Business game on environmental law for students. Business game ecology moy.docx - Business game for preschool educational institutions “Ecology is near us. the task. "New life for unnecessary garbage"

Methodical development on ecology "Ecology and children". Business game for preschool educators


To consolidate the knowledge of teachers on the topic environmental education.

To acquaint with some forms of work with children in a preschool educational institution.

Cohesion of the teaching staff, the establishment of an emotional favorable environment in the teaching environment.


cards with images of birds, animals, crosswords, markers. ball, tokens, medals, diplomas.

Rules of the game:

The results of the game are summed up by counting the chips, the players of the team with the highest number are the winners of the game and receive the Business Game Winner's Diploma.

You don't remember a big country

What you have traveled and learned.

You remember the Motherland - such

How you saw her as a child!

I propose to split into two teams "Orange" and "Rainbow". (I distribute emblems). Select a jury (2 people) for each correct answer, the team receives a token.

Vos .: Our game begins with a warm-up

2 team

A relatively new name for experiments in nature (Experimentation.)

1 team

They color and reflect the emotional and poetic side of acquaintance with nature. (Poems)

2 team

It is both tourist and ecological. (Trail)

1 team

What medicinal herb does the blind man know? (Nettle)

2 team

Which berry replaces lemon? (Cranberry)

1 team

A book in which rare and endangered species of plants and animals are entered. (Red)

2 team

What do you understand by the term ecology? What is the meaning of this word?

Eco is home, logic is science.

Ecology is the science of home, of a common home.

Part - theoretical

What is ecology in your concept. (Team answers, for the correct answer, presentation of a token)

Ecology is a science that teaches us to take good care of the world around us, the Earth.

Let's continue our game. Missions for teams

1 task "What grows in the native land?"

The host names trees and shrubs. Plants that do not grow in our area are marked with cotton. (for the correct answer, presenting a token to each team)

1 command:

Spruce, birch, saxaul, sea buckthorn, poplar. (saxaul)

2 command:

Cherry, pine, chestnut, banana, oak, cypress. (chestnut, cypress)

Aspen, mountain ash, tangerine, plum, willow, orange. (tangerine, orange)

2 task. All about animals. (delivery of tokens)

Name the animals that are somehow related to the production of the medicine. (badger - fat; bear - bile; bees - honey, propolis; snake - poison; goat - milk, etc.)

2 team

Name all pets and explain why they were domesticated.

(Cat, dog, cow, pig, horse, rabbit, buffalo, yak, sheep, camel, etc. Provide wool, meat, milk; used for protection; as a vehicle)

3 task "Who will be whom?" (delivery of tokens)

Rules of the game: the presenter throws the ball to the player who must respond quickly and return the ball to the host.

1 command:

Chicken, kitten, mouse, calf, foal, duckling.

2 command:

Squirrel, puppy, cuckoo, cub, hare, chrysalis.

4. task.

Something we stayed too long. Well, girls, come out and show your talent. I propose to turn on your imagination, show with facial expressions, gait and sounds:

1. anxious cat;

2. sad penguin;

3. an enthusiastic rabbit;

4. angry pig,

5. a wet crow.

6.bite crocodile

5. task. "Find and Show" (delivery of tokens)

1 team is offered an envelope with "portraits" of 20 birds, among which a nightingale must be found.

Team 2 is offered an envelope with "portraits" of 20 animals, among which it is necessary to find an ermine.

6 task: Quiz "We love nature".

A set of questions for each team: (delivery of tokens)

1 command:

1. Who drinks blood: mosquitoes - females or mosquitoes - males? (females)

2. What do male mosquitoes eat? (with nectar)

3. Which of the snakes is safe for humans? (already)

4. Do snake parents feed their baby snakes? (not)

5. What is the most venomous snake in the world? (cobra)

6. What animals does color protect? (squirrel, hare)

7. Where are the ears of the grasshopper? (on foot)

2 command:

1. Why is the Red Book called red and not green? (Red is a danger signal.)

2.What does a toad eat in winter? (She eats nothing, she sleeps) *

3. What is the thinnest thread in nature? (Web)

4. What kind of grass do cats like? (Valerian)

5. The herb for 99 diseases. (St. John's wort)

6. Is the penguin a bird or an animal? (Bird)

7. What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? (Photo hunting)

7 task. Guess who is it talking about? (Delivery of tokens)

Who is it? (It's an owl.)

