Affirmations for a positive attitude towards yourself. Installations for women for every day. On every day

Many people in today's society suffer from low self-esteem, but there is nothing they can do to improve it. This negatively affects their lives, and they find themselves in a vicious circle that does not allow them to move on, develop and achieve new successes. However, it turns out that dealing with problems can be much easier than you might think. You do not need to go to a professional psychologist and pay him a fortune. It is enough to use the power of positive affirmations, which will be discussed in this article.

positive affirmation

Experts report that there is a scientific explanation for why positive affirmations can have an incredible impact on human life. If you focus your attention on your goals in a positive and motivating way, you can create multiple neural connections in your brain between specific feelings and actions. This affects the chemicals that are produced in the brain when you just think about specific actions, so you can positively “experience” your goals.

How it works?

For example, if you went through a breakup while listening to a particular song, that song may evoke negative feelings in the future. However, if this song was playing when your partner proposed to you, the feelings that this song will cause in the future will most likely be incredibly positive. Thus, if you can train your brain to associate discussing and considering your goals with positive feelings, you will be able to experience a sense of joy every time you remember your goals, which will help you continue to put them first among others. priorities. Over time, this will allow you to increase your self-confidence as well as boost your self-esteem.

Step one

Allow yourself to make a long list of the negative traits you associate with. It can be things that you yourself believe in, as well as things that people around you criticize you for. Don't spend too much time on this step, you don't have to try to figure out which of these points are true and which are unfounded, just write down as much as you can on a piece of paper.

step two

As you go through this list, focus on a few things that you would really like to change in your life. With these aspects in mind, pick up your pen again and write a short affirmation, no more than two lines long, containing strong and detailed words. For example, if you want to increase your self-confidence in social settings, don't just say, "I'm confident." Instead, you should use words like "brave" and "open" to describe you.

Step Three

Three times a day every day (morning, afternoon and evening) take five minutes to look at yourself in the mirror and say these affirmations aloud. Speak the words with conviction and confidence, as if you have already achieved the goals you are talking about. If you are in a situation where you cannot do this, for example if you are in the office at work, write down these affirmations several times in a notebook, reinforcing a positive attitude in your own brain.

Step Four

To actually reprogram your own mind, you need to pay attention to every detail when you repeat your affirmations. Are you standing straight and confident? Or do you do it timidly and embarrassed? Do you feel pain or discomfort somewhere in your body associated with a particular affirmation, such as in your heart or stomach? If so, then you need to place your hand on that area as you say your affirmation, directing your positive energy to that area.

Step five

Instead of keeping this affirmation a secret, seek help from those people who are willing and ready to help you make this statement true. Have a friend, family member, or counselor repeat this affirmation out loud to you as if they were simply telling you a true fact. Returning to the example in step two, this person may use the words above to describe you.

