Topics for conversation with an intelligent man. This awkward prolonged silence…. Favorite music, books, movies, TV shows

We focus on the situation

The topic of your conversation with a man greatly depends on what kind of relationship you are in. Perhaps this is your first date, or maybe you have been together for several months. Age and social status also play a role, but not critical if you already know each other well.

In any case, at an early stage of a relationship or already being in a couple, there are topics that are better not to touch with a man.

  • Don't talk to him about relationships and marriage.Any even the most subtle hint may seem like an encroachment on his freedom. And men cherish and cherish this very freedom. So - not a word! Such topics are only appropriate when your relationship is serious.
  • Don't discuss other men and past relationships. Even the most competitive men are afraid of losing. If you do not want to cause a bunch of unnecessary complexes in your potential partner, then it is better to keep your mouth shut.
  • Don't be frank... First, second, third date ... and now, it already seems to you that you are close enough to tell him about personal problems in the family or about how you went to the dentist yesterday and pulled out a wisdom tooth, and even in detail? This is a huge mistake. Most likely, after such revelations, you will never see him again.
  • Don't brag about your professional success or exaggerate reality. You will not believe it, but some understatement and understatement of facts can play into your hands. May everything in you be better for your man tomorrow than he could have imagined.

Word for word

It would seem that in general two sympathetic people need to start a conversation. However, there are situations when it is extremely difficult to do this. Therefore, it is so useful to determine which topics of conversation can be considered win-win. Five of them need to be adopted:

1) Interests. His interests, of course! If you already know what a man is passionate about, then try to study this area in advance so as not to be a layman. Perhaps he is an avid angler, or maybe he prefers to spend time playing billiards or playing sports: you need to show your full interest in his hobby, even if you do not really understand it. It is possible that when talking about what is interesting to a man, you will find many points of contact.

2) Movies, music, books... This topic is a safe bet for any conversation and not just with a man! Everyone watches films, everyone listens to music, but books will only show that you are an interested and educated person. In fact, conversations about cinema, literature and music can bring people very close, because both of them often reflect our emotional component. If you are moved by melodramas, then, most likely, you are a lyrical and romantic nature, and if you prefer to read Agatha Christie's detectives, then most likely you are a person with an analytical mindset.

3) About myself. If a man asks you questions, then he is sincerely interested in you. Do not deny him a request to tell about yourself in more detail, but do not forget that you should not go into details. At the first meeting, it is appropriate to tell something like a short biography: who do you work, where you live, what you are passionate about. In the later stages of the relationship, it is already permissible to talk about outlook on life, advantages and disadvantages, etc.

4) Take an interest in him! Everyone loves to talk about themselves. And men are no exception! Ask him, take an interest in him: his work, his life, and even if he poison jokes, the main thing here is to listen.

5) About the place where you are. The place for a date plays an important role in a conversation with a man. If you are in a restaurant that he chose, then you can praise his choice, talk about his taste preferences; at a photo exhibition or in an art gallery, you can always discuss the presented expositions, and after a concert or performance, discuss what you have seen and heard.

In any case, no matter what you are talking about, it is important that the conversation is light and relaxed, giving a feeling of comfort and revealing your best sides.

What to talk about with a guy on a date - it's up to you personally, it is important to listen to yourself, your feelings. We'll lay out a few tips, but you should follow your intuition when choosing recommendations and forming your own unique line of behavior. They wanted to do something, believing that it would turn out to be right - act.

Is your date one of the first? Definitely, you don't need to tell a lot about yourself personally, give this information in portions. Many guys love mystery and modesty in a girl. Don't aim to become a Rubik's Cube, just talk in parts. Today about family, tomorrow - about friends. This will rivet the guy's interest, what will you tell next. It's important not to try to portray the other girl as yourself. Because even if you manage to suddenly be liked in an artificial image, then it will reduce the relationship to a fiasco. All girls are a bit of an actress, everyone wants to seem better, but you should immediately look for a guy who will appreciate the real you. Be yourself, be positive, talk about topics that ignite you personally. It turns out that it is not so important that it will be - the guy will perceive your emotional background and become infected with it, and he will want to continue your communication, since it will be remembered as sincere, pleasant.

