Why is the work of a clothing cutter useful for society? A cutter is what a profession. A tailor is two in one

Cutter profession

Cutter is a profession in the garment industry. A seamstress can work in sewing factories, ateliers, salons, shops in the fabric departments, teach in educational institutions, teach sewing and sewing courses, and work from home.

Functional and job responsibilities of the cutter

The cutter advises the customer in choosing the style of the product, takes measurements from the client's figure, sketches the style of the product, taking into account the wishes and preferences of the customer, makes a pattern, cutting, distributes the work on sewing the finished product between seamstresses, tries on the product, hands over the order to the client. The cutter also organizes the work of tailors and seamstresses to repair clothes.

Qualification requirements for a cutter

It is enough for a cutter to have a secondary vocational education, good sewing skills, the ability to work with drawings, to know the properties of various fabrics. The cutter must have a good eye, spatial imagination, artistic taste, be guided by the fashion trends of the season, possess such qualities as attentiveness, resistance to stress, benevolence, perseverance, accuracy.

Cutter's career and salary

The cutter's profession has an average level of demand in the labor market, the level of wages is medium or high, depending on the place of work, the level of professionalism. Career opportunities are limited. With sufficient work experience, professionalism, clientele, the cutter can organize his own business.

Cutter (cutter)- a specialist in cutting materials in the manufacture of clothing, footwear and other products from textiles and leather. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in the world artistic culture and labor and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

What exactly the cutter does depends on the specialization and place of work.

Cutters can specialize in one of the areas (clothing, shoes, curtains, etc.).

Cutter clothing atelier assists the client in choosing a style, fabric, sketches the chosen option, takes measurements, and then makes a pattern and cuts the fabric.

He passes the resulting blanks to the seamstress, who sews the parts (first "on a live thread").

Before the ordered dress or suit is ready, the cutter meets with the client several times and makes fittings. He adjusts the product to the figure, eliminates flaws, clarifies the wishes of the client, monitors the quality of the seamstress's work.

Working at the factory where clothes, shoes, accessories, furniture upholstery, etc. are produced in large quantities, the cutter is not engaged in individual work with the client. He develops and uses patterns for mass cutting of raw materials, and then entrusts the blanks to the craftsmen of the sewing workshop.

Working individually, the cutter can do the work of the seamstress himself. Such a master is called the general word "tailor" / "dressmaker".

Usually in sewing ateliers and factories there is a clear division of labor. But if the cutter is fluent in all the operations, he can work in a group serving the fashion designer (designer, designer) of clothes. He can create exclusive pieces - the first pieces of models from the designer's collection.

Important qualities

An accurate aesthetic sense, interest in fashion, ability to draw, sketch are required; volumetric eye; good hand coordination; sociability.

Poor vision is a contraindication for working as a cutter.


Salary as of 02/20/2020

Russia 20,000-70000 ₽

Moscow 40,000—100,000 ₽

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to know modern trends in fashion, understand the principles of decoration, be able to “read” sketches of clothing models and understand what constructive means can be used to bring them to life. To do this, you need to master the methods of design and cutting.

Where do they teach

The specialty of a tailor-cutter can be obtained in college, vocational school, and paid courses.

Like a cutter. In fact, when asked with people of this specialization, we very often deal, however, under a different name than the cutter who is this? Similar names for this specialty are seamstress or.

Features of the profession

The cutter is engaged in:

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  1. cutting fabrics,
  2. sewing clothes,
  3. making shoes, etc.

Also directly connected directly with the customer, writes down all his wishes, takes measurements, draws a sketch, prepares the fabric. After that, all the workpieces are transferred to the seamstress, who does the rest.

  • Cutters can specialize in several ways in garments.
  • Also, work in this profession is different from the place of employment.
  • Cutters can work in a clothing studio, in a production factory and at home.

At the atelier, the cutter selects the style, material for the customer, creates a sketch of the required item of clothing, measures the customer's parameters, prepares and cuts the selected fabric.

