What is seniority and what are its types. What are the types of work experience

Earlier in the legislation there was the concept of "total length of service", which meant the total duration of all periods of work in one or different organizations. In 2002, the pension reform was launched, and instead of “general seniority” the wording “insurance seniority” is used, however, the former name still remained at the philistine level, and people often confuse these two practically identical concepts.

To understand the topic, you should familiarize yourself with what types of experience exist or have operated before:

  • Insurance: it should be understood as the sum of all periods of time during which insurance premiums were made in the FIU.
  • General labor: theoretically, the same is meant here as in insurance, however, not insurance premiums are taken into account, but the sum of all time periods of a citizen's labor activity.
  • Continuous labor: now the concept of continuity has been canceled, but earlier it meant a certain length of service with a break between dismissal and subsequent registration in one or another organization in less than 1 month.
  • Special labor: applies to workers in the Far North and those who work in chemically hazardous industries, etc., i.e. in special conditions.

General work experience: what is it?

As mentioned earlier, the total work experience means the sum of working months or years, regardless of the presence / absence of breaks. Now, instead of this term, the concept of "insurance experience" is used, and after the pension reform, all amounts deposited into an account with the Pension Fund are subject to summation and accounting when calculating the amount of pension.

Most often, the length of the insurance period affects the size of the pension and temporary disability benefits, however, the most important is the citizen's salary:

  • For a sick leave with an experience of 8 years or more, 100% of the average monthly salary is transferred; from 5 to 8 years old - 80%; under 5 years old - 60%; less than six months of work - no more than 1 minimum wage.
  • The minimum insurance period for receiving an old-age pension is 5 years, while earlier it was equal to 20 and 25 years (for women and men, respectively).

Thus, after making the amendments, a person who has worked for only 6 years and has made more insurance transfers can claim a larger pension than a citizen who worked all his life for a small salary.

What is included in the total length of service?

According to the current legislation, when calculating the insurance experience, not only payments made are taken into account, but also individual periods of the life of an employee who retires:

  • Service in the army (fixed-term or contract), State Border Service of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, etc. In some cases, the length of service begins to be calculated from the moment of entering the military and similar universities / technical schools.
  • Time spent on parental leave up to 1.5 years.
  • Periods of sick leave, while their duration is not limited by legislation.
  • The period of the state is registered with the Employment Center.
  • Sick leave time for caring for a disabled child, a close relative who has reached the age of 80, or a disabled person of the 1st group.
  • Participation in social or community service.
  • If a soldier was sent to serve abroad, and his wife arrived there with him, but could not find a job. The insurance period includes a period not exceeding 5 years of unemployment in a foreign country.
  • The time when a citizen was serving a sentence in a prison or penal colony, but was subsequently acquitted due to unlawful conviction.

Important! The calculation of the insurance period begins from the moment the first installment is made, and if the citizen did not work anywhere before the occurrence of the above circumstances, then he will not be charged. As for citizens who worked before 2002, their pension rights were converted into a certain amount of money formed from the moment of employment until the year indicated above.

An example when the insurance period should be taken into account:

Manager Pakhomova I.I. signed an employment contract with an employer in 2016. While on probation (3 months), she fell ill and went on sick leave. In this regard, the end of such a period for her was postponed, however, the entire period of incapacity for work was included in the insurance experience.

A more complex example of accounting for insurance experience:

P.E. Ivanov has been working as a loader unofficially since 2015. In 2016, his mother fell seriously ill, and he had to look after her. Six months later, he officially got a job as a sales consultant, the employer made the first insurance premium for him - from that moment on, the accrual of seniority began. The time of informal work and caring for a relative is not taken into account in this case.

Special attention should be paid to special work experience, tk. it also affects the size and age of retirement. This concept means the period of work of a citizen in hazardous conditions (climatic, chemical, etc.). This gives him the right to early retirement and receive a number of benefits (increased benefits, increased percentage wage increases, etc.).

