Mysterious stories magazine read online. Scary stories and mystical stories. Returned from the grave

This story happened back in 1978. I then studied in the 5th grade and was a very little girl. My mother worked as a teacher, and my father was an employee of the prosecutor's office. He never spoke about his work. In the morning he put on his uniform and went to work, and in the evening he returned home. Sometimes he came gloomy and ...

Portrait of a dead man

Who among us does not know the respected American portrait painter Girard Haley. He acquired his world famous thanks to the brilliantly executed image of the head of Christ. But this work was written by him in the late 30s, and in 1928 very few people knew about Girard, although even then the skill of this man was very much appreciated ...

Slipped out of the loop

It was a cold February 1895. It was the good old time, when rapists and murderers were hanged in front of people, and not given ridiculous terms of imprisonment, mocking morality and ethics. A certain John Lee did not escape a similar fair fate. The English court sentenced him to death by hanging, putting ...

Returned from the grave

In 1864, Max Hoffmann turned five years old. About a month after his birthday, the boy fell seriously ill. A doctor was invited to the house, but he could not say anything comforting to his parents. In his opinion, there was no hope of recovery. The illness lasted only three days and confirmed the doctor's diagnosis. The child died. Small body ...

The deceased daughter helped the mother

Dr. S. Weir Mitchell was considered one of the most respected and distinguished members of his profession. During his long career as a physician, he served both as president of the American Association of Physicians and as chairman of the American Neurological Society. He owed this to his knowledge and professional integrity ...

Two dropped hours

This terrible incident happened on September 19, 1961. Betty Hill and her husband Barney were vacationing in Canada. It was drawing to a close, and unresolved urgent matters awaited at home. In order not to waste time, the couple decided to leave in the evening and spend the whole night on the trip. In the morning they had to get to their native Portsmouth in New Hampshire ...

The saint healed his sister

I learned this story from my mother. At that time I was not yet in the world, and my older sister had just turned 7 months old. For the first six months she was a healthy child, but then she fell seriously ill. She had severe convulsions every day. The girl's limbs were twisting and foam came out of her mouth. My family lived ...

So destined

In April 2002, a terrible grief befell me. My 15-year-old son died tragically. I gave birth to him in 1987. The birth was very difficult. When it was over, they put me in a one-bed ward. The door to it was open, and a light was on in the corridor. I still cannot understand whether I was asleep or had not yet recovered from the difficult procedure ...

The return of the icon

This amazing story was told by our neighbor at the dacha, Irina Valentinovna, three years ago. In 1996 she changed her place of residence. The books, of which she had a lot, were packed by the woman in boxes. In one of them, she casually shoved a very old icon of the Virgin Mary. They got married with this icon back in 1916 ...

Do not bring the urn with the ashes of the deceased into the house

It just so happened that when I reached the age of 40, I have never buried any of my loved ones. They were all centenarians. But at the age of 94, my grandmother died. We gathered for a family council and decided to bury her remains next to her husband's grave. He died half a century ago, and was buried in the old city cemetery, where ...

Death room

Do you know what a death room is? Not! Then I'll tell you about it. Sit back and read. Maybe this will lead you to some specific thoughts and keep you from rash actions. Morton loved music, art, did charity work, respected the law and honored justice. Of course, he nourished the most ...

Ghost from the mirror

I have always been interested in various stories related to supernatural phenomena. I liked to think about the afterlife, about the otherworldly entities that inhabit it. I really wanted to call the souls of long-dead people and communicate with them. One day I came across a book on spiritualism. I read it on one ...

Mysterious savior

It happened during the war in a difficult and hungry 1942 with my mother. She worked in a hospital pharmacy and was considered an assistant pharmacist. In the premises, rats were constantly poisoned. For this, pieces of bread sprinkled with arsenic were scattered. The food rations were small and meager, and my mother once broke down. She raised ...

Help from the deceased

It happened quite recently, in the spring of 2006. My close friend's husband was drinking heavily. This upset her greatly, and she kept wondering what the damned to do with him. I sincerely wanted to help and remembered that in such cases the cemetery is a very effective remedy. I need to take a bottle of vodka that I was holding ...

Treasure found orphans

My grandfather Svyatoslav Nikolaevich was a representative of an old noble family. In 1918, when the revolution was raging throughout the country, he took his wife Sasha and left the family estate near Moscow. He and his wife left for Siberia. At first he fought against the Reds, and then, when they won, he settled in a remote place ...

Angel under the bridge

Hoppy soil

The spacecraft roared with strained engines and smoothly sank to Earth. Captain Freemp opened the hatch and stepped outside. The sensors showed a high oxygen content in the atmosphere, so the alien took off his spacesuit, took a deep breath of air and looked around. Sands stretched to the horizon around the ship. Slowly in the sky ...

