Disguise bruises under the eyes with cosmetics. How to cover up bruises under the eyes? All ways

Bruises under the eyes are of different origin. For example, some formed on the face due to the physiological characteristics of a person. They can also appear from fatigue or due to illness. There are those that are formed due to mechanical action. Bruises of different origin are masked in completely different ways. Since the nature of their manifestation is different. Some bruises are more pronounced, others are less. Those that appear with the help of mechanical action, it is necessary, before tinting, to cover with various ointments. These funds will relieve swelling.

If you have such a problem, then you need to know

Face tone. Choosing cosmetics

Always consider the tone of your face. Accordingly, based on this, choose the palette of the necessary cosmetics. And what colors to cover up bruises under the eyes?

Determining the correct tone of the face is very important. Otherwise, you can only emphasize the existing shortcomings.

If you suffer from frequent bruising under your eyes, then your makeup bag should always have an arsenal of tinting agents. In addition, there should be a tonal foundation, powder, blush and much more.

If you have pale skin, then it is better to use a pinkish shade. This will give your face a fresh and healthy look. For dark-skinned people, peach is perfect.

Correction colors

Also, every girl should know that the yellow shade is very good for correcting skin color. It should only be applied over foundation.

A purple tint will help hide obvious imperfections on the skin. If there are inflamed red areas on the face, then a corrector with a green tint will help you cope with this.

It is also important to use high-quality tonal products that will not only mask imperfections, but will also be beneficial for your skin. Do not forget that every woman has her own characteristics and, choosing any foundation or powder, you need to take them into account.


First, let's figure out what types of skin are:

Oily skin. Excess secretions appear on the face. They shine all the time. On such skin, acne, acne or other inflammations appear more often than with other types. Also a characteristic feature of this species are extended black dots in the T-zone, they are also called comedones.

Dry skin is characterized by roughness and tightness. This type is typical for older women.

The most common is the mixed type. That is, the so-called T-zone (forehead, nose, sinuses and chin) is more oily, the rest of the areas (cheeks, cheekbones) are dry.

Oily skin. What cosmetics are suitable?

For oily skin, it is best to use liquid tonal products. Since they contain fewer ingredients that lead to fat content. In such tonal products there are more particles from the powder. It is good if the composition includes an extract from licorice root or quince seeds. Liquid tonal products are applied to the skin in a thin layer. Thanks to them, the tone evens out a little and becomes more matte, without giving out a greasy sheen.

If there is any inflammation or just irritation on the skin, then it is best to use just powder. It differs from previous products in that it is applied to the skin in a thicker layer. And it helps to hide the bumps on the skin. Due to its structure, the powder does not accumulate near the pores.

On the contrary, it covers them, making them brighter. And if you choose powder, then keep in mind that it is desirable that it contains various kinds of antibacterial agents. They will relieve inflammation on the skin. When applying powder, remember that you need to do this with a special pad or sponge. Before that, it would be nice to wet it a little. Then the powder will lie more evenly.

Dry, mature and normal skin. What means to use for disguise?

But for dry skin, on the contrary, more oily products are suitable. Best foundation creams that can moisturize. Often these products include vitamins A and E. They moisturize and make the skin more elastic. Due to its dense structure, foundation creams cover the surface well and completely hide all its imperfections. The agent is applied with a special, preferably disposable, sponge. You can also rub with your fingers.

For mature skin, a liquid tonal foundation is perfect. It fills fine wrinkles well and evens out the surface.

For normal, it will be enough to use a light foundation. And if the skin color suits you, then you can simply apply blush.


We have already figured out how to choose a tonal foundation, now we will analyze what colors to cover up bruises under the eyes.

Before deciding on a color, we will describe what these funds are. It can be foundation, corrector or concealer. When choosing an under eye color, remember that it should be lighter than your foundation that you will apply to your face.

And how to cover up bruises under the eyes with concealer? This tool, as well as a tonal foundation, must be chosen based on the condition of the skin under the eyes. If it is very thin, then it is best to purchase a liquid concealer. It will not need to be shaded.

Concealer, unlike foundation, can be of different shades. Therefore, before choosing it, accurately determine the color of the bruises under the eyes. Since the tone with which you will mask should be completely opposite. That is, if the shade of the bruises is purple, then a yellow concealer is perfect. If the circles under the eyes have a greenish color, then it is best to use pink. For bluish circles, light yellow is suitable.

In order not to make a mistake and decide what color to cover the bruises under the eyes with concealer, contact a consultant in the store. It will show the palette of shades and help you make the right choice.

How to cover up bruises under the eyes? Hide them right!