Who is eligible for the calculation of special seniority:

  • Persons working in special conditions.
  • Miners and mining workers.
  • Doctors, teachers.
  • Employees of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Ministry of Emergencies, the Federal Penitentiary Service, etc.

What is not included in the total length of service?

Based on the above, the calculation of the total length of service includes all periods of the life of each citizen, except for those when he was officially employed. When working outside the territory of the Russian Federation, activities can also be taken into account, however, this requires an international agreement between the countries.

Due to the fact that at the moment the insurance period is taken into account for calculating the pension, upon reaching the age of 55 and 60 years (women and men), everyone has the right to apply for benefits, provided that they have at least 5 years of official work for the period since 2002.

It is worth noting that if a person works in two organizations at once, then only the insurance experience in one of them is taken into account. For instance:

Accountant Sviridova M.Yu. She works in her specialty at Avers LLC, where she was employed in 2013. Later, in 2015, she opened her office, registering as an individual entrepreneur, but at the same time continued her activities in Avers LLC. When she turned 55 in 2017, she decided to retire, which was calculated using the time from 2013 to 2017. Insurance charges made since 2015 on behalf of individual entrepreneurs were not taken into account.

How to confirm work experience before 2002?

After the start of the pension reform in 2002, employees of the Pension Fund were obliged to keep a personalized record of all workers and citizens who make insurance contributions, while the main document confirming labor activity still remained the work book, as it was since 1918.

What to do if the work book is lost and it is necessary to confirm the length of service before 2002? In this case, there are several possible solutions to the problem:

  • Contact employers who have been employed before. They will provide supporting information. If the rights to manage the organization and use its property were transferred to a third party, and the previous manager no longer works, then you can request a document from the new owners of the enterprise.
  • If the enterprise has been liquidated, it is worth visiting the territorial branch of the PFR: many certificates of labor activity should be preserved in it. In order to receive information indicating specific dates of employment, dismissal and places of execution of contracts, it is recommended to send a written application to the State Archives.

In a situation with the loss (damage) of the work book and the restoration of insurance experience for citizens who first officially got a job after 2002, everything is much simpler: they just need to submit an application requesting the provision of the necessary information to the Pension Fund. All information is determined using a personalized accounting program and can be transferred within 10 days after contacting. If the employing organization has not been liquidated, you can go the other way: contact the personnel department with a written application for a duplicate work record book.

Calculation of seniority: important nuances

When calculating seniority, several details should be taken into account:

  • The calculation takes into account all the working time up to 1 day, with months being converted to years, and days to months. For example, 40 days \u003d 1 month 1 days, 13 months \u003d 1 year and 1 month.
  • If the insurance experience is less than continuous, then benefits are calculated based on the duration of the latter,
  • We write out all the dates of employment and dismissal on a separate sheet.
  • We calculate the number of months, days and years of work in each of the organizations.
  • We translate days into months, and months into years.
  • Having received the total amount, we subtract from it the time of study at the university, which employers often indicate in the labor one.

For the most accurate calculation, it is best to use an online calculator or contact an organization that provides accounting services. If, when registering a pension, it was revealed that the PFR did not take into account any period of work, but deductions were made, certificates from previous employers should be provided to confirm information about employment, because Employees have the necessary data only since the beginning of 2002, when the maintenance of personalized accounting was approved at the legislative level.

The pension topic is one of the most painful and problematic in modern Russia. After all, they are not trying to reform in this area. And they dream of raising their age, and they strive to lower the indexation, they also want to play with insurance experience. Against the background of various rumors and speculations related to such a topic, question: what will be the insurance experience in 2016.

What is hidden under the concept of "insurance experience"

The insurance experience is quite similar to the work experience. But many experts are sure that such concepts should be separated. Labor - length of service, which is determined by the sum of the days of a person's general activity in the workplace. Insurance is the length of service, which is determined on the basis of contributions made for this labor activity. Naturally, it is relevant to talk about this type of experience only if the person worked officially, received the same salary and all the necessary contributions to a special fund.