Examples of everyday affirmations

  1. I find joy and pleasure in even the simplest things in life.
  2. Success is my normal state in life and I am successful in everything I do.
  3. I admire my partner, respect him and take care of him. And I see the best in him every day.
  4. I can be completely myself, 100 percent authentic in my relationships.
  5. When I go to bed, I am happy and satisfied because I know that everything is in order in my world.
  6. I am happy with my present life and confident in my future.
  7. With every breath I take, I breathe in confidence and breathe out fear.
  8. I have a good sense of humor and enjoy sharing laughter and happiness with the people around me.
  9. I am strong, confident, energetic, independent and capable.
  10. I only attract positive and inspiring people to me.
  11. I share deep and strong love with my partner.
  12. I always see the good in everyone I meet.
  13. I constantly communicate my wants and needs to my partner in a confident and clear way.
  14. I am a unique person and I love who I am completely and deeply.
  15. My heart is overflowing with joy.
  16. My partner and I enjoy life and always find new ways to enjoy each other's company.
  17. I love meeting strangers, approaching them every time with confidence, enthusiasm and warmth.
  18. I have a healthy frame of personal space in my life.
  19. I am a creative, persistent and self-sufficient person in everything I do.
  20. When I encounter difficulties and obstacles in life, I easily find solutions, bypassing all obstacles quickly and efficiently.
  21. I feel joy, happiness and contentment in the present moment.
  22. Today I am successful. Tomorrow I will be successful. I am successful every day of my life.
  23. I exude self-confidence in my daily life by attracting others to me.
  24. I want my partner to be successful in life and I often try to support him.
  25. I am good at solving problems by nature, I always find the best solutions.
  26. I am becoming more successful every day, in every aspect of life.
  27. I accept happiness as my normal state.
  28. Nothing is impossible in my life, I am able to realize any goal that I set for myself.
  29. Self-confidence is natural for me.
  30. I feel incredibly happy with the way my life looks right now, but I continue to work towards future success.
  31. I have achieved my goal (insert your goal here) and I feel joy and pride that I did it.
  32. I allow myself to be openly happy, and in doing so, I inspire others to be happy.
  33. My word is gold, I am a holistic and reliable person.
  34. I view the fear in my life as nothing more than fuel on my path to success, I take bold actions and let fear carry me forward.
  35. I fully accept myself and I deserve incredible things in this life.
  36. I know exactly what I need to do to be successful in my life.
  37. My mind is always filled with positive and inspiring thoughts.
  38. I love the idea of ​​change and can easily adapt to any situation.
  39. I enjoy everything I do, even the most mundane tasks.
  40. I know that I am capable of real success, and my success is real, it is waiting for me to come for it.

Positive thinking is a system in which a person programs his subconscious mind for good events for a long time. The best result is achieved by those who carefully monitor their thoughts, not allowing a negative impact on the mind. Affirmations are very popular, helping to force yourself to think positively.

Affirmations: what is it

An affirmation is a short positive statement that is expressed in specific words and contains a mental formula. The repetition of settings allows you to replace the destructive thoughts introduced by the close environment, society, friends, the media, etc. These phrases have a greater effect on the subconscious, setting the mind to the development of one or another event embedded in a certain affirmation.

The main thing to remember is that the use of installations is in no way connected with the affairs of the present moment, these phrases will not affect the past events in any way. They help to quickly overcome a losing streak, change your future and improve your psycho-emotional state, causing positive changes. With the correct preparation of the installation and regular work on yourself, the result will not be long in coming.

How affirmations work

If we draw a parallel between how and what a person says or what he feels at the same time, then you can see that there are very few positive emotions and they are sorely lacking. It only takes a couple of days to observe your thoughts and pronunciation to see how many destructive words and phrases are used. Even familiar words like “Horror!” or "Nightmare!" negatively affect the subconscious. It is necessary to change your habitual manner of communication and after a short period of time your thinking will improve.

It is not recommended to pronounce phrases with a negative bias, even as a joke. You can often hear from people: “How tired I am of everything” or “I have no money, time, etc.”, thereby spoiling the future for themselves. A person himself becomes the cause of his problems and troubles, because negative thoughts attract problems. Fears and fears will still manifest themselves in the future if they are not replaced by positive attitudes about love, happiness, success.

Positive affirmations don't always work. This happens when a person inspires himself with affirmations and internally resists the spoken words, because they are not beneficial to him. In this case, a short-term effect awaits him, and after a while he will stop taking care of himself, because now he is “not up to it” or “it didn’t work out”. Only thinking filled with joy and happiness will attract good luck, people with the same goals and positive events into a person’s life.

Positive for all occasions

Affirmations are the result of the work of personal growth specialists. Properly composed statements stimulate the growth of all spheres of human life. Short installations will help you become happy, successful, energetic. They will teach you to love and respect yourself as a person. Psychologists recommend saying phrases in the morning to recharge with positive thoughts for the whole day.

Settings for women for every day

Daily positive affirmations are a great opportunity to start your day with a smile and a good mood. After waking up, you need to program your subconscious so that there is not the slightest doubt about your attractiveness and self-confidence. To achieve the result, it is necessary to pronounce the settings for each day of the month.

Applying affirmations every day for 5-10 minutes will allow you to change your life, saturating it with joyful moments and happiness. After a month, you will notice the first positive result.