The work done goes to the seamstress. She is already engaged in the preparation and embroidery of finished products. Fittings of manufactured clothes are also carried out through a cutter.

The specialist himself:

  • contacts the customer about fittings,
  • monitors the manufacturing process and makes corrections.

In the factory, all products are produced together in a specific cycle. Under these conditions, the cutter does not need to personally contact the client. He has to work with patterns when cutting goods, and give the blanks to the craftsmen in the shop.

The individual work of the cutter is similar to his duties in the atelier. When working from home, the cutter takes on the duties of a seamstress. Because of this, most of the cutters are called tailors, although not all of them sew.

Where do they teach

The specialty of a tailor-cutter can be obtained in college, vocational school, and paid courses.

Necessary quality

Given the wide profile of the cutter's specialty, to work in this profession, you must have:

  1. clear awareness of art,
  2. be interested in fashion,
  3. have at least an average level of drafting and painting,
  4. be able to try on and count by eye,
  5. coordinated work of the muscles of the hands,
  6. sociability and benevolence,
  7. good vision.

Positive and negative aspects of the profession

This specialization is suitable for people who are seriously interested in fashion and have excellent taste. With good diligence, you can become and open your own atelier.

The negative side is small career growth ... The work is not easy enough, it takes a lot of time and effort.

Contraindications to the profession

This specialty is undesirable for people with diseases associated with: respiratory system, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, hand injuries, nervous system, visual organs.


In this article, the profession of a cutter was considered, who it is and what functions are performed by representatives of this specialty, you can find out by studying for this specialty (tailor-cutter) at a college, university, or take a special training course for money.

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Cutter by definition of the explanatory dictionary Ozhegov S.I. - is a master of closing material for sewing a dress (clothing).

Today, clothing performs both its own "protective" function and aesthetic. The requirements for clothing today are very multifaceted. Such concepts as "business woman", "modern man", "fashionable girl" have entered our life. It reflects the role of clothing as an essential element of design not only of a person's appearance, but also of his life style as a whole.

We can order clothes for ourselves according to our style and modern fashion in the atelier - a workshop for sewing clothes. In the process of making clothes to order - the cutter is the link between the client and the executor of the order - the sewing team. He organizes and supervises the work of the team, is responsible for the quality of the executed order.

The cutter works with fabric (leather, fur) and cuts out the details of clothing. Performing this work, he uses templates (ready-made patterns) or builds a drawing of the style on his own, taking into account the measurements taken from the client's figure. A custom tailor must be able to carry out all types of work on sewing men's and women's outerwear, children's clothing or a light dress. In all these areas of clothing manufacture, cutters specialize and constantly improve their skills.

The cutter works in tailoring and repair shops, as well as in garment factories.

The cutter's profession is distinguished by a large number of manual operations. Therefore, the quantitative and qualitative indicators of labor depend on the skill of the employee.

  • taking measurements from the client (customer):
  • clarification of the client's wishes and a sketch of the selected style option, drawing up an order passport;
  • making patterns for cutting;
  • making cost-effective layouts on fabrics and cutting fabrics;
  • redrawing individual parts (when repairing clothes);
  • determination of the order of sewing operations and their distribution among the masters of the sewing team;
  • fitting and handing over the order to the client;
  • quality control of finished products, elimination of identified defects.

The main goal of the cutter's activity is to help in choosing a style and cutting a product in accordance with the direction of fashion, features of the figure and appearance of the customer, the purpose and sewing properties of the fabric.

In his work, the cutter uses manual tools (centimeter, ruler, patterns, chalk, pattern drawings); mechanical (scissors); electric (knife-cutter, electric machine) means of labor.

Professionally important qualities

A sense of proportion and color harmony

Spatial imagination

Visual-figurative thinking

High level of hand coordination

Visual endurance

Personal organization

Neuropsychic stability


Medical contraindications

Related professions

Fashion designer, tailor, furrier-cutter.