True, according to the law, there is also a certain group of citizens who will receive insurance experience, although such people do not work. For this, 2 indicators will be counted: duration and content. In the first case, the number of years worked by a person is applied. The second reflects the working conditions and the peculiarities of his labor activity.

The insurance experience 2016 (for pension), as before, may include the following categories of employees:

  • military personnel;
  • those who are on the exchange;
  • a parent caring for a baby until he is 3 years old;
  • those who receive unemployment benefits, as well as those enrolled in community service;
  • those in custody and rehabilitated;
  • caring for disabled people.

Reasons why the Government had to reform the pension sector

Among the reasons why they began to revise the provisions for calculating the insurance experience again, there are many external factors. Internal ones, of course, also have their own meaning. So, played a role:

  1. global isolation of the country from the main partners of Russia;
  2. the sanctions component;
  3. difficulties in the domestic foreign exchange market of the country;
  4. high growth of inflation, which, moreover, became very sharp for a significant part of citizens living in the country, etc.

All this had a direct impact on the fact that the country's budget ceased to be filled. And I had to look for options where you can find finances for the fulfillment (complete) of all the necessary social obligations of the country's leadership.

It also turned out in practice that the reform, which involved the funded part of the pension, failed and turned out to be extremely unsuccessful. Therefore, we had to urgently look for alternatives while the savings program is under freezing.

What are the provisions for insurance experience today?

Due to the development of the crisis situation, and also because the state is a constantly changing and growing mechanism, the insurance experience from 2016 will be considered somewhat differently. This is due to the fact that the new version of the reform presupposes the future accrual of pension savings in the form of points, and not rubles, as it was before. It is in points that the retirement insurance experience for a pension will be measured. Then, according to the plans of the Government, upon retirement, these points will be recalculated according to a certain coefficient adopted at that time, and converted into rubles.

Accordingly, this means that the more an employee has both length of service - both labor and insurance - the more he will have a coefficient and the higher his pension will be in the future.

Also, according to the new reform, it is assumed that the longer a person works (including upon reaching the retirement age), the better he does for himself. In this situation, the main idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a phenomenon as the total insurance experience since 2016 for a pension appears.
At the same time, there is also a nuance that is not particularly pleasant for many - the insurance experience increases. Previously, a future pensioner needed to work at least 5 years. Now everything is changing, and this period is increased to 6 years. It is worth considering the fact that even such an increase is too small, according to official representatives, therefore, the insurance experience will continue to increase, and so that by 2024 it will be equal to at least 15 years.

The accrual of the insurance period from 2016 for the pension should change. True, there is also a certain danger here. After all, there is a reverse reaction - from the growth of the pension component, the inflation rate begins to rise.

What nuances should be considered

Labor (insurance) experience since 2016, the periods of which for the most part coincide, can be further adjusted. For example, one can often hear proposals from the Government and the State Duma that it is necessary to resolve the issue with working pensioners. For example, it is proposed to those who work to remove pension contributions. This means that while the pensioner continues to work, he does not receive his earned pension.

True, it is necessary to understand that such proposals are unconstitutional. Therefore, they violate the rights of a person who honestly earned his pension. Yes, and pensioners work after they reach the appropriate age is not at all out of great pleasure.

This is largely due to the fact that the average pension is 13,000 rubles. Looking at the price tags in stores and the cost of utilities, you can easily understand that this kind of money is not enough for anything. But when a person steps over the retirement age, he does not immediately become insensitive - he continues to have his own wishes, preferences and needs. Therefore, many continue to work to support themselves.

There is also such a theory that children should help. But there are regular crises in the country, so it is also quite difficult for young people to support themselves. Not like helping your parents. And against this background, various conversations and proposals about the next cuts in pensions, an increase in work or insurance seniority and much more, very painfully hit the pensioners who honestly earned this money and do not ask anyone for something supernatural.

For the calculation and accounting of pensions, quite a few different parameters and properties are used. One of them - . And it is worth understanding all the subtleties and nuances of his calculations in order to understand exactly what you can count on. And today, many are interested in what should be the total insurance experience since 2016 for a pension.