How to become more confident: effective phrases

Self-confidence is one of the main conditions for a happy life. Self-confident people cope with any, even overwhelming tasks, moving towards success with quick and firm steps. This quality helps not only to climb the career ladder, but also to build long-term relationships with people based on mutual trust. Affirmations will help you develop confidence, increase self-esteem and improve the quality of life.

There are many different confidence-building techniques, most of which involve getting out of your comfort zone. Affirmations are an effective and less painful method.

Attracting Wealth

Positive attitudes motivate and focus a woman's attention on prosperity and abundance, inspiring new achievements. All people dream of wealth, but their self-doubt and internal resistance do not allow them to move forward. Destructive thoughts limit them, and for many years they are content with their current financial situation.

Wealth affirmations are a great tool for achieving abundance. Here are the main affirmations that you need to repeat daily, believing in them.

  1. I have money.
  2. I am open to cash flow.
  3. I deserve abundance.
  4. I attract wealth.
  5. Money makes me confident.
  6. I am grateful for the abundance that I have.
  7. I am a rich woman.
  8. I am happy with money.
  9. Money is my friends.
  10. I am worthy of all material goods.
  11. Different sources of income are open to me.
  12. My income is 30 thousand rubles a month (the amount can be changed).

A woman should choose the formula closest to her, applying it every day. It should be understood that thinking changes gradually, so do not expect lightning-fast results. Regular work on yourself will help you achieve the desired prosperity.

Mental weight loss with real reflection on the figure

Every girl dreams of a slim body, so many of them follow diets, do grueling workouts in the gym, starve or take special drugs for weight loss. These methods of dealing with extra pounds will not give the desired result without the necessary emotional mood. Excess weight materializes through phrases such as "I'm fat," "I'm fat," "I can't lose weight." Before changing your thinking, you need to remove all false statements that have taken root in the subconscious.

At first it may seem that these words do not help to lose weight, but they must be repeated. Basically, obesity is directly related to self-dislike and low self-esteem. When pronouncing affirmations, the main mechanisms of the subconscious are involved. Here are a few formulas that will help fight the hated extra pounds.

Affirmations for weight loss allow the fair sex to get used to positive thinking. When women are convinced of the effectiveness of this method of weight loss, they become happy and no longer obsessed with their problems.

Fast attracting happiness

A happy person can achieve anything they want if they have complete control over their emotions. The feeling of happiness is unusual for people who constantly live in fears and fears. Even folk wisdom says: "Happiness does not happen much." A woman must learn to love herself, others and become an example for her future children.

Here is a list that contains the best formulas for influencing the subconscious mind in order to fully experience joy and happiness.

Affirmations to attract happiness will help you overcome self-doubt and improve your life by achieving your goals. The future should be bright and joyful. If a person becomes happy, then others will begin to adopt him as he is.

Rules for the use of affirmations

The effectiveness of short installations depends on their correct composition and pronunciation. Affirmations are formulated at this moment, only at the present time. They should bring positive energy and joy, so any doubts and hurtful words should be excluded. Affirmations are created imaginative and short, no long phrases. In the correct settings, there are no negative particles with the prefix "not", it is required to say the simple phrase "I am brave" instead of "I am not afraid." The installation should concretize and reflect the desire without any "everything is fine, the sun is shining." A lot depends on how these words are pronounced. You have to believe in them yourself and you should read them sincerely, with your soul.

You will find effective working affirmations in the following video:

Affirmations are self-hypnosis formulas that help a woman tune her subconscious mind to a positive wave. Positive affirmations help speed up the process of fulfilling your cherished desires. To achieve a good result and fix it for a long time, it is necessary to regularly pronounce attitudes and believe in a happy future.