What to talk about with a guy - topics of conversation

What topics are still guaranteed to make your date interesting? Perhaps there are phrases that can save a date if there is an awkward silence? Often this happens when a girl is walking with a new young man, and sometimes even with an old acquaintance. And then there comes a pause, you are at a loss, what to ask what to say to the guy - there is excitement, trembling in the knees, you do not find how to continue communication, it seems that you have already talked about everything. Are there any phrases or questions that can save this awkward situation?

What to talk to a guy about? The topics of conversation can be different. Simple questions about business, hobbies, study or work are also needed, no matter how banal they seem, it is impossible without them, since this is the first stage of a date. But there are more intriguing options for building a dialogue.

The first is that the girl admits her embarrassment and describes the current situation, thus causing even more trust, even respect. For example, you tell a guy: "We know each other so little until we have many common topics of discussion, what do you say about looking for them together?" Such a move is an interesting alternative, in which you do not shift the responsibility for the conversation to the guy, but offer to find a solution together.

The next option is needed where an awkward silence has come, and two have already become uncomfortable. You say, “Okay, again this awkward moment, this awkward silence. Listen, come on, to stop this in the future, please name your top 5 favorite topics. " So you will offer, as if to play a game, such an interactive, you can beat it and joke, while, thanks to this, you will be able to switch the conversation to a more serious channel.

The third option will allow not so much to save the situation as it is interesting to comment on what is happening, maybe even pin up the guy a little, thereby making him interested. This is the phrase: “How do you think which is better? If you talk about nothing all the time, or when two people have something to be silent about together? " Saying this phrase at the beginning of the silence that arose, you both can play it funny and continue communication. After all, the most difficult situation is when silence has already come, and the next phrase is almost always banal, it is pronounced to save the situation. Such an unusual phrase will defuse the atmosphere, even improve your communication.

The fourth option may be the following phrase: “You know, when people usually meet for the first time, they go on a first date, they don't know each other very well yet, it is difficult for them to find topics of conversation. Or you have to talk about uninteresting things. Listen, are there any topics that you are keenly interested in? Topics that may not even relate to the first meeting. What you really would like to talk about, without masks and platitudes. Share, very interesting. " This option is simple and original at the same time. Such a sincere proposal of yours to remove unnecessary barriers in communication should endear the guy.

Summing up the topics of conversation with the guy, it is worth saying the following. If at a meeting there is nothing to suddenly talk about, then in order to avoid a stressful situation, the girls begin to talk too much about themselves. And this is a common mistake, because often the interlocutor already yawns, thinking that you are fixated on yourself, may regard this as a lack of attention, interest in yourself. Accordingly, it is not of interest to you. And of course, don't forget to be natural. When, in spite of your efforts, the date still does not "stick" in any way - perhaps it is not worth developing the relationship further.

What to talk about with a guy in contact?

If you are puzzled about what to talk about with a guy you like on a social network, you can first study his page, how he lives, what he reads and listens, where he is. If you know each other not only on the Internet, but also in reality, a great reason to start communication would be to discuss common events. In a conversation, try to touch his boyfriend's interests, then you will become an interesting interlocutor for him.

What to talk about with a guy in contact? Unobtrusively capture the conversation about important topics for him, showing that you yourself are interested in similar topics - this is the secret of success.

An important tool for communication in the social network is emoticons, brackets, messages in large letters. They also need to be used sparingly, do not overly insert them into the message - let yours be completely open to the guy. When you don't show your enthusiastic attitude, great joy from communication - the guy will remain intrigued and want to move on to get these emotions. Write in a friendly, cute, open manner, as you communicate with your beloved friends, but no more, the mystery should also be present.