Such length of service, intended for the calculation of social benefits, implies a certain length of working time, which is taken into account when determining what the pension should be and whether a person is entitled to it. In this case, a variety of working hours are taken into account, but with the condition that the employee's employer paid deductions to the state authorities of Russia for him. Other different periods are also taken into account, counted in the required experience.

The insurance experience in 2016 is calculated as before. It should be understood thatthis is regulated by a 2002 decree of the Government. Other periods that are included in this experience include:

  • years or months;
  • receiving payments due to illness or other options for disability of the employee;
  • leave, which was required to raise a baby until he was 1.5 years old (for all that, there is a limitation of 4.5 years if there are several children);
  • moments when it worked.

Various absenteeism and vacations at their own expense are not included in the total working time and are not taken into account for payment. Naturally, it is worthwhile to understand that citizens belonging to the category of officially unemployed, no payments and calculations are provided. This is due to the fact that no one made any contributions to the social insurance fund or the pension fund for them. This means that you cannot count on compensation.

Today, the accrual of insurance seniority for a pension begins after 5 full officially worked years. Less is not included in the calculations. However, today, in the economic realities that are quite difficult for the country, proposals have been heard more than once that such a period should be increased. The minimum proposed period is 15 years.

Why did the active reform of the pension system begin?

Today the pension fund is subject to serious reform. This is due to many parameters. So, for example, the list includes:

  1. an outdated system for calculating pensions that no longer meets modern needs;
  2. new economic realities;
  3. other rules and regulations for doing business in the country (a fairly large number of companies operating under gray schemes or even black ones) and much more.

As a result, it turned out that the insurance experience in 2016 needs to be calculated in a new way, gradually increasing it according to the minimum restriction. Indeed, in a difficult economic situation, it becomes extremely unprofitable to maintain (those who have not gained the necessary years of experience).

It was also needed because Russia has come to a rather difficult time from the point of view of the economy. The reasons for these changes were:

  • problems of a geopolitical nature with a neighboring country;
  • conflicts and problems with European and American partners;
  • internal fall of the national currency;
  • inflationary surge.

All this became the reason for the poor filling of the budget and difficulties with the payment of pensions and other social benefits. Because of this, serious difficulties arose in the field of the pension sector. And it was also the catalyst that urgent reforms were needed.

How future pensions are calculated today

Insurance experience 2016 (for retirement) is not the only parameter. Although not unimportant. Today, it will have a very serious impact on the calculation of points for calculating pensions in the future. The new pension system involves the accrual of special points depending on salary, seniority and other nuances.

The insurance experience will gradually increase so that by 2024 it will reach 15 years instead of 5. In addition, the future pensioner will have to receive about 30 points. Only under such conditions will he be able to count on decent compensation in old age.

The new system is still quite difficult for ordinary people to understand, so it is quite difficult for many to understand and correlate how seniority and points will be combined.

How the required periods are calculated

The calculation of the insurance experience is regulated by a special law of the federal level. He prescribes that calendar-based ordering applies. One regular year of employment is equal to the same length of service. But it is not uncommon for two periods to coincide at once, which relate to insurance.

Labor (insurance) experience since 2016, the periods of which can be combined in this way are calculated according to certain parameters. So, for example, at the request of the worker, you can write down any period that you just want. This means that you can choose the most suitable option when the experience was at its maximum.

Those who belong to the category of self-employed persons, individual entrepreneurs and other similar categories of citizens can also expect to receive a pension with the calculation of the insurance experience, but only on the condition that they independently made all the necessary contributions. How this can be done can always be clarified directly with the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund. There they will give you detailed instructions and indicate the periods when you should make deductions.

Separate questions are raised by specialists who worked in special departments, for example, the defense one and receive a seniority pension. They can also apply for the insurance part, but only taking into account the fact that their insurance experience will exclude periods that are already taken into account for the payment of special social benefits. For example, it happens if servicemen went on vacation at the age of 30-35 and got a job somewhere else. For them, the insurance experience will begin in this situation from the period of placement at a new place of work.