In contact with

The practice of repeating affirmations has shown to be effective in dealing with a variety of life problems, from health problems to financial problems. With them, you can fulfill almost any of your desires, or at least bring yourself closer to your cherished goal. Doesn't sound very convincing? You may be skeptical of these statements, however, thousands and thousands of people on our planet continue to speak positively about the use of affirmations in their lives. The main thing is that affirmations work regardless of whether you believe in them or not - you introduce positive attitudes into your subconscious, and they begin to work. Well, the most amazing thing is that with the help of affirmations, many people influence such things in our world, which it is simply not possible to influence in the usual ways. However, let's not digress, you can learn about how and why affirmations work from other articles on the site. Here I will post affirmations for all occasions. Choose from this list of affirmations that are aimed at solving your problems, and try to apply them in your life to attract something that you dream of or create changes in your life.
Note: Expressions "affirmations" and "positive statements" here are the synonyms.

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What are affirmations?

affirmation is a positive statement, the regular repetition of which brings you closer to the goal stated by this statement. The word "affirmation" comes from the Latin "affirmatio", which means "confirmation". The way affirmations work is simple and lies in the fact that you force your mind to believe, at least for a while, that the goal you want to achieve has already been achieved by you. This, in turn, not only motivates you to achieve your goal, but also influences reality on a metaphysical level and creates the prerequisites for achieving this goal in reality. By repeating affirmations at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, soon, depending on the complexity of the desire, you begin to notice that the events and circumstances around you are lining up in such a way that your goal is achieved. In this section, you will find as much information as possible about how to write affirmations, how to apply affirmations, how affirmations work, and what goals you can achieve with them.

What are affirmations? Briefly, affirmations can be described as positive statements that are repeated many times in order to achieve a certain emotional state and, as a result, change life circumstances. The desired result can be anything within reason: from improving mood and increasing motivation, to meeting the second half, and even receiving a certain amount of money.

What is the purpose of repeating affirmations?

What can affirmations do? Probably anything, if only it is achievable in reality, that is, in principle, feasible, and only if you yourself are ready to invest your own efforts in the process of attracting. Here is a small list of what you can attract into your life with the help of positive affirmations presented on our website or created by you personally.

  • Change your beliefs
  • Develop personal skills and qualities
  • Attract material wealth
  • Meet, create and multiply the love in your life
  • Improve your health
  • Increase motivation to achieve your goals
  • Improve mood
  • Deal with depression
  • Climb up the corporate ladder

All of this is a list of the general benefits of repeating positive affirmations. Yours may be slightly different from what I suggested, because each of us has our own desires. Well, what you can attract with the help of this wonderful technique is the fulfillment of desires is limited only by your imagination, again within reason. You can learn more about what you can get from the regular practice of repeating affirmations in my next article, the link to which I provide below.

How to write affirmations

How the result is achieved in the outside world, we will talk a little later, but for now we will consider what affirmations are. So, first of all, the repeated positive statement contains a few key words to which we seek to draw our attention. They include the time of the action - usually the present, the subject we want to influence - ourselves, and the result or state we want to create.

There are a few basic rules for writing affirmations and guidelines for repeating them that you should know if you want to start practicing self-hypnosis with affirmations. Below you can see a short list of basic affirmation guidelines that you can follow to create your own positive affirmations to attract what you desire into your life.

  • Affirmation must be positive. Your affirmations should be directed towards attracting what you want, not eliminating what you don't want, for example, you should write: "I notice more and more joyful events appearing in my life", instead of: "I I get rid of all the negativity that has accumulated in my life.
  • The affirmation should speak of the present tense. It would be highly ineffective to say, "This year I will become even richer," instead, one should use the affirmation: "I see myself rich this year," or "Right now, wealth is coming into my life and I accept it unconditionally."
  • Affirmation must be specific Try to frame your statements in such a way that they talk about specific things, if possible. For example: "I see an amount of 10 million rubles in my bank account in 2020," or "Right now, 10 million rubles are being credited to my bank account."

If you follow the above rules for making statements, you will take a big step towards your goal. And how you compose them depends on the effectiveness of your practice of repeating affirmations. You can learn more about how to write affirmations correctly in the following articles.