Decided on the color. Now we need to figure out how to properly cover up bruises under the eyes.

It is very important to know how to apply foundation correctly. This rule applies to products that you will use under the eyes. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired result. As a result, the product will lie unevenly, or will roll in the corners, or even spread out.

So how to cover up bruises under the eyes? Before applying any cosmetic product, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed. It can be a facial foam, gel or any kind of flushing agent.

Now you can apply a light foundation on the skin. Thanks to her, tonal preparations will lie down evenly. After the foundation has been absorbed, you can start applying tonal products. Under the eyes, apply a corrector, cream or concealer with light circular movements. Then, with fingers or a brush, gently shade over the entire surface of the bruise. Apply foundation under the eyes carefully. Then blend it all over your face. It is also better to do this with a brush or sponge.

Before applying the next layer of cosmetics, make sure that the previous one lays down evenly and is well absorbed.

After you use all the tonal products, fix the effect with powder. It will give a matte finish and hide all the bumps. Here's how to cover up bruises under the eyes. After that, you can complete the image by applying shadows, mascara, lipstick.


Now you know how and with what you can cover up bruises under the eyes. We hope that this information was useful to you.

Bruises and bags under the eyes are a terrible little thing that can ruin the whole look and effort to create attractive image.

It's good that experts in modern cosmetology know how to mask circles under the eyes. In fact, this is an affordable, completely simple procedure that takes five to ten minutes and helping to restore a fresh, rested look.

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Correctors and concealers

Concealers- the most simple concealers designed to hide slight skin imperfections. They can be used in case of a slight lack of sleep, when the swelling that appears under the eyes in the morning betrays a sleepless night.

But if concealers did not help, then you should choose corrector from bruises under the eyes. This is a much more effective tool that can hide almost any imperfection on the skin. It perfectly hides ugly dark circles and at the same time, unlike the previous remedy, does not lead to a grayish skin tone.

The pricing policy of both funds ranges from expensive products of elite brands to more modest options for lesser-known firms. The brand in this case does not really affect the quality, but still you need to take into account some options when choosing necessary means:

  • the tone of the concealer or corrector should be slightly lighter than the natural skin color (by about 1-2 steps), the shades are also selected individually;
  • the concealer is usually a liquid product, while the corrector is more like a creamy shadow, but both products should have a uniform texture without lumps and similar imperfections;
  • Any product should be tested for an allergic reaction before application, as the skin around the eyes is very delicate and can be easily irritated.

Of course, even the highest quality product must be fixed after application to the skin. This is easy to do with just a little loose powder and powder puff. The products themselves should be applied with weak patting movements of the fingers or with a special sponge, in case the skin of the face is very oily.

Replacement of special means

Sometimes a corrector or concealer is simply not at hand, and then you have to use other means. In this case, you need to figure out how to paint over bruises under the eyes. improvised means. A light tonal foundation can save, a tone darker than the usual and well-blended standard foundation applied on top.

It is better to refuse powder, since such an amount of tonal foundation will already look worse than a special tool.

Read also:

Visually reduces bruising under the eyes black ink and light pencil applied on the inside of the lower eyelid. A cream with a radiance effect, applied as a base for makeup, can also save the situation.

You can somewhat improve the appearance with the help of folk and simple solutions. For example, wipe the face (together with the area around the eyes) with a refreshing tonic and apply a light moisturizer, this will give the skin a well-groomed look and somewhat divert attention from the main imperfection.

In addition, you can wipe your face ice cube from a decoction of useful herbs or pull slices of chilled cucumber before your eyes.

Hello my dear readers! Tell me, who among you did not wonder how to cover up bruises under the eyes? It happens that you wake up in the morning, and they are right there. And you start frantically rummaging through your makeup bag, sorting through a suitable corrector, foundation or concealer. But the effect is not what you want. Let's look at the most common mistakes in applying these cosmetics and how to make eye makeup correctly.

There are many reasons for the formation of dark circles under the eyes. And in order to understand how to quickly deal with them, I propose to first consider the most common mistakes that even celebrities make.

  1. To give freshness to the face, many makeup artists advise choosing corrective products a tone or two lighter. But this rule is not suitable for the correction of bruises or dark circles under the eyes. Due to this “masking”, the defects visually become even larger.
  2. After applying a corrective, do not powder abundantly under the eyes. If there are facial wrinkles or you have a rich facial expression, then all this will be imprinted on the eyelids. Wrinkles will visually look more expressive.
  3. Do not apply black eyeliner around the eyes, especially if the corners of the eyes are slightly lowered. Because of this, the effect of "crying eyes" occurs. And the face will look a little sad
  4. Many focus only on tinting eyelashes. But in vain. If you have bluish circles under your eyes, focus on the top of your makeup as well. By the way, now it is very fashionable to make eyebrows more expressive and thick. Don't pinch them! In Asia, eyebrows are specially tinted abundantly, drawing attention to them. And nothing can be applied to the eyes at all. Slightly tint the lips, and the face is fresh and young. Therefore, your eyebrows should be graphic and well defined.
  5. Excessively lined eyes. This draws attention to the eyes and visually enhances the effect of "crying eyes".