Another mistake is trying to appear smarter, constructing long, sophisticated sentences or noticing his mistakes. Yes, asking yourself what you can talk about with a guy, you can worry and therefore try to even prepare for your communication, believing that it must necessarily have deep content and touch on serious topics. But in confusing sentences, the meaning of what has been said is often lost, even an intelligent guy is sometimes not strong enough to figure out what you want, and perceives this communication style as an unnecessary burden that you want to get rid of. Also, the guy is alarmed by the large volume of messages from you, especially if he only asked how he was, in response he received a huge paragraph of complex text.

Don't try to stay online all the time, waiting for someone to write to you. If you instantly reply to all his messages, the guy can lose. Better to have him wait for your answer. If you can't wait to find out if he is online, you can even create a second page and watch from it, your page will not be online all the time, and the guy will feel that, besides him, your life is full of hobbies.

What to talk about with a VKontakte guy? Let the man himself wish to spend more time in dialogue with you, an easy riddle will help you with this, maintaining intrigue and distance. At the same time, leaving the network without saying goodbye would be a mistake. It happens that the conversation faded, or you went away on business, and, unlike real communication, it seems that you can not say goodbye. But it can be frustrating to see that you went offline without saying goodbye - perhaps the guy was just thinking about the phrase, and you did not read it and disappeared. Try not to leave any sad, tired aftertaste after you, so that your interlocutor always remains in a pleasant mood, feeling that it is easy and joyful to communicate with you, and wanting to continue the conversation further.

When you have already started to chat a little and feel that it is appropriate - it will be very nice to wish him good night. A simple wish is enough, without unnecessary tenderness. Say this to him goodbye so that he feels your attention, not excessive. Hold on so that he sees that he is interested in you, but does not think that you are already ready to get closer.

It is important to write correctly. Even in spite of the presence of auto-corrections, now the majority of Internet users write with errors, they don't use punctuation marks, sometimes it's not even clear what they meant. Moreover, competent speech will show your intellectual level, highlighting them favorably to the rest of the girls.

What to talk to a guy about when you walk?

What to talk about with a guy on a date? The first thing you should try to do when trying to build a dialogue with a guy is to select for yourself those topics that you understand, which you are comfortable, joyful and easy to talk about.

When the question “what to talk to a guy about?” Worries, the main thing is not to try to create the impression of confusion over a purely masculine topic, like football or boxing, for example. Only if you actually understand them, and it really interests you. Your efforts to say something on such topics without fail may look unnatural and, in the end, will make you, on the contrary, not a knowledgeable person, but stupid.

You should not worry about what you can talk about with a guy when you walk, because young people like feminine girls who are often carried away by things that are often completely opposite to male interests. The guy may even try to keep you from male conversations, and you do not need to artificially strive to fit into his male interests. But it is important to be able to take the initiative herself. No, you don't need to try to be proactive always - on the contrary, give this right to a man, he should know how much you need his activity.

But sometimes you can support the guy by making an appointment yourself, inviting him to an interesting place, it will be great if you can dip him into a new sphere for him, tell him about it. It can be an unusual performance or a private event, at which you will be quite comfortable, the guy will get new impressions and more complete ideas about you. Sometimes men are not very creative in their choice of such events, and he will highly appreciate your help, especially if the evening is successful and memorable.

A very important component of a pleasant dialogue is your good mood. Of course, you are also sad, upset, this, even at a single moment of communication, can attract a guy with defenselessness and sincerity. It also follows from this rule - do not blame your problems on the guy. You can sometimes accidentally report that something bad happened to you, but you should not completely dump the difficulties on him when you only recently met.

When emotions come from you with a minus sign every day, communication will become difficult, and instead of raising the guy's mood, you will become associated with negativity. The guy should be easy, pleasant with the girl in communication, there is no need to provoke him to show concern in order to fix your problems or cheer you up. Do not expect a good relationship from a guy, provided that you yourself are not yet ready to treat him that way. There is an ancient rule here to treat what you want to be treated with you. Try to create an aura of comfort, calmness, kindness; in correspondence with a girl, a guy should feel that he is supported, that he is resting with her. Make it clear what an excellent conversationalist you are, that you can captivate him, cheer him up and create psychological comfort, then the guy will reach out to you himself.