Besieged in their own home

This story is genuine. It took place on August 21, 1955 in the state of Kentucky, USA, at the Sutton farm after 19:00 local time. Eight adults and three children witnessed the terrible and mysterious incident. This event made a lot of noise and instilled terror, fear and confusion in the souls of people. But everything is in order ...

Mystical stories from life, which are very difficult to explain from the point of view of logic.

If you also have something to tell on this topic, you can absolutely free of charge right now, as well as support other authors who have found themselves in similar difficult life situations with your advice.

The other day there was a quarrel with a relative. Personally, I would have cut communication with her to a minimum for a long time, but my mother stubbornly clung to her, because “there are no more relatives”, “it’s so bad”, “and, suddenly, we need help, and besides her, there will be no one to help” ...

About 20 years ago, when our family had difficult times, we often borrowed money from this relative. Everything was returned. She also helped several times to solve some organizational issues. Gave me expensive gifts as a child. I considered her the ideal woman and dreamed of being like her: beautiful, charming, popular with men, kind, rich. When I grew up, things turned out to be a little different.

I have never been particularly naive, faith in dreams and miracles, but an incident that happened 2 years ago made me think and change my outlook on life.

The fact is that I have had bad eyesight for a long time, and I have already come to terms with it. But exactly 2 years ago, on the night of July 6-7 (the famous holiday of Ivan Kupala), a miracle happened. Waking up on the morning of July 7, I saw with my own eyes 100% on my own! I no longer needed glasses or lenses. By the way, medicine cannot explain such a case. And I considered it the very miracle, the reward, the gift from the higher powers. Of course, the next day my vision dropped again and now it is the same.

I will make a reservation right away that I am an incorrigible materialist, but the story that happened to me still causes confusion in me. It is connected with mysticism rather relatively, but it actually happened, nothing was invented.

After the seventh grade in 1980, my family decided to move from the Kirov region to the Rostov region, closer to our relatives, where there was a lot of sun, warmth and fruit abundance. Aunt, mother's sister and her family lived three kilometers from Kamensk-Shakhtinsky on the banks of the Seversky Donets. My cousin, who was a year older than me, was an avid fisherman and disappeared on the river from morning to night. I am also addicted to fishing. And so my brother and I once decided to organize a night fishing.

I want to devote my confession to a man under the well-known or almost everyone, the nickname "Stranger". I will try to tell you in detail what prompted me to write my story.

More than half a year ago, when quarrels began with my husband, trying to find answers to my problems on the Internet, I accidentally found the "Confessions" site. Reading the comments, I saw the Stranger, not so much his mysterious avatar, but rather his statements, his points of view at some point came into contact with mine, touching the soul. I'm not talking about love, I love one man in my life, this is something to some extent spiritual or at the level of energy emanating from a person.

I will not say that I consider myself one of his fans, since my attitude towards him is still twofold: I understood some of his statements, while others sometimes resented him, but from many of his views on life I learned for myself. Is my personal life getting better? It's not up to perfection yet, but it probably never happens. A stranger is like a soul mate, not seeing his face, appearance, not knowing his age, just from his very presence on the site, even the site lives, in my opinion, a different life (women are fascinated, men argue at interruptions). His comments are read in a special voice inside me. And for all the time on the site I could no longer feel what you feel when the Stranger commented.

This story happened to my father. It was a few years ago. My parents have a dacha in the Krasnokutsk district of the Kharkov region. My father is very fond of wandering in the forest and knows him well. The forest where he walks, not far from the dacha, is pine.

So, he says that he once walked through the woods, moreover, where he had been often before. And now he sees that he is walking not through a pine, but through an oak forest! He also saw a pond there, which he had never seen in those places, but he knew for sure that the pond was not there. He got scared, began to look for a way out, orienting himself, as he said, by the sun. After some time, I again found myself in a pine forest.

I sometimes have prophetic dreams. Some of them are about how and who takes someone close or acquaintance to the next world.

I had a very strange and memorable dream about my mother-in-law. As if the mother-in-law was lying on something, and a beautiful young woman was bending over her and scolding her for something, pointing at me. I woke up and began to analyze. I remembered another dream related to my mother-in-law. I dreamed of some kind of pit or grave, earth, and my mother-in-law buried my photograph. I thought maybe that young beautiful woman scolded her for this act?

This story happened literally tonight, and since then I have been looking at my cat with different eyes. In some ways, it even resembles a horror movie.

Actually the essence is this. At night I had a nightmare, and with the participation of this cat, by the way. In this, of course, there is nothing ordinary, everyone has nightmares sometimes. And, in general, the nightmare, as it usually happens, reaches its climax and I woke up in the middle of the night and heard what was purring at my feet! That is, as if he was enjoying the fact that I had a nightmare. In general, a cat never purrs so easily, only if you stroke it or take it in your arms, and so that it just lies and purrs, this never happens.