We are not the only ones who sin with the wrong make-up. Many celebrities make the same mistakes with makeup. For example, Pamela Anderson or Britney Spears.

Look. Instead of putting on light makeup and hiding imperfections, women do the opposite. They draw more attention to this part of the face.

How to choose a good decorative tool

Let's look at the main basic tools that can mask bruises under the eyes. How to choose the one that works best at home?

Means for adjustment:

  • Tone cream- corrects the complexion of the face, neck, giving matte, well-groomed. Hides imperfections. Now there are special foundation creams that hide even spots from rosacea, vitiligo and other imperfections. Dermablend from Vichy proved to be very good. Look.
  • – denser texture, distributed with a brush. The best concealer for dark circles under the eyes is peach or yellow.
  • Corrector- dry concealer. More suitable for masking pimples or small bumps.

Many write that it is necessary to purchase foundation and concealer separately, since they differ in texture density. But now, corrective tonal products contain enough pigments to completely remove bruises under the eyes. Therefore, even a good tonalnik can paint over dark circles.

The general rule for choosing any means is the same: Use a yellow or peach pigment on the area to cover bluish skin tone. It neutralizes the bluish tint of the color. It will also help neutralize the redness that is caused by rosacea or angioma. And for soft white skin, pick up a light beige concealer.

How to properly mask at home

Masking bruises is a simple matter. We stock up on the necessary funds, and boldly into battle 🙂 Before applying makeup, be sure to use a good moisturizer around the eyes from lack of sleep. It will tighten the upper layers of the skin, give a smoother surface for the application of corrective agents. Better to use cream with caffeine which has a tonic effect.

It is undesirable to apply the cream in the eye area with the index finger: we have the strongest one. Apply without name, moving along the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the inner

Apply foundation to your face with a special brush or fingers. If you work with your fingers, first apply the composition to the back of your hand. The heat will make it a little easier to work with the foundation, and then apply the product to your face. Spread with patting gentle movements from the inner corners of the eyes towards the outer.

And yet, you need to fix the makeup. The main difficulty in this case is choosing the perfect powder. Often the powder you use on your face may not work. It rolls up in places of wrinkles and emphasizes them even more.

Therefore, I do not recommend using matte powder. A translucent loose powder is best here. Blend it with a special brush. Do not try to apply a generous layer of powder in the hope of "whitening" the bruises. Such powder is not intended to cover them. It only gives completeness to the makeup and fixes the concealer or foundation.

You can even mix foundation with concealer. This is done to avoid the difference between the masked area and the rest of the face.

Or a massage. But what if you need to put yourself in order right now? Properly selected concealer from bruises under the eyes will quickly solve the painful issue.

Concealer allows you to quickly hide bruises under the eyes

What is a concealer?

Translated from English, the word “to conceal” or in Russian transcription “concealer” means “to hide”, which is fully consistent with its purpose.

There are several types of concealers or correctors that differ in price, color, properties and texture:

  • The pencil has a dense structure, it is used to cover up spot problems on the skin, so it is not quite suitable for correcting the areas around the eyes.
  • Concealer stick is used to hide pronounced imperfections: age spots, freckles, bumps, scars.
  • A liquid product in a tube is a great opportunity to mask skin defects in the eye area.
  • Concealer-cream is designed to mask significant flaws: brightly grown blue, age spots, facial wrinkles.

Concealer does not get rid of dark circles and bruises, but only hides, masks, hides and corrects them.

How to choose the color of the concealer from bruises under the eyes?

They produce concealers from bruises around the eyes of various shades. You need to be able to correctly choose the color, otherwise you risk not only not hiding the flaws, but even more putting them on public display. Agree, no one wants to get such an effect.

The main rule when choosing a means to neutralize a certain color is to choose the opposite color:

  • From blue-green bruises and translucent wreath will relieve the orange corrector. Orange is great for mixed skin types and cool skin tones, giving it a hint of warmth and freshness.
  • The purple tint of bruises, caused by constant lack of sleep and fatigue, is perfectly masked by a yellowish color. It will give brightness to any skin and make it smoother. The greatest effect is visible on the skin of a swarthy shade.
  • From strong dark circles around the eyes, a blue color corrector will help. By the way, he will also subtly hide age spots and obsessive freckles.

