 years - 23.5%; 6-8 years - 31.7%).


In 2006, it became fashionable and relevant to talk about the demographic problems of Russia, about its future in 2015, 2020, 2050 or even 2100. And on the scale of the federation, and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory began the implementation of the relevant "projects", which is supposed to be enjoyed with colossal and simply unprecedented for our arrivals of the amount.

In this regard, in conclusion, I would like to note one important fact, which is somehow overlooked by modern Russian society. Increased fertility, even if the transcendental "African" heights and, accordingly, the death drop is simply meaningless, in conditions when most Russian children live in dysfunctional families and face such phenomena as parental alcoholism, violence, including sexual, humiliation, poverty , homelessness. Without solving these problems, the key problem of Russia is the degradation of its human potential and the reduction of viability as a self-sufficient society will not and cannot be solved.

Analysis of the situation shows that the authorities, who own a well-owning situation, do not want and are not ready to act adequate to her. It seems that they do not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to do. Caring for the whole of society about children, about all, and not just about their own, should be a priority in society. Today most people do not have this. To overcome such a crisis of public consciousness, it is necessary to realize it. "Destroy," said Professor Preobrazhensky, is not an old woman with a keen, destroying our heads. " Awareness by the society of its condition as a crisis and meant the beginning of high-quality change.

List of references

1.Alekseeva L.S. About violence against children in the family. // Socis, 2003 No. 4. P. 78 - 85.

2.Breeva E.B. Social orphanhood: experience of sociological research. // Socis, 2004 No. 4. P. 44 - 51.

3.Vakulina O.S. Family counseling and family therapy within the framework of social work with family. // Russian Social Journal, 1998 No. 2-3. P. 51-64.

4.Zaigarev G.G. Features of the Russian alcohol consumption model. // Socis, 2002 No. 12. P. 33-41.

5.Rimashevskaya N.M. Poverty and marginalization of the population. // Socis, 2004 No. 4. P. 33 - 44.

6.Sheleg L.A. Dysfunctional family as an object of socio-pedagogical activity. // # "Justify"\u003e. Bateva T., Kornev V. Save the unborn. // Izvestia, 3 Apersm 2007.

.In Russia, there are funds to increase children's benefits. // "", March 23, 2007

.Korshunov A. Manuals for feminine: rejoice until early // Economics and life, 31mart 2007.

10.Evpanova V. The medical and demographic situation in the country remains very difficult. // Medical newspaper, March 30, 2007.

L.S. Vygotsky proposed to use the term neoplasm, which represents a "new, type of structure of the personality and its activities, those mental and social changes that first arise on this age step and which in most importantly and mainly determine the child's consciousness, its attitude to the environment, its internal and external life, the whole course of its development in this period. " In his opinion, neoplasms can be used as a criterion for dividing development into individual ages.

Features of the flow of I age crisis (2-4 years). Vygotsky distinguishes the five major psychological signs of the I age crisis: negativism, stubbornness, plumpness, self-employment and jealous attitude towards other children.

Negativism - such a behavior in which the child does not want to do something just because it offered an adult, i.e. This is a child's reaction not to the content of the proposal made, but on the proposal itself. According to Vygotsky, "negativism forces the child to flow contrary to his affective desire."

Stubbornness is the behavior of a child in which he insists on something not because he really wants, but because he demanded (L.S. Vygotsky).

Slingness, unlike negativism, impersonal and rather aim against the rates of education; Different with tendentiousness.

Highlight, reflecting a tendency to independence, is another critical sign. It is important to be timely establishment, since the lack of independence is typically for infantilism.

Features of the course of the II age (child) crisis. II Age (Children's) crisis (6-7 years) - a period of birth of a social "me" (L.I. Bowovich) - coincides in time with the start of training at school. With a loss of interest in the game as a child's activity, a new activity begins to be formed - educational.

The most important indicator of this critical period is the readiness or non-unpretentiousness of the child to school, since it is precisely this age that the formation of the biological basis of such readiness is: namely: the maturation of the most complex frontal regions (A. R. Luria) and the strengthening of brain brain braking processes over instinctive and emotional reactions (N.Y. Krasnogorsky).

Features of the flow of a puberty crisis. The puberty period falls at age 11-20 years and is characterized by stormy morphofunctional restructuring, especially expressed in the sexual sphere (the beginning of the functioning of the germ). The distinct psychological features of adolescents are often called a "adolescent complex".