It is advisable to understand the intricacies and nuances of such calculations on your own. This will allow you to always keep your finger on the pulse and control the state of your finances. Such knowledge will allow you to independently calculate all your amounts and the necessary payments. And you can come to the pension fund as prepared as possible.

Insurance experience plays an important role in calculating a pension, but many citizens do not even know what it is. During the period of official employment of a citizen, any organization transfers a certain amount to the Pension Fund for him. Let's figure out how to calculate the insurance experience for a pension.

First of all, you need to figure out what an insurance experience is when calculating a pension. This term denotes the total time of official work of a citizen, during which insurance contributions to the Pension Fund were transferred for him.

It is also allowed to expand the concept, because seniority can be accrued even to non-working people, the main thing is that they receive insurance premiums and tax payments.

For example, the insurance period continues to accrue during:

  • serving in the armed forces of the Russian Federation;
  • residence of spouses in military camps, where there is no opportunity to find a job, but no more than 5 years;
  • finding the spouses of diplomats outside the Russian Federation;
  • temporary disability with payments of benefits, including from the labor exchange;
  • caring for a child up to one and a half years (in the end, no more than 4.5 years);
  • participation in paid community service;
  • moving to a new city due to work from the employment center;
  • imprisonment if the citizen's innocence is later proven;
  • caring for people with disabilities or retirees over 80 years old.

Important! The indicated periods are counted if the person officially worked before or after them.

Work experience is calculated by calendar days, and if several periods coincide, a citizen has the right to choose any of them for accounting. It is worth noting that time will not be included in the experience if it is provided only by the laws of another state.

The insurance experience for an old-age pension, as a rule, exceeds the labor indicator, because it includes different periods of a citizen's life. Since 2016, it is this type of seniority that has been taken into account for calculating pension accruals along with special points.

Types of experience

There are many federal laws that control issues related to length of insurance, and some legal acts were created only in 2016 when the pension calculation system was changed.

There are several categories of persons to whom it can be charged:

  • citizens insured in the compulsory pension insurance system;
  • disabled relatives of the insured (survivor benefits);
  • foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing in the country and complying with the legislation in the field of insurance pensions.

In Russia, pension insurance has 4 forms.

  1. General - the time of any activity of a citizen of the Russian Federation, during which contributions to the Pension Fund were received, regardless of interruptions. This includes military service and regular receipt of benefits.
  2. Special - the period of a person's work in special climatic or difficult conditions, which are paid according to their own rules.
  3. Continuous - the period during which a citizen constantly worked for one or more employers.
  4. Mixed - is the sum of seniority and length of service, it is used for those who retire from service. For example, if a soldier leaves for legal rest at 45, and the length of service (20 years) is not enough, then he can add 12.5 years to the total length of service.

How to calculate the insurance experience for a pension

Future retirees are often interested in how the insurance experience is considered for calculating a pension. Based on the laws in force in the Russian Federation, the calculation is carried out by calendar periods. This indicator is easy to calculate from the entries in the labor book, they show the period of official employment of a citizen.

The period of seasonal activity, military service and other cases provided for by law should also be added to the time of official work. It is worth noting that in case of seasonal employment, one season is counted in one calendar period. The insurance experience is not charged for absenteeism and vacation at their own expense.

In case of coincidence, the citizen has the right to choose the preferred period by simply writing an application to the Pension Fund. For example, the same person might be a self-employed person and work for someone else.

To confirm the length of service, you must visit the Pension Fund and present documents that contain the necessary entries, for example, a labor book or a certificate from the place of work. You can start checking papers in advance - a year before your expected retirement.

Important! If any document is lost through no fault of the employee, then it can be replaced with the testimony of two witnesses.

Before going to the Pension Fund, you should carefully check the work book - all entries in it must be accurate, comply with generally accepted standards, have the dates of admission and dismissal, as well as the signatures and seals of the organization. If the PF employees find any discrepancies, then an additional request will be sent to the citizen's place of work.