Owl since 1964 is under state protection. One owl kills 1000 mice over the summer, which are capable of destroying 1 ton of grain.

2 team

“I myself know that she is not a beauty. And if I was near, many shy away to the side, otherwise they would throw a stone or kick it. For what? The benefit from me is great. " (It's a toad.)

One toad saves a whole vegetable garden from caterpillars and worms. If there are cockroaches in the house, bring a toad and they will disappear.

Last competition

8 task "Crossword" (delivery of tokens)

Dear colleagues, our game has come to an end.

Today we talked about ecology... I would like our gatherings to remain in your soul for a long time, and the knowledge that you remembered or acquired today will help you in working with children.

After saving the native natureyou save your soul,

You gain immortality in the hearts of grateful descendants.

I ask the jury to announce the results of the competitions. (Presentation of diplomas and medals)



deputy head

MDOBU "DS No. 11" Snow White "

general developmental type "

Purpose: consolidation of teachers' knowledge on the topic of environmental education of preschool children; team building; establishing an emotional favorable environment in the pedagogical environment of a preschool institution.

The interactive whiteboard displays:

First of all, find out about four

Air, fire, life-giving soil and moisture,

Created for mortals

(Empedocles Ancient Greece)

The event takes place in a beautifully designed environmental study.

Organization of the game.

The teachers are divided into 3 teams "Daisies", "Streams", "Primroses". Each team sits at its own table (red, yellow, green). Corresponding cards are on the tables. If the team is ready to answer the question, they raise the card. If the answer is incorrect, the right to answer is transferred to another team. Teams have the right to supplement the answers of their opponents, to enter into a dispute after the answer. The jury makes the final decision on the correctness of the answer. The correct answer is displayed on the interactive whiteboard.

Leading (the head of the creative group "Ecologists") introduces the rules of the game, reads the task from the cards, follows the rules.

Jury: three experienced teachers from the members of the creative group - calculate the points, sum up the results of the business game.

Equipment: posters, excerpts, interactive whiteboard, video "My Planet", presentation "Answers to Questions", pencils, scissors, glue, cardboard, felt-tip pens.

The course of the game.

Music sounds. The presenter reads a poem against the background of music, the video film "My Planet".

There is one planet - a garden

This space is cold.

Only here the forests make noise

Migratory birds clicking.

Only on her one will you see

Lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies are just here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other in the world!

Leading: We are glad to welcome in this hall everyone who wants to show their knowledge on the topic "Environmental education in preschool educational institutions" Three teams will take part in the competition: "Daisies", "Streams", "Primroses".

It is not enough to love nature, to admire its beauty, you need to make every effort to make it even more beautiful and richer.

In the game, our participants will need perseverance, curiosity, imagination, knowledge of program material, techniques, technologies, as well as the ability to work in a team and defend their point of view. Your answers will be judged by a jury (performance)

1 part. Theoretical.

1) Blitz question. (Each team is asked two questions. The team gets 1 point for the correct answer. The correct answer is displayed on the interactive whiteboard screen).

· Conditions necessary for ecological education of children?

(Ecological room, nature corner in a group, plot)

· Forms of organization with children for environmental education?

(Excursions to nature, GCD, walks, holidays and entertainment, work in a corner of nature, flower beds, elementary search activities, environmental education in everyday life)

· List which indoor flowers should be in the younger groups. Explain your choice.

(Camellia, balsam, begonia, geranium, that is, plants with a distinct stem, leaf. Pupils of the 2nd group should learn to recognize and name 2-3 plants, their parts - a stem, leaf, flower);

· Name the main components of ecological culture.

(Environmental knowledge and skills, environmental thinking; value orientations; environmentally sound behavior)

· Name the practical methods of ecological education of preschoolers.

(Game, elementary experiments and simulation)

What is the main method used in environmental education of preschoolers

(Observation is a specially organized by the educator, purposeful, more or less prolonged and planned, active perception by children of objects and natural phenomena.)

2). Ring of captains. (Each captain is asked one question)

· What do you understand by the term "ecology"? What is the meaning of this word?

(The word "ecology" itself is derived from the Greek "ecos" "house" and "logos" - science. That is, ecology in a broad sense is the science of the House in which we live. In a narrower sense, ecology is called the science of "the relationship between plant and animal organisms and the communities they form between themselves and the environment ")

· How, in your opinion, should the goal of environmental education of preschool children be formulated?