What to talk to a guy about on the phone?

Is it okay to call first, and what to talk about with the guy you like on your mobile? A very important rule that many girls know and even follow it excessively, but some still forget - there is no need to impose on a guy. Earlier it was even accepted that a man should start communication, and even though now this approach will be already exaggerated, it is still worth keeping a certain distance. It is better if the first calls will be made by him to you and then the question "what to talk about with a guy on the phone?" will not arise, since he is the initiator of the call, which means that he will also be the first to start the dialogue.

Moreover, some girls, even with permanent relationships, often try not to call the guy so that he continues to feel his freedom, he wants to call you himself. And you certainly shouldn't arrange interrogations over the phone, the question of what he is doing now or where he is - try not to ask. Your goal should be such a communication on a mobile, in which the guy will form a pleasant reaction to your call, if you nevertheless decide to dial it.

Do not remind him of yourself too often, let the guy have the opportunity to show his initiative for each of your initiatives. It will be better for you too - you will find out if you are really interesting to the guy, and for him - showing himself, the first to start communication and showing you signs of attention, he will feel like a man should. You need to be a little missing. When you feel that the topics for conversation are about to run out, or your mood is not quite good, you need to rest, move away from communication - find a beautiful reason to end the conversation, do not drag it out into ridiculous silence and fish out some topics from your finger. It's better for you to leave and the guy still has a couple of questions than when you talk without passion and the guy finds you boring.

Don't try to force things. It happens that a girl on the second day of communication with a guy is ready to be frank or starts to get jealous and ask him about other girlfriends. Your excessive openness will not allow a man to express himself. Remember that a man is a hunter by nature. On the contrary, try not to take him seriously for as long as possible, and definitely do not regard him as the guy of your dreams after a few conversations. Let the guy think for himself whether you are important to him or not. Showing your interest in a man, you do not need to get into the soul. When you feel that he is sad and pensive today, but does not tell you the reason, it is better not to pry, but wait, perhaps he will write the reason himself when he is ready. Or he will try to solve the problem himself, because he, as a man, may well not want to tell you about the difficulties, so as not to appear before you in a bad light.

Is it difficult for you to come up with topics for conversation with a guy? Be more natural. After all, this is the secret of a successful relationship. When a girl begins to live a life that is not her own just because she wants to please someone - it's terrible. Respect yourself and talk about what interests you. Believe me, there will always be caring people who will be interested in talking to you. We offer the following list of topics:

  1. Cinema.
  2. Memories.
  3. Auto.
  4. Travels.
  5. Hobbies.
  6. Dreams.
  7. Plans.
  8. Answers on questions.

Now let's take a closer look at each of these points.


Having trouble finding topics for conversation with your boyfriend? A safe bet is cinema. All people love movies. This is magic, an opportunity to escape from reality and spend time in the land of fiction and fairy tales. And if the film is good, the memories of it will haunt you for a long time. Do you want to discuss emotions and thoughts with someone? Your boyfriend is one of those who will really be interested in listening to all this. A girl who can think and see more than the main idea in a film is a treasure. That's what guys think. Therefore, there is no need to hide your opinion behind general phrases: the film was good. Tell us what you liked and what didn't. Discussing a movie is an opportunity to debate. It is especially great to discuss a film that is familiar to both interlocutors. In this case, there will be no boring monologue, but an interesting dialogue will start.

Ask what films the guy likes and ask him to explain what is so attractive about them. Perhaps among the tapes listed by him there will be those that you watched. Then it will be doubly interesting to listen to an outside opinion.


The topic of conversation with a guy may not be entirely trivial. For example, you can share memories together. After all, you must admit that restoring pleasant events in your head is fun. So feel free to remember how great it was at the party last week. These conversations can tell your guy that you are having fun with him. This means that there will be more pleasant events. You can recall more than general incidents. Tell us about your childhood trips and incidents. The opposite sex likes funny stories. You won't look ridiculous. On the contrary, a person who can laugh at himself will always deserve respect. Feel free to ask your guy about the best event in his life. These conversations make people closer.