Currently, it is generally recognized that a pubertal crisis in its structure is heterogeneous (Sh. Bühler, O. Kro, M. Tramer, L.S. Vygotsky, A. E. Pershko, E. Krechmer, etc.). There are various gradations of puberty. Usually two phases of this period are distinguished (Sh. Bühler, M. Tramer, etc.): negative (11-15 years) and positive (16-20 years), which have both general and distinctive features.

In addition, the so-called phase III (postpubertate - E. E.Shakhareva) is distinguished, which is practically devoid of common features of the critical period and is interpreted as a stable age (post-critical phase - L.S. Vygotsky).

Common features pubertate critical period Conditionally united B. five groups of signs:

a) a distinctly pronounced affective instability, which defines all the behavior of adolescents, is "puberty mood lability" (M. Tramer);

b) the contradiction of individual sides of the mental warehouse of adolescents;

c) the concerns of mental activities to the external world, the desire to expand contacts (L.I. Bogovich, etc.);

d) signs of ripening of deposits;

e) a variety of violations of behavior (deviant behavior) in the form of an anti-disciplinary, antisocial, divinted (illegal) and auto-aggressive (A.G. Ambrumova, La. Zhonlova, V.V. Kovalev, etc.) behavior. This is as defined as one or another degree of violation of social adaptation.

Along with the general signs of each phase of the pubertal crisis are characteristic your own features. Negative phase (phase of denial - V.E. Smirnov; negativistic - V. Vilinger; protest, against fathers - E. Krechmer, Nisssen) is distinguished by the predominance of unstable mood, increased excitability, the desire for independence, protest against the elder (A. Vallon and etc.). Positive phase (philosophical - M. Tramer; The leading intellectual arousal - V.E. Smirnov) is characterized by a pronounced desire for creativity, an increase in self-consciousness, turning things into account in the interests (L.S. Vygotsky).

L.I. Bogovich, studying the age peculiarities of the development of the individual together with their employees concluded that the formation of the child's personality is determined by the relationship of that place that occupies the human relations available to him (consequently, the relevant requirements for it), and those psychological features that he already has Formed as a result of its preceding experience.

Precisely from this ratio the internal position of the child occurs, i.e. that system of needs and aspirations (Subjectively represented in the appropriate experiences), which, refracting and mediating the effects of the medium, becomes the direct driving force of the development of new mental qualities.

Boevice believed that these provisions were powerful not only for understanding the conditions for the formation of the individual characteristics of the child's personality, but also to understand the driving forces of the age-related development of children and the reasons that cause the typical features of their age psychological appearance.

Thus, human development is due to (deterministic):

Internal contradictions and psychophysiological characteristics;

Social development situation;

Type of leading activity;

Measure of his own activity in the process of formation and improvement of the person;

Age and individual characteristics.

The process of age-related human development is associated with sensitive periods - periods of ontogenetic development, in which a developing organism is especially sensitive to a certain kind of environmental influences; Periods of optimal combination of conditions for the development of certain mental properties and processes.

The offensive of the sensitive period is determined by the functional ripening of brain structures, internal connections necessary to implement the mechanisms of certain functions.

For example: 1.5-3 years - speech; 3-6 years - perception, thinking, imagination, etc.; 5-6 years - coordination of movements (ballet, figure skating, etc.), reading, etc. Training has the greatest impact on those mental functions that are just beginning to develop, but premature or delayed in relation to the sensitive period, training may not be enough effective, which in general adversely affects the development of the psyche.

A number of scientists believe that unused capabilities laid in the body are quite quickly fading.

For example, there are cases when children who have fallen to animals and the remaining alive, being returned to human society have practically not restored as representatives of the human race, as they turned out to be irrevocably missed the opportunities that were in the respective sensitive periods of their development.

Every age periodization is sufficiently conditional (the growing body develops individually, goes its unique way), but it is necessary for Complex analysis of the properties of the body varying in the process of ontogenesis, to develop a scientifically based mental and physical health system, to create adequate to each age-related method of receptions and methods of training and education, optimal development of physical and mental abilities.


1. Make a summarized table of the age-related periodization in paragraph. Make a general conclusion.

2. Describe the main age crises.

The main problems whose decision depends on the coverage of all other issues of pedagogical anthropology, are problems of children's nature.