(Formation in children of a scientific-cognitive, emotional-moral, practically - activity attitude to the environment and to their health)

· Please complete the sentence: "In order for environmental upbringing and education to bring the greatest effect and benefit in the development of children ... .."

(Environmental education should become an integral part of the entire educational process and be included in all types of activities: direct educational activities, walks, regime moments, games).

Part 2. Practical.

1 task.

Give a brief description of the proposed environmental education program for preschoolers.

(Each team chooses an envelope with the proposed program)

· Ryzhova "Our home-nature": - M .: Karapuz-Didactica, 2005 .;

Nikolaeva ecologist - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2004;

2 task.

Try to simulate how the elements of environmental education can be introduced into direct educational activities:

· On physical education;

· Music;

· In the lessons of the cognitive cycle.

3 task.

Build a schematic system of pedagogical interaction aimed at the ecological development of children

(Specially organized training, joint activities of the educator with children, independent activities of children).

4 task.

You are offered diagnostic cards of knowledge and skills of children "Environmental education: the natural world and the child." Tell us how you will diagnose the following knowledge, skills and abilities of children in the preparatory group for school (Pull out the envelopes):

· Possession of skills for environmentally friendly behavior in nature;

· The desire to study objects of nature, the ability to draw conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships;

· The ability to observe objects of animate and inanimate nature;

· The ability to carry out the simplest experiments, knowledge of safety rules;

· Children's attitude to nature.

(using observations of the attitude of children to objects in a group, on the site, during a walk, modeling situations of choice between helping a living being and a more attractive activity)

5 task.

On the table are cards of various colors on which certain topics are indicated. You need to draw up a system of questions for conversations with children on the chosen topic ("Wild animals", "Pets", "Seasons", "Trees")

(A sample list of questions is highlighted on the slide.)

6 task.

Try to emphasize and prioritize the following principles of creating an ecological room in kindergarten (put the most relevant, in your opinion, position in first place):

The presence of as many species of plants and animals as possible

The presence of objects of inanimate nature (soil, stones, shells)

Providing comfortable conditions for all representatives of wildlife, providing them with the necessary habitat and care

Safety (absence or inaccessibility of poisonous plants, absence of dangerous species of animals, insects)

Providing opportunities for children to care for plants and animals

Providing children with the opportunity to observe wildlife

Providing opportunities for children to experiment with objects of inanimate nature

Part 3. In a dispute, truth is born.

Team "Daisies" - act from the position of educators, "Stream" - parents, "Primroses" - scientists

The following questions are brought up for discussion:

· Who, in your opinion, has the main burden and responsibility in the ecological upbringing of children?

(On a teacher who, not limited to direct educational activities, introduces elements of environmental education into all types of children's activities)

· What do you think, what role does the formation of an emotional attitude to nature play in children in environmental education? Is it important for the successful assimilation of environmental knowledge by children?

· When solving the issues of environmental education of preschoolers, is it enough for a teacher to involve parents only in joint activities?

(Work with parents should be built within the framework of the system "educators - parents - children - nature." )

Part 3. Creative.

Leading. (Against the background of the video). Modern man began to live by completely different laws and rules. Therefore, wherever it appears, it is accompanied by garbage, which is no longer needed not only by the person himself, but also cannot be used by any other organisms. True, you can try to use the garbage for other purposes. Then rubbish will cease to be rubbish and become a useful thing again. Today, each of the teams, using their own invention and imagination, will try to make some kind of craft out of unnecessary garbage.

1 task. "New life for unnecessary garbage"

Each team chooses any of the materials used and in 5 minutes must create any memorable craft, or some bright masterpiece.

2 task. Fashion show of costumes (homework)

The teams were given homework - to make an outfit from environmentally friendly items. Within 2 minutes, each team presents the suit made, describes the materials from which it is made.

3 task. Musical kaleidoscope.

Using these words, try to remember and sing at least one verse of the song in which they are present:

Chamomile, forest

Birds, water

Birch, hills

4 part. Final.

Leading.Dear participants of the game, while the jury is summing up the results, I bring to your attention the presentation "Let's keep our planet clean, blue and green!"

Jury members' speeches. Rewarding

5 part. Sinkwine.