Cars are a male topic of conversation. With a guy, you can discuss the device of cars or their characteristics. If your friend is well versed in the device of the car, give him the opportunity to speak out. You are not interested? Be patient. Your boyfriend may not like long tirades about art either, but he listens to them. Think of this as a chance to get to know the cars better. Remember - there are no stupid questions. The more you ask them today, the smarter you will be tomorrow. So if you have no idea how domestic cars differ from foreign cars, ask you to explain the difference. If you're curious about how a motor works, ask about it. You don't need to study mechanics textbooks to talk to your guy on an equal footing, but you should at least occasionally show interest in your friend's hobby.


Not sure what to talk to a guy about? The topic of conversation can be thought up according to the situation. For example, a friend of yours has just arrived from vacation. This can be a great topic of conversation. Ask where the guy rested, what he saw and what he learned. Ask him to describe the most memorable day of vacation or the most beautiful sight he has managed to capture in his memory during the trip. You can use this topic to have a conversation with a guy on the phone. But what if you are just planning a vacation? Find out where the guy usually rests, what he does. Perhaps he has a favorite country or city. Maybe your friend prefers to go on a long hiking trip or go boating on the river? Thanks to such conversations, the girl will be able to recognize the guy, and at the same time expand her horizons.


What can you talk about? Topics for conversation with a guy, the list of which is given in this article, can be replenished with a hobby item. A person can talk about his hobbies endlessly. Especially if he really "burns" with what he does. This can include music, painting, singing, or sports. It doesn't matter what the guy does. Perhaps he enjoys reading or skating. Ask him. The sincere interest shown on your part will definitely not go unnoticed. But in return, be prepared that you too will have to talk about your hobbies. And if you don't have one, you need to think about it. Perhaps you will like the guy's hobbies, and you also want to skate, pick up a guitar, or work together to do something interesting and exciting, for example, start dancing. It all starts with a simple and sincere conversation.

Have you ever…

One of the interesting topics for conversation with a guy is finding out his dreams. Many people today are baffled to write a list of their innermost desires. Well, for example, swim under a waterfall or pet a lion. These interesting questions can be a topic of conversation. The girl may ask if the guy was in Africa or jumped with a parachute. And if he did this, he would be able to tell an interesting story. Sometimes things that seem completely incredible to someone are just a routine for others. Never discount this.

If you want to get to know a guy better, you should be an interesting person yourself. Then you will have no problem keeping up the conversation. You can talk about your unusual achievements. For example, that once in a zoo you ran after an ostrich or tried to saddle a camel. These episodes can be a topic of conversation.


What topic could you have for a conversation with a pen guy? Take an interest in plans. This is a great way to get to know the person better. You can ask a guy about his further personal development when you meet, but not everyone is ready to give a thoughtful answer straight away. It even takes some time for themselves to answer this question. Therefore, you can ask the guy who he sees himself in 5 years. Sometimes the answers are surprising, and sometimes it seems that your friend is a purposeful person and will definitely succeed. But it may be that he refuses to talk about the future. For example, he will refer to the fact that he does not make plans. This is not worth believing. No man lives for tomorrow. Some plans exist in everyone's head. But if you realize that the topic is unpleasant, you can change the philosophical conversation to something simpler. For example, to discuss plans for the coming weekend.

Ask questions

Have you run out of conversation with the guy? A list of questions will come to the rescue. If you realize that you cannot strike up an interesting conversation, pass the floor to the guy. Let him tell, and you just ask the topic. The most convenient way to do this is by asking questions. To get to know a person better, you don't have to ask platitudes about your favorite color or song. Ask about something philosophical. An approximate list of questions.