For many centuries, the child was perceived as a small adult, which in accordance with this should understand everything almost as an adult.

The father's dialogue with his son in one of the ancient Egyptian sources is indicative in this regard. The father is unhappy with the school success of the Son and speaks him in that spirit that, for example, donkey - an animal, he explains that he wants from him, in the human language, and he eventually understands what he needs to do, and the Son is a man, and As he cannot understand the explanation of the teacher who speaks him in his own, human language.

Among the peoples living at the stage of tribal communities, Childhood is very short - in 8-11 years old (among different nations) after the root of initiation, the child becomes a full member of the tribe. In many cultures, for many centuries, infanticide existed - permitted destruction of children. In the myths of antiquity there are no children's characters. The child is not the subject of spiritual culture. The exception is some mythological heroes, but their childhood is assessed according to the laws of adult behavior. A visual illustration of the grinding of children's specifics is a visual illustration of medieval authors, on which the child was depicted with the proportions of an adult, but small growth. It is possible to determine that this is a child, you can only on a toy, apple in hand or other details of affiliation for childhood.

The "discovery" of childhood was gradually. Arguing about the childhood period, the medieval thought highlighted the features inherent in all children at all: susceptibility, sinfulness and unreasonableness, and special, inherent in different stages of childhood and various individuals.

A positive feature of children's age was considered to be susceptibility to upbringing compared to all other ages.

Filipp Navararsky in the composition "Four people" argued that the children's age is the foundation of life, and on a good foundation you can build a large and good building.

A significant contribution to the change in attitudes to childhood was made Erasmus Rotterdamsky (1467-1536). In the process of raising a child, he considered it, it is necessary to take into account age and prevent anything that exceeds the strength of the child, even the games.

The designer needs to recognize the tendency and ability of the child as early as possible and rely on them, because the person is easier grabs what its nature is predisposed.

He argued that the inner world of the child is the divine world and it is impossible to treat it with that cruelty that reigned in relation to him everywhere.

Scientific understanding of the originality of children's nature The beginning to form only in the second half of the XIX century. Based on the approval of the intrinsicity of the child, its inclusion in civil law and moral community, granted children and moral rights to children.

But only in the XX century. There is a steady interest of society for childhood as a social phenomenonand a whole "children's" industry, covering and material and spiritual sphere formed.

It is at this time the efforts of F. F. Rubel, N.F. Pestozzi, M. Montessori and other pedagogy reformers received the development of socio-psychological and cultural ideas about the special status of childhood, including the right of a child on the game and gaming consciousness that have a special role in the development of man and society as a whole.

In this regard, before philosophical and pedagogical anthropology stood specific questions:

1. If the nature of the child's nature is due to its age, then what is the relationship between childhood and the general nature of man;

2. Is the children's nature expresses the initial essence of a person or human properties are acquired in the process of individual socialization and education;

3. Is it possible to evaluate sincerity characteristic of children, openness, credulity and other features as the moral of the ideal qualities of a person;

4. Is the task of education in preserving and strengthening these features or the state of "moral innocence" characterizes the moral infantilism of the person?

The concept of childhood at the present stageit is not associated with the biological state of the child's maturity, but with a certain social status, with a range of rights and obligations inherent in this period of life with a set of species available for it and forms of activity - so define the childhood of historians.

Psychologiststrucking childhood as a complex, multidimensional phenomenon, which, having a biological basis, is mediated by many sociocultural factors. "The child assigns society," P. B. Elkonin wrote. "Everything that the child should appear, already exists in society, including the needs, public tasks, motifs and even emotions."

V.A. Sukhomlinsky It believed that childhood was the most important period of human life, not preparation for the future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life.

Famous psychologist and teacher F. Doloto I wrote that the child is not a future person, but just a person who has the freedom to be and become the right to be understood and accepted by others, the ability to take and understand others, to make responsible elections, to build relationships with adults not as the owners and mentors, but as with equal Although not the same partners in life.

Pedagogues Humanists They emphasized that an understanding of the supervection of adult life leads to the conclusion that the world of childhood is fully dedicated to the tasks of adaptation of the child to the world of adults.

Adaptation based on complete obedience leads, ultimately, to the denial of the child's personality.

Recognition of childhood self-compliance has become the key idea of \u200b\u200beducational concepts of humanistic orientation: children's houses Ya. Korchaka, Summerhill A. Neil, New French School S. Frena, free school community in Vickersdorf G. Keniadr.