So our business game "Environmental education in a preschool educational institution" has come to an end and, before finishing the event, fill in the "Sinkwine". It's not difficult at all.

The second line contains three verbs in the third person describing the activity of the event and the topic.

The third line is a proposal, judgment, your opinion on the event and topic.

The final line, which consists of one word - a summary of what was said in the previous lines, your emotional state now (For example: "Hurray!" Or "Tired!"), Nouns, verbs, circumstances.

This concludes our meeting, I hope that the topic of our game was useful and interesting for you.

I wish you all creative success in such an important and necessary work for children!

List of references:

1. White work in a preschool educational institution: Analysis, planning, forms and methods. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.

2. and others. Pedagogical advice. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. Zenina T. Working with parents on the environmental education of preschoolers // Preschool education №7- p.58-63

3., From birth to school. An approximate basic general educational program of preschool education - M .: Mosaic - Sintez, 2012.

4 .. The system of environmental education in preschool educational institutions. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.

5., Kondratieva nature and the child. Methods of ecological education of preschoolers.-SPb.: Childhood-Press, 2003.

6. Nikishina and methodical work in preschool educational institutions. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

7.Nikolaeva ecologist: program and conditions for its implementation in kindergarten - M .: Mosaic - Sintez, 2004.

8.Nikolaeva ecological education in kindergarten. A book for educators. - M .: Education, 2004 Program "Our home-nature" -M .: "Karapuz-Didactics", 2005.

9.Ecological education in kindergarten. - M .: Karapuz, 2001.

10. Solomenkova education in kindergarten. Program and guidelines.-3rd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

11. Basic and additional programs of preschool educational institutions: method. allowance. - M .: Iris-press, 2007.

Natalia Vetrova
Business ecological game for preschool educational institutions

Business ecological game with teachers (at the teachers' council)


To develop the creative potential of teachers, their competence in the field of ecology;

To improve the professional skills of teachers and the effectiveness of their activities,

Establish close collaboration between educators.

Event progress:

Dear colleagues! Today we will play a business ecological game with you.

1. So, what is ECOLOGY?(teachers' answers)

Ecology is the science of the relationship between plant and animal organisms and the communities they form between themselves and the environment.

In order to form in children the need for communication with representatives of the animal and plant world, cognitive interest in them, the ability to see and understand the beautiful, the need for self-expression in creative activity, such conditions are created in the kindergarten where children could, in conditions of daily free access, replenish their knowledge, fulfill the need for communication with natural nature.

2. Name the elements of the subject-developing environment of the kindergarten used for the environmental education of preschoolers.

Participants alternately name:

A corner of nature:

Models and diagrams;

Visual material;

Nature calendar;

Labor files, observations and experiments;


Educational panels;

Methodical, encyclopedic and fiction literature;

Mini-gardens in group rooms;

Ecological collections and mini-museums;

3. You have cards with a task, try to emphasize and rank the following principles of creating an ecological room in a kindergarten (put the most relevant, in your opinion, position in the first place):

The presence of as many species of plants and animals as possible;

The presence of objects of inanimate nature (soil, stones, shells, etc.);

Providing comfortable conditions for all representatives of wildlife, the environment they need and care;

Safety (absence of dangerous species of animals, insects);

Providing opportunities for children to care for plants and animals;

Providing children with the opportunity to observe wildlife objects;

Providing opportunities for children to experiment with objects of inanimate nature;

People have always been interested in the weather. The closer a person was to nature, the more his life depended on rains and droughts, from frosts and thaws.

And although these long-term observations, reflected in signs and riddles, proverbs and sayings, are not all accurate, they can be fully used to familiarize children with nature, folk traditions, and to develop their creative abilities; observations provide an opportunity to experience the joy of discovery, to get a taste of research work. Weather forecasting on the basis of folk signs fosters respect for traditions, ensures the connection between generations.

4. I offer you a small blitz - the "Think and Answer" tournament.

(About spring.)

1. Which snow melts faster, dirty or clean, and why? (Dirty, because the sun is hotter to the dark.)

2. Why are young leaves of birch sticky? (Resinous substances protect the leaves from frost.)

(About animals.)

3. Who dug up a vegetable garden in the forest? What did you plan to grow on it - tops or roots? (The boar does not plant, does not sow, but reaps the harvest. With a snout, like a plow, he plows, sniffs with his heel, crushes with his teeth. Everything suits him: tops and roots, beetles and snails, meat and fish.)