  • If the Universe could fulfill your three wishes right now, what would it be?
  • What superpower do you find most useful?
  • If you were given the chance to live your life again and correct all your mistakes, would you agree?
  • Do you think that talent exists or can it be replaced by hard work?
  • If you could move anywhere in the world today, where would you buy a ticket?

Hello everyone!

This topic was not chosen by chance. When meeting girls, I drew attention to the fact that not all of them can, to one degree or another, interest or catch on with communication. The appearance, image and behavior of the girl also play a role, especially when you first meet. But for a long-term relationship, I consider it necessary, not only for guys, but also for girls to be interesting in communication, etc. How? Read on ...

What to talk about with a guy when you walk

Let's look at the rules first, then there will be specific topics of conversation.

If you want the guy to be interested in talking to you, then:

  • Never interrupt when he tells you something. Even if it's not interesting, but a man is good and you need him.
  • Always agree. And if you disagree with something, then say: "Yes, in some ways you are right, but you can do so, because ... what do you think?" or "Yes, I agree with you, but it seems to me that it would be better this way, because ...". In this way, always justify your proposal.

  • This point follows from the previous one. When talking to men or guys, always keep in mind that they are logical creatures. That is, they cannot think abstractly or chaotically jumping from one thought to another, they do not want - nature is not provided for. At least most of them. And therefore, in order to speak with a man and he was interested in listening to you, always end the thought of what was said with a specific result.
  • You could say this: "Nice weather, isn't it?" (no logic)
  • Or like this: “Nice weather, let's take a walk (or go to the park or a cafe, etc.), buy ice cream, go to the fountain, breathe fresh air, talk. How do you think? I agree?" (everything is logical: good weather-walk-eat-talk).
  • If a man disagrees with you and proposes a better and more interesting scenario, then agree. This man is a real Male (very high probability), who will always solve all your problems for you in the future.
  • When you listen to him, agree, saying: "Yes", "Of course", "Uh-huh", "It can't be!" (unambiguous words). If the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is over, then continue the unambiguous words with a question on the topic of what was said: "Yes, I understood everything, but why is the sun yellow?" A joke, but the meaning is clear.
  • So listen carefully, look into your eyes and smile a little. Or look slightly down, to the side (he doesn't need to look at his pants or under his feet).
  • In general, smile, laugh, maintain a light, cheerful tone of conversation.
  • Sometimes, as if by chance, touch him.

What to talk about with a guy at the first meeting

To make him interesting and not bored with you, ask him about simple things that any person can answer.

What to talk about with a man you don't know at all? Below is a list of questions. This applies to an unfamiliar man. If you are familiar with or talked about this, then proceed to the next point.

  • What did you dream about as a child, what did you want to become?
  • do you have a dream?
  • Do you think there is friendship between a man and a woman?
  • Do you like pets? What kind?
  • Do you often break traffic rules? Do you like to drive fast?
  • What's the coolest gift you got? What would you like?
  • When I was little, did you dream about how you flew?
  • What's your favorite cafe? Do you like sweet things? Ice cream?
  • Do you like to eat? What exactly? Can you cook?
  • You need to ask questions that can be easily answered.
  • When asking, also answer your asked question, if this is the topic and the conversation has not gone beyond your question.
  • Don't be interrogated. It is best to fill in the awkward silence with these questions..
  • Constantly, smile, maintain a good, kind mood. Then the man will be not only interested in talking to you, but also pleasant to be around.

What to talk about with a guy on a walk?

Below are examples of topics on which you can talk to a guy so that he would be interested with you.

  • About rest outdoors with friends.
  • About his hobbies.
  • About his friends and gags in between.
  • About cafes and places, where food is cooked deliciously.
  • About childhood.No matter how serious a man is, he is a child. Any woman knows this. Therefore, talk about his childhood: where he lived, with whom he was friends, did he go swimming with friends on the river, lake, mountains, caves, where and how he studied, what teachers were at school. In short, remember your childhood and ask the same thing. Make him remember the coolest childhood moments.
  • About fishing and hunting. If he is a lover of this business.
  • Which cinema is the best? When was the last time he was there, what did you see? And the theater?