How to apply affirmations

Well, you learned how to correctly compose affirmations, but this is only half the battle, now you need to learn how to correctly repeat your positive statements, and for this, too, there are rules that will allow you to make your practice effective. Here are some tips for repeating affirmations

  • Regular practice. Repeat your affirmations every day, preferably in the early morning and late evening, as this is when your brain is most receptive to suggestion.
  • Clear pronunciation. Affirmations work best when you repeat them out loud rather than silently, as this helps your brain learn the program that affirmations carry, but it's okay if you repeat them to yourself, the main thing is if you repeat them to yourself so that you do it as clearly and distinctly as if you were speaking out loud.
  • Inclusion of visual images, feelings and emotions. Imagine a picture of what you are repeating, as if what you are claiming is already happening to you now, the brighter you imagine, and the more emotions and feelings you include in your images, the better.
  • Know how to let go At the end of the session of repeating your affirmations, try not to think about whether they work or not, just let go of your desire and go about your business, just do not forget to do something to achieve the stated goal, if something from you depends.
  • Recommendations in fact can be much more. Different authors give different recommendations. Here are some articles on how to properly accept positive affirmations so you can get as much information as possible and make your affirmations as effective as possible.

    Consciously or unconsciously, the repetition of affirmations is accompanied by a call to visual or other images in the head, which enhances the effect, and, in general, serves as the foundation on which this technique rests. Next, I suggest you learn a little about how affirmations work, of course, if you are interested in the details and you want to increase the effectiveness of your practice of achieving desires with the help of affirmations.

    I must say that affirmations are based not only on the discovered effect of words on the emotional state of a person, but also on the concept of the power of thought. The essence of this concept lies in the fact that regular focusing of a person’s attention on one thought for a long time greatly increases the likelihood of its manifestation in reality. Thus, non-material thought manifests itself in the material world.

    The repetition of affirmations is an incredibly powerful technique for influencing the human consciousness and, as a result, for all of his life. Thousands and thousands of inhabitants of the Earth are convinced of this on their own experience, you will also be convinced. Below you will find various articles about affirmations.

    Articles about affirmations:

    Well, perhaps that's all. I hope that the information presented in this section on affirmations will be useful to you on your path to success and to the realization of your own desires. From time to time I will update the articles and information in this section so that you can get only up-to-date information about affirmations. Do not forget about other sections of my site, there you will also find a lot of useful information that will help you on your life path. More articles on affirmations, including articles from my old New Tomorrow website, can be found by following the link below.

    Oleg Akvan

    Sergei came to see me after another session at the rehabilitation center. He has been in debt for a long time. Scandals with his wife because of his drinking ended in divorce, now she alone is raising their common son.

    We live in a small town, with all the ensuing consequences: hard to find a job, salaries below the subsistence level - the best place to blame others and circumstances for your weaknesses.

    So Seryoga constantly found a reason to skip a glass. He devoted 2 months of his life to hard drinking, one to work. Then someone took him to the hospital, where a drip was placed. My friend flatly refused to encode.

    On the day of his friend's arrival, there was a certain form of determination in him, different from the standard behavior of alcoholics immediately after sobering procedures.

    Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I will start drinking again. You somehow brainwash yourself, how you have changed. And I also want to live normally. How do you do all this? Maybe I can fix it? Sergei asked.

    I really changed my way of thinking. But what exactly do you recommend? Techniques for working with the subconscious require long, detailed study and application in order for change to occur. And, judging by his confidence in tomorrow's binge, I don't have time to help him.

    And then I remembered positive affirmations. A person is convinced that the future will inevitably bring negativity, so you need to convince him. And let it be better to convince yourself. The result will be visible in a month, but the first lesson will bring the first fruits.

    After a long conversation, we found out what really worries Seryoga. I advised saying: "I control my life and always prefer to take a sober look at what is happening."

    These events happened 2 months ago. Sergei did not break during this time. If this technique succeeds in giving up alcohol, then what prevents people without addiction from changing the way they think? Only attitude and beliefs.

    The brain makes decisions based on experience. Circumstances and their outcome are clearly imprinted in the memory. This forms a belief system in us. Sometimes it is saving, but often it prevents you from moving forward and requires correction. Correction consists in replacing negative thinking with positive.