4. The tree is streaked like an iron rake. The aspen is peeled off - like a fitter climbed on "cats". Holes in the ground, as if someone was spinning on his heels. Who left such marks? (Both bullies and holes are all bear marks. “Know everything: I live here.” Another bear will see his signs and understand that the place is taken.)

(About plants.)

5. Why is it impossible to destroy fly agarics? (Amanita muscaria serves as medicine for moose.)

6. What is the grass for? (For beauty, like animal feed, fragrances for making perfume, purifies the air.)

(About birds.)

7. Why do birds need a tail? (With the help of its tail, the bird controls the flight like a rudder.)

8. Why is June called the month of silence? (Birds sit on nests, hatch chicks.)

9. Which insect has ears on its feet? (At the grasshopper.)

10. How many legs does a spider have? (Eight.)

(About insects.)

11. What do ants build their houses from? (From coniferous needles, leaves, pieces of bark, twigs.)

12. Where do insects disappear in winter? (They hide under the bark of trees, under dry leaves, huddle in the crevices of houses, crawl underground, hibernate.)

5. Questions and answers:

1. What is the name of the writer whose work can be correlated with this statement: "He has a happy combination of two skills, two talents: a storyteller and a draftsman." (E. Charushin)

2. This writer - naturalist called his works "non-fairy tales". In form, these works are fabulous: animals and trees talk, think, receive, love. (V. Bianchi)

6. And now your attention is invited to guess one crossword puzzle at a time.

1. Runs in the snow, but there is no trace (drifting snow)

2. In the morning, the beads sparkled, sent all the grass by ourselves, and went to look for them in the afternoon - we are looking for - we are looking, we will not find (dew)

3. When everything is covered with gray snows and the sun says goodbye to us early? (winter)

4. Our chocolate garden is empty, cobwebs are flying into the distance. And the cranes stretched to the southern edge of the Earth. The doors of schools were thrown open, what came to us in a month? (September)

5. Clean, sunny, mushroom, warm, sonorous. Mischievous. Grasses and rye are drawn to the sky. Hard worker - summer ... (rain)

6. We all love her when she makes noise, gurgles, splashes, but the cat does not love her - he washes his paw (water)

7. White, like milk, everything is clouded around. (fog)

(The final word is nature yes)

1. Someone in the morning slowly inflates a red balloon, and as soon as they let go, everything will become bright around (sun)

2. He will answer the call with a call, with a word - with the same word. For laughter - it will answer with laughter, it is called ... (echo)

3. I am transparent, I am solid, walk, ride on me.

I don't drown in water, I don't burn in fire (ice)

4. At night I walked across the sky, dimly illuminated the earth. "Boring, boring to me alone, but my name is ..." (moon)

5. Floor - cakes over houses, you can't reach it with your hands (month)

6. No matter how long you walk along it, everything will run ahead (shadow)

(The final word is sun tse)

7. Solution of pedagogical situations.

First team

In the garden for children of older groups and their parents, the task was proposed to make bird feeders. Children with excitement and joy show and tell how they made, someone with dad, someone with an uncle, with a grandfather a feeding trough. Only 5-year-old Anton sat and quietly watched everyone. One of the girls turned to him: “Why didn't you bring the trough? You don’t feel sorry for the birds! ” And Anton replied: “Mom all the time works for her, but I don’t have a dad!” All the children laughed.

Your actions?

Second coma nowhere

The garden is preparing for the New Year. A Christmas tree has already been decorated in the music hall. The New Year's holiday is going on merrily and joyfully, but then 6-year-old Kira comes up to the teacher and asks:

“- Anna Ivanovna, why was the tree cut down? You cannot break and destroy trees. Throw it out after the holiday. "

Your actions?

Summing up the competition between the teams.

Marina Mokretsova
Pedagogical Council - a business game on the topic: "Ecology experts"

Purpose of the game:

1. Clarify the knowledge of teachers and their competence in the formation of environmental knowledge of preschoolers.

2. Develop the ability to discuss and agree on the proposed issues.

Rules of the game:

1. Take an active part in the game.

2. Be able to listen to others.

3. Develop a general solution to the issue.

4. Observe the culture of speech and tact.

5. Not to challenge the jury's assessment.

The course of the GAME.