Topics that work 100% are highlighted in bold and it will be interesting for a man with you. The coolest thing is that you don't even need to prepare for a conversation. Because he himself will tell you everything. Try to complement his story with bright colors and then a good impression of you will only intensify.

Bright colors:

  • Wow, great, I want that too.
  • Super, you tell so interesting.
  • Can not be! Let's do it together later, too.

If he says little, then tell us about your childhood or hobbies. Then your man or boyfriend (you know better) will definitely remember interesting moments from his life and tell you about them.

What to talk about with a guy in correspondence

Eh, do you really think that in one article you can tell in detail about the interests of men and give examples of communication?

In short, yes, but in detail, no. And that's why.

Men like:

  1. Sports: football, hockey, boxing, Olympic games and much more from this series.
  2. Computers, hacking programs, games, smartphones and other equipment.
  3. Funny videos, funny pictures, images of girls, preferably without clothes.
  4. Pets.
  5. Tools, even if he doesn't know how to use it.
  6. Beautiful girls on the street who look spectacular.
  7. Everything that girls don't really like.

Therefore, to stay in the subject, just periodically read news, anecdotes, interesting stories. Remember interesting things when communicating with friends or acquaintances, and then the question is - what to talk about with a man so that he was interested, you won't care at all. The most important thing in this business is constant practice. First, try to tell yourself something interesting, then to your friends, etc.

You shouldn't talk about it with a man.

When communicating with him, always avoid talking about the following:

  • about how you went to the store alone or with a friend and chose a handbag for 2 hours (or 1 minute), as a result you did not like it and you bought yourself stiletto boots;
  • about how you met with a guy, and he was such a bastard cheating on you and you set his car on fire for that;
  • about how you toss and turn and fight in your sleep (God forbid you still snore);
  • that you do not have enough money, because you cannot live without a manicure, pedicure, solarium and massage and you are covered with scales.

Okay, jokes aside. In general, in every joke there is a share of what?

Just do not talk about him and your boyfriends (God forbid, he has girls), about shopping, sores, problems and other things that lead to a decline in mood and worsen the quality of perception of the world around him. He said beautifully.

Awkward silence, what to do?

A man is like a ball: when a woman releases him from her hands, he opens up, and when she takes him in her hands, he unwinds. There is only one way out - hold the tip tightly.

First option: see point number 2 of this article and memorize the questions.

Second option, no less effective. Download photos (interesting and different), video jokes, some motivational pictures to your phone. And when that awkward moment comes, you say: "Oh, my friend threw me a video joke here, let's see." I assure you that everything will be fine from now on. Just don't stare at your phone all evening.

Well third option: Movement is life! Offer to change the route or go somewhere and discuss it (see the schedule - no, not the train, bus and train, but movies in the cinema).

A beautiful ending to a dialogue or story

When he sees you off and if this is your first date and you want to date him, don't make him think about kissing you or not. Do it yourself, kiss him somewhere suddenly and while he is stunned - finish off his feelings - kiss him again. Then tell me how great you had the time with him. Say goodbye.

If you meet or live together, you can do the same thing, but you don't need to say goodbye. Just tell him how good you are.

All! The article: what to talk about with a man so that he would be interested with you; I'm finishing.

All success, good mood and pleasant pastime with your future or present halves. Until!

Ended up all the topics for conversation, and you do not know what to talk about now with the guy you like? How, when meeting, to find a topic that will be interesting to both? In fact, finding common ground with a stranger is easy! And we will tell you how to do it. In addition, you will find here a list of universal topics for conversation with any guy at the first meeting, and you will learn how to properly maintain a conversation and what is better to keep silent about.

How often have you seen girls who are able to practically maintain a conversation with a completely unfamiliar man, who are able to listen and ask the right questions? There are few of them, because the ability to conduct a conversation is a complex art, which can be learned throughout life. A beginner immediately has many questions. What to talk to guys about? Which topics should you choose? What is not worth discussing?