According to outstanding, teachers, it is recognition of childhood self-profit leads to the thought of the value of the child today.

PedagogogoNists argued that the educational activity of the teacher should lie the idea of \u200b\u200bthe absolute value of childhood and the needs of the child.

In modern, Russian legislation The rights of the child are interpreted as human rights having age restrictions in legal capacity.

They represent a totality of legislation aimed at protecting the interests of the child in all spheres of vital activity.

It is noted that the child is an independent subject of law that children as citizens of the state should use all human rights and freedoms and have appropriate guarantees of their implementation that they cannot act on a par with adults and need special security and protection.

The state under the legal regulation of social relations legally establishes special rights for children and their provision for all children as a whole, and in particular for children deprived of various reasons for parents and care.

The rights of the child are represented in the "UN Convention - an international treaty, mandatory for the sides signed. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Ratched by the USSR Supreme Council on July 13, 1990

The emergence of the Convention played a role in the process of humanization of education.

The Convention encourages adults responsible for the fate of children, emphasizes that childhood is the time of the most intensive development of a person, the formation of his personality, but it is in childhood that a person is more protected and needs help and supporting the elders.

The Convention attracts public attention to the legal protection of children from all forms of physical, mental and sexual violence.

The child has the right to be protected from insults, rough circulation, it has the right to take care of adults.

The Convention details the rights of children are defective in physical and mental terms, orphans and refugee children, children attracted to criminal responsibility for the offenses.

An important place is occupied by articles on the protection of children from economic exploitation, prohibiting the involvement of children to work, which is dangerous to their health.

A special place in the convention is paid to the problem of school discipline.

It is emphasized by the need for discipline for the safety of children, attention is drawn to the methods of its achievement.

In several articles we are talking about equal starting capabilities of children in the process of obtaining education, which should be aimed at raising respect for the national values \u200b\u200bof its own country, as well as to other civilizations.

In modern pedagogical science, the rights of the child are systematized for the first time:

The 1st group of rights is the "Social subsystem" - represents the rights of the child to a higher social status.

It includes the rights of children to equality with adults in the discussion of common problems, to participate in reasoning and sentences to themselves, on a complaint, for a protest, on free exchange of views and statements on any issue, to protect against the arbitrariness of adults (Samorams and despotism).

The right to protect his health, mystery and deviations of heavy work of growth, on self-government, on independent management of its own life, to property as respect for personal things and money, for respect for today and the current hour (the child lives today, and he is valuable As an individual basis today).

The 2nd group of rights is physical, or "media". Includes the requirements for control over the surrounding child.

The 3rd group of rights is "personal rights" associated with the inner life of a child who are subjective.

The main thing is - the right to be yourself. The recognition of this right does not mean pedagogical passivity - we are talking about non-nature of the child's nature, to refuse to bring it under the standard or in line with the objectives that adults set themselves.

Recognizing the right of a child to be those who he is, the educator creates the conditions for the development of the child, showing goodwill and understanding.

390 rub.

Samples of pages

expand (35)

Introduction ... 3.

1 Modern Parents and Education ... 6

2 consequences of the influence of computers on children ... 10

3 The impact of toys on the spiritual and moral development of the child ... 14

4 Modern cartoons and media ... 25

Conclusion ... 30.

List of sources used ... 33


The relevance of this topic is determined by the fact that children in any state of the world are the most valuable resources of the state, the key to its future development. In today's Russia, children under the age of 18 account for 23.3% of the state's population. According to many scientists and economists-analysts, children are the future "human capital", which is one of the main components of not only the individual welfare of every resident of the state, but also its overall socio-economic growth and development.

Evaluation of the social situation of childhood development in our country opens disappointing changes in all directions of the integral structure of the personality of children: physicality, mental manifestations and spiritual being. The general state of the physical health of small people (from the year to 14 years) has recently causes concern to teachers, parents, power structures. The indicator of mental, mental health is also disappointing: the overall neurotic, the number of psychosomatic and mental diseases increases. For weightless statistics you can see such reasons as: ecology, consumption of alcoholic beverages, the state of child health care, etc. Nevertheless, with all the significance of these reasons, they are clearly insufficient and cannot solve all problems of child development, since they do not take into account the main psychological Parameters, mental and moral and spiritual nature. The real indicators of spiritual disadvantage in the field of childhood in our country are: children's voyage, an increase in teenage crime and children's cruelty, criminalization of children's consciousness, language and life, as well as a terrible unprecedented increase in childhood suicides, starting with six years, including group.