Veda: Nature, man, morality are identical concepts. Today we,

unfortunately, we state: there is not much to return today from the fact that

trampled, ruined, etc. We are aware that everything wasted and

destroyed must be restored bit by bit. Grow,

protect and preserve.

How to teach the basics to kids environmental knowledge - about this we

today we will recall during the business game« Ecology experts» .

Veda: Now each of you will teach a fragment of the illustration. Add up of them

complete illustrations.

Veda: We've got two teams. Come up with a name for your

teams and choose captains.

1 Quest - "Warm-up".

Veda: And we will start our competition with a little warm-up.

Veda: What programs do you know on environmental education?

Our home is nature. N. Ryzhova

Young ecologist... S. Nikolaeva

Seven-flower. Ashikovs

Cobweb. Vasyakin-Nikolaev, etc.

Veda: What do you mean by the term « ecology» ? What is the meaning of this word?

Veda: Word « Ecology» derived from Greek "Ecos" - house and "Logos" - the science. I.e

ecology in a broad sense - the science of the house in which we live.

Veda: How to formulate a goal environmental education?

(Purpose: teach children to properly build relationships with the world around him).

Veda: Expand this goal more broadly.

(Formation of a consciously correct attitude towards phenomena, objects of living and

inanimate nature.

Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

Formation of knowledge and skills to interact with the environment


Veda: Please finish the phrase: "In order to environmental education and

education brought the greatest effect and benefit in the development of children ... ":

Enough knowledge of ecology

Ecological upbringing should become an integral part of the entire upbringing and educational process and include all types of activities.

2 Quest - "Word - relay race" (each team names the rules in turn).

Veda: What rules of behavior in nature should know children?

Do not break

Do not vomit

Do not ruin

Don't light fires

Do not litter, etc.

3 Quest - « Connoisseurs of the technique» .

Veda: Try to simulate like environmental education is possible

integrate with other educational areas?

4 Quest - "From the grandmother's chest".

Read poems, proverbs, and sayings about nature.

5 Quest - "Make the right question".

Veda: For conversations with children, we use questions that we have prepared in advance.

Pick up questions on subject:

"Trees and Shrubs"

"Domestic and Wild Animals".

6 Quest - "The postman brought the package" (tasting of vegetables and fruits).

Veda: Describe what you tried.

7 Quest - "Meditation".

Veda: Solve pedagogical situations.

1. Children came for a walk in a flower meadow. Everyone wants to pick a flower. How can this be prevented? What methods will help stop the desire of children to pick a flower?

(Consideration of flowers and insects that fly to them for honey. Telling a fairy tale about flowers, their beauty, benefits for insects and animals, people).

2. While sledding, children touch and break plants. Your actions?

(Branches are fragile, crying. Letter from twigs. Drawing up fairy tales, stories about twigs. Competition: "Who will create a safe sledding track?").

List of used literature:

Belaya N.B. Pedagogical council in preschool educational institution: Preparation and implementation. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004 (Series "Library of the head of the preschool educational institution".

Magazine "Preschool Pedagogy" No. 10, 2012

Ryzhova N.A.Program "At home - nature" M .: "CARAPUZ-DIDACTICS", Shopping center "SPHERE", 2006

Elena Vladimirovna Bakhareva

Veda: You don't remember a big country,

What you have traveled and learned.

You remember the Motherland - such

How you saw her as a child!

Our children should be taught to love nature. Our nature is a mysterious book

1 competition. All about animals.

1. Name the animals that are somehow connected with the production of the medicine. (badger - fat; bear - bile; bees - honey, propolis; snake - poison; goat - milk, etc.)

2. Name all pets and explain why they were domesticated.

(Cat, dog, cow, pig, horse, rabbit, buffalo, yak, sheep, camel, etc. Provide wool, meat, milk; used for protection; as a vehicle)

2nd competition. Pedagogical tasks.

Tasks for each participant, eg:

1) We all know that kids love to catch May zhukov: put them in a box,

they tie threads to their feet, tear off the wings.

What should you talk about with your children?

2) The girl brought a kitten to the house. The teacher in response: “Why did you bring such a goner? Throw it out now! " The girl cries, begs to leave the kitten.

Your actions?

3) In kindergarten there was happening: a group of children saw a grasshopper, shouted

Locust, jumped, played with him... One child crushed a grasshopper with his foot

in front of the others. Children are at a loss.