The first thing to think about is the topic of conversation. But how to pick it up if you hardly know the interlocutor? A great chance to find out more about a guy is to ask him directly about his hobbies. Perhaps your passions will match.

Here's what you should unobtrusively ask him at the first meeting:

  1. what he does in his free time, his hobbies, hobbies;
  2. favorite movie, book;
  3. how he often spends his time - hanging out in clubs with friends, or prefers a quiet rest at home;
  4. what plans do you have for the future;
  5. you can ask if he ever committed crazy, rash acts;
  6. where he likes to spend his holidays / vacations.

It is quite possible that already at this stage you will find several points of common interest.

Versatile topics for conversation with any guy

If there is no overlap of interests - do not be discouraged, there are several win-win conversation topics that are suitable for communicating with any guy. These topics are:

  1. Sport. What kind of sport does he do? Does he go to the gym, fitness club, swimming pool? Does he lead a healthy lifestyle?
  2. His family, relatives and friends. Are there brothers and sisters? Favorite uncles and aunts? Who does he get along with the most? Perhaps he will tell some interesting stories from his childhood. You will be able to tell something about your childhood. It brings together very well.
  3. Animals. Does he have pets? If not, does he dream of having someone?
  4. Equipment. Many guys are fond of technology, they are well versed in electronic news. You can ask for advice, help in choosing a new phone, setting up a computer, etc.
  5. Gastronomic preferences. All guys love to eat, and this can and should be used.

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Another inexhaustible topic for conversation with any guy is the latest news and events from your city. Here are some examples:

  • new films;
  • theatrical premieres;
  • concerts held in your city;
  • music festivals;
  • sport events.
  • last news;
  • discussion of interesting places in which you happened to be;
  • trendy nightclubs;
  • beaches;
  • parties.

In a conversation with a guy, do not forget about the ability to listen to the interlocutor. You shouldn't exclaim after each phrase: “It can't be”, “Wow!”, “Cool!”. Such "stereotyped" shouts often sound feigned. Try to calmly and very carefully listen to the interlocutor, you can ask pertinent questions.

This should be avoided

Obviously, you cannot continue the conversation on a topic if you see that a man is not interested in it.

In addition, there are the so-called "forbidden topics". Discussing them is undesirable if the guy is not your friend. These topics are:

  1. His and his past relationships. The main danger of such conversations is the comparison of former and current relationships, which leaves an unpleasant aftertaste and hurts pride. Do not touch on this topic, especially if you practically do not know your interlocutor;
  2. His failures. Guys take any troubles very hard: failures at work, losses in sports - they are perceived very painfully. Talking about past troubles affects self-esteem. In such a situation, it is better to turn his attention to something positive;
  3. Bad habits, weakness. If you begin to discuss in a negative way, his bad habits, he will perceive it as a gross interference in his life. This topic should not be brought up at the very beginning of a relationship. Later, when you get closer, you can return to this.
In addition, bad topics are:
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Nationalism

Your views on these topics may differ significantly, so these topics should be avoided at first.

In general, if you have come on your first date with a guy, then it is better to talk about something funny and positive. Too serious topics for conversation are better left for later.

In this video, there are some more helpful tips:

Finding an interesting common topic for conversation is half the battle, the conversation still needs to be skillfully led. Here are some helpful tips to keep the conversation going:

Many girls make mistakes when dealing with guys. Here are the most common ones:

  • Talking about several things at the same time. You should not quickly and often "jump" from topic to topic. This will tire the interlocutor. Focus on one thing.
  • Interruption. Many girls make this mistake, trying to make the conversation more "lively", but guys perceive this behavior as aggression. You have to learn to listen.
  • Conversation in hints. This is a "feminine" way of conducting a conversation. If you want to make a good impression, be direct. Hints are perceived as a way of manipulation.
  • Don't complain. There is no need to immediately complain about a bad life, lack of finances, bad friends, neighbors. This behavior can be pitying. It is much more pleasant to communicate with a positive person. Emphasize your achievements, successes.