The basis of these problems lies in the spiritual and moral health and development of children, in violation of the child's relationship to the world: the environment, adults, peers and themselves. It follows from this that purposeful spiritual and moral education and education, recreation of the unity of a person, believing the development of all his forces, parties, who observing the hierarchical principle of the arrangement of his personality, in which the perfect, perfect person in it could be disclosed in its entirety.

The main means of spiritual and moral development as education is the formation of a spiritually updating and educating the identity of the educational environment, in which an adequate hierarchy of tasks and values \u200b\u200bof the life of people and the necessary components of their full-fledged life are laid.

The problems of modern childhood are studied in general psychology, social psychology, age and pedagogical psychology, as well as in philosophy, sociology, etc. Sciences.

The problems of modern childhood are closely intertwined with the spiritual and moral development of society as a whole.

The subject of the research is modern children their spiritual and moral development.

The object of study of this work is the problems of modern childhood.

The purpose of the study is to consider the main problems of modern childhood.

Hypothesis. The assumption that you explore in this work

The objectives of the study are:

  • consider the main problems of parenting from parents;
  • explore the effects of the influence of computers on children;
  • identify the impact of toys for the spiritual and moral development of the child;
  • describe the effect of modern cartoons and media.

The theoretical significance of the work is to study and reduce the problems of modern education and disagreement of children, as well as minimizing the negative consequences of the modern environment.

Fragment of work for review

1 Modern Parents and Education

Kindergartens can be considered an optimal solution for working parents. You can call many advantages of this pre-school institution. But, recently, more and more young mothers, as an alternative to kindergartens, consider the possibility of hiring nanny.

The negative impact of kindergartens is associated with many factors, such as: the quality of kindergartens, the amount of time that children spends, the age of children, the work of employees.

2 consequences of the influence of computers on children

Today, computer games replaced modern children previously favorite toys: various dolls, soft animals, balls, cubes and other diverse games. It is reliably known that children who are fond of computer toys, spend a large amount of time in front of the monitor screens. They "live" in the virtual world, plunging into it, as they say, "with heads". They, as they themselves are present in the game: they roam the labyrinths, participate in races, fight with a virtual opponent, etc.

3 Impact of toys on the spiritual and moral development of the child

The toy is one of the fundamental inventions of human life, it serves to transfer the experience of many generations. In Russian tradition, it combines a variety of periods of historical development, as well as several generations of the family: grandfather-great-grandfather - grandparents - with parents and children.

Toys are an instrument of socialization, a kind of ring between children and a substantive world, as well as part of children's games.

4 Modern cartoons and media

Today, psychologists and teachers are increasingly facing the distortion of the behavior of children. On the one hand, there are stiffness and underdevelopment of speech. On the other hand, there are: pronounced aggressiveness and demonstration of their behavior. Such children are afraid to respond to questions, but at the same time, they are not shy to curl to other people's adults. Their behavior is uncontrollable, there is hyperoportability and inattention, the model of bad behavior is attractive for them, and they seem to hear adults.


The life of all modern people consists of an endless bustle and daily stress, which is associated with overload at work and chase for material well-being.

Rast the child to the working parent is much harder than those who are not busy. Parents who early in the morning go to work and come when children are time to sleep, always torments the feeling of guilt that their children are abandoned and granted all day themselves.

For children over three years old, it's time to gradually learn from communicating with peers. But the upbringing in kindergartens cannot replace love and family care, it is impossible to rely entirely on the fact that educators in kindergartens will teach your children everything that they need.

List of references

  1. Abramenkova V. What is our children playing in. Abramenkova. - M.: Publisher "Lepta Book", 2010.
  2. Alexandrov, V.V. Intellect and computer / V. V. Alexandrov. - St. Petersburg: Publisher "Anatoly", 2004.
  3. Bodker, C. Interaction of a person with a computer from the position of the theory of activity / S. Bodker // Psychological magazine. - 1993. - №4.-s. 71-81.
  4. Bordovskaya, N.V. Psychology and pedagogy: Textbook for universities. Third Generation Standard / N.V. Bordovskaya, S.I. Rose. - SPb.: Peter, 2013. - 624 c.
  5. All secrets // Computer and Health -

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