What is your reaction to the actions of children?

4) Ira walked home from kindergarten through a park planted with currant bushes and loudly told her mother how they watered them here with the whole group. But the mother was preoccupied with her own thoughts.

Why are not you listening to me? - Ira asked and pulled out her hand.

What a whim! The mother flushed and, breaking a young branch of currant, whipped the girl with it. And then evil threw:

Who needs your troubles, it's just a nursery a game! Enough conservationists without you.

What negative consequences can a mother's act have?

5) You go to work. Two mothers are peacefully talking on the path. At this time, their children are breaking branches of a young tree nearby. Both already have a large armful in their hands.

Do you think the children are just naughty or have no one told them that you can not harm the plants? You will silently walk by, condemning mothers (children?

6) Sasha, helping his grandmother to care for strawberries in the garden, became interested in how berries are obtained from flowers. The grandmother invited the boy to observe the formation of strawberries. She drew the attention of her grandson to how the ovaries appeared, how they began to grow, change in shape and color. These observations, guided by the grandmother, enriched the child's knowledge of the growth and development of strawberries. Based on this knowledge, Sasha was able to explain the process of formation of currant berries and cucumber fruits from flowers.

Should small children be offered observation and care of garden and vegetable garden plants? What does it give ?. What do you think, if a child takes part in labor activities with adults in the garden and flower garden, will he be able to be cruel towards plants and animals, people?

Veda: Why does the drops ring,

Or is there thunder in the sky?

How many legs does a spider have

House, where is the worm?

After all, all these questions

Our children are waiting for an answer.

3rd competition. Quiz "We love nature".

A set of questions for each participant, answer more in 3 minutes questions:

1. Why do ants not scatter, but along the path? (by smell)

2. What kind of insects are ants? (predatory)

3. What do ants eat? What are they called for this? (insects; orderlies)

\u003d 4. Who drinks blood: mosquitoes - females or mosquitoes - males? (females)

5. What do male mosquitoes eat? (with nectar)

6. Which reptile do you know? (lizards, snakes)

7. Which of the snakes is safe for humans? (already)

8. Do snake parents feed their baby snakes? (not)

9. What is the most venomous snake in the world? (cobra)

10. What poisonous snake lives in our forests? (viper)

11. Which animal has the longest jump? (kangaroo, deer, hare, horse)

12. What is the name of the reserve, where they grow and breed

bison? (Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Caucasian Reserve)

13. Where do starlings nest, besides birdhouses? (in the hollow)

14. What animals does color protect? (squirrel, hare)

15. Who sees with the ears? (harvest mouse)

16. Where are the ears of the grasshopper? (on foot)

17. Does the snake have ears? (not)

18. Why is the Red Book called red and not green? (Red is a danger signal.)

Veda: Although it is not customary to boast,

But we must tell you

What we can do perfectly well

We work hard and play.

4th competition. "Find and Show"

One team is offered an envelope with "Portraits" 20 birds, among which you need to find a nightingale.

Another team is offered an envelope with "Portraits" 20 animals, among which you need to find an ermine.

Veda: Petya was engaged in the fifth,

He considered himself a junior.

He read reports to friends

About the meaning of seedlings.

But he was seriously mistaken

On excursions to the collective farm:

For the amusement of all the guys

He called the burdock salad.

5th competition. "Find and name".

Based on the proposed leaves, determine the names of medicinal plants, tell about their use; list poisonous plants.

Raspberry - diaphoretic, vit. FROM;

Rosehip - choleretic, liver;

Plantain - wounds, intestines;

Dandelion - liver, burns, digestion;

Currant - rheumatism, diaphoretic, vit. FROM;

Belena, Datura, Wolf berries.

Veda: You can live without food for a day,

More is possible, but sometimes

Do not live without a joke,

The most unwise jokes.

Do not live without a shag,

Without a good saying

Or what a saying!

6th competition. "Do it yourself"

In 10 minutes, make a craft from natural material.

7th competition. "Homework"

Exhibition of didactic games on environmental education in preschool educational institutions.

I believe that the pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution should conduct in-depth work, varied in content, on education morality in preschoolers and understanding of the basics environmental awareness... To solve problems environmental education it is necessary to integrate various activities in the regime moments of the children’s stay in kindergarten.