    Compilation rules:

    1. Specificity and brevity. A sentence of 3-6 words is enough. But it should reflect the whole essence of what is desired, literally come from the heart.
    2. The subconscious will not believe that you are healthy if you repeat “I am healthy and energetic” with a temperature under 40 and other symptoms. When the real state of affairs is bad, positive affirmations for each day are used with words indicating improvement: "I feel healthier, more energetic, more beautiful every day."
    3. Use only on yourself. They influence their subconscious, you can not change someone.
    4. Talk about a completed action. Even if you want a private jet, you have to imagine that you already have one. In this regard, the word "I want" is prohibited. For example, it is correct to say: “I bought a new beautiful private jet.”
    5. Exclusion of negative particles and other negativity (not, no, never, etc.).
    6. The use of amplifiers - words indicating an emotional state: “easy and simple”, “with great joy”, “delightful”, etc.

    Reading rules:

    1. Attraction of emotionality during reading (if the phrase is repeated during the day). A positive affirmation should provoke a storm of emotions. The more positive impressions, the higher the chances of success.
    2. Speaking aloud. But when you say phrases at night, they should not interfere with sleep. If this happens, switch to silent repetition.
    3. Faith in the power of words and thoughts.
    4. The number of repetitions of positive affirmations to cheer up per day is not standardized. The effect comes after saying one phrase at least 1000 times. Some methods suggest reading 70 times a day. It turns out that the more the better.
    5. It is recommended to read in the alpha state (without showing emotions). It occurs in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening immediately before bedtime, and is also achieved by running. During the day, the thought to be replaced is driven away by repeating the appropriate affirmation.

    Reasons for the lack of effect:

    1. Irregular use. Repeat daily until old thoughts stop visiting the mind.
    2. Phrases contain the words "I can", "I will", "I want".
    3. Change of attitudes: one today, another tomorrow.
    4. Simultaneous suggestion of several installations.

    Use affirmations for a positive attitude at any age. The main thing is that the words are familiar to the person for whom the phrases are composed. Vocabulary and accumulated experience are taken into account.

    Before you start using it, you need to develop a strategy or just decide what is important now. The minimum time to work with a single expression is a month.


    Choose the most appropriate phrase from the list below. You can also make up your own positive affirmations for each day, taking into account the above requirements.

    1. I calmly let go of all my fears and anxieties, I clear myself of negative thoughts and images.
    2. I love life!
    3. I radiate positive energy.
    4. My radiant smile fills the hearts of the people around me with light.
    5. I am where I am, doing what I love.
    6. I always make the only right choice.
    7. I get rid of any tension in my soul and body.
    8. In my life, everything always happens on time and according to the best scenario.
    9. I am at peace and at peace with everyone and with myself.
    10. In my soul joy, peace, love!
    11. Every day my thoughts become cleaner, more harmonious, clearer.
    12. I do everything that depends on me. I do everything well!
    13. I am grateful (grateful) to the Universe for all the material goods in my life.
    14. Today is the best day of my life.
    15. I have everything I need to enjoy life here and now.
    16. I attract spiritual and material well-being into my life.
    17. Every day my life becomes easier and more comfortable.
    18. I am filled with enthusiasm and energy.
    19. I see positive in every event of my life.
    20. My life has improved. My life is in complete harmony with the mind and those around me.
    21. I am free from fear, longing, anger, irritation.
    22. I recognize and feel my power.
    23. In any situation, I am calm and focused.
    24. I am always lucky.
    25. I am getting better every day in every way.
    26. I live in the best time for myself.
    27. Every cell in my body radiates joy.
    28. I love the whole world, and the world reciprocates!
    29. I wish you all happiness, love, health, blessings of life!
    30. Every day I bring people joy, happiness, good mood.
    31. I am surrounded by streams of absolute love!
    32. I am peaceful and calm.
    33. My soul is filled with joy and peace!
    34. I easily cope with all the obstacles in my path!
    35. I am absolutely happy and I am surrounded only by positive-minded people!
    36. I accept the energy of good luck!
    37. I always accept my life. I am at peace with myself.
    38. I am a magnet of luck, positive, happiness.
    39. All events in my life lead to the best.
    40. Every day is unique and I use all its gifts.