I have a serious problem. I absolutely do not know how to control my thoughts, or rather, these are not even thoughts, but obsessions. Moreover, my favorite places and things can be associated with negative thoughts.

For example, I look at some place and there is a terrible picture in front of my eyes (as if something bad is happening in this place). And it starts to seem to me that this place is now connected with what I imagined. I really don't want this place to be connected with something bad now, but diametrically opposite sentences come into my head, like "I really want it to be like this."

I am 27 years old, I have two daughters, a husband, thank God, there is where to live and for what, but there is one "but".

I grew up in a large and very poor family. We have five parents, I'm average. I did not go to kindergarten, but I studied very well at school. Further college, university and family.

My daddy grandmother was kind of like a good person, but few people talked to her, everyone was afraid of her and considered her a witch (and a black one). Even my mother and father himself somehow avoided her. When my grandmother fell ill (she was 75 years old), her parents had to take her to their place, and I had to help, take care of her, and I even made friends with her. She died 6 months later and then it all started.

In this section, we have collected true mystical stories submitted by our readers and corrected by moderators before publication. This is the most popular section on the site, because Reading stories about mysticism based on real events is liked even by those people who doubt the existence of otherworldly forces and consider stories about everything strange and incomprehensible to be just coincidences.

If you also have a story to tell on this topic, you can do it absolutely free of charge right now.

A classmate told me how she was looking for a boyfriend on dating sites. I found it, talked for a while, and then made an appointment. Here's what she said about her date.

We met in a cafe. Everything is standard. Quite a nice guy, talk about hobbies, questionnaires to get to know each other better, but something was wrong. They talked a little on the network and he knew a little about me, from my words, and when we met, the feeling that he knew everything about me and was trying to please, they say, one-on-one hobbies, right up to his favorite movie and book, although the conversation about this had just begun, and immediately such coincidences. It seems that everything is perfect - an ideal interlocutor, completely suitable for tastes, who understands perfectly. Maybe this is such a rarity for such acquaintances, but it was somehow scary.

Several years ago, a friend ordered himself an amulet-pendant "fang of the beast" or "claw of the beast" I don't remember exactly, but such pendants are still quite a fashionable product. And a friend made an order not for mystical protective purposes, but for beauty. Like, a fang or a claw of a predator is cool. In general, I paid, waited for delivery and put it on myself. I don’t know how long he went in it, but having met him recently, I did not see this suspension on him. She asked: "Have you sowed your dream or are you tired of it?" He said that after putting on this thing, something strange began to happen. Some wounds on the body began to appear, scratches. He ran around all the doctors. I was looking for the source of the scratches, although what to look for, there are no pets, and you can run into something sharp a couple of times and then by accident.

Theater is a special world of magical acting and fabulous creativity. There is a special atmosphere of mystery. Even the smell in the theater is unique, peculiar only to this place. The viewer sees only the outer side of this magic. Truly theater lives only behind the scenes.

I was lucky enough to touch this world. Once I studied at the acting studio at our drama theater. It was an unforgettable period! So, the case, which will be told about, happened at one of the evening classes. Our rehearsals took place on a small stage. This is a small room in comparison with the main stage, completely black. The stage is black, the walls are upholstered with black cloth, black curtains and even the ceiling is black. Immediately after our lesson, The Master and Margarita were to be staged, so the stage was already set for the episode in the insane asylum when the Master came to Homeless.

I remembered an old incident told by a colleague at work. She was an intelligent person of Soviet upbringing. In fact, she told the terrible incident she experienced in her youth with enthusiasm, almost with laughter, to employees at work at lunchtime. We then (there were two of us) still thought to believe it or not. On the other hand, why should she invent it and why. An adequate economist, husband, child, apartment, dacha and car - the full well-being of a Soviet woman. I do not remember why they touched upon the topic of the otherworldly, but the incident she told will always be remembered. From her words further.

Mid 60s. Our large family lived in the Urals in a workers' village, which was located in a rather remote taiga. There were 6 children, besides me there were 4 sisters and the long-awaited boy, who was born the penultimate one. Of course, his parents singled out him especially, while they waited for him, gave birth to four daughters. The village was small, almost everyone was dear to each other, our father's mother and our mother's parents lived in the same village. We had only elementary school. The secondary school was in a larger village, 7 km from our settlement, where children from neighboring small villages studied, and lived in a boarding school during school days. When I, the eldest daughter, graduated from elementary school, and had to study in a secondary school in a neighboring village and spend weeks in a boarding school, and the next 2 sisters studied in a junior school, my parents moved to a neighboring large village so that the children did not have to live in a boarding school.