To find the color of the concealer, refer to the palette: find the problematic color and opposite it will be the right color.

From the palette, you can see that blue-violet bruises are perfectly neutralized by peach shades.

When choosing neutral colors, the corrective does not have to be flesh-colored. To create the effect of shining eyes, you should opt for a product that is 1-2 shades lighter than the foundation and half a tone lighter than the skin. The light-reflecting particles included in the corrector will give the skin freshness and radiance.

How to apply concealer for bruises under the eyes?

After choosing the right color, the next step is to learn how to properly mask bruises under the eyes with concealer:

  1. Thoroughly clean the skin in the problem area.
  2. Apply gel or Wait at least 5 minutes for the cream to be absorbed.
  3. Apply concealer in motion from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Apply concealer as close as possible to the eyelid area, do not go beyond the dark border area.

Never apply concealer all the way to the entire eye area. Do not stand close to the mirror, it is so difficult to evaluate the effect of the procedure, take one step back.

  1. Use a brush, and then gently blend the product with your fingertips without pressure. Warm fingers blend better, so warm your fingers.
  2. If after the procedure there is an unnatural shine of the skin, lightly cover it with foundation or powder, this will give a natural look to the skin and hide the shine.

Universal concealers should be in every cosmetic bag, they effectively hide many imperfections on the skin: dark circles, rashes, wrinkles.

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Before proceeding with makeup or camouflage, the skin must be moisturized - this way it will more easily “grab” all pigments and products and will not crumble. Pat on a small amount of moisturizing (but never oily or nourishing!) or oil-free gel and wait two minutes.

Get a concealer. It has a dense structure and hides even darkening. The concealer can be with a greenish tint, it will perfectly hide the bluish color. You can also use a camouflage pencil, apply it dotted, driving in movements, without trying to smudge.

To eliminate swelling, if any, before applying masking agents, apply ice wrapped in a napkin or bag to the bruise and leave for a few minutes.


To hide bruises of intense, bright color or very dark pigment spots under the eyes, the use of specially created masking cosmetics is required. Some try to cover up bruises under the eyes with a tool like a concealer pencil. The use of such solid correctors for the skin of the eyelids is categorically contraindicated.

Useful advice

How to cover up bruises under the eyes? Many of the fair sex use tonal creams and face powder to mask dark circles and bruises. This is fundamentally wrong. The tonal foundation, and even more so the powder, is not intended for the delicate skin around the eyes. They have a very dense texture that looks rough and unnatural, giving the feeling of a mask under the eyes.


  • a visual aid for disguising bruises
  • how to cover up a bruise

One awkward movement, and from hitting a jamb or elbow of a person sitting next to you, your cheekbone may blur. He does not add beauty, and in fact, despite the injury, you need to go to work, meet friends, lead a normal life. You can disguise the bruise so that no one will know about the trouble that happened to you.

You will need

  • - olive oil;
  • - fabric for the bandage;
  • - ice;
  • - lavender oil;
  • - bodyaga or "Bruise Off";
  • - concealer;
  • - tone cream;
  • - powder.


It is advisable to start disguising a bruise immediately after you receive it. Lubricate the bruised area with olive oil and apply a bandage that is tight but not too tight. Sit down and apply ice in a plastic bag to the hematoma. If you don't have ice, anything from the fridge will do - a bottle of drink, a bag of sour cream, or even a piece of frozen meat. After such procedures, the bruise will become less noticeable.

A compress with lavender oil will make the bruise disappear faster. Put a few drops on a clean, dry piece of cloth and apply to the sore spot. Gently rubbing the oil into the hematoma (and if you have sensitive skin, you can mix lavender with olive oil beforehand) will also help hide the bruise and also reduce pain.

Usually the bruise takes a long time, changing its color from red-violet to purple, green and yellow. If you want to speed up this process and get rid of the bruise as quickly as possible, buy a bodyagu or “Bruise Off” ointment at the pharmacy, which also happens immediately with a tinting effect. If you have time to lubricate the affected area with medicine several times, then, most likely, in the morning you will no longer need to mask anything. Even if the bruise does not come off completely, it will be much easier to hide the brightened hematoma.

Many try to mask bruises with powder and foundation. However, when dealing with bright hematomas, heavy artillery is needed. Get a concealer and lubricate the affected area with it. It is desirable to choose a tool with a yellow tint, which is used to mask bruises under the eyes. It works best for even out skin tone. After that, to achieve the perfect result, the face can be retouched with foundation or powder.