    Affirmations for increasing energy are a reliable tool for changing the way you think. But it's not a magic wand. For years, the subconscious has formed views on the world. You can't change them in one day. Let a short poem by Omar Khayyam help you:

    “You are a mine, if you go to search for a ruby,

    You are loved, as long as you live in the hope of a date.

    Understand the essence of these words - both simple and wise:

    Everything you are looking for, you will certainly find in yourself!”

    Having chosen installations for changing outdated beliefs, patience is required. Every day, spend at least 10 minutes on the repetition of one expression.

    But this is one of the simplest and most accessible techniques for working with the subconscious. Take your time right now. Choose any of the suggested positive affirmations. To do this, carefully read each item. Which one did you end up with? What is wrong with this phrase? Does it need to be improved or added to?

    With the help of answers to these questions, you reject what is alien to you, and create the necessary setting for your subconscious mind. Supplement, but don't overdo it. Remember: brevity is the sister of talent.


    Positive affirmations are used to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. This is a way of self-hypnosis based on words. But words must be backed up by emotions and experience. Therefore, it takes at least a month to achieve results. Don't waste time, start now.

    I would like you and I to look at ourselves and our beliefs together. We all believe in many positive things and are willing to reinforce such beliefs. However, many of our beliefs are negative, and we continue to expand our uncomfortable experiences. It is impossible to change limiting beliefs unless you recognize what they are.

    Look at the list of words below. Then write down the positive or negative beliefs that you associate those words with. For example, do you believe that...


    ...emphasize their superiority /

    ... command / ... love

    ... drop you / ... honor and respect you


    … get paid less for work / … are stronger

    …forced to do all the homework /…deserve success

    …forced to obey men /…bring joy


    …not for you /…this is what you deserve

    …passed you by /…could happen at any moment

    …inevitably leads to loss and heartbreak /…it’s a wonderful part of life


    …it’s dirt /…it’s a natural and healthy thing

    …possible only in a legal marriage /… this is a gift that two people give to each other

    …it’s something painful and frightening /…it’s a pleasant experience


    …it’s boring /… brings satisfaction and meaning

    … financially unsatisfactory /… a daily joy

    …is an unpleasant necessity /… brings you what you deserve (according to your belief)


    …they are always in short supply /…they are available in abundance

    …is something to be feared /…helps to live with pleasure

    … lead to debt / … provide a sense of security


    …a goal you will never reach /…your birthright

    …possible only for the rich /…possible for everyone

    …this is only for others, not for you /…is already part of your life now


    …unacceptable /…it is your birthright

    ...means that you can't do this business's a natural part of life

    …is what you expect /…it can be a rewarding experience

    ... only does what punishes you for your sins / ... always loves you

    ... the one to be feared / ... accepts and forgives you

    …condemns you /…supports your efforts

    Now it's your turn. Think of all the beliefs that these words remind you of. Add other areas of your life in which you are not doing well. Let the length of this list be whatever you want. Write down all your beliefs, both positive and negative, so you can see your thoughts clearly. These are internal, subconscious rules by which you live. You will not be able to change your life for the better until you consider in detail the beliefs that you hold.

    When this list is more or less complete, re-read it. Mark with an asterisk (*) those beliefs that nourish and sustain you. You want to keep and enhance them. Place a check mark (V) next to each negative belief that is preventing you from reaching your goals. They prevent you from becoming who you can be. These beliefs you want to erase, eliminate or reprogram.

    Pay attention to areas where you are having difficulty. Perhaps you have conflicting beliefs? How many negative answers did you get? Do you want to continue to build your life around these views? Realize that someone taught you these ideas. And now that you have seen them, you can voluntarily let them go. We are not looking for the wrong in ourselves; we are looking for those barriers in ourselves that we have set ourselves and which prevent us from realizing our potential. Without any self-condemnation, we get rid of these obstacles and beliefs and make positive changes. Yes, many of these barriers are things we learned as children. And if we once learned something, in the same way now we can unlearn it.

    Louise Hay. “Heal your life: creative training album”, “E” Publishing House, Moscow, 2017