This unusual story happened to me as a child. I was about 4 years old. Our family at that time lived in a hostel. Once in the afternoon I stayed at home alone, my mother went somewhere for a short time. I was sitting in the room and after a while I began to hear some sounds outside the door. I opened the door and looked out into a long, dark corridor that connected several rooms. It was very dark there and I could not see the source of the sound. It was scary to go to the switch, I closed the door and returned to the room. After a while, I began to hear even more clearly that someone was already very close to the door of our room. I was really scared. I walked away from the door. Whether what happened next was a figment of my childhood imagination, or it actually happened, it's up to you to judge.

We have been living in this house for about 5 years, I know the neighbors on the floor, and until recently nothing extraordinary happened. For the first time, there was a not very pleasant situation with a trip to the store at night (I wrote about this), but I already forgot and now - 25 again! I had a day off today, so I decided to do the cleaning, cooking, etc. After 3 hours, having redone everything, I went to throw out the bag with garbage.

I must say that in our vestibule there are 4 apartments, a long corridor and a garbage chute at the opposite end from the front door, in a nook. Along the same wall where the door of my apartment is, there is an email address. shield. I go out, the corridor is empty, I turned to the garbage chute and heard the door of the electrical panel open (it is metal and squeaks disgustingly on opening / closing). I load a container with garbage and am surprised - strangely, there was no one in the corridor, nobody's doors were slamming, no steps were heard, and in time no one would have had time to reach the dashboard on either side of the corridor while I was walking to the garbage chute - literally 5-7 steps!

In the Krasnodar Territory, in the Temryuk district in the village of Golubitskaya, there is one lagoon, the locals call it Mud Lake. People believe that the mud in it is curative, and this lake is surrounded by a mystical halo. They say that in ancient times one Cossack woman drowned in it because of unhappy love, her name has long been forgotten by people, but they remember that story.

Mystical detective


This scarf Vika saved her life on that terrible night when we were attacked by a stoned or chipped bastard. It was like this: we were returning from the theater, of course, there was no money for a taxi. Late, dark, rain and snow - brrrr! We almost reached our yard, here, out of nowhere - a dark silhouette. “Let's get the phones, bitches! - his hoarse voice betrayed the seriousness of intentions. - What are you worth? Well! Alive!



Ivanov also found himself at a broken trough. Nature said its resolute "no" to the impudent researchers and shook her finger.

However, that was almost a hundred years ago. Today science is developing so rapidly that no one is surprised by the possibility of a head transplant - an operation described by the science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev in the novel "The Head of Professor Dowell".



I immediately remembered how when I was little I climbed onto his lap and breathed in the aroma of tobacco and machine oil - an indescribable pleasure! And I also remember, at the moments when I was sick, my father, passing by, put his warm palm on my forehead, and these were seconds of happiness ...



It was so exciting, as if Uncle Suren looked into the distant past in a time machine and was now holding his precious piece in his hands. When our screeching subsided, Suren solemnly showed us gold earrings and a ring with an emerald ...

From 30-07-2019, 15:32

Hello everyone! Here I read what the angel of death looks like - like, an aunt with a scythe or a skeleton in a black cloak, etc. I don’t know how anyone, but personally I don’t believe in it. I saw him in a different guise.

That winter, my grandmother was paralyzed ... I usually slept with her in the same room, well, we can do it. And once my sister asked me to spend the night with her, she said - she was worried somehow. In general, fell asleep quickly. And through a dream, I feel a terrible, simply hysterical fear rolling over me. I already woke up from an inner trembling.

I open my eyes and see someone's face with a very creepy expression right in front of me. I have never seen a more beautiful and more terrible face at the same time - huge black eyes without pupils, thick Mephistophelian eyebrows, severely shifted, elongated nose and large red lips. This something looked me straight in the eyes, so intently. Maybe then I passed out from fear, or just passed out, but from that night I don't remember anything else.

1. Amphisbene - According to Ovid, Amphisbene was born from the blood of the Gorgon killed by Perseus. A giant two-headed snake, the second head of which is on the tail. Pliny explains the presence of the second head of the amphisbene with too much poison, which cannot come out only through one mouth; he also talks about the medicinal properties of amphisbene. The scientist Apollodorus believed that old amphisbene skin wrapped around a traveling staff could protect against other reptiles.

2. Basilisk - According to Lucan, the basilisk appeared from the blood of the slain Gorgon Medusa. A snake with a deadly poison and smell. According to "Natural History" Pliny the Elder, the basilisk lives in the vicinity of Cyrenaica, its length is up to 30 cm, with a white spot on the head, reminiscent of a diadem. It moves by wriggling not like other snakes, but lifting its middle part up. It has the ability to kill not only with poison, but also with a look, a smell, burns grass and breaks stones.