Oh, how beautiful the models are on the catwalk, what a breathtaking evening dress Uma Thurman has and how gorgeous a wedding dress looks on a mannequin in an expensive salon. But many people worked on these impeccably thought-out and high-quality sewn things.

With the development of civilization, fabric, scissors, needles and threads appeared, and in the 18th century, Austrian craftsmen released the world's first sewing machine. It had not yet been improved, could not perform many functions, but it was already a huge breakthrough in sewing production. This is how the professions of a tailor, cutter, and seamstress appeared.

Who is a cutter and why is he needed

Thinks over the product with the customer

Before sewing something, a person thinks over the style. For example, I saw a dress on a friend - I want the same. Or you liked one of the outfits of the main character of the film - why not sew one for yourself. You come to the cutter and voice your wishes. A good master will immediately draw up a sketch with you, you give your consent - the work begins.

Takes measurements

The first step is to take measurements. Many do not like to stand for a long time and wait until they measure you ten times and write everything down on a piece of paper. Begin to get nervous and twitch the cutter, trying to speed up the procedure. That's in vain: the quality of the finished product depends on how accurate the measurements will be.

Makes a pattern

At first, everything is well calculated, thought out, and only after that thoughts fall on the pattern. Making a pattern is a special talent, work experience, professional skills and love for what you do.

Cuts the fabric

When the pattern is ready on paper, you need to transfer it to the fabric. This is also done by the cutter. Having cut the fabric and cut it into the necessary parts, the master passes all this to the seamstress with a sense of accomplishment.

But his work doesn't end there. If the seamstress has something that does not fit, the product that is necessary for the style is not obtained, the cutter must eliminate the shortcomings as soon as possible. The work is considered fully completed when the item is sewn and handed over to the customer.

Important qualities of the cutter:

  • perseverance and attentiveness;
  • ability to draw and draw;
  • good sense of taste and aesthetics;
  • sociability;
  • creation;
  • good eye and hand coordination.

Why seamstresses are women, and which seamstress is better

Combination of several qualities

Dozens of people lined up to sew clothes for the fashionista Cleopatra, but only two women worked for the queen for several years, meeting all her requirements and embodying all her whims and whims.

A seamstress must combine several qualities:

  • be able to sit in one place for a long time;
  • be extremely tidy;
  • have good patience;
  • take into account the smallest details;
  • have good taste.

Excellent knowledge of theory

For young girls and everyone who wants to learn how to sew, it seems very boring to study various sewing technologies, to know the structure of a sewing machine and be able to adjust it. And to learn the types of fabrics and their properties is considered useless and stupid.

How wrong these lovely naive girls are! After all, in order to play the piano or violin, you must first learn the notes, be able to read them and extract enchanting music from the instruments, and not a donkey hum. So it is in the sewing business: once you figure out all the theoretical issues, consolidate in practice - and sew perfect clothes all your life and hear praise addressed to you.

Why are women

It is rare today to meet a man who will sit for hours and trim the details of his clothes. And in the case of a bad line, it will open and sew again. No, men are not suitable for this kind of work. Plus, they don't like to tinker with details and are often impatient. Therefore, a woman copes with this much better.

Cooperation with a cutter

If you do not know how to communicate with a cutter, you can redo the same thing dozens of times. Taking the finished details of the future product, the seamstress listens carefully to everything, looks at the sketches and always asks questions. Better to spend an extra 10 minutes talking with a cutter than hours on rework.

A tailor is two in one

The one who combines in himself both a cutter and a seamstress is called a beautiful word - a tailor or a dressmaker. This craftsman does everything himself - from taking measurements and drawing up sketches to handing over the finished product to the customer.

There is no need to re-enumerate all the requirements that apply to such a master. The cutter can do everything! At least - must be able to. This is very convenient for those who do not work in production, but are engaged in individual tailoring and have their own clients.

Whatever the profession of a person associated with sewing clothes, the main thing is a high-quality result. After all, it's great to see on the customer a suit made by you perfectly, happy eyes and huge words of gratitude.