Insurance pension

Previously, to obtain an insurance pension, an employee had to have at least five years of work experience, but in 2015 the Russian government decided to increase it to 6 years with a subsequent annual increase. Thus, by 2024, the length of service required to receive a pension will be 15 years.

It should be noted that the amount of money in an individual retirement account directly depends on the duration of payment of insurance premiums. Since 2016, a special point system has begun to operate, which adds a little work experience from unearned activities:

  1. A year of caring for one child or two children is assessed by coefficients 1.8 and 3.6, respectively, caring for a third and fourth child gives 5.4 points. Subsequent decrees are not indexed in any way.
  2. A year of caring for a pensioner over 80 or a disabled person is translated into 1.8 points.
  3. Military service also gives 1.8 points.

Taking into account the latest innovations, it is not enough to have the required seniority for a decent pension, and the employee also needs to have a high income, the insurance premiums from which are high.

All citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to retirement benefits in old age, as well as in some cases stipulated by Russian law. However, the amount of pension for individual citizens is different, since when establishing its size, certain indicators are taken as a basis. The primary value for the calculation is the length of service of a citizen. What this concept implies, what types are there and what life periods are included in the total length of service for calculating a pension, you can find out when you read the material of the article.

What it is?

Person's seniority - these are the periods of official professional activity of a person, subject to accounting and summing up to determine the total amount of the pension. This concept is of key importance for every resident of Russia, since the lack of seniority deprives a person of decent pension payments after retirement.

After the implementation of the reforms in the pension system of the Russian Federation, there have been some changes in the accrual of material assistance to pensioners. The basis is the insurance work experience, defined by law as the time period during which the head of the company made mandatory contributions.

It should be noted that the concept of seniority has a collective meaning, since it includes several types of length of service, each of which has its own characteristics, meaning and rules for calculating the amount of pension.

Types of work experience

General - based on the name, we can conclude that the total work experience is understood as the entire time period during which a person carried out labor activities. The duration of the general length of service does not depend on the specifics of professional activity, continuity of work or the circumstances of a change of workplace. When calculating the total duration of the total work time for calculating the pension, the principle applies according to which one calendar year of work is equal to one year of work experience.

The total length of service is of decisive importance in the calculation of the following state benefits:

  • Old age pensions;
  • Financial assistance in connection with the loss of a breadwinner;
  • Disabled Pensions.

Special - the designated type of work experience implies the implementation by a person of labor activity in certain areas or in certain positions, in respect of which special working conditions and the accrual of work experience for receiving a pension apply.

These types of work include:

  • Carrying out professional duties in unfavorable working conditions for health;
  • Activities in harsh climatic conditions or in regions that have been exposed to radioactive radiation;
  • Employment in the educational or medical field, as well as work in government agencies.

The presence of a special work experience creates an opportunity for early registration of a pension on preferential terms.

Continuous - an appropriate definition means the professional activity of a person, carried out without prolonged interruptions in work. To date, this term has retained its significance only for certain groups of workers, for whom the continuity of the length of service affects the number of vacation days and the amount of additional payments to basic earnings, but not the size of the pension. The permissible duration of a break in work when applying for a new job is one month. In some cases, the duration of the break can reach from three months to one year.

Insurance - the time during which the worker was registered with the Social Insurance Fund and the employer deducted money for him. In current conditions, when calculating the amount of pension, it is the insurance experience that is of decisive importance. In the absence of a minimum period of the indicated length of service, one cannot expect to receive an insurance pension. In such a situation, a citizen has the right to receive social pension security. For 2018, the minimum insurance work experience is 9 years, which is not a limit, since it is planned to gradually increase it to 20 years.

What is included in seniority?

Situations are not uncommon when able-bodied citizens, for some reason, cannot fulfill their professional duties. But since any time period matters when calculating a pension, the legislation of the Russian Federation defines a list of periods that must be taken into account when calculating the total length of service.

What is included in seniority when calculating a pension?

  • The mandatory time that is credited to the length of service to determine the amount of the pension is the period during which a citizen is registered with the Employment Center and receives financial assistance from the state;
  • Time of caring for a disabled or elderly person;
  • The period of detention. This term is credited to the length of service for receiving a pension only if the term of imprisonment was imposed unlawfully;
  • The period when a citizen did not have the opportunity to work due to poor health;
  • The time of residence of the spouses of military or diplomatic workers in the region, the country where there is no opportunity to get a job.

It is important to note that the indicated periods are included in the work experience of a citizen for calculating a pension only if, before and after this time, the person had an official place of work and earnings.

In the process of calculating the length of service for calculating pensions, many are interested in the question of whether study, military service and maternity leave are included in the specified period. To answer the question posed, it is required to consider the nuances of calculating the length of service in some cases in more detail.

Is maternity leave included?

Labor legislation guarantees every woman the right to maternity leave to care for her newborn child. A pregnant woman has the right to issue a maternity leave on the basis of. At the same time, many pregnant women are interested in the question of whether maternity leave is included in work experience. To answer the question asked, you must refer to the content, according to which maternity leave is included in the length of service for calculating a pension. But, the calculation of the total length of service of a woman who issued a maternity leave has some features:

  • A pregnant woman has the right to expect to receive rest time before and after the birth of a child, as well as before the child is one and a half or three years old. At the same time, only periods of time before childbirth and after, until the child is one and a half years old, will be included in the length of service for calculating a pension. It is worth knowing that in addition to the mother, other family members have the right to include maternity leave in the work experience, but not at the same time. Only one family member has the opportunity to use the right guaranteed by law;
  • If a woman is a mother of many children and has repeatedly issued maternity leave, then when calculating the amount of pension, the total amount of work experience accrued during her time on maternity leave is taken into account. The total time period for caring for all children should not be more than six years.

Does study count towards seniority?

The Russian pension system often undergoes changes that relate to the minimum length of service, the time periods that are included in it and other nuances that affect the procedure for calculating and calculating pensions. Therefore, many citizens are interested in information about enrolling in an institute, technical school, vocational school in a person's work experience.

The content of legal acts gives a negative answer to this question, but specifying an exception to the rule. So, the period of study can be included in the length of service to determine the amount of the pension, if a person combined study with work activity or the period that is subject to accounting. Official employment before the start of training is also important, since in order to enroll the indicated period, the employer must make contributions to the FIU. In other cases, study at any educational institution is not included in the length of service to determine the amount of the pension.

Is military service included?

Based on the provisions of Federal Laws Numbered and , the time spent by a citizen in the ranks of the army is included in the length of service, which affects the amount of the pension. To enroll the term of military service in the general length of service, a citizen is obliged to confirm this fact by means of appropriate documents. Such acts can be: work book, military ID, report of the unit commander, testimony of witnesses.

Is conscript military service included in seniority for retirement? Regardless of the method of service, the time spent in the ranks of the Russian army is subject to consideration when determining the amount of the pension. However, it is worth knowing that after military service, a citizen must officially find a job. Otherwise, representatives of the Pension Fund may refuse to enroll the indicated period in the general length of service, which will ultimately affect the size of the pension.

How is it calculated?

To carry out an accurate calculation of the length of service for calculating a pension, you need to remember important rules:

  • The calculation is made on the basis of documentation that confirms all periods of a person's professional activity. This can be a work book and inserts from it, a working agreement with an employer, certificates of monthly earnings and other acts;
  • The calculation process takes into account the periods that are added to the main work experience;
  • One calendar year of service equals one year of service.

The procedure for calculating seniority to determine the amount of pension:

  • Information about the working activity of a citizen is written out from the worker's certificate to determine the duration of work for individual employers;
  • The data obtained is summarized to obtain the exact number of first full months of work, and then years. The total amount will be the total duration of the citizen's work experience, on the basis of which the size of the pension will be determined.

Length of formal employment has a significant impact on the total amount of the pension. Therefore, when employment and in the process of carrying out professional duties, it is worth remembering this principle.